Lines Matching full:card
33 <p>The context stream is a vertical list of cards, each showing a useful or timely piece of information. Much like the Google Now feature on Android phones and tablets, users swipe vertically to navigate from card to card. Only one card is displayed at a time, and background photos are used to provide additional visual information. Your application can create cards and inject them into the stream when they are most likely to be useful.</p>
44 <h2 id="CueCard">Demand: The Cue Card</h2>
50 <p>For cases where Android Wear does not suggest an answer proactively through the context stream, the cue card allows users to speak to Google. The cue card is opened by saying, ?OK Google? or by tapping on the background of the home screen. Swiping up on the cue card shows a list of suggested voice commands, which can also be tapped.</p>
54 <p>Applications can respond to a voice command in the same way as they can respond to a tap on a regular in-stream action button: by adding or updating a stream card, or by launching a full screen application. Voice input often takes the form of a command, such as "remind me to get milk," in which case a simple confirmation animation is sufficient to display before automatically returning to the Context Stream.</p>
62 <li>The background, showing either content relating to the first card or a custom watch face design, depending on the watch face the user has chosen. Tapping anywhere on the background or saying "Ok Google" starts a voice query.
64 <li>The top ranked card in the Context Stream, peeking up at the bottom of the screen. The amount of the peek card that appears is determined by the current watch face.
68 <li><strong>Watch faces</strong> may be chosen by the user to appear in the background of the Home screen. Watch faces display the time and accommodate the top ranked peek card. The user can choose a different watch face by long pressing on the current one.</li>
70 <li>Some devices may enter a low-power <strong>Ambient Mode</strong> when not being used. This usually involves dimming the screen in some way. The contents of a peek card will automatically be optimized for display in this state. Users can exit ambient mode by tapping on the screen, by tilting the screen towards them, or by pressing a hardware button if one exists.</li>
74 <li>The <strong>Settings screen</strong> can be invoked from the cue card or on some devices using a hardware button. From here the user may shut down or restart their device, adjust screen brightness, toggle airplane mode, and access device information.</li>