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      1 /******************************************************************************
      2  *
      3  *  Copyright (C) 1999-2012 Broadcom Corporation
      4  *
      5  *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      6  *  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      7  *  You may obtain a copy of the License at:
      8  *
      9  *  http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
     10  *
     11  *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     12  *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     13  *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     14  *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     15  *  limitations under the License.
     16  *
     17  ******************************************************************************/
     19 /******************************************************************************
     20  *
     21  *  This file contains functions for the SMP L2Cap interface
     22  *
     23  ******************************************************************************/
     25 #include "bt_target.h"
     27 #if SMP_INCLUDED == TRUE
     29 #include <string.h>
     30 #include "btm_ble_api.h"
     31 #include "l2c_api.h"
     33 #include "smp_int.h"
     36 extern fixed_queue_t *btu_general_alarm_queue;
     38 static void smp_tx_complete_callback(UINT16 cid, UINT16 num_pkt);
     40 static void smp_connect_callback(UINT16 channel, BD_ADDR bd_addr, BOOLEAN connected, UINT16 reason,
     41                                tBT_TRANSPORT transport);
     42 static void smp_data_received(UINT16 channel, BD_ADDR bd_addr, BT_HDR *p_buf);
     44 static void smp_br_connect_callback(UINT16 channel, BD_ADDR bd_addr, BOOLEAN connected, UINT16 reason,
     45                                     tBT_TRANSPORT transport);
     46 static void smp_br_data_received(UINT16 channel, BD_ADDR bd_addr, BT_HDR *p_buf);
     48 /*******************************************************************************
     49 **
     50 ** Function         smp_l2cap_if_init
     51 **
     52 ** Description      This function is called during the SMP task startup
     53 **                  to register interface functions with L2CAP.
     54 **
     55 *******************************************************************************/
     56 void smp_l2cap_if_init (void)
     57 {
     58     tL2CAP_FIXED_CHNL_REG  fixed_reg;
     59     SMP_TRACE_EVENT ("SMDBG l2c %s", __func__);
     60     fixed_reg.fixed_chnl_opts.mode         = L2CAP_FCR_BASIC_MODE;
     61     fixed_reg.fixed_chnl_opts.max_transmit = 0;
     62     fixed_reg.fixed_chnl_opts.rtrans_tout  = 0;
     63     fixed_reg.fixed_chnl_opts.mon_tout     = 0;
     64     fixed_reg.fixed_chnl_opts.mps          = 0;
     65     fixed_reg.fixed_chnl_opts.tx_win_sz    = 0;
     67     fixed_reg.pL2CA_FixedConn_Cb = smp_connect_callback;
     68     fixed_reg.pL2CA_FixedData_Cb = smp_data_received;
     69     fixed_reg.pL2CA_FixedTxComplete_Cb = smp_tx_complete_callback;
     71     fixed_reg.pL2CA_FixedCong_Cb = NULL;    /* do not handle congestion on this channel */
     72     fixed_reg.default_idle_tout  = 60;      /* set 60 seconds timeout, 0xffff default idle timeout */
     74     L2CA_RegisterFixedChannel (L2CAP_SMP_CID, &fixed_reg);
     76     fixed_reg.pL2CA_FixedConn_Cb = smp_br_connect_callback;
     77     fixed_reg.pL2CA_FixedData_Cb = smp_br_data_received;
     79     L2CA_RegisterFixedChannel (L2CAP_SMP_BR_CID, &fixed_reg);
     80 }
     82 /*******************************************************************************
     83 **
     84 ** Function         smp_connect_callback
     85 **
     86 ** Description      This callback function is called by L2CAP to indicate that
     87 **                  SMP channel is
     88 **                      connected (conn = TRUE)/disconnected (conn = FALSE).
     89 **
     90 *******************************************************************************/
     91 static void smp_connect_callback (UINT16 channel, BD_ADDR bd_addr, BOOLEAN connected, UINT16 reason,
     92                                   tBT_TRANSPORT transport)
     93 {
     94     tSMP_CB   *p_cb = &smp_cb;
     95     tSMP_INT_DATA   int_data;
     96     BD_ADDR dummy_bda = {0};
     98     SMP_TRACE_EVENT ("SMDBG l2c %s", __FUNCTION__);
    100     if (transport == BT_TRANSPORT_BR_EDR || memcmp(bd_addr, dummy_bda, BD_ADDR_LEN) == 0)
    101         return;
    103     if (memcmp(bd_addr, p_cb->pairing_bda, BD_ADDR_LEN) == 0)
    104     {
    105         SMP_TRACE_EVENT ("%s()  for pairing BDA: %08x%04x  Event: %s",
    106                         __FUNCTION__,
    107                         (bd_addr[0]<<24)+(bd_addr[1]<<16)+(bd_addr[2]<<8) + bd_addr[3],
    108                         (bd_addr[4]<<8)+bd_addr[5],
    109                         (connected) ? "connected" : "disconnected");
    111         if (connected)
    112         {
    113             if(!p_cb->connect_initialized)
    114             {
    115                 p_cb->connect_initialized = TRUE;
    116                 /* initiating connection established */
    117                 p_cb->role = L2CA_GetBleConnRole(bd_addr);
    119                 /* initialize local i/r key to be default keys */
    120                 p_cb->local_r_key = p_cb->local_i_key =  SMP_SEC_DEFAULT_KEY;
    121                 p_cb->loc_auth_req = p_cb->peer_auth_req = SMP_DEFAULT_AUTH_REQ;
    122                 p_cb->cb_evt = SMP_IO_CAP_REQ_EVT;
    123                 smp_sm_event(p_cb, SMP_L2CAP_CONN_EVT, NULL);
    124             }
    125         }
    126         else
    127         {
    128             int_data.reason = reason;
    129             /* Disconnected while doing security */
    130             smp_sm_event(p_cb, SMP_L2CAP_DISCONN_EVT, &int_data);
    131         }
    132     }
    133 }
    135 /*******************************************************************************
    136 **
    137 ** Function         smp_data_received
    138 **
    139 ** Description      This function is called when data is received from L2CAP on
    140 **                  SMP channel.
    141 **
    142 **
    143 ** Returns          void
    144 **
    145 *******************************************************************************/
    146 static void smp_data_received(UINT16 channel, BD_ADDR bd_addr, BT_HDR *p_buf)
    147 {
    148     tSMP_CB *p_cb = &smp_cb;
    149     UINT8   *p = (UINT8 *)(p_buf + 1) + p_buf->offset;
    150     UINT8   cmd ;
    151     SMP_TRACE_EVENT ("SMDBG l2c %s", __FUNCTION__);
    153     STREAM_TO_UINT8(cmd, p);
    155     /* sanity check */
    156     if ((SMP_OPCODE_MAX < cmd) || (SMP_OPCODE_MIN > cmd))
    157     {
    158         SMP_TRACE_WARNING( "Ignore received command with RESERVED code 0x%02x", cmd);
    159         osi_free(p_buf);
    160         return;
    161     }
    163     /* reject the pairing request if there is an on-going SMP pairing */
    164     if (SMP_OPCODE_PAIRING_REQ == cmd || SMP_OPCODE_SEC_REQ == cmd)
    165     {
    166         if ((p_cb->state == SMP_STATE_IDLE) && (p_cb->br_state == SMP_BR_STATE_IDLE) &&
    167             !(p_cb->flags & SMP_PAIR_FLAGS_WE_STARTED_DD))
    168         {
    169             p_cb->role = L2CA_GetBleConnRole(bd_addr);
    170             memcpy(&p_cb->pairing_bda[0], bd_addr, BD_ADDR_LEN);
    171         }
    172         else if (memcmp(&bd_addr[0], p_cb->pairing_bda, BD_ADDR_LEN))
    173         {
    174             osi_free(p_buf);
    175             smp_reject_unexpected_pairing_command(bd_addr);
    176             return;
    177         }
    178         /* else, out of state pairing request/security request received, passed into SM */
    179     }
    181     if (memcmp(&bd_addr[0], p_cb->pairing_bda, BD_ADDR_LEN) == 0)
    182     {
    183         alarm_set_on_queue(p_cb->smp_rsp_timer_ent,
    184                            SMP_WAIT_FOR_RSP_TIMEOUT_MS, smp_rsp_timeout, NULL,
    185                            btu_general_alarm_queue);
    187         if (cmd == SMP_OPCODE_CONFIRM)
    188         {
    189             SMP_TRACE_DEBUG ("in %s cmd = 0x%02x, peer_auth_req = 0x%02x,"
    190                               "loc_auth_req = 0x%02x",
    191                               __FUNCTION__, cmd, p_cb->peer_auth_req, p_cb->loc_auth_req);
    193             if ((p_cb->peer_auth_req  & SMP_SC_SUPPORT_BIT) &&
    194                 (p_cb->loc_auth_req & SMP_SC_SUPPORT_BIT))
    195             {
    196                 cmd = SMP_OPCODE_PAIR_COMMITM;
    197             }
    198         }
    200         p_cb->rcvd_cmd_code = cmd;
    201         p_cb->rcvd_cmd_len = (UINT8) p_buf->len;
    202         smp_sm_event(p_cb, cmd, p);
    203     }
    205     osi_free(p_buf);
    206 }
    208 /*******************************************************************************
    209 **
    210 ** Function         smp_tx_complete_callback
    211 **
    212 ** Description      SMP channel tx complete callback
    213 **
    214 *******************************************************************************/
    215 static void smp_tx_complete_callback (UINT16 cid, UINT16 num_pkt)
    216 {
    217     tSMP_CB *p_cb = &smp_cb;
    219     if (p_cb->total_tx_unacked >= num_pkt)
    220         p_cb->total_tx_unacked -= num_pkt;
    221     else
    222         SMP_TRACE_ERROR("Unexpected %s: num_pkt = %d", __func__,num_pkt);
    224     UINT8 reason = SMP_SUCCESS;
    225     if (p_cb->total_tx_unacked == 0 && p_cb->wait_for_authorization_complete)
    226     {
    227         if (cid == L2CAP_SMP_CID)
    228             smp_sm_event(p_cb, SMP_AUTH_CMPL_EVT, &reason);
    229         else
    230             smp_br_state_machine_event(p_cb, SMP_BR_AUTH_CMPL_EVT, &reason);
    231     }
    232 }
    234 /*******************************************************************************
    235 **
    236 ** Function         smp_br_connect_callback
    237 **
    238 ** Description      This callback function is called by L2CAP to indicate that
    239 **                  SMP BR channel is
    240 **                      connected (conn = TRUE)/disconnected (conn = FALSE).
    241 **
    242 *******************************************************************************/
    243 static void smp_br_connect_callback(UINT16 channel, BD_ADDR bd_addr, BOOLEAN connected,
    244                                     UINT16 reason, tBT_TRANSPORT transport)
    245 {
    246     tSMP_CB *p_cb = &smp_cb;
    247     tSMP_INT_DATA int_data;
    249     SMP_TRACE_EVENT ("%s", __func__);
    251     if (transport != BT_TRANSPORT_BR_EDR)
    252     {
    253         SMP_TRACE_WARNING("%s is called on unexpected transport %d",
    254                            __func__, transport);
    255         return;
    256     }
    258     if (!(memcmp(bd_addr, p_cb->pairing_bda, BD_ADDR_LEN) == 0))
    259         return;
    261     SMP_TRACE_EVENT ("%s for pairing BDA: %08x%04x  Event: %s",
    262                      __func__,
    263                      (bd_addr[0]<<24)+(bd_addr[1]<<16)+(bd_addr[2]<<8) + bd_addr[3],
    264                      (bd_addr[4]<<8)+bd_addr[5],
    265                      (connected) ? "connected" : "disconnected");
    267     if (connected)
    268     {
    269         if(!p_cb->connect_initialized)
    270         {
    271             p_cb->connect_initialized = TRUE;
    272             /* initialize local i/r key to be default keys */
    273             p_cb->local_r_key = p_cb->local_i_key =  SMP_BR_SEC_DEFAULT_KEY;
    274             p_cb->loc_auth_req = p_cb->peer_auth_req = 0;
    275             p_cb->cb_evt = SMP_BR_KEYS_REQ_EVT;
    276             smp_br_state_machine_event(p_cb, SMP_BR_L2CAP_CONN_EVT, NULL);
    277         }
    278     }
    279     else
    280     {
    281         int_data.reason = reason;
    282         /* Disconnected while doing security */
    283         smp_br_state_machine_event(p_cb, SMP_BR_L2CAP_DISCONN_EVT, &int_data);
    284     }
    285 }
    287 /*******************************************************************************
    288 **
    289 ** Function         smp_br_data_received
    290 **
    291 ** Description      This function is called when data is received from L2CAP on
    292 **                  SMP BR channel.
    293 **
    294 ** Returns          void
    295 **
    296 *******************************************************************************/
    297 static void smp_br_data_received(UINT16 channel, BD_ADDR bd_addr, BT_HDR *p_buf)
    298 {
    299     tSMP_CB *p_cb = &smp_cb;
    300     UINT8   *p = (UINT8 *)(p_buf + 1) + p_buf->offset;
    301     UINT8   cmd ;
    302     SMP_TRACE_EVENT ("SMDBG l2c %s", __func__);
    304     STREAM_TO_UINT8(cmd, p);
    306     /* sanity check */
    307     if ((SMP_OPCODE_MAX < cmd) || (SMP_OPCODE_MIN > cmd))
    308     {
    309         SMP_TRACE_WARNING( "Ignore received command with RESERVED code 0x%02x", cmd);
    310         osi_free(p_buf);
    311         return;
    312     }
    314     /* reject the pairing request if there is an on-going SMP pairing */
    315     if (SMP_OPCODE_PAIRING_REQ == cmd)
    316     {
    317         if ((p_cb->state == SMP_STATE_IDLE) && (p_cb->br_state == SMP_BR_STATE_IDLE))
    318         {
    319             p_cb->role = HCI_ROLE_SLAVE;
    320             p_cb->smp_over_br = TRUE;
    321             memcpy(&p_cb->pairing_bda[0], bd_addr, BD_ADDR_LEN);
    322         }
    323         else if (memcmp(&bd_addr[0], p_cb->pairing_bda, BD_ADDR_LEN))
    324         {
    325             osi_free(p_buf);
    326             smp_reject_unexpected_pairing_command(bd_addr);
    327             return;
    328         }
    329         /* else, out of state pairing request received, passed into State Machine */
    330     }
    332     if (memcmp(&bd_addr[0], p_cb->pairing_bda, BD_ADDR_LEN) == 0)
    333     {
    334         alarm_set_on_queue(p_cb->smp_rsp_timer_ent,
    335                            SMP_WAIT_FOR_RSP_TIMEOUT_MS, smp_rsp_timeout, NULL,
    336                            btu_general_alarm_queue);
    338         p_cb->rcvd_cmd_code = cmd;
    339         p_cb->rcvd_cmd_len = (UINT8) p_buf->len;
    340         smp_br_state_machine_event(p_cb, cmd, p);
    341     }
    343     osi_free(p_buf);
    344 }
    345 #endif /* SMP_INCLUDED == TRUE */