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      1 /*
      2  *  Copyright (c) 2012 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
      3  *
      4  *  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
      5  *  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
      6  *  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
      7  *  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
      8  *  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
      9  */
     11 #include "webrtc/modules/audio_coding/neteq/background_noise.h"
     13 #include <assert.h>
     14 #include <string.h>  // memcpy
     16 #include <algorithm>  // min, max
     18 #include "webrtc/common_audio/signal_processing/include/signal_processing_library.h"
     19 #include "webrtc/modules/audio_coding/neteq/audio_multi_vector.h"
     20 #include "webrtc/modules/audio_coding/neteq/post_decode_vad.h"
     22 namespace webrtc {
     24 // static
     25 const size_t BackgroundNoise::kMaxLpcOrder;
     27 BackgroundNoise::BackgroundNoise(size_t num_channels)
     28     : num_channels_(num_channels),
     29       channel_parameters_(new ChannelParameters[num_channels_]),
     30       mode_(NetEq::kBgnOn) {
     31   Reset();
     32 }
     34 BackgroundNoise::~BackgroundNoise() {}
     36 void BackgroundNoise::Reset() {
     37   initialized_ = false;
     38   for (size_t channel = 0; channel < num_channels_; ++channel) {
     39     channel_parameters_[channel].Reset();
     40   }
     41   // Keep _bgnMode as it is.
     42 }
     44 void BackgroundNoise::Update(const AudioMultiVector& input,
     45                              const PostDecodeVad& vad) {
     46   if (vad.running() && vad.active_speech()) {
     47     // Do not update the background noise parameters if we know that the signal
     48     // is active speech.
     49     return;
     50   }
     52   int32_t auto_correlation[kMaxLpcOrder + 1];
     53   int16_t fiter_output[kMaxLpcOrder + kResidualLength];
     54   int16_t reflection_coefficients[kMaxLpcOrder];
     55   int16_t lpc_coefficients[kMaxLpcOrder + 1];
     57   for (size_t channel_ix = 0; channel_ix < num_channels_; ++channel_ix) {
     58     ChannelParameters& parameters = channel_parameters_[channel_ix];
     59     int16_t temp_signal_array[kVecLen + kMaxLpcOrder] = {0};
     60     int16_t* temp_signal = &temp_signal_array[kMaxLpcOrder];
     61     memcpy(temp_signal,
     62            &input[channel_ix][input.Size() - kVecLen],
     63            sizeof(int16_t) * kVecLen);
     65     int32_t sample_energy = CalculateAutoCorrelation(temp_signal, kVecLen,
     66                                                      auto_correlation);
     68     if ((!vad.running() &&
     69         sample_energy < parameters.energy_update_threshold) ||
     70         (vad.running() && !vad.active_speech())) {
     71       // Generate LPC coefficients.
     72       if (auto_correlation[0] > 0) {
     73         // Regardless of whether the filter is actually updated or not,
     74         // update energy threshold levels, since we have in fact observed
     75         // a low energy signal.
     76         if (sample_energy < parameters.energy_update_threshold) {
     77           // Never go under 1.0 in average sample energy.
     78           parameters.energy_update_threshold = std::max(sample_energy, 1);
     79           parameters.low_energy_update_threshold = 0;
     80         }
     82         // Only update BGN if filter is stable, i.e., if return value from
     83         // Levinson-Durbin function is 1.
     84         if (WebRtcSpl_LevinsonDurbin(auto_correlation, lpc_coefficients,
     85                                      reflection_coefficients,
     86                                      kMaxLpcOrder) != 1) {
     87           return;
     88         }
     89       } else {
     90         // Center value in auto-correlation is not positive. Do not update.
     91         return;
     92       }
     94       // Generate the CNG gain factor by looking at the energy of the residual.
     95       WebRtcSpl_FilterMAFastQ12(temp_signal + kVecLen - kResidualLength,
     96                                 fiter_output, lpc_coefficients,
     97                                 kMaxLpcOrder + 1, kResidualLength);
     98       int32_t residual_energy = WebRtcSpl_DotProductWithScale(fiter_output,
     99                                                               fiter_output,
    100                                                               kResidualLength,
    101                                                               0);
    103       // Check spectral flatness.
    104       // Comparing the residual variance with the input signal variance tells
    105       // if the spectrum is flat or not.
    106       // If 20 * residual_energy >= sample_energy << 6, the spectrum is flat
    107       // enough.  Also ensure that the energy is non-zero.
    108       if ((residual_energy * 20 >= (sample_energy << 6)) &&
    109           (sample_energy > 0)) {
    110         // Spectrum is flat enough; save filter parameters.
    111         // |temp_signal| + |kVecLen| - |kMaxLpcOrder| points at the first of the
    112         // |kMaxLpcOrder| samples in the residual signal, which will form the
    113         // filter state for the next noise generation.
    114         SaveParameters(channel_ix, lpc_coefficients,
    115                        temp_signal + kVecLen - kMaxLpcOrder, sample_energy,
    116                        residual_energy);
    117       }
    118     } else {
    119       // Will only happen if post-decode VAD is disabled and |sample_energy| is
    120       // not low enough. Increase the threshold for update so that it increases
    121       // by a factor 4 in 4 seconds.
    122       IncrementEnergyThreshold(channel_ix, sample_energy);
    123     }
    124   }
    125   return;
    126 }
    128 int32_t BackgroundNoise::Energy(size_t channel) const {
    129   assert(channel < num_channels_);
    130   return channel_parameters_[channel].energy;
    131 }
    133 void BackgroundNoise::SetMuteFactor(size_t channel, int16_t value) {
    134   assert(channel < num_channels_);
    135   channel_parameters_[channel].mute_factor = value;
    136 }
    138 int16_t BackgroundNoise::MuteFactor(size_t channel) const {
    139   assert(channel < num_channels_);
    140   return channel_parameters_[channel].mute_factor;
    141 }
    143 const int16_t* BackgroundNoise::Filter(size_t channel) const {
    144   assert(channel < num_channels_);
    145   return channel_parameters_[channel].filter;
    146 }
    148 const int16_t* BackgroundNoise::FilterState(size_t channel) const {
    149   assert(channel < num_channels_);
    150   return channel_parameters_[channel].filter_state;
    151 }
    153 void BackgroundNoise::SetFilterState(size_t channel, const int16_t* input,
    154                                      size_t length) {
    155   assert(channel < num_channels_);
    156   length = std::min(length, kMaxLpcOrder);
    157   memcpy(channel_parameters_[channel].filter_state, input,
    158          length * sizeof(int16_t));
    159 }
    161 int16_t BackgroundNoise::Scale(size_t channel) const {
    162   assert(channel < num_channels_);
    163   return channel_parameters_[channel].scale;
    164 }
    165 int16_t BackgroundNoise::ScaleShift(size_t channel) const {
    166   assert(channel < num_channels_);
    167   return channel_parameters_[channel].scale_shift;
    168 }
    170 int32_t BackgroundNoise::CalculateAutoCorrelation(
    171     const int16_t* signal, size_t length, int32_t* auto_correlation) const {
    172   int16_t signal_max = WebRtcSpl_MaxAbsValueW16(signal, length);
    173   int correlation_scale = kLogVecLen -
    174       WebRtcSpl_NormW32(signal_max * signal_max);
    175   correlation_scale = std::max(0, correlation_scale);
    177   static const int kCorrelationStep = -1;
    178   WebRtcSpl_CrossCorrelation(auto_correlation, signal, signal, length,
    179                              kMaxLpcOrder + 1, correlation_scale,
    180                              kCorrelationStep);
    182   // Number of shifts to normalize energy to energy/sample.
    183   int energy_sample_shift = kLogVecLen - correlation_scale;
    184   return auto_correlation[0] >> energy_sample_shift;
    185 }
    187 void BackgroundNoise::IncrementEnergyThreshold(size_t channel,
    188                                                int32_t sample_energy) {
    189   // TODO(hlundin): Simplify the below threshold update. What this code
    190   // does is simply "threshold += (increment * threshold) >> 16", but due
    191   // to the limited-width operations, it is not exactly the same. The
    192   // difference should be inaudible, but bit-exactness would not be
    193   // maintained.
    194   assert(channel < num_channels_);
    195   ChannelParameters& parameters = channel_parameters_[channel];
    196   int32_t temp_energy =
    197     (kThresholdIncrement * parameters.low_energy_update_threshold) >> 16;
    198   temp_energy += kThresholdIncrement *
    199       (parameters.energy_update_threshold & 0xFF);
    200   temp_energy += (kThresholdIncrement *
    201       ((parameters.energy_update_threshold>>8) & 0xFF)) << 8;
    202   parameters.low_energy_update_threshold += temp_energy;
    204   parameters.energy_update_threshold += kThresholdIncrement *
    205       (parameters.energy_update_threshold>>16);
    206   parameters.energy_update_threshold +=
    207       parameters.low_energy_update_threshold >> 16;
    208   parameters.low_energy_update_threshold =
    209       parameters.low_energy_update_threshold & 0x0FFFF;
    211   // Update maximum energy.
    212   // Decrease by a factor 1/1024 each time.
    213   parameters.max_energy = parameters.max_energy -
    214       (parameters.max_energy >> 10);
    215   if (sample_energy > parameters.max_energy) {
    216     parameters.max_energy = sample_energy;
    217   }
    219   // Set |energy_update_threshold| to no less than 60 dB lower than
    220   // |max_energy_|. Adding 524288 assures proper rounding.
    221   int32_t energy_update_threshold = (parameters.max_energy + 524288) >> 20;
    222   if (energy_update_threshold > parameters.energy_update_threshold) {
    223     parameters.energy_update_threshold = energy_update_threshold;
    224   }
    225 }
    227 void BackgroundNoise::SaveParameters(size_t channel,
    228                                      const int16_t* lpc_coefficients,
    229                                      const int16_t* filter_state,
    230                                      int32_t sample_energy,
    231                                      int32_t residual_energy) {
    232   assert(channel < num_channels_);
    233   ChannelParameters& parameters = channel_parameters_[channel];
    234   memcpy(parameters.filter, lpc_coefficients,
    235          (kMaxLpcOrder+1) * sizeof(int16_t));
    236   memcpy(parameters.filter_state, filter_state,
    237          kMaxLpcOrder * sizeof(int16_t));
    238   // Save energy level and update energy threshold levels.
    239   // Never get under 1.0 in average sample energy.
    240   parameters.energy = std::max(sample_energy, 1);
    241   parameters.energy_update_threshold = parameters.energy;
    242   parameters.low_energy_update_threshold = 0;
    244   // Normalize residual_energy to 29 or 30 bits before sqrt.
    245   int16_t norm_shift = WebRtcSpl_NormW32(residual_energy) - 1;
    246   if (norm_shift & 0x1) {
    247     norm_shift -= 1;  // Even number of shifts required.
    248   }
    249   residual_energy = WEBRTC_SPL_SHIFT_W32(residual_energy, norm_shift);
    251   // Calculate scale and shift factor.
    252   parameters.scale = static_cast<int16_t>(WebRtcSpl_SqrtFloor(residual_energy));
    253   // Add 13 to the |scale_shift_|, since the random numbers table is in
    254   // Q13.
    255   // TODO(hlundin): Move the "13" to where the |scale_shift_| is used?
    256   parameters.scale_shift =
    257       static_cast<int16_t>(13 + ((kLogResidualLength + norm_shift) / 2));
    259   initialized_ = true;
    260 }
    262 }  // namespace webrtc