1 # 2 # Copyright 2013 The Android Open-Source Project 3 # 4 # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); 5 # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. 6 # You may obtain a copy of the License at 7 # 8 # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 9 # 10 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software 11 # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, 12 # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. 13 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and 14 # limitations under the License. 15 # 16 17 # Use the non-open-source parts, if they're present 18 -include vendor/intel/fugu/BoardConfigVendor.mk 19 20 TARGET_ARCH := x86 21 TARGET_ARCH_VARIANT := silvermont 22 TARGET_CPU_ABI := x86 23 24 TARGET_RECOVERY_FSTAB := device/asus/fugu/recovery.fstab 25 TARGET_RELEASETOOLS_EXTENSIONS := device/asus/fugu 26 TARGET_RECOVERY_UPDATER_LIBS := librecovery_updater_fugu 27 TARGET_RECOVERY_UI_LIB := librecovery_ui_fugu 28 29 TARGET_BOARD_PLATFORM := moorefield 30 TARGET_BOOTLOADER_BOARD_NAME := fugu 31 TARGET_USERIMAGES_USE_EXT4 := true 32 BOARD_SYSTEMIMAGE_PARTITION_SIZE := 1073741824 33 BOARD_FLASH_BLOCK_SIZE := 2048 34 35 BOARD_CACHEIMAGE_PARTITION_SIZE := 260014080 36 37 TARGET_DROIDBOOT_LIBS := libintel_droidboot 38 TARGET_RECOVERY_PIXEL_FORMAT := "RGBX_8888" 39 40 MALLOC_SVELTE := true 41 42 # Kernel cmdline 43 BOARD_KERNEL_CMDLINE := pci=noearly vmalloc=256M ptrace.ptrace_can_access=1 44 BOARD_KERNEL_CMDLINE += earlyprintk=nologger loglevel=8 45 BOARD_KERNEL_CMDLINE += androidboot.hardware=fugu androidboot.serialno=01234567890123456789 46 BOARD_KERNEL_CMDLINE += snd_pcm.maximum_substreams=8 47 BOARD_KERNEL_CMDLINE += intel_soc_pmu.enable_s3=0 48 49 # Custom dumpstate library to add board specific stuff to bugreport 50 BOARD_HAL_STATIC_LIBRARIES := libdumpstate.fugu 51 52 # Binder API version 53 TARGET_USES_64_BIT_BINDER := true 54 55 # Security 56 BUILD_WITH_SECURITY_FRAMEWORK := chaabi_token 57 BUILD_WITH_CHAABI_SUPPORT := true 58 59 # Wifi 60 BOARD_WLAN_DEVICE := bcmdhd 61 BOARD_WPA_SUPPLICANT_PRIVATE_LIB := lib_driver_cmd_bcmdhd 62 BOARD_HOSTAPD_PRIVATE_LIB := lib_driver_cmd_bcmdhd 63 WPA_SUPPLICANT_VERSION := VER_0_8_X 64 BOARD_WPA_SUPPLICANT_DRIVER := NL80211 65 WIFI_DRIVER_FW_PATH_PARAM := "/sys/module/bcmdhd/parameters/firmware_path" 66 WIFI_DRIVER_FW_PATH_AP := "/vendor/firmware/fw_bcmdhd_apsta.bin" 67 WIFI_DRIVER_FW_PATH_STA := "/vendor/firmware/fw_bcmdhd.bin" 68 69 # Bluetooth 70 BOARD_HAVE_BLUETOOTH := true 71 BOARD_HAVE_BLUETOOTH_BCM := true 72 BOARD_BLUETOOTH_BDROID_BUILDCFG_INCLUDE_DIR := device/asus/fugu/bluetooth 73 74 # IMG graphics 75 BOARD_GFX_REV := RGX6400 76 ENABLE_IMG_GRAPHICS := true 77 ENABLE_MRFL_GRAPHICS := true 78 INTEL_HWC_MOOREFIELD_HDMI := true 79 HWUI_IMG_FBO_CACHE_OPTIM := true 80 TARGET_SUPPORT_HDMI_PRIMARY := true 81 BOARD_USES_LIBDRM := true 82 83 # Audio 84 BOARD_USES_ALSA_AUDIO := true 85 BOARD_USES_TINY_ALSA_AUDIO := true 86 87 # System's VSYNC phase offsets in nanoseconds 88 VSYNC_EVENT_PHASE_OFFSET_NS := 7500000 89 SF_VSYNC_EVENT_PHASE_OFFSET_NS := 5000000 90 91 BOARD_EGL_CFG := device/asus/fugu/egl.cfg 92 93 ADDITIONAL_DEFAULT_PROPERTIES += \ 94 ro.opengles.version = 196609 \ 95 ro.hwui.drop_shadow_cache_size = 4.0 \ 96 ro.hwui.gradient_cache_size = 0.8 \ 97 ro.hwui.layer_cache_size = 32.0 \ 98 ro.hwui.path_cache_size = 24.0 \ 99 ro.hwui.text_large_cache_width = 2048 \ 100 ro.hwui.text_large_cache_height = 1024 \ 101 ro.hwui.text_small_cache_width = 1024 \ 102 ro.hwui.text_small_cache_height = 512 \ 103 ro.hwui.texture_cache_flushrate = 0.4 \ 104 ro.hwui.texture_cache_size = 48.0 \ 105 106 MAX_EGL_CACHE_ENTRY_SIZE := 65536 107 MAX_EGL_CACHE_SIZE := 1048576 108 109 INTEL_VA := true 110 BUILD_WITH_FULL_STAGEFRIGHT := true 111 BOARD_USES_VIDEO := true 112 BOARD_USES_WRS_OMXIL_CORE := true 113 BOARD_USES_MRST_OMX := true 114 USE_HW_VP8 := true 115 116 # DRM Protected Video 117 BOARD_WIDEVINE_OEMCRYPTO_LEVEL := 1 118 USE_INTEL_SECURE_AVC := true 119 120 # Settings for the Media SDK library and plug-ins: 121 # - USE_MEDIASDK: use Media SDK support or not 122 # - MFX_IPP: sets IPP library optimization to use 123 USE_MEDIASDK := true 124 MFX_IPP := p8 125 126 # Video Post Processing 127 TARGET_HAS_ISV := true 128 ADDITIONAL_DEFAULT_PROPERTIES += \ 129 persist.intel.isv.vpp = 1 \ 130 persist.intel.isv.frc = 1 131 132 OVERRIDE_RS_DRIVER := libPVRRS.so 133 134 # enable ARM codegen for x86 with Houdini 135 BUILD_ARM_FOR_X86 := true 136 137 # enabled to carry out all drawing operations performed on a View's canvas with GPU for 2D rendering pipeline. 138 USE_OPENGL_RENDERER := true 139 # DPST 140 INTEL_DPST := true 141 142 # bootstub as 2nd bootloader 143 TARGET_BOOTLOADER_IS_2ND := true 144 145 BOARD_SEPOLICY_DIRS += device/asus/fugu/sepolicy 146 147 USE_CLANG_PLATFORM_BUILD := true 148 149 # Use the non-open-source parts, if they're present 150 -include vendor/asus/fugu/BoardConfigVendor.mk 151 152 # Recipes to generate prebuilts 153 -include device/intel/common/external/external.mk 154 155 # Don't dex preopt prebuilt apps that will be updated from Play Store 156 DONT_DEXPREOPT_PREBUILTS := true 157 158