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24  'conversions': '\nArithmetic conversions\n**********************\n\nWhen a description of an arithmetic operator below uses the phrase\n"the numeric arguments are converted to a common type," the arguments\nare coerced using the coercion rules listed at  *Coercion rules*.  If\nboth arguments are standard numeric types, the following coercions are\napplied:\n\n* If either argument is a complex number, the other is converted to\n  complex;\n\n* otherwise, if either argument is a floating point number, the other\n  is converted to floating point;\n\n* otherwise, if either argument is a long integer, the other is\n  converted to long integer;\n\n* otherwise, both must be plain integers and no conversion is\n  necessary.\n\nSome additional rules apply for certain operators (e.g., a string left\nargument to the \'%\' operator). Extensions can define their own\ncoercions.\n',
25 conversion is\n attempted, and the result of string conversion is converted to\n Unicode using the system default encoding.\n',
36 'formatstrings': '\nFormat String Syntax\n********************\n\nThe ``str.format()`` method and the ``Formatter`` class share the same\nsyntax for format strings (although in the case of ``Formatter``,\nsubclasses can define their own format string syntax).\n\nFormat strings contain "replacement fields" surrounded by curly braces\n``{}``. Anything that is not contained in braces is considered literal\ntext, which is copied unchanged to the output. If you need to include\na brace character in the literal text, it can be escaped by doubling:\n``{{`` and ``}}``.\n\nThe grammar for a replacement field is as follows:\n\n replacement_field ::= "{" [field_name] ["!" conversion] [":" format_spec] "}"\n field_name ::= arg_name ("." attribute_name | "[" element_index "]")*\n arg_name ::= [identifier | integer]\n attribute_name ::= identifier\n element_index ::= integer | index_string\n index_string ::= <any source character except "]"> +\n conversion ::= "r" | "s"\n format_spec ::= <described in the next section>\n\nIn less formal terms, the replacement field can start with a\n*field_name* that specifies the object whose value is to be formatted\nand inserted into the output instead of the replacement field. The\n*field_name* is optionally followed by a *conversionconversion* field causes a type coercion before formatting.\nNormally, the job of formatting a value is done by the\n``__format__()`` method of the value itself. However, in some cases\nit is desirable to force a type to be formatted as a string,\noverriding its own definition of formatting. By converting the value\nto a string before calling ``__format__()``, the normal formatting\nlogic is bypassed.\n\nTwo conversion flags are currently supported: ``\'!s\'`` which calls\n``str()`` on the value, and ``\'!r\'`` which calls ``repr()``.\n\nSome examples:\n\n "Harold\'s a clever {0!s}" # Calls str() on the argument first\n "Bring out the holy {name!r}" # Calls repr() on the argument first\n\nThe *format_spec* field contains a specification of how the value\nshould be presented, including such details as field width, alignment,\npadding, decimal precision and so on. Each value type can define its\nown "formatting mini-language" or interpretation of the *format_spec*.\n\nMost built-in types support a common formatting mini-language, which\nis described in the next section.\n\nA *format_spec* field can also include nested replacement fields\nwithin it. These nested replacement fields can contain only a field\nname; conversionnNesting arguments and more complex examples:\n\n >>> for align, text in zip(\'<^>\', [\'left\', \'center\', \'right\']):\n ... \'{0:{fill}{align}16}\'.format(text, fill=align, align=align)\n ...\n \'left<<<<<<<<<<<<\'\n \'^^^^^center^^^^^\'\n \'>>>>>>>>>>>right\'\n >>>\n >>> octets = [192, 168, 0, 1]\n >>> \'{:02X}{:02X}{:02X}{:02X}\'.format(*octets)\n \'C0A80001\'\n >>> int(_, 16)\n 3232235521\n >>>\n >>> width = 5\n >>> for num in range(5,12):\n ... for base in \'dXob\':\n ... print \'{0:{width}{base}}\'.format(num, base=base, width=width),\n ... print\n ...\n 5 5 5 101\n 6 6 6 110\n 7 7 7 111\n 8 8 10 1000\n 9 9 11 1001\n 10 A 12 1010\n 11 B 13 1011\n',
50 conversion is impossible. When\n the common type would be the type of ``other``, it is sufficient to\n return ``None``, since the interpreter will also ask the other\n object to attempt a coercion (but sometimes, if the implementation\n of the other type cannot be changed, it is useful to do the\n conversion to the other type here). A return value of\n ``NotImplemented`` is equivalent to returning ``None``.\n',
52 'operator-summary': '\nOperator precedence\n*******************\n\nThe following table summarizes the operator precedences in Python,\nfrom lowest precedence (least binding) to highest precedence (most\nbinding). Operators in the same box have the same precedence. Unless\nthe syntax is explicitly given, operators are binary. Operators in\nthe same box group left to right (except for comparisons, including\ntests, which all have the same precedence and chain from left to right\n--- see section *Comparisons* --- and exponentiation, which groups\nfrom right to left).\n\n+-------------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------+\n| Operator | Description |\n+=================================================+=======================================+\n| ``lambda`` | Lambda expression |\n+-------------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------+\n| ``if`` -- ``else`` | Conditional expression |\n+-------------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------+\n| ``or`` | Boolean OR |\n+-------------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------+\n| ``and`` | Boolean AND |\n+-------------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------+\n| ``not`` ``x`` | Boolean NOT |\n+-------------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------+\n| ``in``, ``not in``, ``is``, ``is not``, ``<``, | Comparisons, including membership |\n| ``<=``, ``>``, ``>=``, ``<>``, ``!=``, ``==`` | tests and identity tests |\n+-------------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------+\n| ``|`` | Bitwise OR |\n+-------------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------+\n| ``^`` | Bitwise XOR |\n+-------------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------+\n| ``&`` | Bitwise AND |\n+-------------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------+\n| ``<<``, ``>>`` | Shifts |\n+-------------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------+\n| ``+``, ``-`` | Addition and subtraction |\n+-------------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------+\n| ``*``, ``/``, ``//``, ``%`` | Multiplication, division, remainder |\n| | [8] |\n+-------------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------+\n| ``+x``, ``-x``, ``~x`` | Positive, negative, bitwise NOT |\n+-------------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------+\n| ``**`` | Exponentiation [9] |\n+-------------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------+\n| ``x[index]``, ``x[index:index]``, | Subscription, slicing, call, |\n| ``x(arguments...)``, ``x.attribute`` | attribute reference |\n+-------------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------+\n| ``(expressions...)``, ``[expressions...]``, | Binding or tuple display, list |\n| ``{key: value...}``, ```expressions...``` | display, dictionary display, string |\n| | conversion |\n+-------------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------+\n\n-[ Footnotes ]-\n\n[1] In Python 2.3 and later releases, a list comprehension "leaks" the\n control variables of each ``for`` it contains into the containing\n scope. However, this behavior is deprecated, and relying on it\n will not work in Python 3.\n\n[2] While ``abs(x%y) < abs(y)`` is true mathematically, for floats it\n may not be true numerically due to roundoff. For example, and\n assuming a platform on which a Python float is an IEEE 754 double-\n precision number, in order that ``-1e-100 % 1e100`` have the same\n sign as ``1e100``, the computed result is ``-1e-100 + 1e100``,\n which is numerically exactly equal to ``1e100``. The function\n ``math.fmod()`` returns a result whose sign matches the sign of\n the first argument instead, and so returns ``-1e-100`` in this\n case. Which approach is more appropriate depends on the\n application.\n\n[3] If x is very close to an exact integer multiple of y, it\'s\n possible for ``floor(x/y)`` to be one larger than ``(x-x%y)/y``\n due to rounding. In such cases, Python returns the latter result,\n in order to preserve that ``divmod(x,y)[0] * y + x % y`` be very\n close to ``x``.\n\n[4] While comparisons between unicode strings make sense at the byte\n level, they may be counter-intuitive to users. For example, the\n strings ``u"\\u00C7"`` and ``u"\\u0043\\u0327"`` compare differently,\n even though they both represent the same unicode character (LATIN\n CAPITAL LETTER C WITH CEDILLA). To compare strings in a human\n recognizable way, compare using ``unicodedata.normalize()``.\n\n[5] The implementation computes this efficiently, without constructing\n lists or sorting.\n\n[6] Earlier versions of Python used lexicographic comparison of the\n sorted (key, value) lists, but this was very expensive for the\n common case of comparing for equality. An even earlier version of\n Python compared dictionaries by identity only, but this caused\n surprises because people expected to be able to test a dictionary\n for emptiness by comparing it to ``{}``.\n\n[7] Due to automatic garbage-collection, free lists, and the dynamic\n nature of descriptors, you may notice seemingly unusual behaviour\n in certain uses of the ``is`` operator, like those involving\n comparisons between instance methods, or constants. Check their\n documentation for more info.\n\n[8] The ``%`` operator is also used for string formatting; the same\n precedence applies.\n\n[9] The power operator ``**`` binds less tightly than an arithmetic or\n bitwise unary operator on its right, that is, ``2**-1`` is\n ``0.5``.\n',
59 'slicings': '\nSlicings\n********\n\nA slicing selects a range of items in a sequence object (e.g., a\nstring, tuple or list). Slicings may be used as expressions or as\ntargets in assignment or ``del`` statements. The syntax for a\nslicing:\n\n slicing ::= simple_slicing | extended_slicing\n simple_slicing ::= primary "[" short_slice "]"\n extended_slicing ::= primary "[" slice_list "]"\n slice_list ::= slice_item ("," slice_item)* [","]\n slice_item ::= expression | proper_slice | ellipsis\n proper_slice ::= short_slice | long_slice\n short_slice ::= [lower_bound] ":" [upper_bound]\n long_slice ::= short_slice ":" [stride]\n lower_bound ::= expression\n upper_bound ::= expression\n stride ::= expression\n ellipsis ::= "..."\n\nThere is ambiguity in the formal syntax here: anything that looks like\nan expression list also looks like a slice list, so any subscription\ncan be interpreted as a slicing. Rather than further complicating the\nsyntax, this is disambiguated by defining that in this case the\ninterpretation as a subscription takes priority over the\ninterpretation as a slicing (this is the case if the slice list\ncontains no proper slice nor ellipses). Similarly, when the slice\nlist has exactly one short slice and no trailing comma, the\ninterpretation as a simple slicing takes priority over that as an\nextended slicing.\n\nThe semantics for a simple slicing are as follows. The primary must\nevaluate to a sequence object. The lower and upper bound expressions,\nif present, must evaluate to plain integers; defaults are zero and the\n``sys.maxint``, respectively. If either bound is negative, the\nsequence\'s length is added to it. The slicing now selects all items\nwith index *k* such that ``i <= k < j`` where *i* and *j* are the\nspecified lower and upper bounds. This may be an empty sequence. It\nis not an error if *i* or *j* lie outside the range of valid indexes\n(such items don\'t exist so they aren\'t selected).\n\nThe semantics for an extended slicing are as follows. The primary\nmust evaluate to a mapping object, and it is indexed with a key that\nis constructed from the slice list, as follows. If the slice list\ncontains at least one comma, the key is a tuple containing the\nconversion of the slice items; otherwise, the conversion of the lone\nslice item is the key. The conversion of a slice item that is an\nexpression is that expression. The conversion of an ellipsis slice\nitem is the built-in ``Ellipsis`` object. The conversion of a proper\nslice is a slice object (see section *The standard type hierarchy*)\nwhose ``start``, ``stop`` and ``step`` attributes are the values of\nthe expressions given as lower bound, upper bound and stride,\nrespectively, substituting ``None`` for missing expressions.\n',
61 conversion is\n attempted, and the result of string conversionconversion is impossible. When\n the common type would be the type of ``other``, it is sufficient to\n return ``None``, since the interpreter will also ask the other\n object to attempt a coercion (but sometimes, if the implementation\n of the other type cannot be changed, it is useful to do the\n conversion
67 'types': '\nThe standard type hierarchy\n***************************\n\nBelow is a list of the types that are built into Python. Extension\nmodules (written in C, Java, or other languages, depending on the\nimplementation) can define additional types. Future versions of\nPython may add types to the type hierarchy (e.g., rational numbers,\nefficiently stored arrays of integers, etc.).\n\nSome of the type descriptions below contain a paragraph listing\n\'special attributes.\' These are attributes that provide access to the\nimplementation and are not intended for general use. Their definition\nmay change in the future.\n\nNone\n This type has a single value. There is a single object with this\n value. This object is accessed through the built-in name ``None``.\n It is used to signify the absence of a value in many situations,\n e.g., it is returned from functions that don\'t explicitly return\n anything. Its truth value is false.\n\nNotImplemented\n This type has a single value. There is a single object with this\n value. This object is accessed through the built-in name\n ``NotImplemented``. Numeric methods and rich comparison methods may\n return this value if they do not implement the operation for the\n operands provided. (The interpreter will then try the reflected\n operation, or some other fallback, depending on the operator.) Its\n truth value is true.\n\nEllipsis\n This type has a single value. There is a single object with this\n value. This object is accessed through the built-in name\n ``Ellipsis``. It is used to indicate the presence of the ``...``\n syntax in a slice. Its truth value is true.\n\n``numbers.Number``\n These are created by numeric literals and returned as results by\n arithmetic operators and arithmetic built-in functions. Numeric\n objects are immutable; once created their value never changes.\n Python numbers are of course strongly related to mathematical\n numbers, but subject to the limitations of numerical representation\n in computers.\n\n Python distinguishes between integers, floating point numbers, and\n complex numbers:\n\n ``numbers.Integral``\n These represent elements from the mathematical set of integers\n (positive and negative).\n\n There are three types of integers:\n\n Plain integers\n These represent numbers in the range -2147483648 through\n 2147483647. (The range may be larger on machines with a\n larger natural word size, but not smaller.) When the result\n of an operation would fall outside this range, the result is\n normally returned as a long integer (in some cases, the\n exception ``OverflowError`` is raised instead). For the\n purpose of shift and mask operations, integers are assumed to\n have a binary, 2\'s complement notation using 32 or more bits,\n and hiding no bits from the user (i.e., all 4294967296\n different bit patterns correspond to different values).\n\n Long integers\n These represent numbers in an unlimited range, subject to\n available (virtual) memory only. For the purpose of shift\n and mask operations, a binary representation is assumed, and\n negative numbers are represented in a variant of 2\'s\n complement which gives the illusion of an infinite string of\n sign bits extending to the left.\n\n Booleans\n These represent the truth values False and True. The two\n objects representing the values False and True are the only\n Boolean objects. The Boolean type is a subtype of plain\n integers, and Boolean values behave like the values 0 and 1,\n respectively, in almost all contexts, the exception being\n that when converted to a string, the strings ``"False"`` or\n ``"True"`` are returned, respectively.\n\n The rules for integer representation are intended to give the\n most meaningful interpretation of shift and mask operations\n involving negative integers and the least surprises when\n switching between the plain and long integer domains. Any\n operation, if it yields a result in the plain integer domain,\n will yield the same result in the long integer domain or when\n using mixed operands. The switch between domains is transparent\n to the programmer.\n\n ``numbers.Real`` (``float``)\n These represent machine-level double precision floating point\n numbers. You are at the mercy of the underlying machine\n architecture (and C or Java implementation) for the accepted\n range and handling of overflow. Python does not support single-\n precision floating point numbers; the savings in processor and\n memory usage that are usually the reason for using these is\n dwarfed by the overhead of using objects in Python, so there is\n no reason to complicate the language with two kinds of floating\n point numbers.\n\n ``numbers.Complex``\n These represent complex numbers as a pair of machine-level\n double precision floating point numbers. The same caveats apply\n as for floating point numbers. The real and imaginary parts of a\n complex number ``z`` can be retrieved through the read-only\n attributes ``z.real`` and ``z.imag``.\n\nSequences\n These represent finite ordered sets indexed by non-negative\n numbers. The built-in function ``len()`` returns the number of\n items of a sequence. When the length of a sequence is *n*, the\n index set contains the numbers 0, 1, ..., *n*-1. Item *i* of\n sequence *a* is selected by ``a[i]``.\n\n Sequences also support slicing: ``a[i:j]`` selects all items with\n index *k* such that *i* ``<=`` *k* ``<`` *j*. When used as an\n expression, a slice is a sequence of the same type. This implies\n that the index set is renumbered so that it starts at 0.\n\n Some sequences also support "extended slicing" with a third "step"\n parameter: ``a[i:j:k]`` selects all items of *a* with index *x*\n where ``x = i + n*k``, *n* ``>=`` ``0`` and *i* ``<=`` *x* ``<``\n *j*.\n\n Sequences are distinguished according to their mutability:\n\n Immutable sequences\n An object of an immutable sequence type cannot change once it is\n created. (If the object contains references to other objects,\n these other objects may be mutable and may be changed; however,\n the collection of objects directly referenced by an immutable\n object cannot change.)\n\n The following types are immutable sequences:\n\n Strings\n The items of a string are characters. There is no separate\n character type; a character is represented by a string of one\n item. Characters represent (at least) 8-bit bytes. The\n built-in functions ``chr()`` and ``ord()`` convert between\n characters and nonnegative integers representing the byte\n values. Bytes with the values 0-127 usually represent the\n corresponding ASCII values, but the interpretation of values\n is up to the program. The string data type is also used to\n represent arrays of bytes, e.g., to hold data read from a\n file.\n\n (On systems whose native character set is not ASCII, strings\n may use EBCDIC in their internal representation, provided the\n functions ``chr()`` and ``ord()`` implement a mapping between\n ASCII and EBCDIC, and string comparison preserves the ASCII\n order. Or perhaps someone can propose a better rule?)\n\n Unicode\n The items of a Unicode object are Unicode code units. A\n Unicode code unit is represented by a Unicode object of one\n item and can hold either a 16-bit or 32-bit value\n representing a Unicode ordinal (the maximum value for the\n ordinal is given in ``sys.maxunicode``, and depends on how\n Python is configured at compile time). Surrogate pairs may\n be present in the Unicode object, and will be reported as two\n separate items. The built-in functions ``unichr()`` and\n ``ord()`` convert between code units and nonnegative integers\n representing the Unicode ordinals as defined in the Unicode\n Standard 3.0. Conversion
72 conversion\nspecifications in *format* are replaced with zero or more elements of\n*values*. The effect is similar to the using ``sprintf()`` in the C\nlanguage. If *format* is a Unicode object, or if any of the objects\nbeing converted using the ``%s`` conversion are Unicode objects, the\nresult will also be a Unicode object.\n\nIf *format* requires a single argument, *values* may be a single non-\ntuple object. [5] Otherwise, *values* must be a tuple with exactly\nthe number of items specified by the format string, or a single\nmapping object (for example, a dictionary).\n\nA conversion specifier contains two or more characters and has the\nfollowing components, which must occur in this order:\n\n1. The ``\'%\'`` character, which marks the start of the specifier.\n\n2. Mapping key (optional), consisting of a parenthesised sequence of\n characters (for example, ``(somename)``).\n\n3. Conversion flags (optional), which affect the result of some\n conversion types.\n\n4. Minimum field width (optional). If specified as an ``\'*\'``\n (asterisk), the actual width is read from the next element of the\n tuple in *values*, and the object to convert comes after the\n minimum field width and optional precision.\n\n5. Precision (optional), given as a ``\'.\'`` (dot) followed by the\n precision. If specified as ``\'*\'`` (an asterisk), the actual width\n is read from the next element of the tuple in *values*, and the\n value to convert comes after the precision.\n\n6. Length modifier (optional).\n\n7. Conversion type.\n\nWhen the right argument is a dictionary (or other mapping type), then\nthe formats in the string *must* include a parenthesised mapping key\ninto that dictionary inserted immediately after the ``\'%\'`` character.\nThe mapping key selects the value to be formatted from the mapping.\nFor example:\n\n>>> print \'%(language)s has %(number)03d quote types.\' % \\\n... {"language": "Python", "number": 2}\nPython has 002 quote types.\n\nIn this case no ``*`` specifiers may occur in a format (since they\nrequire a sequential parameter list).\n\nThe conversion flag characters are:\n\n+-----------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------+\n| Flag | Meaning |\n+===========+=======================================================================+\n| ``\'#\'`` | The value conversion will use the "alternate form" (where defined |\n| | below). |\n+-----------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------+\n| ``\'0\'`` | The conversion will be zero padded for numeric values. |\n+-----------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------+\n| ``\'-\'`` | The converted value is left adjusted (overrides the ``\'0\'`` |\n| | conversion if both are given). |\n+-----------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------+\n| ``\' \'`` | (a space) A blank should be left before a positive number (or empty |\n| | string) produced by a signed conversion. |\n+-----------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------+\n| ``\'+\'`` | A sign character (``\'+\'`` or ``\'-\'``) will precede the conversion |\n| | (overrides a "space" flag). |\n+-----------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------+\n\nA length modifier (``h``, ``l``, or ``L``) may be present, but is\nignored as it is not necessary for Python -- so e.g. ``%ld`` is\nidentical to ``%d``.\n\nThe conversion types are:\n\n+--------------+-------------------------------------------------------+---------+\n| Conversion | Meaning | Notes |\n+==============+=======================================================+=========+\n| ``\'d\'`` | Signed integer decimal. | |\n+--------------+-------------------------------------------------------+---------+\n| ``\'i\'`` | Signed integer decimal. | |\n+--------------+-------------------------------------------------------+---------+\n| ``\'o\'`` | Signed octal value. | (1) |\n+--------------+-------------------------------------------------------+---------+\n| ``\'u\'`` | Obsolete type -- it is identical to ``\'d\'``. | (7) |\n+--------------+-------------------------------------------------------+---------+\n| ``\'x\'`` | Signed hexadecimal (lowercase). | (2) |\n+--------------+-------------------------------------------------------+---------+\n| ``\'X\'`` | Signed hexadecimal (uppercase). | (2) |\n+--------------+-------------------------------------------------------+---------+\n| ``\'e\'`` | Floating point exponential format (lowercase). | (3) |\n+--------------+-------------------------------------------------------+---------+\n| ``\'E\'`` | Floating point exponential format (uppercase). | (3) |\n+--------------+-------------------------------------------------------+---------+\n| ``\'f\'`` | Floating point decimal format. | (3) |\n+--------------+-------------------------------------------------------+---------+\n| ``\'F\'`` | Floating point decimal format. | (3) |\n+--------------+-------------------------------------------------------+---------+\n| ``\'g\'`` | Floating point format. Uses lowercase exponential | (4) |\n| | format if exponent is less than -4 or not less than | |\n| | precision, decimal format otherwise. | |\n+--------------+-------------------------------------------------------+---------+\n| ``\'G\'`` | Floating point format. Uses uppercase exponential | (4) |\n| | format if exponent is less than -4 or not less than | |\n| | precision, decimal format otherwise. | |\n+--------------+-------------------------------------------------------+---------+\n| ``\'c\'`` | Single character (accepts integer or single character | |\n| | string). | |\n+--------------+-------------------------------------------------------+---------+\n| ``\'r\'`` | String (converts any Python object using *repr()*). | (5) |\n+--------------+-------------------------------------------------------+---------+\n| ``\'s\'`` | String (converts any Python object using ``str()``). | (6) |\n+--------------+-------------------------------------------------------+---------+\n| ``\'%\'`` | No argument is converted, results in a ``\'%\'`` | |\n| | character in the result. | |\n+--------------+-------------------------------------------------------+---------+\n\nNotes:\n\n1. The alternate form causes a leading zero (``\'0\'``) to be inserted\n between left-hand padding and the formatting of the number if the\n leading character of the result is not already a zero.\n\n2. The alternate form causes a leading ``\'0x\'`` or ``\'0X\'`` (depending\n on whether the ``\'x\'`` or ``\'X\'`` format was used) to be inserted\n between left-hand padding and the formatting of the number if the\n leading character of the result is not already a zero.\n\n3. The alternate form causes the result to always contain a decimal\n point, even if no digits follow it.\n\n The precision determines the number of digits after the decimal\n point and defaults to 6.\n\n4. The alternate form causes the result to always contain a decimal\n point, and trailing zeroes are not removed as they would otherwise\n be.\n\n The precision determines the number of significant digits before\n and after the decimal point and defaults to 6.\n\n5. The ``%r`` conversionconversion processes are much\n faster than specifying an equivalent *cmp* function. This is\n because *cmp* is called multiple times for each list element while\n *key* and *reverse* touch each element only once. Use\n ``functools.cmp_to_key()`` to convert an old-style *cmp* function\n to a *key* function.\n\n Changed in version 2.3: Support for ``None`` as an equivalent to\n omitting *cmp* was added.\n\n Changed in version 2.4: Support for *key* and *reverse* was added.\n\n9. Starting with Python 2.3, the ``sort()`` method is guaranteed to be\n stable. A sort is stable if it guarantees not to change the\n relative order of elements that compare equal --- this is helpful\n for sorting in multiple passes (for example, sort by department,\n then by salary grade).\n\n10. **CPython implementation detail:** While a list is being sorted,\n the effect of attempting to mutate, or even inspect, the list is\n undefined. The C implementation of Python 2.3 and newer makes the\n list appear empty for the duration, and raises ``ValueError`` if\n it can detect that the list has been mutated during a sort.\n',
73 'typesseq-mutable': "\nMutable Sequence Types\n**********************\n\nList and ``bytearray`` objects support additional operations that\nallow in-place modification of the object. Other mutable sequence\ntypes (when added to the language) should also support these\noperations. Strings and tuples are immutable sequence types: such\nobjects cannot be modified once created. The following operations are\ndefined on mutable sequence types (where *x* is an arbitrary object):\n\n+--------------------------------+----------------------------------+-----------------------+\n| Operation | Result | Notes |\n+================================+==================================+=======================+\n| ``s[i] = x`` | item *i* of *s* is replaced by | |\n| | *x* | |\n+--------------------------------+----------------------------------+-----------------------+\n| ``s[i:j] = t`` | slice of *s* from *i* to *j* is | |\n| | replaced by the contents of the | |\n| | iterable *t* | |\n+--------------------------------+----------------------------------+-----------------------+\n| ``del s[i:j]`` | same as ``s[i:j] = []`` | |\n+--------------------------------+----------------------------------+-----------------------+\n| ``s[i:j:k] = t`` | the elements of ``s[i:j:k]`` are | (1) |\n| | replaced by those of *t* | |\n+--------------------------------+----------------------------------+-----------------------+\n| ``del s[i:j:k]`` | removes the elements of | |\n| | ``s[i:j:k]`` from the list | |\n+--------------------------------+----------------------------------+-----------------------+\n| ``s.append(x)`` | same as ``s[len(s):len(s)] = | (2) |\n| | [x]`` | |\n+--------------------------------+----------------------------------+-----------------------+\n| ``s.extend(x)`` | same as ``s[len(s):len(s)] = x`` | (3) |\n+--------------------------------+----------------------------------+-----------------------+\n| ``s.count(x)`` | return number of *i*'s for which | |\n| | ``s[i] == x`` | |\n+--------------------------------+----------------------------------+-----------------------+\n| ``s.index(x[, i[, j]])`` | return smallest *k* such that | (4) |\n| | ``s[k] == x`` and ``i <= k < j`` | |\n+--------------------------------+----------------------------------+-----------------------+\n| ``s.insert(i, x)`` | same as ``s[i:i] = [x]`` | (5) |\n+--------------------------------+----------------------------------+-----------------------+\n| ``s.pop([i])`` | same as ``x = s[i]; del s[i]; | (6) |\n| | return x`` | |\n+--------------------------------+----------------------------------+-----------------------+\n| ``s.remove(x)`` | same as ``del s[s.index(x)]`` | (4) |\n+--------------------------------+----------------------------------+-----------------------+\n| ``s.reverse()`` | reverses the items of *s* in | (7) |\n| | place | |\n+--------------------------------+----------------------------------+-----------------------+\n| ``s.sort([cmp[, key[, | sort the items of *s* in place | (7)(8)(9)(10) |\n| reverse]]])`` | | |\n+--------------------------------+----------------------------------+-----------------------+\n\nNotes:\n\n1. *t* must have the same length as the slice it is replacing.\n\n2. The C implementation of Python has historically accepted multiple\n parameters and implicitly joined them into a tuple; this no longer\n works in Python 2.0. Use of this misfeature has been deprecated\n since Python 1.4.\n\n3. *x* can be any iterable object.\n\n4. Raises ``ValueError`` when *x* is not found in *s*. When a negative\n index is passed as the second or third parameter to the ``index()``\n method, the list length is added, as for slice indices. If it is\n still negative, it is truncated to zero, as for slice indices.\n\n Changed in version 2.3: Previously, ``index()`` didn't have\n arguments for specifying start and stop positions.\n\n5. When a negative index is passed as the first parameter to the\n ``insert()`` method, the list length is added, as for slice\n indices. If it is still negative, it is truncated to zero, as for\n slice indices.\n\n Changed in version 2.3: Previously, all negative indices were\n truncated to zero.\n\n6. The ``pop()`` method is only supported by the list and array types.\n The optional argument *i* defaults to ``-1``, so that by default\n the last item is removed and returned.\n\n7. The ``sort()`` and ``reverse()`` methods modify the list in place\n for economy of space when sorting or reversing a large list. To\n remind you that they operate by side effect, they don't return the\n sorted or reversed list.\n\n8. The ``sort()`` method takes optional arguments for controlling the\n comparisons.\n\n *cmp* specifies a custom comparison function of two arguments (list\n items) which should return a negative, zero or positive number\n depending on whether the first argument is considered smaller than,\n equal to, or larger than the second argument: ``cmp=lambda x,y:\n cmp(x.lower(), y.lower())``. The default value is ``None``.\n\n *key* specifies a function of one argument that is used to extract\n a comparison key from each list element: ``key=str.lower``. The\n default value is ``None``.\n\n *reverse* is a boolean value. If set to ``True``, then the list\n elements are sorted as if each comparison were reversed.\n\n In general, the *key* and *reverse* conversion processes are much\n faster than specifying an equivalent *cmp* function. This is\n because *cmp* is called multiple times for each list element while\n *key* and *reverse* touch each element only once. Use\n ``functools.cmp_to_key()`` to convert an old-style *cmp* function\n to a *key* function.\n\n Changed in version 2.3: Support for ``None`` as an equivalent to\n omitting *cmp* was added.\n\n Changed in version 2.4: Support for *key* and *reverse* was added.\n\n9. Starting with Python 2.3, the ``sort()`` method is guaranteed to be\n stable. A sort is stable if it guarantees not to change the\n relative order of elements that compare equal --- this is helpful\n for sorting in multiple passes (for example, sort by department,\n then by salary grade).\n\n10. **CPython implementation detail:** While a list is being sorted,\n the effect of attempting to mutate, or even inspect, the list is\n undefined. The C implementation of Python 2.3 and newer makes the\n list appear empty for the duration, and raises ``ValueError`` if\n it can detect that the list has been mutated during a sort.\n",