Lines Matching refs:u4
67 typedef uint32_t u4;
260 u4 checksum; /* adler32 checksum */
262 u4 fileSize; /* length of entire file */
263 u4 headerSize; /* offset to start of next section */
264 u4 endianTag;
265 u4 linkSize;
266 u4 linkOff;
267 u4 mapOff;
268 u4 stringIdsSize;
269 u4 stringIdsOff;
270 u4 typeIdsSize;
271 u4 typeIdsOff;
272 u4 protoIdsSize;
273 u4 protoIdsOff;
274 u4 fieldIdsSize;
275 u4 fieldIdsOff;
276 u4 methodIdsSize;
277 u4 methodIdsOff;
278 u4 classDefsSize;
279 u4 classDefsOff;
280 u4 dataSize;
281 u4 dataOff;
290 u4 size; /* count of items of the indicated type */
291 u4 offset; /* file offset to the start of data */
298 u4 size; /* #of entries in list */
306 u4 stringDataOff; /* file offset to string_data_item */
313 u4 descriptorIdx; /* index into stringIds list for type descriptor */
322 u4 nameIdx; /* index into stringIds for field name */
331 u4 nameIdx; /* index into stringIds for method name */
338 u4 shortyIdx; /* index into stringIds for shorty descriptor */
339 u4 returnTypeIdx; /* index into typeIds list for return type */
340 u4 parametersOff; /* file offset to type_list for parameter types */
347 u4 classIdx; /* index into typeIds for this class */
348 u4 accessFlags;
349 u4 superclassIdx; /* index into typeIds for superclass */
350 u4 interfacesOff; /* file offset to DexTypeList */
351 u4 sourceFileIdx; /* index into stringIds for source file name */
352 u4 annotationsOff; /* file offset to annotations_directory_item */
353 u4 classDataOff; /* file offset to class_data_item */
354 u4 staticValuesOff; /* file offset to DexEncodedArray */
368 u4 size; /* #of entries in list */
384 u4 debugInfoOff; /* file offset to debug info stream */
385 u4 insnsSize; /* size of the insns array, in u2 units */
397 u4 startAddr; /* start address, in 16-bit code units */
414 u4 classAnnotationsOff; /* offset to DexAnnotationSetItem */
415 u4 fieldsSize; /* count of DexFieldAnnotationsItem */
416 u4 methodsSize; /* count of DexMethodAnnotationsItem */
417 u4 parametersSize; /* count of DexParameterAnnotationsItem */
427 u4 fieldIdx;
428 u4 annotationsOff; /* offset to DexAnnotationSetItem */
435 u4 methodIdx;
436 u4 annotationsOff; /* offset to DexAnnotationSetItem */
443 u4 methodIdx;
444 u4 annotationsOff; /* offset to DexAnotationSetRefList */
451 u4 annotationsOff; /* offset to DexAnnotationSetItem */
458 u4 size;
466 u4 size;
467 u4 entries[1]; /* offset to DexAnnotationItem */
502 u4 classDescriptorHash; // class descriptor hash code
519 u4 dexOffset; /* file offset of DEX header */
520 u4 dexLength;
521 u4 depsOffset; /* offset of optimized DEX dependency table */
522 u4 depsLength;
523 u4 optOffset; /* file offset of optimized data tables */
524 u4 optLength;
526 u4 flags; /* some info flags */
527 u4 checksum; /* adler32 checksum covering deps/opt */
576 u4 dexRoundUpPower2(u4 val);
621 u4 dexComputeChecksum(const DexHeader* pHeader);
646 u4 mapOff = pDexFile->pHeader->mapOff;
666 DEX_INLINE const DexStringId* dexGetStringId(const DexFile* pDexFile, u4 idx) {
671 DEX_INLINE const char* dexStringById(const DexFile* pDexFile, u4 idx) {
678 const char* dexStringAndSizeById(const DexFile* pDexFile, u4 idx,
679 u4* utf16Size);
682 DEX_INLINE const DexTypeId* dexGetTypeId(const DexFile* pDexFile, u4 idx) {
691 DEX_INLINE const char* dexStringByTypeIdx(const DexFile* pDexFile, u4 idx) {
697 DEX_INLINE const DexMethodId* dexGetMethodId(const DexFile* pDexFile, u4 idx) {
703 DEX_INLINE const DexFieldId* dexGetFieldId(const DexFile* pDexFile, u4 idx) {
709 DEX_INLINE const DexProtoId* dexGetProtoId(const DexFile* pDexFile, u4 idx) {
728 DEX_INLINE const DexClassDef* dexGetClassDef(const DexFile* pDexFile, u4 idx) {
734 DEX_INLINE u4 dexGetIndexForClassDef(const DexFile* pDexFile,
753 u4 idx)
759 DEX_INLINE u4 dexTypeListGetIdx(const DexTypeList* pList, u4 idx) {
852 const DexFile* pDexFile, u4 offset)
973 const DexAnnotationSetRefList* pList, u4 idx)
987 DEX_INLINE u4 dexGetAnnotationOff(
988 const DexAnnotationSetItem* pAnnoSet, u4 idx)
996 const DexFile* pDexFile, const DexAnnotationSetItem* pAnnoSet, u4 idx)
998 u4 offset = dexGetAnnotationOff(pAnnoSet, idx);