Lines Matching refs:ndk
17 # This script is used to rebuild the host 'ndk-depends' tool.
19 # Note: The tool is installed under prebuilt/$HOST_TAG/bin/ndk-depends
27 "This script is used to rebuild the host ndk-depends binary program."
36 register_var_option "--ndk-dir=<path>" NDK_DIR "Place binary in NDK installation path"
60 BUILD_DIR=$NDK_TMPDIR/build-ndk-depends
82 NAME=$(get_host_exec_name ndk-depends)
83 INSTALL_ROOT=$(mktemp -d $NDK_TMPDIR/ndk-depends-XXXXXX)
107 SRCDIR=$ANDROID_NDK_ROOT/sources/host-tools/ndk-depends
124 ARCHIVE=ndk-depends-$HOST_TAG.tar.bz2