/external/chromium-trace/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/ |
trace_code_entry_test.html | 15 var tce = new tr.e.importer.TraceCodeEntry( 17 assert.equal(tce.size, 10); 18 assert.equal(tce.name, 'timeStamp'); 19 assert.equal(tce.sourceInfo.isNative, false); 20 assert.equal(tce.sourceInfo.file, ''); 21 assert.equal(tce.sourceInfo.line, -1); 22 assert.equal(tce.sourceInfo.scriptId, 12); 26 var tce = new tr.e.importer.TraceCodeEntry( 28 assert.equal(tce.size, 10); 29 assert.equal(tce.name, 'timeStamp') [all...] |
/external/clang/test/Preprocessor/ |
stdint.c | [all...] |
init.c | [all...] |
/external/llvm/test/Transforms/TailCallElim/ |
dup_tail.ll | 2 ; Duplicate the return into if.end to enable TCE.
/external/kernel-headers/original/uapi/linux/ |
vfio.h | 445 /* -------- Additional API for SPAPR TCE (Server POWERPC) IOMMU -------- */ 448 * The SPAPR TCE DDW info struct provides the information about 465 * The SPAPR TCE info struct provides the information about the PCI bus 560 * Creates an additional TCE table and programs it (sets a new DMA window) 562 * size and number of levels in the TCE table being created. 581 * Unprograms a TCE table from all groups in the container and destroys it.
/external/apache-xml/src/main/java/org/apache/xalan/processor/ |
TransformerFactoryImpl.java | 152 catch (TransformerConfigurationException tce) 155 throw tce; 157 /* catch (TransformerException tce) 160 throw new TransformerConfigurationException(tce.getMessage(), tce); [all...] |
/external/llvm/lib/Support/ |
Triple.cpp | 46 case tce: return "tce"; 254 .Case("tce", tce) 366 .Case("tce", Triple::tce) 583 case Triple::tce: [all...] |
/external/llvm/include/llvm/ADT/ |
Triple.h | 71 tce, // TCE (http://tce.cs.tut.fi/): tce enumerator in enum:llvm::Triple::ArchType
/libcore/ojluni/src/main/java/java/util/ |
XMLUtils.java | 174 } catch (TransformerConfigurationException tce) {
/external/clang/test/CodeGen/ |
target-data.c | 174 // RUN: %clang_cc1 -triple tce-unknown -o - -emit-llvm %s | \ 175 // RUN: FileCheck %s -check-prefix=TCE 176 // TCE: target datalayout = "E-p:32:32-i8:8:32-i16:16:32-i64:32-f64:32-v64:32-v128:32-a:0:32-n32"
/packages/apps/Email/res/values-pl/ |
strings.xml | 163 <string name="password_expire_warning_content_title" msgid="4360288708739366810">"Has?o ekranu blokady wkrótce wyga?nie"</string> 166 <string name="password_expire_warning_dialog_title" msgid="4901499545146045672">"Has?o ekranu blokady wkrótce wyga?nie"</string> 167 <string name="password_expire_warning_dialog_content_fmt" msgid="1093389293050776319">"Musisz wkrótce zmieni? PIN lub has?o ekranu blokady. W przeciwnym razie dane konta <xliff:g id="ACCOUNT">%s</xliff:g> zostan? usuni?te. Zmieni? je teraz?"</string>
/external/llvm/lib/Analysis/ |
TargetLibraryInfo.cpp | 115 // iprintf and friends are only available on XCore and TCE. 116 if (T.getArch() != Triple::xcore && T.getArch() != Triple::tce) {
/libcore/ojluni/src/main/java/java/security/ |
KeyStoreSpi.java | 520 KeyStore.TrustedCertificateEntry tce = local 522 engineSetCertificateEntry(alias, tce.getTrustedCertificate());
/external/ppp/pppd/ |
eap.c | 432 struct t_confent *tce, mytce; local 530 tce = &mytce; 531 } else if ((tce = gettcid(id)) != NULL) { 553 if ((ts = t_serveropenraw(&tpw.pebuf, tce)) == NULL) [all...] |
/external/valgrind/coregrind/ |
m_transtab.c | 1142 ULong* tce; local [all...] |
/prebuilts/gcc/linux-x86/host/x86_64-linux-glibc2.11-4.8/sysroot/usr/lib/ |
libncurses++.a | 16 ?M H??t%H?E H???P`H?T$H??H?z? ????? A??I??E9?|?H???? H?E H???PhI?|$H?? H??? I?|$@ ?? H?E H???PhI?T$@H?? H?\$H?l$ L?d$(H??L?l$0L?t$8H?zL?|$@H??H? D ? ? H??H? ? ?C????H?C H?CH? H??H?? H? H?5 H??H??H?H?SH?P?S?PH? ? ? H?\$H?l$ L?d$(L?l$0L?t$8L?|$@H??H?D H??tJH?E H???PHH?T$H??H?z? ?????. H?E H???PPH?T$H??H?z? ?????y H?T$?_ H?z? ?????q???? ? H??H? ? ?]H?E H?EH? H??H?E ? H? H?5 H??H??H?H?UH?P?U?PH? ? fD ? ? H??H? ? ?]H?E H?EH? H??H?E ? H? H?5 H??H??H?H?UH?P?U?PH? ? f.? ? ? H??H? ? ?]H?E H?EH? H??H?E ? H? H?5 H??H??H?H?UH?P?U?PH? ? f?? ? H??H? ? ?]H?E H?EH? H??H?E ? H? H?5 H??H??H?H?UH?P?U?PH? ? H???H??t#? @ ??fD ??fD ??fD ??fD ? ?f.? ATUSH??H?8? ?????& H?{0? ????? H?H???P H?H??H??? ?P0H??A?????=? ?? H???H???RX?????? {????? ??t?? ? H??H? ? ?kH?C H?CH? H??H?? H? H?5 H??H??H?H?SH?P?S?PH? ? ????u?H?D??H????? ?/???? H?D??H????? ????? H?D??H????? ?????@ ? ? H??H? ? ?kH?C H?CH? H??H?? H? H?5 H??H??H?H?SH?P?S?PH? ? ? ? H??H? ? ?E????H?]H?EH? H??H?E ? H? H?5 H??H??H?H?UH?P?U?PH? ? f?H?{8? ????u<H?{0? ????? H?H???P H?{8H?kP? H??? [H?H?D? ]A\˙ ? H??H? ? ?kH?C H?CH? H??H?? H? H?5 H??H??H?H?SH?P?S?PH? ? ? ? H??H? ? ?E????H?]H?EH? H??H?E ? H? H?5 H??H??H?H?UH?P?U?PH? ? H???H??t? H???H??u?? ??@ ??fD ??fffff.? AVH? AUH??ATUSH??H?H?8? H??? ?{H tH?{@H??tH??PH?{81?? H?{8H???? ? H?{8I??? H?{81?A??? ????u|?{J tCE???? H?CP1?E1?@ H?<(H??t 17 H??PH?CPA??H??E9?~?H??tH??? H?{8? M??tL??? H??? H??[]A\A]A^? D ? ? I??H? ? A?l$I?D$ I?D$H? H??I?$? H? H?5 H??H??H?I?T$H?PA?T$?PH? ? H?CP?????H??H??? H??? H???H??u?H??? ?f?AVH? AUH??ATUSH??H?H?8? H??? ?{H tH?{@H??tH??PH?{81?? H?{8H???? ? H?{8I??? H?{81?A??? ????ut?{J tCE???? H?CP1?E1?@ H?<(H??t 18 H??PH?CPA??H??E9?~?H??tH??? H?{8? M??tL??? H??[]A\A]A^? D ? ? I??H? ? A?l$I?D$ I?D$H? H??I?$? H? H?5 H??H??H?I?T$H?PA?T$?PH? ? H?CP?G???H??H??? H??? H???H??u?H??? ?f.? AVH? AUH??ATUSH??H?H?8? H??? ?{H tH?{@H??tH??PH?{81?? H?{8H???? ? H?{8I??? H?{81?A??? ????ut?{J tCE???? H?CP1?E1?@ H?<(H??t [all...] |
/packages/apps/ContactsCommon/res/values-pl/ |
strings.xml | 212 <string name="contacts_export_will_start_message" msgid="4527597765334949574">"Wkrótce kontakty zostan? wyeksportowane."</string>
/packages/inputmethods/LatinIME/java/res/values-pl/ |
strings.xml | 191 <string name="toast_downloading_suggestions" msgid="6128155879830851739">"Pobieranie ? podpowiedzi w tym j?zyku (<xliff:g id="LANGUAGE_NAME">%1$s</xliff:g>) b?d? dost?pne wkrótce"</string>
strings-emoji-descriptions.xml | [all...] |
/external/clang/lib/Basic/ |
Targets.cpp | [all...] |
/external/clang/lib/Driver/ |
ToolChains.h | [all...] |
Driver.cpp | 337 if (Target.getArch() == llvm::Triple::tce || [all...] |
ToolChains.cpp | [all...] |
/toolchain/binutils/binutils-2.25/gas/ |
ChangeLog-2005 | [all...] |
/external/clang/lib/CodeGen/ |
TargetInfo.cpp | [all...] |