/external/v8/test/mjsunit/ |
element-read-only.js | 137 Object.freeze(proto); 151 Object.freeze(proto);
/packages/apps/Camera2/src/com/android/camera/one/v2/sharedimagereader/ringbuffer/ |
DynamicRingBuffer.java | 96 mAvailableTicketCount.freeze(); 202 mAvailableTicketCount.freeze();
/external/antlr/antlr-3.4/runtime/Ruby/lib/antlr3/streams/ |
rewrite.rb | 105 @operation_name = 'insert-before'.freeze 129 @operation_name = 'replace'.freeze 166 @operation_name = 'delete'.freeze
/external/v8/test/mjsunit/harmony/ |
private.js | 343 function TestSealAndFreeze(freeze) { 347 freeze(obj) 354 TestSealAndFreeze(Object.freeze)
/external/antlr/antlr-3.4/runtime/Ruby/lib/antlr3/ |
util.rb | 20 end.freeze
template.rb | 144 name = name.to_s.dup.freeze 155 new_name, old_name = new_name.to_s.dup.freeze, old_name.to_s
token.rb | 250 }.freeze 288 EOF_TOKEN = CommonToken.new( EOF ).freeze 289 INVALID_TOKEN = CommonToken.new( INVALID_TOKEN_TYPE ).freeze 290 SKIP_TOKEN = CommonToken.new( INVALID_TOKEN_TYPE ).freeze 606 name = name.to_s.freeze 625 token_names[ type_value ] = name.to_s.freeze
/external/v8/test/webkit/fast/regex/ |
lastIndex-expected.txt | 49 PASS var re = /x/; Object.freeze(re); Object.isFrozen(re); is true
/frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/am/ |
UserSwitchingDialog.java | 39 * in the background rather than just freeze the screen and not know if the user-switch affordance
/platform_testing/tests/functional/notificationtests/src/com/android/notification/functional/ |
NotificationBundlingTests.java | 58 throw new RuntimeException("failed to freeze device orientaion", e);
NotificationInlineReplyTests.java | 50 throw new RuntimeException("failed to freeze device orientaion", e);
/platform_testing/tests/functional/settingstests/src/com/android/settings/functional/ |
MainSettingsLargeTests.java | 59 throw new RuntimeException("failed to freeze device orientaion", e);
/platform_testing/tests/jank/UbSystemUiJankTests/src/android/platform/systemui/tests/jank/ |
SettingsJankTests.java | 62 throw new RuntimeException("failed to freeze device orientaion", e);
/platform_testing/tests/jank/sysapp/src/com/android/sysapp/janktests/ |
ChromeJankTests.java | 67 throw new RuntimeException("failed to freeze device orientaion", e);
/sdk/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/ |
manifest-expected-completion18.txt | 21 android:stateNotNeeded : Indicates that an Activity does not need to have its freeze state (as returned by onSaveInstanceState retained in order to be restarted. [boolean]
/external/boringssl/src/ssl/test/runner/curve25519/ |
mont25519_amd64.go | 23 func freeze(inout *[5]uint64) 134 freeze(&t)
/external/icu/android_icu4j/src/main/java/android/icu/impl/ |
JavaTimeZone.java | 250 * @see android.icu.util.TimeZone#freeze() 252 public TimeZone freeze() { method in class:JavaTimeZone
/external/icu/icu4j/main/classes/core/src/com/ibm/icu/impl/ |
JavaTimeZone.java | 248 * @see com.ibm.icu.util.TimeZone#freeze() 250 public TimeZone freeze() { method in class:JavaTimeZone
/external/libchrome/sandbox/win/src/sidestep/ |
preamble_patcher_with_stub.cpp | 67 // method of making it safe, which is to freeze all other threads in the 78 // atomically and avoid having to freeze other threads. Note though, that
/external/icu/icu4j/tools/misc/src/com/ibm/icu/dev/tool/cldr/ |
CheckSystemFonts.java | 115 public static final UnicodeSet DONT_CARE = new UnicodeSet("[[:cn:][:co:][:cs:]]").freeze(); 116 public static final UnicodeSet COVERAGE = new UnicodeSet(DONT_CARE).complement().freeze(); 420 static UnicodeSet RTL = new UnicodeSet("[[:bc=R:][:bc=AL:][:bc=AN:]]").freeze(); 421 static UnicodeSet CONTROLS = new UnicodeSet("[[:cc:][:Zl:][:Zp:]]").freeze(); 422 static UnicodeSet INVISIBLES = new UnicodeSet("[:di:]").freeze(); 582 return result.freeze();
/frameworks/base/core/java/android/app/ |
UiAutomation.java | 93 /** Rotation constant: Freeze rotation to its current state. */ 96 /** Rotation constant: Freeze rotation to 0 degrees (natural orientation) */ 99 /** Rotation constant: Freeze rotation to 90 degrees . */ 102 /** Rotation constant: Freeze rotation to 180 degrees . */ 105 /** Rotation constant: Freeze rotation to 270 degrees . */ 509 * Sets the device rotation. A client can freeze the rotation in 510 * desired state or freeze the rotation to its current state or [all...] |
/external/chromium-trace/catapult/third_party/gsutil/third_party/boto/boto/manage/ |
volume.py | 292 def freeze(self): member in class:Volume 302 # we need to freeze the XFS file system 304 self.freeze()
/frameworks/support/v17/leanback/src/android/support/v17/leanback/app/ |
RowsFragment.java | 449 private void freezeRows(boolean freeze) { 458 rowPresenter.freeze(vh, freeze);
RowsSupportFragment.java | 451 private void freezeRows(boolean freeze) { 460 rowPresenter.freeze(vh, freeze);
/prebuilts/gcc/linux-x86/host/x86_64-w64-mingw32-4.8/x86_64-w64-mingw32/include/ |
ocmm.h | 175 virtual HRESULT WINAPI Freeze(WINBOOL fFreeze) = 0; 186 HRESULT (WINAPI *Freeze)(ITimer *This,WINBOOL fFreeze); 199 #define ITimer_Freeze(This,fFreeze) (This)->lpVtbl->Freeze(This,fFreeze)