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      1 package com.android.contacts.common.util;
      4 import com.android.contacts.common.R;
      6 import android.content.res.Resources;
      7 import android.view.View;
      8 import android.widget.ListView;
     10 /**
     11  * Utilities for configuring ListViews with a card background.
     12  */
     13 public class ContactListViewUtils {
     15     // These two constants will help add more padding for the text inside the card.
     16     private static final double TEXT_LEFT_PADDING_TO_CARD_PADDING_RATIO = 1.1;
     18     private static void addPaddingToView(ListView listView, int parentWidth,
     19             int listSpaceWeight, int listViewWeight)
     20     {
     21         if (listSpaceWeight > 0 && listViewWeight > 0) {
     22             double paddingPercent = (double) listSpaceWeight / (double)
     23                     (listSpaceWeight * 2 + listViewWeight);
     24             listView.setPadding(
     25                     (int) (parentWidth * paddingPercent * TEXT_LEFT_PADDING_TO_CARD_PADDING_RATIO),
     26                     listView.getPaddingTop(),
     27                     (int) (parentWidth * paddingPercent * TEXT_LEFT_PADDING_TO_CARD_PADDING_RATIO),
     28                     listView.getPaddingBottom());
     29             // The EdgeEffect and ScrollBar need to span to the edge of the ListView's padding.
     30             listView.setClipToPadding(false);
     31             listView.setScrollBarStyle(View.SCROLLBARS_OUTSIDE_OVERLAY);
     32         }
     33     }
     35     /**
     36      * Add padding to {@param listView} if this configuration has set both space weight and
     37      * view weight on the layout. Use this util method instead of defining the padding in the
     38      * layout file so that the {@param listView}'s padding can be set proportional to the card
     39      * padding.
     40      *
     41      * @param resources
     42      * @param listView ListView that we add padding to
     43      * @param rootLayout layout that contains ListView and R.id.list_card
     44      */
     45     public static void applyCardPaddingToView(Resources resources,
     46             final ListView listView, final View rootLayout) {
     47         // Set a padding on the list view so it appears in the center of the card
     48         // in the layout if required.
     49         final int listSpaceWeight = resources.getInteger(
     50                 R.integer.contact_list_space_layout_weight);
     51         final int listViewWeight = resources.getInteger(
     52                 R.integer.contact_list_card_layout_weight);
     53         if (listSpaceWeight > 0 && listViewWeight > 0) {
     54             rootLayout.setBackgroundResource(0);
     55             // Set the card view visible
     56             View mCardView = rootLayout.findViewById(R.id.list_card);
     57             if (mCardView == null) {
     58                 throw new RuntimeException(
     59                         "Your content must have a list card view who can be turned visible " +
     60                                 "whenever it is necessary.");
     61             }
     62             mCardView.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE);
     63             // Add extra padding to the list view to make them appear in the center of the card.
     64             // In order to avoid jumping, we skip drawing the next frame of the ListView.
     65             SchedulingUtils.doOnPreDraw(listView, /* drawNextFrame = */ false, new Runnable() {
     66                 @Override
     67                 public void run() {
     68                     // Use the rootLayout.getWidth() instead of listView.getWidth() since
     69                     // we sometimes hide the listView until we finish loading data. This would
     70                     // result in incorrect padding.
     71                     ContactListViewUtils.addPaddingToView(
     72                             listView, rootLayout.getWidth(),  listSpaceWeight, listViewWeight);
     73                 }
     74             });
     75         }
     76     }
     77 }