Lines Matching refs:Images
12 <meta name="description" content="ImageMagick® is a software suite to create, edit, compose, or convert bitmap images. It can read and write images in a variety of formats (over 200) including PNG, JPEG, JPEG-2000, GIF, WebP, Postscript, PDF, and SVG. Use ImageMagick to resize, flip, mirror, rotate, distort, shear and transform images, adjust image colors, apply various special effects, or draw text, lines, polygons, ellipses and Bézier curves."/>
204 <p>MagickAddImage() adds a clone of the images from the second wand and inserts them into the first wand.</p>
206 <p>Use MagickSetLastIterator(), to append new images into an existing wand, current image will be set to last image so later adds with also be appened to end of wand.</p>
208 <p>Use MagickSetFirstIterator() to prepend new images into wand, any more images added will also be prepended before other images in the wand. However the order of a list of new images will not change.</p>
210 <p>Otherwise the new images will be inserted just after the current image, and any later image will also be added after this current image but before the previously added images. Caution is advised when multiple image adds are inserted into the middle of the wand image list.</p>
366 <p>MagickAppendImages() append the images in a wand from the current image onwards, creating a new wand with the single image result. This is affected by the gravity and background settings of the first image.</p>
368 <p>Typically you would call either MagickResetIterator() or MagickSetFirstImage() before calling this function to ensure that all the images in the wand's image list will be appended together.</p>
389 <dd>By default, images are stacked left-to-right. Set stack to MagickTrue to stack them top-to-bottom. </dd>
625 <dd> A channel without a operation symbol implies extract. For example, to create 3 grayscale images from the red, green, and blue channels of an image, use: </dd>
838 <p>MagickCoalesceImages() composites a set of images while respecting any page offsets and disposal methods. GIF, MIFF, and MNG animation sequences typically start with an image background and each subsequent image varies in size and offset. MagickCoalesceImages() returns a new sequence where each image in the sequence is the same size as the first and composited with the next image in the sequence.</p>
935 <p>MagickColorMatrixImage() apply color transformation to an image. The method permits saturation changes, hue rotation, luminance to alpha, and various other effects. Although variable-sized transformation matrices can be used, typically one uses a 5x5 matrix for an RGBA image and a 6x6 for CMYKA (or RGBA with offsets). The matrix is similar to those used by Adobe Flash except offsets are in column 6 rather than 5 (in support of CMYKA images) and offsets are normalized (divide Flash offset by 255).</p>
962 <p>MagickCombineImages() combines one or more images into a single image. The grayscale value of the pixels of each image in the sequence is assigned in order to the specified hannels of the combined image. The typical ordering would be image 1 => Red, 2 => Green, 3 => Blue, etc.</p>
1073 <dd>the computed distortion between the images. </dd>
1097 <dd>the magick wand holding the destination images </dd>
1143 <dd>the magick wand holding the destination images </dd>
1163 <p>MagickCompositeLayers() composite the images in the source wand over the images in the destination wand in sequence, starting with the current image in both lists.</p>
1167 <p>Composition uses given x and y offsets, as the 'origin' location of the source images virtual canvas (not the real image) allowing you to compose a list of 'layer images' into the destiantioni images. This makes it well sutiable for directly composing 'Clears Frame Animations' or 'Coaleased Animations' onto a static or other 'Coaleased Animation' destination image list. GIF disposal handling is not looked at.</p>
1169 <p>Special case:- If one of the image sequences is the last image (just a single image remaining), that image is repeatally composed with all the images in the other image list. Either the source or destination lists may be the single image, for this situation.</p>
1171 <p>In the case of a single destination image (or last image given), that image will ve cloned to match the number of images remaining in the source image list.</p>
1191 <dd>the magick wand holding destaintion images </dd>
1195 <dd>the wand holding the source images </dd>
1455 <p>MagickDeskewImage() removes skew from the image. Skew is an artifact that occurs in scanned images because of the camera being misaligned, imperfections in the scanning or surface, or simply because the paper was not placed completely flat when scanned.</p>
2318 <p>Note, some image formats do not permit multiple images to the same image stream (e.g. JPEG). in this instance, just the first image of the sequence is returned as a blob.</p>
2799 <dd>the computed distortion between the images. </dd>
3574 <p>MagickGetNumberImages() returns the number of images associated with a magick wand.</p>
3645 <p>MagickHasNextImage() returns MagickTrue if the wand has more images when traversing the list in the forward direction</p>
3667 <p>MagickHasPreviousImage() returns MagickTrue if the wand has more images when traversing the list in the reverse direction</p>
4040 <p>The inital canvas's size depends on the given LayerMethod, and is initialized using the first images background color. The images are then compositied onto that image in sequence using the given composition that has been assigned to each individual image.</p>
4063 <dd> MergeLayer: Merge all layers onto a canvas just large enough to hold all the actual images. The virtual canvas of the first image is preserved but otherwise ignored. </dd>
4065 <dd> FlattenLayer: Use the virtual canvas size of first image. Images which fall outside this canvas is clipped. This can be used to 'fill out' a given virtual canvas. </dd>
4067 <dd> MosaicLayer: Start with the virtual canvas of the first image, enlarging left and right edges to contain all images. Images with negative offsets will be clipped. </dd>
4132 <p>MagickMontageImage() creates a composite image by combining several separate images. The images are tiled on the composite image with the name of the image optionally appearing just below the individual tile.</p>
4177 <p>MagickMorphImages() method morphs a set of images. Both the image pixels and size are linearly interpolated to give the appearance of a meta-morphosis from one image to the next.</p>
4198 <dd>the number of in-between images to generate. </dd>
4343 <p>It will return MagickFalse when no more images are left to be returned which happens when the wand is empty, or the current image is the last image.</p>
4345 <p>When the above condition (end of image list) is reached, the iterator is automaticall set so that you can start using MagickPreviousImage() to again iterate over the images in the reverse direction, starting with the last image (again). You can jump to this condition immeditally using MagickSetLastIterator().</p>
4486 <p>WARNING: This modifies the current images directly, rather than generate a new image sequence. The format of the MagickOptimizeImageTransparency method is:</p>
4724 <p>It will return MagickFalse when no more images are left to be returned which happens when the wand is empty, or the current image is the first image. At that point the iterator is than reset to again process images in the forward direction, again starting with the first image in list. Images added at this point are prepended.</p>
4726 <p>Also at that point any images added to the wand using MagickAddImages() or MagickReadImages() will be prepended before the first image. In this sense the condition is not quite exactly the same as MagickResetIterator().</p>
4787 <dd>A value other than zero measures the difference between the original and quantized images. This difference is the total quantization error. The error is computed by summing over all pixels in an image the distance squared in RGB space between each reference pixel value and its quantized value. </dd>
4793 <p>MagickQuantizeImages() analyzes the colors within a sequence of images and chooses a fixed number of colors to represent the image. The goal of the algorithm is to minimize the color difference between the input and output image while minimizing the processing time.</p>
4832 <dd>A value other than zero measures the difference between the original and quantized images. This difference is the total quantization error. The error is computed by summing over all pixels in an image the distance squared in RGB space between each reference pixel value and its quantized value. </dd>
4924 <p>MagickReadImage() reads an image or image sequence. The images are inserted jjust before the current image pointer position.</p>
4926 <p>Use MagickSetFirstIterator(), to insert new images before all the current images in the wand, MagickSetLastIterator() to append add to the end, MagickSetIteratorIndex() to place images just after the given index.</p>
5428 <p>MagickSetImage() replaces the last image returned by MagickSetIteratorIndex(), MagickNextImage(), MagickPreviousImage() with the images from the specified wand.</p>
6863 <dd>the computed similarity between the images. </dd>
6904 <p>MagickSmushImages() takes all images from the current image pointer to the end of the image list and smushs them to each other top-to-bottom if the stack parameter is true, otherwise left-to-right.</p>
6925 <dd>By default, images are stacked left-to-right. Set stack to MagickTrue to stack them top-to-bottom. </dd>
6929 <dd>minimum distance in pixels between images. </dd>
7134 <p>MagickStereoImage() composites two images and produces a single image that is the composite of a left and right image of a stereo pair</p>
7274 <p>MagickThumbnailImage() changes the size of an image to the given dimensions and removes any associated profiles. The goal is to produce small low cost thumbnail images suited for display on the Web.</p>
7367 <p>MagickTransformImageColorspace() transform the image colorspace, setting the images colorspace while transforming the images data to that colorspace.</p>
7741 <dd>join images into a single multi-image file. </dd>