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      1 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
      2 # Copyright 2013 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
      3 #
      4 # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      5 # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      6 # You may obtain a copy of the License at
      7 #
      8 #     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      9 #
     10 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     11 # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     12 # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     13 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     14 # limitations under the License.
     15 """Integration tests for lifecycle command."""
     17 from __future__ import absolute_import
     19 import json
     20 import posixpath
     21 from xml.dom.minidom import parseString
     23 from gslib.cs_api_map import ApiSelector
     24 import gslib.tests.testcase as testcase
     25 from gslib.tests.testcase.integration_testcase import SkipForS3
     26 from gslib.tests.util import ObjectToURI as suri
     27 from gslib.tests.util import unittest
     28 from gslib.translation_helper import LifecycleTranslation
     29 from gslib.util import Retry
     32 @SkipForS3('Lifecycle command is only supported for gs:// URLs')
     33 class TestSetLifecycle(testcase.GsUtilIntegrationTestCase):
     34   """Integration tests for lifecycle command."""
     36   empty_doc1 = '{}'
     38   xml_doc = parseString(
     39       '<LifecycleConfiguration><Rule>'
     40       '<Action><Delete/></Action>'
     41       '<Condition><Age>365</Age></Condition>'
     42       '</Rule></LifecycleConfiguration>').toprettyxml(indent='    ')
     44   bad_doc = (
     45       '{"rule": [{"action": {"type": "Add"}, "condition": {"age": 365}}]}\n')
     47   lifecycle_doc = (
     48       '{"rule": [{"action": {"type": "Delete"}, "condition": {"age": 365}}]}\n')
     49   lifecycle_json_obj = json.loads(lifecycle_doc)
     51   lifecycle_doc_bucket_style = (
     52       '{"lifecycle": {"rule": [{"action": {"type": "Delete"}, "condition": '
     53       '{"age": 365}}]}}\n')
     55   lifecycle_created_before_doc = (
     56       '{"rule": [{"action": {"type": "Delete"}, "condition": '
     57       '{"createdBefore": "2014-10-01"}}]}\n')
     58   lifecycle_created_before_json_obj = json.loads(lifecycle_created_before_doc)
     60   no_lifecycle_config = 'has no lifecycle configuration.'
     62   def test_lifecycle_translation(self):
     63     """Tests lifecycle translation for various formats."""
     64     json_text = self.lifecycle_doc
     65     entries_list = LifecycleTranslation.JsonLifecycleToMessage(json_text)
     66     boto_lifecycle = LifecycleTranslation.BotoLifecycleFromMessage(entries_list)
     67     converted_entries_list = LifecycleTranslation.BotoLifecycleToMessage(
     68         boto_lifecycle)
     69     converted_json_text = LifecycleTranslation.JsonLifecycleFromMessage(
     70         converted_entries_list)
     71     self.assertEqual(json.loads(json_text), json.loads(converted_json_text))
     73   def test_default_lifecycle(self):
     74     bucket_uri = self.CreateBucket()
     75     stdout = self.RunGsUtil(['lifecycle', 'get', suri(bucket_uri)],
     76                             return_stdout=True)
     77     self.assertIn(self.no_lifecycle_config, stdout)
     79   def test_set_empty_lifecycle1(self):
     80     bucket_uri = self.CreateBucket()
     81     fpath = self.CreateTempFile(contents=self.empty_doc1)
     82     self.RunGsUtil(['lifecycle', 'set', fpath, suri(bucket_uri)])
     83     stdout = self.RunGsUtil(['lifecycle', 'get', suri(bucket_uri)],
     84                             return_stdout=True)
     85     self.assertIn(self.no_lifecycle_config, stdout)
     87   def test_valid_lifecycle(self):
     88     bucket_uri = self.CreateBucket()
     89     fpath = self.CreateTempFile(contents=self.lifecycle_doc)
     90     self.RunGsUtil(['lifecycle', 'set', fpath, suri(bucket_uri)])
     91     stdout = self.RunGsUtil(['lifecycle', 'get', suri(bucket_uri)],
     92                             return_stdout=True)
     93     self.assertEqual(json.loads(stdout), self.lifecycle_json_obj)
     95   def test_valid_lifecycle_bucket_style(self):
     96     bucket_uri = self.CreateBucket()
     97     fpath = self.CreateTempFile(contents=self.lifecycle_doc_bucket_style)
     98     self.RunGsUtil(['lifecycle', 'set', fpath, suri(bucket_uri)])
     99     stdout = self.RunGsUtil(['lifecycle', 'get', suri(bucket_uri)],
    100                             return_stdout=True)
    101     self.assertEqual(json.loads(stdout), self.lifecycle_json_obj)
    103   def test_created_before_lifecycle(self):
    104     bucket_uri = self.CreateBucket()
    105     fpath = self.CreateTempFile(contents=self.lifecycle_created_before_doc)
    106     self.RunGsUtil(['lifecycle', 'set', fpath, suri(bucket_uri)])
    107     stdout = self.RunGsUtil(['lifecycle', 'get', suri(bucket_uri)],
    108                             return_stdout=True)
    109     self.assertEqual(json.loads(stdout), self.lifecycle_created_before_json_obj)
    111   def test_bad_lifecycle(self):
    112     bucket_uri = self.CreateBucket()
    113     fpath = self.CreateTempFile(contents=self.bad_doc)
    114     stderr = self.RunGsUtil(['lifecycle', 'set', fpath, suri(bucket_uri)],
    115                             expected_status=1, return_stderr=True)
    116     self.assertNotIn('XML lifecycle data provided', stderr)
    118   def test_bad_xml_lifecycle(self):
    119     bucket_uri = self.CreateBucket()
    120     fpath = self.CreateTempFile(contents=self.xml_doc)
    121     stderr = self.RunGsUtil(['lifecycle', 'set', fpath, suri(bucket_uri)],
    122                             expected_status=1, return_stderr=True)
    123     self.assertIn('XML lifecycle data provided', stderr)
    125   def test_set_lifecycle_and_reset(self):
    126     """Tests setting and turning off lifecycle configuration."""
    127     bucket_uri = self.CreateBucket()
    128     tmpdir = self.CreateTempDir()
    129     fpath = self.CreateTempFile(tmpdir=tmpdir, contents=self.lifecycle_doc)
    130     self.RunGsUtil(['lifecycle', 'set', fpath, suri(bucket_uri)])
    131     stdout = self.RunGsUtil(['lifecycle', 'get', suri(bucket_uri)],
    132                             return_stdout=True)
    133     self.assertEqual(json.loads(stdout), self.lifecycle_json_obj)
    135     fpath = self.CreateTempFile(tmpdir=tmpdir, contents=self.empty_doc1)
    136     self.RunGsUtil(['lifecycle', 'set', fpath, suri(bucket_uri)])
    137     stdout = self.RunGsUtil(['lifecycle', 'get', suri(bucket_uri)],
    138                             return_stdout=True)
    139     self.assertIn(self.no_lifecycle_config, stdout)
    141   def test_set_lifecycle_multi_buckets(self):
    142     """Tests setting lifecycle configuration on multiple buckets."""
    143     bucket1_uri = self.CreateBucket()
    144     bucket2_uri = self.CreateBucket()
    145     fpath = self.CreateTempFile(contents=self.lifecycle_doc)
    146     self.RunGsUtil(
    147         ['lifecycle', 'set', fpath, suri(bucket1_uri), suri(bucket2_uri)])
    148     stdout = self.RunGsUtil(['lifecycle', 'get', suri(bucket1_uri)],
    149                             return_stdout=True)
    150     self.assertEqual(json.loads(stdout), self.lifecycle_json_obj)
    151     stdout = self.RunGsUtil(['lifecycle', 'get', suri(bucket2_uri)],
    152                             return_stdout=True)
    153     self.assertEqual(json.loads(stdout), self.lifecycle_json_obj)
    155   def test_set_lifecycle_wildcard(self):
    156     """Tests setting lifecycle with a wildcarded bucket URI."""
    157     if self.test_api == ApiSelector.XML:
    158       # This test lists buckets with wildcards, but it is possible that another
    159       # test being run in parallel (in the same project) deletes a bucket after
    160       # it is listed in this test. This causes the subsequent XML metadata get
    161       # for the lifecycle configuration to fail on that just-deleted bucket,
    162       # even though that bucket is not used directly in this test.
    163       return unittest.skip('XML wildcard behavior can cause test to flake '
    164                            'if a bucket in the same project is deleted '
    165                            'during execution.')
    167     random_prefix = self.MakeRandomTestString()
    168     bucket1_name = self.MakeTempName('bucket', prefix=random_prefix)
    169     bucket2_name = self.MakeTempName('bucket', prefix=random_prefix)
    170     bucket1_uri = self.CreateBucket(bucket_name=bucket1_name)
    171     bucket2_uri = self.CreateBucket(bucket_name=bucket2_name)
    172     # This just double checks that the common prefix of the two buckets is what
    173     # we think it should be (based on implementation detail of CreateBucket).
    174     # We want to be careful when setting a wildcard on buckets to make sure we
    175     # don't step outside the test buckets to affect other buckets.
    176     common_prefix = posixpath.commonprefix([suri(bucket1_uri),
    177                                             suri(bucket2_uri)])
    178     self.assertTrue(common_prefix.startswith(
    179         'gs://%sgsutil-test-test_set_lifecycle_wildcard-' % random_prefix))
    180     wildcard = '%s*' % common_prefix
    182     fpath = self.CreateTempFile(contents=self.lifecycle_doc)
    184     # Use @Retry as hedge against bucket listing eventual consistency.
    185     expected = set([
    186         'Setting lifecycle configuration on %s/...' % suri(bucket1_uri),
    187         'Setting lifecycle configuration on %s/...' % suri(bucket2_uri)])
    188     actual = set()
    189     @Retry(AssertionError, tries=3, timeout_secs=1)
    190     def _Check1():
    191       stderr = self.RunGsUtil(['lifecycle', 'set', fpath, wildcard],
    192                               return_stderr=True)
    193       actual.update(stderr.splitlines())
    194       self.assertEqual(expected, actual)
    195       self.assertEqual(stderr.count('Setting lifecycle configuration'), 2)
    196     _Check1()
    198     stdout = self.RunGsUtil(['lifecycle', 'get', suri(bucket1_uri)],
    199                             return_stdout=True)
    200     self.assertEqual(json.loads(stdout), self.lifecycle_json_obj)
    201     stdout = self.RunGsUtil(['lifecycle', 'get', suri(bucket2_uri)],
    202                             return_stdout=True)
    203     self.assertEqual(json.loads(stdout), self.lifecycle_json_obj)