Lines Matching full:componentcount
1310 static char* generateArray (int seed, GLValue min, GLValue max, int count, int componentCount, int stride, Array::InputType type);
1311 static char* generateQuads (int seed, int count, int componentCount, int offset, int stride, Array::Primitive primitive, Array::InputType type, GLValue min, GLValue max, float gridSize);
1312 static char* generatePerQuad (int seed, int count, int componentCount, int stride, Array::Primitive primitive, Array::InputType type, GLValue min, GLValue max);
1316 static char* createQuads (int seed, int count, int componentCount, int offset, int stride, Array::Primitive primitive, T min, T max, float gridSize);
1318 static char* createPerQuads (int seed, int count, int componentCount, int stride, Array::Primitive primitive, T min, T max);
1319 static char* createQuadsPacked (int seed, int count, int componentCount, int offset, int stride, Array::Primitive primitive);
1393 char* RandomArrayGenerator::generateArray (int seed, GLValue min, GLValue max, int count, int componentCount, int stride, Array::InputType type)
1401 stride = componentCount * Array::inputTypeSize(type);
1407 for (int componentNdx = 0; componentNdx < componentCount; componentNdx++)
1416 char* RandomArrayGenerator::generateQuads (int seed, int count, int componentCount, int offset, int stride, Array::Primitive primitive, Array::InputType type, GLValue min, GLValue max, float gridSize)
1423 data = createQuads<GLValue::Float>(seed, count, componentCount, offset, stride, primitive, min.fl, max.fl, gridSize);
1427 data = createQuads<GLValue::Fixed>(seed, count, componentCount, offset, stride, primitive,,, gridSize);
1431 data = createQuads<GLValue::Double>(seed, count, componentCount, offset, stride, primitive, min.d, max.d, gridSize);
1435 data = createQuads<GLValue::Byte>(seed, count, componentCount, offset, stride, primitive, min.b, max.b, gridSize);
1439 data = createQuads<GLValue::Short>(seed, count, componentCount, offset, stride, primitive, min.s, max.s, gridSize);
1443 data = createQuads<GLValue::Ubyte>(seed, count, componentCount, offset, stride, primitive, min.ub, max.ub, gridSize);
1447 data = createQuads<GLValue::Ushort>(seed, count, componentCount, offset, stride, primitive,,, gridSize);
1451 data = createQuads<GLValue::Uint>(seed, count, componentCount, offset, stride, primitive, min.ui, max.ui, gridSize);
1455 data = createQuads<GLValue::Int>(seed, count, componentCount, offset, stride, primitive, min.i, max.i, gridSize);
1459 data = createQuads<GLValue::Half>(seed, count, componentCount, offset, stride, primitive, min.h, max.h, gridSize);
1464 data = createQuadsPacked(seed, count, componentCount, offset, stride, primitive);
1475 char* RandomArrayGenerator::createQuadsPacked (int seed, int count, int componentCount, int offset, int stride, Array::Primitive primitive)
1477 DE_ASSERT(componentCount == 4);
1478 DE_UNREF(componentCount);
1495 char* const _data = new char[offset + quadStride * (count - 1) + stride * 5 + componentCount * Array::inputTypeSize(Array::INPUTTYPE_INT_2_10_10_10)]; // last element must be fully in the array
1554 char* RandomArrayGenerator::createQuads (int seed, int count, int componentCount, int offset, int stride, Array::Primitive primitive, T min, T max, float gridSize)
1560 stride = componentCount * componentStride;
1562 DE_ASSERT(stride >= componentCount * componentStride);
1606 z = (componentCount > 2) ? roundTo(minDiff, (getRandom<T>(rnd, min, max))) : (T::create(0));
1607 w = (componentCount > 3) ? roundTo(minDiff, (getRandom<T>(rnd, min, max))) : (T::create(1));
1610 if (componentCount <= 2)
1640 if (componentCount > 2)
1646 if (componentCount > 3)
1664 char* RandomArrayGenerator::generatePerQuad (int seed, int count, int componentCount, int stride, Array::Primitive primitive, Array::InputType type, GLValue min, GLValue max)
1671 data = createPerQuads<GLValue::Float>(seed, count, componentCount, stride, primitive, min.fl, max.fl);
1675 data = createPerQuads<GLValue::Fixed>(seed, count, componentCount, stride, primitive,,;
1679 data = createPerQuads<GLValue::Double>(seed, count, componentCount, stride, primitive, min.d, max.d);
1683 data = createPerQuads<GLValue::Byte>(seed, count, componentCount, stride, primitive, min.b, max.b);
1687 data = createPerQuads<GLValue::Short>(seed, count, componentCount, stride, primitive, min.s, max.s);
1691 data = createPerQuads<GLValue::Ubyte>(seed, count, componentCount, stride, primitive, min.ub, max.ub);
1695 data = createPerQuads<GLValue::Ushort>(seed, count, componentCount, stride, primitive,,;
1699 data = createPerQuads<GLValue::Uint>(seed, count, componentCount, stride, primitive, min.ui, max.ui);
1703 data = createPerQuads<GLValue::Int>(seed, count, componentCount, stride, primitive, min.i, max.i);
1707 data = createPerQuads<GLValue::Half>(seed, count, componentCount, stride, primitive, min.h, max.h);
1719 char* RandomArrayGenerator::createPerQuads (int seed, int count, int componentCount, int stride, Array::Primitive primitive, T min, T max)
1727 stride = componentStride * componentCount;
1746 for (int componentNdx = 0; componentNdx < componentCount; componentNdx++)
1923 , componentCount(componentCount_)
1949 name << array.componentCount;
1992 << "input component count " << array.componentCount << ", "
2086 const int seed = int(arraySpec.inputType) + 10 * int(arraySpec.outputType) + 100 * int( + 1000 * int(m_spec.primitive) + 10000 * int(arraySpec.usage) + int(m_spec.drawCount) + 12 * int(arraySpec.componentCount) + int(arraySpec.stride) + int(arraySpec.normalize);
2088 const size_t stride = (arraySpec.stride == 0) ? (arraySpec.componentCount * Array::inputTypeSize(arraySpec.inputType)) : (arraySpec.stride);
2089 const size_t bufferSize = arraySpec.offset + stride * (m_spec.drawCount * primitiveSize - 1) + arraySpec.componentCount * Array::inputTypeSize(arraySpec.inputType);
2096 // data = RandomArrayGenerator::generateArray(seed, arraySpec.min, arraySpec.max, arraySpec.count, arraySpec.componentCount, arraySpec.stride, arraySpec.inputType);
2101 data = RandomArrayGenerator::generateQuads(seed, m_spec.drawCount, arraySpec.componentCount, arraySpec.offset, arraySpec.stride, m_spec.primitive, arraySpec.inputType, arraySpec.min, arraySpec.max, gridSize);
2106 data = RandomArrayGenerator::generatePerQuad(seed, m_spec.drawCount, arraySpec.componentCount, arraySpec.stride, m_spec.primitive, arraySpec.inputType, arraySpec.min, arraySpec.max);
2121 m_glArrayPack->getArray(arrayNdx)->bind(arrayNdx, arraySpec.offset, arraySpec.componentCount, arraySpec.inputType, arraySpec.outputType, arraySpec.normalize, arraySpec.stride);
2122 m_rrArrayPack->getArray(arrayNdx)->bind(arrayNdx, arraySpec.offset, arraySpec.componentCount, arraySpec.inputType, arraySpec.outputType, arraySpec.normalize, arraySpec.stride);