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      1 import binascii
      2 import io
      3 import os
      4 import re
      5 import sys
      6 import tempfile
      7 import mimetypes
      8 try:
      9     import simplejson as json
     10 except ImportError:
     11     import json
     12 import warnings
     14 from webob.acceptparse import (
     15     AcceptLanguage,
     16     AcceptCharset,
     17     MIMEAccept,
     18     MIMENilAccept,
     19     NoAccept,
     20     accept_property,
     21     )
     23 from webob.cachecontrol import (
     24     CacheControl,
     25     serialize_cache_control,
     26     )
     28 from webob.compat import (
     29     PY3,
     30     bytes_,
     31     integer_types,
     32     native_,
     33     parse_qsl_text,
     34     reraise,
     35     text_type,
     36     url_encode,
     37     url_quote,
     38     url_unquote,
     39     quote_plus,
     40     urlparse,
     41     cgi_FieldStorage
     42     )
     44 from webob.cookies import RequestCookies
     46 from webob.descriptors import (
     47     CHARSET_RE,
     48     SCHEME_RE,
     49     converter,
     50     converter_date,
     51     environ_getter,
     52     environ_decoder,
     53     parse_auth,
     54     parse_int,
     55     parse_int_safe,
     56     parse_range,
     57     serialize_auth,
     58     serialize_if_range,
     59     serialize_int,
     60     serialize_range,
     61     upath_property,
     62     deprecated_property,
     63     )
     65 from webob.etag import (
     66     IfRange,
     67     AnyETag,
     68     NoETag,
     69     etag_property,
     70     )
     72 from webob.headers import EnvironHeaders
     74 from webob.multidict import (
     75     NestedMultiDict,
     76     MultiDict,
     77     NoVars,
     78     GetDict,
     79     )
     81 from webob.util import warn_deprecation
     83 __all__ = ['BaseRequest', 'Request', 'LegacyRequest']
     85 class _NoDefault:
     86     def __repr__(self):
     87         return '(No Default)'
     88 NoDefault = _NoDefault()
     90 PATH_SAFE = '/:@&+$,'
     92 http_method_probably_has_body = dict.fromkeys(
     93     ('GET', 'HEAD', 'DELETE', 'TRACE'), False)
     94 http_method_probably_has_body.update(
     95     dict.fromkeys(('POST', 'PUT', 'PATCH'), True))
     97 _LATIN_ENCODINGS = (
     98     'ascii', 'latin-1', 'latin', 'latin_1', 'l1', 'latin1',
     99     'iso-8859-1', 'iso8859_1', 'iso_8859_1', 'iso8859', '8859',
    100     )
    102 class BaseRequest(object):
    103     ## The limit after which request bodies should be stored on disk
    104     ## if they are read in (under this, and the request body is stored
    105     ## in memory):
    106     request_body_tempfile_limit = 10*1024
    108     _charset = None
    110     def __init__(self, environ, charset=None, unicode_errors=None,
    111                  decode_param_names=None, **kw):
    113         if type(environ) is not dict:
    114             raise TypeError(
    115                 "WSGI environ must be a dict; you passed %r" % (environ,))
    116         if unicode_errors is not None:
    117             warnings.warn(
    118                 "You unicode_errors=%r to the Request constructor.  Passing a "
    119                 "``unicode_errors`` value to the Request is no longer "
    120                 "supported in WebOb 1.2+.  This value has been ignored " % (
    121                     unicode_errors,),
    122                 DeprecationWarning
    123                 )
    124         if decode_param_names is not None:
    125             warnings.warn(
    126                 "You passed decode_param_names=%r to the Request constructor. "
    127                 "Passing a ``decode_param_names`` value to the Request "
    128                 "is no longer supported in WebOb 1.2+.  This value has "
    129                 "been ignored " % (decode_param_names,),
    130                 DeprecationWarning
    131                 )
    132         if not _is_utf8(charset):
    133             raise DeprecationWarning(
    134                 "You passed charset=%r to the Request constructor. As of "
    135                 "WebOb 1.2, if your application needs a non-UTF-8 request "
    136                 "charset, please construct the request without a charset or "
    137                 "with a charset of 'None',  then use ``req = "
    138                 "req.decode(charset)``" % charset
    140             )
    141         d = self.__dict__
    142         d['environ'] = environ
    143         if kw:
    144             cls = self.__class__
    145             if 'method' in kw:
    146                 # set method first, because .body setters
    147                 # depend on it for checks
    148                 self.method = kw.pop('method')
    149             for name, value in kw.items():
    150                 if not hasattr(cls, name):
    151                     raise TypeError(
    152                         "Unexpected keyword: %s=%r" % (name, value))
    153                 setattr(self, name, value)
    155     if PY3: # pragma: no cover
    156         def encget(self, key, default=NoDefault, encattr=None):
    157             val = self.environ.get(key, default)
    158             if val is NoDefault:
    159                 raise KeyError(key)
    160             if val is default:
    161                 return default
    162             if not encattr:
    163                 return val
    164             encoding = getattr(self, encattr)
    165             if encoding in _LATIN_ENCODINGS: # shortcut
    166                 return val
    167             return bytes_(val, 'latin-1').decode(encoding)
    168     else:
    169         def encget(self, key, default=NoDefault, encattr=None):
    170             val = self.environ.get(key, default)
    171             if val is NoDefault:
    172                 raise KeyError(key)
    173             if val is default:
    174                 return default
    175             if encattr is None:
    176                 return val
    177             encoding = getattr(self, encattr)
    178             return val.decode(encoding)
    180     def encset(self, key, val, encattr=None):
    181         if encattr:
    182             encoding = getattr(self, encattr)
    183         else:
    184             encoding = 'ascii'
    185         if PY3: # pragma: no cover
    186             self.environ[key] = bytes_(val, encoding).decode('latin-1')
    187         else:
    188             self.environ[key] = bytes_(val, encoding)
    190     @property
    191     def charset(self):
    192         if self._charset is None:
    193             charset = detect_charset(self._content_type_raw)
    194             if _is_utf8(charset):
    195                 charset = 'UTF-8'
    196             self._charset = charset
    197         return self._charset
    199     @charset.setter
    200     def charset(self, charset):
    201         if _is_utf8(charset):
    202             charset = 'UTF-8'
    203         if charset != self.charset:
    204             raise DeprecationWarning("Use req = req.decode(%r)" % charset)
    206     def decode(self, charset=None, errors='strict'):
    207         charset = charset or self.charset
    208         if charset == 'UTF-8':
    209             return self
    210         # cookies and path are always utf-8
    211         t = Transcoder(charset, errors)
    213         new_content_type = CHARSET_RE.sub('; charset="UTF-8"',
    214                                           self._content_type_raw)
    215         content_type = self.content_type
    216         r = self.__class__(
    217             self.environ.copy(),
    218             query_string=t.transcode_query(self.query_string),
    219             content_type=new_content_type,
    220         )
    222         if content_type == 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded':
    223             r.body = bytes_(t.transcode_query(native_(r.body)))
    224             return r
    225         elif content_type != 'multipart/form-data':
    226             return r
    228         fs_environ = self.environ.copy()
    229         fs_environ.setdefault('CONTENT_LENGTH', '0')
    230         fs_environ['QUERY_STRING'] = ''
    231         if PY3: # pragma: no cover
    232             fs = cgi_FieldStorage(fp=self.body_file,
    233                                   environ=fs_environ,
    234                                   keep_blank_values=True,
    235                                   encoding=charset,
    236                                   errors=errors)
    237         else:
    238             fs = cgi_FieldStorage(fp=self.body_file,
    239                                   environ=fs_environ,
    240                                   keep_blank_values=True)
    243         fout = t.transcode_fs(fs, r._content_type_raw)
    245         # this order is important, because setting body_file
    246         # resets content_length
    247         r.body_file = fout
    248         r.content_length = fout.tell()
    249         fout.seek(0)
    250         return r
    253     # this is necessary for correct warnings depth for both
    254     # BaseRequest and Request (due to AdhocAttrMixin.__setattr__)
    255     _setattr_stacklevel = 2
    257     def _body_file__get(self):
    258         """
    259             Input stream of the request (wsgi.input).
    260             Setting this property resets the content_length and seekable flag
    261             (unlike setting req.body_file_raw).
    262         """
    263         if not self.is_body_readable:
    264             return io.BytesIO()
    265         r = self.body_file_raw
    266         clen = self.content_length
    267         if not self.is_body_seekable and clen is not None:
    268             # we need to wrap input in LimitedLengthFile
    269             # but we have to cache the instance as well
    270             # otherwise this would stop working
    271             # (.remaining counter would reset between calls):
    272             #   req.body_file.read(100)
    273             #   req.body_file.read(100)
    274             env = self.environ
    275             wrapped, raw = env.get('webob._body_file', (0,0))
    276             if raw is not r:
    277                 wrapped = LimitedLengthFile(r, clen)
    278                 wrapped = io.BufferedReader(wrapped)
    279                 env['webob._body_file'] = wrapped, r
    280             r = wrapped
    281         return r
    283     def _body_file__set(self, value):
    284         if isinstance(value, bytes):
    285             warn_deprecation(
    286                 "Please use req.body = b'bytes' or req.body_file = fileobj",
    287                 '1.2',
    288                 self._setattr_stacklevel
    289             )
    290         self.content_length = None
    291         self.body_file_raw = value
    292         self.is_body_seekable = False
    293         self.is_body_readable = True
    294     def _body_file__del(self):
    295         self.body = b''
    296     body_file = property(_body_file__get,
    297                          _body_file__set,
    298                          _body_file__del,
    299                          doc=_body_file__get.__doc__)
    300     body_file_raw = environ_getter('wsgi.input')
    301     @property
    302     def body_file_seekable(self):
    303         """
    304             Get the body of the request (wsgi.input) as a seekable file-like
    305             object. Middleware and routing applications should use this
    306             attribute over .body_file.
    308             If you access this value, CONTENT_LENGTH will also be updated.
    309         """
    310         if not self.is_body_seekable:
    311             self.make_body_seekable()
    312         return self.body_file_raw
    314     url_encoding = environ_getter('webob.url_encoding', 'UTF-8')
    315     scheme = environ_getter('wsgi.url_scheme')
    316     method = environ_getter('REQUEST_METHOD', 'GET')
    317     http_version = environ_getter('SERVER_PROTOCOL')
    318     content_length = converter(
    319         environ_getter('CONTENT_LENGTH', None, '14.13'),
    320         parse_int_safe, serialize_int, 'int')
    321     remote_user = environ_getter('REMOTE_USER', None)
    322     remote_addr = environ_getter('REMOTE_ADDR', None)
    323     query_string = environ_getter('QUERY_STRING', '')
    324     server_name = environ_getter('SERVER_NAME')
    325     server_port = converter(
    326         environ_getter('SERVER_PORT'),
    327         parse_int, serialize_int, 'int')
    329     script_name = environ_decoder('SCRIPT_NAME', '', encattr='url_encoding')
    330     path_info = environ_decoder('PATH_INFO', encattr='url_encoding')
    332     # bw compat
    333     uscript_name = script_name
    334     upath_info = path_info
    336     _content_type_raw = environ_getter('CONTENT_TYPE', '')
    338     def _content_type__get(self):
    339         """Return the content type, but leaving off any parameters (like
    340         charset, but also things like the type in ``application/atom+xml;
    341         type=entry``)
    343         If you set this property, you can include parameters, or if
    344         you don't include any parameters in the value then existing
    345         parameters will be preserved.
    346         """
    347         return self._content_type_raw.split(';', 1)[0]
    348     def _content_type__set(self, value=None):
    349         if value is not None:
    350             value = str(value)
    351             if ';' not in value:
    352                 content_type = self._content_type_raw
    353                 if ';' in content_type:
    354                     value += ';' + content_type.split(';', 1)[1]
    355         self._content_type_raw = value
    357     content_type = property(_content_type__get,
    358                             _content_type__set,
    359                             _content_type__set,
    360                             _content_type__get.__doc__)
    362     _headers = None
    364     def _headers__get(self):
    365         """
    366         All the request headers as a case-insensitive dictionary-like
    367         object.
    368         """
    369         if self._headers is None:
    370             self._headers = EnvironHeaders(self.environ)
    371         return self._headers
    373     def _headers__set(self, value):
    374         self.headers.clear()
    375         self.headers.update(value)
    377     headers = property(_headers__get, _headers__set, doc=_headers__get.__doc__)
    379     @property
    380     def client_addr(self):
    381         """
    382         The effective client IP address as a string.  If the
    383         ``HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR`` header exists in the WSGI environ, this
    384         attribute returns the client IP address present in that header
    385         (e.g. if the header value is ``,``, the value
    386         will be ````). If no ``HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR`` header is
    387         present in the environ at all, this attribute will return the value
    388         of the ``REMOTE_ADDR`` header.  If the ``REMOTE_ADDR`` header is
    389         unset, this attribute will return the value ``None``.
    391         .. warning::
    393            It is possible for user agents to put someone else's IP or just
    394            any string in ``HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR`` as it is a normal HTTP
    395            header. Forward proxies can also provide incorrect values (private
    396            IP addresses etc).  You cannot "blindly" trust the result of this
    397            method to provide you with valid data unless you're certain that
    398            ``HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR`` has the correct values.  The WSGI server
    399            must be behind a trusted proxy for this to be true.
    400         """
    401         e = self.environ
    402         xff = e.get('HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR')
    403         if xff is not None:
    404             addr = xff.split(',')[0].strip()
    405         else:
    406             addr = e.get('REMOTE_ADDR')
    407         return addr
    409     @property
    410     def host_port(self):
    411         """
    412         The effective server port number as a string.  If the ``HTTP_HOST``
    413         header exists in the WSGI environ, this attribute returns the port
    414         number present in that header. If the ``HTTP_HOST`` header exists but
    415         contains no explicit port number: if the WSGI url scheme is "https" ,
    416         this attribute returns "443", if the WSGI url scheme is "http", this
    417         attribute returns "80" .  If no ``HTTP_HOST`` header is present in
    418         the environ at all, this attribute will return the value of the
    419         ``SERVER_PORT`` header (which is guaranteed to be present).
    420         """
    421         e = self.environ
    422         host = e.get('HTTP_HOST')
    423         if host is not None:
    424             if ':' in host:
    425                 host, port = host.split(':', 1)
    426             else:
    427                 url_scheme = e['wsgi.url_scheme']
    428                 if url_scheme == 'https':
    429                     port = '443'
    430                 else:
    431                     port = '80'
    432         else:
    433             port = e['SERVER_PORT']
    434         return port
    436     @property
    437     def host_url(self):
    438         """
    439         The URL through the host (no path)
    440         """
    441         e = self.environ
    442         scheme = e.get('wsgi.url_scheme')
    443         url = scheme + '://'
    444         host = e.get('HTTP_HOST')
    445         if host is not None:
    446             if ':' in host:
    447                 host, port = host.split(':', 1)
    448             else:
    449                 port = None
    450         else:
    451             host = e.get('SERVER_NAME')
    452             port = e.get('SERVER_PORT')
    453         if scheme == 'https':
    454             if port == '443':
    455                 port = None
    456         elif scheme == 'http':
    457             if port == '80':
    458                 port = None
    459         url += host
    460         if port:
    461             url += ':%s' % port
    462         return url
    464     @property
    465     def application_url(self):
    466         """
    467         The URL including SCRIPT_NAME (no PATH_INFO or query string)
    468         """
    469         bscript_name = bytes_(self.script_name, self.url_encoding)
    470         return self.host_url + url_quote(bscript_name, PATH_SAFE)
    472     @property
    473     def path_url(self):
    474         """
    475         The URL including SCRIPT_NAME and PATH_INFO, but not QUERY_STRING
    476         """
    477         bpath_info = bytes_(self.path_info, self.url_encoding)
    478         return self.application_url + url_quote(bpath_info, PATH_SAFE)
    480     @property
    481     def path(self):
    482         """
    483         The path of the request, without host or query string
    484         """
    485         bscript = bytes_(self.script_name, self.url_encoding)
    486         bpath = bytes_(self.path_info, self.url_encoding)
    487         return url_quote(bscript, PATH_SAFE) + url_quote(bpath, PATH_SAFE)
    489     @property
    490     def path_qs(self):
    491         """
    492         The path of the request, without host but with query string
    493         """
    494         path = self.path
    495         qs = self.environ.get('QUERY_STRING')
    496         if qs:
    497             path += '?' + qs
    498         return path
    500     @property
    501     def url(self):
    502         """
    503         The full request URL, including QUERY_STRING
    504         """
    505         url = self.path_url
    506         qs = self.environ.get('QUERY_STRING')
    507         if qs:
    508             url += '?' + qs
    509         return url
    511     def relative_url(self, other_url, to_application=False):
    512         """
    513         Resolve other_url relative to the request URL.
    515         If ``to_application`` is True, then resolve it relative to the
    516         URL with only SCRIPT_NAME
    517         """
    518         if to_application:
    519             url = self.application_url
    520             if not url.endswith('/'):
    521                 url += '/'
    522         else:
    523             url = self.path_url
    524         return urlparse.urljoin(url, other_url)
    526     def path_info_pop(self, pattern=None):
    527         """
    528         'Pops' off the next segment of PATH_INFO, pushing it onto
    529         SCRIPT_NAME, and returning the popped segment.  Returns None if
    530         there is nothing left on PATH_INFO.
    532         Does not return ``''`` when there's an empty segment (like
    533         ``/path//path``); these segments are just ignored.
    535         Optional ``pattern`` argument is a regexp to match the return value
    536         before returning. If there is no match, no changes are made to the
    537         request and None is returned.
    538         """
    539         path = self.path_info
    540         if not path:
    541             return None
    542         slashes = ''
    543         while path.startswith('/'):
    544             slashes += '/'
    545             path = path[1:]
    546         idx = path.find('/')
    547         if idx == -1:
    548             idx = len(path)
    549         r = path[:idx]
    550         if pattern is None or re.match(pattern, r):
    551             self.script_name += slashes + r
    552             self.path_info = path[idx:]
    553             return r
    555     def path_info_peek(self):
    556         """
    557         Returns the next segment on PATH_INFO, or None if there is no
    558         next segment.  Doesn't modify the environment.
    559         """
    560         path = self.path_info
    561         if not path:
    562             return None
    563         path = path.lstrip('/')
    564         return path.split('/', 1)[0]
    566     def _urlvars__get(self):
    567         """
    568         Return any *named* variables matched in the URL.
    570         Takes values from ``environ['wsgiorg.routing_args']``.
    571         Systems like ``routes`` set this value.
    572         """
    573         if 'paste.urlvars' in self.environ:
    574             return self.environ['paste.urlvars']
    575         elif 'wsgiorg.routing_args' in self.environ:
    576             return self.environ['wsgiorg.routing_args'][1]
    577         else:
    578             result = {}
    579             self.environ['wsgiorg.routing_args'] = ((), result)
    580             return result
    582     def _urlvars__set(self, value):
    583         environ = self.environ
    584         if 'wsgiorg.routing_args' in environ:
    585             environ['wsgiorg.routing_args'] = (
    586                     environ['wsgiorg.routing_args'][0], value)
    587             if 'paste.urlvars' in environ:
    588                 del environ['paste.urlvars']
    589         elif 'paste.urlvars' in environ:
    590             environ['paste.urlvars'] = value
    591         else:
    592             environ['wsgiorg.routing_args'] = ((), value)
    594     def _urlvars__del(self):
    595         if 'paste.urlvars' in self.environ:
    596             del self.environ['paste.urlvars']
    597         if 'wsgiorg.routing_args' in self.environ:
    598             if not self.environ['wsgiorg.routing_args'][0]:
    599                 del self.environ['wsgiorg.routing_args']
    600             else:
    601                 self.environ['wsgiorg.routing_args'] = (
    602                         self.environ['wsgiorg.routing_args'][0], {})
    604     urlvars = property(_urlvars__get,
    605                        _urlvars__set,
    606                        _urlvars__del,
    607                        doc=_urlvars__get.__doc__)
    609     def _urlargs__get(self):
    610         """
    611         Return any *positional* variables matched in the URL.
    613         Takes values from ``environ['wsgiorg.routing_args']``.
    614         Systems like ``routes`` set this value.
    615         """
    616         if 'wsgiorg.routing_args' in self.environ:
    617             return self.environ['wsgiorg.routing_args'][0]
    618         else:
    619             # Since you can't update this value in-place, we don't need
    620             # to set the key in the environment
    621             return ()
    623     def _urlargs__set(self, value):
    624         environ = self.environ
    625         if 'paste.urlvars' in environ:
    626             # Some overlap between this and wsgiorg.routing_args; we need
    627             # wsgiorg.routing_args to make this work
    628             routing_args = (value, environ.pop('paste.urlvars'))
    629         elif 'wsgiorg.routing_args' in environ:
    630             routing_args = (value, environ['wsgiorg.routing_args'][1])
    631         else:
    632             routing_args = (value, {})
    633         environ['wsgiorg.routing_args'] = routing_args
    635     def _urlargs__del(self):
    636         if 'wsgiorg.routing_args' in self.environ:
    637             if not self.environ['wsgiorg.routing_args'][1]:
    638                 del self.environ['wsgiorg.routing_args']
    639             else:
    640                 self.environ['wsgiorg.routing_args'] = (
    641                         (), self.environ['wsgiorg.routing_args'][1])
    643     urlargs = property(_urlargs__get,
    644                        _urlargs__set,
    645                        _urlargs__del,
    646                        _urlargs__get.__doc__)
    648     @property
    649     def is_xhr(self):
    650         """Is X-Requested-With header present and equal to ``XMLHttpRequest``?
    652         Note: this isn't set by every XMLHttpRequest request, it is
    653         only set if you are using a Javascript library that sets it
    654         (or you set the header yourself manually).  Currently
    655         Prototype and jQuery are known to set this header."""
    656         return self.environ.get('HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH', '') == 'XMLHttpRequest'
    658     def _host__get(self):
    659         """Host name provided in HTTP_HOST, with fall-back to SERVER_NAME"""
    660         if 'HTTP_HOST' in self.environ:
    661             return self.environ['HTTP_HOST']
    662         else:
    663             return '%(SERVER_NAME)s:%(SERVER_PORT)s' % self.environ
    664     def _host__set(self, value):
    665         self.environ['HTTP_HOST'] = value
    666     def _host__del(self):
    667         if 'HTTP_HOST' in self.environ:
    668             del self.environ['HTTP_HOST']
    669     host = property(_host__get, _host__set, _host__del, doc=_host__get.__doc__)
    671     @property
    672     def domain(self):
    673         """ Returns the domain portion of the host value.  Equivalent to:
    675         .. code-block:: python
    677            domain = request.host
    678            if ':' in domain:
    679                domain = domain.split(':', 1)[0]
    681         This will be equivalent to the domain portion of the ``HTTP_HOST``
    682         value in the environment if it exists, or the ``SERVER_NAME`` value in
    683         the environment if it doesn't.  For example, if the environment
    684         contains an ``HTTP_HOST`` value of ``foo.example.com:8000``,
    685         ``request.domain`` will return ``foo.example.com``.
    687         Note that this value cannot be *set* on the request.  To set the host
    688         value use :meth:`webob.request.Request.host` instead.
    689         """
    690         domain = self.host
    691         if ':' in domain:
    692              domain = domain.split(':', 1)[0]
    693         return domain
    695     def _body__get(self):
    696         """
    697         Return the content of the request body.
    698         """
    699         if not self.is_body_readable:
    700             return b''
    701         self.make_body_seekable() # we need this to have content_length
    702         r = self.body_file.read(self.content_length)
    703         self.body_file_raw.seek(0)
    704         return r
    705     def _body__set(self, value):
    706         if value is None:
    707             value = b''
    708         if not isinstance(value, bytes):
    709             raise TypeError("You can only set Request.body to bytes (not %r)"
    710                                 % type(value))
    711         if not http_method_probably_has_body.get(self.method, True):
    712             if not value:
    713                 self.content_length = None
    714                 self.body_file_raw = io.BytesIO()
    715                 return
    716         self.content_length = len(value)
    717         self.body_file_raw = io.BytesIO(value)
    718         self.is_body_seekable = True
    719     def _body__del(self):
    720         self.body = b''
    721     body = property(_body__get, _body__set, _body__del, doc=_body__get.__doc__)
    723     def _json_body__get(self):
    724         """Access the body of the request as JSON"""
    725         return json.loads(self.body.decode(self.charset))
    727     def _json_body__set(self, value):
    728         self.body = json.dumps(value, separators=(',', ':')).encode(self.charset)
    730     def _json_body__del(self):
    731         del self.body
    733     json = json_body = property(_json_body__get, _json_body__set, _json_body__del)
    735     def _text__get(self):
    736         """
    737         Get/set the text value of the body
    738         """
    739         if not self.charset:
    740             raise AttributeError(
    741                 "You cannot access Request.text unless charset is set")
    742         body = self.body
    743         return body.decode(self.charset)
    745     def _text__set(self, value):
    746         if not self.charset:
    747             raise AttributeError(
    748                 "You cannot access Response.text unless charset is set")
    749         if not isinstance(value, text_type):
    750             raise TypeError(
    751                 "You can only set Request.text to a unicode string "
    752                 "(not %s)" % type(value))
    753         self.body = value.encode(self.charset)
    755     def _text__del(self):
    756         del self.body
    758     text = property(_text__get, _text__set, _text__del, doc=_text__get.__doc__)
    761     @property
    762     def POST(self):
    763         """
    764         Return a MultiDict containing all the variables from a form
    765         request. Returns an empty dict-like object for non-form requests.
    767         Form requests are typically POST requests, however PUT & PATCH requests
    768         with an appropriate Content-Type are also supported.
    769         """
    770         env = self.environ
    771         if self.method not in ('POST', 'PUT', 'PATCH'):
    772             return NoVars('Not a form request')
    773         if 'webob._parsed_post_vars' in env:
    774             vars, body_file = env['webob._parsed_post_vars']
    775             if body_file is self.body_file_raw:
    776                 return vars
    777         content_type = self.content_type
    778         if ((self.method == 'PUT' and not content_type)
    779             or content_type not in
    780                 ('',
    781                  'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
    782                  'multipart/form-data')
    783                  ):
    784             # Not an HTML form submission
    785             return NoVars('Not an HTML form submission (Content-Type: %s)'
    786                           % content_type)
    787         self._check_charset()
    789         self.make_body_seekable()
    790         self.body_file_raw.seek(0)
    792         fs_environ = env.copy()
    793         # FieldStorage assumes a missing CONTENT_LENGTH, but a
    794         # default of 0 is better:
    795         fs_environ.setdefault('CONTENT_LENGTH', '0')
    796         fs_environ['QUERY_STRING'] = ''
    797         if PY3: # pragma: no cover
    798             fs = cgi_FieldStorage(
    799                 fp=self.body_file,
    800                 environ=fs_environ,
    801                 keep_blank_values=True,
    802                 encoding='utf8')
    803             vars = MultiDict.from_fieldstorage(fs)
    804         else:
    805             fs = cgi_FieldStorage(
    806                 fp=self.body_file,
    807                 environ=fs_environ,
    808                 keep_blank_values=True)
    809             vars = MultiDict.from_fieldstorage(fs)
    811         env['webob._parsed_post_vars'] = (vars, self.body_file_raw)
    812         return vars
    814     @property
    815     def GET(self):
    816         """
    817         Return a MultiDict containing all the variables from the
    818         QUERY_STRING.
    819         """
    820         env = self.environ
    821         source = env.get('QUERY_STRING', '')
    822         if 'webob._parsed_query_vars' in env:
    823             vars, qs = env['webob._parsed_query_vars']
    824             if qs == source:
    825                 return vars
    827         data = []
    828         if source:
    829             # this is disabled because we want to access req.GET
    830             # for text/plain; charset=ascii uploads for example
    831             #self._check_charset()
    832             data = parse_qsl_text(source)
    833             #d = lambda b: b.decode('utf8')
    834             #data = [(d(k), d(v)) for k,v in data]
    835         vars = GetDict(data, env)
    836         env['webob._parsed_query_vars'] = (vars, source)
    837         return vars
    839     def _check_charset(self):
    840         if self.charset != 'UTF-8':
    841             raise DeprecationWarning(
    842                 "Requests are expected to be submitted in UTF-8, not %s. "
    843                 "You can fix this by doing req = req.decode('%s')" % (
    844                     self.charset, self.charset)
    845             )
    847     @property
    848     def params(self):
    849         """
    850         A dictionary-like object containing both the parameters from
    851         the query string and request body.
    852         """
    853         params = NestedMultiDict(self.GET, self.POST)
    854         return params
    857     @property
    858     def cookies(self):
    859         """
    860         Return a dictionary of cookies as found in the request.
    861         """
    862         return RequestCookies(self.environ)
    864     @cookies.setter
    865     def cookies(self, val):
    866         self.environ.pop('HTTP_COOKIE', None)
    867         r = RequestCookies(self.environ)
    868         r.update(val)
    870     def copy(self):
    871         """
    872         Copy the request and environment object.
    874         This only does a shallow copy, except of wsgi.input
    875         """
    876         self.make_body_seekable()
    877         env = self.environ.copy()
    878         new_req = self.__class__(env)
    879         new_req.copy_body()
    880         return new_req
    882     def copy_get(self):
    883         """
    884         Copies the request and environment object, but turning this request
    885         into a GET along the way.  If this was a POST request (or any other
    886         verb) then it becomes GET, and the request body is thrown away.
    887         """
    888         env = self.environ.copy()
    889         return self.__class__(env, method='GET', content_type=None,
    890                               body=b'')
    892     # webob.is_body_seekable marks input streams that are seekable
    893     # this way we can have seekable input without testing the .seek() method
    894     is_body_seekable = environ_getter('webob.is_body_seekable', False)
    896     #is_body_readable = environ_getter('webob.is_body_readable', False)
    898     def _is_body_readable__get(self):
    899         """
    900             webob.is_body_readable is a flag that tells us
    901             that we can read the input stream even though
    902             CONTENT_LENGTH is missing. This allows FakeCGIBody
    903             to work and can be used by servers to support
    904             chunked encoding in requests.
    905             For background see https://bitbucket.org/ianb/webob/issue/6
    906         """
    907         if http_method_probably_has_body.get(self.method):
    908             # known HTTP method with body
    909             return True
    910         elif self.content_length is not None:
    911             # unknown HTTP method, but the Content-Length
    912             # header is present
    913             return True
    914         else:
    915             # last resort -- rely on the special flag
    916             return self.environ.get('webob.is_body_readable', False)
    918     def _is_body_readable__set(self, flag):
    919         self.environ['webob.is_body_readable'] = bool(flag)
    921     is_body_readable = property(_is_body_readable__get, _is_body_readable__set,
    922         doc=_is_body_readable__get.__doc__
    923     )
    927     def make_body_seekable(self):
    928         """
    929         This forces ``environ['wsgi.input']`` to be seekable.
    930         That means that, the content is copied into a BytesIO or temporary
    931         file and flagged as seekable, so that it will not be unnecessarily
    932         copied again.
    934         After calling this method the .body_file is always seeked to the
    935         start of file and .content_length is not None.
    937         The choice to copy to BytesIO is made from
    938         ``self.request_body_tempfile_limit``
    939         """
    940         if self.is_body_seekable:
    941             self.body_file_raw.seek(0)
    942         else:
    943             self.copy_body()
    946     def copy_body(self):
    947         """
    948         Copies the body, in cases where it might be shared with
    949         another request object and that is not desired.
    951         This copies the body in-place, either into a BytesIO object
    952         or a temporary file.
    953         """
    954         if not self.is_body_readable:
    955             # there's no body to copy
    956             self.body = b''
    957         elif self.content_length is None:
    958             # chunked body or FakeCGIBody
    959             self.body = self.body_file_raw.read()
    960             self._copy_body_tempfile()
    961         else:
    962             # try to read body into tempfile
    963             did_copy = self._copy_body_tempfile()
    964             if not did_copy:
    965                 # it wasn't necessary, so just read it into memory
    966                 self.body = self.body_file.read(self.content_length)
    968     def _copy_body_tempfile(self):
    969         """
    970             Copy wsgi.input to tempfile if necessary. Returns True if it did.
    971         """
    972         tempfile_limit = self.request_body_tempfile_limit
    973         todo = self.content_length
    974         assert isinstance(todo, integer_types), todo
    975         if not tempfile_limit or todo <= tempfile_limit:
    976             return False
    977         fileobj = self.make_tempfile()
    978         input = self.body_file
    979         while todo > 0:
    980             data = input.read(min(todo, 65536))
    981             if not data:
    982                 # Normally this should not happen, because LimitedLengthFile
    983                 # should have raised an exception by now.
    984                 # It can happen if the is_body_seekable flag is incorrect.
    985                 raise DisconnectionError(
    986                     "Client disconnected (%s more bytes were expected)"
    987                     % todo
    988                 )
    989             fileobj.write(data)
    990             todo -= len(data)
    991         fileobj.seek(0)
    992         self.body_file_raw = fileobj
    993         self.is_body_seekable = True
    994         return True
    996     def make_tempfile(self):
    997         """
    998             Create a tempfile to store big request body.
    999             This API is not stable yet. A 'size' argument might be added.
   1000         """
   1001         return tempfile.TemporaryFile()
   1004     def remove_conditional_headers(self,
   1005                                    remove_encoding=True,
   1006                                    remove_range=True,
   1007                                    remove_match=True,
   1008                                    remove_modified=True):
   1009         """
   1010         Remove headers that make the request conditional.
   1012         These headers can cause the response to be 304 Not Modified,
   1013         which in some cases you may not want to be possible.
   1015         This does not remove headers like If-Match, which are used for
   1016         conflict detection.
   1017         """
   1018         check_keys = []
   1019         if remove_range:
   1020             check_keys += ['HTTP_IF_RANGE', 'HTTP_RANGE']
   1021         if remove_match:
   1022             check_keys.append('HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH')
   1023         if remove_modified:
   1024             check_keys.append('HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE')
   1025         if remove_encoding:
   1026             check_keys.append('HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING')
   1028         for key in check_keys:
   1029             if key in self.environ:
   1030                 del self.environ[key]
   1033     accept = accept_property('Accept', '14.1', MIMEAccept, MIMENilAccept)
   1034     accept_charset = accept_property('Accept-Charset', '14.2', AcceptCharset)
   1035     accept_encoding = accept_property('Accept-Encoding', '14.3',
   1036                                       NilClass=NoAccept)
   1037     accept_language = accept_property('Accept-Language', '14.4', AcceptLanguage)
   1039     authorization = converter(
   1040         environ_getter('HTTP_AUTHORIZATION', None, '14.8'),
   1041         parse_auth, serialize_auth,
   1042     )
   1045     def _cache_control__get(self):
   1046         """
   1047         Get/set/modify the Cache-Control header (`HTTP spec section 14.9
   1048         <http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec14.html#sec14.9>`_)
   1049         """
   1050         env = self.environ
   1051         value = env.get('HTTP_CACHE_CONTROL', '')
   1052         cache_header, cache_obj = env.get('webob._cache_control', (None, None))
   1053         if cache_obj is not None and cache_header == value:
   1054             return cache_obj
   1055         cache_obj = CacheControl.parse(value,
   1056                                        updates_to=self._update_cache_control,
   1057                                        type='request')
   1058         env['webob._cache_control'] = (value, cache_obj)
   1059         return cache_obj
   1061     def _cache_control__set(self, value):
   1062         env = self.environ
   1063         value = value or ''
   1064         if isinstance(value, dict):
   1065             value = CacheControl(value, type='request')
   1066         if isinstance(value, CacheControl):
   1067             str_value = str(value)
   1068             env['HTTP_CACHE_CONTROL'] = str_value
   1069             env['webob._cache_control'] = (str_value, value)
   1070         else:
   1071             env['HTTP_CACHE_CONTROL'] = str(value)
   1072             env['webob._cache_control'] = (None, None)
   1074     def _cache_control__del(self):
   1075         env = self.environ
   1076         if 'HTTP_CACHE_CONTROL' in env:
   1077             del env['HTTP_CACHE_CONTROL']
   1078         if 'webob._cache_control' in env:
   1079             del env['webob._cache_control']
   1081     def _update_cache_control(self, prop_dict):
   1082         self.environ['HTTP_CACHE_CONTROL'] = serialize_cache_control(prop_dict)
   1084     cache_control = property(_cache_control__get,
   1085                              _cache_control__set,
   1086                              _cache_control__del,
   1087                              doc=_cache_control__get.__doc__)
   1090     if_match = etag_property('HTTP_IF_MATCH', AnyETag, '14.24')
   1091     if_none_match = etag_property('HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH', NoETag, '14.26',
   1092                                   strong=False)
   1094     date = converter_date(environ_getter('HTTP_DATE', None, '14.8'))
   1095     if_modified_since = converter_date(
   1096                     environ_getter('HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE', None, '14.25'))
   1097     if_unmodified_since = converter_date(
   1098                     environ_getter('HTTP_IF_UNMODIFIED_SINCE', None, '14.28'))
   1099     if_range = converter(
   1100         environ_getter('HTTP_IF_RANGE', None, '14.27'),
   1101         IfRange.parse, serialize_if_range, 'IfRange object')
   1104     max_forwards = converter(
   1105         environ_getter('HTTP_MAX_FORWARDS', None, '14.31'),
   1106         parse_int, serialize_int, 'int')
   1108     pragma = environ_getter('HTTP_PRAGMA', None, '14.32')
   1110     range = converter(
   1111         environ_getter('HTTP_RANGE', None, '14.35'),
   1112         parse_range, serialize_range, 'Range object')
   1114     referer = environ_getter('HTTP_REFERER', None, '14.36')
   1115     referrer = referer
   1117     user_agent = environ_getter('HTTP_USER_AGENT', None, '14.43')
   1119     def __repr__(self):
   1120         try:
   1121             name = '%s %s' % (self.method, self.url)
   1122         except KeyError:
   1123             name = '(invalid WSGI environ)'
   1124         msg = '<%s at 0x%x %s>' % (
   1125             self.__class__.__name__,
   1126             abs(id(self)), name)
   1127         return msg
   1129     def as_bytes(self, skip_body=False):
   1130         """
   1131             Return HTTP bytes representing this request.
   1132             If skip_body is True, exclude the body.
   1133             If skip_body is an integer larger than one, skip body
   1134             only if its length is bigger than that number.
   1135         """
   1136         url = self.url
   1137         host = self.host_url
   1138         assert url.startswith(host)
   1139         url = url[len(host):]
   1140         parts = [bytes_('%s %s %s' % (self.method, url, self.http_version))]
   1141         #self.headers.setdefault('Host', self.host)
   1143         # acquire body before we handle headers so that
   1144         # content-length will be set
   1145         body = None
   1146         if http_method_probably_has_body.get(self.method):
   1147             if skip_body > 1:
   1148                 if len(self.body) > skip_body:
   1149                     body = bytes_('<body skipped (len=%s)>' % len(self.body))
   1150                 else:
   1151                     skip_body = False
   1152             if not skip_body:
   1153                 body = self.body
   1155         for k, v in sorted(self.headers.items()):
   1156             header = bytes_('%s: %s'  % (k, v))
   1157             parts.append(header)
   1159         if body:
   1160             parts.extend([b'', body])
   1161         # HTTP clearly specifies CRLF
   1162         return b'\r\n'.join(parts)
   1164     def as_string(self, skip_body=False):
   1165         # TODO: Remove in 1.4
   1166         warn_deprecation(
   1167             "Please use req.as_bytes",
   1168             '1.3',
   1169             self._setattr_stacklevel
   1170             )
   1172     def as_text(self):
   1173         bytes = self.as_bytes()
   1174         return bytes.decode(self.charset)
   1176     __str__ = as_text
   1178     @classmethod
   1179     def from_bytes(cls, b):
   1180         """
   1181             Create a request from HTTP bytes data. If the bytes contain
   1182             extra data after the request, raise a ValueError.
   1183         """
   1184         f = io.BytesIO(b)
   1185         r = cls.from_file(f)
   1186         if f.tell() != len(b):
   1187             raise ValueError("The string contains more data than expected")
   1188         return r
   1190     @classmethod
   1191     def from_string(cls, b):
   1192         # TODO: Remove in 1.4
   1193         warn_deprecation(
   1194             "Please use req.from_bytes",
   1195             '1.3',
   1196             cls._setattr_stacklevel
   1197             )
   1199     @classmethod
   1200     def from_text(cls, s):
   1201         b = bytes_(s, 'utf-8')
   1202         return cls.from_bytes(b)
   1204     @classmethod
   1205     def from_file(cls, fp):
   1206         """Read a request from a file-like object (it must implement
   1207         ``.read(size)`` and ``.readline()``).
   1209         It will read up to the end of the request, not the end of the
   1210         file (unless the request is a POST or PUT and has no
   1211         Content-Length, in that case, the entire file is read).
   1213         This reads the request as represented by ``str(req)``; it may
   1214         not read every valid HTTP request properly.
   1215         """
   1216         start_line = fp.readline()
   1217         is_text = isinstance(start_line, text_type)
   1218         if is_text:
   1219             crlf = '\r\n'
   1220             colon = ':'
   1221         else:
   1222             crlf = b'\r\n'
   1223             colon = b':'
   1224         try:
   1225             header = start_line.rstrip(crlf)
   1226             method, resource, http_version = header.split(None, 2)
   1227             method = native_(method, 'utf-8')
   1228             resource = native_(resource, 'utf-8')
   1229             http_version = native_(http_version, 'utf-8')
   1230         except ValueError:
   1231             raise ValueError('Bad HTTP request line: %r' % start_line)
   1232         r = cls(environ_from_url(resource),
   1233                 http_version=http_version,
   1234                 method=method.upper()
   1235                 )
   1236         del r.environ['HTTP_HOST']
   1237         while 1:
   1238             line = fp.readline()
   1239             if not line.strip():
   1240                 # end of headers
   1241                 break
   1242             hname, hval = line.split(colon, 1)
   1243             hname = native_(hname, 'utf-8')
   1244             hval = native_(hval, 'utf-8').strip()
   1245             if hname in r.headers:
   1246                 hval = r.headers[hname] + ', ' + hval
   1247             r.headers[hname] = hval
   1248         if http_method_probably_has_body.get(r.method):
   1249             clen = r.content_length
   1250             if clen is None:
   1251                 body = fp.read()
   1252             else:
   1253                 body = fp.read(clen)
   1254             if is_text:
   1255                 body = bytes_(body, 'utf-8')
   1256             r.body = body
   1257         return r
   1259     def call_application(self, application, catch_exc_info=False):
   1260         """
   1261         Call the given WSGI application, returning ``(status_string,
   1262         headerlist, app_iter)``
   1264         Be sure to call ``app_iter.close()`` if it's there.
   1266         If catch_exc_info is true, then returns ``(status_string,
   1267         headerlist, app_iter, exc_info)``, where the fourth item may
   1268         be None, but won't be if there was an exception.  If you don't
   1269         do this and there was an exception, the exception will be
   1270         raised directly.
   1271         """
   1272         if self.is_body_seekable:
   1273             self.body_file_raw.seek(0)
   1274         captured = []
   1275         output = []
   1276         def start_response(status, headers, exc_info=None):
   1277             if exc_info is not None and not catch_exc_info:
   1278                 reraise(exc_info)
   1279             captured[:] = [status, headers, exc_info]
   1280             return output.append
   1281         app_iter = application(self.environ, start_response)
   1282         if output or not captured:
   1283             try:
   1284                 output.extend(app_iter)
   1285             finally:
   1286                 if hasattr(app_iter, 'close'):
   1287                     app_iter.close()
   1288             app_iter = output
   1289         if catch_exc_info:
   1290             return (captured[0], captured[1], app_iter, captured[2])
   1291         else:
   1292             return (captured[0], captured[1], app_iter)
   1294     # Will be filled in later:
   1295     ResponseClass = None
   1297     def send(self, application=None, catch_exc_info=False):
   1298         """
   1299         Like ``.call_application(application)``, except returns a
   1300         response object with ``.status``, ``.headers``, and ``.body``
   1301         attributes.
   1303         This will use ``self.ResponseClass`` to figure out the class
   1304         of the response object to return.
   1306         If ``application`` is not given, this will send the request to
   1307         ``self.make_default_send_app()``
   1308         """
   1309         if application is None:
   1310             application = self.make_default_send_app()
   1311         if catch_exc_info:
   1312             status, headers, app_iter, exc_info = self.call_application(
   1313                 application, catch_exc_info=True)
   1314             del exc_info
   1315         else:
   1316             status, headers, app_iter = self.call_application(
   1317                 application, catch_exc_info=False)
   1318         return self.ResponseClass(
   1319             status=status, headerlist=list(headers), app_iter=app_iter)
   1321     get_response = send
   1323     def make_default_send_app(self):
   1324         global _client
   1325         try:
   1326             client = _client
   1327         except NameError:
   1328             from webob import client
   1329             _client = client
   1330         return client.send_request_app
   1332     @classmethod
   1333     def blank(cls, path, environ=None, base_url=None,
   1334               headers=None, POST=None, **kw):
   1335         """
   1336         Create a blank request environ (and Request wrapper) with the
   1337         given path (path should be urlencoded), and any keys from
   1338         environ.
   1340         The path will become path_info, with any query string split
   1341         off and used.
   1343         All necessary keys will be added to the environ, but the
   1344         values you pass in will take precedence.  If you pass in
   1345         base_url then wsgi.url_scheme, HTTP_HOST, and SCRIPT_NAME will
   1346         be filled in from that value.
   1348         Any extra keyword will be passed to ``__init__``.
   1349         """
   1350         env = environ_from_url(path)
   1351         if base_url:
   1352             scheme, netloc, path, query, fragment = urlparse.urlsplit(base_url)
   1353             if query or fragment:
   1354                 raise ValueError(
   1355                     "base_url (%r) cannot have a query or fragment"
   1356                     % base_url)
   1357             if scheme:
   1358                 env['wsgi.url_scheme'] = scheme
   1359             if netloc:
   1360                 if ':' not in netloc:
   1361                     if scheme == 'http':
   1362                         netloc += ':80'
   1363                     elif scheme == 'https':
   1364                         netloc += ':443'
   1365                     else:
   1366                         raise ValueError(
   1367                             "Unknown scheme: %r" % scheme)
   1368                 host, port = netloc.split(':', 1)
   1369                 env['SERVER_PORT'] = port
   1370                 env['SERVER_NAME'] = host
   1371                 env['HTTP_HOST'] = netloc
   1372             if path:
   1373                 env['SCRIPT_NAME'] = url_unquote(path)
   1374         if environ:
   1375             env.update(environ)
   1376         content_type = kw.get('content_type', env.get('CONTENT_TYPE'))
   1377         if headers and 'Content-Type' in headers:
   1378             content_type = headers['Content-Type']
   1379         if content_type is not None:
   1380             kw['content_type'] = content_type
   1381         environ_add_POST(env, POST, content_type=content_type)
   1382         obj = cls(env, **kw)
   1383         if headers is not None:
   1384             obj.headers.update(headers)
   1385         return obj
   1387 class LegacyRequest(BaseRequest):
   1388     uscript_name = upath_property('SCRIPT_NAME')
   1389     upath_info = upath_property('PATH_INFO')
   1391     def encget(self, key, default=NoDefault, encattr=None):
   1392         val = self.environ.get(key, default)
   1393         if val is NoDefault:
   1394             raise KeyError(key)
   1395         if val is default:
   1396             return default
   1397         return val
   1399 class AdhocAttrMixin(object):
   1400     _setattr_stacklevel = 3
   1402     def __setattr__(self, attr, value, DEFAULT=object()):
   1403         if (getattr(self.__class__, attr, DEFAULT) is not DEFAULT or
   1404                     attr.startswith('_')):
   1405             object.__setattr__(self, attr, value)
   1406         else:
   1407             self.environ.setdefault('webob.adhoc_attrs', {})[attr] = value
   1409     def __getattr__(self, attr, DEFAULT=object()):
   1410         try:
   1411             return self.environ['webob.adhoc_attrs'][attr]
   1412         except KeyError:
   1413             raise AttributeError(attr)
   1415     def __delattr__(self, attr, DEFAULT=object()):
   1416         if getattr(self.__class__, attr, DEFAULT) is not DEFAULT:
   1417             return object.__delattr__(self, attr)
   1418         try:
   1419             del self.environ['webob.adhoc_attrs'][attr]
   1420         except KeyError:
   1421             raise AttributeError(attr)
   1423 class Request(AdhocAttrMixin, BaseRequest):
   1424     """ The default request implementation """
   1426 def environ_from_url(path):
   1427     if SCHEME_RE.search(path):
   1428         scheme, netloc, path, qs, fragment = urlparse.urlsplit(path)
   1429         if fragment:
   1430             raise TypeError("Path cannot contain a fragment (%r)" % fragment)
   1431         if qs:
   1432             path += '?' + qs
   1433         if ':' not in netloc:
   1434             if scheme == 'http':
   1435                 netloc += ':80'
   1436             elif scheme == 'https':
   1437                 netloc += ':443'
   1438             else:
   1439                 raise TypeError("Unknown scheme: %r" % scheme)
   1440     else:
   1441         scheme = 'http'
   1442         netloc = 'localhost:80'
   1443     if path and '?' in path:
   1444         path_info, query_string = path.split('?', 1)
   1445         path_info = url_unquote(path_info)
   1446     else:
   1447         path_info = url_unquote(path)
   1448         query_string = ''
   1449     env = {
   1450         'REQUEST_METHOD': 'GET',
   1451         'SCRIPT_NAME': '',
   1452         'PATH_INFO': path_info or '',
   1453         'QUERY_STRING': query_string,
   1454         'SERVER_NAME': netloc.split(':')[0],
   1455         'SERVER_PORT': netloc.split(':')[1],
   1456         'HTTP_HOST': netloc,
   1457         'SERVER_PROTOCOL': 'HTTP/1.0',
   1458         'wsgi.version': (1, 0),
   1459         'wsgi.url_scheme': scheme,
   1460         'wsgi.input': io.BytesIO(),
   1461         'wsgi.errors': sys.stderr,
   1462         'wsgi.multithread': False,
   1463         'wsgi.multiprocess': False,
   1464         'wsgi.run_once': False,
   1465         #'webob.is_body_seekable': True,
   1466     }
   1467     return env
   1470 def environ_add_POST(env, data, content_type=None):
   1471     if data is None:
   1472         return
   1473     elif isinstance(data, text_type): # pragma: no cover
   1474         data = data.encode('ascii')
   1475     if env['REQUEST_METHOD'] not in ('POST', 'PUT'):
   1476         env['REQUEST_METHOD'] = 'POST'
   1477     has_files = False
   1478     if hasattr(data, 'items'):
   1479         data = list(data.items())
   1480         for k, v in data:
   1481             if isinstance(v, (tuple, list)):
   1482                 has_files = True
   1483                 break
   1484     if content_type is None:
   1485         if has_files:
   1486             content_type = 'multipart/form-data'
   1487         else:
   1488             content_type = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
   1489     if content_type.startswith('multipart/form-data'):
   1490         if not isinstance(data, bytes):
   1491             content_type, data = _encode_multipart(data, content_type)
   1492     elif content_type.startswith('application/x-www-form-urlencoded'):
   1493         if has_files:
   1494             raise ValueError('Submiting files is not allowed for'
   1495                              ' content type `%s`' % content_type)
   1496         if not isinstance(data, bytes):
   1497             data = url_encode(data)
   1498     else:
   1499         if not isinstance(data, bytes):
   1500             raise ValueError('Please provide `POST` data as string'
   1501                              ' for content type `%s`' % content_type)
   1502     data = bytes_(data, 'utf8')
   1503     env['wsgi.input'] = io.BytesIO(data)
   1504     env['webob.is_body_seekable'] = True
   1505     env['CONTENT_LENGTH'] = str(len(data))
   1506     env['CONTENT_TYPE'] = content_type
   1510 #########################
   1511 ## Helper classes and monkeypatching
   1512 #########################
   1514 class DisconnectionError(IOError):
   1515     pass
   1518 class LimitedLengthFile(io.RawIOBase):
   1519     def __init__(self, file, maxlen):
   1520         self.file = file
   1521         self.maxlen = maxlen
   1522         self.remaining = maxlen
   1524     def __repr__(self):
   1525         return '<%s(%r, maxlen=%s)>' % (
   1526             self.__class__.__name__,
   1527             self.file,
   1528             self.maxlen
   1529         )
   1531     def fileno(self):
   1532         return self.file.fileno()
   1534     @staticmethod
   1535     def readable():
   1536         return True
   1538     def readinto(self, buff):
   1539         if not self.remaining:
   1540             return 0
   1541         sz0 = min(len(buff), self.remaining)
   1542         data = self.file.read(sz0)
   1543         sz = len(data)
   1544         self.remaining -= sz
   1545         #if not data:
   1546         if sz < sz0 and self.remaining:
   1547             raise DisconnectionError(
   1548                 "The client disconnected while sending the POST/PUT body "
   1549                 + "(%d more bytes were expected)" % self.remaining
   1550             )
   1551         buff[:sz] = data
   1552         return sz
   1555 def _cgi_FieldStorage__repr__patch(self):
   1556     """ monkey patch for FieldStorage.__repr__
   1558     Unbelievably, the default __repr__ on FieldStorage reads
   1559     the entire file content instead of being sane about it.
   1560     This is a simple replacement that doesn't do that
   1561     """
   1562     if self.file:
   1563         return "FieldStorage(%r, %r)" % (self.name, self.filename)
   1564     return "FieldStorage(%r, %r, %r)" % (self.name, self.filename, self.value)
   1566 cgi_FieldStorage.__repr__ = _cgi_FieldStorage__repr__patch
   1568 class FakeCGIBody(io.RawIOBase):
   1569     def __init__(self, vars, content_type):
   1570         if content_type.startswith('multipart/form-data'):
   1571             if not _get_multipart_boundary(content_type):
   1572                 raise ValueError('Content-type: %r does not contain boundary'
   1573                             % content_type)
   1574         self.vars = vars
   1575         self.content_type = content_type
   1576         self.file = None
   1578     def __repr__(self):
   1579         inner = repr(self.vars)
   1580         if len(inner) > 20:
   1581             inner = inner[:15] + '...' + inner[-5:]
   1582         return '<%s at 0x%x viewing %s>' % (
   1583             self.__class__.__name__,
   1584             abs(id(self)), inner)
   1586     def fileno(self):
   1587         return None
   1589     @staticmethod
   1590     def readable():
   1591         return True
   1593     def readinto(self, buff):
   1594         if self.file is None:
   1595             if self.content_type.startswith(
   1596                 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'):
   1597                 data = '&'.join(
   1598                     '%s=%s' % (quote_plus(bytes_(k, 'utf8')), quote_plus(bytes_(v, 'utf8')))
   1599                     for k,v in self.vars.items()
   1600                 )
   1601                 self.file = io.BytesIO(bytes_(data))
   1602             elif self.content_type.startswith('multipart/form-data'):
   1603                 self.file = _encode_multipart(
   1604                     self.vars.items(),
   1605                     self.content_type,
   1606                     fout=io.BytesIO()
   1607                 )[1]
   1608                 self.file.seek(0)
   1609             else:
   1610                 assert 0, ('Bad content type: %r' % self.content_type)
   1611         return self.file.readinto(buff)
   1614 def _get_multipart_boundary(ctype):
   1615     m = re.search(r'boundary=([^ ]+)', ctype, re.I)
   1616     if m:
   1617         return native_(m.group(1).strip('"'))
   1620 def _encode_multipart(vars, content_type, fout=None):
   1621     """Encode a multipart request body into a string"""
   1622     f = fout or io.BytesIO()
   1623     w = f.write
   1624     wt = lambda t: f.write(t.encode('utf8'))
   1625     CRLF = b'\r\n'
   1626     boundary = _get_multipart_boundary(content_type)
   1627     if not boundary:
   1628         boundary = native_(binascii.hexlify(os.urandom(10)))
   1629         content_type += ('; boundary=%s' % boundary)
   1630     for name, value in vars:
   1631         w(b'--')
   1632         wt(boundary)
   1633         w(CRLF)
   1634         assert name is not None, 'Value associated with no name: %r' % value
   1635         wt('Content-Disposition: form-data; name="%s"' % name)
   1636         filename = None
   1637         if getattr(value, 'filename', None):
   1638             filename = value.filename
   1639         elif isinstance(value, (list, tuple)):
   1640             filename, value = value
   1641             if hasattr(value, 'read'):
   1642                 value = value.read()
   1644         if filename is not None:
   1645             wt('; filename="%s"' % filename)
   1646             mime_type = mimetypes.guess_type(filename)[0]
   1647         else:
   1648             mime_type = None
   1650         w(CRLF)
   1652         # TODO: should handle value.disposition_options
   1653         if getattr(value, 'type', None):
   1654             wt('Content-type: %s' % value.type)
   1655             if value.type_options:
   1656                 for ct_name, ct_value in sorted(value.type_options.items()):
   1657                     wt('; %s="%s"' % (ct_name, ct_value))
   1658             w(CRLF)
   1659         elif mime_type:
   1660             wt('Content-type: %s' % mime_type)
   1661             w(CRLF)
   1662         w(CRLF)
   1663         if hasattr(value, 'value'):
   1664             value = value.value
   1665         if isinstance(value, bytes):
   1666             w(value)
   1667         else:
   1668             wt(value)
   1669         w(CRLF)
   1670     wt('--%s--' % boundary)
   1671     if fout:
   1672         return content_type, fout
   1673     else:
   1674         return content_type, f.getvalue()
   1676 def detect_charset(ctype):
   1677     m = CHARSET_RE.search(ctype)
   1678     if m:
   1679         return m.group(1).strip('"').strip()
   1681 def _is_utf8(charset):
   1682     if not charset:
   1683         return True
   1684     else:
   1685         return charset.lower().replace('-', '') == 'utf8'
   1688 class Transcoder(object):
   1689     def __init__(self, charset, errors='strict'):
   1690         self.charset = charset # source charset
   1691         self.errors = errors # unicode errors
   1692         self._trans = lambda b: b.decode(charset, errors).encode('utf8')
   1694     def transcode_query(self, q):
   1695         if PY3: # pragma: no cover
   1696             q_orig = q
   1697             if '=' not in q:
   1698                 # this doesn't look like a form submission
   1699                 return q_orig
   1700             q = list(parse_qsl_text(q, self.charset))
   1701             return url_encode(q)
   1702         else:
   1703             q_orig = q
   1704             if '=' not in q:
   1705                 # this doesn't look like a form submission
   1706                 return q_orig
   1707             q = urlparse.parse_qsl(q, self.charset)
   1708             t = self._trans
   1709             q = [(t(k), t(v)) for k,v in q]
   1710             return url_encode(q)
   1712     def transcode_fs(self, fs, content_type):
   1713         # transcode FieldStorage
   1714         if PY3: # pragma: no cover
   1715             decode = lambda b: b
   1716         else:
   1717             decode = lambda b: b.decode(self.charset, self.errors)
   1718         data = []
   1719         for field in fs.list or ():
   1720             field.name = decode(field.name)
   1721             if field.filename:
   1722                 field.filename = decode(field.filename)
   1723                 data.append((field.name, field))
   1724             else:
   1725                 data.append((field.name, decode(field.value)))
   1727         # TODO: transcode big requests to temp file
   1728         content_type, fout = _encode_multipart(
   1729             data,
   1730             content_type,
   1731             fout=io.BytesIO()
   1732         )
   1733         return fout
   1735 # TODO: remove in 1.4
   1736 for _name in 'GET POST params cookies'.split():
   1737     _str_name = 'str_'+_name
   1738     _prop = deprecated_property(
   1739         None, _str_name,
   1740         "disabled starting WebOb 1.2, use %s instead" % _name, '1.2')
   1741     setattr(BaseRequest, _str_name, _prop)