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      1 /*
      2  *  Copyright (c) 2014 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
      3  *
      4  *  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
      5  *  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
      6  *  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
      7  *  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
      8  *  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
      9  */
     11 //
     12 //  Specifies helper classes for intelligibility enhancement.
     13 //
     18 #include <complex>
     20 #include "webrtc/base/scoped_ptr.h"
     22 namespace webrtc {
     24 namespace intelligibility {
     26 // Return |current| changed towards |target|, with the change being at most
     27 // |limit|.
     28 float UpdateFactor(float target, float current, float limit);
     30 // Apply a small fudge to degenerate complex values. The numbers in the array
     31 // were chosen randomly, so that even a series of all zeroes has some small
     32 // variability.
     33 std::complex<float> zerofudge(std::complex<float> c);
     35 // Incremental mean computation. Return the mean of the series with the
     36 // mean |mean| with added |data|.
     37 std::complex<float> NewMean(std::complex<float> mean,
     38                             std::complex<float> data,
     39                             size_t count);
     41 // Updates |mean| with added |data|;
     42 void AddToMean(std::complex<float> data,
     43                size_t count,
     44                std::complex<float>* mean);
     46 // Internal helper for computing the variances of a stream of arrays.
     47 // The result is an array of variances per position: the i-th variance
     48 // is the variance of the stream of data on the i-th positions in the
     49 // input arrays.
     50 // There are four methods of computation:
     51 //  * kStepInfinite computes variances from the beginning onwards
     52 //  * kStepDecaying uses a recursive exponential decay formula with a
     53 //    settable forgetting factor
     54 //  * kStepWindowed computes variances within a moving window
     55 //  * kStepBlocked is similar to kStepWindowed, but history is kept
     56 //    as a rolling window of blocks: multiple input elements are used for
     57 //    one block and the history then consists of the variances of these blocks
     58 //    with the same effect as kStepWindowed, but less storage, so the window
     59 //    can be longer
     60 class VarianceArray {
     61  public:
     62   enum StepType {
     63     kStepInfinite = 0,
     64     kStepDecaying,
     65     kStepWindowed,
     66     kStepBlocked,
     67     kStepBlockBasedMovingAverage
     68   };
     70   // Construct an instance for the given input array length (|freqs|) and
     71   // computation algorithm (|type|), with the appropriate parameters.
     72   // |window_size| is the number of samples for kStepWindowed and
     73   // the number of blocks for kStepBlocked. |decay| is the forgetting factor
     74   // for kStepDecaying.
     75   VarianceArray(size_t freqs, StepType type, size_t window_size, float decay);
     77   // Add a new data point to the series and compute the new variances.
     78   // TODO(bercic) |skip_fudge| is a flag for kStepWindowed and kStepDecaying,
     79   // whether they should skip adding some small dummy values to the input
     80   // to prevent problems with all-zero inputs. Can probably be removed.
     81   void Step(const std::complex<float>* data, bool skip_fudge = false) {
     82     (this->*step_func_)(data, skip_fudge);
     83   }
     84   // Reset variances to zero and forget all history.
     85   void Clear();
     86   // Scale the input data by |scale|. Effectively multiply variances
     87   // by |scale^2|.
     88   void ApplyScale(float scale);
     90   // The current set of variances.
     91   const float* variance() const { return variance_.get(); }
     93   // The mean value of the current set of variances.
     94   float array_mean() const { return array_mean_; }
     96  private:
     97   void InfiniteStep(const std::complex<float>* data, bool dummy);
     98   void DecayStep(const std::complex<float>* data, bool dummy);
     99   void WindowedStep(const std::complex<float>* data, bool dummy);
    100   void BlockedStep(const std::complex<float>* data, bool dummy);
    101   void BlockBasedMovingAverage(const std::complex<float>* data, bool dummy);
    103   // TODO(ekmeyerson): Switch the following running means
    104   // and histories from rtc::scoped_ptr to std::vector.
    106   // The current average X and X^2.
    107   rtc::scoped_ptr<std::complex<float>[]> running_mean_;
    108   rtc::scoped_ptr<std::complex<float>[]> running_mean_sq_;
    110   // Average X and X^2 for the current block in kStepBlocked.
    111   rtc::scoped_ptr<std::complex<float>[]> sub_running_mean_;
    112   rtc::scoped_ptr<std::complex<float>[]> sub_running_mean_sq_;
    114   // Sample history for the rolling window in kStepWindowed and block-wise
    115   // histories for kStepBlocked.
    116   rtc::scoped_ptr<rtc::scoped_ptr<std::complex<float>[]>[]> history_;
    117   rtc::scoped_ptr<rtc::scoped_ptr<std::complex<float>[]>[]> subhistory_;
    118   rtc::scoped_ptr<rtc::scoped_ptr<std::complex<float>[]>[]> subhistory_sq_;
    120   // The current set of variances and sums for Welford's algorithm.
    121   rtc::scoped_ptr<float[]> variance_;
    122   rtc::scoped_ptr<float[]> conj_sum_;
    124   const size_t num_freqs_;
    125   const size_t window_size_;
    126   const float decay_;
    127   size_t history_cursor_;
    128   size_t count_;
    129   float array_mean_;
    130   bool buffer_full_;
    131   void (VarianceArray::*step_func_)(const std::complex<float>*, bool);
    132 };
    134 // Helper class for smoothing gain changes. On each applicatiion step, the
    135 // currently used gains are changed towards a set of settable target gains,
    136 // constrained by a limit on the magnitude of the changes.
    137 class GainApplier {
    138  public:
    139   GainApplier(size_t freqs, float change_limit);
    141   // Copy |in_block| to |out_block|, multiplied by the current set of gains,
    142   // and step the current set of gains towards the target set.
    143   void Apply(const std::complex<float>* in_block,
    144              std::complex<float>* out_block);
    146   // Return the current target gain set. Modify this array to set the targets.
    147   float* target() const { return target_.get(); }
    149  private:
    150   const size_t num_freqs_;
    151   const float change_limit_;
    152   rtc::scoped_ptr<float[]> target_;
    153   rtc::scoped_ptr<float[]> current_;
    154 };
    156 }  // namespace intelligibility
    158 }  // namespace webrtc