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      1 /*
      2  * Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
      3  *
      4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
      7  *
      8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      9  *
     10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     14  * limitations under the License.
     15  */
     17 #define TRACE_TAG ADB
     19 #include "bugreport.h"
     21 #include <string>
     22 #include <vector>
     24 #include <android-base/strings.h>
     26 #include "sysdeps.h"
     27 #include "adb_utils.h"
     28 #include "file_sync_service.h"
     30 static constexpr char BUGZ_BEGIN_PREFIX[] = "BEGIN:";
     31 static constexpr char BUGZ_PROGRESS_PREFIX[] = "PROGRESS:";
     32 static constexpr char BUGZ_PROGRESS_SEPARATOR[] = "/";
     33 static constexpr char BUGZ_OK_PREFIX[] = "OK:";
     34 static constexpr char BUGZ_FAIL_PREFIX[] = "FAIL:";
     36 // Custom callback used to handle the output of zipped bugreports.
     37 class BugreportStandardStreamsCallback : public StandardStreamsCallbackInterface {
     38   public:
     39     BugreportStandardStreamsCallback(const std::string& dest_dir, const std::string& dest_file,
     40                                      bool show_progress, Bugreport* br)
     41         : br_(br),
     42           src_file_(),
     43           dest_dir_(dest_dir),
     44           dest_file_(dest_file),
     45           line_message_(),
     46           invalid_lines_(),
     47           show_progress_(show_progress),
     48           status_(0),
     49           line_() {
     50         SetLineMessage();
     51     }
     53     void OnStdout(const char* buffer, int length) {
     54         for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
     55             char c = buffer[i];
     56             if (c == '\n') {
     57                 ProcessLine(line_);
     58                 line_.clear();
     59             } else {
     60                 line_.append(1, c);
     61             }
     62         }
     63     }
     65     void OnStderr(const char* buffer, int length) {
     66         OnStream(nullptr, stderr, buffer, length);
     67     }
     68     int Done(int unused_) {
     69         // Process remaining line, if any.
     70         ProcessLine(line_);
     72         // Warn about invalid lines, if any.
     73         if (!invalid_lines_.empty()) {
     74             fprintf(stderr,
     75                     "WARNING: bugreportz generated %zu line(s) with unknown commands, "
     76                     "device might not support zipped bugreports:\n",
     77                     invalid_lines_.size());
     78             for (const auto& line : invalid_lines_) {
     79                 fprintf(stderr, "\t%s\n", line.c_str());
     80             }
     81             fprintf(stderr,
     82                     "If the zipped bugreport was not generated, try 'adb bugreport' instead.\n");
     83         }
     85         // Pull the generated bug report.
     86         if (status_ == 0) {
     87             if (src_file_.empty()) {
     88                 fprintf(stderr, "bugreportz did not return a '%s' or '%s' line\n", BUGZ_OK_PREFIX,
     89                         BUGZ_FAIL_PREFIX);
     90                 return -1;
     91             }
     92             std::string destination;
     93             if (dest_dir_.empty()) {
     94                 destination = dest_file_;
     95             } else {
     96                 destination = android::base::StringPrintf("%s%c%s", dest_dir_.c_str(),
     97                                                           OS_PATH_SEPARATOR, dest_file_.c_str());
     98             }
     99             std::vector<const char*> srcs{src_file_.c_str()};
    100             status_ =
    101                 br_->DoSyncPull(srcs, destination.c_str(), true, line_message_.c_str()) ? 0 : 1;
    102             if (status_ != 0) {
    103                 fprintf(stderr,
    104                         "Bug report finished but could not be copied to '%s'.\n"
    105                         "Try to run 'adb pull %s <directory>'\n"
    106                         "to copy it to a directory that can be written.\n",
    107                         destination.c_str(), src_file_.c_str());
    108             }
    109         }
    110         return status_;
    111     }
    113   private:
    114     void SetLineMessage() {
    115         line_message_ =
    116             android::base::StringPrintf("generating %s", adb_basename(dest_file_).c_str());
    117     }
    119     void SetSrcFile(const std::string path) {
    120         src_file_ = path;
    121         if (!dest_dir_.empty()) {
    122             // Only uses device-provided name when user passed a directory.
    123             dest_file_ = adb_basename(path);
    124             SetLineMessage();
    125         }
    126     }
    128     void ProcessLine(const std::string& line) {
    129         if (line.empty()) return;
    131         if (android::base::StartsWith(line, BUGZ_BEGIN_PREFIX)) {
    132             SetSrcFile(&line[strlen(BUGZ_BEGIN_PREFIX)]);
    133         } else if (android::base::StartsWith(line, BUGZ_OK_PREFIX)) {
    134             SetSrcFile(&line[strlen(BUGZ_OK_PREFIX)]);
    135         } else if (android::base::StartsWith(line, BUGZ_FAIL_PREFIX)) {
    136             const char* error_message = &line[strlen(BUGZ_FAIL_PREFIX)];
    137             fprintf(stderr, "Device failed to take a zipped bugreport: %s\n", error_message);
    138             status_ = -1;
    139         } else if (show_progress_ && android::base::StartsWith(line, BUGZ_PROGRESS_PREFIX)) {
    140             // progress_line should have the following format:
    141             //
    143             //
    144             size_t idx1 = line.rfind(BUGZ_PROGRESS_PREFIX) + strlen(BUGZ_PROGRESS_PREFIX);
    145             size_t idx2 = line.rfind(BUGZ_PROGRESS_SEPARATOR);
    146             int progress = std::stoi(line.substr(idx1, (idx2 - idx1)));
    147             int total = std::stoi(line.substr(idx2 + 1));
    148             br_->UpdateProgress(line_message_, progress, total);
    149         } else {
    150             invalid_lines_.push_back(line);
    151         }
    152     }
    154     Bugreport* br_;
    156     // Path of bugreport on device.
    157     std::string src_file_;
    159     // Bugreport destination on host, depending on argument passed on constructor:
    160     // - if argument is a directory, dest_dir_ is set with it and dest_file_ will be the name
    161     //   of the bugreport reported by the device.
    162     // - if argument is empty, dest_dir is set as the current directory and dest_file_ will be the
    163     //   name of the bugreport reported by the device.
    164     // - otherwise, dest_dir_ is not set and dest_file_ is set with the value passed on constructor.
    165     std::string dest_dir_, dest_file_;
    167     // Message displayed on LinePrinter, it's updated every time the destination above change.
    168     std::string line_message_;
    170     // Lines sent by bugreportz that contain invalid commands; will be displayed at the end.
    171     std::vector<std::string> invalid_lines_;
    173     // Whether PROGRESS_LINES should be interpreted as progress.
    174     bool show_progress_;
    176     // Overall process of the operation, as returned by Done().
    177     int status_;
    179     // Temporary buffer containing the characters read since the last newline (\n).
    180     std::string line_;
    182     DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(BugreportStandardStreamsCallback);
    183 };
    185 // Implemented in commandline.cpp
    186 int usage();
    188 int Bugreport::DoIt(TransportType transport_type, const char* serial, int argc, const char** argv) {
    189     if (argc > 2) return usage();
    191     // Gets bugreportz version.
    192     std::string bugz_stdout, bugz_stderr;
    193     DefaultStandardStreamsCallback version_callback(&bugz_stdout, &bugz_stderr);
    194     int status = SendShellCommand(transport_type, serial, "bugreportz -v", false, &version_callback);
    195     std::string bugz_version = android::base::Trim(bugz_stderr);
    196     std::string bugz_output = android::base::Trim(bugz_stdout);
    198     if (status != 0 || bugz_version.empty()) {
    199         D("'bugreportz' -v results: status=%d, stdout='%s', stderr='%s'", status,
    200           bugz_output.c_str(), bugz_version.c_str());
    201         if (argc == 1) {
    202             // Device does not support bugreportz: if called as 'adb bugreport', just falls out to
    203             // the flat-file version.
    204             fprintf(stderr,
    205                     "Failed to get bugreportz version, which is only available on devices "
    206                     "running Android 7.0 or later.\nTrying a plain-text bug report instead.\n");
    207             return SendShellCommand(transport_type, serial, "bugreport", false);
    208         }
    210         // But if user explicitly asked for a zipped bug report, fails instead (otherwise calling
    211         // 'bugreport' would generate a lot of output the user might not be prepared to handle).
    212         fprintf(stderr,
    213                 "Failed to get bugreportz version: 'bugreportz -v' returned '%s' (code %d).\n"
    214                 "If the device does not run Android 7.0 or above, try 'adb bugreport' instead.\n",
    215                 bugz_output.c_str(), status);
    216         return status != 0 ? status : -1;
    217     }
    219     std::string dest_file, dest_dir;
    221     if (argc == 1) {
    222         // No args - use current directory
    223         if (!getcwd(&dest_dir)) {
    224             perror("adb: getcwd failed");
    225             return 1;
    226         }
    227     } else {
    228         // Check whether argument is a directory or file
    229         if (directory_exists(argv[1])) {
    230             dest_dir = argv[1];
    231         } else {
    232             dest_file = argv[1];
    233         }
    234     }
    236     if (dest_file.empty()) {
    237         // Uses a default value until device provides the proper name
    238         dest_file = "bugreport.zip";
    239     } else {
    240         if (!android::base::EndsWith(dest_file, ".zip")) {
    241             // TODO: use a case-insensitive comparison (like EndsWithIgnoreCase
    242             dest_file += ".zip";
    243         }
    244     }
    246     bool show_progress = true;
    247     std::string bugz_command = "bugreportz -p";
    248     if (bugz_version == "1.0") {
    249         // 1.0 does not support progress notifications, so print a disclaimer
    250         // message instead.
    251         fprintf(stderr,
    252                 "Bugreport is in progress and it could take minutes to complete.\n"
    253                 "Please be patient and do not cancel or disconnect your device "
    254                 "until it completes.\n");
    255         show_progress = false;
    256         bugz_command = "bugreportz";
    257     }
    258     BugreportStandardStreamsCallback bugz_callback(dest_dir, dest_file, show_progress, this);
    259     return SendShellCommand(transport_type, serial, bugz_command, false, &bugz_callback);
    260 }
    262 void Bugreport::UpdateProgress(const std::string& message, int progress, int total) {
    263     int progress_percentage = (progress * 100 / total);
    264     line_printer_.Print(
    265         android::base::StringPrintf("[%3d%%] %s", progress_percentage, message.c_str()),
    266         LinePrinter::INFO);
    267 }
    269 int Bugreport::SendShellCommand(TransportType transport_type, const char* serial,
    270                                 const std::string& command, bool disable_shell_protocol,
    271                                 StandardStreamsCallbackInterface* callback) {
    272     return send_shell_command(transport_type, serial, command, disable_shell_protocol, callback);
    273 }
    275 bool Bugreport::DoSyncPull(const std::vector<const char*>& srcs, const char* dst, bool copy_attrs,
    276                            const char* name) {
    277     return do_sync_pull(srcs, dst, copy_attrs, name);
    278 }