Lines Matching full:integer
198 function GetUniqueID(const Node: IANTLRInterface): Integer;
217 function CreateNode(const TokenType: Integer; const FromToken: IToken): IANTLRInterface; overload;
225 function CreateNode(const TokenType: Integer; const FromToken: IToken;
234 function CreateNode(const TokenType: Integer; const Text: String): IANTLRInterface; overload;
239 function GetNodeType(const T: IANTLRInterface): Integer;
242 procedure SetNodeType(const T: IANTLRInterface; const NodeType: Integer);
278 function GetTokenStartIndex(const T: IANTLRInterface): Integer;
283 function GetTokenStopIndex(const T: IANTLRInterface): Integer;
288 function GetChild(const T: IANTLRInterface; const I: Integer): IANTLRInterface;
291 procedure SetChild(const T: IANTLRInterface; const I: Integer; const Child: IANTLRInterface);
294 function DeleteChild(const T: IANTLRInterface; const I: Integer): IANTLRInterface;
297 function GetChildCount(const T: IANTLRInterface): Integer;
316 function GetChildIndex(const T: IANTLRInterface): Integer;
317 procedure SetChildIdex(const T: IANTLRInterface; const Index: Integer);
328 StopChildIndex: Integer; const T: IANTLRInterface);
347 function Get(const I: Integer): IANTLRInterface;
361 function LT(const K: Integer): IANTLRInterface;
387 StopChildIndex: Integer; const T: IANTLRInterface);
441 function GetChildCount: Integer;
444 function GetChildIndex: Integer;
445 procedure SetChildIndex(const Value: Integer);
447 function GetTokenType: Integer;
449 function GetLine: Integer;
450 function GetCharPositionInLine: Integer;
451 function GetTokenStartIndex: Integer;
452 procedure SetTokenStartIndex(const Value: Integer);
453 function GetTokenStopIndex: Integer;
454 procedure SetTokenStopIndex(const Value: Integer);
461 function GetChild(const I: Integer): ITree;
471 procedure SetChild(const I: Integer; const T: ITree);
473 function DeleteChild(const I: Integer): IANTLRInterface;
481 procedure ReplaceChildren(const StartChildIndex, StopChildIndex: Integer;
492 property ChildCount: Integer read GetChildCount;
498 property ChildIndex: Integer read GetChildIndex write SetChildIndex;
507 property TokenType: Integer read GetTokenType;
512 property Line: Integer read GetLine;
513 property CharPositionInLine: Integer read GetCharPositionInLine;
519 property TokenStartIndex: Integer read GetTokenStartIndex write SetTokenStartIndex;
525 property TokenStopIndex: Integer read GetTokenStopIndex write SetTokenStopIndex;
539 function GetChildIndex: Integer;
540 procedure SetChildIndex(const Value: Integer);
543 function GetTokenType: Integer;
544 function GetTokenStartIndex: Integer;
545 procedure SetTokenStartIndex(const Value: Integer);
546 function GetTokenStopIndex: Integer;
547 procedure SetTokenStopIndex(const Value: Integer);
558 procedure SetChild(const I: Integer; const T: ITree);
559 procedure FreshenParentAndChildIndexes(const Offset: Integer);
563 const I: Integer); overload;
581 property ChildIndex: Integer read GetChildIndex write SetChildIndex;
587 property TokenType: Integer read GetTokenType;
593 property TokenStartIndex: Integer read GetTokenStartIndex write SetTokenStartIndex;
599 property TokenStopIndex: Integer read GetTokenStopIndex write SetTokenStopIndex;
615 function GetStartIndex: Integer;
616 procedure SetStartIndex(const Value: Integer);
617 function GetStopIndex: Integer;
618 procedure SetStopIndex(const Value: Integer);
622 property StartIndex: Integer read GetStartIndex write SetStartIndex;
623 property StopIndex: Integer read GetStopIndex write SetStopIndex;
653 function CreateToken(const TokenType: Integer; const Text: String): IToken; overload;
726 function Get(const I: Integer): IANTLRInterface;
728 function LT(const K: Integer): IANTLRInterface;
733 function LB(const K: Integer): IANTLRInterface;
739 procedure Push(const Index: Integer);
745 function Pop: Integer;
750 function ToTokenString(const Start, Stop: Integer): String;
830 function Size: Integer;
890 procedure TraceIn(const RuleName: String; const RuleIndex: Integer);
891 procedure TraceOut(const RuleName: String; const RuleIndex: Integer);
900 function NextToken: Integer;
907 procedure Visit(const T, Parent: IANTLRInterface; const ChildIndex: Integer;
933 /// Compute a Map<String, Integer> that is an inverted index of
936 function ComputeTokenTypes(const TokenNames: TStringArray): IDictionary<String, Integer>;
941 function GetTokenType(const TokenName: String): Integer;
948 /// more efficient. Returns Map<Integer, List> where the List is
949 /// of your AST node type. The Integer is the token type of the node.
953 function Index(const T: IANTLRInterface): IDictionary<Integer, IList<IANTLRInterface>>;
956 function Find(const T: IANTLRInterface; const TokenType: Integer): IList<IANTLRInterface>; overload;
961 function FindFirst(const T: IANTLRInterface; const TokenType: Integer): IANTLRInterface; overload;
973 procedure Visit(const T: IANTLRInterface; const TokenType: Integer;
1140 function GetChildIndex: Integer; virtual;
1141 procedure SetChildIndex(const Value: Integer); virtual;
1142 function GetTokenType: Integer; virtual; abstract;
1144 function GetTokenStartIndex: Integer; virtual; abstract;
1145 procedure SetTokenStartIndex(const Value: Integer); virtual; abstract;
1146 function GetTokenStopIndex: Integer; virtual; abstract;
1147 procedure SetTokenStopIndex(const Value: Integer); virtual; abstract;
1150 function GetChildCount: Integer; virtual;
1152 function GetLine: Integer; virtual;
1153 function GetCharPositionInLine: Integer; virtual;
1154 function GetChild(const I: Integer): ITree; virtual;
1156 function DeleteChild(const I: Integer): IANTLRInterface;
1158 procedure ReplaceChildren(const StartChildIndex, StopChildIndex: Integer;
1164 procedure SetChild(const I: Integer; const T: ITree); virtual;
1165 procedure FreshenParentAndChildIndexes(const Offset: Integer); overload;
1168 const I: Integer); overload; virtual;
1196 FStartIndex: Integer;
1197 FStopIndex: Integer;
1211 FChildIndex: Integer;
1215 function GetTokenType: Integer; override;
1217 function GetLine: Integer; override;
1218 function GetCharPositionInLine: Integer; override;
1219 function GetTokenStartIndex: Integer; override;
1220 procedure SetTokenStartIndex(const Value: Integer); override;
1221 Integer; override;
1222 procedure SetTokenStopIndex(const Value: Integer); override;
1223 function GetChildIndex: Integer; override;
1224 procedure SetChildIndex(const Value: Integer); override;
1231 function GetStartIndex: Integer;
1232 procedure SetStartIndex(const Value: Integer);
1233 function GetStopIndex: Integer;
1234 procedure SetStopIndex(const Value: Integer);
1252 function GetTokenType: Integer; override;
1264 FTreeToUniqueIDMap: IDictionary<IANTLRInterface, Integer>;
1267 FUniqueNodeID: Integer;
1280 function GetUniqueID(const Node: IANTLRInterface): Integer;
1282 function CreateNode(const TokenType: Integer; const FromToken: IToken): IANTLRInterface; overload; virtual;
1283 function CreateNode(const TokenType: Integer; const FromToken: IToken;
1285 function CreateNode(const TokenType: Integer; const Text: String): IANTLRInterface; overload; virtual;
1286 function GetNodeType(const T: IANTLRInterface): Integer; virtual;
1287 procedure SetNodeType(const T: IANTLRInterface; const NodeType: Integer); virtual;
1293 function GetTokenStartIndex(const T: IANTLRInterface): Integer; virtual; abstract;
1294 function GetTokenStopIndex(const T: IANTLRInterface): Integer; virtual; abstract;
1295 function GetChild(const T: IANTLRInterface; const I: Integer): IANTLRInterface; virtual;
1296 procedure SetChild(const T: IANTLRInterface; const I: Integer; const Child: IANTLRInterface); virtual;
1297 function DeleteChild(const T: IANTLRInterface; const I: Integer): IANTLRInterface; virtual;
1298 function GetChildCount(const T: IANTLRInterface): Integer; virtual;
1301 function GetChildIndex(const T: IANTLRInterface): Integer; virtual; abstract;
1302 procedure SetChildIdex(const T: IANTLRInterface; const Index: Integer); virtual; abstract;
1304 StopChildIndex: Integer; const T: IANTLRInterface); virtual; abstract;
1308 function CreateToken(const TokenType: Integer; const Text: String): IToken; overload; virtual; abstract;
1321 function GetTokenStartIndex(const T: IANTLRInterface): Integer; override;
1322 function GetTokenStopIndex(const T: IANTLRInterface): Integer; override;
1325 function GetNodeType(const T: IANTLRInterface): Integer; override;
1326 function GetChild(const T: IANTLRInterface; const I: Integer): IANTLRInterface; override;
1327 function GetChildCount(const T: IANTLRInterface): Integer; override;
1330 function GetChildIndex(const T: IANTLRInterface): Integer; override;
1331 procedure SetChildIdex(const T: IANTLRInterface; const Index: Integer); override;
1333 StopChildIndex: Integer; const T: IANTLRInterface); override;
1336 function CreateToken(const TokenType: Integer; const Text: String): IToken; overload; override;
1381 FP: Integer;
1386 FLastMarker: Integer;
1391 FCalls: IStackList<Integer>;
1397 function LA(I: Integer): Integer; virtual;
1398 function LAChar(I: Integer): Char;
1399 function Mark: Integer; virtual;
1400 function Index: Integer; virtual;
1401 procedure Rewind(const Marker: Integer); overload; virtual;
1403 procedure Release(const Marker: Integer); virtual;
1404 procedure Seek(const Index: Integer); virtual;
1405 function Size: Integer; virtual;
1413 function Get(const I: Integer): IANTLRInterface;
1414 function LT(const K: Integer): IANTLRInterface;
1417 StopChildIndex: Integer; const T: IANTLRInterface);
1426 function LB(const K: Integer): IANTLRInterface;
1427 procedure Push(const Index: Integer);
1428 function Pop: Integer;
1430 function ToTokenString(const Start, Stop: Integer): String;
1443 procedure AddNavigationNode(const TokenType: Integer);
1449 function GetNodeIndex(const Node: IANTLRInterface): Integer;
1456 const ATree: IANTLRInterface; const AInitialBufferSize: Integer); overload;
1467 function GetTokenType: Integer; override;
1469 function GetTokenStartIndex: Integer; override;
1470 procedure SetTokenStartIndex(const Value: Integer); override;
1471 function GetTokenStopIndex: Integer; override;
1472 procedure SetTokenStopIndex(const Value: Integer); override;
1491 FCursor: Integer;
1530 function Size: Integer;
1640 procedure TraceIn(const RuleName: String; const RuleIndex: Integer); reintroduce; overload; virtual;
1641 procedure TraceOut(const RuleName: String; const RuleIndex: Integer); reintroduce; overload; virtual;
1645 const E: ERecognitionException; const ExpectedTokenType: Integer;
1647 procedure Mismatch(const Input: IIntStream; const TokenType: Integer;
1671 FP: Integer;
1674 FC: Integer;
1677 FN: Integer;
1687 function NextToken: Integer;
1700 FTokenNameToTypeMap: IDictionary<String, Integer>;
1726 procedure Visit(const T, Parent: IANTLRInterface; const ChildIndex: Integer;
1777 procedure Visit(const T, Parent: IANTLRInterface; const ChildIndex: Integer;
1793 procedure Visit(const T, Parent: IANTLRInterface; const ChildIndex: Integer;
1801 function ComputeTokenTypes(const TokenNames: TStringArray): IDictionary<String, Integer>;
1802 function GetTokenType(const TokenName: String): Integer;
1803 function Index(const T: IANTLRInterface): IDictionary<Integer, IList<IANTLRInterface>>;
1804 function Find(const T: IANTLRInterface; const TokenType: Integer): IList<IANTLRInterface>; overload;
1806 function FindFirst(const T: IANTLRInterface; const TokenType: Integer): IANTLRInterface; overload;
1808 procedure Visit(const T: IANTLRInterface; const TokenType: Integer;
1825 const M: IDictionary<Integer, IList<IANTLRInterface>>);
1829 TokenType: Integer; const Visitor: IContextVisitor);
1836 const ATokenNameToTypeMap: IDictionary<String, Integer>); overload;
1845 FTokenType: Integer;
1883 function GetCurrentChildIndex: Integer;
1884 procedure SetCurrentChildIndex(const Value: Integer);
1885 function GetAbsoluteNodeIndex: Integer;
1886 procedure SetAbsoluteNodeIndex(const Value: Integer);
1891 function GetNodeStackSize: Integer;
1892 procedure SetNodeStackSize(const Value: Integer);
1893 function GetIndexStackSize: integer;
1894 procedure SetIndexStackSize(const Value: integer);
1899 property CurrentChildIndex: Integer read GetCurrentChildIndex write SetCurrentChildIndex;
1900 property AbsoluteNodeIndex: Integer read GetAbsoluteNodeIndex write SetAbsoluteNodeIndex;
1904 property NodeStackSize: Integer read GetNodeStackSize write SetNodeStackSize;
1906 property IndexStackSize: integer read GetIndexStackSize write SetIndexStackSize;
1912 FCurrentChildIndex: Integer;
1913 FAbsoluteNodeIndex: Integer;
1917 FNodeStackSize: Integer;
1919 FIndexStackSize: integer;
1923 function GetCurrentChildIndex: Integer;
1924 procedure SetCurrentChildIndex(const Value: Integer);
1925 function GetAbsoluteNodeIndex: Integer;
1926 procedure SetAbsoluteNodeIndex(const Value: Integer);
1931 function GetNodeStackSize: Integer;
1932 procedure SetNodeStackSize(const Value: Integer);
1933 function GetIndexStackSize: integer;
1934 procedure SetIndexStackSize(const Value: integer);
1962 FIndexStack: IStackList<Integer>;
1974 FCurrentChildIndex: Integer;
1980 FAbsoluteNodeIndex: Integer;
1990 FHead: Integer;
1996 FTail: Integer;
2009 FMarkDepth: Integer;
2014 FLastMarker: Integer;
2027 function LA(I: Integer): Integer; virtual;
2028 function LAChar(I: Integer): Char;
2029 function Mark: Integer; virtual;
2030 function Index: Integer; virtual;
2031 procedure Rewind(const Marker: Integer); overload; virtual;
2033 procedure Release(const Marker: Integer); virtual;
2034 procedure Seek(const Index: Integer); virtual;
2035 function Size: Integer; virtual;
2042 function Get(const I: Integer): IANTLRInterface; virtual;
2043 function LT(const K: Integer): IANTLRInterface; virtual;
2046 StopChildIndex: Integer; const T: IANTLRInterface);
2074 procedure Fill(const K: Integer); virtual;
2075 function LookaheadSize: Integer;
2089 function VisitChild(const Child: Integer): IANTLRInterface; virtual;
2101 procedure AddNavigationNode(const TokenType: Integer); virtual;
2199 function TBaseTree.DeleteChild(const I: Integer): IANTLRInterface;
2212 procedure TBaseTree.FreshenParentAndChildIndexes(const Offset: Integer);
2214 N, C: Integer;
2231 function TBaseTree.GetCharPositionInLine: Integer;
2236 function TBaseTree.GetChild(const I: Integer): ITree;
2244 function TBaseTree.GetChildCount: Integer;
2252 function TBaseTree.GetChildIndex: Integer;
2268 function TBaseTree.GetLine: Integer;
2280 StopChildIndex: Integer; const T: IANTLRInterface);
2282 ReplacingHowMany, ReplacingWithHowMany, NumNewChildren, Delta, I, J: Integer;
2283 IndexToDelete, C, ReplacedSoFar: Integer;
2363 const I: Integer);
2365 N, C: Integer;
2384 procedure TBaseTree.SetChild(const I: Integer; const T: ITree);
2402 procedure TBaseTree.SetChildIndex(const Value: Integer);
2415 I: Integer;
2479 function TCommonTree.GetCharPositionInLine: Integer;
2492 function TCommonTree.GetChildIndex: Integer;
2502 function TCommonTree.GetLine: Integer;
2520 function TCommonTree.GetStartIndex: Integer;
2525 function TCommonTree.GetStopIndex: Integer;
2543 function TCommonTree.GetTokenStartIndex: Integer;
2551 function TCommonTree.GetTokenStopIndex: Integer;
2559 function TCommonTree.GetTokenType: Integer;
2567 procedure TCommonTree.SetChildIndex(const Value: Integer);
2577 procedure TCommonTree.SetStartIndex(const Value: Integer);
2582 procedure TCommonTree.SetStopIndex(const Value: Integer);
2587 procedure TCommonTree.SetTokenStartIndex(const Value: Integer);
2592 procedure TCommonTree.SetTokenStopIndex(const Value: Integer);
2639 I, J: Integer;
2649 function TCommonErrorNode.GetTokenType: Integer;
2688 NC: Integer;
2720 function TBaseTreeAdaptor.CreateNode(const TokenType: Integer;
2730 function TBaseTreeAdaptor.CreateNode(const TokenType: Integer;
2739 function TBaseTreeAdaptor.CreateNode(const TokenType: Integer;
2757 const I: Integer): IANTLRInterface;
2765 I, N: Integer;
2798 const I: Integer): IANTLRInterface;
2803 function TBaseTreeAdaptor.GetChildCount(const T: IANTLRInterface): Integer;
2818 function TBaseTreeAdaptor.GetNodeType(const T: IANTLRInterface): Integer;
2823 function TBaseTreeAdaptor.GetUniqueID(const Node: IANTLRInterface): Integer;
2826 FTreeToUniqueIDMap := TDictionary<IANTLRInterface, Integer>.Create;
2862 procedure TBaseTreeAdaptor.SetChild(const T: IANTLRInterface; const I: Integer;
2875 const NodeType: Integer);
2887 function TCommonTreeAdaptor.CreateToken(const TokenType: Integer;
2908 const I: Integer): IANTLRInterface;
2916 function TCommonTreeAdaptor.GetChildCount(const T: IANTLRInterface): Integer;
2924 function TCommonTreeAdaptor.GetChildIndex(const T: IANTLRInterface): Integer;
2937 function TCommonTreeAdaptor.GetNodeType(const T: IANTLRInterface): Integer;
2962 const T: IANTLRInterface): Integer;
2971 const T: IANTLRInterface): Integer;
2980 const StartChildIndex, StopChildIndex: Integer; const T: IANTLRInterface);
2987 const Index: Integer);
3000 Start, Stop: Integer;
3021 procedure TCommonTreeNodeStream.AddNavigationNode(const TokenType: Integer);
3067 const ATree: IANTLRInterface; const AInitialBufferSize: Integer);
3088 C, N: Integer;
3108 function TCommonTreeNodeStream.Get(const I: Integer): IANTLRInterface;
3126 const Node: IANTLRInterface): Integer;
3161 function TCommonTreeNodeStream.Index: Integer;
3166 function TCommonTreeNodeStream.LA(I: Integer): Integer;
3171 function TCommonTreeNodeStream.LAChar(I: Integer): Char;
3176 function TCommonTreeNodeStream.LB(const K: Integer): IANTLRInterface;
3187 function TCommonTreeNodeStream.LT(const K: Integer): IANTLRInterface;
3203 function TCommonTreeNodeStream.Mark: Integer;
3211 function TCommonTreeNodeStream.Pop: Integer;
3217 procedure TCommonTreeNodeStream.Push(const Index: Integer);
3220 FCalls := TStackList<Integer>.Create;
3225 procedure TCommonTreeNodeStream.Release(const Marker: Integer);
3231 const StartChildIndex, StopChildIndex: Integer; const T: IANTLRInterface);
3245 procedure TCommonTreeNodeStream.Rewind(const Marker: Integer);
3255 procedure TCommonTreeNodeStream.Seek(const Index: Integer);
3278 function TCommonTreeNodeStream.Size: Integer;
3289 I, BeginTokenIndex, EndTokenIndex: Integer;
3383 Stop: Integer): String;
3385 I: Integer;
3424 function TParseTree.GetTokenStartIndex: Integer;
3429 function TParseTree.GetTokenStopIndex: Integer;
3434 function TParseTree.GetTokenType: Integer;
3439 procedure TParseTree.SetTokenStartIndex(const Value: Integer);
3444 procedure TParseTree.SetTokenStopIndex(const Value: Integer);
3591 function TRewriteRuleElementStream.Size: Integer;
3609 Size: Integer;
3694 Size: Integer;
3771 const E: ERecognitionException; const ExpectedTokenType: Integer;
3793 Level, TokenType: Integer;
3823 const TokenType: Integer; const Follow: IBitSet);
3840 procedure TTreeParser.TraceIn(const RuleName: String; const RuleIndex: Integer);
3846 const RuleIndex: Integer);
3865 FC := Integer(FPattern[FP]);
3882 function TTreePatternLexer.NextToken: Integer;
3976 const TokenNames: TStringArray): IDictionary<String, Integer>;
3978 TokenType: Integer;
3980 Result := TDictionary<String, Integer>.Create;
3995 const ATokenNameToTypeMap: IDictionary<String, Integer>);
4037 RootTokenType: Integer;
4059 const TokenType: Integer): IList<IANTLRInterface>;
4066 const TokenType: Integer): IANTLRInterface;
4077 function TTreeWizard.GetTokenType(const TokenName: String): Integer;
4086 const T: IANTLRInterface): IDictionary<Integer, IList<IANTLRInterface>>;
4088 Result := TDictionary<Integer, IList<IANTLRInterface>>.Create;
4117 RootTokenType: Integer;
4136 I, N1, N2: Integer;
4166 const M: IDictionary<Integer, IList<IANTLRInterface>>);
4168 I, N, TType: Integer;
4190 I, N1, N2: Integer;
4229 TokenType: Integer; const Visitor: IContextVisitor);
4231 I, N: Integer;
4243 procedure TTreeWizard.Visit(const T: IANTLRInterface; const TokenType: Integer;
4271 TreeNodeType: Integer;
4391 const ChildIndex: Integer;
4424 Parent: IANTLRInterface; const ChildIndex: Integer;
4445 Parent: IANTLRInterface; const ChildIndex: Integer;
4509 I, RemainderHeadToEnd: Integer;
4531 procedure TUnBufferedTreeNodeStream.AddNavigationNode(const TokenType: Integer);
4566 FIndexStack := TStackList<Integer>.Create;
4586 procedure TUnBufferedTreeNodeStream.Fill(const K: Integer);
4588 I, N: Integer;
4595 function TUnBufferedTreeNodeStream.Get(const I: Integer): IANTLRInterface;
4647 function TUnBufferedTreeNodeStream.Index: Integer;
4652 function TUnBufferedTreeNodeStream.LA(I: Integer): Integer;
4663 function TUnBufferedTreeNodeStream.LAChar(I: Integer): Char;
4668 function TUnBufferedTreeNodeStream.LookaheadSize: Integer;
4676 function TUnBufferedTreeNodeStream.LT(const K: Integer): IANTLRInterface;
4691 function TUnBufferedTreeNodeStream.Mark: Integer;
4694 I, N, K: Integer;
4771 procedure TUnBufferedTreeNodeStream.Release(const Marker: Integer);
4780 const Parent: IANTLRInterface; const StartChildIndex, StopChildIndex: Integer;
4796 procedure TUnBufferedTreeNodeStream.Rewind(const Marker: Integer);
4825 procedure TUnBufferedTreeNodeStream.Seek(const Index: Integer);
4846 function TUnBufferedTreeNodeStream.Size: Integer;
4863 C, N: Integer;
4894 const Child: Integer): IANTLRInterface;
4935 BeginTokenIndex, EndTokenIndex: Integer;
4966 function TUnBufferedTreeNodeStream.TTreeWalkState.GetAbsoluteNodeIndex: Integer;
4971 function TUnBufferedTreeNodeStream.TTreeWalkState.GetCurrentChildIndex: Integer;
4981 function TUnBufferedTreeNodeStream.TTreeWalkState.GetIndexStackSize: integer;
4991 function TUnBufferedTreeNodeStream.TTreeWalkState.GetNodeStackSize: Integer;
5002 const Value: Integer);
5008 const Value: Integer);
5020 const Value: integer);
5032 const Value: Integer);