Lines Matching full:regexp
64 // JSON RegExp
643 // Tweaked logic slightly to handle Blackberry 4.7 RegExp issues #6930
646 if ( arr.length == null || type === "string" || type === "function" || type === "regexp" || jQuery.isWindow( arr ) ) {
901 jQuery.each("Boolean Number String Function Array Date RegExp Object".split(" "), function(i, name) {
2786 namespaces = namespaces ? new RegExp("(^|\\.)" + namespaces.split(".").sort().join("\\.(?:.*\\.|)") + "(\\.|$)") : null;
2859 // Namespaced trigger; create a regexp to match event type in handle()
2883 event.namespace_re = event.namespace? new RegExp("(^|\\.)" + namespaces.join("\\.(?:.*\\.|)") + "(\\.|$)") : null;
3761 rtrim = new RegExp( "^" + whitespace + "+|((?:^|[^\\\\])(?:\\\\.)*)" + whitespace + "+$", "g" ),
3763 rcomma = new RegExp( "^" + whitespace + "*," + whitespace + "*" ),
3764 rcombinators = new RegExp( "^" + whitespace + "*([\\x20\\t\\r\\n\\f>+~])" + whitespace + "*" ),
3765 rpseudo = new RegExp( pseudos ),
3780 "ID": new RegExp( "^#(" + characterEncoding + ")" ),
3781 "CLASS": new RegExp( "^\\.(" + characterEncoding + ")" ),
3782 "NAME": new RegExp( "^\\[name=['\"]?(" + characterEncoding + ")['\"]?\\]" ),
3783 "TAG": new RegExp( "^(" + characterEncoding.replace( "w", "w*" ) + ")" ),
3784 "ATTR": new RegExp( "^" + attributes ),
3785 "PSEUDO": new RegExp( "^" + pseudos ),
3786 "POS": new RegExp( pos, "i" ),
3787 "CHILD": new RegExp( "^:(only|nth|first|last)-child(?:\\(" + whitespace +
3791 "needsContext": new RegExp( "^" + whitespace + "*[>+~]|" + pos, "i" )
4261 (pattern = new RegExp( "(^|" + whitespace + ")" + className + "(" + whitespace + "|$)" )) &&
5239 rbuggyQSA = /* rbuggyQSA.length && */ new RegExp( rbuggyQSA.join("|") );
5307 rbuggyMatches = /* rbuggyMatches.length && */ new RegExp( rbuggyMatches.join("|") );
5673 rnoshimcache = new RegExp("<(?:" + nodeNames + ")[\\s/>]", "i"),
6546 rnumsplit = new RegExp( "^(" + core_pnum + ")(.*)$", "i" ),
6547 rnumnonpx = new RegExp( "^(" + core_pnum + ")(?!px)[a-z%]+$", "i" ),
6548 rrelNum = new RegExp( "^([-+])=(" + core_pnum + ")", "i" ),
7068 ( 0.01 * parseFloat( RegExp.$1 ) ) + "" :
8556 rfxnum = new RegExp( "^(?:([-+])=|)(" + core_pnum + ")([a-z%]*)$", "i" ),