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28  'dict': '\nDictionary displays\n*******************\n\nA dictionary display is a possibly empty series of key/datum pairs\nenclosed in curly braces:\n\n   dict_display       ::= "{" [key_datum_list | dict_comprehension] "}"\n   key_datum_list     ::= key_datum ("," key_datum)* [","]\n   key_datum          ::= expression ":" expression\n   dict_comprehension ::= expression ":" expression comp_for\n\nA dictionary display yields a new dictionary object.\n\nIf a comma-separated sequence of key/datum pairs is given, they are\nevaluated from left to right to define the entries of the dictionary:\neach key object is used as a key into the dictionary to store the\ncorresponding datum.  This means that you can specify the same key\nmultiple times in the key/datum list, and the final dictionary\'s value\nfor that key will be the last one given.\n\nA dict comprehension, in contrast to list and set comprehensions,\nneeds two expressions separated with a colon followed by the usual\n"for" and "if" clauses. When the comprehension is run, the resulting\nkey and value elements are inserted in the new dictionary in the order\nthey are produced.\n\nRestrictions on the types of the key values are listed earlier in\nsection *The standard type hierarchy*.  (To summarize, the key type\nshould be *hashable*, which excludes all mutable objects.)  Clashes\nbetween duplicate keys are not detected; the last datum (textually\nrightmost in the display) stored for a given key value prevails.\n',
57 'sequence-types': "\nEmulating container types\n*************************\n\nThe following methods can be defined to implement container objects.\nContainers usually are sequences (such as lists or tuples) or mappings\n(like dictionaries), but can represent other containers as well. The\nfirst set of methods is used either to emulate a sequence or to\nemulate a mapping; the difference is that for a sequence, the\nallowable keys should be the integers *k* for which ``0 <= k < N``\nwhere *N* is the length of the sequence, or slice objects, which\ndefine a range of items. (For backwards compatibility, the method\n``__getslice__()`` (see below) can also be defined to handle simple,\nbut not extended slices.) It is also recommended that mappings provide\nthe methods ``keys()``, ``values()``, ``items()``, ``has_key()``,\n``get()``, ``clear()``, ``setdefault()``, ``iterkeys()``,\n``itervalues()``, ``iteritems()``, ``pop()``, ``popitem()``,\n``copy()``, and ``update()`` behaving similar to those for Python's\nstandard dictionary objects. The ``UserDict`` module provides a\n``DictMixin`` class to help create those methods from a base set of\n``__getitem__()``, ``__setitem__()``, ``__delitem__()``, and\n``keys()``. Mutable sequences should provide methods ``append()``,\n``count()``, ``index()``, ``extend()``, ``insert()``, ``pop()``,\n``remove()``, ``reverse()`` and ``sort()``, like Python standard list\nobjects. Finally, sequence types should implement addition (meaning\nconcatenation) and multiplication (meaning repetition) by defining the\nmethods ``__add__()``, ``__radd__()``, ``__iadd__()``, ``__mul__()``,\n``__rmul__()`` and ``__imul__()`` described below; they should not\ndefine ``__coerce__()`` or other numerical operators. It is\nrecommended that both mappings and sequences implement the\n``__contains__()`` method to allow efficient use of the ``in``\noperator; for mappings, ``in`` should be equivalent of ``has_key()``;\nfor sequences, it should search through the values. It is further\nrecommended that both mappings and sequences implement the\n``__iter__()`` method to allow efficient iteration through the\ncontainer; for mappings, ``__iter__()`` should be the same as\n``iterkeys()``; for sequences, it should iterate through the values.\n\nobject.__len__(self)\n\n Called to implement the built-in function ``len()``. Should return\n the length of the object, an integer ``>=`` 0. Also, an object\n that doesn't define a ``__nonzero__()`` method and whose\n ``__len__()`` method returns zero is considered to be false in a\n Boolean context.\n\nobject.__getitem__(self, key)\n\n Called to implement evaluation of ``self[key]``. For sequence\n types, the accepted keys should be integers and slice objects.\n Note that the special interpretation of negative indexes (if the\n class wishes to emulate a sequence type) is up to the\n ``__getitem__()`` method. If *key* is of an inappropriate type,\n ``TypeError`` may be raised; if of a value outside the set of\n indexes for the sequence (after any special interpretation of\n negative values), ``IndexError`` should be raised. For mapping\n types, if *key* is missing (not in the container), ``KeyError``\n should be raised.\n\n Note: ``for`` loops expect that an ``IndexError`` will be raised for\n illegal indexes to allow proper detection of the end of the\n sequence.\n\nobject.__setitem__(self, key, value)\n\n Called to implement assignment to ``self[key]``. Same note as for\n ``__getitem__()``. This should only be implemented for mappings if\n the objects support changes to the values for keys, or if new keys\n can be added, or for sequences if elements can be replaced. The\n same exceptions should be raised for improper *key* values as for\n the ``__getitem__()`` method.\n\nobject.__delitem__(self, key)\n\n Called to implement deletion of ``self[key]``. Same note as for\n ``__getitem__()``. This should only be implemented for mappings if\n the objects support removal of keys, or for sequences if elements\n can be removed from the sequence. The same exceptions should be\n raised for improper *key* values as for the ``__getitem__()``\n method.\n\nobject.__iter__(self)\n\n This method is called when an iterator is required for a container.\n This method should return a new iterator object that can iterate\n over all the objects in the container. For mappings, it should\n iterate over the keys of the container, and should also be made\n available as the method ``iterkeys()``.\n\n Iterator objects also need to implement this method; they are\n required to return themselves. For more information on iterator\n objects, see *Iterator Types*.\n\nobject.__reversed__(self)\n\n Called (if present) by the ``reversed()`` built-in to implement\n reverse iteration. It should return a new iterator object that\n iterates over all the objects in the container in reverse order.\n\n If the ``__reversed__()`` method is not provided, the\n ``reversed()`` built-in will fall back to using the sequence\n protocol (``__len__()`` and ``__getitem__()``). Objects that\n support the sequence protocol should only provide\n ``__reversed__()`` if they can provide an implementation that is\n more efficient than the one provided by ``reversed()``.\n\n New in version 2.6.\n\nThe membership test operators (``in`` and ``not in``) are normally\nimplemented as an iteration through a sequence. However, container\nobjects can supply the following special method with a more efficient\nimplementation, which also does not require the object be a sequence.\n\nobject.__contains__(self, item)\n\n Called to implement membership test operators. Should return true\n if *item* is in *self*, false otherwise. For mapping objects, this\n should consider the keys of the mapping rather than the values or\n the key-item pairs.\n\n For objects that don't define ``__contains__()``, the membership\n test first tries iteration via ``__iter__()``, then the old\n sequence iteration protocol via ``__getitem__()``, see *this\n section in the language reference*.\n",
61 e exceptions should be raised for improper *key* values as for\n the ``__getitem__()`` method.\n\nobject.__delitem__(self, key)\n\n Called to implement deletion of ``self[key]``. Same note as for\n ``__getitem__()``. This should only be implemented for mappings if\n the objects support removal of keys, or for sequences if elements\n can be removed from the sequence. The same exceptions should be\n raised for improper *key* values as for the ``__getitem__()``\n method.\n\nobject.__iter__(self)\n\n This method is called when an iterator is required for a container.\n This method should return a new iterator object that can iterate\n over all the objects in the container. For mappings, it should\n iterate over the keys of the container, and should also be made\n available as the method ``iterkeys()``.\n\n Iterator objects also need to implement this method; they are\n required to return themselves. For more information on iterator\n objects, see *Iterator Types*.\n\nobject.__reversed__(self)\n\n Called (if present) by the ``reversed()`` built-in to implement\n reverse iteration. It should return a new iterator object that\n iterates over all the objects in the container in reverse order.\n\n If the ``__reversed__()`` method is not provided, the\n ``reversed()`` built-in will fall back to using the sequence\n protocol (``__len__()`` and ``__getitem__()``). Objects that\n support the sequence protocol should only provide\n ``__reversed__()`` if they can provide an implementation that is\n more efficient than the one provided by ``reversed()``.\n\n New in version 2.6.\n\nThe membership test operators (``in`` and ``not in``) are normally\nimplemented as an iteration through a sequence. However, container\nobjects can supply the following special method with a more efficient\nimplementation, which also does not require the object be a sequence.\n\nobject.__contains__(self, item)\n\n Called to implement membership test operators. Should return true\n if *item* is in *self*, false otherwise. For mapping objects, this\n should consider the keys of the mapping rather than the values or\n the key-item pairs
67 'types': '\nThe standard type hierarchy\n***************************\n\nBelow is a list of the types that are built into Python. Extension\nmodules (written in C, Java, or other languages, depending on the\nimplementation) can define additional types. Future versions of\nPython may add types to the type hierarchy (e.g., rational numbers,\nefficiently stored arrays of integers, etc.).\n\nSome of the type descriptions below contain a paragraph listing\n\'special attributes.\' These are attributes that provide access to the\nimplementation and are not intended for general use. Their definition\nmay change in the future.\n\nNone\n This type has a single value. There is a single object with this\n value. This object is accessed through the built-in name ``None``.\n It is used to signify the absence of a value in many situations,\n e.g., it is returned from functions that don\'t explicitly return\n anything. Its truth value is false.\n\nNotImplemented\n This type has a single value. There is a single object with this\n value. This object is accessed through the built-in name\n ``NotImplemented``. Numeric methods and rich comparison methods may\n return this value if they do not implement the operation for the\n operands provided. (The interpreter will then try the reflected\n operation, or some other fallback, depending on the operator.) Its\n truth value is true.\n\nEllipsis\n This type has a single value. There is a single object with this\n value. This object is accessed through the built-in name\n ``Ellipsis``. It is used to indicate the presence of the ``...``\n syntax in a slice. Its truth value is true.\n\n``numbers.Number``\n These are created by numeric literals and returned as results by\n arithmetic operators and arithmetic built-in functions. Numeric\n objects are immutable; once created their value never changes.\n Python numbers are of course strongly related to mathematical\n numbers, but subject to the limitations of numerical representation\n in computers.\n\n Python distinguishes between integers, floating point numbers, and\n complex numbers:\n\n ``numbers.Integral``\n These represent elements from the mathematical set of integers\n (positive and negative).\n\n There are three types of integers:\n\n Plain integers\n These represent numbers in the range -2147483648 through\n 2147483647. (The range may be larger on machines with a\n larger natural word size, but not smaller.) When the result\n of an operation would fall outside this range, the result is\n normally returned as a long integer (in some cases, the\n exception ``OverflowError`` is raised instead). For the\n purpose of shift and mask operations, integers are assumed to\n have a binary, 2\'s complement notation using 32 or more bits,\n and hiding no bits from the user (i.e., all 4294967296\n different bit patterns correspond to different values).\n\n Long integers\n These represent numbers in an unlimited range, subject to\n available (virtual) memory only. For the purpose of shift\n and mask operations, a binary representation is assumed, and\n negative numbers are represented in a variant of 2\'s\n complement which gives the illusion of an infinite string of\n sign bits extending to the left.\n\n Booleans\n These represent the truth values False and True. The two\n objects representing the values False and True are the only\n Boolean objects. The Boolean type is a subtype of plain\n integers, and Boolean values behave like the values 0 and 1,\n respectively, in almost all contexts, the exception being\n that when converted to a string, the strings ``"False"`` or\n ``"True"`` are returned, respectively.\n\n The rules for integer representation are intended to give the\n most meaningful interpretation of shift and mask operations\n involving negative integers and the least surprises when\n switching between the plain and long integer domains. Any\n operation, if it yields a result in the plain integer domain,\n will yield the same result in the long integer domain or when\n using mixed operands. The switch between domains is transparent\n to the programmer.\n\n ``numbers.Real`` (``float``)\n These represent machine-level double precision floating point\n numbers. You are at the mercy of the underlying machine\n architecture (and C or Java implementation) for the accepted\n range and handling of overflow. Python does not support single-\n precision floating point numbers; the savings in processor and\n memory usage that are usually the reason for using these is\n dwarfed by the overhead of using objects in Python, so there is\n no reason to complicate the language with two kinds of floating\n point numbers.\n\n ``numbers.Complex``\n These represent complex numbers as a pair of machine-level\n double precision floating point numbers. The same caveats apply\n as for floating point numbers. The real and imaginary parts of a\n complex number ``z`` can be retrieved through the read-only\n attributes ``z.real`` and ``z.imag``.\n\nSequences\n These represent finite ordered sets indexed by non-negative\n numbers. The built-in function ``len()`` returns the number of\n items of a sequence. When the length of a sequence is *n*, the\n index set contains the numbers 0, 1, ..., *n*-1. Item *i* of\n sequence *a* is selected by ``a[i]``.\n\n Sequences also support slicing: ``a[i:j]`` selects all items with\n index *k* such that *i* ``<=`` *k* ``<`` *j*. When used as an\n expression, a slice is a sequence of the same type. This implies\n that the index set is renumbered so that it starts at 0.\n\n Some sequences also support "extended slicing" with a third "step"\n parameter: ``a[i:j:k]`` selects all items of *a* with index *x*\n where ``x = i + n*k``, *n* ``>=`` ``0`` and *i* ``<=`` *x* ``<``\n *j*.\n\n Sequences are distinguished according to their mutability:\n\n Immutable sequences\n An object of an immutable sequence type cannot change once it is\n created. (If the object contains references to other objects,\n these other objects may be mutable and may be changed; however,\n the collection of objects directly referenced by an immutable\n object cannot change.)\n\n The following types are immutable sequences:\n\n Strings\n The items of a string are characters. There is no separate\n character type; a character is represented by a string of one\n item. Characters represent (at least) 8-bit bytes. The\n built-in functions ``chr()`` and ``ord()`` convert between\n characters and nonnegative integers representing the byte\n values. Bytes with the values 0-127 usually represent the\n corresponding ASCII values, but the interpretation of values\n is up to the program. The string data type is also used to\n represent arrays of bytes, e.g., to hold data read from a\n file.\n\n (On systems whose native character set is not ASCII, strings\n may use EBCDIC in their internal representation, provided the\n functions ``chr()`` and ``ord()`` implement a mapping between\n ASCII and EBCDIC, and string comparison preserves the ASCII\n order. Or perhaps someone can propose a better rule?)\n\n Unicode\n The items of a Unicode object are Unicode code units. A\n Unicode code unit is represented by a Unicode object of one\n item and can hold either a 16-bit or 32-bit value\n representing a Unicode ordinal (the maximum value for the\n ordinal is given in ``sys.maxunicode``, and depends on how\n Python is configured at compile time). Surrogate pairs
69 'typesmapping': '\nMapping Types --- ``dict``\n**************************\n\nA *mapping* object maps *hashable* values to arbitrary objects.\nMappings are mutable objects. There is currently only one standard\nmapping type, the *dictionary*. (For other containers see the built\nin ``list``, ``set``, and ``tuple`` classes, and the ``collections``\nmodule.)\n\nA dictionary\'s keys are *almost* arbitrary values. Values that are\nnot *hashable*, that is, values containing lists, dictionaries or\nother mutable types (that are compared by value rather than by object\nidentity) may not be used as keys. Numeric types used for keys obey\nthe normal rules for numeric comparison: if two numbers compare equal\n(such as ``1`` and ``1.0``) then they can be used interchangeably to\nindex the same dictionary entry. (Note however, that since computers\nstore floating-point numbers as approximations it is usually unwise to\nuse them as dictionary keys.)\n\nDictionaries can be created by placing a comma-separated list of\n``key: value`` pairs within braces, for example: ``{\'jack\': 4098,\n\'sjoerd\': 4127}`` or ``{4098: \'jack\', 4127: \'sjoerd\'}``, or by the\n``dict`` constructor.\n\nclass class dict(**kwarg)\nclass class dict(mapping, **kwarg)\nclass class dict(iterable, **kwarg)\n\n Return a new dictionary initialized from an optional positional\n argument and a possibly empty set of keyword arguments.\n\n If no positional argument is given, an empty dictionary is created.\n If a positional argument is given and it is a mapping object, a\n dictionary is created with the same key-value pairs as the mapping\n object. Otherwise, the positional argument must be an *iterator*\n object. Each item in the iterable must itself be an iterator with\n exactly two objects. The first object of each item becomes a key\n in the new dictionary, and the second object the corresponding\n value. If a key occurs more than once, the last value for that key\n becomes the corresponding value in the new dictionary.\n\n If keyword arguments are given, the keyword arguments and their\n values are added to the dictionary created from the positional\n argument. If a key being added is already present, the value from\n the keyword argument replaces the value from the positional\n argument.\n\n To illustrate, the following examples all return a dictionary equal\n to ``{"one": 1, "two": 2, "three": 3}``:\n\n >>> a = dict(one=1, two=2, three=3)\n >>> b = {\'one\': 1, \'two\': 2, \'three\': 3}\n >>> c = dict(zip([\'one\', \'two\', \'three\'], [1, 2, 3]))\n >>> d = dict([(\'two\', 2), (\'one\', 1), (\'three\', 3)])\n >>> e = dict({\'three\': 3, \'one\': 1, \'two\': 2})\n >>> a == b == c == d == e\n True\n\n Providing keyword arguments as in the first example only works for\n keys that are valid Python identifiers. Otherwise, any valid keys\n can be used.\n\n New in version 2.2.\n\n Changed in version 2.3: Support for building a dictionary from\n keyword arguments added.\n\n These are the operations that dictionaries support (and therefore,\n custom mapping types should support too):\n\n len(d)\n\n Return the number of items in the dictionary *d*.\n\n d[key]\n\n Return the item of *d* with key *key*. Raises a ``KeyError`` if\n *key* is not in the map.\n\n New in version 2.5: If a subclass of dict defines a method\n ``__missing__()``, if the key *key* is not present, the\n ``d[key]`` operation calls that method with the key *key* as\n argument. The ``d[key]`` operation then returns or raises\n whatever is returned or raised by the ``__missing__(key)`` call\n if the key is not present. No other operations or methods invoke\n ``__missing__()``. If ``__missing__()`` is not defined,\n ``KeyError`` is raised. ``__missing__()`` must be a method; it\n cannot be an instance variable. For an example, see\n ``collections.defaultdict``.\n\n d[key] = value\n\n Set ``d[key]`` to *value*.\n\n del d[key]\n\n Remove ``d[key]`` from *d*. Raises a ``KeyError`` if *key* is\n not in the map.\n\n key in d\n\n Return ``True`` if *d* has a key *key*, else ``False``.\n\n New in version 2.2.\n\n key not in d\n\n Equivalent to ``not key in d``.\n\n New in version 2.2.\n\n iter(d)\n\n Return an iterator over the keys of the dictionary. This is a\n shortcut for ``iterkeys()``.\n\n clear()\n\n Remove all items from the dictionary.\n\n copy()\n\n Return a shallow copy of the dictionary.\n\n fromkeys(seq[, value])\n\n Create a new dictionary with keys from *seq* and values set to\n *value*.\n\n ``fromkeys()`` is a class method that returns a new dictionary.\n *value* defaults to ``None``.\n\n New in version 2.3.\n\n get(key[, default])\n\n Return the value for *key* if *key* is in the dictionary, else\n *default*. If *default* is not given, it defaults to ``None``,\n so that this method never raises a ``KeyError``.\n\n has_key(key)\n\n Test for the presence of *key* in the dictionary. ``has_key()``\n is deprecated in favor of ``key in d``.\n\n items()\n\n Return a copy of the dictionary\'s list of ``(key, value)``\n pairs.\n\n **CPython implementation detail:** Keys and values are listed in\n an arbitrary order which is non-random, varies across Python\n implementations, and depends on the dictionary\'s history of\n insertions and deletions.\n\n If ``items()``, ``keys()``, ``values()``, ``iteritems()``,\n ``iterkeys()``, and ``itervalues()`` are called with no\n intervening modifications to the dictionary, the lists will\n directly correspond. This allows the creation of ``(value,\n key)`` pairs using ``zip()``: ``pairs = zip(d.values(),\n d.keys())``. The same relationship holds for the ``iterkeys()``\n and ``itervalues()`` methods: ``pairs = zip(d.itervalues(),\n d.iterkeys())`` provides the same value for ``pairs``. Another\n way to create the same list is ``pairs = [(v, k) for (k, v) in\n d.iteritems()]``.\n\n iteritems()\n\n Return an iterator over the dictionary\'s ``(key, value)`` pairspairs from *other*,\n overwriting existing keys. Return ``None``.\n\n ``update()`` accepts either another dictionary object or an\n iterable of key/value pairs (as tuples or other iterables of\n length two). If keyword arguments are specified, the dictionary\n is then updated with those key/value pairs: ``d.update(red=1,\n blue=2)``.\n\n Changed in version 2.4: Allowed the argument to be an iterable\n of key/value pairs and allowed keyword arguments.\n\n values()\n\n Return a copy of the dictionary\'s list of values. See the note\n for ``dict.items()``.\n\n viewitems()\n\n Return a new view of the dictionary\'s items (``(key, value)``\n pairs). See below for documentation of view objects.\n\n New in version 2.7.\n\n viewkeys()\n\n Return a new view of the dictionary\'s keys. See below for\n documentation of view objects.\n\n New in version 2.7.\n\n viewvalues()\n\n Return a new view of the dictionary\'s values. See below for\n documentation of view objects.\n\n New in version 2.7.\n\n\nDictionary view objects\n=======================\n\nThe objects returned by ``dict.viewkeys()``, ``dict.viewvalues()`` and\n``dict.viewitems()`` are *view objects*. They provide a dynamic view\non the dictionary\'s entries, which means that when the dictionary\nchanges, the view reflects these changes.\n\nDictionary views can be iterated over to yield their respective data,\nand support membership tests:\n\nlen(dictview)\n\n Return the number of entries in the dictionary.\n\niter(dictview)\n\n Return an iterator over the keys, values or items (represented as\n tuples of ``(key, value)``) in the dictionary.\n\n Keys and values are iterated over in an arbitrary order which is\n non-random, varies across Python implementations, and depends on\n the dictionary\'s history of insertions and deletions. If keys,\n values and items views are iterated over with no intervening\n modifications to the dictionary, the order of items will directly\n correspond. This allows the creation of ``(value, key)`` pairs\n using ``zip()``: ``pairs = zip(d.values(), d.keys())``. Another\n way to create the same list is ``pairs = [(v, k) for (k, v) in\n d.items()]``.\n\n Iterating views while adding or deleting entries in the dictionary\n may raise a ``RuntimeError`` or fail to iterate over all entries.\n\nx in dictview\n\n Return ``True`` if *x* is in the underlying dictionary\'s keys,\n values or items (in the latter case, *x* should be a ``(key,\n value)`` tuple).\n\nKeys views are set-like since their entries are unique and hashable.\nIf all values are hashable, so that (key, value) pairs are unique and\nhashable, then the items view is also set-like. (Values views are not\ntreated as set-like since the entries are generally not unique.) Then\nthese set operations are available ("other" refers either to another\nview or a set):\n\ndictview & other\n\n Return the intersection of the dictview and the other object as a\n new set.\n\ndictview | other\n\n Return the union of the dictview and the other object as a new set.\n\ndictview - other\n\n Return the difference between the dictview and the other object\n (all elements in *dictview* that aren\'t in *other*) as a new set.\n\ndictview ^ other\n\n Return the symmetric difference (all elements either in *dictview*\n or *other*, but not in both) of the dictview and the other object\n as a new set.\n\nAn example of dictionary view usage:\n\n >>> dishes = {\'eggs\': 2, \'sausage\': 1, \'bacon\': 1, \'spam\': 500}\n >>> keys = dishes.viewkeys()\n >>> values = dishes.viewvalues()\n\n >>> # iteration\n >>> n = 0\n >>> for val in values:\n ... n += val\n >>> print(n)\n 504\n\n >>> # keys and values are iterated over in the same order\n >>> list(keys)\n [\'eggs\', \'bacon\', \'sausage\', \'spam\']\n >>> list(values)\n [2, 1, 1, 500]\n\n >>> # view objects are dynamic and reflect dict changes\n >>> del dishes[\'eggs\']\n >>> del dishes[\'sausage\']\n >>> list(keys)\n [\'spam\', \'bacon\']\n\n >>> # set operations\n >>> keys & {\'eggs\', \'bacon\', \'salad\'}\n {\'bacon\'}\n',