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      1 // Copyright 2012 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
      2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 // found in the LICENSE file.
      5 #include "src/parsing/parser.h"
      7 #include "src/api.h"
      8 #include "src/ast/ast.h"
      9 #include "src/ast/ast-expression-visitor.h"
     10 #include "src/ast/ast-literal-reindexer.h"
     11 #include "src/ast/scopeinfo.h"
     12 #include "src/bailout-reason.h"
     13 #include "src/base/platform/platform.h"
     14 #include "src/bootstrapper.h"
     15 #include "src/char-predicates-inl.h"
     16 #include "src/codegen.h"
     17 #include "src/compiler.h"
     18 #include "src/messages.h"
     19 #include "src/parsing/parameter-initializer-rewriter.h"
     20 #include "src/parsing/parser-base.h"
     21 #include "src/parsing/rewriter.h"
     22 #include "src/parsing/scanner-character-streams.h"
     23 #include "src/runtime/runtime.h"
     24 #include "src/string-stream.h"
     26 namespace v8 {
     27 namespace internal {
     29 ScriptData::ScriptData(const byte* data, int length)
     30     : owns_data_(false), rejected_(false), data_(data), length_(length) {
     31   if (!IsAligned(reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(data), kPointerAlignment)) {
     32     byte* copy = NewArray<byte>(length);
     33     DCHECK(IsAligned(reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(copy), kPointerAlignment));
     34     CopyBytes(copy, data, length);
     35     data_ = copy;
     36     AcquireDataOwnership();
     37   }
     38 }
     41 ParseInfo::ParseInfo(Zone* zone)
     42     : zone_(zone),
     43       flags_(0),
     44       source_stream_(nullptr),
     45       source_stream_encoding_(ScriptCompiler::StreamedSource::ONE_BYTE),
     46       extension_(nullptr),
     47       compile_options_(ScriptCompiler::kNoCompileOptions),
     48       script_scope_(nullptr),
     49       unicode_cache_(nullptr),
     50       stack_limit_(0),
     51       hash_seed_(0),
     52       cached_data_(nullptr),
     53       ast_value_factory_(nullptr),
     54       literal_(nullptr),
     55       scope_(nullptr) {}
     58 ParseInfo::ParseInfo(Zone* zone, Handle<JSFunction> function)
     59     : ParseInfo(zone, Handle<SharedFunctionInfo>(function->shared())) {
     60   set_closure(function);
     61   set_context(Handle<Context>(function->context()));
     62 }
     65 ParseInfo::ParseInfo(Zone* zone, Handle<SharedFunctionInfo> shared)
     66     : ParseInfo(zone) {
     67   isolate_ = shared->GetIsolate();
     69   set_lazy();
     70   set_hash_seed(isolate_->heap()->HashSeed());
     71   set_stack_limit(isolate_->stack_guard()->real_climit());
     72   set_unicode_cache(isolate_->unicode_cache());
     73   set_language_mode(shared->language_mode());
     74   set_shared_info(shared);
     76   Handle<Script> script(Script::cast(shared->script()));
     77   set_script(script);
     78   if (!script.is_null() && script->type() == Script::TYPE_NATIVE) {
     79     set_native();
     80   }
     81 }
     84 ParseInfo::ParseInfo(Zone* zone, Handle<Script> script) : ParseInfo(zone) {
     85   isolate_ = script->GetIsolate();
     87   set_hash_seed(isolate_->heap()->HashSeed());
     88   set_stack_limit(isolate_->stack_guard()->real_climit());
     89   set_unicode_cache(isolate_->unicode_cache());
     90   set_script(script);
     92   if (script->type() == Script::TYPE_NATIVE) {
     93     set_native();
     94   }
     95 }
     98 FunctionEntry ParseData::GetFunctionEntry(int start) {
     99   // The current pre-data entry must be a FunctionEntry with the given
    100   // start position.
    101   if ((function_index_ + FunctionEntry::kSize <= Length()) &&
    102       (static_cast<int>(Data()[function_index_]) == start)) {
    103     int index = function_index_;
    104     function_index_ += FunctionEntry::kSize;
    105     Vector<unsigned> subvector(&(Data()[index]), FunctionEntry::kSize);
    106     return FunctionEntry(subvector);
    107   }
    108   return FunctionEntry();
    109 }
    112 int ParseData::FunctionCount() {
    113   int functions_size = FunctionsSize();
    114   if (functions_size < 0) return 0;
    115   if (functions_size % FunctionEntry::kSize != 0) return 0;
    116   return functions_size / FunctionEntry::kSize;
    117 }
    120 bool ParseData::IsSane() {
    121   if (!IsAligned(script_data_->length(), sizeof(unsigned))) return false;
    122   // Check that the header data is valid and doesn't specify
    123   // point to positions outside the store.
    124   int data_length = Length();
    125   if (data_length < PreparseDataConstants::kHeaderSize) return false;
    126   if (Magic() != PreparseDataConstants::kMagicNumber) return false;
    127   if (Version() != PreparseDataConstants::kCurrentVersion) return false;
    128   if (HasError()) return false;
    129   // Check that the space allocated for function entries is sane.
    130   int functions_size = FunctionsSize();
    131   if (functions_size < 0) return false;
    132   if (functions_size % FunctionEntry::kSize != 0) return false;
    133   // Check that the total size has room for header and function entries.
    134   int minimum_size =
    135       PreparseDataConstants::kHeaderSize + functions_size;
    136   if (data_length < minimum_size) return false;
    137   return true;
    138 }
    141 void ParseData::Initialize() {
    142   // Prepares state for use.
    143   int data_length = Length();
    144   if (data_length >= PreparseDataConstants::kHeaderSize) {
    145     function_index_ = PreparseDataConstants::kHeaderSize;
    146   }
    147 }
    150 bool ParseData::HasError() {
    151   return Data()[PreparseDataConstants::kHasErrorOffset];
    152 }
    155 unsigned ParseData::Magic() {
    156   return Data()[PreparseDataConstants::kMagicOffset];
    157 }
    160 unsigned ParseData::Version() {
    161   return Data()[PreparseDataConstants::kVersionOffset];
    162 }
    165 int ParseData::FunctionsSize() {
    166   return static_cast<int>(Data()[PreparseDataConstants::kFunctionsSizeOffset]);
    167 }
    170 void Parser::SetCachedData(ParseInfo* info) {
    171   if (compile_options_ == ScriptCompiler::kNoCompileOptions) {
    172     cached_parse_data_ = NULL;
    173   } else {
    174     DCHECK(info->cached_data() != NULL);
    175     if (compile_options_ == ScriptCompiler::kConsumeParserCache) {
    176       cached_parse_data_ = ParseData::FromCachedData(*info->cached_data());
    177     }
    178   }
    179 }
    182 FunctionLiteral* Parser::DefaultConstructor(bool call_super, Scope* scope,
    183                                             int pos, int end_pos,
    184                                             LanguageMode language_mode) {
    185   int materialized_literal_count = -1;
    186   int expected_property_count = -1;
    187   int parameter_count = 0;
    188   const AstRawString* name = ast_value_factory()->empty_string();
    191   FunctionKind kind = call_super ? FunctionKind::kDefaultSubclassConstructor
    192                                  : FunctionKind::kDefaultBaseConstructor;
    193   Scope* function_scope = NewScope(scope, FUNCTION_SCOPE, kind);
    194   SetLanguageMode(function_scope,
    195                   static_cast<LanguageMode>(language_mode | STRICT));
    196   // Set start and end position to the same value
    197   function_scope->set_start_position(pos);
    198   function_scope->set_end_position(pos);
    199   ZoneList<Statement*>* body = NULL;
    201   {
    202     AstNodeFactory function_factory(ast_value_factory());
    203     FunctionState function_state(&function_state_, &scope_, function_scope,
    204                                  kind, &function_factory);
    206     body = new (zone()) ZoneList<Statement*>(call_super ? 2 : 1, zone());
    207     if (call_super) {
    208       // $super_constructor = %_GetSuperConstructor(<this-function>)
    209       // %reflect_construct($super_constructor, arguments, new.target)
    210       ZoneList<Expression*>* args =
    211           new (zone()) ZoneList<Expression*>(2, zone());
    212       VariableProxy* this_function_proxy = scope_->NewUnresolved(
    213           factory(), ast_value_factory()->this_function_string(),
    214           Variable::NORMAL, pos);
    215       ZoneList<Expression*>* tmp =
    216           new (zone()) ZoneList<Expression*>(1, zone());
    217       tmp->Add(this_function_proxy, zone());
    218       Expression* super_constructor = factory()->NewCallRuntime(
    219           Runtime::kInlineGetSuperConstructor, tmp, pos);
    220       args->Add(super_constructor, zone());
    221       VariableProxy* arguments_proxy = scope_->NewUnresolved(
    222           factory(), ast_value_factory()->arguments_string(), Variable::NORMAL,
    223           pos);
    224       args->Add(arguments_proxy, zone());
    225       VariableProxy* new_target_proxy = scope_->NewUnresolved(
    226           factory(), ast_value_factory()->new_target_string(), Variable::NORMAL,
    227           pos);
    228       args->Add(new_target_proxy, zone());
    229       CallRuntime* call = factory()->NewCallRuntime(
    230           Context::REFLECT_CONSTRUCT_INDEX, args, pos);
    231       body->Add(factory()->NewReturnStatement(call, pos), zone());
    232     }
    234     materialized_literal_count = function_state.materialized_literal_count();
    235     expected_property_count = function_state.expected_property_count();
    236   }
    238   FunctionLiteral* function_literal = factory()->NewFunctionLiteral(
    239       name, function_scope, body, materialized_literal_count,
    240       expected_property_count, parameter_count,
    241       FunctionLiteral::kNoDuplicateParameters,
    242       FunctionLiteral::kAnonymousExpression,
    243       FunctionLiteral::kShouldLazyCompile, kind, pos);
    245   return function_literal;
    246 }
    249 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    250 // Target is a support class to facilitate manipulation of the
    251 // Parser's target_stack_ (the stack of potential 'break' and
    252 // 'continue' statement targets). Upon construction, a new target is
    253 // added; it is removed upon destruction.
    255 class Target BASE_EMBEDDED {
    256  public:
    257   Target(Target** variable, BreakableStatement* statement)
    258       : variable_(variable), statement_(statement), previous_(*variable) {
    259     *variable = this;
    260   }
    262   ~Target() {
    263     *variable_ = previous_;
    264   }
    266   Target* previous() { return previous_; }
    267   BreakableStatement* statement() { return statement_; }
    269  private:
    270   Target** variable_;
    271   BreakableStatement* statement_;
    272   Target* previous_;
    273 };
    276 class TargetScope BASE_EMBEDDED {
    277  public:
    278   explicit TargetScope(Target** variable)
    279       : variable_(variable), previous_(*variable) {
    280     *variable = NULL;
    281   }
    283   ~TargetScope() {
    284     *variable_ = previous_;
    285   }
    287  private:
    288   Target** variable_;
    289   Target* previous_;
    290 };
    293 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    294 // The CHECK_OK macro is a convenient macro to enforce error
    295 // handling for functions that may fail (by returning !*ok).
    296 //
    297 // CAUTION: This macro appends extra statements after a call,
    298 // thus it must never be used where only a single statement
    299 // is correct (e.g. an if statement branch w/o braces)!
    301 #define CHECK_OK  ok);   \
    302   if (!*ok) return NULL; \
    303   ((void)0
    304 #define DUMMY )  // to make indentation work
    305 #undef DUMMY
    307 #define CHECK_FAILED  /**/);   \
    308   if (failed_) return NULL; \
    309   ((void)0
    310 #define DUMMY )  // to make indentation work
    311 #undef DUMMY
    313 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    314 // Implementation of Parser
    316 bool ParserTraits::IsEval(const AstRawString* identifier) const {
    317   return identifier == parser_->ast_value_factory()->eval_string();
    318 }
    321 bool ParserTraits::IsArguments(const AstRawString* identifier) const {
    322   return identifier == parser_->ast_value_factory()->arguments_string();
    323 }
    326 bool ParserTraits::IsEvalOrArguments(const AstRawString* identifier) const {
    327   return IsEval(identifier) || IsArguments(identifier);
    328 }
    330 bool ParserTraits::IsUndefined(const AstRawString* identifier) const {
    331   return identifier == parser_->ast_value_factory()->undefined_string();
    332 }
    334 bool ParserTraits::IsPrototype(const AstRawString* identifier) const {
    335   return identifier == parser_->ast_value_factory()->prototype_string();
    336 }
    339 bool ParserTraits::IsConstructor(const AstRawString* identifier) const {
    340   return identifier == parser_->ast_value_factory()->constructor_string();
    341 }
    344 bool ParserTraits::IsThisProperty(Expression* expression) {
    345   DCHECK(expression != NULL);
    346   Property* property = expression->AsProperty();
    347   return property != NULL && property->obj()->IsVariableProxy() &&
    348          property->obj()->AsVariableProxy()->is_this();
    349 }
    352 bool ParserTraits::IsIdentifier(Expression* expression) {
    353   VariableProxy* operand = expression->AsVariableProxy();
    354   return operand != NULL && !operand->is_this();
    355 }
    358 void ParserTraits::PushPropertyName(FuncNameInferrer* fni,
    359                                     Expression* expression) {
    360   if (expression->IsPropertyName()) {
    361     fni->PushLiteralName(expression->AsLiteral()->AsRawPropertyName());
    362   } else {
    363     fni->PushLiteralName(
    364         parser_->ast_value_factory()->anonymous_function_string());
    365   }
    366 }
    369 void ParserTraits::CheckAssigningFunctionLiteralToProperty(Expression* left,
    370                                                            Expression* right) {
    371   DCHECK(left != NULL);
    372   if (left->IsProperty() && right->IsFunctionLiteral()) {
    373     right->AsFunctionLiteral()->set_pretenure();
    374   }
    375 }
    378 Expression* ParserTraits::MarkExpressionAsAssigned(Expression* expression) {
    379   VariableProxy* proxy =
    380       expression != NULL ? expression->AsVariableProxy() : NULL;
    381   if (proxy != NULL) proxy->set_is_assigned();
    382   return expression;
    383 }
    386 bool ParserTraits::ShortcutNumericLiteralBinaryExpression(
    387     Expression** x, Expression* y, Token::Value op, int pos,
    388     AstNodeFactory* factory) {
    389   if ((*x)->AsLiteral() && (*x)->AsLiteral()->raw_value()->IsNumber() &&
    390       y->AsLiteral() && y->AsLiteral()->raw_value()->IsNumber()) {
    391     double x_val = (*x)->AsLiteral()->raw_value()->AsNumber();
    392     double y_val = y->AsLiteral()->raw_value()->AsNumber();
    393     bool x_has_dot = (*x)->AsLiteral()->raw_value()->ContainsDot();
    394     bool y_has_dot = y->AsLiteral()->raw_value()->ContainsDot();
    395     bool has_dot = x_has_dot || y_has_dot;
    396     switch (op) {
    397       case Token::ADD:
    398         *x = factory->NewNumberLiteral(x_val + y_val, pos, has_dot);
    399         return true;
    400       case Token::SUB:
    401         *x = factory->NewNumberLiteral(x_val - y_val, pos, has_dot);
    402         return true;
    403       case Token::MUL:
    404         *x = factory->NewNumberLiteral(x_val * y_val, pos, has_dot);
    405         return true;
    406       case Token::DIV:
    407         *x = factory->NewNumberLiteral(x_val / y_val, pos, has_dot);
    408         return true;
    409       case Token::BIT_OR: {
    410         int value = DoubleToInt32(x_val) | DoubleToInt32(y_val);
    411         *x = factory->NewNumberLiteral(value, pos, has_dot);
    412         return true;
    413       }
    414       case Token::BIT_AND: {
    415         int value = DoubleToInt32(x_val) & DoubleToInt32(y_val);
    416         *x = factory->NewNumberLiteral(value, pos, has_dot);
    417         return true;
    418       }
    419       case Token::BIT_XOR: {
    420         int value = DoubleToInt32(x_val) ^ DoubleToInt32(y_val);
    421         *x = factory->NewNumberLiteral(value, pos, has_dot);
    422         return true;
    423       }
    424       case Token::SHL: {
    425         int value = DoubleToInt32(x_val) << (DoubleToInt32(y_val) & 0x1f);
    426         *x = factory->NewNumberLiteral(value, pos, has_dot);
    427         return true;
    428       }
    429       case Token::SHR: {
    430         uint32_t shift = DoubleToInt32(y_val) & 0x1f;
    431         uint32_t value = DoubleToUint32(x_val) >> shift;
    432         *x = factory->NewNumberLiteral(value, pos, has_dot);
    433         return true;
    434       }
    435       case Token::SAR: {
    436         uint32_t shift = DoubleToInt32(y_val) & 0x1f;
    437         int value = ArithmeticShiftRight(DoubleToInt32(x_val), shift);
    438         *x = factory->NewNumberLiteral(value, pos, has_dot);
    439         return true;
    440       }
    441       default:
    442         break;
    443     }
    444   }
    445   return false;
    446 }
    449 Expression* ParserTraits::BuildUnaryExpression(Expression* expression,
    450                                                Token::Value op, int pos,
    451                                                AstNodeFactory* factory) {
    452   DCHECK(expression != NULL);
    453   if (expression->IsLiteral()) {
    454     const AstValue* literal = expression->AsLiteral()->raw_value();
    455     if (op == Token::NOT) {
    456       // Convert the literal to a boolean condition and negate it.
    457       bool condition = literal->BooleanValue();
    458       return factory->NewBooleanLiteral(!condition, pos);
    459     } else if (literal->IsNumber()) {
    460       // Compute some expressions involving only number literals.
    461       double value = literal->AsNumber();
    462       bool has_dot = literal->ContainsDot();
    463       switch (op) {
    464         case Token::ADD:
    465           return expression;
    466         case Token::SUB:
    467           return factory->NewNumberLiteral(-value, pos, has_dot);
    468         case Token::BIT_NOT:
    469           return factory->NewNumberLiteral(~DoubleToInt32(value), pos, has_dot);
    470         default:
    471           break;
    472       }
    473     }
    474   }
    475   // Desugar '+foo' => 'foo*1'
    476   if (op == Token::ADD) {
    477     return factory->NewBinaryOperation(
    478         Token::MUL, expression, factory->NewNumberLiteral(1, pos, true), pos);
    479   }
    480   // The same idea for '-foo' => 'foo*(-1)'.
    481   if (op == Token::SUB) {
    482     return factory->NewBinaryOperation(
    483         Token::MUL, expression, factory->NewNumberLiteral(-1, pos), pos);
    484   }
    485   // ...and one more time for '~foo' => 'foo^(~0)'.
    486   if (op == Token::BIT_NOT) {
    487     return factory->NewBinaryOperation(
    488         Token::BIT_XOR, expression, factory->NewNumberLiteral(~0, pos), pos);
    489   }
    490   return factory->NewUnaryOperation(op, expression, pos);
    491 }
    494 Expression* ParserTraits::NewThrowReferenceError(
    495     MessageTemplate::Template message, int pos) {
    496   return NewThrowError(Runtime::kNewReferenceError, message,
    497                        parser_->ast_value_factory()->empty_string(), pos);
    498 }
    501 Expression* ParserTraits::NewThrowSyntaxError(MessageTemplate::Template message,
    502                                               const AstRawString* arg,
    503                                               int pos) {
    504   return NewThrowError(Runtime::kNewSyntaxError, message, arg, pos);
    505 }
    508 Expression* ParserTraits::NewThrowTypeError(MessageTemplate::Template message,
    509                                             const AstRawString* arg, int pos) {
    510   return NewThrowError(Runtime::kNewTypeError, message, arg, pos);
    511 }
    514 Expression* ParserTraits::NewThrowError(Runtime::FunctionId id,
    515                                         MessageTemplate::Template message,
    516                                         const AstRawString* arg, int pos) {
    517   Zone* zone = parser_->zone();
    518   ZoneList<Expression*>* args = new (zone) ZoneList<Expression*>(2, zone);
    519   args->Add(parser_->factory()->NewSmiLiteral(message, pos), zone);
    520   args->Add(parser_->factory()->NewStringLiteral(arg, pos), zone);
    521   CallRuntime* call_constructor =
    522       parser_->factory()->NewCallRuntime(id, args, pos);
    523   return parser_->factory()->NewThrow(call_constructor, pos);
    524 }
    527 void ParserTraits::ReportMessageAt(Scanner::Location source_location,
    528                                    MessageTemplate::Template message,
    529                                    const char* arg, ParseErrorType error_type) {
    530   if (parser_->stack_overflow()) {
    531     // Suppress the error message (syntax error or such) in the presence of a
    532     // stack overflow. The isolate allows only one pending exception at at time
    533     // and we want to report the stack overflow later.
    534     return;
    535   }
    536   parser_->pending_error_handler_.ReportMessageAt(source_location.beg_pos,
    537                                                   source_location.end_pos,
    538                                                   message, arg, error_type);
    539 }
    542 void ParserTraits::ReportMessage(MessageTemplate::Template message,
    543                                  const char* arg, ParseErrorType error_type) {
    544   Scanner::Location source_location = parser_->scanner()->location();
    545   ReportMessageAt(source_location, message, arg, error_type);
    546 }
    549 void ParserTraits::ReportMessage(MessageTemplate::Template message,
    550                                  const AstRawString* arg,
    551                                  ParseErrorType error_type) {
    552   Scanner::Location source_location = parser_->scanner()->location();
    553   ReportMessageAt(source_location, message, arg, error_type);
    554 }
    557 void ParserTraits::ReportMessageAt(Scanner::Location source_location,
    558                                    MessageTemplate::Template message,
    559                                    const AstRawString* arg,
    560                                    ParseErrorType error_type) {
    561   if (parser_->stack_overflow()) {
    562     // Suppress the error message (syntax error or such) in the presence of a
    563     // stack overflow. The isolate allows only one pending exception at at time
    564     // and we want to report the stack overflow later.
    565     return;
    566   }
    567   parser_->pending_error_handler_.ReportMessageAt(source_location.beg_pos,
    568                                                   source_location.end_pos,
    569                                                   message, arg, error_type);
    570 }
    573 const AstRawString* ParserTraits::GetSymbol(Scanner* scanner) {
    574   const AstRawString* result =
    575       parser_->scanner()->CurrentSymbol(parser_->ast_value_factory());
    576   DCHECK(result != NULL);
    577   return result;
    578 }
    581 const AstRawString* ParserTraits::GetNumberAsSymbol(Scanner* scanner) {
    582   double double_value = parser_->scanner()->DoubleValue();
    583   char array[100];
    584   const char* string =
    585       DoubleToCString(double_value, Vector<char>(array, arraysize(array)));
    586   return parser_->ast_value_factory()->GetOneByteString(string);
    587 }
    590 const AstRawString* ParserTraits::GetNextSymbol(Scanner* scanner) {
    591   return parser_->scanner()->NextSymbol(parser_->ast_value_factory());
    592 }
    595 Expression* ParserTraits::ThisExpression(Scope* scope, AstNodeFactory* factory,
    596                                          int pos) {
    597   return scope->NewUnresolved(factory,
    598                               parser_->ast_value_factory()->this_string(),
    599                               Variable::THIS, pos, pos + 4);
    600 }
    603 Expression* ParserTraits::SuperPropertyReference(Scope* scope,
    604                                                  AstNodeFactory* factory,
    605                                                  int pos) {
    606   // this_function[home_object_symbol]
    607   VariableProxy* this_function_proxy = scope->NewUnresolved(
    608       factory, parser_->ast_value_factory()->this_function_string(),
    609       Variable::NORMAL, pos);
    610   Expression* home_object_symbol_literal =
    611       factory->NewSymbolLiteral("home_object_symbol", RelocInfo::kNoPosition);
    612   Expression* home_object = factory->NewProperty(
    613       this_function_proxy, home_object_symbol_literal, pos);
    614   return factory->NewSuperPropertyReference(
    615       ThisExpression(scope, factory, pos)->AsVariableProxy(), home_object, pos);
    616 }
    619 Expression* ParserTraits::SuperCallReference(Scope* scope,
    620                                              AstNodeFactory* factory, int pos) {
    621   VariableProxy* new_target_proxy = scope->NewUnresolved(
    622       factory, parser_->ast_value_factory()->new_target_string(),
    623       Variable::NORMAL, pos);
    624   VariableProxy* this_function_proxy = scope->NewUnresolved(
    625       factory, parser_->ast_value_factory()->this_function_string(),
    626       Variable::NORMAL, pos);
    627   return factory->NewSuperCallReference(
    628       ThisExpression(scope, factory, pos)->AsVariableProxy(), new_target_proxy,
    629       this_function_proxy, pos);
    630 }
    633 Expression* ParserTraits::NewTargetExpression(Scope* scope,
    634                                               AstNodeFactory* factory,
    635                                               int pos) {
    636   static const int kNewTargetStringLength = 10;
    637   auto proxy = scope->NewUnresolved(
    638       factory, parser_->ast_value_factory()->new_target_string(),
    639       Variable::NORMAL, pos, pos + kNewTargetStringLength);
    640   proxy->set_is_new_target();
    641   return proxy;
    642 }
    645 Expression* ParserTraits::DefaultConstructor(bool call_super, Scope* scope,
    646                                              int pos, int end_pos,
    647                                              LanguageMode mode) {
    648   return parser_->DefaultConstructor(call_super, scope, pos, end_pos, mode);
    649 }
    652 Literal* ParserTraits::ExpressionFromLiteral(Token::Value token, int pos,
    653                                              Scanner* scanner,
    654                                              AstNodeFactory* factory) {
    655   switch (token) {
    656     case Token::NULL_LITERAL:
    657       return factory->NewNullLiteral(pos);
    658     case Token::TRUE_LITERAL:
    659       return factory->NewBooleanLiteral(true, pos);
    660     case Token::FALSE_LITERAL:
    661       return factory->NewBooleanLiteral(false, pos);
    662     case Token::SMI: {
    663       int value = scanner->smi_value();
    664       return factory->NewSmiLiteral(value, pos);
    665     }
    666     case Token::NUMBER: {
    667       bool has_dot = scanner->ContainsDot();
    668       double value = scanner->DoubleValue();
    669       return factory->NewNumberLiteral(value, pos, has_dot);
    670     }
    671     default:
    672       DCHECK(false);
    673   }
    674   return NULL;
    675 }
    678 Expression* ParserTraits::ExpressionFromIdentifier(const AstRawString* name,
    679                                                    int start_position,
    680                                                    int end_position,
    681                                                    Scope* scope,
    682                                                    AstNodeFactory* factory) {
    683   if (parser_->fni_ != NULL) parser_->fni_->PushVariableName(name);
    684   return scope->NewUnresolved(factory, name, Variable::NORMAL, start_position,
    685                               end_position);
    686 }
    689 Expression* ParserTraits::ExpressionFromString(int pos, Scanner* scanner,
    690                                                AstNodeFactory* factory) {
    691   const AstRawString* symbol = GetSymbol(scanner);
    692   if (parser_->fni_ != NULL) parser_->fni_->PushLiteralName(symbol);
    693   return factory->NewStringLiteral(symbol, pos);
    694 }
    697 Expression* ParserTraits::GetIterator(Expression* iterable,
    698                                       AstNodeFactory* factory, int pos) {
    699   Expression* iterator_symbol_literal =
    700       factory->NewSymbolLiteral("iterator_symbol", RelocInfo::kNoPosition);
    701   Expression* prop =
    702       factory->NewProperty(iterable, iterator_symbol_literal, pos);
    703   Zone* zone = parser_->zone();
    704   ZoneList<Expression*>* args = new (zone) ZoneList<Expression*>(0, zone);
    705   return factory->NewCall(prop, args, pos);
    706 }
    709 Literal* ParserTraits::GetLiteralTheHole(int position,
    710                                          AstNodeFactory* factory) {
    711   return factory->NewTheHoleLiteral(RelocInfo::kNoPosition);
    712 }
    715 Expression* ParserTraits::ParseV8Intrinsic(bool* ok) {
    716   return parser_->ParseV8Intrinsic(ok);
    717 }
    720 FunctionLiteral* ParserTraits::ParseFunctionLiteral(
    721     const AstRawString* name, Scanner::Location function_name_location,
    722     FunctionNameValidity function_name_validity, FunctionKind kind,
    723     int function_token_position, FunctionLiteral::FunctionType type,
    724     FunctionLiteral::ArityRestriction arity_restriction,
    725     LanguageMode language_mode, bool* ok) {
    726   return parser_->ParseFunctionLiteral(
    727       name, function_name_location, function_name_validity, kind,
    728       function_token_position, type, arity_restriction, language_mode, ok);
    729 }
    732 ClassLiteral* ParserTraits::ParseClassLiteral(
    733     const AstRawString* name, Scanner::Location class_name_location,
    734     bool name_is_strict_reserved, int pos, bool* ok) {
    735   return parser_->ParseClassLiteral(name, class_name_location,
    736                                     name_is_strict_reserved, pos, ok);
    737 }
    740 Parser::Parser(ParseInfo* info)
    741     : ParserBase<ParserTraits>(info->zone(), &scanner_, info->stack_limit(),
    742                                info->extension(), info->ast_value_factory(),
    743                                NULL, this),
    744       scanner_(info->unicode_cache()),
    745       reusable_preparser_(NULL),
    746       original_scope_(NULL),
    747       target_stack_(NULL),
    748       compile_options_(info->compile_options()),
    749       cached_parse_data_(NULL),
    750       total_preparse_skipped_(0),
    751       pre_parse_timer_(NULL),
    752       parsing_on_main_thread_(true) {
    753   // Even though we were passed ParseInfo, we should not store it in
    754   // Parser - this makes sure that Isolate is not accidentally accessed via
    755   // ParseInfo during background parsing.
    756   DCHECK(!info->script().is_null() || info->source_stream() != NULL);
    757   set_allow_lazy(info->allow_lazy_parsing());
    758   set_allow_natives(FLAG_allow_natives_syntax || info->is_native());
    759   set_allow_harmony_sloppy(FLAG_harmony_sloppy);
    760   set_allow_harmony_sloppy_function(FLAG_harmony_sloppy_function);
    761   set_allow_harmony_sloppy_let(FLAG_harmony_sloppy_let);
    762   set_allow_harmony_default_parameters(FLAG_harmony_default_parameters);
    763   set_allow_harmony_destructuring_bind(FLAG_harmony_destructuring_bind);
    764   set_allow_harmony_destructuring_assignment(
    765       FLAG_harmony_destructuring_assignment);
    766   set_allow_strong_mode(FLAG_strong_mode);
    767   set_allow_legacy_const(FLAG_legacy_const);
    768   set_allow_harmony_do_expressions(FLAG_harmony_do_expressions);
    769   set_allow_harmony_function_name(FLAG_harmony_function_name);
    770   for (int feature = 0; feature < v8::Isolate::kUseCounterFeatureCount;
    771        ++feature) {
    772     use_counts_[feature] = 0;
    773   }
    774   if (info->ast_value_factory() == NULL) {
    775     // info takes ownership of AstValueFactory.
    776     info->set_ast_value_factory(new AstValueFactory(zone(), info->hash_seed()));
    777     info->set_ast_value_factory_owned();
    778     ast_value_factory_ = info->ast_value_factory();
    779   }
    780 }
    783 FunctionLiteral* Parser::ParseProgram(Isolate* isolate, ParseInfo* info) {
    784   // TODO(bmeurer): We temporarily need to pass allow_nesting = true here,
    785   // see comment for HistogramTimerScope class.
    787   // It's OK to use the Isolate & counters here, since this function is only
    788   // called in the main thread.
    789   DCHECK(parsing_on_main_thread_);
    791   HistogramTimerScope timer_scope(isolate->counters()->parse(), true);
    792   Handle<String> source(String::cast(info->script()->source()));
    793   isolate->counters()->total_parse_size()->Increment(source->length());
    794   base::ElapsedTimer timer;
    795   if (FLAG_trace_parse) {
    796     timer.Start();
    797   }
    798   fni_ = new (zone()) FuncNameInferrer(ast_value_factory(), zone());
    800   // Initialize parser state.
    801   CompleteParserRecorder recorder;
    803   if (produce_cached_parse_data()) {
    804     log_ = &recorder;
    805   } else if (consume_cached_parse_data()) {
    806     cached_parse_data_->Initialize();
    807   }
    809   source = String::Flatten(source);
    810   FunctionLiteral* result;
    812   if (source->IsExternalTwoByteString()) {
    813     // Notice that the stream is destroyed at the end of the branch block.
    814     // The last line of the blocks can't be moved outside, even though they're
    815     // identical calls.
    816     ExternalTwoByteStringUtf16CharacterStream stream(
    817         Handle<ExternalTwoByteString>::cast(source), 0, source->length());
    818     scanner_.Initialize(&stream);
    819     result = DoParseProgram(info);
    820   } else {
    821     GenericStringUtf16CharacterStream stream(source, 0, source->length());
    822     scanner_.Initialize(&stream);
    823     result = DoParseProgram(info);
    824   }
    825   if (result != NULL) {
    826     DCHECK_EQ(scanner_.peek_location().beg_pos, source->length());
    827   }
    828   HandleSourceURLComments(isolate, info->script());
    830   if (FLAG_trace_parse && result != NULL) {
    831     double ms = timer.Elapsed().InMillisecondsF();
    832     if (info->is_eval()) {
    833       PrintF("[parsing eval");
    834     } else if (info->script()->name()->IsString()) {
    835       String* name = String::cast(info->script()->name());
    836       base::SmartArrayPointer<char> name_chars = name->ToCString();
    837       PrintF("[parsing script: %s", name_chars.get());
    838     } else {
    839       PrintF("[parsing script");
    840     }
    841     PrintF(" - took %0.3f ms]\n", ms);
    842   }
    843   if (produce_cached_parse_data()) {
    844     if (result != NULL) *info->cached_data() = recorder.GetScriptData();
    845     log_ = NULL;
    846   }
    847   return result;
    848 }
    851 FunctionLiteral* Parser::DoParseProgram(ParseInfo* info) {
    852   // Note that this function can be called from the main thread or from a
    853   // background thread. We should not access anything Isolate / heap dependent
    854   // via ParseInfo, and also not pass it forward.
    855   DCHECK(scope_ == NULL);
    856   DCHECK(target_stack_ == NULL);
    858   Mode parsing_mode = FLAG_lazy && allow_lazy() ? PARSE_LAZILY : PARSE_EAGERLY;
    859   if (allow_natives() || extension_ != NULL) parsing_mode = PARSE_EAGERLY;
    861   FunctionLiteral* result = NULL;
    862   {
    863     // TODO(wingo): Add an outer SCRIPT_SCOPE corresponding to the native
    864     // context, which will have the "this" binding for script scopes.
    865     Scope* scope = NewScope(scope_, SCRIPT_SCOPE);
    866     info->set_script_scope(scope);
    867     if (!info->context().is_null() && !info->context()->IsNativeContext()) {
    868       scope = Scope::DeserializeScopeChain(info->isolate(), zone(),
    869                                            *info->context(), scope);
    870       // The Scope is backed up by ScopeInfo (which is in the V8 heap); this
    871       // means the Parser cannot operate independent of the V8 heap. Tell the
    872       // string table to internalize strings and values right after they're
    873       // created. This kind of parsing can only be done in the main thread.
    874       DCHECK(parsing_on_main_thread_);
    875       ast_value_factory()->Internalize(info->isolate());
    876     }
    877     original_scope_ = scope;
    878     if (info->is_eval()) {
    879       if (!scope->is_script_scope() || is_strict(info->language_mode())) {
    880         parsing_mode = PARSE_EAGERLY;
    881       }
    882       scope = NewScope(scope, EVAL_SCOPE);
    883     } else if (info->is_module()) {
    884       scope = NewScope(scope, MODULE_SCOPE);
    885     }
    887     scope->set_start_position(0);
    889     // Enter 'scope' with the given parsing mode.
    890     ParsingModeScope parsing_mode_scope(this, parsing_mode);
    891     AstNodeFactory function_factory(ast_value_factory());
    892     FunctionState function_state(&function_state_, &scope_, scope,
    893                                  kNormalFunction, &function_factory);
    895     // Don't count the mode in the use counters--give the program a chance
    896     // to enable script/module-wide strict/strong mode below.
    897     scope_->SetLanguageMode(info->language_mode());
    898     ZoneList<Statement*>* body = new(zone()) ZoneList<Statement*>(16, zone());
    899     bool ok = true;
    900     int beg_pos = scanner()->location().beg_pos;
    901     if (info->is_module()) {
    902       ParseModuleItemList(body, &ok);
    903     } else {
    904       ParseStatementList(body, Token::EOS, &ok);
    905     }
    907     // The parser will peek but not consume EOS.  Our scope logically goes all
    908     // the way to the EOS, though.
    909     scope->set_end_position(scanner()->peek_location().beg_pos);
    911     if (ok && is_strict(language_mode())) {
    912       CheckStrictOctalLiteral(beg_pos, scanner()->location().end_pos, &ok);
    913     }
    914     if (ok && is_sloppy(language_mode()) && allow_harmony_sloppy_function()) {
    915       // TODO(littledan): Function bindings on the global object that modify
    916       // pre-existing bindings should be made writable, enumerable and
    917       // nonconfigurable if possible, whereas this code will leave attributes
    918       // unchanged if the property already exists.
    919       InsertSloppyBlockFunctionVarBindings(scope, &ok);
    920     }
    921     if (ok && (is_strict(language_mode()) || allow_harmony_sloppy() ||
    922                allow_harmony_destructuring_bind())) {
    923       CheckConflictingVarDeclarations(scope_, &ok);
    924     }
    926     if (ok && info->parse_restriction() == ONLY_SINGLE_FUNCTION_LITERAL) {
    927       if (body->length() != 1 ||
    928           !body->at(0)->IsExpressionStatement() ||
    929           !body->at(0)->AsExpressionStatement()->
    930               expression()->IsFunctionLiteral()) {
    931         ReportMessage(MessageTemplate::kSingleFunctionLiteral);
    932         ok = false;
    933       }
    934     }
    936     if (ok) {
    937       ParserTraits::RewriteDestructuringAssignments();
    938       result = factory()->NewFunctionLiteral(
    939           ast_value_factory()->empty_string(), scope_, body,
    940           function_state.materialized_literal_count(),
    941           function_state.expected_property_count(), 0,
    942           FunctionLiteral::kNoDuplicateParameters,
    943           FunctionLiteral::kGlobalOrEval, FunctionLiteral::kShouldLazyCompile,
    944           FunctionKind::kNormalFunction, 0);
    945     }
    946   }
    948   // Make sure the target stack is empty.
    949   DCHECK(target_stack_ == NULL);
    951   return result;
    952 }
    955 FunctionLiteral* Parser::ParseLazy(Isolate* isolate, ParseInfo* info) {
    956   // It's OK to use the Isolate & counters here, since this function is only
    957   // called in the main thread.
    958   DCHECK(parsing_on_main_thread_);
    959   HistogramTimerScope timer_scope(isolate->counters()->parse_lazy());
    960   Handle<String> source(String::cast(info->script()->source()));
    961   isolate->counters()->total_parse_size()->Increment(source->length());
    962   base::ElapsedTimer timer;
    963   if (FLAG_trace_parse) {
    964     timer.Start();
    965   }
    966   Handle<SharedFunctionInfo> shared_info = info->shared_info();
    968   // Initialize parser state.
    969   source = String::Flatten(source);
    970   FunctionLiteral* result;
    971   if (source->IsExternalTwoByteString()) {
    972     ExternalTwoByteStringUtf16CharacterStream stream(
    973         Handle<ExternalTwoByteString>::cast(source),
    974         shared_info->start_position(),
    975         shared_info->end_position());
    976     result = ParseLazy(isolate, info, &stream);
    977   } else {
    978     GenericStringUtf16CharacterStream stream(source,
    979                                              shared_info->start_position(),
    980                                              shared_info->end_position());
    981     result = ParseLazy(isolate, info, &stream);
    982   }
    984   if (FLAG_trace_parse && result != NULL) {
    985     double ms = timer.Elapsed().InMillisecondsF();
    986     base::SmartArrayPointer<char> name_chars =
    987         result->debug_name()->ToCString();
    988     PrintF("[parsing function: %s - took %0.3f ms]\n", name_chars.get(), ms);
    989   }
    990   return result;
    991 }
    994 FunctionLiteral* Parser::ParseLazy(Isolate* isolate, ParseInfo* info,
    995                                    Utf16CharacterStream* source) {
    996   Handle<SharedFunctionInfo> shared_info = info->shared_info();
    997   scanner_.Initialize(source);
    998   DCHECK(scope_ == NULL);
    999   DCHECK(target_stack_ == NULL);
   1001   Handle<String> name(String::cast(shared_info->name()));
   1002   DCHECK(ast_value_factory());
   1003   fni_ = new (zone()) FuncNameInferrer(ast_value_factory(), zone());
   1004   const AstRawString* raw_name = ast_value_factory()->GetString(name);
   1005   fni_->PushEnclosingName(raw_name);
   1007   ParsingModeScope parsing_mode(this, PARSE_EAGERLY);
   1009   // Place holder for the result.
   1010   FunctionLiteral* result = NULL;
   1012   {
   1013     // Parse the function literal.
   1014     Scope* scope = NewScope(scope_, SCRIPT_SCOPE);
   1015     info->set_script_scope(scope);
   1016     if (!info->closure().is_null()) {
   1017       // Ok to use Isolate here, since lazy function parsing is only done in the
   1018       // main thread.
   1019       DCHECK(parsing_on_main_thread_);
   1020       scope = Scope::DeserializeScopeChain(isolate, zone(),
   1021                                            info->closure()->context(), scope);
   1022     }
   1023     original_scope_ = scope;
   1024     AstNodeFactory function_factory(ast_value_factory());
   1025     FunctionState function_state(&function_state_, &scope_, scope,
   1026                                  shared_info->kind(), &function_factory);
   1027     DCHECK(is_sloppy(scope->language_mode()) ||
   1028            is_strict(info->language_mode()));
   1029     DCHECK(info->language_mode() == shared_info->language_mode());
   1030     FunctionLiteral::FunctionType function_type =
   1031         shared_info->is_expression()
   1032             ? (shared_info->is_anonymous()
   1033                    ? FunctionLiteral::kAnonymousExpression
   1034                    : FunctionLiteral::kNamedExpression)
   1035             : FunctionLiteral::kDeclaration;
   1036     bool ok = true;
   1038     if (shared_info->is_arrow()) {
   1039       // TODO(adamk): We should construct this scope from the ScopeInfo.
   1040       Scope* scope =
   1041           NewScope(scope_, FUNCTION_SCOPE, FunctionKind::kArrowFunction);
   1043       // These two bits only need to be explicitly set because we're
   1044       // not passing the ScopeInfo to the Scope constructor.
   1045       // TODO(adamk): Remove these calls once the above NewScope call
   1046       // passes the ScopeInfo.
   1047       if (shared_info->scope_info()->CallsEval()) {
   1048         scope->RecordEvalCall();
   1049       }
   1050       SetLanguageMode(scope, shared_info->language_mode());
   1052       scope->set_start_position(shared_info->start_position());
   1053       ExpressionClassifier formals_classifier;
   1054       ParserFormalParameters formals(scope);
   1055       Checkpoint checkpoint(this);
   1056       {
   1057         // Parsing patterns as variable reference expression creates
   1058         // NewUnresolved references in current scope. Entrer arrow function
   1059         // scope for formal parameter parsing.
   1060         BlockState block_state(&scope_, scope);
   1061         if (Check(Token::LPAREN)) {
   1062           // '(' StrictFormalParameters ')'
   1063           ParseFormalParameterList(&formals, &formals_classifier, &ok);
   1064           if (ok) ok = Check(Token::RPAREN);
   1065         } else {
   1066           // BindingIdentifier
   1067           ParseFormalParameter(&formals, &formals_classifier, &ok);
   1068           if (ok) {
   1069             DeclareFormalParameter(formals.scope, formals.at(0),
   1070                                    &formals_classifier);
   1071           }
   1072         }
   1073       }
   1075       if (ok) {
   1076         checkpoint.Restore(&formals.materialized_literals_count);
   1077         // Pass `accept_IN=true` to ParseArrowFunctionLiteral --- This should
   1078         // not be observable, or else the preparser would have failed.
   1079         Expression* expression =
   1080             ParseArrowFunctionLiteral(true, formals, formals_classifier, &ok);
   1081         if (ok) {
   1082           // Scanning must end at the same position that was recorded
   1083           // previously. If not, parsing has been interrupted due to a stack
   1084           // overflow, at which point the partially parsed arrow function
   1085           // concise body happens to be a valid expression. This is a problem
   1086           // only for arrow functions with single expression bodies, since there
   1087           // is no end token such as "}" for normal functions.
   1088           if (scanner()->location().end_pos == shared_info->end_position()) {
   1089             // The pre-parser saw an arrow function here, so the full parser
   1090             // must produce a FunctionLiteral.
   1091             DCHECK(expression->IsFunctionLiteral());
   1092             result = expression->AsFunctionLiteral();
   1093           } else {
   1094             ok = false;
   1095           }
   1096         }
   1097       }
   1098     } else if (shared_info->is_default_constructor()) {
   1099       result = DefaultConstructor(IsSubclassConstructor(shared_info->kind()),
   1100                                   scope, shared_info->start_position(),
   1101                                   shared_info->end_position(),
   1102                                   shared_info->language_mode());
   1103     } else {
   1104       result = ParseFunctionLiteral(
   1105           raw_name, Scanner::Location::invalid(), kSkipFunctionNameCheck,
   1106           shared_info->kind(), RelocInfo::kNoPosition, function_type,
   1107           FunctionLiteral::kNormalArity, shared_info->language_mode(), &ok);
   1108     }
   1109     // Make sure the results agree.
   1110     DCHECK(ok == (result != NULL));
   1111   }
   1113   // Make sure the target stack is empty.
   1114   DCHECK(target_stack_ == NULL);
   1116   if (result != NULL) {
   1117     Handle<String> inferred_name(shared_info->inferred_name());
   1118     result->set_inferred_name(inferred_name);
   1119   }
   1120   return result;
   1121 }
   1124 void* Parser::ParseStatementList(ZoneList<Statement*>* body, int end_token,
   1125                                  bool* ok) {
   1126   // StatementList ::
   1127   //   (StatementListItem)* <end_token>
   1129   // Allocate a target stack to use for this set of source
   1130   // elements. This way, all scripts and functions get their own
   1131   // target stack thus avoiding illegal breaks and continues across
   1132   // functions.
   1133   TargetScope scope(&this->target_stack_);
   1135   DCHECK(body != NULL);
   1136   bool directive_prologue = true;     // Parsing directive prologue.
   1138   while (peek() != end_token) {
   1139     if (directive_prologue && peek() != Token::STRING) {
   1140       directive_prologue = false;
   1141     }
   1143     Scanner::Location token_loc = scanner()->peek_location();
   1144     Scanner::Location old_this_loc = function_state_->this_location();
   1145     Scanner::Location old_super_loc = function_state_->super_location();
   1146     Statement* stat = ParseStatementListItem(CHECK_OK);
   1148     if (is_strong(language_mode()) && scope_->is_function_scope() &&
   1149         IsClassConstructor(function_state_->kind())) {
   1150       Scanner::Location this_loc = function_state_->this_location();
   1151       Scanner::Location super_loc = function_state_->super_location();
   1152       if (this_loc.beg_pos != old_this_loc.beg_pos &&
   1153           this_loc.beg_pos != token_loc.beg_pos) {
   1154         ReportMessageAt(this_loc, MessageTemplate::kStrongConstructorThis);
   1155         *ok = false;
   1156         return nullptr;
   1157       }
   1158       if (super_loc.beg_pos != old_super_loc.beg_pos &&
   1159           super_loc.beg_pos != token_loc.beg_pos) {
   1160         ReportMessageAt(super_loc, MessageTemplate::kStrongConstructorSuper);
   1161         *ok = false;
   1162         return nullptr;
   1163       }
   1164     }
   1166     if (stat == NULL || stat->IsEmpty()) {
   1167       directive_prologue = false;   // End of directive prologue.
   1168       continue;
   1169     }
   1171     if (directive_prologue) {
   1172       // A shot at a directive.
   1173       ExpressionStatement* e_stat;
   1174       Literal* literal;
   1175       // Still processing directive prologue?
   1176       if ((e_stat = stat->AsExpressionStatement()) != NULL &&
   1177           (literal = e_stat->expression()->AsLiteral()) != NULL &&
   1178           literal->raw_value()->IsString()) {
   1179         // Check "use strict" directive (ES5 14.1), "use asm" directive, and
   1180         // "use strong" directive (experimental).
   1181         bool use_strict_found =
   1182             literal->raw_value()->AsString() ==
   1183                 ast_value_factory()->use_strict_string() &&
   1184             token_loc.end_pos - token_loc.beg_pos ==
   1185                 ast_value_factory()->use_strict_string()->length() + 2;
   1186         bool use_strong_found =
   1187             allow_strong_mode() &&
   1188             literal->raw_value()->AsString() ==
   1189                 ast_value_factory()->use_strong_string() &&
   1190             token_loc.end_pos - token_loc.beg_pos ==
   1191                 ast_value_factory()->use_strong_string()->length() + 2;
   1192         if (use_strict_found || use_strong_found) {
   1193           // Strong mode implies strict mode. If there are several "use strict"
   1194           // / "use strong" directives, do the strict mode changes only once.
   1195           if (is_sloppy(scope_->language_mode())) {
   1196             RaiseLanguageMode(STRICT);
   1197           }
   1199           if (use_strong_found) {
   1200             RaiseLanguageMode(STRONG);
   1201             if (IsClassConstructor(function_state_->kind())) {
   1202               // "use strong" cannot occur in a class constructor body, to avoid
   1203               // unintuitive strong class object semantics.
   1204               ParserTraits::ReportMessageAt(
   1205                   token_loc, MessageTemplate::kStrongConstructorDirective);
   1206               *ok = false;
   1207               return nullptr;
   1208             }
   1209           }
   1210           if (!scope_->HasSimpleParameters()) {
   1211             // TC39 deemed "use strict" directives to be an error when occurring
   1212             // in the body of a function with non-simple parameter list, on
   1213             // 29/7/2015. https://goo.gl/ueA7Ln
   1214             //
   1215             // In V8, this also applies to "use strong " directives.
   1216             const AstRawString* string = literal->raw_value()->AsString();
   1217             ParserTraits::ReportMessageAt(
   1218                 token_loc, MessageTemplate::kIllegalLanguageModeDirective,
   1219                 string);
   1220             *ok = false;
   1221             return nullptr;
   1222           }
   1223           // Because declarations in strict eval code don't leak into the scope
   1224           // of the eval call, it is likely that functions declared in strict
   1225           // eval code will be used within the eval code, so lazy parsing is
   1226           // probably not a win.
   1227           if (scope_->is_eval_scope()) mode_ = PARSE_EAGERLY;
   1228         } else if (literal->raw_value()->AsString() ==
   1229                        ast_value_factory()->use_asm_string() &&
   1230                    token_loc.end_pos - token_loc.beg_pos ==
   1231                        ast_value_factory()->use_asm_string()->length() + 2) {
   1232           // Store the usage count; The actual use counter on the isolate is
   1233           // incremented after parsing is done.
   1234           ++use_counts_[v8::Isolate::kUseAsm];
   1235           scope_->SetAsmModule();
   1236         } else {
   1237           // Should not change mode, but will increment UseCounter
   1238           // if appropriate. Ditto usages below.
   1239           RaiseLanguageMode(SLOPPY);
   1240         }
   1241       } else {
   1242         // End of the directive prologue.
   1243         directive_prologue = false;
   1244         RaiseLanguageMode(SLOPPY);
   1245       }
   1246     } else {
   1247       RaiseLanguageMode(SLOPPY);
   1248     }
   1250     body->Add(stat, zone());
   1251   }
   1253   return 0;
   1254 }
   1257 Statement* Parser::ParseStatementListItem(bool* ok) {
   1258   // (Ecma 262 6th Edition, 13.1):
   1259   // StatementListItem:
   1260   //    Statement
   1261   //    Declaration
   1263   if (peek() != Token::CLASS) {
   1264     // No more classes follow; reset the start position for the consecutive
   1265     // class declaration group.
   1266     scope_->set_class_declaration_group_start(-1);
   1267   }
   1269   switch (peek()) {
   1270     case Token::FUNCTION:
   1271       return ParseFunctionDeclaration(NULL, ok);
   1272     case Token::CLASS:
   1273       if (scope_->class_declaration_group_start() < 0) {
   1274         scope_->set_class_declaration_group_start(
   1275             scanner()->peek_location().beg_pos);
   1276       }
   1277       return ParseClassDeclaration(NULL, ok);
   1278     case Token::CONST:
   1279       if (allow_const()) {
   1280         return ParseVariableStatement(kStatementListItem, NULL, ok);
   1281       }
   1282       break;
   1283     case Token::VAR:
   1284       return ParseVariableStatement(kStatementListItem, NULL, ok);
   1285     case Token::LET:
   1286       if (IsNextLetKeyword()) {
   1287         return ParseVariableStatement(kStatementListItem, NULL, ok);
   1288       }
   1289       break;
   1290     default:
   1291       break;
   1292   }
   1293   return ParseStatement(NULL, ok);
   1294 }
   1297 Statement* Parser::ParseModuleItem(bool* ok) {
   1298   // (Ecma 262 6th Edition, 15.2):
   1299   // ModuleItem :
   1300   //    ImportDeclaration
   1301   //    ExportDeclaration
   1302   //    StatementListItem
   1304   switch (peek()) {
   1305     case Token::IMPORT:
   1306       return ParseImportDeclaration(ok);
   1307     case Token::EXPORT:
   1308       return ParseExportDeclaration(ok);
   1309     default:
   1310       return ParseStatementListItem(ok);
   1311   }
   1312 }
   1315 void* Parser::ParseModuleItemList(ZoneList<Statement*>* body, bool* ok) {
   1316   // (Ecma 262 6th Edition, 15.2):
   1317   // Module :
   1318   //    ModuleBody?
   1319   //
   1320   // ModuleBody :
   1321   //    ModuleItem*
   1323   DCHECK(scope_->is_module_scope());
   1324   RaiseLanguageMode(STRICT);
   1326   while (peek() != Token::EOS) {
   1327     Statement* stat = ParseModuleItem(CHECK_OK);
   1328     if (stat && !stat->IsEmpty()) {
   1329       body->Add(stat, zone());
   1330     }
   1331   }
   1333   // Check that all exports are bound.
   1334   ModuleDescriptor* descriptor = scope_->module();
   1335   for (ModuleDescriptor::Iterator it = descriptor->iterator(); !it.done();
   1336        it.Advance()) {
   1337     if (scope_->LookupLocal(it.local_name()) == NULL) {
   1338       // TODO(adamk): Pass both local_name and export_name once ParserTraits
   1339       // supports multiple arg error messages.
   1340       // Also try to report this at a better location.
   1341       ParserTraits::ReportMessage(MessageTemplate::kModuleExportUndefined,
   1342                                   it.local_name());
   1343       *ok = false;
   1344       return NULL;
   1345     }
   1346   }
   1348   scope_->module()->Freeze();
   1349   return NULL;
   1350 }
   1353 const AstRawString* Parser::ParseModuleSpecifier(bool* ok) {
   1354   // ModuleSpecifier :
   1355   //    StringLiteral
   1357   Expect(Token::STRING, CHECK_OK);
   1358   return GetSymbol(scanner());
   1359 }
   1362 void* Parser::ParseExportClause(ZoneList<const AstRawString*>* export_names,
   1363                                 ZoneList<Scanner::Location>* export_locations,
   1364                                 ZoneList<const AstRawString*>* local_names,
   1365                                 Scanner::Location* reserved_loc, bool* ok) {
   1366   // ExportClause :
   1367   //   '{' '}'
   1368   //   '{' ExportsList '}'
   1369   //   '{' ExportsList ',' '}'
   1370   //
   1371   // ExportsList :
   1372   //   ExportSpecifier
   1373   //   ExportsList ',' ExportSpecifier
   1374   //
   1375   // ExportSpecifier :
   1376   //   IdentifierName
   1377   //   IdentifierName 'as' IdentifierName
   1379   Expect(Token::LBRACE, CHECK_OK);
   1381   Token::Value name_tok;
   1382   while ((name_tok = peek()) != Token::RBRACE) {
   1383     // Keep track of the first reserved word encountered in case our
   1384     // caller needs to report an error.
   1385     if (!reserved_loc->IsValid() &&
   1386         !Token::IsIdentifier(name_tok, STRICT, false)) {
   1387       *reserved_loc = scanner()->location();
   1388     }
   1389     const AstRawString* local_name = ParseIdentifierName(CHECK_OK);
   1390     const AstRawString* export_name = NULL;
   1391     if (CheckContextualKeyword(CStrVector("as"))) {
   1392       export_name = ParseIdentifierName(CHECK_OK);
   1393     }
   1394     if (export_name == NULL) {
   1395       export_name = local_name;
   1396     }
   1397     export_names->Add(export_name, zone());
   1398     local_names->Add(local_name, zone());
   1399     export_locations->Add(scanner()->location(), zone());
   1400     if (peek() == Token::RBRACE) break;
   1401     Expect(Token::COMMA, CHECK_OK);
   1402   }
   1404   Expect(Token::RBRACE, CHECK_OK);
   1406   return 0;
   1407 }
   1410 ZoneList<ImportDeclaration*>* Parser::ParseNamedImports(int pos, bool* ok) {
   1411   // NamedImports :
   1412   //   '{' '}'
   1413   //   '{' ImportsList '}'
   1414   //   '{' ImportsList ',' '}'
   1415   //
   1416   // ImportsList :
   1417   //   ImportSpecifier
   1418   //   ImportsList ',' ImportSpecifier
   1419   //
   1420   // ImportSpecifier :
   1421   //   BindingIdentifier
   1422   //   IdentifierName 'as' BindingIdentifier
   1424   Expect(Token::LBRACE, CHECK_OK);
   1426   ZoneList<ImportDeclaration*>* result =
   1427       new (zone()) ZoneList<ImportDeclaration*>(1, zone());
   1428   while (peek() != Token::RBRACE) {
   1429     const AstRawString* import_name = ParseIdentifierName(CHECK_OK);
   1430     const AstRawString* local_name = import_name;
   1431     // In the presence of 'as', the left-side of the 'as' can
   1432     // be any IdentifierName. But without 'as', it must be a valid
   1433     // BindingIdentifier.
   1434     if (CheckContextualKeyword(CStrVector("as"))) {
   1435       local_name = ParseIdentifierName(CHECK_OK);
   1436     }
   1437     if (!Token::IsIdentifier(scanner()->current_token(), STRICT, false)) {
   1438       *ok = false;
   1439       ReportMessage(MessageTemplate::kUnexpectedReserved);
   1440       return NULL;
   1441     } else if (IsEvalOrArguments(local_name)) {
   1442       *ok = false;
   1443       ReportMessage(MessageTemplate::kStrictEvalArguments);
   1444       return NULL;
   1445     } else if (is_strong(language_mode()) && IsUndefined(local_name)) {
   1446       *ok = false;
   1447       ReportMessage(MessageTemplate::kStrongUndefined);
   1448       return NULL;
   1449     }
   1450     VariableProxy* proxy = NewUnresolved(local_name, IMPORT);
   1451     ImportDeclaration* declaration =
   1452         factory()->NewImportDeclaration(proxy, import_name, NULL, scope_, pos);
   1453     Declare(declaration, DeclarationDescriptor::NORMAL, true, CHECK_OK);
   1454     result->Add(declaration, zone());
   1455     if (peek() == Token::RBRACE) break;
   1456     Expect(Token::COMMA, CHECK_OK);
   1457   }
   1459   Expect(Token::RBRACE, CHECK_OK);
   1461   return result;
   1462 }
   1465 Statement* Parser::ParseImportDeclaration(bool* ok) {
   1466   // ImportDeclaration :
   1467   //   'import' ImportClause 'from' ModuleSpecifier ';'
   1468   //   'import' ModuleSpecifier ';'
   1469   //
   1470   // ImportClause :
   1471   //   NameSpaceImport
   1472   //   NamedImports
   1473   //   ImportedDefaultBinding
   1474   //   ImportedDefaultBinding ',' NameSpaceImport
   1475   //   ImportedDefaultBinding ',' NamedImports
   1476   //
   1477   // NameSpaceImport :
   1478   //   '*' 'as' ImportedBinding
   1480   int pos = peek_position();
   1481   Expect(Token::IMPORT, CHECK_OK);
   1483   Token::Value tok = peek();
   1485   // 'import' ModuleSpecifier ';'
   1486   if (tok == Token::STRING) {
   1487     const AstRawString* module_specifier = ParseModuleSpecifier(CHECK_OK);
   1488     scope_->module()->AddModuleRequest(module_specifier, zone());
   1489     ExpectSemicolon(CHECK_OK);
   1490     return factory()->NewEmptyStatement(pos);
   1491   }
   1493   // Parse ImportedDefaultBinding if present.
   1494   ImportDeclaration* import_default_declaration = NULL;
   1495   if (tok != Token::MUL && tok != Token::LBRACE) {
   1496     const AstRawString* local_name =
   1497         ParseIdentifier(kDontAllowRestrictedIdentifiers, CHECK_OK);
   1498     VariableProxy* proxy = NewUnresolved(local_name, IMPORT);
   1499     import_default_declaration = factory()->NewImportDeclaration(
   1500         proxy, ast_value_factory()->default_string(), NULL, scope_, pos);
   1501     Declare(import_default_declaration, DeclarationDescriptor::NORMAL, true,
   1502             CHECK_OK);
   1503   }
   1505   const AstRawString* module_instance_binding = NULL;
   1506   ZoneList<ImportDeclaration*>* named_declarations = NULL;
   1507   if (import_default_declaration == NULL || Check(Token::COMMA)) {
   1508     switch (peek()) {
   1509       case Token::MUL: {
   1510         Consume(Token::MUL);
   1511         ExpectContextualKeyword(CStrVector("as"), CHECK_OK);
   1512         module_instance_binding =
   1513             ParseIdentifier(kDontAllowRestrictedIdentifiers, CHECK_OK);
   1514         // TODO(ES6): Add an appropriate declaration.
   1515         break;
   1516       }
   1518       case Token::LBRACE:
   1519         named_declarations = ParseNamedImports(pos, CHECK_OK);
   1520         break;
   1522       default:
   1523         *ok = false;
   1524         ReportUnexpectedToken(scanner()->current_token());
   1525         return NULL;
   1526     }
   1527   }
   1529   ExpectContextualKeyword(CStrVector("from"), CHECK_OK);
   1530   const AstRawString* module_specifier = ParseModuleSpecifier(CHECK_OK);
   1531   scope_->module()->AddModuleRequest(module_specifier, zone());
   1533   if (module_instance_binding != NULL) {
   1534     // TODO(ES6): Set the module specifier for the module namespace binding.
   1535   }
   1537   if (import_default_declaration != NULL) {
   1538     import_default_declaration->set_module_specifier(module_specifier);
   1539   }
   1541   if (named_declarations != NULL) {
   1542     for (int i = 0; i < named_declarations->length(); ++i) {
   1543       named_declarations->at(i)->set_module_specifier(module_specifier);
   1544     }
   1545   }
   1547   ExpectSemicolon(CHECK_OK);
   1548   return factory()->NewEmptyStatement(pos);
   1549 }
   1552 Statement* Parser::ParseExportDefault(bool* ok) {
   1553   //  Supports the following productions, starting after the 'default' token:
   1554   //    'export' 'default' FunctionDeclaration
   1555   //    'export' 'default' ClassDeclaration
   1556   //    'export' 'default' AssignmentExpression[In] ';'
   1558   Expect(Token::DEFAULT, CHECK_OK);
   1559   Scanner::Location default_loc = scanner()->location();
   1561   ZoneList<const AstRawString*> names(1, zone());
   1562   Statement* result = NULL;
   1563   switch (peek()) {
   1564     case Token::FUNCTION:
   1565       // TODO(ES6): Support parsing anonymous function declarations here.
   1566       result = ParseFunctionDeclaration(&names, CHECK_OK);
   1567       break;
   1569     case Token::CLASS:
   1570       // TODO(ES6): Support parsing anonymous class declarations here.
   1571       result = ParseClassDeclaration(&names, CHECK_OK);
   1572       break;
   1574     default: {
   1575       int pos = peek_position();
   1576       ExpressionClassifier classifier;
   1577       Expression* expr = ParseAssignmentExpression(true, &classifier, CHECK_OK);
   1578       expr = ParserTraits::RewriteNonPattern(expr, &classifier, CHECK_OK);
   1580       ExpectSemicolon(CHECK_OK);
   1581       result = factory()->NewExpressionStatement(expr, pos);
   1582       break;
   1583     }
   1584   }
   1586   const AstRawString* default_string = ast_value_factory()->default_string();
   1588   DCHECK_LE(names.length(), 1);
   1589   if (names.length() == 1) {
   1590     scope_->module()->AddLocalExport(default_string, names.first(), zone(), ok);
   1591     if (!*ok) {
   1592       ParserTraits::ReportMessageAt(
   1593           default_loc, MessageTemplate::kDuplicateExport, default_string);
   1594       return NULL;
   1595     }
   1596   } else {
   1597     // TODO(ES6): Assign result to a const binding with the name "*default*"
   1598     // and add an export entry with "*default*" as the local name.
   1599   }
   1601   return result;
   1602 }
   1605 Statement* Parser::ParseExportDeclaration(bool* ok) {
   1606   // ExportDeclaration:
   1607   //    'export' '*' 'from' ModuleSpecifier ';'
   1608   //    'export' ExportClause ('from' ModuleSpecifier)? ';'
   1609   //    'export' VariableStatement
   1610   //    'export' Declaration
   1611   //    'export' 'default' ... (handled in ParseExportDefault)
   1613   int pos = peek_position();
   1614   Expect(Token::EXPORT, CHECK_OK);
   1616   Statement* result = NULL;
   1617   ZoneList<const AstRawString*> names(1, zone());
   1618   switch (peek()) {
   1619     case Token::DEFAULT:
   1620       return ParseExportDefault(ok);
   1622     case Token::MUL: {
   1623       Consume(Token::MUL);
   1624       ExpectContextualKeyword(CStrVector("from"), CHECK_OK);
   1625       const AstRawString* module_specifier = ParseModuleSpecifier(CHECK_OK);
   1626       scope_->module()->AddModuleRequest(module_specifier, zone());
   1627       // TODO(ES6): scope_->module()->AddStarExport(...)
   1628       ExpectSemicolon(CHECK_OK);
   1629       return factory()->NewEmptyStatement(pos);
   1630     }
   1632     case Token::LBRACE: {
   1633       // There are two cases here:
   1634       //
   1635       // 'export' ExportClause ';'
   1636       // and
   1637       // 'export' ExportClause FromClause ';'
   1638       //
   1639       // In the first case, the exported identifiers in ExportClause must
   1640       // not be reserved words, while in the latter they may be. We
   1641       // pass in a location that gets filled with the first reserved word
   1642       // encountered, and then throw a SyntaxError if we are in the
   1643       // non-FromClause case.
   1644       Scanner::Location reserved_loc = Scanner::Location::invalid();
   1645       ZoneList<const AstRawString*> export_names(1, zone());
   1646       ZoneList<Scanner::Location> export_locations(1, zone());
   1647       ZoneList<const AstRawString*> local_names(1, zone());
   1648       ParseExportClause(&export_names, &export_locations, &local_names,
   1649                         &reserved_loc, CHECK_OK);
   1650       const AstRawString* indirect_export_module_specifier = NULL;
   1651       if (CheckContextualKeyword(CStrVector("from"))) {
   1652         indirect_export_module_specifier = ParseModuleSpecifier(CHECK_OK);
   1653       } else if (reserved_loc.IsValid()) {
   1654         // No FromClause, so reserved words are invalid in ExportClause.
   1655         *ok = false;
   1656         ReportMessageAt(reserved_loc, MessageTemplate::kUnexpectedReserved);
   1657         return NULL;
   1658       }
   1659       ExpectSemicolon(CHECK_OK);
   1660       const int length = export_names.length();
   1661       DCHECK_EQ(length, local_names.length());
   1662       DCHECK_EQ(length, export_locations.length());
   1663       if (indirect_export_module_specifier == NULL) {
   1664         for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
   1665           scope_->module()->AddLocalExport(export_names[i], local_names[i],
   1666                                            zone(), ok);
   1667           if (!*ok) {
   1668             ParserTraits::ReportMessageAt(export_locations[i],
   1669                                           MessageTemplate::kDuplicateExport,
   1670                                           export_names[i]);
   1671             return NULL;
   1672           }
   1673         }
   1674       } else {
   1675         scope_->module()->AddModuleRequest(indirect_export_module_specifier,
   1676                                            zone());
   1677         for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
   1678           // TODO(ES6): scope_->module()->AddIndirectExport(...);(
   1679         }
   1680       }
   1681       return factory()->NewEmptyStatement(pos);
   1682     }
   1684     case Token::FUNCTION:
   1685       result = ParseFunctionDeclaration(&names, CHECK_OK);
   1686       break;
   1688     case Token::CLASS:
   1689       result = ParseClassDeclaration(&names, CHECK_OK);
   1690       break;
   1692     case Token::VAR:
   1693     case Token::LET:
   1694     case Token::CONST:
   1695       result = ParseVariableStatement(kStatementListItem, &names, CHECK_OK);
   1696       break;
   1698     default:
   1699       *ok = false;
   1700       ReportUnexpectedToken(scanner()->current_token());
   1701       return NULL;
   1702   }
   1704   // Extract declared names into export declarations.
   1705   ModuleDescriptor* descriptor = scope_->module();
   1706   for (int i = 0; i < names.length(); ++i) {
   1707     descriptor->AddLocalExport(names[i], names[i], zone(), ok);
   1708     if (!*ok) {
   1709       // TODO(adamk): Possibly report this error at the right place.
   1710       ParserTraits::ReportMessage(MessageTemplate::kDuplicateExport, names[i]);
   1711       return NULL;
   1712     }
   1713   }
   1715   DCHECK_NOT_NULL(result);
   1716   return result;
   1717 }
   1720 Statement* Parser::ParseStatement(ZoneList<const AstRawString*>* labels,
   1721                                   bool* ok) {
   1722   // Statement ::
   1723   //   EmptyStatement
   1724   //   ...
   1726   if (peek() == Token::SEMICOLON) {
   1727     Next();
   1728     return factory()->NewEmptyStatement(RelocInfo::kNoPosition);
   1729   }
   1730   return ParseSubStatement(labels, ok);
   1731 }
   1734 Statement* Parser::ParseSubStatement(ZoneList<const AstRawString*>* labels,
   1735                                      bool* ok) {
   1736   // Statement ::
   1737   //   Block
   1738   //   VariableStatement
   1739   //   EmptyStatement
   1740   //   ExpressionStatement
   1741   //   IfStatement
   1742   //   IterationStatement
   1743   //   ContinueStatement
   1744   //   BreakStatement
   1745   //   ReturnStatement
   1746   //   WithStatement
   1747   //   LabelledStatement
   1748   //   SwitchStatement
   1749   //   ThrowStatement
   1750   //   TryStatement
   1751   //   DebuggerStatement
   1753   // Note: Since labels can only be used by 'break' and 'continue'
   1754   // statements, which themselves are only valid within blocks,
   1755   // iterations or 'switch' statements (i.e., BreakableStatements),
   1756   // labels can be simply ignored in all other cases; except for
   1757   // trivial labeled break statements 'label: break label' which is
   1758   // parsed into an empty statement.
   1759   switch (peek()) {
   1760     case Token::LBRACE:
   1761       return ParseBlock(labels, ok);
   1763     case Token::SEMICOLON:
   1764       if (is_strong(language_mode())) {
   1765         ReportMessageAt(scanner()->peek_location(),
   1766                         MessageTemplate::kStrongEmpty);
   1767         *ok = false;
   1768         return NULL;
   1769       }
   1770       Next();
   1771       return factory()->NewEmptyStatement(RelocInfo::kNoPosition);
   1773     case Token::IF:
   1774       return ParseIfStatement(labels, ok);
   1776     case Token::DO:
   1777       return ParseDoWhileStatement(labels, ok);
   1779     case Token::WHILE:
   1780       return ParseWhileStatement(labels, ok);
   1782     case Token::FOR:
   1783       return ParseForStatement(labels, ok);
   1785     case Token::CONTINUE:
   1786     case Token::BREAK:
   1787     case Token::RETURN:
   1788     case Token::THROW:
   1789     case Token::TRY: {
   1790       // These statements must have their labels preserved in an enclosing
   1791       // block
   1792       if (labels == NULL) {
   1793         return ParseStatementAsUnlabelled(labels, ok);
   1794       } else {
   1795         Block* result =
   1796             factory()->NewBlock(labels, 1, false, RelocInfo::kNoPosition);
   1797         Target target(&this->target_stack_, result);
   1798         Statement* statement = ParseStatementAsUnlabelled(labels, CHECK_OK);
   1799         if (result) result->statements()->Add(statement, zone());
   1800         return result;
   1801       }
   1802     }
   1804     case Token::WITH:
   1805       return ParseWithStatement(labels, ok);
   1807     case Token::SWITCH:
   1808       return ParseSwitchStatement(labels, ok);
   1810     case Token::FUNCTION: {
   1811       // FunctionDeclaration is only allowed in the context of SourceElements
   1812       // (Ecma 262 5th Edition, clause 14):
   1813       // SourceElement:
   1814       //    Statement
   1815       //    FunctionDeclaration
   1816       // Common language extension is to allow function declaration in place
   1817       // of any statement. This language extension is disabled in strict mode.
   1818       //
   1819       // In Harmony mode, this case also handles the extension:
   1820       // Statement:
   1821       //    GeneratorDeclaration
   1822       if (is_strict(language_mode())) {
   1823         ReportMessageAt(scanner()->peek_location(),
   1824                         MessageTemplate::kStrictFunction);
   1825         *ok = false;
   1826         return NULL;
   1827       }
   1828       return ParseFunctionDeclaration(NULL, ok);
   1829     }
   1831     case Token::DEBUGGER:
   1832       return ParseDebuggerStatement(ok);
   1834     case Token::VAR:
   1835       return ParseVariableStatement(kStatement, NULL, ok);
   1837     case Token::CONST:
   1838       // In ES6 CONST is not allowed as a Statement, only as a
   1839       // LexicalDeclaration, however we continue to allow it in sloppy mode for
   1840       // backwards compatibility.
   1841       if (is_sloppy(language_mode()) && allow_legacy_const()) {
   1842         return ParseVariableStatement(kStatement, NULL, ok);
   1843       }
   1845     // Fall through.
   1846     default:
   1847       return ParseExpressionOrLabelledStatement(labels, ok);
   1848   }
   1849 }
   1851 Statement* Parser::ParseStatementAsUnlabelled(
   1852     ZoneList<const AstRawString*>* labels, bool* ok) {
   1853   switch (peek()) {
   1854     case Token::CONTINUE:
   1855       return ParseContinueStatement(ok);
   1857     case Token::BREAK:
   1858       return ParseBreakStatement(labels, ok);
   1860     case Token::RETURN:
   1861       return ParseReturnStatement(ok);
   1863     case Token::THROW:
   1864       return ParseThrowStatement(ok);
   1866     case Token::TRY:
   1867       return ParseTryStatement(ok);
   1869     default:
   1870       UNREACHABLE();
   1871       return NULL;
   1872   }
   1873 }
   1876 VariableProxy* Parser::NewUnresolved(const AstRawString* name,
   1877                                      VariableMode mode) {
   1878   // If we are inside a function, a declaration of a var/const variable is a
   1879   // truly local variable, and the scope of the variable is always the function
   1880   // scope.
   1881   // Let/const variables in harmony mode are always added to the immediately
   1882   // enclosing scope.
   1883   Scope* scope =
   1884       IsLexicalVariableMode(mode) ? scope_ : scope_->DeclarationScope();
   1885   return scope->NewUnresolved(factory(), name, Variable::NORMAL,
   1886                               scanner()->location().beg_pos,
   1887                               scanner()->location().end_pos);
   1888 }
   1891 Variable* Parser::Declare(Declaration* declaration,
   1892                           DeclarationDescriptor::Kind declaration_kind,
   1893                           bool resolve, bool* ok, Scope* scope) {
   1894   VariableProxy* proxy = declaration->proxy();
   1895   DCHECK(proxy->raw_name() != NULL);
   1896   const AstRawString* name = proxy->raw_name();
   1897   VariableMode mode = declaration->mode();
   1898   bool is_function_declaration = declaration->IsFunctionDeclaration();
   1899   if (scope == nullptr) scope = scope_;
   1900   Scope* declaration_scope =
   1901       IsLexicalVariableMode(mode) ? scope : scope->DeclarationScope();
   1902   Variable* var = NULL;
   1904   // If a suitable scope exists, then we can statically declare this
   1905   // variable and also set its mode. In any case, a Declaration node
   1906   // will be added to the scope so that the declaration can be added
   1907   // to the corresponding activation frame at runtime if necessary.
   1908   // For instance, var declarations inside a sloppy eval scope need
   1909   // to be added to the calling function context. Similarly, strict
   1910   // mode eval scope and lexical eval bindings do not leak variable
   1911   // declarations to the caller's scope so we declare all locals, too.
   1912   if (declaration_scope->is_function_scope() ||
   1913       declaration_scope->is_block_scope() ||
   1914       declaration_scope->is_module_scope() ||
   1915       declaration_scope->is_script_scope() ||
   1916       (declaration_scope->is_eval_scope() &&
   1917        (is_strict(declaration_scope->language_mode()) ||
   1918         IsLexicalVariableMode(mode)))) {
   1919     // Declare the variable in the declaration scope.
   1920     var = declaration_scope->LookupLocal(name);
   1921     if (var == NULL) {
   1922       // Declare the name.
   1923       Variable::Kind kind = Variable::NORMAL;
   1924       int declaration_group_start = -1;
   1925       if (is_function_declaration) {
   1926         kind = Variable::FUNCTION;
   1927       } else if (declaration->IsVariableDeclaration() &&
   1928                  declaration->AsVariableDeclaration()->is_class_declaration()) {
   1929         kind = Variable::CLASS;
   1930         declaration_group_start =
   1931             declaration->AsVariableDeclaration()->declaration_group_start();
   1932       }
   1933       var = declaration_scope->DeclareLocal(
   1934           name, mode, declaration->initialization(), kind, kNotAssigned,
   1935           declaration_group_start);
   1936     } else if (((IsLexicalVariableMode(mode) ||
   1937                  IsLexicalVariableMode(var->mode())) &&
   1938                 // Allow duplicate function decls for web compat, see bug 4693.
   1939                 (is_strict(language_mode()) || !is_function_declaration ||
   1940                  !var->is_function())) ||
   1941                ((mode == CONST_LEGACY || var->mode() == CONST_LEGACY) &&
   1942                 !declaration_scope->is_script_scope())) {
   1943       // The name was declared in this scope before; check for conflicting
   1944       // re-declarations. We have a conflict if either of the declarations is
   1945       // not a var (in script scope, we also have to ignore legacy const for
   1946       // compatibility). There is similar code in runtime.cc in the Declare
   1947       // functions. The function CheckConflictingVarDeclarations checks for
   1948       // var and let bindings from different scopes whereas this is a check for
   1949       // conflicting declarations within the same scope. This check also covers
   1950       // the special case
   1951       //
   1952       // function () { let x; { var x; } }
   1953       //
   1954       // because the var declaration is hoisted to the function scope where 'x'
   1955       // is already bound.
   1956       DCHECK(IsDeclaredVariableMode(var->mode()));
   1957       if (is_strict(language_mode()) ||
   1958           (allow_harmony_sloppy() && mode != CONST_LEGACY &&
   1959            var->mode() != CONST_LEGACY)) {
   1960         // In harmony we treat re-declarations as early errors. See
   1961         // ES5 16 for a definition of early errors.
   1962         if (declaration_kind == DeclarationDescriptor::NORMAL) {
   1963           ParserTraits::ReportMessage(MessageTemplate::kVarRedeclaration, name);
   1964         } else {
   1965           ParserTraits::ReportMessage(MessageTemplate::kParamDupe);
   1966         }
   1967         *ok = false;
   1968         return nullptr;
   1969       }
   1970       Expression* expression = NewThrowSyntaxError(
   1971           MessageTemplate::kVarRedeclaration, name, declaration->position());
   1972       declaration_scope->SetIllegalRedeclaration(expression);
   1973     } else if (mode == VAR) {
   1974       var->set_maybe_assigned();
   1975     }
   1976   } else if (declaration_scope->is_eval_scope() &&
   1977              is_sloppy(declaration_scope->language_mode()) &&
   1978              !IsLexicalVariableMode(mode)) {
   1979     // In a var binding in a sloppy direct eval, pollute the enclosing scope
   1980     // with this new binding by doing the following:
   1981     // The proxy is bound to a lookup variable to force a dynamic declaration
   1982     // using the DeclareLookupSlot runtime function.
   1983     Variable::Kind kind = Variable::NORMAL;
   1984     // TODO(sigurds) figure out if kNotAssigned is OK here
   1985     var = new (zone()) Variable(declaration_scope, name, mode, kind,
   1986                                 declaration->initialization(), kNotAssigned);
   1987     var->AllocateTo(VariableLocation::LOOKUP, -1);
   1988     var->SetFromEval();
   1989     resolve = true;
   1990   }
   1993   // We add a declaration node for every declaration. The compiler
   1994   // will only generate code if necessary. In particular, declarations
   1995   // for inner local variables that do not represent functions won't
   1996   // result in any generated code.
   1997   //
   1998   // Note that we always add an unresolved proxy even if it's not
   1999   // used, simply because we don't know in this method (w/o extra
   2000   // parameters) if the proxy is needed or not. The proxy will be
   2001   // bound during variable resolution time unless it was pre-bound
   2002   // below.
   2003   //
   2004   // WARNING: This will lead to multiple declaration nodes for the
   2005   // same variable if it is declared several times. This is not a
   2006   // semantic issue as long as we keep the source order, but it may be
   2007   // a performance issue since it may lead to repeated
   2008   // RuntimeHidden_DeclareLookupSlot calls.
   2009   declaration_scope->AddDeclaration(declaration);
   2011   if (mode == CONST_LEGACY && declaration_scope->is_script_scope()) {
   2012     // For global const variables we bind the proxy to a variable.
   2013     DCHECK(resolve);  // should be set by all callers
   2014     Variable::Kind kind = Variable::NORMAL;
   2015     var = new (zone()) Variable(declaration_scope, name, mode, kind,
   2016                                 kNeedsInitialization, kNotAssigned);
   2017   }
   2019   // If requested and we have a local variable, bind the proxy to the variable
   2020   // at parse-time. This is used for functions (and consts) declared inside
   2021   // statements: the corresponding function (or const) variable must be in the
   2022   // function scope and not a statement-local scope, e.g. as provided with a
   2023   // 'with' statement:
   2024   //
   2025   //   with (obj) {
   2026   //     function f() {}
   2027   //   }
   2028   //
   2029   // which is translated into:
   2030   //
   2031   //   with (obj) {
   2032   //     // in this case this is not: 'var f; f = function () {};'
   2033   //     var f = function () {};
   2034   //   }
   2035   //
   2036   // Note that if 'f' is accessed from inside the 'with' statement, it
   2037   // will be allocated in the context (because we must be able to look
   2038   // it up dynamically) but it will also be accessed statically, i.e.,
   2039   // with a context slot index and a context chain length for this
   2040   // initialization code. Thus, inside the 'with' statement, we need
   2041   // both access to the static and the dynamic context chain; the
   2042   // runtime needs to provide both.
   2043   if (resolve && var != NULL) {
   2044     proxy->BindTo(var);
   2045   }
   2046   return var;
   2047 }
   2050 // Language extension which is only enabled for source files loaded
   2051 // through the API's extension mechanism.  A native function
   2052 // declaration is resolved by looking up the function through a
   2053 // callback provided by the extension.
   2054 Statement* Parser::ParseNativeDeclaration(bool* ok) {
   2055   int pos = peek_position();
   2056   Expect(Token::FUNCTION, CHECK_OK);
   2057   // Allow "eval" or "arguments" for backward compatibility.
   2058   const AstRawString* name =
   2059       ParseIdentifier(kAllowRestrictedIdentifiers, CHECK_OK);
   2060   Expect(Token::LPAREN, CHECK_OK);
   2061   bool done = (peek() == Token::RPAREN);
   2062   while (!done) {
   2063     ParseIdentifier(kAllowRestrictedIdentifiers, CHECK_OK);
   2064     done = (peek() == Token::RPAREN);
   2065     if (!done) {
   2066       Expect(Token::COMMA, CHECK_OK);
   2067     }
   2068   }
   2069   Expect(Token::RPAREN, CHECK_OK);
   2070   Expect(Token::SEMICOLON, CHECK_OK);
   2072   // Make sure that the function containing the native declaration
   2073   // isn't lazily compiled. The extension structures are only
   2074   // accessible while parsing the first time not when reparsing
   2075   // because of lazy compilation.
   2076   // TODO(adamk): Should this be ClosureScope()?
   2077   scope_->DeclarationScope()->ForceEagerCompilation();
   2079   // TODO(1240846): It's weird that native function declarations are
   2080   // introduced dynamically when we meet their declarations, whereas
   2081   // other functions are set up when entering the surrounding scope.
   2082   VariableProxy* proxy = NewUnresolved(name, VAR);
   2083   Declaration* declaration =
   2084       factory()->NewVariableDeclaration(proxy, VAR, scope_, pos);
   2085   Declare(declaration, DeclarationDescriptor::NORMAL, true, CHECK_OK);
   2086   NativeFunctionLiteral* lit = factory()->NewNativeFunctionLiteral(
   2087       name, extension_, RelocInfo::kNoPosition);
   2088   return factory()->NewExpressionStatement(
   2089       factory()->NewAssignment(Token::INIT, proxy, lit, RelocInfo::kNoPosition),
   2090       pos);
   2091 }
   2094 Statement* Parser::ParseFunctionDeclaration(
   2095     ZoneList<const AstRawString*>* names, bool* ok) {
   2096   // FunctionDeclaration ::
   2097   //   'function' Identifier '(' FormalParameterListopt ')' '{' FunctionBody '}'
   2098   // GeneratorDeclaration ::
   2099   //   'function' '*' Identifier '(' FormalParameterListopt ')'
   2100   //      '{' FunctionBody '}'
   2101   Expect(Token::FUNCTION, CHECK_OK);
   2102   int pos = position();
   2103   bool is_generator = Check(Token::MUL);
   2104   bool is_strict_reserved = false;
   2105   const AstRawString* name = ParseIdentifierOrStrictReservedWord(
   2106       &is_strict_reserved, CHECK_OK);
   2108   FuncNameInferrer::State fni_state(fni_);
   2109   if (fni_ != NULL) fni_->PushEnclosingName(name);
   2110   FunctionLiteral* fun = ParseFunctionLiteral(
   2111       name, scanner()->location(),
   2112       is_strict_reserved ? kFunctionNameIsStrictReserved
   2113                          : kFunctionNameValidityUnknown,
   2114       is_generator ? FunctionKind::kGeneratorFunction
   2115                    : FunctionKind::kNormalFunction,
   2116       pos, FunctionLiteral::kDeclaration, FunctionLiteral::kNormalArity,
   2117       language_mode(), CHECK_OK);
   2119   // Even if we're not at the top-level of the global or a function
   2120   // scope, we treat it as such and introduce the function with its
   2121   // initial value upon entering the corresponding scope.
   2122   // In ES6, a function behaves as a lexical binding, except in
   2123   // a script scope, or the initial scope of eval or another function.
   2124   VariableMode mode =
   2125       is_strong(language_mode())
   2126           ? CONST
   2127           : (is_strict(language_mode()) || allow_harmony_sloppy_function()) &&
   2128                     !scope_->is_declaration_scope()
   2129                 ? LET
   2130                 : VAR;
   2131   VariableProxy* proxy = NewUnresolved(name, mode);
   2132   Declaration* declaration =
   2133       factory()->NewFunctionDeclaration(proxy, mode, fun, scope_, pos);
   2134   Declare(declaration, DeclarationDescriptor::NORMAL, true, CHECK_OK);
   2135   if (names) names->Add(name, zone());
   2136   EmptyStatement* empty = factory()->NewEmptyStatement(RelocInfo::kNoPosition);
   2137   if (is_sloppy(language_mode()) && allow_harmony_sloppy_function() &&
   2138       !scope_->is_declaration_scope()) {
   2139     SloppyBlockFunctionStatement* delegate =
   2140         factory()->NewSloppyBlockFunctionStatement(empty, scope_);
   2141     scope_->DeclarationScope()->sloppy_block_function_map()->Declare(name,
   2142                                                                      delegate);
   2143     return delegate;
   2144   }
   2145   return empty;
   2146 }
   2149 Statement* Parser::ParseClassDeclaration(ZoneList<const AstRawString*>* names,
   2150                                          bool* ok) {
   2151   // ClassDeclaration ::
   2152   //   'class' Identifier ('extends' LeftHandExpression)? '{' ClassBody '}'
   2153   //
   2154   // A ClassDeclaration
   2155   //
   2156   //   class C { ... }
   2157   //
   2158   // has the same semantics as:
   2159   //
   2160   //   let C = class C { ... };
   2161   //
   2162   // so rewrite it as such.
   2164   Expect(Token::CLASS, CHECK_OK);
   2165   if (!allow_harmony_sloppy() && is_sloppy(language_mode())) {
   2166     ReportMessage(MessageTemplate::kSloppyLexical);
   2167     *ok = false;
   2168     return NULL;
   2169   }
   2171   int pos = position();
   2172   bool is_strict_reserved = false;
   2173   const AstRawString* name =
   2174       ParseIdentifierOrStrictReservedWord(&is_strict_reserved, CHECK_OK);
   2175   ClassLiteral* value = ParseClassLiteral(name, scanner()->location(),
   2176                                           is_strict_reserved, pos, CHECK_OK);
   2178   VariableMode mode = is_strong(language_mode()) ? CONST : LET;
   2179   VariableProxy* proxy = NewUnresolved(name, mode);
   2180   const bool is_class_declaration = true;
   2181   Declaration* declaration = factory()->NewVariableDeclaration(
   2182       proxy, mode, scope_, pos, is_class_declaration,
   2183       scope_->class_declaration_group_start());
   2184   Variable* outer_class_variable =
   2185       Declare(declaration, DeclarationDescriptor::NORMAL, true, CHECK_OK);
   2186   proxy->var()->set_initializer_position(position());
   2187   // This is needed because a class ("class Name { }") creates two bindings (one
   2188   // in the outer scope, and one in the class scope). The method is a function
   2189   // scope inside the inner scope (class scope). The consecutive class
   2190   // declarations are in the outer scope.
   2191   if (value->class_variable_proxy() && value->class_variable_proxy()->var() &&
   2192       outer_class_variable->is_class()) {
   2193     // In some cases, the outer variable is not detected as a class variable;
   2194     // this happens e.g., for lazy methods. They are excluded from strong mode
   2195     // checks for now. TODO(marja, rossberg): re-create variables with the
   2196     // correct Kind and remove this hack.
   2197     value->class_variable_proxy()
   2198         ->var()
   2199         ->AsClassVariable()
   2200         ->set_declaration_group_start(
   2201             outer_class_variable->AsClassVariable()->declaration_group_start());
   2202   }
   2204   Assignment* assignment =
   2205       factory()->NewAssignment(Token::INIT, proxy, value, pos);
   2206   Statement* assignment_statement =
   2207       factory()->NewExpressionStatement(assignment, RelocInfo::kNoPosition);
   2208   if (names) names->Add(name, zone());
   2209   return assignment_statement;
   2210 }
   2213 Block* Parser::ParseBlock(ZoneList<const AstRawString*>* labels,
   2214                           bool finalize_block_scope, bool* ok) {
   2215   // The harmony mode uses block elements instead of statements.
   2216   //
   2217   // Block ::
   2218   //   '{' StatementList '}'
   2220   // Construct block expecting 16 statements.
   2221   Block* body =
   2222       factory()->NewBlock(labels, 16, false, RelocInfo::kNoPosition);
   2223   Scope* block_scope = NewScope(scope_, BLOCK_SCOPE);
   2225   // Parse the statements and collect escaping labels.
   2226   Expect(Token::LBRACE, CHECK_OK);
   2227   block_scope->set_start_position(scanner()->location().beg_pos);
   2228   { BlockState block_state(&scope_, block_scope);
   2229     Target target(&this->target_stack_, body);
   2231     while (peek() != Token::RBRACE) {
   2232       Statement* stat = ParseStatementListItem(CHECK_OK);
   2233       if (stat && !stat->IsEmpty()) {
   2234         body->statements()->Add(stat, zone());
   2235       }
   2236     }
   2237   }
   2238   Expect(Token::RBRACE, CHECK_OK);
   2239   block_scope->set_end_position(scanner()->location().end_pos);
   2240   if (finalize_block_scope) {
   2241     block_scope = block_scope->FinalizeBlockScope();
   2242   }
   2243   body->set_scope(block_scope);
   2244   return body;
   2245 }
   2248 Block* Parser::ParseBlock(ZoneList<const AstRawString*>* labels, bool* ok) {
   2249   return ParseBlock(labels, true, ok);
   2250 }
   2253 Block* Parser::DeclarationParsingResult::BuildInitializationBlock(
   2254     ZoneList<const AstRawString*>* names, bool* ok) {
   2255   Block* result = descriptor.parser->factory()->NewBlock(
   2256       NULL, 1, true, descriptor.declaration_pos);
   2257   for (auto declaration : declarations) {
   2258     PatternRewriter::DeclareAndInitializeVariables(
   2259         result, &descriptor, &declaration, names, CHECK_OK);
   2260   }
   2261   return result;
   2262 }
   2265 Block* Parser::ParseVariableStatement(VariableDeclarationContext var_context,
   2266                                       ZoneList<const AstRawString*>* names,
   2267                                       bool* ok) {
   2268   // VariableStatement ::
   2269   //   VariableDeclarations ';'
   2271   // The scope of a var/const declared variable anywhere inside a function
   2272   // is the entire function (ECMA-262, 3rd, 10.1.3, and 12.2). Thus we can
   2273   // transform a source-level var/const declaration into a (Function)
   2274   // Scope declaration, and rewrite the source-level initialization into an
   2275   // assignment statement. We use a block to collect multiple assignments.
   2276   //
   2277   // We mark the block as initializer block because we don't want the
   2278   // rewriter to add a '.result' assignment to such a block (to get compliant
   2279   // behavior for code such as print(eval('var x = 7')), and for cosmetic
   2280   // reasons when pretty-printing. Also, unless an assignment (initialization)
   2281   // is inside an initializer block, it is ignored.
   2283   DeclarationParsingResult parsing_result;
   2284   ParseVariableDeclarations(var_context, &parsing_result, CHECK_OK);
   2285   ExpectSemicolon(CHECK_OK);
   2287   Block* result = parsing_result.BuildInitializationBlock(names, CHECK_OK);
   2288   return result;
   2289 }
   2292 void Parser::ParseVariableDeclarations(VariableDeclarationContext var_context,
   2293                                        DeclarationParsingResult* parsing_result,
   2294                                        bool* ok) {
   2295   // VariableDeclarations ::
   2296   //   ('var' | 'const' | 'let') (Identifier ('=' AssignmentExpression)?)+[',']
   2297   //
   2298   // The ES6 Draft Rev3 specifies the following grammar for const declarations
   2299   //
   2300   // ConstDeclaration ::
   2301   //   const ConstBinding (',' ConstBinding)* ';'
   2302   // ConstBinding ::
   2303   //   Identifier '=' AssignmentExpression
   2304   //
   2305   // TODO(ES6):
   2306   // ConstBinding ::
   2307   //   BindingPattern '=' AssignmentExpression
   2309   parsing_result->descriptor.parser = this;
   2310   parsing_result->descriptor.declaration_kind = DeclarationDescriptor::NORMAL;
   2311   parsing_result->descriptor.declaration_pos = peek_position();
   2312   parsing_result->descriptor.initialization_pos = peek_position();
   2313   parsing_result->descriptor.mode = VAR;
   2314   // True if the binding needs initialization. 'let' and 'const' declared
   2315   // bindings are created uninitialized by their declaration nodes and
   2316   // need initialization. 'var' declared bindings are always initialized
   2317   // immediately by their declaration nodes.
   2318   parsing_result->descriptor.needs_init = false;
   2319   if (peek() == Token::VAR) {
   2320     if (is_strong(language_mode())) {
   2321       Scanner::Location location = scanner()->peek_location();
   2322       ReportMessageAt(location, MessageTemplate::kStrongVar);
   2323       *ok = false;
   2324       return;
   2325     }
   2326     Consume(Token::VAR);
   2327   } else if (peek() == Token::CONST && allow_const()) {
   2328     Consume(Token::CONST);
   2329     if (is_sloppy(language_mode()) && allow_legacy_const()) {
   2330       parsing_result->descriptor.mode = CONST_LEGACY;
   2331       ++use_counts_[v8::Isolate::kLegacyConst];
   2332     } else {
   2333       DCHECK(is_strict(language_mode()) || allow_harmony_sloppy());
   2334       DCHECK(var_context != kStatement);
   2335       parsing_result->descriptor.mode = CONST;
   2336     }
   2337     parsing_result->descriptor.needs_init = true;
   2338   } else if (peek() == Token::LET && allow_let()) {
   2339     Consume(Token::LET);
   2340     DCHECK(var_context != kStatement);
   2341     parsing_result->descriptor.mode = LET;
   2342     parsing_result->descriptor.needs_init = true;
   2343   } else {
   2344     UNREACHABLE();  // by current callers
   2345   }
   2347   parsing_result->descriptor.scope = scope_;
   2348   parsing_result->descriptor.hoist_scope = nullptr;
   2351   bool first_declaration = true;
   2352   int bindings_start = peek_position();
   2353   bool is_for_iteration_variable;
   2354   do {
   2355     FuncNameInferrer::State fni_state(fni_);
   2357     // Parse name.
   2358     if (!first_declaration) Consume(Token::COMMA);
   2360     Expression* pattern;
   2361     int decl_pos = peek_position();
   2362     {
   2363       ExpressionClassifier pattern_classifier;
   2364       Token::Value next = peek();
   2365       pattern = ParsePrimaryExpression(&pattern_classifier, ok);
   2366       if (!*ok) return;
   2367       ValidateBindingPattern(&pattern_classifier, ok);
   2368       if (!*ok) return;
   2369       if (IsLexicalVariableMode(parsing_result->descriptor.mode)) {
   2370         ValidateLetPattern(&pattern_classifier, ok);
   2371         if (!*ok) return;
   2372       }
   2373       if (!allow_harmony_destructuring_bind() && !pattern->IsVariableProxy()) {
   2374         ReportUnexpectedToken(next);
   2375         *ok = false;
   2376         return;
   2377       }
   2378     }
   2380     bool is_pattern =
   2381         (pattern->IsObjectLiteral() || pattern->IsArrayLiteral()) &&
   2382         !pattern->is_parenthesized();
   2384     Scanner::Location variable_loc = scanner()->location();
   2385     const AstRawString* single_name =
   2386         pattern->IsVariableProxy() ? pattern->AsVariableProxy()->raw_name()
   2387                                    : nullptr;
   2388     if (single_name != nullptr) {
   2389       if (fni_ != NULL) fni_->PushVariableName(single_name);
   2390     }
   2392     is_for_iteration_variable =
   2393         var_context == kForStatement &&
   2394         (peek() == Token::IN || PeekContextualKeyword(CStrVector("of")));
   2395     if (is_for_iteration_variable &&
   2396         (parsing_result->descriptor.mode == CONST ||
   2397          parsing_result->descriptor.mode == CONST_LEGACY)) {
   2398       parsing_result->descriptor.needs_init = false;
   2399     }
   2401     Expression* value = NULL;
   2402     // Harmony consts have non-optional initializers.
   2403     int initializer_position = RelocInfo::kNoPosition;
   2404     if (Check(Token::ASSIGN)) {
   2405       ExpressionClassifier classifier;
   2406       value = ParseAssignmentExpression(var_context != kForStatement,
   2407                                         &classifier, ok);
   2408       if (!*ok) return;
   2409       value = ParserTraits::RewriteNonPattern(value, &classifier, ok);
   2410       if (!*ok) return;
   2411       variable_loc.end_pos = scanner()->location().end_pos;
   2413       if (!parsing_result->first_initializer_loc.IsValid()) {
   2414         parsing_result->first_initializer_loc = variable_loc;
   2415       }
   2417       // Don't infer if it is "a = function(){...}();"-like expression.
   2418       if (single_name) {
   2419         if (fni_ != NULL && value->AsCall() == NULL &&
   2420             value->AsCallNew() == NULL) {
   2421           fni_->Infer();
   2422         } else {
   2423           fni_->RemoveLastFunction();
   2424         }
   2425       }
   2427       if (allow_harmony_function_name() && single_name) {
   2428         if (value->IsFunctionLiteral()) {
   2429           auto function_literal = value->AsFunctionLiteral();
   2430           if (function_literal->is_anonymous()) {
   2431             function_literal->set_raw_name(single_name);
   2432           }
   2433         } else if (value->IsClassLiteral()) {
   2434           auto class_literal = value->AsClassLiteral();
   2435           if (class_literal->raw_name() == nullptr) {
   2436             class_literal->set_raw_name(single_name);
   2437           }
   2438         }
   2439       }
   2441       // End position of the initializer is after the assignment expression.
   2442       initializer_position = scanner()->location().end_pos;
   2443     } else {
   2444       if ((parsing_result->descriptor.mode == CONST || is_pattern) &&
   2445           !is_for_iteration_variable) {
   2446         ParserTraits::ReportMessageAt(
   2447             Scanner::Location(decl_pos, scanner()->location().end_pos),
   2448             MessageTemplate::kDeclarationMissingInitializer,
   2449             is_pattern ? "destructuring" : "const");
   2450         *ok = false;
   2451         return;
   2452       }
   2453       // End position of the initializer is after the variable.
   2454       initializer_position = position();
   2455     }
   2457     // Make sure that 'const x' and 'let x' initialize 'x' to undefined.
   2458     if (value == NULL && parsing_result->descriptor.needs_init) {
   2459       value = GetLiteralUndefined(position());
   2460     }
   2462     parsing_result->declarations.Add(DeclarationParsingResult::Declaration(
   2463         pattern, initializer_position, value));
   2464     first_declaration = false;
   2465   } while (peek() == Token::COMMA);
   2467   parsing_result->bindings_loc =
   2468       Scanner::Location(bindings_start, scanner()->location().end_pos);
   2469 }
   2472 static bool ContainsLabel(ZoneList<const AstRawString*>* labels,
   2473                           const AstRawString* label) {
   2474   DCHECK(label != NULL);
   2475   if (labels != NULL) {
   2476     for (int i = labels->length(); i-- > 0; ) {
   2477       if (labels->at(i) == label) {
   2478         return true;
   2479       }
   2480     }
   2481   }
   2482   return false;
   2483 }
   2486 Statement* Parser::ParseExpressionOrLabelledStatement(
   2487     ZoneList<const AstRawString*>* labels, bool* ok) {
   2488   // ExpressionStatement | LabelledStatement ::
   2489   //   Expression ';'
   2490   //   Identifier ':' Statement
   2491   //
   2492   // ExpressionStatement[Yield] :
   2493   //   [lookahead  {{, function, class, let [}] Expression[In, ?Yield] ;
   2495   int pos = peek_position();
   2497   switch (peek()) {
   2498     case Token::FUNCTION:
   2499     case Token::LBRACE:
   2500       UNREACHABLE();  // Always handled by the callers.
   2501     case Token::CLASS:
   2502       ReportUnexpectedToken(Next());
   2503       *ok = false;
   2504       return nullptr;
   2506     case Token::THIS:
   2507       if (!FLAG_strong_this) break;
   2508       // Fall through.
   2509     case Token::SUPER:
   2510       if (is_strong(language_mode()) &&
   2511           IsClassConstructor(function_state_->kind())) {
   2512         bool is_this = peek() == Token::THIS;
   2513         Expression* expr;
   2514         ExpressionClassifier classifier;
   2515         if (is_this) {
   2516           expr = ParseStrongInitializationExpression(&classifier, CHECK_OK);
   2517         } else {
   2518           expr = ParseStrongSuperCallExpression(&classifier, CHECK_OK);
   2519         }
   2520         expr = ParserTraits::RewriteNonPattern(expr, &classifier, CHECK_OK);
   2521         switch (peek()) {
   2522           case Token::SEMICOLON:
   2523             Consume(Token::SEMICOLON);
   2524             break;
   2525           case Token::RBRACE:
   2526           case Token::EOS:
   2527             break;
   2528           default:
   2529             if (!scanner()->HasAnyLineTerminatorBeforeNext()) {
   2530               ReportMessageAt(function_state_->this_location(),
   2531                               is_this
   2532                                   ? MessageTemplate::kStrongConstructorThis
   2533                                   : MessageTemplate::kStrongConstructorSuper);
   2534               *ok = false;
   2535               return nullptr;
   2536             }
   2537         }
   2538         return factory()->NewExpressionStatement(expr, pos);
   2539       }
   2540       break;
   2542     default:
   2543       break;
   2544   }
   2546   bool starts_with_idenfifier = peek_any_identifier();
   2547   Expression* expr = ParseExpression(true, CHECK_OK);
   2548   if (peek() == Token::COLON && starts_with_idenfifier && expr != NULL &&
   2549       expr->AsVariableProxy() != NULL &&
   2550       !expr->AsVariableProxy()->is_this()) {
   2551     // Expression is a single identifier, and not, e.g., a parenthesized
   2552     // identifier.
   2553     VariableProxy* var = expr->AsVariableProxy();
   2554     const AstRawString* label = var->raw_name();
   2555     // TODO(1240780): We don't check for redeclaration of labels
   2556     // during preparsing since keeping track of the set of active
   2557     // labels requires nontrivial changes to the way scopes are
   2558     // structured.  However, these are probably changes we want to
   2559     // make later anyway so we should go back and fix this then.
   2560     if (ContainsLabel(labels, label) || TargetStackContainsLabel(label)) {
   2561       ParserTraits::ReportMessage(MessageTemplate::kLabelRedeclaration, label);
   2562       *ok = false;
   2563       return NULL;
   2564     }
   2565     if (labels == NULL) {
   2566       labels = new(zone()) ZoneList<const AstRawString*>(4, zone());
   2567     }
   2568     labels->Add(label, zone());
   2569     // Remove the "ghost" variable that turned out to be a label
   2570     // from the top scope. This way, we don't try to resolve it
   2571     // during the scope processing.
   2572     scope_->RemoveUnresolved(var);
   2573     Expect(Token::COLON, CHECK_OK);
   2574     return ParseStatement(labels, ok);
   2575   }
   2577   // If we have an extension, we allow a native function declaration.
   2578   // A native function declaration starts with "native function" with
   2579   // no line-terminator between the two words.
   2580   if (extension_ != NULL && peek() == Token::FUNCTION &&
   2581       !scanner()->HasAnyLineTerminatorBeforeNext() && expr != NULL &&
   2582       expr->AsVariableProxy() != NULL &&
   2583       expr->AsVariableProxy()->raw_name() ==
   2584           ast_value_factory()->native_string() &&
   2585       !scanner()->literal_contains_escapes()) {
   2586     return ParseNativeDeclaration(ok);
   2587   }
   2589   // Parsed expression statement, followed by semicolon.
   2590   // Detect attempts at 'let' declarations in sloppy mode.
   2591   if (!allow_harmony_sloppy_let() && peek() == Token::IDENTIFIER &&
   2592       expr->AsVariableProxy() != NULL &&
   2593       expr->AsVariableProxy()->raw_name() ==
   2594           ast_value_factory()->let_string()) {
   2595     ReportMessage(MessageTemplate::kSloppyLexical, NULL);
   2596     *ok = false;
   2597     return NULL;
   2598   }
   2599   ExpectSemicolon(CHECK_OK);
   2600   return factory()->NewExpressionStatement(expr, pos);
   2601 }
   2604 IfStatement* Parser::ParseIfStatement(ZoneList<const AstRawString*>* labels,
   2605                                       bool* ok) {
   2606   // IfStatement ::
   2607   //   'if' '(' Expression ')' Statement ('else' Statement)?
   2609   int pos = peek_position();
   2610   Expect(Token::IF, CHECK_OK);
   2611   Expect(Token::LPAREN, CHECK_OK);
   2612   Expression* condition = ParseExpression(true, CHECK_OK);
   2613   Expect(Token::RPAREN, CHECK_OK);
   2614   Statement* then_statement = ParseSubStatement(labels, CHECK_OK);
   2615   Statement* else_statement = NULL;
   2616   if (peek() == Token::ELSE) {
   2617     Next();
   2618     else_statement = ParseSubStatement(labels, CHECK_OK);
   2619   } else {
   2620     else_statement = factory()->NewEmptyStatement(RelocInfo::kNoPosition);
   2621   }
   2622   return factory()->NewIfStatement(
   2623       condition, then_statement, else_statement, pos);
   2624 }
   2627 Statement* Parser::ParseContinueStatement(bool* ok) {
   2628   // ContinueStatement ::
   2629   //   'continue' Identifier? ';'
   2631   int pos = peek_position();
   2632   Expect(Token::CONTINUE, CHECK_OK);
   2633   const AstRawString* label = NULL;
   2634   Token::Value tok = peek();
   2635   if (!scanner()->HasAnyLineTerminatorBeforeNext() &&
   2636       tok != Token::SEMICOLON && tok != Token::RBRACE && tok != Token::EOS) {
   2637     // ECMA allows "eval" or "arguments" as labels even in strict mode.
   2638     label = ParseIdentifier(kAllowRestrictedIdentifiers, CHECK_OK);
   2639   }
   2640   IterationStatement* target = LookupContinueTarget(label, CHECK_OK);
   2641   if (target == NULL) {
   2642     // Illegal continue statement.
   2643     MessageTemplate::Template message = MessageTemplate::kIllegalContinue;
   2644     if (label != NULL) {
   2645       message = MessageTemplate::kUnknownLabel;
   2646     }
   2647     ParserTraits::ReportMessage(message, label);
   2648     *ok = false;
   2649     return NULL;
   2650   }
   2651   ExpectSemicolon(CHECK_OK);
   2652   return factory()->NewContinueStatement(target, pos);
   2653 }
   2656 Statement* Parser::ParseBreakStatement(ZoneList<const AstRawString*>* labels,
   2657                                        bool* ok) {
   2658   // BreakStatement ::
   2659   //   'break' Identifier? ';'
   2661   int pos = peek_position();
   2662   Expect(Token::BREAK, CHECK_OK);
   2663   const AstRawString* label = NULL;
   2664   Token::Value tok = peek();
   2665   if (!scanner()->HasAnyLineTerminatorBeforeNext() &&
   2666       tok != Token::SEMICOLON && tok != Token::RBRACE && tok != Token::EOS) {
   2667     // ECMA allows "eval" or "arguments" as labels even in strict mode.
   2668     label = ParseIdentifier(kAllowRestrictedIdentifiers, CHECK_OK);
   2669   }
   2670   // Parse labeled break statements that target themselves into
   2671   // empty statements, e.g. 'l1: l2: l3: break l2;'
   2672   if (label != NULL && ContainsLabel(labels, label)) {
   2673     ExpectSemicolon(CHECK_OK);
   2674     return factory()->NewEmptyStatement(pos);
   2675   }
   2676   BreakableStatement* target = NULL;
   2677   target = LookupBreakTarget(label, CHECK_OK);
   2678   if (target == NULL) {
   2679     // Illegal break statement.
   2680     MessageTemplate::Template message = MessageTemplate::kIllegalBreak;
   2681     if (label != NULL) {
   2682       message = MessageTemplate::kUnknownLabel;
   2683     }
   2684     ParserTraits::ReportMessage(message, label);
   2685     *ok = false;
   2686     return NULL;
   2687   }
   2688   ExpectSemicolon(CHECK_OK);
   2689   return factory()->NewBreakStatement(target, pos);
   2690 }
   2693 Statement* Parser::ParseReturnStatement(bool* ok) {
   2694   // ReturnStatement ::
   2695   //   'return' Expression? ';'
   2697   // Consume the return token. It is necessary to do that before
   2698   // reporting any errors on it, because of the way errors are
   2699   // reported (underlining).
   2700   Expect(Token::RETURN, CHECK_OK);
   2701   Scanner::Location loc = scanner()->location();
   2702   function_state_->set_return_location(loc);
   2704   Token::Value tok = peek();
   2705   Statement* result;
   2706   Expression* return_value;
   2707   if (scanner()->HasAnyLineTerminatorBeforeNext() ||
   2708       tok == Token::SEMICOLON ||
   2709       tok == Token::RBRACE ||
   2710       tok == Token::EOS) {
   2711     if (IsSubclassConstructor(function_state_->kind())) {
   2712       return_value = ThisExpression(scope_, factory(), loc.beg_pos);
   2713     } else {
   2714       return_value = GetLiteralUndefined(position());
   2715     }
   2716   } else {
   2717     if (is_strong(language_mode()) &&
   2718         IsClassConstructor(function_state_->kind())) {
   2719       int pos = peek_position();
   2720       ReportMessageAt(Scanner::Location(pos, pos + 1),
   2721                       MessageTemplate::kStrongConstructorReturnValue);
   2722       *ok = false;
   2723       return NULL;
   2724     }
   2726     int pos = peek_position();
   2727     return_value = ParseExpression(true, CHECK_OK);
   2729     if (IsSubclassConstructor(function_state_->kind())) {
   2730       // For subclass constructors we need to return this in case of undefined
   2731       // and throw an exception in case of a non object.
   2732       //
   2733       //   return expr;
   2734       //
   2735       // Is rewritten as:
   2736       //
   2737       //   return (temp = expr) === undefined ? this :
   2738       //       %_IsJSReceiver(temp) ? temp : throw new TypeError(...);
   2739       Variable* temp = scope_->NewTemporary(
   2740           ast_value_factory()->empty_string());
   2741       Assignment* assign = factory()->NewAssignment(
   2742           Token::ASSIGN, factory()->NewVariableProxy(temp), return_value, pos);
   2744       Expression* throw_expression =
   2745           NewThrowTypeError(MessageTemplate::kDerivedConstructorReturn,
   2746                             ast_value_factory()->empty_string(), pos);
   2748       // %_IsJSReceiver(temp)
   2749       ZoneList<Expression*>* is_spec_object_args =
   2750           new (zone()) ZoneList<Expression*>(1, zone());
   2751       is_spec_object_args->Add(factory()->NewVariableProxy(temp), zone());
   2752       Expression* is_spec_object_call = factory()->NewCallRuntime(
   2753           Runtime::kInlineIsJSReceiver, is_spec_object_args, pos);
   2755       // %_IsJSReceiver(temp) ? temp : throw_expression
   2756       Expression* is_object_conditional = factory()->NewConditional(
   2757           is_spec_object_call, factory()->NewVariableProxy(temp),
   2758           throw_expression, pos);
   2760       // temp === undefined
   2761       Expression* is_undefined = factory()->NewCompareOperation(
   2762           Token::EQ_STRICT, assign,
   2763           factory()->NewUndefinedLiteral(RelocInfo::kNoPosition), pos);
   2765       // is_undefined ? this : is_object_conditional
   2766       return_value = factory()->NewConditional(
   2767           is_undefined, ThisExpression(scope_, factory(), pos),
   2768           is_object_conditional, pos);
   2769     }
   2771     return_value->MarkTail();
   2772   }
   2773   ExpectSemicolon(CHECK_OK);
   2775   if (is_generator()) {
   2776     Expression* generator = factory()->NewVariableProxy(
   2777         function_state_->generator_object_variable());
   2778     Expression* yield = factory()->NewYield(
   2779         generator, return_value, Yield::kFinal, loc.beg_pos);
   2780     result = factory()->NewExpressionStatement(yield, loc.beg_pos);
   2781   } else {
   2782     result = factory()->NewReturnStatement(return_value, loc.beg_pos);
   2783   }
   2785   Scope* decl_scope = scope_->DeclarationScope();
   2786   if (decl_scope->is_script_scope() || decl_scope->is_eval_scope()) {
   2787     ReportMessageAt(loc, MessageTemplate::kIllegalReturn);
   2788     *ok = false;
   2789     return NULL;
   2790   }
   2791   return result;
   2792 }
   2795 Statement* Parser::ParseWithStatement(ZoneList<const AstRawString*>* labels,
   2796                                       bool* ok) {
   2797   // WithStatement ::
   2798   //   'with' '(' Expression ')' Statement
   2800   Expect(Token::WITH, CHECK_OK);
   2801   int pos = position();
   2803   if (is_strict(language_mode())) {
   2804     ReportMessage(MessageTemplate::kStrictWith);
   2805     *ok = false;
   2806     return NULL;
   2807   }
   2809   Expect(Token::LPAREN, CHECK_OK);
   2810   Expression* expr = ParseExpression(true, CHECK_OK);
   2811   Expect(Token::RPAREN, CHECK_OK);
   2813   scope_->DeclarationScope()->RecordWithStatement();
   2814   Scope* with_scope = NewScope(scope_, WITH_SCOPE);
   2815   Block* body;
   2816   { BlockState block_state(&scope_, with_scope);
   2817     with_scope->set_start_position(scanner()->peek_location().beg_pos);
   2819     // The body of the with statement must be enclosed in an additional
   2820     // lexical scope in case the body is a FunctionDeclaration.
   2821     body = factory()->NewBlock(labels, 1, false, RelocInfo::kNoPosition);
   2822     Scope* block_scope = NewScope(scope_, BLOCK_SCOPE);
   2823     block_scope->set_start_position(scanner()->location().beg_pos);
   2824     {
   2825       BlockState block_state(&scope_, block_scope);
   2826       Target target(&this->target_stack_, body);
   2827       Statement* stmt = ParseSubStatement(labels, CHECK_OK);
   2828       body->statements()->Add(stmt, zone());
   2829       block_scope->set_end_position(scanner()->location().end_pos);
   2830       block_scope = block_scope->FinalizeBlockScope();
   2831       body->set_scope(block_scope);
   2832     }
   2834     with_scope->set_end_position(scanner()->location().end_pos);
   2835   }
   2836   return factory()->NewWithStatement(with_scope, expr, body, pos);
   2837 }
   2840 CaseClause* Parser::ParseCaseClause(bool* default_seen_ptr, bool* ok) {
   2841   // CaseClause ::
   2842   //   'case' Expression ':' StatementList
   2843   //   'default' ':' StatementList
   2845   Expression* label = NULL;  // NULL expression indicates default case
   2846   if (peek() == Token::CASE) {
   2847     Expect(Token::CASE, CHECK_OK);
   2848     label = ParseExpression(true, CHECK_OK);
   2849   } else {
   2850     Expect(Token::DEFAULT, CHECK_OK);
   2851     if (*default_seen_ptr) {
   2852       ReportMessage(MessageTemplate::kMultipleDefaultsInSwitch);
   2853       *ok = false;
   2854       return NULL;
   2855     }
   2856     *default_seen_ptr = true;
   2857   }
   2858   Expect(Token::COLON, CHECK_OK);
   2859   int pos = position();
   2860   ZoneList<Statement*>* statements =
   2861       new(zone()) ZoneList<Statement*>(5, zone());
   2862   Statement* stat = NULL;
   2863   while (peek() != Token::CASE &&
   2864          peek() != Token::DEFAULT &&
   2865          peek() != Token::RBRACE) {
   2866     stat = ParseStatementListItem(CHECK_OK);
   2867     statements->Add(stat, zone());
   2868   }
   2869   if (is_strong(language_mode()) && stat != NULL && !stat->IsJump() &&
   2870       peek() != Token::RBRACE) {
   2871     ReportMessageAt(scanner()->location(),
   2872                     MessageTemplate::kStrongSwitchFallthrough);
   2873     *ok = false;
   2874     return NULL;
   2875   }
   2876   return factory()->NewCaseClause(label, statements, pos);
   2877 }
   2880 Statement* Parser::ParseSwitchStatement(ZoneList<const AstRawString*>* labels,
   2881                                         bool* ok) {
   2882   // SwitchStatement ::
   2883   //   'switch' '(' Expression ')' '{' CaseClause* '}'
   2884   // In order to get the CaseClauses to execute in their own lexical scope,
   2885   // but without requiring downstream code to have special scope handling
   2886   // code for switch statements, desugar into blocks as follows:
   2887   // {  // To group the statements--harmless to evaluate Expression in scope
   2888   //   .tag_variable = Expression;
   2889   //   {  // To give CaseClauses a scope
   2890   //     switch (.tag_variable) { CaseClause* }
   2891   //   }
   2892   // }
   2894   Block* switch_block =
   2895       factory()->NewBlock(NULL, 2, false, RelocInfo::kNoPosition);
   2896   int switch_pos = peek_position();
   2898   Expect(Token::SWITCH, CHECK_OK);
   2899   Expect(Token::LPAREN, CHECK_OK);
   2900   Expression* tag = ParseExpression(true, CHECK_OK);
   2901   Expect(Token::RPAREN, CHECK_OK);
   2903   Variable* tag_variable =
   2904       scope_->NewTemporary(ast_value_factory()->dot_switch_tag_string());
   2905   Assignment* tag_assign = factory()->NewAssignment(
   2906       Token::ASSIGN, factory()->NewVariableProxy(tag_variable), tag,
   2907       tag->position());
   2908   Statement* tag_statement =
   2909       factory()->NewExpressionStatement(tag_assign, RelocInfo::kNoPosition);
   2910   switch_block->statements()->Add(tag_statement, zone());
   2912   // make statement: undefined;
   2913   // This is needed so the tag isn't returned as the value, in case the switch
   2914   // statements don't have a value.
   2915   switch_block->statements()->Add(
   2916       factory()->NewExpressionStatement(
   2917           factory()->NewUndefinedLiteral(RelocInfo::kNoPosition),
   2918           RelocInfo::kNoPosition),
   2919       zone());
   2921   Block* cases_block =
   2922       factory()->NewBlock(NULL, 1, false, RelocInfo::kNoPosition);
   2923   Scope* cases_scope = NewScope(scope_, BLOCK_SCOPE);
   2924   cases_scope->SetNonlinear();
   2926   SwitchStatement* switch_statement =
   2927       factory()->NewSwitchStatement(labels, switch_pos);
   2929   cases_scope->set_start_position(scanner()->location().beg_pos);
   2930   {
   2931     BlockState cases_block_state(&scope_, cases_scope);
   2932     Target target(&this->target_stack_, switch_statement);
   2934     Expression* tag_read = factory()->NewVariableProxy(tag_variable);
   2936     bool default_seen = false;
   2937     ZoneList<CaseClause*>* cases =
   2938         new (zone()) ZoneList<CaseClause*>(4, zone());
   2939     Expect(Token::LBRACE, CHECK_OK);
   2940     while (peek() != Token::RBRACE) {
   2941       CaseClause* clause = ParseCaseClause(&default_seen, CHECK_OK);
   2942       cases->Add(clause, zone());
   2943     }
   2944     switch_statement->Initialize(tag_read, cases);
   2945     cases_block->statements()->Add(switch_statement, zone());
   2946   }
   2947   Expect(Token::RBRACE, CHECK_OK);
   2949   cases_scope->set_end_position(scanner()->location().end_pos);
   2950   cases_scope = cases_scope->FinalizeBlockScope();
   2951   cases_block->set_scope(cases_scope);
   2953   switch_block->statements()->Add(cases_block, zone());
   2955   return switch_block;
   2956 }
   2959 Statement* Parser::ParseThrowStatement(bool* ok) {
   2960   // ThrowStatement ::
   2961   //   'throw' Expression ';'
   2963   Expect(Token::THROW, CHECK_OK);
   2964   int pos = position();
   2965   if (scanner()->HasAnyLineTerminatorBeforeNext()) {
   2966     ReportMessage(MessageTemplate::kNewlineAfterThrow);
   2967     *ok = false;
   2968     return NULL;
   2969   }
   2970   Expression* exception = ParseExpression(true, CHECK_OK);
   2971   ExpectSemicolon(CHECK_OK);
   2973   return factory()->NewExpressionStatement(
   2974       factory()->NewThrow(exception, pos), pos);
   2975 }
   2978 TryStatement* Parser::ParseTryStatement(bool* ok) {
   2979   // TryStatement ::
   2980   //   'try' Block Catch
   2981   //   'try' Block Finally
   2982   //   'try' Block Catch Finally
   2983   //
   2984   // Catch ::
   2985   //   'catch' '(' Identifier ')' Block
   2986   //
   2987   // Finally ::
   2988   //   'finally' Block
   2990   Expect(Token::TRY, CHECK_OK);
   2991   int pos = position();
   2993   Block* try_block = ParseBlock(NULL, CHECK_OK);
   2995   Token::Value tok = peek();
   2996   if (tok != Token::CATCH && tok != Token::FINALLY) {
   2997     ReportMessage(MessageTemplate::kNoCatchOrFinally);
   2998     *ok = false;
   2999     return NULL;
   3000   }
   3002   Scope* catch_scope = NULL;
   3003   Variable* catch_variable = NULL;
   3004   Block* catch_block = NULL;
   3005   if (tok == Token::CATCH) {
   3006     Consume(Token::CATCH);
   3008     Expect(Token::LPAREN, CHECK_OK);
   3009     catch_scope = NewScope(scope_, CATCH_SCOPE);
   3010     catch_scope->set_start_position(scanner()->location().beg_pos);
   3012     ExpressionClassifier pattern_classifier;
   3013     Expression* pattern = ParsePrimaryExpression(&pattern_classifier, CHECK_OK);
   3014     ValidateBindingPattern(&pattern_classifier, CHECK_OK);
   3016     const AstRawString* name = ast_value_factory()->dot_catch_string();
   3017     bool is_simple = pattern->IsVariableProxy();
   3018     if (is_simple) {
   3019       auto proxy = pattern->AsVariableProxy();
   3020       scope_->RemoveUnresolved(proxy);
   3021       name = proxy->raw_name();
   3022     }
   3024     catch_variable = catch_scope->DeclareLocal(name, VAR, kCreatedInitialized,
   3025                                                Variable::NORMAL);
   3027     Expect(Token::RPAREN, CHECK_OK);
   3029     {
   3030       BlockState block_state(&scope_, catch_scope);
   3032       // TODO(adamk): Make a version of ParseBlock that takes a scope and
   3033       // a block.
   3034       catch_block =
   3035           factory()->NewBlock(nullptr, 16, false, RelocInfo::kNoPosition);
   3036       Scope* block_scope = NewScope(scope_, BLOCK_SCOPE);
   3038       block_scope->set_start_position(scanner()->location().beg_pos);
   3039       {
   3040         BlockState block_state(&scope_, block_scope);
   3041         Target target(&this->target_stack_, catch_block);
   3043         if (!is_simple) {
   3044           DeclarationDescriptor descriptor;
   3045           descriptor.declaration_kind = DeclarationDescriptor::NORMAL;
   3046           descriptor.parser = this;
   3047           descriptor.scope = scope_;
   3048           descriptor.hoist_scope = nullptr;
   3049           descriptor.mode = LET;
   3050           descriptor.needs_init = true;
   3051           descriptor.declaration_pos = pattern->position();
   3052           descriptor.initialization_pos = pattern->position();
   3054           DeclarationParsingResult::Declaration decl(
   3055               pattern, pattern->position(),
   3056               factory()->NewVariableProxy(catch_variable));
   3058           PatternRewriter::DeclareAndInitializeVariables(
   3059               catch_block, &descriptor, &decl, nullptr, CHECK_OK);
   3060         }
   3062         Expect(Token::LBRACE, CHECK_OK);
   3063         while (peek() != Token::RBRACE) {
   3064           Statement* stat = ParseStatementListItem(CHECK_OK);
   3065           if (stat && !stat->IsEmpty()) {
   3066             catch_block->statements()->Add(stat, zone());
   3067           }
   3068         }
   3069         Consume(Token::RBRACE);
   3070       }
   3071       block_scope->set_end_position(scanner()->location().end_pos);
   3072       block_scope = block_scope->FinalizeBlockScope();
   3073       catch_block->set_scope(block_scope);
   3074     }
   3076     catch_scope->set_end_position(scanner()->location().end_pos);
   3077     tok = peek();
   3078   }
   3080   Block* finally_block = NULL;
   3081   DCHECK(tok == Token::FINALLY || catch_block != NULL);
   3082   if (tok == Token::FINALLY) {
   3083     Consume(Token::FINALLY);
   3084     finally_block = ParseBlock(NULL, CHECK_OK);
   3085   }
   3087   // Simplify the AST nodes by converting:
   3088   //   'try B0 catch B1 finally B2'
   3089   // to:
   3090   //   'try { try B0 catch B1 } finally B2'
   3092   if (catch_block != NULL && finally_block != NULL) {
   3093     // If we have both, create an inner try/catch.
   3094     DCHECK(catch_scope != NULL && catch_variable != NULL);
   3095     TryCatchStatement* statement =
   3096         factory()->NewTryCatchStatement(try_block, catch_scope, catch_variable,
   3097                                         catch_block, RelocInfo::kNoPosition);
   3098     try_block = factory()->NewBlock(NULL, 1, false, RelocInfo::kNoPosition);
   3099     try_block->statements()->Add(statement, zone());
   3100     catch_block = NULL;  // Clear to indicate it's been handled.
   3101   }
   3103   TryStatement* result = NULL;
   3104   if (catch_block != NULL) {
   3105     DCHECK(finally_block == NULL);
   3106     DCHECK(catch_scope != NULL && catch_variable != NULL);
   3107     result = factory()->NewTryCatchStatement(try_block, catch_scope,
   3108                                              catch_variable, catch_block, pos);
   3109   } else {
   3110     DCHECK(finally_block != NULL);
   3111     result = factory()->NewTryFinallyStatement(try_block, finally_block, pos);
   3112   }
   3114   return result;
   3115 }
   3118 DoWhileStatement* Parser::ParseDoWhileStatement(
   3119     ZoneList<const AstRawString*>* labels, bool* ok) {
   3120   // DoStatement ::
   3121   //   'do' Statement 'while' '(' Expression ')' ';'
   3123   DoWhileStatement* loop =
   3124       factory()->NewDoWhileStatement(labels, peek_position());
   3125   Target target(&this->target_stack_, loop);
   3127   Expect(Token::DO, CHECK_OK);
   3128   Statement* body = ParseSubStatement(NULL, CHECK_OK);
   3129   Expect(Token::WHILE, CHECK_OK);
   3130   Expect(Token::LPAREN, CHECK_OK);
   3132   Expression* cond = ParseExpression(true, CHECK_OK);
   3133   Expect(Token::RPAREN, CHECK_OK);
   3135   // Allow do-statements to be terminated with and without
   3136   // semi-colons. This allows code such as 'do;while(0)return' to
   3137   // parse, which would not be the case if we had used the
   3138   // ExpectSemicolon() functionality here.
   3139   if (peek() == Token::SEMICOLON) Consume(Token::SEMICOLON);
   3141   if (loop != NULL) loop->Initialize(cond, body);
   3142   return loop;
   3143 }
   3146 WhileStatement* Parser::ParseWhileStatement(
   3147     ZoneList<const AstRawString*>* labels, bool* ok) {
   3148   // WhileStatement ::
   3149   //   'while' '(' Expression ')' Statement
   3151   WhileStatement* loop = factory()->NewWhileStatement(labels, peek_position());
   3152   Target target(&this->target_stack_, loop);
   3154   Expect(Token::WHILE, CHECK_OK);
   3155   Expect(Token::LPAREN, CHECK_OK);
   3156   Expression* cond = ParseExpression(true, CHECK_OK);
   3157   Expect(Token::RPAREN, CHECK_OK);
   3158   Statement* body = ParseSubStatement(NULL, CHECK_OK);
   3160   if (loop != NULL) loop->Initialize(cond, body);
   3161   return loop;
   3162 }
   3165 // !%_IsJSReceiver(result = iterator.next()) &&
   3166 //     %ThrowIteratorResultNotAnObject(result)
   3167 Expression* Parser::BuildIteratorNextResult(Expression* iterator,
   3168                                             Variable* result, int pos) {
   3169   Expression* next_literal = factory()->NewStringLiteral(
   3170       ast_value_factory()->next_string(), RelocInfo::kNoPosition);
   3171   Expression* next_property =
   3172       factory()->NewProperty(iterator, next_literal, RelocInfo::kNoPosition);
   3173   ZoneList<Expression*>* next_arguments =
   3174       new (zone()) ZoneList<Expression*>(0, zone());
   3175   Expression* next_call =
   3176       factory()->NewCall(next_property, next_arguments, pos);
   3177   Expression* result_proxy = factory()->NewVariableProxy(result);
   3178   Expression* left =
   3179       factory()->NewAssignment(Token::ASSIGN, result_proxy, next_call, pos);
   3181   // %_IsJSReceiver(...)
   3182   ZoneList<Expression*>* is_spec_object_args =
   3183       new (zone()) ZoneList<Expression*>(1, zone());
   3184   is_spec_object_args->Add(left, zone());
   3185   Expression* is_spec_object_call = factory()->NewCallRuntime(
   3186       Runtime::kInlineIsJSReceiver, is_spec_object_args, pos);
   3188   // %ThrowIteratorResultNotAnObject(result)
   3189   Expression* result_proxy_again = factory()->NewVariableProxy(result);
   3190   ZoneList<Expression*>* throw_arguments =
   3191       new (zone()) ZoneList<Expression*>(1, zone());
   3192   throw_arguments->Add(result_proxy_again, zone());
   3193   Expression* throw_call = factory()->NewCallRuntime(
   3194       Runtime::kThrowIteratorResultNotAnObject, throw_arguments, pos);
   3196   return factory()->NewBinaryOperation(
   3197       Token::AND,
   3198       factory()->NewUnaryOperation(Token::NOT, is_spec_object_call, pos),
   3199       throw_call, pos);
   3200 }
   3203 void Parser::InitializeForEachStatement(ForEachStatement* stmt,
   3204                                         Expression* each, Expression* subject,
   3205                                         Statement* body,
   3206                                         bool is_destructuring) {
   3207   DCHECK(!is_destructuring || allow_harmony_destructuring_assignment());
   3208   ForOfStatement* for_of = stmt->AsForOfStatement();
   3210   if (for_of != NULL) {
   3211     Variable* iterator = scope_->NewTemporary(
   3212         ast_value_factory()->dot_iterator_string());
   3213     Variable* result = scope_->NewTemporary(
   3214         ast_value_factory()->dot_result_string());
   3216     Expression* assign_iterator;
   3217     Expression* next_result;
   3218     Expression* result_done;
   3219     Expression* assign_each;
   3221     // iterator = subject[Symbol.iterator]()
   3222     // Hackily disambiguate o from o.next and o [Symbol.iterator]().
   3223     // TODO(verwaest): Come up with a better solution.
   3224     assign_iterator = factory()->NewAssignment(
   3225         Token::ASSIGN, factory()->NewVariableProxy(iterator),
   3226         GetIterator(subject, factory(), subject->position() - 2),
   3227         subject->position());
   3229     // !%_IsJSReceiver(result = iterator.next()) &&
   3230     //     %ThrowIteratorResultNotAnObject(result)
   3231     {
   3232       // result = iterator.next()
   3233       Expression* iterator_proxy = factory()->NewVariableProxy(iterator);
   3234       // Hackily disambiguate o from o.next and o [Symbol.iterator]().
   3235       // TODO(verwaest): Come up with a better solution.
   3236       next_result = BuildIteratorNextResult(iterator_proxy, result,
   3237                                             subject->position() - 1);
   3238     }
   3240     // result.done
   3241     {
   3242       Expression* done_literal = factory()->NewStringLiteral(
   3243           ast_value_factory()->done_string(), RelocInfo::kNoPosition);
   3244       Expression* result_proxy = factory()->NewVariableProxy(result);
   3245       result_done = factory()->NewProperty(
   3246           result_proxy, done_literal, RelocInfo::kNoPosition);
   3247     }
   3249     // each = result.value
   3250     {
   3251       Expression* value_literal = factory()->NewStringLiteral(
   3252           ast_value_factory()->value_string(), RelocInfo::kNoPosition);
   3253       Expression* result_proxy = factory()->NewVariableProxy(result);
   3254       Expression* result_value = factory()->NewProperty(
   3255           result_proxy, value_literal, RelocInfo::kNoPosition);
   3256       assign_each = factory()->NewAssignment(Token::ASSIGN, each, result_value,
   3257                                              RelocInfo::kNoPosition);
   3258       if (is_destructuring) {
   3259         assign_each = PatternRewriter::RewriteDestructuringAssignment(
   3260             this, assign_each->AsAssignment(), scope_);
   3261       }
   3262     }
   3264     for_of->Initialize(each, subject, body,
   3265                        assign_iterator,
   3266                        next_result,
   3267                        result_done,
   3268                        assign_each);
   3269   } else {
   3270     if (is_destructuring) {
   3271       Variable* temp =
   3272           scope_->NewTemporary(ast_value_factory()->empty_string());
   3273       VariableProxy* temp_proxy = factory()->NewVariableProxy(temp);
   3274       Expression* assign_each = PatternRewriter::RewriteDestructuringAssignment(
   3275           this, factory()->NewAssignment(Token::ASSIGN, each, temp_proxy,
   3276                                          RelocInfo::kNoPosition),
   3277           scope_);
   3278       auto block =
   3279           factory()->NewBlock(nullptr, 2, false, RelocInfo::kNoPosition);
   3280       block->statements()->Add(factory()->NewExpressionStatement(
   3281                                    assign_each, RelocInfo::kNoPosition),
   3282                                zone());
   3283       block->statements()->Add(body, zone());
   3284       body = block;
   3285       each = factory()->NewVariableProxy(temp);
   3286     }
   3287     stmt->Initialize(each, subject, body);
   3288   }
   3289 }
   3292 Statement* Parser::DesugarLexicalBindingsInForStatement(
   3293     Scope* inner_scope, bool is_const, ZoneList<const AstRawString*>* names,
   3294     ForStatement* loop, Statement* init, Expression* cond, Statement* next,
   3295     Statement* body, bool* ok) {
   3296   // ES6 specifies that on each loop iteration the let variables are
   3297   // copied into a new environment.  Moreover, the "next" statement must be
   3298   // evaluated not in the environment of the just completed iteration but in
   3299   // that of the upcoming one.  We achieve this with the following desugaring.
   3300   // Extra care is needed to preserve the completion value of the original loop.
   3301   //
   3302   // We are given a for statement of the form
   3303   //
   3304   //  labels: for (let/const x = i; cond; next) body
   3305   //
   3306   // and rewrite it as follows.  Here we write {{ ... }} for init-blocks, ie.,
   3307   // blocks whose ignore_completion_value_ flag is set.
   3308   //
   3309   //  {
   3310   //    let/const x = i;
   3311   //    temp_x = x;
   3312   //    first = 1;
   3313   //    undefined;
   3314   //    outer: for (;;) {
   3315   //      let/const x = temp_x;
   3316   //      {{ if (first == 1) {
   3317   //           first = 0;
   3318   //         } else {
   3319   //           next;
   3320   //         }
   3321   //         flag = 1;
   3322   //         if (!cond) break;
   3323   //      }}
   3324   //      labels: for (; flag == 1; flag = 0, temp_x = x) {
   3325   //        body
   3326   //      }
   3327   //      {{ if (flag == 1)  // Body used break.
   3328   //           break;
   3329   //      }}
   3330   //    }
   3331   //  }
   3333   DCHECK(names->length() > 0);
   3334   Scope* for_scope = scope_;
   3335   ZoneList<Variable*> temps(names->length(), zone());
   3337   Block* outer_block = factory()->NewBlock(NULL, names->length() + 4, false,
   3338                                            RelocInfo::kNoPosition);
   3340   // Add statement: let/const x = i.
   3341   outer_block->statements()->Add(init, zone());
   3343   const AstRawString* temp_name = ast_value_factory()->dot_for_string();
   3345   // For each lexical variable x:
   3346   //   make statement: temp_x = x.
   3347   for (int i = 0; i < names->length(); i++) {
   3348     VariableProxy* proxy = NewUnresolved(names->at(i), LET);
   3349     Variable* temp = scope_->NewTemporary(temp_name);
   3350     VariableProxy* temp_proxy = factory()->NewVariableProxy(temp);
   3351     Assignment* assignment = factory()->NewAssignment(
   3352         Token::ASSIGN, temp_proxy, proxy, RelocInfo::kNoPosition);
   3353     Statement* assignment_statement = factory()->NewExpressionStatement(
   3354         assignment, RelocInfo::kNoPosition);
   3355     outer_block->statements()->Add(assignment_statement, zone());
   3356     temps.Add(temp, zone());
   3357   }
   3359   Variable* first = NULL;
   3360   // Make statement: first = 1.
   3361   if (next) {
   3362     first = scope_->NewTemporary(temp_name);
   3363     VariableProxy* first_proxy = factory()->NewVariableProxy(first);
   3364     Expression* const1 = factory()->NewSmiLiteral(1, RelocInfo::kNoPosition);
   3365     Assignment* assignment = factory()->NewAssignment(
   3366         Token::ASSIGN, first_proxy, const1, RelocInfo::kNoPosition);
   3367     Statement* assignment_statement =
   3368         factory()->NewExpressionStatement(assignment, RelocInfo::kNoPosition);
   3369     outer_block->statements()->Add(assignment_statement, zone());
   3370   }
   3372   // make statement: undefined;
   3373   outer_block->statements()->Add(
   3374       factory()->NewExpressionStatement(
   3375           factory()->NewUndefinedLiteral(RelocInfo::kNoPosition),
   3376           RelocInfo::kNoPosition),
   3377       zone());
   3379   // Make statement: outer: for (;;)
   3380   // Note that we don't actually create the label, or set this loop up as an
   3381   // explicit break target, instead handing it directly to those nodes that
   3382   // need to know about it. This should be safe because we don't run any code
   3383   // in this function that looks up break targets.
   3384   ForStatement* outer_loop =
   3385       factory()->NewForStatement(NULL, RelocInfo::kNoPosition);
   3386   outer_block->statements()->Add(outer_loop, zone());
   3388   outer_block->set_scope(for_scope);
   3389   scope_ = inner_scope;
   3391   Block* inner_block =
   3392       factory()->NewBlock(NULL, 3, false, RelocInfo::kNoPosition);
   3393   Block* ignore_completion_block = factory()->NewBlock(
   3394       NULL, names->length() + 3, true, RelocInfo::kNoPosition);
   3395   ZoneList<Variable*> inner_vars(names->length(), zone());
   3396   // For each let variable x:
   3397   //    make statement: let/const x = temp_x.
   3398   VariableMode mode = is_const ? CONST : LET;
   3399   for (int i = 0; i < names->length(); i++) {
   3400     VariableProxy* proxy = NewUnresolved(names->at(i), mode);
   3401     Declaration* declaration = factory()->NewVariableDeclaration(
   3402         proxy, mode, scope_, RelocInfo::kNoPosition);
   3403     Declare(declaration, DeclarationDescriptor::NORMAL, true, CHECK_OK);
   3404     inner_vars.Add(declaration->proxy()->var(), zone());
   3405     VariableProxy* temp_proxy = factory()->NewVariableProxy(temps.at(i));
   3406     Assignment* assignment = factory()->NewAssignment(
   3407         Token::INIT, proxy, temp_proxy, RelocInfo::kNoPosition);
   3408     Statement* assignment_statement =
   3409         factory()->NewExpressionStatement(assignment, RelocInfo::kNoPosition);
   3410     DCHECK(init->position() != RelocInfo::kNoPosition);
   3411     proxy->var()->set_initializer_position(init->position());
   3412     ignore_completion_block->statements()->Add(assignment_statement, zone());
   3413   }
   3415   // Make statement: if (first == 1) { first = 0; } else { next; }
   3416   if (next) {
   3417     DCHECK(first);
   3418     Expression* compare = NULL;
   3419     // Make compare expression: first == 1.
   3420     {
   3421       Expression* const1 = factory()->NewSmiLiteral(1, RelocInfo::kNoPosition);
   3422       VariableProxy* first_proxy = factory()->NewVariableProxy(first);
   3423       compare = factory()->NewCompareOperation(Token::EQ, first_proxy, const1,
   3424                                                RelocInfo::kNoPosition);
   3425     }
   3426     Statement* clear_first = NULL;
   3427     // Make statement: first = 0.
   3428     {
   3429       VariableProxy* first_proxy = factory()->NewVariableProxy(first);
   3430       Expression* const0 = factory()->NewSmiLiteral(0, RelocInfo::kNoPosition);
   3431       Assignment* assignment = factory()->NewAssignment(
   3432           Token::ASSIGN, first_proxy, const0, RelocInfo::kNoPosition);
   3433       clear_first =
   3434           factory()->NewExpressionStatement(assignment, RelocInfo::kNoPosition);
   3435     }
   3436     Statement* clear_first_or_next = factory()->NewIfStatement(
   3437         compare, clear_first, next, RelocInfo::kNoPosition);
   3438     ignore_completion_block->statements()->Add(clear_first_or_next, zone());
   3439   }
   3441   Variable* flag = scope_->NewTemporary(temp_name);
   3442   // Make statement: flag = 1.
   3443   {
   3444     VariableProxy* flag_proxy = factory()->NewVariableProxy(flag);
   3445     Expression* const1 = factory()->NewSmiLiteral(1, RelocInfo::kNoPosition);
   3446     Assignment* assignment = factory()->NewAssignment(
   3447         Token::ASSIGN, flag_proxy, const1, RelocInfo::kNoPosition);
   3448     Statement* assignment_statement =
   3449         factory()->NewExpressionStatement(assignment, RelocInfo::kNoPosition);
   3450     ignore_completion_block->statements()->Add(assignment_statement, zone());
   3451   }
   3453   // Make statement: if (!cond) break.
   3454   if (cond) {
   3455     Statement* stop =
   3456         factory()->NewBreakStatement(outer_loop, RelocInfo::kNoPosition);
   3457     Statement* noop = factory()->NewEmptyStatement(RelocInfo::kNoPosition);
   3458     ignore_completion_block->statements()->Add(
   3459         factory()->NewIfStatement(cond, noop, stop, cond->position()), zone());
   3460   }
   3462   inner_block->statements()->Add(ignore_completion_block, zone());
   3463   // Make cond expression for main loop: flag == 1.
   3464   Expression* flag_cond = NULL;
   3465   {
   3466     Expression* const1 = factory()->NewSmiLiteral(1, RelocInfo::kNoPosition);
   3467     VariableProxy* flag_proxy = factory()->NewVariableProxy(flag);
   3468     flag_cond = factory()->NewCompareOperation(Token::EQ, flag_proxy, const1,
   3469                                                RelocInfo::kNoPosition);
   3470   }
   3472   // Create chain of expressions "flag = 0, temp_x = x, ..."
   3473   Statement* compound_next_statement = NULL;
   3474   {
   3475     Expression* compound_next = NULL;
   3476     // Make expression: flag = 0.
   3477     {
   3478       VariableProxy* flag_proxy = factory()->NewVariableProxy(flag);
   3479       Expression* const0 = factory()->NewSmiLiteral(0, RelocInfo::kNoPosition);
   3480       compound_next = factory()->NewAssignment(Token::ASSIGN, flag_proxy,
   3481                                                const0, RelocInfo::kNoPosition);
   3482     }
   3484     // Make the comma-separated list of temp_x = x assignments.
   3485     int inner_var_proxy_pos = scanner()->location().beg_pos;
   3486     for (int i = 0; i < names->length(); i++) {
   3487       VariableProxy* temp_proxy = factory()->NewVariableProxy(temps.at(i));
   3488       VariableProxy* proxy =
   3489           factory()->NewVariableProxy(inner_vars.at(i), inner_var_proxy_pos);
   3490       Assignment* assignment = factory()->NewAssignment(
   3491           Token::ASSIGN, temp_proxy, proxy, RelocInfo::kNoPosition);
   3492       compound_next = factory()->NewBinaryOperation(
   3493           Token::COMMA, compound_next, assignment, RelocInfo::kNoPosition);
   3494     }
   3496     compound_next_statement = factory()->NewExpressionStatement(
   3497         compound_next, RelocInfo::kNoPosition);
   3498   }
   3500   // Make statement: labels: for (; flag == 1; flag = 0, temp_x = x)
   3501   // Note that we re-use the original loop node, which retains its labels
   3502   // and ensures that any break or continue statements in body point to
   3503   // the right place.
   3504   loop->Initialize(NULL, flag_cond, compound_next_statement, body);
   3505   inner_block->statements()->Add(loop, zone());
   3507   // Make statement: {{if (flag == 1) break;}}
   3508   {
   3509     Expression* compare = NULL;
   3510     // Make compare expresion: flag == 1.
   3511     {
   3512       Expression* const1 = factory()->NewSmiLiteral(1, RelocInfo::kNoPosition);
   3513       VariableProxy* flag_proxy = factory()->NewVariableProxy(flag);
   3514       compare = factory()->NewCompareOperation(Token::EQ, flag_proxy, const1,
   3515                                                RelocInfo::kNoPosition);
   3516     }
   3517     Statement* stop =
   3518         factory()->NewBreakStatement(outer_loop, RelocInfo::kNoPosition);
   3519     Statement* empty = factory()->NewEmptyStatement(RelocInfo::kNoPosition);
   3520     Statement* if_flag_break =
   3521         factory()->NewIfStatement(compare, stop, empty, RelocInfo::kNoPosition);
   3522     Block* ignore_completion_block =
   3523         factory()->NewBlock(NULL, 1, true, RelocInfo::kNoPosition);
   3524     ignore_completion_block->statements()->Add(if_flag_break, zone());
   3525     inner_block->statements()->Add(ignore_completion_block, zone());
   3526   }
   3528   inner_scope->set_end_position(scanner()->location().end_pos);
   3529   inner_block->set_scope(inner_scope);
   3530   scope_ = for_scope;
   3532   outer_loop->Initialize(NULL, NULL, NULL, inner_block);
   3533   return outer_block;
   3534 }
   3537 Statement* Parser::ParseForStatement(ZoneList<const AstRawString*>* labels,
   3538                                      bool* ok) {
   3539   // ForStatement ::
   3540   //   'for' '(' Expression? ';' Expression? ';' Expression? ')' Statement
   3542   int stmt_pos = peek_position();
   3543   bool is_const = false;
   3544   Statement* init = NULL;
   3545   ZoneList<const AstRawString*> lexical_bindings(1, zone());
   3547   // Create an in-between scope for let-bound iteration variables.
   3548   Scope* saved_scope = scope_;
   3549   Scope* for_scope = NewScope(scope_, BLOCK_SCOPE);
   3550   scope_ = for_scope;
   3551   Expect(Token::FOR, CHECK_OK);
   3552   Expect(Token::LPAREN, CHECK_OK);
   3553   for_scope->set_start_position(scanner()->location().beg_pos);
   3554   bool is_let_identifier_expression = false;
   3555   DeclarationParsingResult parsing_result;
   3556   if (peek() != Token::SEMICOLON) {
   3557     if (peek() == Token::VAR || (peek() == Token::CONST && allow_const()) ||
   3558         (peek() == Token::LET && IsNextLetKeyword())) {
   3559       ParseVariableDeclarations(kForStatement, &parsing_result, CHECK_OK);
   3560       is_const = parsing_result.descriptor.mode == CONST;
   3562       int num_decl = parsing_result.declarations.length();
   3563       bool accept_IN = num_decl >= 1;
   3564       ForEachStatement::VisitMode mode;
   3565       int each_beg_pos = scanner()->location().beg_pos;
   3566       int each_end_pos = scanner()->location().end_pos;
   3568       if (accept_IN && CheckInOrOf(&mode, ok)) {
   3569         if (!*ok) return nullptr;
   3570         if (num_decl != 1) {
   3571           const char* loop_type =
   3572               mode == ForEachStatement::ITERATE ? "for-of" : "for-in";
   3573           ParserTraits::ReportMessageAt(
   3574               parsing_result.bindings_loc,
   3575               MessageTemplate::kForInOfLoopMultiBindings, loop_type);
   3576           *ok = false;
   3577           return nullptr;
   3578         }
   3579         DeclarationParsingResult::Declaration& decl =
   3580             parsing_result.declarations[0];
   3581         if (parsing_result.first_initializer_loc.IsValid() &&
   3582             (is_strict(language_mode()) || mode == ForEachStatement::ITERATE ||
   3583              IsLexicalVariableMode(parsing_result.descriptor.mode) ||
   3584              !decl.pattern->IsVariableProxy())) {
   3585           if (mode == ForEachStatement::ITERATE) {
   3586             ReportMessageAt(parsing_result.first_initializer_loc,
   3587                             MessageTemplate::kForOfLoopInitializer);
   3588           } else {
   3589             // TODO(caitp): This should be an error in sloppy mode too.
   3590             ReportMessageAt(parsing_result.first_initializer_loc,
   3591                             MessageTemplate::kForInLoopInitializer);
   3592           }
   3593           *ok = false;
   3594           return nullptr;
   3595         }
   3597         Block* init_block = nullptr;
   3599         // special case for legacy for (var/const x =.... in)
   3600         if (!IsLexicalVariableMode(parsing_result.descriptor.mode) &&
   3601             decl.pattern->IsVariableProxy() && decl.initializer != nullptr) {
   3602           const AstRawString* name =
   3603               decl.pattern->AsVariableProxy()->raw_name();
   3604           VariableProxy* single_var = scope_->NewUnresolved(
   3605               factory(), name, Variable::NORMAL, each_beg_pos, each_end_pos);
   3606           init_block = factory()->NewBlock(
   3607               nullptr, 2, true, parsing_result.descriptor.declaration_pos);
   3608           init_block->statements()->Add(
   3609               factory()->NewExpressionStatement(
   3610                   factory()->NewAssignment(Token::ASSIGN, single_var,
   3611                                            decl.initializer,
   3612                                            RelocInfo::kNoPosition),
   3613                   RelocInfo::kNoPosition),
   3614               zone());
   3615         }
   3617         // Rewrite a for-in/of statement of the form
   3618         //
   3619         //   for (let/const/var x in/of e) b
   3620         //
   3621         // into
   3622         //
   3623         //   {
   3624         //     <let x' be a temporary variable>
   3625         //     for (x' in/of e) {
   3626         //       let/const/var x;
   3627         //       x = x';
   3628         //       b;
   3629         //     }
   3630         //     let x;  // for TDZ
   3631         //   }
   3633         Variable* temp = scope_->NewTemporary(
   3634             ast_value_factory()->dot_for_string());
   3635         ForEachStatement* loop =
   3636             factory()->NewForEachStatement(mode, labels, stmt_pos);
   3637         Target target(&this->target_stack_, loop);
   3639         Expression* enumerable = ParseExpression(true, CHECK_OK);
   3641         Expect(Token::RPAREN, CHECK_OK);
   3643         Scope* body_scope = NewScope(scope_, BLOCK_SCOPE);
   3644         body_scope->set_start_position(scanner()->location().beg_pos);
   3645         scope_ = body_scope;
   3647         Statement* body = ParseSubStatement(NULL, CHECK_OK);
   3649         Block* body_block =
   3650             factory()->NewBlock(NULL, 3, false, RelocInfo::kNoPosition);
   3652         auto each_initialization_block =
   3653             factory()->NewBlock(nullptr, 1, true, RelocInfo::kNoPosition);
   3654         {
   3655           auto descriptor = parsing_result.descriptor;
   3656           descriptor.declaration_pos = RelocInfo::kNoPosition;
   3657           descriptor.initialization_pos = RelocInfo::kNoPosition;
   3658           decl.initializer = factory()->NewVariableProxy(temp);
   3660           PatternRewriter::DeclareAndInitializeVariables(
   3661               each_initialization_block, &descriptor, &decl,
   3662               IsLexicalVariableMode(descriptor.mode) ? &lexical_bindings
   3663                                                      : nullptr,
   3664               CHECK_OK);
   3665         }
   3667         body_block->statements()->Add(each_initialization_block, zone());
   3668         body_block->statements()->Add(body, zone());
   3669         VariableProxy* temp_proxy =
   3670             factory()->NewVariableProxy(temp, each_beg_pos, each_end_pos);
   3671         InitializeForEachStatement(loop, temp_proxy, enumerable, body_block,
   3672                                    false);
   3673         scope_ = for_scope;
   3674         body_scope->set_end_position(scanner()->location().end_pos);
   3675         body_scope = body_scope->FinalizeBlockScope();
   3676         if (body_scope != nullptr) {
   3677           body_block->set_scope(body_scope);
   3678         }
   3680         // Create a TDZ for any lexically-bound names.
   3681         if (IsLexicalVariableMode(parsing_result.descriptor.mode)) {
   3682           DCHECK_NULL(init_block);
   3684           init_block =
   3685               factory()->NewBlock(nullptr, 1, false, RelocInfo::kNoPosition);
   3687           for (int i = 0; i < lexical_bindings.length(); ++i) {
   3688             // TODO(adamk): This needs to be some sort of special
   3689             // INTERNAL variable that's invisible to the debugger
   3690             // but visible to everything else.
   3691             VariableProxy* tdz_proxy = NewUnresolved(lexical_bindings[i], LET);
   3692             Declaration* tdz_decl = factory()->NewVariableDeclaration(
   3693                 tdz_proxy, LET, scope_, RelocInfo::kNoPosition);
   3694             Variable* tdz_var = Declare(tdz_decl, DeclarationDescriptor::NORMAL,
   3695                                         true, CHECK_OK);
   3696             tdz_var->set_initializer_position(position());
   3697           }
   3698         }
   3700         scope_ = saved_scope;
   3701         for_scope->set_end_position(scanner()->location().end_pos);
   3702         for_scope = for_scope->FinalizeBlockScope();
   3703         // Parsed for-in loop w/ variable declarations.
   3704         if (init_block != nullptr) {
   3705           init_block->statements()->Add(loop, zone());
   3706           if (for_scope != nullptr) {
   3707             init_block->set_scope(for_scope);
   3708           }
   3709           return init_block;
   3710         } else {
   3711           DCHECK_NULL(for_scope);
   3712           return loop;
   3713         }
   3714       } else {
   3715         init = parsing_result.BuildInitializationBlock(
   3716             IsLexicalVariableMode(parsing_result.descriptor.mode)
   3717                 ? &lexical_bindings
   3718                 : nullptr,
   3719             CHECK_OK);
   3720       }
   3721     } else {
   3722       int lhs_beg_pos = peek_position();
   3723       ExpressionClassifier classifier;
   3724       Expression* expression = ParseExpression(false, &classifier, CHECK_OK);
   3725       int lhs_end_pos = scanner()->location().end_pos;
   3726       ForEachStatement::VisitMode mode;
   3727       is_let_identifier_expression =
   3728           expression->IsVariableProxy() &&
   3729           expression->AsVariableProxy()->raw_name() ==
   3730               ast_value_factory()->let_string();
   3732       bool is_for_each = CheckInOrOf(&mode, ok);
   3733       if (!*ok) return nullptr;
   3734       bool is_destructuring =
   3735           is_for_each && allow_harmony_destructuring_assignment() &&
   3736           (expression->IsArrayLiteral() || expression->IsObjectLiteral());
   3738       if (is_destructuring) {
   3739         ValidateAssignmentPattern(&classifier, CHECK_OK);
   3740       } else {
   3741         expression =
   3742             ParserTraits::RewriteNonPattern(expression, &classifier, CHECK_OK);
   3743       }
   3745       if (is_for_each) {
   3746         if (!is_destructuring) {
   3747           expression = this->CheckAndRewriteReferenceExpression(
   3748               expression, lhs_beg_pos, lhs_end_pos,
   3749               MessageTemplate::kInvalidLhsInFor, kSyntaxError, CHECK_OK);
   3750         }
   3752         ForEachStatement* loop =
   3753             factory()->NewForEachStatement(mode, labels, stmt_pos);
   3754         Target target(&this->target_stack_, loop);
   3756         Expression* enumerable = ParseExpression(true, CHECK_OK);
   3757         Expect(Token::RPAREN, CHECK_OK);
   3759         // Make a block around the statement in case a lexical binding
   3760         // is introduced, e.g. by a FunctionDeclaration.
   3761         // This block must not use for_scope as its scope because if a
   3762         // lexical binding is introduced which overlaps with the for-in/of,
   3763         // expressions in head of the loop should actually have variables
   3764         // resolved in the outer scope.
   3765         Scope* body_scope = NewScope(for_scope, BLOCK_SCOPE);
   3766         scope_ = body_scope;
   3767         Block* block =
   3768             factory()->NewBlock(NULL, 1, false, RelocInfo::kNoPosition);
   3769         Statement* body = ParseSubStatement(NULL, CHECK_OK);
   3770         block->statements()->Add(body, zone());
   3771         InitializeForEachStatement(loop, expression, enumerable, block,
   3772                                    is_destructuring);
   3773         scope_ = saved_scope;
   3774         body_scope->set_end_position(scanner()->location().end_pos);
   3775         body_scope = body_scope->FinalizeBlockScope();
   3776         if (body_scope != nullptr) {
   3777           block->set_scope(body_scope);
   3778         }
   3779         for_scope->set_end_position(scanner()->location().end_pos);
   3780         for_scope = for_scope->FinalizeBlockScope();
   3781         DCHECK(for_scope == nullptr);
   3782         // Parsed for-in loop.
   3783         return loop;
   3785       } else {
   3786         init = factory()->NewExpressionStatement(expression, lhs_beg_pos);
   3787       }
   3788     }
   3789   }
   3791   // Standard 'for' loop
   3792   ForStatement* loop = factory()->NewForStatement(labels, stmt_pos);
   3793   Target target(&this->target_stack_, loop);
   3795   // Parsed initializer at this point.
   3796   // Detect attempts at 'let' declarations in sloppy mode.
   3797   if (!allow_harmony_sloppy_let() && peek() == Token::IDENTIFIER &&
   3798       is_sloppy(language_mode()) && is_let_identifier_expression) {
   3799     ReportMessage(MessageTemplate::kSloppyLexical, NULL);
   3800     *ok = false;
   3801     return NULL;
   3802   }
   3803   Expect(Token::SEMICOLON, CHECK_OK);
   3805   // If there are let bindings, then condition and the next statement of the
   3806   // for loop must be parsed in a new scope.
   3807   Scope* inner_scope = NULL;
   3808   if (lexical_bindings.length() > 0) {
   3809     inner_scope = NewScope(for_scope, BLOCK_SCOPE);
   3810     inner_scope->set_start_position(scanner()->location().beg_pos);
   3811     scope_ = inner_scope;
   3812   }
   3814   Expression* cond = NULL;
   3815   if (peek() != Token::SEMICOLON) {
   3816     cond = ParseExpression(true, CHECK_OK);
   3817   }
   3818   Expect(Token::SEMICOLON, CHECK_OK);
   3820   Statement* next = NULL;
   3821   if (peek() != Token::RPAREN) {
   3822     Expression* exp = ParseExpression(true, CHECK_OK);
   3823     next = factory()->NewExpressionStatement(exp, exp->position());
   3824   }
   3825   Expect(Token::RPAREN, CHECK_OK);
   3827   Statement* body = ParseSubStatement(NULL, CHECK_OK);
   3829   Statement* result = NULL;
   3830   if (lexical_bindings.length() > 0) {
   3831     scope_ = for_scope;
   3832     result = DesugarLexicalBindingsInForStatement(
   3833                  inner_scope, is_const, &lexical_bindings, loop, init, cond,
   3834                  next, body, CHECK_OK);
   3835     scope_ = saved_scope;
   3836     for_scope->set_end_position(scanner()->location().end_pos);
   3837   } else {
   3838     scope_ = saved_scope;
   3839     for_scope->set_end_position(scanner()->location().end_pos);
   3840     for_scope = for_scope->FinalizeBlockScope();
   3841     if (for_scope) {
   3842       // Rewrite a for statement of the form
   3843       //   for (const x = i; c; n) b
   3844       //
   3845       // into
   3846       //
   3847       //   {
   3848       //     const x = i;
   3849       //     for (; c; n) b
   3850       //   }
   3851       //
   3852       // or, desugar
   3853       //   for (; c; n) b
   3854       // into
   3855       //   {
   3856       //     for (; c; n) b
   3857       //   }
   3858       // just in case b introduces a lexical binding some other way, e.g., if b
   3859       // is a FunctionDeclaration.
   3860       Block* block =
   3861           factory()->NewBlock(NULL, 2, false, RelocInfo::kNoPosition);
   3862       if (init != nullptr) {
   3863         block->statements()->Add(init, zone());
   3864       }
   3865       block->statements()->Add(loop, zone());
   3866       block->set_scope(for_scope);
   3867       loop->Initialize(NULL, cond, next, body);
   3868       result = block;
   3869     } else {
   3870       loop->Initialize(init, cond, next, body);
   3871       result = loop;
   3872     }
   3873   }
   3874   return result;
   3875 }
   3878 DebuggerStatement* Parser::ParseDebuggerStatement(bool* ok) {
   3879   // In ECMA-262 'debugger' is defined as a reserved keyword. In some browser
   3880   // contexts this is used as a statement which invokes the debugger as i a
   3881   // break point is present.
   3882   // DebuggerStatement ::
   3883   //   'debugger' ';'
   3885   int pos = peek_position();
   3886   Expect(Token::DEBUGGER, CHECK_OK);
   3887   ExpectSemicolon(CHECK_OK);
   3888   return factory()->NewDebuggerStatement(pos);
   3889 }
   3892 bool CompileTimeValue::IsCompileTimeValue(Expression* expression) {
   3893   if (expression->IsLiteral()) return true;
   3894   MaterializedLiteral* lit = expression->AsMaterializedLiteral();
   3895   return lit != NULL && lit->is_simple();
   3896 }
   3899 Handle<FixedArray> CompileTimeValue::GetValue(Isolate* isolate,
   3900                                               Expression* expression) {
   3901   Factory* factory = isolate->factory();
   3902   DCHECK(IsCompileTimeValue(expression));
   3903   Handle<FixedArray> result = factory->NewFixedArray(2, TENURED);
   3904   ObjectLiteral* object_literal = expression->AsObjectLiteral();
   3905   if (object_literal != NULL) {
   3906     DCHECK(object_literal->is_simple());
   3907     if (object_literal->fast_elements()) {
   3908       result->set(kLiteralTypeSlot, Smi::FromInt(OBJECT_LITERAL_FAST_ELEMENTS));
   3909     } else {
   3910       result->set(kLiteralTypeSlot, Smi::FromInt(OBJECT_LITERAL_SLOW_ELEMENTS));
   3911     }
   3912     result->set(kElementsSlot, *object_literal->constant_properties());
   3913   } else {
   3914     ArrayLiteral* array_literal = expression->AsArrayLiteral();
   3915     DCHECK(array_literal != NULL && array_literal->is_simple());
   3916     result->set(kLiteralTypeSlot, Smi::FromInt(ARRAY_LITERAL));
   3917     result->set(kElementsSlot, *array_literal->constant_elements());
   3918   }
   3919   return result;
   3920 }
   3923 CompileTimeValue::LiteralType CompileTimeValue::GetLiteralType(
   3924     Handle<FixedArray> value) {
   3925   Smi* literal_type = Smi::cast(value->get(kLiteralTypeSlot));
   3926   return static_cast<LiteralType>(literal_type->value());
   3927 }
   3930 Handle<FixedArray> CompileTimeValue::GetElements(Handle<FixedArray> value) {
   3931   return Handle<FixedArray>(FixedArray::cast(value->get(kElementsSlot)));
   3932 }
   3935 void ParserTraits::ParseArrowFunctionFormalParameters(
   3936     ParserFormalParameters* parameters, Expression* expr,
   3937     const Scanner::Location& params_loc, bool* ok) {
   3938   if (parameters->Arity() >= Code::kMaxArguments) {
   3939     ReportMessageAt(params_loc, MessageTemplate::kMalformedArrowFunParamList);
   3940     *ok = false;
   3941     return;
   3942   }
   3944   // ArrowFunctionFormals ::
   3945   //    Binary(Token::COMMA, NonTailArrowFunctionFormals, Tail)
   3946   //    Tail
   3947   // NonTailArrowFunctionFormals ::
   3948   //    Binary(Token::COMMA, NonTailArrowFunctionFormals, VariableProxy)
   3949   //    VariableProxy
   3950   // Tail ::
   3951   //    VariableProxy
   3952   //    Spread(VariableProxy)
   3953   //
   3954   // As we need to visit the parameters in left-to-right order, we recurse on
   3955   // the left-hand side of comma expressions.
   3956   //
   3957   if (expr->IsBinaryOperation()) {
   3958     BinaryOperation* binop = expr->AsBinaryOperation();
   3959     // The classifier has already run, so we know that the expression is a valid
   3960     // arrow function formals production.
   3961     DCHECK_EQ(binop->op(), Token::COMMA);
   3962     Expression* left = binop->left();
   3963     Expression* right = binop->right();
   3964     ParseArrowFunctionFormalParameters(parameters, left, params_loc, ok);
   3965     if (!*ok) return;
   3966     // LHS of comma expression should be unparenthesized.
   3967     expr = right;
   3968   }
   3970   // Only the right-most expression may be a rest parameter.
   3971   DCHECK(!parameters->has_rest);
   3973   bool is_rest = expr->IsSpread();
   3974   if (is_rest) {
   3975     expr = expr->AsSpread()->expression();
   3976     parameters->has_rest = true;
   3977   }
   3978   if (parameters->is_simple) {
   3979     parameters->is_simple = !is_rest && expr->IsVariableProxy();
   3980   }
   3982   Expression* initializer = nullptr;
   3983   if (expr->IsVariableProxy()) {
   3984     // When the formal parameter was originally seen, it was parsed as a
   3985     // VariableProxy and recorded as unresolved in the scope.  Here we undo that
   3986     // parse-time side-effect for parameters that are single-names (not
   3987     // patterns; for patterns that happens uniformly in
   3988     // PatternRewriter::VisitVariableProxy).
   3989     parser_->scope_->RemoveUnresolved(expr->AsVariableProxy());
   3990   } else if (expr->IsAssignment()) {
   3991     Assignment* assignment = expr->AsAssignment();
   3992     DCHECK(parser_->allow_harmony_default_parameters());
   3993     DCHECK(!assignment->is_compound());
   3994     initializer = assignment->value();
   3995     expr = assignment->target();
   3997     // TODO(adamk): Only call this if necessary.
   3998     RewriteParameterInitializerScope(parser_->stack_limit(), initializer,
   3999                                      parser_->scope_, parameters->scope);
   4000   }
   4002   // TODO(adamk): params_loc.end_pos is not the correct initializer position,
   4003   // but it should be conservative enough to trigger hole checks for variables
   4004   // referenced in the initializer (if any).
   4005   AddFormalParameter(parameters, expr, initializer, params_loc.end_pos,
   4006                      is_rest);
   4007 }
   4010 DoExpression* Parser::ParseDoExpression(bool* ok) {
   4011   // AssignmentExpression ::
   4012   //     do '{' StatementList '}'
   4013   int pos = peek_position();
   4015   Expect(Token::DO, CHECK_OK);
   4016   Variable* result =
   4017       scope_->NewTemporary(ast_value_factory()->dot_result_string());
   4018   Block* block = ParseBlock(nullptr, false, CHECK_OK);
   4019   DoExpression* expr = factory()->NewDoExpression(block, result, pos);
   4020   if (!Rewriter::Rewrite(this, expr, ast_value_factory())) {
   4021     *ok = false;
   4022     return nullptr;
   4023   }
   4024   block->set_scope(block->scope()->FinalizeBlockScope());
   4025   return expr;
   4026 }
   4029 void ParserTraits::ParseArrowFunctionFormalParameterList(
   4030     ParserFormalParameters* parameters, Expression* expr,
   4031     const Scanner::Location& params_loc,
   4032     Scanner::Location* duplicate_loc, bool* ok) {
   4033   if (expr->IsEmptyParentheses()) return;
   4035   ParseArrowFunctionFormalParameters(parameters, expr, params_loc, ok);
   4036   if (!*ok) return;
   4038   ExpressionClassifier classifier;
   4039   if (!parameters->is_simple) {
   4040     classifier.RecordNonSimpleParameter();
   4041   }
   4042   for (int i = 0; i < parameters->Arity(); ++i) {
   4043     auto parameter = parameters->at(i);
   4044     DeclareFormalParameter(parameters->scope, parameter, &classifier);
   4045     if (!duplicate_loc->IsValid()) {
   4046       *duplicate_loc = classifier.duplicate_formal_parameter_error().location;
   4047     }
   4048   }
   4049   DCHECK_EQ(parameters->is_simple, parameters->scope->has_simple_parameters());
   4050 }
   4053 void ParserTraits::ReindexLiterals(const ParserFormalParameters& parameters) {
   4054   if (parser_->function_state_->materialized_literal_count() > 0) {
   4055     AstLiteralReindexer reindexer;
   4057     for (const auto p : parameters.params) {
   4058       if (p.pattern != nullptr) reindexer.Reindex(p.pattern);
   4059       if (p.initializer != nullptr) reindexer.Reindex(p.initializer);
   4060     }
   4062     DCHECK(reindexer.count() <=
   4063            parser_->function_state_->materialized_literal_count());
   4064   }
   4065 }
   4068 FunctionLiteral* Parser::ParseFunctionLiteral(
   4069     const AstRawString* function_name, Scanner::Location function_name_location,
   4070     FunctionNameValidity function_name_validity, FunctionKind kind,
   4071     int function_token_pos, FunctionLiteral::FunctionType function_type,
   4072     FunctionLiteral::ArityRestriction arity_restriction,
   4073     LanguageMode language_mode, bool* ok) {
   4074   // Function ::
   4075   //   '(' FormalParameterList? ')' '{' FunctionBody '}'
   4076   //
   4077   // Getter ::
   4078   //   '(' ')' '{' FunctionBody '}'
   4079   //
   4080   // Setter ::
   4081   //   '(' PropertySetParameterList ')' '{' FunctionBody '}'
   4083   int pos = function_token_pos == RelocInfo::kNoPosition
   4084       ? peek_position() : function_token_pos;
   4086   bool is_generator = IsGeneratorFunction(kind);
   4088   // Anonymous functions were passed either the empty symbol or a null
   4089   // handle as the function name.  Remember if we were passed a non-empty
   4090   // handle to decide whether to invoke function name inference.
   4091   bool should_infer_name = function_name == NULL;
   4093   // We want a non-null handle as the function name.
   4094   if (should_infer_name) {
   4095     function_name = ast_value_factory()->empty_string();
   4096   }
   4098   // Function declarations are function scoped in normal mode, so they are
   4099   // hoisted. In harmony block scoping mode they are block scoped, so they
   4100   // are not hoisted.
   4101   //
   4102   // One tricky case are function declarations in a local sloppy-mode eval:
   4103   // their declaration is hoisted, but they still see the local scope. E.g.,
   4104   //
   4105   // function() {
   4106   //   var x = 0
   4107   //   try { throw 1 } catch (x) { eval("function g() { return x }") }
   4108   //   return g()
   4109   // }
   4110   //
   4111   // needs to return 1. To distinguish such cases, we need to detect
   4112   // (1) whether a function stems from a sloppy eval, and
   4113   // (2) whether it actually hoists across the eval.
   4114   // Unfortunately, we do not represent sloppy eval scopes, so we do not have
   4115   // either information available directly, especially not when lazily compiling
   4116   // a function like 'g'. We hence rely on the following invariants:
   4117   // - (1) is the case iff the innermost scope of the deserialized scope chain
   4118   //   under which we compile is _not_ a declaration scope. This holds because
   4119   //   in all normal cases, function declarations are fully hoisted to a
   4120   //   declaration scope and compiled relative to that.
   4121   // - (2) is the case iff the current declaration scope is still the original
   4122   //   one relative to the deserialized scope chain. Otherwise we must be
   4123   //   compiling a function in an inner declaration scope in the eval, e.g. a
   4124   //   nested function, and hoisting works normally relative to that.
   4125   Scope* declaration_scope = scope_->DeclarationScope();
   4126   Scope* original_declaration_scope = original_scope_->DeclarationScope();
   4127   Scope* scope = function_type == FunctionLiteral::kDeclaration &&
   4128                          is_sloppy(language_mode) &&
   4129                          !allow_harmony_sloppy_function() &&
   4130                          (original_scope_ == original_declaration_scope ||
   4131                           declaration_scope != original_declaration_scope)
   4132                      ? NewScope(declaration_scope, FUNCTION_SCOPE, kind)
   4133                      : NewScope(scope_, FUNCTION_SCOPE, kind);
   4134   SetLanguageMode(scope, language_mode);
   4135   ZoneList<Statement*>* body = NULL;
   4136   int arity = -1;
   4137   int materialized_literal_count = -1;
   4138   int expected_property_count = -1;
   4139   DuplicateFinder duplicate_finder(scanner()->unicode_cache());
   4140   ExpressionClassifier formals_classifier(&duplicate_finder);
   4141   FunctionLiteral::EagerCompileHint eager_compile_hint =
   4142       parenthesized_function_ ? FunctionLiteral::kShouldEagerCompile
   4143                               : FunctionLiteral::kShouldLazyCompile;
   4144   bool should_be_used_once_hint = false;
   4145   // Parse function.
   4146   {
   4147     AstNodeFactory function_factory(ast_value_factory());
   4148     FunctionState function_state(&function_state_, &scope_, scope, kind,
   4149                                  &function_factory);
   4150     scope_->SetScopeName(function_name);
   4152     if (is_generator) {
   4153       // For generators, allocating variables in contexts is currently a win
   4154       // because it minimizes the work needed to suspend and resume an
   4155       // activation.
   4156       scope_->ForceContextAllocation();
   4158       // Calling a generator returns a generator object.  That object is stored
   4159       // in a temporary variable, a definition that is used by "yield"
   4160       // expressions. This also marks the FunctionState as a generator.
   4161       Variable* temp = scope_->NewTemporary(
   4162           ast_value_factory()->dot_generator_object_string());
   4163       function_state.set_generator_object_variable(temp);
   4164     }
   4166     Expect(Token::LPAREN, CHECK_OK);
   4167     int start_position = scanner()->location().beg_pos;
   4168     scope_->set_start_position(start_position);
   4169     ParserFormalParameters formals(scope);
   4170     ParseFormalParameterList(&formals, &formals_classifier, CHECK_OK);
   4171     arity = formals.Arity();
   4172     Expect(Token::RPAREN, CHECK_OK);
   4173     int formals_end_position = scanner()->location().end_pos;
   4175     CheckArityRestrictions(arity, arity_restriction,
   4176                            formals.has_rest, start_position,
   4177                            formals_end_position, CHECK_OK);
   4178     Expect(Token::LBRACE, CHECK_OK);
   4180     // Determine if the function can be parsed lazily. Lazy parsing is different
   4181     // from lazy compilation; we need to parse more eagerly than we compile.
   4183     // We can only parse lazily if we also compile lazily. The heuristics for
   4184     // lazy compilation are:
   4185     // - It must not have been prohibited by the caller to Parse (some callers
   4186     //   need a full AST).
   4187     // - The outer scope must allow lazy compilation of inner functions.
   4188     // - The function mustn't be a function expression with an open parenthesis
   4189     //   before; we consider that a hint that the function will be called
   4190     //   immediately, and it would be a waste of time to make it lazily
   4191     //   compiled.
   4192     // These are all things we can know at this point, without looking at the
   4193     // function itself.
   4195     // In addition, we need to distinguish between these cases:
   4196     // (function foo() {
   4197     //   bar = function() { return 1; }
   4198     //  })();
   4199     // and
   4200     // (function foo() {
   4201     //   var a = 1;
   4202     //   bar = function() { return a; }
   4203     //  })();
   4205     // Now foo will be parsed eagerly and compiled eagerly (optimization: assume
   4206     // parenthesis before the function means that it will be called
   4207     // immediately). The inner function *must* be parsed eagerly to resolve the
   4208     // possible reference to the variable in foo's scope. However, it's possible
   4209     // that it will be compiled lazily.
   4211     // To make this additional case work, both Parser and PreParser implement a
   4212     // logic where only top-level functions will be parsed lazily.
   4213     bool is_lazily_parsed = mode() == PARSE_LAZILY &&
   4214                             scope_->AllowsLazyParsing() &&
   4215                             !parenthesized_function_;
   4216     parenthesized_function_ = false;  // The bit was set for this function only.
   4218     // Eager or lazy parse?
   4219     // If is_lazily_parsed, we'll parse lazy. If we can set a bookmark, we'll
   4220     // pass it to SkipLazyFunctionBody, which may use it to abort lazy
   4221     // parsing if it suspect that wasn't a good idea. If so, or if we didn't
   4222     // try to lazy parse in the first place, we'll have to parse eagerly.
   4223     Scanner::BookmarkScope bookmark(scanner());
   4224     if (is_lazily_parsed) {
   4225       Scanner::BookmarkScope* maybe_bookmark =
   4226           bookmark.Set() ? &bookmark : nullptr;
   4227       SkipLazyFunctionBody(&materialized_literal_count,
   4228                            &expected_property_count, /*CHECK_OK*/ ok,
   4229                            maybe_bookmark);
   4231       materialized_literal_count += formals.materialized_literals_count +
   4232                                     function_state.materialized_literal_count();
   4234       if (bookmark.HasBeenReset()) {
   4235         // Trigger eager (re-)parsing, just below this block.
   4236         is_lazily_parsed = false;
   4238         // This is probably an initialization function. Inform the compiler it
   4239         // should also eager-compile this function, and that we expect it to be
   4240         // used once.
   4241         eager_compile_hint = FunctionLiteral::kShouldEagerCompile;
   4242         should_be_used_once_hint = true;
   4243       }
   4244     }
   4245     if (!is_lazily_parsed) {
   4246       // Determine whether the function body can be discarded after parsing.
   4247       // The preconditions are:
   4248       // - Lazy compilation has to be enabled.
   4249       // - Neither V8 natives nor native function declarations can be allowed,
   4250       //   since parsing one would retroactively force the function to be
   4251       //   eagerly compiled.
   4252       // - The invoker of this parser can't depend on the AST being eagerly
   4253       //   built (either because the function is about to be compiled, or
   4254       //   because the AST is going to be inspected for some reason).
   4255       // - Because of the above, we can't be attempting to parse a
   4256       //   FunctionExpression; even without enclosing parentheses it might be
   4257       //   immediately invoked.
   4258       // - The function literal shouldn't be hinted to eagerly compile.
   4259       bool use_temp_zone =
   4260           FLAG_lazy && !allow_natives() && extension_ == NULL && allow_lazy() &&
   4261           function_type == FunctionLiteral::kDeclaration &&
   4262           eager_compile_hint != FunctionLiteral::kShouldEagerCompile;
   4263       // Open a new BodyScope, which sets our AstNodeFactory to allocate in the
   4264       // new temporary zone if the preconditions are satisfied, and ensures that
   4265       // the previous zone is always restored after parsing the body.
   4266       // For the purpose of scope analysis, some ZoneObjects allocated by the
   4267       // factory must persist after the function body is thrown away and
   4268       // temp_zone is deallocated. These objects are instead allocated in a
   4269       // parser-persistent zone (see parser_zone_ in AstNodeFactory).
   4270       {
   4271         Zone temp_zone;
   4272         AstNodeFactory::BodyScope inner(factory(), &temp_zone, use_temp_zone);
   4274         body = ParseEagerFunctionBody(function_name, pos, formals, kind,
   4275                                       function_type, CHECK_OK);
   4276       }
   4277       materialized_literal_count = function_state.materialized_literal_count();
   4278       expected_property_count = function_state.expected_property_count();
   4279       if (use_temp_zone) {
   4280         // If the preconditions are correct the function body should never be
   4281         // accessed, but do this anyway for better behaviour if they're wrong.
   4282         body = NULL;
   4283       }
   4284     }
   4286     // Parsing the body may change the language mode in our scope.
   4287     language_mode = scope->language_mode();
   4289     if (is_strong(language_mode) && IsSubclassConstructor(kind)) {
   4290       if (!function_state.super_location().IsValid()) {
   4291         ReportMessageAt(function_name_location,
   4292                         MessageTemplate::kStrongSuperCallMissing,
   4293                         kReferenceError);
   4294         *ok = false;
   4295         return nullptr;
   4296       }
   4297     }
   4299     // Validate name and parameter names. We can do this only after parsing the
   4300     // function, since the function can declare itself strict.
   4301     CheckFunctionName(language_mode, function_name, function_name_validity,
   4302                       function_name_location, CHECK_OK);
   4303     const bool allow_duplicate_parameters =
   4304         is_sloppy(language_mode) && formals.is_simple && !IsConciseMethod(kind);
   4305     ValidateFormalParameters(&formals_classifier, language_mode,
   4306                              allow_duplicate_parameters, CHECK_OK);
   4308     if (is_strict(language_mode)) {
   4309       CheckStrictOctalLiteral(scope->start_position(), scope->end_position(),
   4310                               CHECK_OK);
   4311     }
   4312     if (is_sloppy(language_mode) && allow_harmony_sloppy_function()) {
   4313       InsertSloppyBlockFunctionVarBindings(scope, CHECK_OK);
   4314     }
   4315     if (is_strict(language_mode) || allow_harmony_sloppy() ||
   4316         allow_harmony_destructuring_bind()) {
   4317       CheckConflictingVarDeclarations(scope, CHECK_OK);
   4318     }
   4320     if (body) {
   4321       // If body can be inspected, rewrite queued destructuring assignments
   4322       ParserTraits::RewriteDestructuringAssignments();
   4323     }
   4324   }
   4326   bool has_duplicate_parameters =
   4327       !formals_classifier.is_valid_formal_parameter_list_without_duplicates();
   4328   FunctionLiteral::ParameterFlag duplicate_parameters =
   4329       has_duplicate_parameters ? FunctionLiteral::kHasDuplicateParameters
   4330                                : FunctionLiteral::kNoDuplicateParameters;
   4332   FunctionLiteral* function_literal = factory()->NewFunctionLiteral(
   4333       function_name, scope, body, materialized_literal_count,
   4334       expected_property_count, arity, duplicate_parameters, function_type,
   4335       eager_compile_hint, kind, pos);
   4336   function_literal->set_function_token_position(function_token_pos);
   4337   if (should_be_used_once_hint)
   4338     function_literal->set_should_be_used_once_hint();
   4340   if (scope->has_rest_parameter()) {
   4341     function_literal->set_dont_optimize_reason(kRestParameter);
   4342   }
   4344   if (fni_ != NULL && should_infer_name) fni_->AddFunction(function_literal);
   4345   return function_literal;
   4346 }
   4349 void Parser::SkipLazyFunctionBody(int* materialized_literal_count,
   4350                                   int* expected_property_count, bool* ok,
   4351                                   Scanner::BookmarkScope* bookmark) {
   4352   DCHECK_IMPLIES(bookmark, bookmark->HasBeenSet());
   4353   if (produce_cached_parse_data()) CHECK(log_);
   4355   int function_block_pos = position();
   4356   if (consume_cached_parse_data() && !cached_parse_data_->rejected()) {
   4357     // If we have cached data, we use it to skip parsing the function body. The
   4358     // data contains the information we need to construct the lazy function.
   4359     FunctionEntry entry =
   4360         cached_parse_data_->GetFunctionEntry(function_block_pos);
   4361     // Check that cached data is valid. If not, mark it as invalid (the embedder
   4362     // handles it). Note that end position greater than end of stream is safe,
   4363     // and hard to check.
   4364     if (entry.is_valid() && entry.end_pos() > function_block_pos) {
   4365       scanner()->SeekForward(entry.end_pos() - 1);
   4367       scope_->set_end_position(entry.end_pos());
   4368       Expect(Token::RBRACE, ok);
   4369       if (!*ok) {
   4370         return;
   4371       }
   4372       total_preparse_skipped_ += scope_->end_position() - function_block_pos;
   4373       *materialized_literal_count = entry.literal_count();
   4374       *expected_property_count = entry.property_count();
   4375       SetLanguageMode(scope_, entry.language_mode());
   4376       if (entry.uses_super_property()) scope_->RecordSuperPropertyUsage();
   4377       if (entry.calls_eval()) scope_->RecordEvalCall();
   4378       return;
   4379     }
   4380     cached_parse_data_->Reject();
   4381   }
   4382   // With no cached data, we partially parse the function, without building an
   4383   // AST. This gathers the data needed to build a lazy function.
   4384   SingletonLogger logger;
   4385   PreParser::PreParseResult result =
   4386       ParseLazyFunctionBodyWithPreParser(&logger, bookmark);
   4387   if (bookmark && bookmark->HasBeenReset()) {
   4388     return;  // Return immediately if pre-parser devided to abort parsing.
   4389   }
   4390   if (result == PreParser::kPreParseStackOverflow) {
   4391     // Propagate stack overflow.
   4392     set_stack_overflow();
   4393     *ok = false;
   4394     return;
   4395   }
   4396   if (logger.has_error()) {
   4397     ParserTraits::ReportMessageAt(
   4398         Scanner::Location(logger.start(), logger.end()), logger.message(),
   4399         logger.argument_opt(), logger.error_type());
   4400     *ok = false;
   4401     return;
   4402   }
   4403   scope_->set_end_position(logger.end());
   4404   Expect(Token::RBRACE, ok);
   4405   if (!*ok) {
   4406     return;
   4407   }
   4408   total_preparse_skipped_ += scope_->end_position() - function_block_pos;
   4409   *materialized_literal_count = logger.literals();
   4410   *expected_property_count = logger.properties();
   4411   SetLanguageMode(scope_, logger.language_mode());
   4412   if (logger.uses_super_property()) {
   4413     scope_->RecordSuperPropertyUsage();
   4414   }
   4415   if (logger.calls_eval()) {
   4416     scope_->RecordEvalCall();
   4417   }
   4418   if (produce_cached_parse_data()) {
   4419     DCHECK(log_);
   4420     // Position right after terminal '}'.
   4421     int body_end = scanner()->location().end_pos;
   4422     log_->LogFunction(function_block_pos, body_end, *materialized_literal_count,
   4423                       *expected_property_count, scope_->language_mode(),
   4424                       scope_->uses_super_property(), scope_->calls_eval());
   4425   }
   4426 }
   4429 Statement* Parser::BuildAssertIsCoercible(Variable* var) {
   4430   // if (var === null || var === undefined)
   4431   //     throw /* type error kNonCoercible) */;
   4433   Expression* condition = factory()->NewBinaryOperation(
   4434       Token::OR, factory()->NewCompareOperation(
   4435                      Token::EQ_STRICT, factory()->NewVariableProxy(var),
   4436                      factory()->NewUndefinedLiteral(RelocInfo::kNoPosition),
   4437                      RelocInfo::kNoPosition),
   4438       factory()->NewCompareOperation(
   4439           Token::EQ_STRICT, factory()->NewVariableProxy(var),
   4440           factory()->NewNullLiteral(RelocInfo::kNoPosition),
   4441           RelocInfo::kNoPosition),
   4442       RelocInfo::kNoPosition);
   4443   Expression* throw_type_error = this->NewThrowTypeError(
   4444       MessageTemplate::kNonCoercible, ast_value_factory()->empty_string(),
   4445       RelocInfo::kNoPosition);
   4446   IfStatement* if_statement = factory()->NewIfStatement(
   4447       condition, factory()->NewExpressionStatement(throw_type_error,
   4448                                                    RelocInfo::kNoPosition),
   4449       factory()->NewEmptyStatement(RelocInfo::kNoPosition),
   4450       RelocInfo::kNoPosition);
   4451   return if_statement;
   4452 }
   4455 class InitializerRewriter : public AstExpressionVisitor {
   4456  public:
   4457   InitializerRewriter(uintptr_t stack_limit, Expression* root, Parser* parser,
   4458                       Scope* scope)
   4459       : AstExpressionVisitor(stack_limit, root),
   4460         parser_(parser),
   4461         scope_(scope) {}
   4463  private:
   4464   void VisitExpression(Expression* expr) {
   4465     RewritableAssignmentExpression* to_rewrite =
   4466         expr->AsRewritableAssignmentExpression();
   4467     if (to_rewrite == nullptr || to_rewrite->is_rewritten()) return;
   4469     Parser::PatternRewriter::RewriteDestructuringAssignment(parser_, to_rewrite,
   4470                                                             scope_);
   4471   }
   4473  private:
   4474   Parser* parser_;
   4475   Scope* scope_;
   4476 };
   4479 void Parser::RewriteParameterInitializer(Expression* expr, Scope* scope) {
   4480   InitializerRewriter rewriter(stack_limit_, expr, this, scope);
   4481   rewriter.Run();
   4482 }
   4485 Block* Parser::BuildParameterInitializationBlock(
   4486     const ParserFormalParameters& parameters, bool* ok) {
   4487   DCHECK(!parameters.is_simple);
   4488   DCHECK(scope_->is_function_scope());
   4489   Block* init_block =
   4490       factory()->NewBlock(NULL, 1, true, RelocInfo::kNoPosition);
   4491   for (int i = 0; i < parameters.params.length(); ++i) {
   4492     auto parameter = parameters.params[i];
   4493     if (parameter.is_rest && parameter.pattern->IsVariableProxy()) break;
   4494     DeclarationDescriptor descriptor;
   4495     descriptor.declaration_kind = DeclarationDescriptor::PARAMETER;
   4496     descriptor.parser = this;
   4497     descriptor.scope = scope_;
   4498     descriptor.hoist_scope = nullptr;
   4499     descriptor.mode = LET;
   4500     descriptor.needs_init = true;
   4501     descriptor.declaration_pos = parameter.pattern->position();
   4502     // The position that will be used by the AssignmentExpression
   4503     // which copies from the temp parameter to the pattern.
   4504     //
   4505     // TODO(adamk): Should this be RelocInfo::kNoPosition, since
   4506     // it's just copying from a temp var to the real param var?
   4507     descriptor.initialization_pos = parameter.pattern->position();
   4508     // The initializer position which will end up in,
   4509     // Variable::initializer_position(), used for hole check elimination.
   4510     int initializer_position = parameter.pattern->position();
   4511     Expression* initial_value =
   4512         factory()->NewVariableProxy(parameters.scope->parameter(i));
   4513     if (parameter.initializer != nullptr) {
   4514       // IS_UNDEFINED($param) ? initializer : $param
   4516       // Ensure initializer is rewritten
   4517       RewriteParameterInitializer(parameter.initializer, scope_);
   4519       auto condition = factory()->NewCompareOperation(
   4520           Token::EQ_STRICT,
   4521           factory()->NewVariableProxy(parameters.scope->parameter(i)),
   4522           factory()->NewUndefinedLiteral(RelocInfo::kNoPosition),
   4523           RelocInfo::kNoPosition);
   4524       initial_value = factory()->NewConditional(
   4525           condition, parameter.initializer, initial_value,
   4526           RelocInfo::kNoPosition);
   4527       descriptor.initialization_pos = parameter.initializer->position();
   4528       initializer_position = parameter.initializer_end_position;
   4529     }
   4531     Scope* param_scope = scope_;
   4532     Block* param_block = init_block;
   4533     if (!parameter.is_simple() && scope_->calls_sloppy_eval()) {
   4534       param_scope = NewScope(scope_, BLOCK_SCOPE);
   4535       param_scope->set_is_declaration_scope();
   4536       param_scope->set_start_position(parameter.pattern->position());
   4537       param_scope->set_end_position(RelocInfo::kNoPosition);
   4538       param_scope->RecordEvalCall();
   4539       param_block = factory()->NewBlock(NULL, 8, true, RelocInfo::kNoPosition);
   4540       param_block->set_scope(param_scope);
   4541       descriptor.hoist_scope = scope_;
   4542     }
   4544     {
   4545       BlockState block_state(&scope_, param_scope);
   4546       DeclarationParsingResult::Declaration decl(
   4547           parameter.pattern, initializer_position, initial_value);
   4548       PatternRewriter::DeclareAndInitializeVariables(param_block, &descriptor,
   4549                                                      &decl, nullptr, CHECK_OK);
   4550     }
   4552     if (!parameter.is_simple() && scope_->calls_sloppy_eval()) {
   4553       param_scope = param_scope->FinalizeBlockScope();
   4554       if (param_scope != nullptr) {
   4555         CheckConflictingVarDeclarations(param_scope, CHECK_OK);
   4556       }
   4557       init_block->statements()->Add(param_block, zone());
   4558     }
   4559   }
   4560   return init_block;
   4561 }
   4564 ZoneList<Statement*>* Parser::ParseEagerFunctionBody(
   4565     const AstRawString* function_name, int pos,
   4566     const ParserFormalParameters& parameters, FunctionKind kind,
   4567     FunctionLiteral::FunctionType function_type, bool* ok) {
   4568   // Everything inside an eagerly parsed function will be parsed eagerly
   4569   // (see comment above).
   4570   ParsingModeScope parsing_mode(this, PARSE_EAGERLY);
   4571   ZoneList<Statement*>* result = new(zone()) ZoneList<Statement*>(8, zone());
   4573   static const int kFunctionNameAssignmentIndex = 0;
   4574   if (function_type == FunctionLiteral::kNamedExpression) {
   4575     DCHECK(function_name != NULL);
   4576     // If we have a named function expression, we add a local variable
   4577     // declaration to the body of the function with the name of the
   4578     // function and let it refer to the function itself (closure).
   4579     // Not having parsed the function body, the language mode may still change,
   4580     // so we reserve a spot and create the actual const assignment later.
   4581     DCHECK_EQ(kFunctionNameAssignmentIndex, result->length());
   4582     result->Add(NULL, zone());
   4583   }
   4585   ZoneList<Statement*>* body = result;
   4586   Scope* inner_scope = scope_;
   4587   Block* inner_block = nullptr;
   4588   if (!parameters.is_simple) {
   4589     inner_scope = NewScope(scope_, BLOCK_SCOPE);
   4590     inner_scope->set_is_declaration_scope();
   4591     inner_scope->set_start_position(scanner()->location().beg_pos);
   4592     inner_block = factory()->NewBlock(NULL, 8, true, RelocInfo::kNoPosition);
   4593     inner_block->set_scope(inner_scope);
   4594     body = inner_block->statements();
   4595   }
   4597   {
   4598     BlockState block_state(&scope_, inner_scope);
   4600     // For generators, allocate and yield an iterator on function entry.
   4601     if (IsGeneratorFunction(kind)) {
   4602       ZoneList<Expression*>* arguments =
   4603           new(zone()) ZoneList<Expression*>(0, zone());
   4604       CallRuntime* allocation = factory()->NewCallRuntime(
   4605           Runtime::kCreateJSGeneratorObject, arguments, pos);
   4606       VariableProxy* init_proxy = factory()->NewVariableProxy(
   4607           function_state_->generator_object_variable());
   4608       Assignment* assignment = factory()->NewAssignment(
   4609           Token::INIT, init_proxy, allocation, RelocInfo::kNoPosition);
   4610       VariableProxy* get_proxy = factory()->NewVariableProxy(
   4611           function_state_->generator_object_variable());
   4612       Yield* yield = factory()->NewYield(
   4613           get_proxy, assignment, Yield::kInitial, RelocInfo::kNoPosition);
   4614       body->Add(factory()->NewExpressionStatement(
   4615           yield, RelocInfo::kNoPosition), zone());
   4616     }
   4618     ParseStatementList(body, Token::RBRACE, CHECK_OK);
   4620     if (IsGeneratorFunction(kind)) {
   4621       VariableProxy* get_proxy = factory()->NewVariableProxy(
   4622           function_state_->generator_object_variable());
   4623       Expression* undefined =
   4624           factory()->NewUndefinedLiteral(RelocInfo::kNoPosition);
   4625       Yield* yield = factory()->NewYield(get_proxy, undefined, Yield::kFinal,
   4626                                          RelocInfo::kNoPosition);
   4627       body->Add(factory()->NewExpressionStatement(
   4628           yield, RelocInfo::kNoPosition), zone());
   4629     }
   4631     if (IsSubclassConstructor(kind)) {
   4632       body->Add(
   4633           factory()->NewReturnStatement(
   4634               this->ThisExpression(scope_, factory(), RelocInfo::kNoPosition),
   4635               RelocInfo::kNoPosition),
   4636               zone());
   4637     }
   4638   }
   4640   Expect(Token::RBRACE, CHECK_OK);
   4641   scope_->set_end_position(scanner()->location().end_pos);
   4643   if (!parameters.is_simple) {
   4644     DCHECK_NOT_NULL(inner_scope);
   4645     DCHECK_EQ(body, inner_block->statements());
   4646     SetLanguageMode(scope_, inner_scope->language_mode());
   4647     Block* init_block = BuildParameterInitializationBlock(parameters, CHECK_OK);
   4648     DCHECK_NOT_NULL(init_block);
   4650     inner_scope->set_end_position(scanner()->location().end_pos);
   4651     inner_scope = inner_scope->FinalizeBlockScope();
   4652     if (inner_scope != nullptr) {
   4653       CheckConflictingVarDeclarations(inner_scope, CHECK_OK);
   4654       InsertShadowingVarBindingInitializers(inner_block);
   4655     }
   4657     result->Add(init_block, zone());
   4658     result->Add(inner_block, zone());
   4659   }
   4661   if (function_type == FunctionLiteral::kNamedExpression) {
   4662     // Now that we know the language mode, we can create the const assignment
   4663     // in the previously reserved spot.
   4664     // NOTE: We create a proxy and resolve it here so that in the
   4665     // future we can change the AST to only refer to VariableProxies
   4666     // instead of Variables and Proxies as is the case now.
   4667     VariableMode fvar_mode = is_strict(language_mode()) ? CONST : CONST_LEGACY;
   4668     Variable* fvar = new (zone())
   4669         Variable(scope_, function_name, fvar_mode, Variable::NORMAL,
   4670                  kCreatedInitialized, kNotAssigned);
   4671     VariableProxy* proxy = factory()->NewVariableProxy(fvar);
   4672     VariableDeclaration* fvar_declaration = factory()->NewVariableDeclaration(
   4673         proxy, fvar_mode, scope_, RelocInfo::kNoPosition);
   4674     scope_->DeclareFunctionVar(fvar_declaration);
   4676     VariableProxy* fproxy = factory()->NewVariableProxy(fvar);
   4677     result->Set(kFunctionNameAssignmentIndex,
   4678                 factory()->NewExpressionStatement(
   4679                     factory()->NewAssignment(Token::INIT, fproxy,
   4680                                              factory()->NewThisFunction(pos),
   4681                                              RelocInfo::kNoPosition),
   4682                     RelocInfo::kNoPosition));
   4683   }
   4685   return result;
   4686 }
   4689 PreParser::PreParseResult Parser::ParseLazyFunctionBodyWithPreParser(
   4690     SingletonLogger* logger, Scanner::BookmarkScope* bookmark) {
   4691   // This function may be called on a background thread too; record only the
   4692   // main thread preparse times.
   4693   if (pre_parse_timer_ != NULL) {
   4694     pre_parse_timer_->Start();
   4695   }
   4696   DCHECK_EQ(Token::LBRACE, scanner()->current_token());
   4698   if (reusable_preparser_ == NULL) {
   4699     reusable_preparser_ = new PreParser(zone(), &scanner_, ast_value_factory(),
   4700                                         NULL, stack_limit_);
   4701     reusable_preparser_->set_allow_lazy(true);
   4702 #define SET_ALLOW(name) reusable_preparser_->set_allow_##name(allow_##name());
   4703     SET_ALLOW(natives);
   4704     SET_ALLOW(harmony_sloppy);
   4705     SET_ALLOW(harmony_sloppy_let);
   4706     SET_ALLOW(harmony_default_parameters);
   4707     SET_ALLOW(harmony_destructuring_bind);
   4708     SET_ALLOW(harmony_destructuring_assignment);
   4709     SET_ALLOW(strong_mode);
   4710     SET_ALLOW(harmony_do_expressions);
   4711     SET_ALLOW(harmony_function_name);
   4712 #undef SET_ALLOW
   4713   }
   4714   PreParser::PreParseResult result = reusable_preparser_->PreParseLazyFunction(
   4715       language_mode(), function_state_->kind(), scope_->has_simple_parameters(),
   4716       logger, bookmark);
   4717   if (pre_parse_timer_ != NULL) {
   4718     pre_parse_timer_->Stop();
   4719   }
   4720   return result;
   4721 }
   4724 ClassLiteral* Parser::ParseClassLiteral(const AstRawString* name,
   4725                                         Scanner::Location class_name_location,
   4726                                         bool name_is_strict_reserved, int pos,
   4727                                         bool* ok) {
   4728   // All parts of a ClassDeclaration and ClassExpression are strict code.
   4729   if (name_is_strict_reserved) {
   4730     ReportMessageAt(class_name_location,
   4731                     MessageTemplate::kUnexpectedStrictReserved);
   4732     *ok = false;
   4733     return NULL;
   4734   }
   4735   if (IsEvalOrArguments(name)) {
   4736     ReportMessageAt(class_name_location, MessageTemplate::kStrictEvalArguments);
   4737     *ok = false;
   4738     return NULL;
   4739   }
   4740   if (is_strong(language_mode()) && IsUndefined(name)) {
   4741     ReportMessageAt(class_name_location, MessageTemplate::kStrongUndefined);
   4742     *ok = false;
   4743     return NULL;
   4744   }
   4746   Scope* block_scope = NewScope(scope_, BLOCK_SCOPE);
   4747   BlockState block_state(&scope_, block_scope);
   4748   RaiseLanguageMode(STRICT);
   4749   scope_->SetScopeName(name);
   4751   VariableProxy* proxy = NULL;
   4752   if (name != NULL) {
   4753     proxy = NewUnresolved(name, CONST);
   4754     const bool is_class_declaration = true;
   4755     Declaration* declaration = factory()->NewVariableDeclaration(
   4756         proxy, CONST, block_scope, pos, is_class_declaration,
   4757         scope_->class_declaration_group_start());
   4758     Declare(declaration, DeclarationDescriptor::NORMAL, true, CHECK_OK);
   4759   }
   4761   Expression* extends = NULL;
   4762   if (Check(Token::EXTENDS)) {
   4763     block_scope->set_start_position(scanner()->location().end_pos);
   4764     ExpressionClassifier classifier;
   4765     extends = ParseLeftHandSideExpression(&classifier, CHECK_OK);
   4766     extends = ParserTraits::RewriteNonPattern(extends, &classifier, CHECK_OK);
   4767   } else {
   4768     block_scope->set_start_position(scanner()->location().end_pos);
   4769   }
   4772   ClassLiteralChecker checker(this);
   4773   ZoneList<ObjectLiteral::Property*>* properties = NewPropertyList(4, zone());
   4774   FunctionLiteral* constructor = NULL;
   4775   bool has_seen_constructor = false;
   4777   Expect(Token::LBRACE, CHECK_OK);
   4779   const bool has_extends = extends != nullptr;
   4780   while (peek() != Token::RBRACE) {
   4781     if (Check(Token::SEMICOLON)) continue;
   4782     FuncNameInferrer::State fni_state(fni_);
   4783     const bool in_class = true;
   4784     const bool is_static = false;
   4785     bool is_computed_name = false;  // Classes do not care about computed
   4786                                     // property names here.
   4787     ExpressionClassifier classifier;
   4788     const AstRawString* name = nullptr;
   4789     ObjectLiteral::Property* property = ParsePropertyDefinition(
   4790         &checker, in_class, has_extends, is_static, &is_computed_name,
   4791         &has_seen_constructor, &classifier, &name, CHECK_OK);
   4792     property = ParserTraits::RewriteNonPatternObjectLiteralProperty(
   4793         property, &classifier, CHECK_OK);
   4795     if (has_seen_constructor && constructor == NULL) {
   4796       constructor = GetPropertyValue(property)->AsFunctionLiteral();
   4797       DCHECK_NOT_NULL(constructor);
   4798     } else {
   4799       properties->Add(property, zone());
   4800     }
   4802     if (fni_ != NULL) fni_->Infer();
   4804     if (allow_harmony_function_name()) {
   4805       SetFunctionNameFromPropertyName(property, name);
   4806     }
   4807   }
   4809   Expect(Token::RBRACE, CHECK_OK);
   4810   int end_pos = scanner()->location().end_pos;
   4812   if (constructor == NULL) {
   4813     constructor = DefaultConstructor(extends != NULL, block_scope, pos, end_pos,
   4814                                      block_scope->language_mode());
   4815   }
   4817   // Note that we do not finalize this block scope because strong
   4818   // mode uses it as a sentinel value indicating an anonymous class.
   4819   block_scope->set_end_position(end_pos);
   4821   if (name != NULL) {
   4822     DCHECK_NOT_NULL(proxy);
   4823     proxy->var()->set_initializer_position(end_pos);
   4824   }
   4826   return factory()->NewClassLiteral(name, block_scope, proxy, extends,
   4827                                     constructor, properties, pos, end_pos);
   4828 }
   4831 Expression* Parser::ParseV8Intrinsic(bool* ok) {
   4832   // CallRuntime ::
   4833   //   '%' Identifier Arguments
   4835   int pos = peek_position();
   4836   Expect(Token::MOD, CHECK_OK);
   4837   // Allow "eval" or "arguments" for backward compatibility.
   4838   const AstRawString* name = ParseIdentifier(kAllowRestrictedIdentifiers,
   4839                                              CHECK_OK);
   4840   Scanner::Location spread_pos;
   4841   ExpressionClassifier classifier;
   4842   ZoneList<Expression*>* args =
   4843       ParseArguments(&spread_pos, &classifier, CHECK_OK);
   4844   args = RewriteNonPatternArguments(args, &classifier, CHECK_OK);
   4846   DCHECK(!spread_pos.IsValid());
   4848   if (extension_ != NULL) {
   4849     // The extension structures are only accessible while parsing the
   4850     // very first time not when reparsing because of lazy compilation.
   4851     scope_->DeclarationScope()->ForceEagerCompilation();
   4852   }
   4854   const Runtime::Function* function = Runtime::FunctionForName(name->string());
   4856   if (function != NULL) {
   4857     // Check for possible name clash.
   4858     DCHECK_EQ(Context::kNotFound,
   4859               Context::IntrinsicIndexForName(name->string()));
   4860     // Check for built-in IS_VAR macro.
   4861     if (function->function_id == Runtime::kIS_VAR) {
   4862       DCHECK_EQ(Runtime::RUNTIME, function->intrinsic_type);
   4863       // %IS_VAR(x) evaluates to x if x is a variable,
   4864       // leads to a parse error otherwise.  Could be implemented as an
   4865       // inline function %_IS_VAR(x) to eliminate this special case.
   4866       if (args->length() == 1 && args->at(0)->AsVariableProxy() != NULL) {
   4867         return args->at(0);
   4868       } else {
   4869         ReportMessage(MessageTemplate::kNotIsvar);
   4870         *ok = false;
   4871         return NULL;
   4872       }
   4873     }
   4875     // Check that the expected number of arguments are being passed.
   4876     if (function->nargs != -1 && function->nargs != args->length()) {
   4877       ReportMessage(MessageTemplate::kIllegalAccess);
   4878       *ok = false;
   4879       return NULL;
   4880     }
   4882     return factory()->NewCallRuntime(function, args, pos);
   4883   }
   4885   int context_index = Context::IntrinsicIndexForName(name->string());
   4887   // Check that the function is defined.
   4888   if (context_index == Context::kNotFound) {
   4889     ParserTraits::ReportMessage(MessageTemplate::kNotDefined, name);
   4890     *ok = false;
   4891     return NULL;
   4892   }
   4894   return factory()->NewCallRuntime(context_index, args, pos);
   4895 }
   4898 Literal* Parser::GetLiteralUndefined(int position) {
   4899   return factory()->NewUndefinedLiteral(position);
   4900 }
   4903 void Parser::CheckConflictingVarDeclarations(Scope* scope, bool* ok) {
   4904   Declaration* decl = scope->CheckConflictingVarDeclarations();
   4905   if (decl != NULL) {
   4906     // In ES6, conflicting variable bindings are early errors.
   4907     const AstRawString* name = decl->proxy()->raw_name();
   4908     int position = decl->proxy()->position();
   4909     Scanner::Location location = position == RelocInfo::kNoPosition
   4910         ? Scanner::Location::invalid()
   4911         : Scanner::Location(position, position + 1);
   4912     ParserTraits::ReportMessageAt(location, MessageTemplate::kVarRedeclaration,
   4913                                   name);
   4914     *ok = false;
   4915   }
   4916 }
   4919 void Parser::InsertShadowingVarBindingInitializers(Block* inner_block) {
   4920   // For each var-binding that shadows a parameter, insert an assignment
   4921   // initializing the variable with the parameter.
   4922   Scope* inner_scope = inner_block->scope();
   4923   DCHECK(inner_scope->is_declaration_scope());
   4924   Scope* function_scope = inner_scope->outer_scope();
   4925   DCHECK(function_scope->is_function_scope());
   4926   ZoneList<Declaration*>* decls = inner_scope->declarations();
   4927   for (int i = 0; i < decls->length(); ++i) {
   4928     Declaration* decl = decls->at(i);
   4929     if (decl->mode() != VAR || !decl->IsVariableDeclaration()) continue;
   4930     const AstRawString* name = decl->proxy()->raw_name();
   4931     Variable* parameter = function_scope->LookupLocal(name);
   4932     if (parameter == nullptr) continue;
   4933     VariableProxy* to = inner_scope->NewUnresolved(factory(), name);
   4934     VariableProxy* from = factory()->NewVariableProxy(parameter);
   4935     Expression* assignment = factory()->NewAssignment(
   4936         Token::ASSIGN, to, from, RelocInfo::kNoPosition);
   4937     Statement* statement = factory()->NewExpressionStatement(
   4938         assignment, RelocInfo::kNoPosition);
   4939     inner_block->statements()->InsertAt(0, statement, zone());
   4940   }
   4941 }
   4944 void Parser::InsertSloppyBlockFunctionVarBindings(Scope* scope, bool* ok) {
   4945   // For each variable which is used as a function declaration in a sloppy
   4946   // block,
   4947   DCHECK(scope->is_declaration_scope());
   4948   SloppyBlockFunctionMap* map = scope->sloppy_block_function_map();
   4949   for (ZoneHashMap::Entry* p = map->Start(); p != nullptr; p = map->Next(p)) {
   4950     AstRawString* name = static_cast<AstRawString*>(p->key);
   4951     // If the variable wouldn't conflict with a lexical declaration,
   4952     Variable* var = scope->LookupLocal(name);
   4953     if (var == nullptr || !IsLexicalVariableMode(var->mode())) {
   4954       // Declare a var-style binding for the function in the outer scope
   4955       VariableProxy* proxy = scope->NewUnresolved(factory(), name);
   4956       Declaration* declaration = factory()->NewVariableDeclaration(
   4957           proxy, VAR, scope, RelocInfo::kNoPosition);
   4958       Declare(declaration, DeclarationDescriptor::NORMAL, true, ok, scope);
   4959       DCHECK(ok);  // Based on the preceding check, this should not fail
   4960       if (!ok) return;
   4962       // Write in assignments to var for each block-scoped function declaration
   4963       auto delegates = static_cast<SloppyBlockFunctionMap::Vector*>(p->value);
   4964       for (SloppyBlockFunctionStatement* delegate : *delegates) {
   4965         // Read from the local lexical scope and write to the function scope
   4966         VariableProxy* to = scope->NewUnresolved(factory(), name);
   4967         VariableProxy* from = delegate->scope()->NewUnresolved(factory(), name);
   4968         Expression* assignment = factory()->NewAssignment(
   4969             Token::ASSIGN, to, from, RelocInfo::kNoPosition);
   4970         Statement* statement = factory()->NewExpressionStatement(
   4971             assignment, RelocInfo::kNoPosition);
   4972         delegate->set_statement(statement);
   4973       }
   4974     }
   4975   }
   4976 }
   4979 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   4980 // Parser support
   4982 bool Parser::TargetStackContainsLabel(const AstRawString* label) {
   4983   for (Target* t = target_stack_; t != NULL; t = t->previous()) {
   4984     if (ContainsLabel(t->statement()->labels(), label)) return true;
   4985   }
   4986   return false;
   4987 }
   4990 BreakableStatement* Parser::LookupBreakTarget(const AstRawString* label,
   4991                                               bool* ok) {
   4992   bool anonymous = label == NULL;
   4993   for (Target* t = target_stack_; t != NULL; t = t->previous()) {
   4994     BreakableStatement* stat = t->statement();
   4995     if ((anonymous && stat->is_target_for_anonymous()) ||
   4996         (!anonymous && ContainsLabel(stat->labels(), label))) {
   4997       return stat;
   4998     }
   4999   }
   5000   return NULL;
   5001 }
   5004 IterationStatement* Parser::LookupContinueTarget(const AstRawString* label,
   5005                                                  bool* ok) {
   5006   bool anonymous = label == NULL;
   5007   for (Target* t = target_stack_; t != NULL; t = t->previous()) {
   5008     IterationStatement* stat = t->statement()->AsIterationStatement();
   5009     if (stat == NULL) continue;
   5011     DCHECK(stat->is_target_for_anonymous());
   5012     if (anonymous || ContainsLabel(stat->labels(), label)) {
   5013       return stat;
   5014     }
   5015   }
   5016   return NULL;
   5017 }
   5020 void Parser::HandleSourceURLComments(Isolate* isolate, Handle<Script> script) {
   5021   if (scanner_.source_url()->length() > 0) {
   5022     Handle<String> source_url = scanner_.source_url()->Internalize(isolate);
   5023     script->set_source_url(*source_url);
   5024   }
   5025   if (scanner_.source_mapping_url()->length() > 0) {
   5026     Handle<String> source_mapping_url =
   5027         scanner_.source_mapping_url()->Internalize(isolate);
   5028     script->set_source_mapping_url(*source_mapping_url);
   5029   }
   5030 }
   5033 void Parser::Internalize(Isolate* isolate, Handle<Script> script, bool error) {
   5034   // Internalize strings.
   5035   ast_value_factory()->Internalize(isolate);
   5037   // Error processing.
   5038   if (error) {
   5039     if (stack_overflow()) {
   5040       isolate->StackOverflow();
   5041     } else {
   5042       DCHECK(pending_error_handler_.has_pending_error());
   5043       pending_error_handler_.ThrowPendingError(isolate, script);
   5044     }
   5045   }
   5047   // Move statistics to Isolate.
   5048   for (int feature = 0; feature < v8::Isolate::kUseCounterFeatureCount;
   5049        ++feature) {
   5050     for (int i = 0; i < use_counts_[feature]; ++i) {
   5051       isolate->CountUsage(v8::Isolate::UseCounterFeature(feature));
   5052     }
   5053   }
   5054   isolate->counters()->total_preparse_skipped()->Increment(
   5055       total_preparse_skipped_);
   5056 }
   5059 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   5060 // The Parser interface.
   5063 bool Parser::ParseStatic(ParseInfo* info) {
   5064   Parser parser(info);
   5065   if (parser.Parse(info)) {
   5066     info->set_language_mode(info->literal()->language_mode());
   5067     return true;
   5068   }
   5069   return false;
   5070 }
   5073 bool Parser::Parse(ParseInfo* info) {
   5074   DCHECK(info->literal() == NULL);
   5075   FunctionLiteral* result = NULL;
   5076   // Ok to use Isolate here; this function is only called in the main thread.
   5077   DCHECK(parsing_on_main_thread_);
   5078   Isolate* isolate = info->isolate();
   5079   pre_parse_timer_ = isolate->counters()->pre_parse();
   5080   if (FLAG_trace_parse || allow_natives() || extension_ != NULL) {
   5081     // If intrinsics are allowed, the Parser cannot operate independent of the
   5082     // V8 heap because of Runtime. Tell the string table to internalize strings
   5083     // and values right after they're created.
   5084     ast_value_factory()->Internalize(isolate);
   5085   }
   5087   if (info->is_lazy()) {
   5088     DCHECK(!info->is_eval());
   5089     if (info->shared_info()->is_function()) {
   5090       result = ParseLazy(isolate, info);
   5091     } else {
   5092       result = ParseProgram(isolate, info);
   5093     }
   5094   } else {
   5095     SetCachedData(info);
   5096     result = ParseProgram(isolate, info);
   5097   }
   5098   info->set_literal(result);
   5100   Internalize(isolate, info->script(), result == NULL);
   5101   DCHECK(ast_value_factory()->IsInternalized());
   5102   return (result != NULL);
   5103 }
   5106 void Parser::ParseOnBackground(ParseInfo* info) {
   5107   parsing_on_main_thread_ = false;
   5109   DCHECK(info->literal() == NULL);
   5110   FunctionLiteral* result = NULL;
   5111   fni_ = new (zone()) FuncNameInferrer(ast_value_factory(), zone());
   5113   CompleteParserRecorder recorder;
   5114   if (produce_cached_parse_data()) log_ = &recorder;
   5116   DCHECK(info->source_stream() != NULL);
   5117   ExternalStreamingStream stream(info->source_stream(),
   5118                                  info->source_stream_encoding());
   5119   scanner_.Initialize(&stream);
   5120   DCHECK(info->context().is_null() || info->context()->IsNativeContext());
   5122   // When streaming, we don't know the length of the source until we have parsed
   5123   // it. The raw data can be UTF-8, so we wouldn't know the source length until
   5124   // we have decoded it anyway even if we knew the raw data length (which we
   5125   // don't). We work around this by storing all the scopes which need their end
   5126   // position set at the end of the script (the top scope and possible eval
   5127   // scopes) and set their end position after we know the script length.
   5128   result = DoParseProgram(info);
   5130   info->set_literal(result);
   5132   // We cannot internalize on a background thread; a foreground task will take
   5133   // care of calling Parser::Internalize just before compilation.
   5135   if (produce_cached_parse_data()) {
   5136     if (result != NULL) *info->cached_data() = recorder.GetScriptData();
   5137     log_ = NULL;
   5138   }
   5139 }
   5142 ParserTraits::TemplateLiteralState Parser::OpenTemplateLiteral(int pos) {
   5143   return new (zone()) ParserTraits::TemplateLiteral(zone(), pos);
   5144 }
   5147 void Parser::AddTemplateSpan(TemplateLiteralState* state, bool tail) {
   5148   int pos = scanner()->location().beg_pos;
   5149   int end = scanner()->location().end_pos - (tail ? 1 : 2);
   5150   const AstRawString* tv = scanner()->CurrentSymbol(ast_value_factory());
   5151   const AstRawString* trv = scanner()->CurrentRawSymbol(ast_value_factory());
   5152   Literal* cooked = factory()->NewStringLiteral(tv, pos);
   5153   Literal* raw = factory()->NewStringLiteral(trv, pos);
   5154   (*state)->AddTemplateSpan(cooked, raw, end, zone());
   5155 }
   5158 void Parser::AddTemplateExpression(TemplateLiteralState* state,
   5159                                    Expression* expression) {
   5160   (*state)->AddExpression(expression, zone());
   5161 }
   5164 Expression* Parser::CloseTemplateLiteral(TemplateLiteralState* state, int start,
   5165                                          Expression* tag) {
   5166   TemplateLiteral* lit = *state;
   5167   int pos = lit->position();
   5168   const ZoneList<Expression*>* cooked_strings = lit->cooked();
   5169   const ZoneList<Expression*>* raw_strings = lit->raw();
   5170   const ZoneList<Expression*>* expressions = lit->expressions();
   5171   DCHECK_EQ(cooked_strings->length(), raw_strings->length());
   5172   DCHECK_EQ(cooked_strings->length(), expressions->length() + 1);
   5174   if (!tag) {
   5175     // Build tree of BinaryOps to simplify code-generation
   5176     Expression* expr = cooked_strings->at(0);
   5177     int i = 0;
   5178     while (i < expressions->length()) {
   5179       Expression* sub = expressions->at(i++);
   5180       Expression* cooked_str = cooked_strings->at(i);
   5182       // Let middle be ToString(sub).
   5183       ZoneList<Expression*>* args =
   5184           new (zone()) ZoneList<Expression*>(1, zone());
   5185       args->Add(sub, zone());
   5186       Expression* middle = factory()->NewCallRuntime(Runtime::kInlineToString,
   5187                                                      args, sub->position());
   5189       expr = factory()->NewBinaryOperation(
   5190           Token::ADD, factory()->NewBinaryOperation(
   5191                           Token::ADD, expr, middle, expr->position()),
   5192           cooked_str, sub->position());
   5193     }
   5194     return expr;
   5195   } else {
   5196     uint32_t hash = ComputeTemplateLiteralHash(lit);
   5198     int cooked_idx = function_state_->NextMaterializedLiteralIndex();
   5199     int raw_idx = function_state_->NextMaterializedLiteralIndex();
   5201     // $getTemplateCallSite
   5202     ZoneList<Expression*>* args = new (zone()) ZoneList<Expression*>(4, zone());
   5203     args->Add(factory()->NewArrayLiteral(
   5204                   const_cast<ZoneList<Expression*>*>(cooked_strings),
   5205                   cooked_idx, is_strong(language_mode()), pos),
   5206               zone());
   5207     args->Add(
   5208         factory()->NewArrayLiteral(
   5209             const_cast<ZoneList<Expression*>*>(raw_strings), raw_idx,
   5210             is_strong(language_mode()), pos),
   5211         zone());
   5213     // Ensure hash is suitable as a Smi value
   5214     Smi* hash_obj = Smi::cast(Internals::IntToSmi(static_cast<int>(hash)));
   5215     args->Add(factory()->NewSmiLiteral(hash_obj->value(), pos), zone());
   5217     Expression* call_site = factory()->NewCallRuntime(
   5218         Context::GET_TEMPLATE_CALL_SITE_INDEX, args, start);
   5220     // Call TagFn
   5221     ZoneList<Expression*>* call_args =
   5222         new (zone()) ZoneList<Expression*>(expressions->length() + 1, zone());
   5223     call_args->Add(call_site, zone());
   5224     call_args->AddAll(*expressions, zone());
   5225     return factory()->NewCall(tag, call_args, pos);
   5226   }
   5227 }
   5230 uint32_t Parser::ComputeTemplateLiteralHash(const TemplateLiteral* lit) {
   5231   const ZoneList<Expression*>* raw_strings = lit->raw();
   5232   int total = raw_strings->length();
   5233   DCHECK(total);
   5235   uint32_t running_hash = 0;
   5237   for (int index = 0; index < total; ++index) {
   5238     if (index) {
   5239       running_hash = StringHasher::ComputeRunningHashOneByte(
   5240           running_hash, "${}", 3);
   5241     }
   5243     const AstRawString* raw_string =
   5244         raw_strings->at(index)->AsLiteral()->raw_value()->AsString();
   5245     if (raw_string->is_one_byte()) {
   5246       const char* data = reinterpret_cast<const char*>(raw_string->raw_data());
   5247       running_hash = StringHasher::ComputeRunningHashOneByte(
   5248           running_hash, data, raw_string->length());
   5249     } else {
   5250       const uc16* data = reinterpret_cast<const uc16*>(raw_string->raw_data());
   5251       running_hash = StringHasher::ComputeRunningHash(running_hash, data,
   5252                                                       raw_string->length());
   5253     }
   5254   }
   5256   return running_hash;
   5257 }
   5260 ZoneList<v8::internal::Expression*>* Parser::PrepareSpreadArguments(
   5261     ZoneList<v8::internal::Expression*>* list) {
   5262   ZoneList<v8::internal::Expression*>* args =
   5263       new (zone()) ZoneList<v8::internal::Expression*>(1, zone());
   5264   if (list->length() == 1) {
   5265     // Spread-call with single spread argument produces an InternalArray
   5266     // containing the values from the array.
   5267     //
   5268     // Function is called or constructed with the produced array of arguments
   5269     //
   5270     // EG: Apply(Func, Spread(spread0))
   5271     ZoneList<Expression*>* spread_list =
   5272         new (zone()) ZoneList<Expression*>(0, zone());
   5273     spread_list->Add(list->at(0)->AsSpread()->expression(), zone());
   5274     args->Add(factory()->NewCallRuntime(Context::SPREAD_ITERABLE_INDEX,
   5275                                         spread_list, RelocInfo::kNoPosition),
   5276               zone());
   5277     return args;
   5278   } else {
   5279     // Spread-call with multiple arguments produces array literals for each
   5280     // sequences of unspread arguments, and converts each spread iterable to
   5281     // an Internal array. Finally, all of these produced arrays are flattened
   5282     // into a single InternalArray, containing the arguments for the call.
   5283     //
   5284     // EG: Apply(Func, Flatten([unspread0, unspread1], Spread(spread0),
   5285     //                         Spread(spread1), [unspread2, unspread3]))
   5286     int i = 0;
   5287     int n = list->length();
   5288     while (i < n) {
   5289       if (!list->at(i)->IsSpread()) {
   5290         ZoneList<v8::internal::Expression*>* unspread =
   5291             new (zone()) ZoneList<v8::internal::Expression*>(1, zone());
   5293         // Push array of unspread parameters
   5294         while (i < n && !list->at(i)->IsSpread()) {
   5295           unspread->Add(list->at(i++), zone());
   5296         }
   5297         int literal_index = function_state_->NextMaterializedLiteralIndex();
   5298         args->Add(factory()->NewArrayLiteral(unspread, literal_index,
   5299                                              is_strong(language_mode()),
   5300                                              RelocInfo::kNoPosition),
   5301                   zone());
   5303         if (i == n) break;
   5304       }
   5306       // Push eagerly spread argument
   5307       ZoneList<v8::internal::Expression*>* spread_list =
   5308           new (zone()) ZoneList<v8::internal::Expression*>(1, zone());
   5309       spread_list->Add(list->at(i++)->AsSpread()->expression(), zone());
   5310       args->Add(factory()->NewCallRuntime(Context::SPREAD_ITERABLE_INDEX,
   5311                                           spread_list, RelocInfo::kNoPosition),
   5312                 zone());
   5313     }
   5315     list = new (zone()) ZoneList<v8::internal::Expression*>(1, zone());
   5316     list->Add(factory()->NewCallRuntime(Context::SPREAD_ARGUMENTS_INDEX, args,
   5317                                         RelocInfo::kNoPosition),
   5318               zone());
   5319     return list;
   5320   }
   5321   UNREACHABLE();
   5322 }
   5325 Expression* Parser::SpreadCall(Expression* function,
   5326                                ZoneList<v8::internal::Expression*>* args,
   5327                                int pos) {
   5328   if (function->IsSuperCallReference()) {
   5329     // Super calls
   5330     // $super_constructor = %_GetSuperConstructor(<this-function>)
   5331     // %reflect_construct($super_constructor, args, new.target)
   5332     ZoneList<Expression*>* tmp = new (zone()) ZoneList<Expression*>(1, zone());
   5333     tmp->Add(function->AsSuperCallReference()->this_function_var(), zone());
   5334     Expression* super_constructor = factory()->NewCallRuntime(
   5335         Runtime::kInlineGetSuperConstructor, tmp, pos);
   5336     args->InsertAt(0, super_constructor, zone());
   5337     args->Add(function->AsSuperCallReference()->new_target_var(), zone());
   5338     return factory()->NewCallRuntime(Context::REFLECT_CONSTRUCT_INDEX, args,
   5339                                      pos);
   5340   } else {
   5341     if (function->IsProperty()) {
   5342       // Method calls
   5343       if (function->AsProperty()->IsSuperAccess()) {
   5344         Expression* home =
   5345             ThisExpression(scope_, factory(), RelocInfo::kNoPosition);
   5346         args->InsertAt(0, function, zone());
   5347         args->InsertAt(1, home, zone());
   5348       } else {
   5349         Variable* temp =
   5350             scope_->NewTemporary(ast_value_factory()->empty_string());
   5351         VariableProxy* obj = factory()->NewVariableProxy(temp);
   5352         Assignment* assign_obj = factory()->NewAssignment(
   5353             Token::ASSIGN, obj, function->AsProperty()->obj(),
   5354             RelocInfo::kNoPosition);
   5355         function = factory()->NewProperty(
   5356             assign_obj, function->AsProperty()->key(), RelocInfo::kNoPosition);
   5357         args->InsertAt(0, function, zone());
   5358         obj = factory()->NewVariableProxy(temp);
   5359         args->InsertAt(1, obj, zone());
   5360       }
   5361     } else {
   5362       // Non-method calls
   5363       args->InsertAt(0, function, zone());
   5364       args->InsertAt(1, factory()->NewUndefinedLiteral(RelocInfo::kNoPosition),
   5365                      zone());
   5366     }
   5367     return factory()->NewCallRuntime(Context::REFLECT_APPLY_INDEX, args, pos);
   5368   }
   5369 }
   5372 Expression* Parser::SpreadCallNew(Expression* function,
   5373                                   ZoneList<v8::internal::Expression*>* args,
   5374                                   int pos) {
   5375   args->InsertAt(0, function, zone());
   5377   return factory()->NewCallRuntime(Context::REFLECT_CONSTRUCT_INDEX, args, pos);
   5378 }
   5381 void Parser::SetLanguageMode(Scope* scope, LanguageMode mode) {
   5382   v8::Isolate::UseCounterFeature feature;
   5383   if (is_sloppy(mode))
   5384     feature = v8::Isolate::kSloppyMode;
   5385   else if (is_strong(mode))
   5386     feature = v8::Isolate::kStrongMode;
   5387   else if (is_strict(mode))
   5388     feature = v8::Isolate::kStrictMode;
   5389   else
   5390     UNREACHABLE();
   5391   ++use_counts_[feature];
   5392   scope->SetLanguageMode(mode);
   5393 }
   5396 void Parser::RaiseLanguageMode(LanguageMode mode) {
   5397   SetLanguageMode(scope_,
   5398                   static_cast<LanguageMode>(scope_->language_mode() | mode));
   5399 }
   5402 void ParserTraits::RewriteDestructuringAssignments() {
   5403   parser_->RewriteDestructuringAssignments();
   5404 }
   5407 Expression* ParserTraits::RewriteNonPattern(
   5408     Expression* expr, const ExpressionClassifier* classifier, bool* ok) {
   5409   return parser_->RewriteNonPattern(expr, classifier, ok);
   5410 }
   5413 ZoneList<Expression*>* ParserTraits::RewriteNonPatternArguments(
   5414     ZoneList<Expression*>* args, const ExpressionClassifier* classifier,
   5415     bool* ok) {
   5416   return parser_->RewriteNonPatternArguments(args, classifier, ok);
   5417 }
   5420 ObjectLiteralProperty* ParserTraits::RewriteNonPatternObjectLiteralProperty(
   5421     ObjectLiteralProperty* property, const ExpressionClassifier* classifier,
   5422     bool* ok) {
   5423   return parser_->RewriteNonPatternObjectLiteralProperty(property, classifier,
   5424                                                          ok);
   5425 }
   5428 Expression* Parser::RewriteNonPattern(Expression* expr,
   5429                                       const ExpressionClassifier* classifier,
   5430                                       bool* ok) {
   5431   // For the time being, this does no rewriting at all.
   5432   ValidateExpression(classifier, ok);
   5433   return expr;
   5434 }
   5437 ZoneList<Expression*>* Parser::RewriteNonPatternArguments(
   5438     ZoneList<Expression*>* args, const ExpressionClassifier* classifier,
   5439     bool* ok) {
   5440   // For the time being, this does no rewriting at all.
   5441   ValidateExpression(classifier, ok);
   5442   return args;
   5443 }
   5446 ObjectLiteralProperty* Parser::RewriteNonPatternObjectLiteralProperty(
   5447     ObjectLiteralProperty* property, const ExpressionClassifier* classifier,
   5448     bool* ok) {
   5449   if (property != nullptr) {
   5450     Expression* key = RewriteNonPattern(property->key(), classifier, ok);
   5451     property->set_key(key);
   5452     Expression* value = RewriteNonPattern(property->value(), classifier, ok);
   5453     property->set_value(value);
   5454   }
   5455   return property;
   5456 }
   5459 void Parser::RewriteDestructuringAssignments() {
   5460   FunctionState* func = function_state_;
   5461   if (!allow_harmony_destructuring_assignment()) return;
   5462   const List<DestructuringAssignment>& assignments =
   5463       func->destructuring_assignments_to_rewrite();
   5464   for (int i = assignments.length() - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
   5465     // Rewrite list in reverse, so that nested assignment patterns are rewritten
   5466     // correctly.
   5467     DestructuringAssignment pair = assignments.at(i);
   5468     RewritableAssignmentExpression* to_rewrite =
   5469         pair.assignment->AsRewritableAssignmentExpression();
   5470     Scope* scope = pair.scope;
   5471     DCHECK_NOT_NULL(to_rewrite);
   5472     if (!to_rewrite->is_rewritten()) {
   5473       PatternRewriter::RewriteDestructuringAssignment(this, to_rewrite, scope);
   5474     }
   5475   }
   5476 }
   5479 void ParserTraits::QueueDestructuringAssignmentForRewriting(Expression* expr) {
   5480   DCHECK(expr->IsRewritableAssignmentExpression());
   5481   parser_->function_state_->AddDestructuringAssignment(
   5482       Parser::DestructuringAssignment(expr, parser_->scope_));
   5483 }
   5486 void ParserTraits::SetFunctionNameFromPropertyName(
   5487     ObjectLiteralProperty* property, const AstRawString* name) {
   5488   Expression* value = property->value();
   5489   if (!value->IsFunctionLiteral() && !value->IsClassLiteral()) return;
   5491   // TODO(adamk): Support computed names.
   5492   if (property->is_computed_name()) return;
   5493   DCHECK_NOT_NULL(name);
   5495   // Ignore "__proto__" as a name when it's being used to set the [[Prototype]]
   5496   // of an object literal.
   5497   if (property->kind() == ObjectLiteralProperty::PROTOTYPE) return;
   5499   if (value->IsFunctionLiteral()) {
   5500     auto function = value->AsFunctionLiteral();
   5501     if (function->is_anonymous()) {
   5502       if (property->kind() == ObjectLiteralProperty::GETTER) {
   5503         function->set_raw_name(parser_->ast_value_factory()->NewConsString(
   5504             parser_->ast_value_factory()->get_space_string(), name));
   5505       } else if (property->kind() == ObjectLiteralProperty::SETTER) {
   5506         function->set_raw_name(parser_->ast_value_factory()->NewConsString(
   5507             parser_->ast_value_factory()->set_space_string(), name));
   5508       } else {
   5509         function->set_raw_name(name);
   5510         DCHECK_EQ(ObjectLiteralProperty::COMPUTED, property->kind());
   5511       }
   5512     }
   5513   } else {
   5514     DCHECK(value->IsClassLiteral());
   5515     DCHECK_EQ(ObjectLiteralProperty::COMPUTED, property->kind());
   5516     auto class_literal = value->AsClassLiteral();
   5517     if (class_literal->raw_name() == nullptr) {
   5518       class_literal->set_raw_name(name);
   5519     }
   5520   }
   5521 }
   5524 void ParserTraits::SetFunctionNameFromIdentifierRef(Expression* value,
   5525                                                     Expression* identifier) {
   5526   if (!value->IsFunctionLiteral() && !value->IsClassLiteral()) return;
   5527   if (!identifier->IsVariableProxy()) return;
   5529   auto name = identifier->AsVariableProxy()->raw_name();
   5530   DCHECK_NOT_NULL(name);
   5532   if (value->IsFunctionLiteral()) {
   5533     auto function = value->AsFunctionLiteral();
   5534     if (function->is_anonymous()) {
   5535       function->set_raw_name(name);
   5536     }
   5537   } else {
   5538     DCHECK(value->IsClassLiteral());
   5539     auto class_literal = value->AsClassLiteral();
   5540     if (class_literal->raw_name() == nullptr) {
   5541       class_literal->set_raw_name(name);
   5542     }
   5543   }
   5544 }
   5547 }  // namespace internal
   5548 }  // namespace v8