Lines Matching refs:digest
16 // MD5 stands for Message Digest algorithm 5.
34 // MD5Digest digest; // the result of the computation
35 // MD5Final(&digest, &ctx);
37 // You can call MD5DigestToBase16() to generate a string of the digest.
57 // Finalizes the MD5 operation and fills the buffer with the digest.
58 BASE_EXPORT void MD5Final(MD5Digest* digest, MD5Context* context);
60 // MD5IntermediateFinal() generates a digest without finalizing the MD5
62 // without affecting the digest generated for the entire input.
63 BASE_EXPORT void MD5IntermediateFinal(MD5Digest* digest,
66 // Converts a digest into human-readable hexadecimal.
67 BASE_EXPORT std::string MD5DigestToBase16(const MD5Digest& digest);
70 // The given 'digest' structure will be filled with the result data.
71 BASE_EXPORT void MD5Sum(const void* data, size_t length, MD5Digest* digest);