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Lines Matching full:__reduce__

 |O:strip|i:splitlines|On:splitempty separator|O:rstrip|On:rsplitn|c:rjust|O:lstripn|c:ljustcan only join an iterable|i:expandtabsresult is too longn|c:centercan't concat %.100s to %.100sOO|n:replacereplace string is too longreplace bytes is too longtranslatevalue not found in bytearray|n:poppop from empty bytearraypop index out of rangenO:inserts#:fromhex|Oss:bytearraynegative countbytearray_iteratorbytearrayencodingerrorssource__length_hint____alloc____reduce____sizeof__appendcapitalizecenterdecodeexpandtabsextendfindfromhexindexinsertisalnumisalphaisdigitislowerisspaceistitleisupperjoinljustlowerlstrippartitionpopremovereplacereverserfindrindexrjustrpartitionrsplitrstripsplitsplitlinesstripswapcasetitleupperzfillan integer or string of size 1 is requiredbytearray object is too large to make reprdeallocated bytearray object has exported buffersaccessing non-existent bytes segment/s/ndk-toolchain/src/python/Python-2.7.5/Objects/bytearrayobject.cType %.100s doesn't support the buffer APIComparison between bytearray and stringNegative size passed to PyByteArray_FromStringAndSizecan only join an iterable of bytes (item %ld has type '%.100s')bytearray indices must be integersExisting exports of data: object cannot be re-sizedtranslation table must be 256 characters longcannot add more objects to bytearraynon-hexadecimal number found in fromhex() arg at position %zdcan't set bytearray slice from %.100sbytearray indices must be integercan assign only bytes, buffers, or iterables of ints in range(0, 256)attempt to assign bytes of size %zd to extended slice of size %zdencoding or errors without sequence argumentunicode argument without an encodingencoding or errors without a string argument?+I?5???GCC: (GNU) 4.6.x-google 20120106 (prerelease)zR|?0 	D0lX@A?C?A?A?E@d
5188 related to conversion from str or comparing to str.x%02xu%04x%02x???%s (%s, line %ld)%s (%s)%s (line %ld)message__dict__ may not be deleted__dict__ must be a dictionarymessage attribute was deletedargs may not be deletedstate is not a dictionaryO!O!nnO!O!nnO!EnvironmentErrortuple index out of range[Errno %s] %s: %s[Errno %s] %sencoding%.200s attribute not set%.200s attribute must be strobjectreasonsu#nnsss#nnsu#nnsexceptions__builtin__BaseExceptionExceptionStandardErrorTypeErrorStopIterationGeneratorExitSystemExitKeyboardInterruptImportErrorIOErrorOSErrorEOFErrorRuntimeErrorNotImplementedErrorNameErrorUnboundLocalErrorAttributeErrorSyntaxErrorIndentationErrorTabErrorLookupErrorIndexErrorKeyErrorValueErrorUnicodeErrorUnicodeEncodeErrorUnicodeDecodeErrorUnicodeTranslateErrorAssertionErrorArithmeticErrorFloatingPointErrorOverflowErrorZeroDivisionErrorSystemErrorReferenceErrorMemoryErrorBufferErrorWarningUserWarningDeprecationWarningPendingDeprecationWarningSyntaxWarningRuntimeWarningFutureWarningImportWarningUnicodeWarningBytesWarningexceptions.BaseExceptionexceptions.Exceptionexceptions.StandardErrorexceptions.TypeErrorInappropriate argument type.exceptions.StopIterationexceptions.GeneratorExitexceptions.SystemExitexceptions.KeyboardInterruptProgram interrupted by user.exceptions.ImportErrorexceptions.EnvironmentErrorexceptions.IOErrorI/O operation failed.exceptions.OSErrorOS system call failed.exceptions.EOFErrorRead beyond end of file.exceptions.RuntimeErrorUnspecified run-time error.exceptions.NameErrorName not found globally.exceptions.UnboundLocalErrorexceptions.AttributeErrorAttribute not found.exceptions.SyntaxErrorInvalid syntax.exceptions.IndentationErrorImproper indentation.exceptions.TabErrorexceptions.LookupErrorBase class for lookup errors.exceptions.IndexErrorSequence index out of range.exceptions.KeyErrorMapping key not found.exceptions.ValueErrorexceptions.UnicodeErrorUnicode related error.exceptions.UnicodeEncodeErrorUnicode encoding error.exceptions.UnicodeDecodeErrorUnicode decoding error.Unicode translation error.exceptions.AssertionErrorAssertion failed.exceptions.ArithmeticErrorexceptions.FloatingPointErrorexceptions.OverflowErrorexceptions.ZeroDivisionErrorexceptions.SystemErrorexceptions.ReferenceErrorexceptions.MemoryErrorOut of memory.exceptions.BufferErrorBuffer error.exceptions.Warningexceptions.UserWarningexceptions.DeprecationWarningexceptions.SyntaxWarningexceptions.RuntimeWarningexceptions.FutureWarningexceptions.ImportWarningexceptions.UnicodeWarningexceptions.BytesWarning__reduce____setstate____unicode____dict__argscodeexception codeerrnoexception errnostrerrorexception strerrorfilenameexception filenamemsgexception msglinenoexception linenooffsetexception offsettextexception textprint_file_and_lineexception print_file_and_lineexception encodingexception objectstartexception startendexception endexception reasonGCC: (GNU) 4.6.x-google 20120106 (prerelease)zR| ? ?A?C [
10541 slightly faster than range() and more memory efficient.Z??gr??Returns a reverse iterator.Private method returning an estimate of len(list(it)).(O(lll))xrange()xrange(%ld)xrange(%ld, %ld)xrange(%ld, %ld, %ld)xrangerangeiterator__reversed____reduce____length_hint__l;xrange() requires 1-3 int argumentsll|l;xrange() requires 1-3 int argumentsxrange() arg 3 must not be zeroxrange() result has too many items/s/ndk-toolchain/src/python/Python-2.7.5/Objects/rangeobject.cxrange object index out of rangeGCC: (GNU) 4.6.x-google 20120106 (prerelease)zR| ?$0?C@W????Z
10750 If the element is not a member, raise a KeyError.Update a set with the symmetric difference of itself and another.Update a set with the union of itself and others.Private method returning an estimate of len(list(it)).__dict__pop from an empty setGC object already tracked%s(...)%s(%s)<dummy key>set()frozenset(), %s([])can only compare to a setfrozensetsetsetiterator__contains__copydifferenceintersectionisdisjointissubsetissuperset__reduce____sizeof__symmetric_differenceunionaddcleardiscarddifference_updateintersection_updatepopremovesymmetric_difference_updateupdate__length_hint__Set changed size during iterationcannot compare sets using cmp()/s/ndk-toolchain/src/python/Python-2.7.5/Objects/setobject.c?9?9?:@::?9GCC: (GNU) 4.6.x-google 20120106 (prerelease)zR| ?8?C0F?F?F?A
11213 handling of normal slices.Return state information for pickling.O(OOO)unhashable typeEllipsisslice(, )slice()sliceslice step cannot be zero(nnn)ellipsisindices__reduce__startstopstepGCC: (GNU) 4.6.x-google 20120106 (prerelease)zR| ?3C0o4@!C ]Lp 0`??A?A ?A?C0?A ?A?A?,?@?C0J?H?P?u
12628 __reduce__structseq index must be integerconstructor requires a sequence%.500s() takes a dict as second arg, if any%.500s() takes an at least %zd-sequence (%zd-sequence given)%.500s() takes an at most %zd-sequence (%zd-sequence given)%.500s() takes a %zd-sequence (%zd-sequence given)GCC: (GNU) 4.6.x-google 20120106 (prerelease)zR| ?00aA?C ?A?C UA ?A?A?Td?pA?A ?A?C?C@
13868 nnO:__format____name__ %s?nnO__new__can't set %s.__name__can't delete %s.__name____class__GC object already tracked__abstractmethods____doc____module____builtin____setattr__NULL<super: <class '%s'>, NULL>copy_reg(Oi)_reduce_ex<%s.%s object at %p><%s object at %p>classtype<%s '%s.%s'><%s '%s'>__getnewargs____getstate____dict____slotnames__O_slotnames(NO)iteritems__newobj__|i:__reduce__|i:__reduce_ex____reduce__can't set %s.__module__can't delete %s.__module__object() takes no parameterssorted, join__delattr__superO!|O:super__getitem____get__This object has no __dict____init____contains__(nn)__delslice__(nnO)__setslice__(n)__delitem__(nO)__setitem____getslice__(O)(OO)()__len____len__() should return >= 0__index____itruediv____ifloordiv____ior____ixor____iand____irshift____ilshift____ipow____imod____idiv____imul____isub____iadd____hex____oct____float____long____int____invert____abs____pos____neg____delete____set__next__getattribute____getattr____rtruediv____truediv____rfloordiv____floordiv____coerce____ror____or____rxor____xor____rand____and____rrshift____rshift____rlshift____lshift____rpow____pow____rdivmod____divmod____rmod____mod____rdiv____div____rmul____mul____rsub____sub____radd____add____nonzero____del____call____repr____str____cmp__mro__hash____eq__bases must be typesduplicate base class %s[O]type() takes 1 or 3 argumentsSO!O!:type__slots____slots__ must be identifiers__weakref__can't set %s.__bases__can't delete %s.__bases____bases____iter__objectThe most base typex.__cmp__(y) <==> cmp(x,y)x.__repr__() <==> repr(x)x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)x.__call__(...) <==> x(...)x.__str__() <==> str(x)__lt__x.__lt__(y) <==> x<y__le__x.__le__(y) <==> x<=yx.__eq__(y) <==> x==y__ne__x.__ne__(y) <==> x!=y__gt__x.__gt__(y) <==> x>y__ge__x.__ge__(y) <==> x>=yx.__iter__() <==> iter(x)descr.__set__(obj, value)descr.__delete__(obj)x.__add__(y) <==> x+yx.__radd__(y) <==> y+xx.__sub__(y) <==> x-yx.__rsub__(y) <==> y-xx.__mul__(y) <==> x*yx.__rmul__(y) <==> y*xx.__div__(y) <==> x/yx.__rdiv__(y) <==> y/xx.__mod__(y) <==> x%yx.__rmod__(y) <==> y%xx.__neg__() <==> -xx.__pos__() <==> +xx.__abs__() <==> abs(x)x.__nonzero__() <==> x != 0x.__invert__() <==> ~xx.__lshift__(y) <==> x<<yx.__rlshift__(y) <==> y<<xx.__rshift__(y) <==> x>>yx.__rrshift__(y) <==> y>>xx.__and__(y) <==> x&yx.__rand__(y) <==> y&xx.__xor__(y) <==> x^yx.__rxor__(y) <==> y^xx.__or__(y) <==> x|yx.__ror__(y) <==> y|xx.__int__() <==> int(x)x.__long__() <==> long(x)x.__float__() <==> float(x)x.__oct__() <==> oct(x)x.__hex__() <==> hex(x)x.__iadd__(y) <==> x+=yx.__isub__(y) <==> x-=yx.__imul__(y) <==> x*=yx.__idiv__(y) <==> x/=yx.__imod__(y) <==> x%=yx.__ipow__(y) <==> x**=yx.__ilshift__(y) <==> x<<=yx.__irshift__(y) <==> x>>=yx.__iand__(y) <==> x&=yx.__ixor__(y) <==> x^=yx.__ior__(y) <==> x|=yx.__floordiv__(y) <==> x//yx.__rfloordiv__(y) <==> y//xx.__truediv__(y) <==> x/yx.__rtruediv__(y) <==> y/xx.__ifloordiv__(y) <==> x//yx.__itruediv__(y) <==> x/yx.__len__() <==> len(x)x.__getitem__(y) <==> x[y]x.__mul__(n) <==> x*nx.__rmul__(n) <==> n*xx.__contains__(y) <==> y in xnamebasesdict__thisclass__the class invoking super()__self____self_class____reduce_ex__helper for pickle__subclasshook____format__default object formatter__sizeof__the object's class__subclasses____instancecheck____subclasscheck____basicsize____itemsize____flags____weakrefoffset____base____dictoffset____mro__type inequality comparisons not supported in 3.xargument to __format__ must be unicode or strobject.__format__ with a non-empty format string is deprecatedCannot create a consistent method resolution
18533 ????S1??t?*?T$?,$??????T$????????????p???1???K ????9??[????D??T$?$??S???T$??u??;???f?????,[??^_]Ív??'UWV1?S??L??|$h?\$`?l$d?D$(? ?D$4??D$8??D$<??D$,??D$0????D?(?$?D$?????????*?????????$?D$???????????????????$?D$???????????????L?D$??$??????????$?D$?????????????@?@W?]?C?l$?D$?$????????????t$??~:?D$$1??D$???C ??T$???????????D$$?D???;t$u???????i?D$?,$?????????t ??x??L??[^_]Í??D$??$????????8?$?D$??????????t‹@?@W?e?@ ?D$?#?D$??$??????1??????u??C?$?P?? ?T$?$?D$??????T$?????\????????D$??$??????????$1??D$??????????? ???=?R?D$??$????????????T$$?P??????O??????????1?\$$?????D$?,$????????????????X??????t&??D$$?$???????L??[^_]Ð?C?@ ?D$ ?D?4?D$??D$??$??????T????t&?C?l$?D$?$???????????????D$??~5?D$$1??D$??C ??T$????????n????D$$?D???;t$u???????S?D$?,$????????????????x??????&??$?D$??????????????????D$??$??????????$1??D$???????????b????@?@W??@ ?D$?$?D$??$??????????t&?@ 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_fields_attributesnameasname_ast__module__s(O){sOss}__dict__O()O()OModuleInteractiveExpressionSuitestmtFunctionDefClassDefReturnDeleteAssignAugAssignPrintForWhileIfWithRaiseTryExceptTryFinallyAssertImportImportFromExecGlobalExprPassBreakContinueexprBoolOpBinOpUnaryOpLambdaIfExpDictSetListCompSetCompDictCompGeneratorExpYieldCompareCallReprNumStrAttributeSubscriptNameListTupleexpr_contextLoadStoreDelAugLoadAugStoreParamsliceEllipsisSliceExtSliceIndexboolopAndOroperatorAddSubMultDivModPowLShiftRShiftBitOrBitXorBitAndFloorDivunaryopInvertNotUAddUSubcmpopEqNotEqLtLtEGtGtEIsIsNotInNotIncomprehensionexcepthandlerExceptHandlerargumentskeywordaliasmodinvalid integer value: %.400sunknown boolop foundopleftrightunknown unaryop foundoperandargsbodytestorelseeltkeyvalueunknown cmpop foundopsfuncstarargskwargsnattrctxidlinenocol_offsetvalueskeyseltsgeneratorscomparatorskeywordslowerupperstepdimsargtargetiterifsvarargkwargdefaultsdestnlcontext_exproptional_varstypeinsttbackmsgmodulelevelglobalslocalsdecorator_listbasestargetshandlersfinalbodynamesfield test is required for Iffield n is required for Numfield s is required for Strfield id is required for Nameinvalid boolean value: %.400sASTPyCF_ONLY_AST82160__version__expected %s node, got %.400s_ast.AST__reduce__(`p????????PP`p??@? ?!?!?"H#$?$?%0- &?&(+?/./(p(?(0)*?*,?,?.g0Z0M0@030&00 0?/?/??P@?AxEXB?BXGH?C?D?J?K?H?I@NO?E?F?L?MxJ?J?N?N%.400s constructor takes %s%zd positional argument%sexpected some sort of operator, but got %.400sexpected some sort of expr_context, but got %.400sAST identifier must be of type strfield body is required for Expressionfield name is required for FunctionDeffield args is required for FunctionDeffield name is required for ClassDeffield value is required for Assignfield target is required for AugAssignfield op is required for AugAssignfield value is required for AugAssignfield target is required for Forfield iter is required for Forfield test is required for Whilefield context_expr is required for Withfield test is required for Assertfield body is required for Execfield value is required for Exprfield op is required for BoolOpfield left is required for BinOpfield op is required for BinOpfield right is required for BinOpfield op is required for UnaryOpfield operand is required for UnaryOpfield args is required for Lambdafield body is required for Lambdafield test is required for IfExpfield body is required for IfExpfield orelse is required for IfExpfield elt is required for ListCompfield elt is required for SetCompfield key is required for DictCompfield value is required for DictCompfield elt is required for GeneratorExpfield left is required for Comparefield func is required for Callfield value is required for Reprfield value is required for Attributefield attr is required for Attributefield ctx is required for Attributefield value is required for Subscriptfield slice is required for Subscriptfield ctx is required for Subscriptfield ctx is required for Namefield ctx is required for Listfield ctx is required for Tuplefield value is required for Indexfield target is required for comprehensionfield iter is required for comprehensionfield arg is required for keywordfield value is required for keywordrequired field "col_offset" missing from exprexpected some sort of boolop, but got %.400srequired field "op" missing from BoolOpBoolOp field "values" must be a list, not a %.200srequired field "lineno" missing from exprrequired field "values" missing from BoolOprequired field "left" missing from BinOprequired field "op" missing from BinOprequired field "right" missing from BinOpexpected some sort of unaryop, but got %.400srequired field "op" missing from UnaryOprequired field "operand" missing from UnaryOprequired field "args" missing from argumentsrequired field "args" missing from Lambdarequired field "body" missing from Lambdarequired field "test" missing from IfExprequired field "body" missing from IfExprequired field "orelse" missing from IfExpDict field "keys" must be a list, not a %.200srequired field "keys" missing from DictDict field "values" must be a list, not a %.200srequired field "values" missing from DictSet field "elts" must be a list, not a %.200srequired field "elts" missing from Setrequired field "elt" missing from ListCompListComp field "generators" must be a list, not a %.200srequired field "generators" missing from ListComprequired field "elt" missing from SetCompSetComp field "generators" must be a list, not a %.200srequired field "generators" missing from SetComprequired field "key" missing from DictComprequired field "value" missing from DictCompDictComp field "generators" must be a list, not a %.200srequired field "generators" missing from DictComprequired field "elt" missing from GeneratorExpGeneratorExp field "generators" must be a list, not a %.200srequired field "generators" missing from GeneratorExprequired field "left" missing from CompareCompare field "ops" must be a list, not a %.200sexpected some sort of cmpop, but got %.400srequired field "ops" missing from CompareCompare field "comparators" must be a list, not a %.200srequired field "comparators" missing from Comparerequired field "func" missing from CallCall field "args" must be a list, not a %.200srequired field "args" missing from CallCall field "keywords" must be a list, not a %.200srequired field "arg" missing from keywordrequired field "value" missing from keywordrequired field "keywords" missing from Callrequired field "value" missing from Reprrequired field "n" missing from NumAST string must be of type str or unicoderequired field "s" missing from Strrequired field "value" missing from Attributerequired field "attr" missing from Attributerequired field "ctx" missing from Attributerequired field "value" missing from Subscriptrequired field "slice" missing from Subscriptrequired field "ctx" missing from Subscriptrequired field "id" missing from Namerequired field "ctx" missing from NameList field "elts" must be a list, not a %.200srequired field "elts" missing from Listrequired field "ctx" missing from ListTuple field "elts" must be a list, not a %.200srequired field "elts" missing from Tuplerequired field "ctx" missing from Tupleexpected some sort of expr, but got %.400sarguments field "args" must be a list, not a %.200sarguments field "defaults" must be a list, not a %.200srequired field "defaults" missing from argumentsrequired field "iter" missing from comprehensioncomprehension field "ifs" must be a list, not a %.200srequired field "ifs" missing from comprehensionrequired field "target" missing from comprehensionExtSlice field "dims" must be a list, not a %.200srequired field "dims" missing from ExtSlicerequired field "value" missing from Indexexpected some sort of slice, but got %.400sfield name is required for aliasrequired field "lineno" missing from stmtrequired field "col_offset" missing from stmtrequired field "name" missing from FunctionDefrequired field "args" missing from FunctionDefFunctionDef field "body" must be a list, not a %.200srequired field "body" missing from FunctionDefFunctionDef field "decorator_list" must be a list, not a %.200srequired field "decorator_list" missing from FunctionDefrequired field "name" missing from ClassDefClassDef field "bases" must be a list, not a %.200srequired field "bases" missing from ClassDefClassDef field "body" must be a list, not a %.200srequired field "body" missing from ClassDefClassDef field "decorator_list" must be a list, not a %.200srequired field "decorator_list" missing from ClassDefDelete field "targets" must be a list, not a %.200srequired field "targets" missing from DeleteAssign field "targets" must be a list, not a %.200srequired field "targets" missing from Assignrequired field "value" missing from Assignrequired field "target" missing from AugAssignrequired field "op" missing from AugAssignrequired field "value" missing from AugAssignPrint field "values" must be a list, not a %.200srequired field "values" missing from Printrequired field "nl" missing from Printrequired field "target" missing from Forrequired field "iter" missing from ForFor field "body" must be a list, not a %.200srequired field "body" missing from ForFor field "orelse" must be a list, not a %.200srequired field "orelse" missing from Forrequired field "test" missing from WhileWhile field "body" must be a list, not a %.200srequired field "body" missing from WhileWhile field "orelse" must be a list, not a %.200srequired field "orelse" missing from Whilerequired field "test" missing from IfIf field "body" must be a list, not a %.200srequired field "body" missing from IfIf field "orelse" must be a list, not a %.200srequired field "orelse" missing from Ifrequired field "context_expr" missing from WithWith field "body" must be a list, not a %.200srequired field "body" missing from WithTryExcept field "body" must be a list, not a %.200srequired field "body" missing from TryExceptTryExcept field "handlers" must be a list, not a %.200srequired field "lineno" missing from excepthandlerrequired field "col_offset" missing from excepthandlerExceptHandler field "body" must be a list, not a %.200srequired field "body" missing from ExceptHandlerexpected some sort of excepthandler, but got %.400srequired field "handlers" missing from TryExceptTryExcept field "orelse" must be a list, not a %.200srequired field "orelse" missing from TryExceptTryFinally field "body" must be a list, not a %.200srequired field "body" missing from TryFinallyTryFinally field "finalbody" must be a list, not a %.200srequired field "finalbody" missing from TryFinallyrequired field "test" missing from AssertImport field "names" must be a list, not a %.200srequired field "name" missing from aliasrequired field "names" missing from ImportImportFrom field "names" must be a list, not a %.200srequired field "names" missing from ImportFromrequired field "body" missing from ExecGlobal field "names" must be a list, not a %.200srequired field "names" missing from Globalrequired field "value" missing from Exprexpected some sort of stmt, but got %.400sModule field "body" must be a list, not a %.200srequired field "body" missing from ModuleInteractive field "body" must be a list, not a %.200srequired field "body" missing from Interactiverequired field "body" missing from ExpressionSuite field "body" must be a list, not a %.200srequired field "body" missing from Suiteexpected some sort of mod, but got %.400sW??V?S?Ã????$?D$???????????t?f1?? ???$?D$????????????t ?1??????$?D$????????????t ?1?????$?D$????????????t ?1?????$?D$????????tt??t