1 /* 2 * Copyright (c) 2012 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved. 3 * 4 * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license 5 * that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source 6 * tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found 7 * in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may 8 * be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree. 9 */ 10 11 /* 12 * testG722.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application. 13 */ 14 15 #include <stdio.h> 16 #include <stdlib.h> 17 #include <string.h> 18 #include "webrtc/typedefs.h" 19 20 /* include API */ 21 #include "webrtc/modules/audio_coding/codecs/g722/g722_interface.h" 22 23 /* Runtime statistics */ 24 #include <time.h> 25 #define CLOCKS_PER_SEC_G722 100000 26 27 // Forward declaration 28 typedef struct WebRtcG722EncInst G722EncInst; 29 typedef struct WebRtcG722DecInst G722DecInst; 30 31 /* function for reading audio data from PCM file */ 32 bool readframe(int16_t *data, FILE *inp, size_t length) 33 { 34 size_t rlen = fread(data, sizeof(int16_t), length, inp); 35 if (rlen >= length) 36 return false; 37 memset(data + rlen, 0, (length - rlen) * sizeof(int16_t)); 38 return true; 39 } 40 41 int main(int argc, char* argv[]) 42 { 43 char inname[60], outbit[40], outname[40]; 44 FILE *inp, *outbitp, *outp; 45 46 int framecnt; 47 bool endfile; 48 size_t framelength = 160; 49 G722EncInst *G722enc_inst; 50 G722DecInst *G722dec_inst; 51 52 /* Runtime statistics */ 53 double starttime; 54 double runtime = 0; 55 double length_file; 56 57 size_t stream_len = 0; 58 int16_t shortdata[960]; 59 int16_t decoded[960]; 60 uint8_t streamdata[80 * 6]; 61 int16_t speechType[1]; 62 63 /* handling wrong input arguments in the command line */ 64 if (argc!=5) { 65 printf("\n\nWrong number of arguments or flag values.\n\n"); 66 67 printf("\n"); 68 printf("Usage:\n\n"); 69 printf("./testG722.exe framelength infile outbitfile outspeechfile \n\n"); 70 printf("with:\n"); 71 printf("framelength : Framelength in samples.\n\n"); 72 printf("infile : Normal speech input file\n\n"); 73 printf("outbitfile : Bitstream output file\n\n"); 74 printf("outspeechfile: Speech output file\n\n"); 75 exit(0); 76 77 } 78 79 /* Get frame length */ 80 int framelength_int = atoi(argv[1]); 81 if (framelength_int < 0) { 82 printf(" G.722: Invalid framelength %d.\n", framelength_int); 83 exit(1); 84 } 85 framelength = static_cast<size_t>(framelength_int); 86 87 /* Get Input and Output files */ 88 sscanf(argv[2], "%s", inname); 89 sscanf(argv[3], "%s", outbit); 90 sscanf(argv[4], "%s", outname); 91 92 if ((inp = fopen(inname,"rb")) == NULL) { 93 printf(" G.722: Cannot read file %s.\n", inname); 94 exit(1); 95 } 96 if ((outbitp = fopen(outbit,"wb")) == NULL) { 97 printf(" G.722: Cannot write file %s.\n", outbit); 98 exit(1); 99 } 100 if ((outp = fopen(outname,"wb")) == NULL) { 101 printf(" G.722: Cannot write file %s.\n", outname); 102 exit(1); 103 } 104 printf("\nInput:%s\nOutput bitstream:%s\nOutput:%s\n", inname, outbit, outname); 105 106 /* Create and init */ 107 WebRtcG722_CreateEncoder((G722EncInst **)&G722enc_inst); 108 WebRtcG722_CreateDecoder((G722DecInst **)&G722dec_inst); 109 WebRtcG722_EncoderInit((G722EncInst *)G722enc_inst); 110 WebRtcG722_DecoderInit((G722DecInst *)G722dec_inst); 111 112 113 /* Initialize encoder and decoder */ 114 framecnt = 0; 115 endfile = false; 116 while (!endfile) { 117 framecnt++; 118 119 /* Read speech block */ 120 endfile = readframe(shortdata, inp, framelength); 121 122 /* Start clock before call to encoder and decoder */ 123 starttime = clock()/(double)CLOCKS_PER_SEC_G722; 124 125 /* G.722 encoding + decoding */ 126 stream_len = WebRtcG722_Encode((G722EncInst *)G722enc_inst, shortdata, framelength, streamdata); 127 WebRtcG722_Decode(G722dec_inst, streamdata, stream_len, decoded, 128 speechType); 129 130 /* Stop clock after call to encoder and decoder */ 131 runtime += (double)((clock()/(double)CLOCKS_PER_SEC_G722)-starttime); 132 133 /* Write coded bits to file */ 134 if (fwrite(streamdata, sizeof(short), stream_len / 2, outbitp) != 135 stream_len / 2) { 136 return -1; 137 } 138 /* Write coded speech to file */ 139 if (fwrite(decoded, sizeof(short), framelength, outp) != 140 framelength) { 141 return -1; 142 } 143 } 144 145 WebRtcG722_FreeEncoder((G722EncInst *)G722enc_inst); 146 WebRtcG722_FreeDecoder((G722DecInst *)G722dec_inst); 147 148 length_file = ((double)framecnt*(double)framelength/16000); 149 printf("\n\nLength of speech file: %.1f s\n", length_file); 150 printf("Time to run G.722: %.2f s (%.2f %% of realtime)\n\n", runtime, (100*runtime/length_file)); 151 printf("---------------------END----------------------\n"); 152 153 fclose(inp); 154 fclose(outbitp); 155 fclose(outp); 156 157 return 0; 158 } 159