1 /* 2 * Copyright (c) 2015 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved. 3 * 4 * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license 5 * that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source 6 * tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found 7 * in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may 8 * be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree. 9 */ 10 11 package org.webrtc.voiceengine; 12 13 import java.lang.Thread; 14 import java.nio.ByteBuffer; 15 16 import android.annotation.TargetApi; 17 import android.content.Context; 18 import android.media.AudioFormat; 19 import android.media.AudioManager; 20 import android.media.AudioTrack; 21 import android.os.Process; 22 23 import org.webrtc.Logging; 24 25 class WebRtcAudioTrack { 26 private static final boolean DEBUG = false; 27 28 private static final String TAG = "WebRtcAudioTrack"; 29 30 // Default audio data format is PCM 16 bit per sample. 31 // Guaranteed to be supported by all devices. 32 private static final int BITS_PER_SAMPLE = 16; 33 34 // Requested size of each recorded buffer provided to the client. 35 private static final int CALLBACK_BUFFER_SIZE_MS = 10; 36 37 // Average number of callbacks per second. 38 private static final int BUFFERS_PER_SECOND = 1000 / CALLBACK_BUFFER_SIZE_MS; 39 40 private final Context context; 41 private final long nativeAudioTrack; 42 private final AudioManager audioManager; 43 44 private ByteBuffer byteBuffer; 45 46 private AudioTrack audioTrack = null; 47 private AudioTrackThread audioThread = null; 48 49 /** 50 * Audio thread which keeps calling AudioTrack.write() to stream audio. 51 * Data is periodically acquired from the native WebRTC layer using the 52 * nativeGetPlayoutData callback function. 53 * This thread uses a Process.THREAD_PRIORITY_URGENT_AUDIO priority. 54 */ 55 private class AudioTrackThread extends Thread { 56 private volatile boolean keepAlive = true; 57 58 public AudioTrackThread(String name) { 59 super(name); 60 } 61 62 @Override 63 public void run() { 64 Process.setThreadPriority(Process.THREAD_PRIORITY_URGENT_AUDIO); 65 Logging.d(TAG, "AudioTrackThread" + WebRtcAudioUtils.getThreadInfo()); 66 67 try { 68 // In MODE_STREAM mode we can optionally prime the output buffer by 69 // writing up to bufferSizeInBytes (from constructor) before starting. 70 // This priming will avoid an immediate underrun, but is not required. 71 // TODO(henrika): initial tests have shown that priming is not required. 72 audioTrack.play(); 73 assertTrue(audioTrack.getPlayState() == AudioTrack.PLAYSTATE_PLAYING); 74 } catch (IllegalStateException e) { 75 Logging.e(TAG, "AudioTrack.play failed: " + e.getMessage()); 76 return; 77 } 78 79 // Fixed size in bytes of each 10ms block of audio data that we ask for 80 // using callbacks to the native WebRTC client. 81 final int sizeInBytes = byteBuffer.capacity(); 82 83 while (keepAlive) { 84 // Get 10ms of PCM data from the native WebRTC client. Audio data is 85 // written into the common ByteBuffer using the address that was 86 // cached at construction. 87 nativeGetPlayoutData(sizeInBytes, nativeAudioTrack); 88 // Write data until all data has been written to the audio sink. 89 // Upon return, the buffer position will have been advanced to reflect 90 // the amount of data that was successfully written to the AudioTrack. 91 assertTrue(sizeInBytes <= byteBuffer.remaining()); 92 int bytesWritten = 0; 93 if (WebRtcAudioUtils.runningOnLollipopOrHigher()) { 94 bytesWritten = writeOnLollipop(audioTrack, byteBuffer, sizeInBytes); 95 } else { 96 bytesWritten = writePreLollipop(audioTrack, byteBuffer, sizeInBytes); 97 } 98 if (bytesWritten != sizeInBytes) { 99 Logging.e(TAG, "AudioTrack.write failed: " + bytesWritten); 100 if (bytesWritten == AudioTrack.ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION) { 101 keepAlive = false; 102 } 103 } 104 // The byte buffer must be rewinded since byteBuffer.position() is 105 // increased at each call to AudioTrack.write(). If we don't do this, 106 // next call to AudioTrack.write() will fail. 107 byteBuffer.rewind(); 108 109 // TODO(henrika): it is possible to create a delay estimate here by 110 // counting number of written frames and subtracting the result from 111 // audioTrack.getPlaybackHeadPosition(). 112 } 113 114 try { 115 audioTrack.stop(); 116 } catch (IllegalStateException e) { 117 Logging.e(TAG, "AudioTrack.stop failed: " + e.getMessage()); 118 } 119 assertTrue(audioTrack.getPlayState() == AudioTrack.PLAYSTATE_STOPPED); 120 audioTrack.flush(); 121 } 122 123 @TargetApi(21) 124 private int writeOnLollipop(AudioTrack audioTrack, ByteBuffer byteBuffer, int sizeInBytes) { 125 return audioTrack.write(byteBuffer, sizeInBytes, AudioTrack.WRITE_BLOCKING); 126 } 127 128 private int writePreLollipop(AudioTrack audioTrack, ByteBuffer byteBuffer, int sizeInBytes) { 129 return audioTrack.write(byteBuffer.array(), byteBuffer.arrayOffset(), sizeInBytes); 130 } 131 132 public void joinThread() { 133 keepAlive = false; 134 while (isAlive()) { 135 try { 136 join(); 137 } catch (InterruptedException e) { 138 // Ignore. 139 } 140 } 141 } 142 } 143 144 WebRtcAudioTrack(Context context, long nativeAudioTrack) { 145 Logging.d(TAG, "ctor" + WebRtcAudioUtils.getThreadInfo()); 146 this.context = context; 147 this.nativeAudioTrack = nativeAudioTrack; 148 audioManager = (AudioManager) context.getSystemService( 149 Context.AUDIO_SERVICE); 150 if (DEBUG) { 151 WebRtcAudioUtils.logDeviceInfo(TAG); 152 } 153 } 154 155 private void initPlayout(int sampleRate, int channels) { 156 Logging.d(TAG, "initPlayout(sampleRate=" + sampleRate + ", channels=" 157 + channels + ")"); 158 final int bytesPerFrame = channels * (BITS_PER_SAMPLE / 8); 159 byteBuffer = byteBuffer.allocateDirect( 160 bytesPerFrame * (sampleRate / BUFFERS_PER_SECOND)); 161 Logging.d(TAG, "byteBuffer.capacity: " + byteBuffer.capacity()); 162 // Rather than passing the ByteBuffer with every callback (requiring 163 // the potentially expensive GetDirectBufferAddress) we simply have the 164 // the native class cache the address to the memory once. 165 nativeCacheDirectBufferAddress(byteBuffer, nativeAudioTrack); 166 167 // Get the minimum buffer size required for the successful creation of an 168 // AudioTrack object to be created in the MODE_STREAM mode. 169 // Note that this size doesn't guarantee a smooth playback under load. 170 // TODO(henrika): should we extend the buffer size to avoid glitches? 171 final int minBufferSizeInBytes = AudioTrack.getMinBufferSize( 172 sampleRate, 173 AudioFormat.CHANNEL_OUT_MONO, 174 AudioFormat.ENCODING_PCM_16BIT); 175 Logging.d(TAG, "AudioTrack.getMinBufferSize: " + minBufferSizeInBytes); 176 assertTrue(audioTrack == null); 177 178 // For the streaming mode, data must be written to the audio sink in 179 // chunks of size (given by byteBuffer.capacity()) less than or equal 180 // to the total buffer size |minBufferSizeInBytes|. 181 assertTrue(byteBuffer.capacity() < minBufferSizeInBytes); 182 try { 183 // Create an AudioTrack object and initialize its associated audio buffer. 184 // The size of this buffer determines how long an AudioTrack can play 185 // before running out of data. 186 audioTrack = new AudioTrack(AudioManager.STREAM_VOICE_CALL, 187 sampleRate, 188 AudioFormat.CHANNEL_OUT_MONO, 189 AudioFormat.ENCODING_PCM_16BIT, 190 minBufferSizeInBytes, 191 AudioTrack.MODE_STREAM); 192 } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { 193 Logging.d(TAG, e.getMessage()); 194 return; 195 } 196 assertTrue(audioTrack.getState() == AudioTrack.STATE_INITIALIZED); 197 assertTrue(audioTrack.getPlayState() == AudioTrack.PLAYSTATE_STOPPED); 198 assertTrue(audioTrack.getStreamType() == AudioManager.STREAM_VOICE_CALL); 199 } 200 201 private boolean startPlayout() { 202 Logging.d(TAG, "startPlayout"); 203 assertTrue(audioTrack != null); 204 assertTrue(audioThread == null); 205 audioThread = new AudioTrackThread("AudioTrackJavaThread"); 206 audioThread.start(); 207 return true; 208 } 209 210 private boolean stopPlayout() { 211 Logging.d(TAG, "stopPlayout"); 212 assertTrue(audioThread != null); 213 audioThread.joinThread(); 214 audioThread = null; 215 if (audioTrack != null) { 216 audioTrack.release(); 217 audioTrack = null; 218 } 219 return true; 220 } 221 222 /** Get max possible volume index for a phone call audio stream. */ 223 private int getStreamMaxVolume() { 224 Logging.d(TAG, "getStreamMaxVolume"); 225 assertTrue(audioManager != null); 226 return audioManager.getStreamMaxVolume(AudioManager.STREAM_VOICE_CALL); 227 } 228 229 /** Set current volume level for a phone call audio stream. */ 230 private boolean setStreamVolume(int volume) { 231 Logging.d(TAG, "setStreamVolume(" + volume + ")"); 232 assertTrue(audioManager != null); 233 if (isVolumeFixed()) { 234 Logging.e(TAG, "The device implements a fixed volume policy."); 235 return false; 236 } 237 audioManager.setStreamVolume(AudioManager.STREAM_VOICE_CALL, volume, 0); 238 return true; 239 } 240 241 @TargetApi(21) 242 private boolean isVolumeFixed() { 243 if (!WebRtcAudioUtils.runningOnLollipopOrHigher()) 244 return false; 245 return audioManager.isVolumeFixed(); 246 } 247 248 /** Get current volume level for a phone call audio stream. */ 249 private int getStreamVolume() { 250 Logging.d(TAG, "getStreamVolume"); 251 assertTrue(audioManager != null); 252 return audioManager.getStreamVolume(AudioManager.STREAM_VOICE_CALL); 253 } 254 255 /** Helper method which throws an exception when an assertion has failed. */ 256 private static void assertTrue(boolean condition) { 257 if (!condition) { 258 throw new AssertionError("Expected condition to be true"); 259 } 260 } 261 262 private native void nativeCacheDirectBufferAddress( 263 ByteBuffer byteBuffer, long nativeAudioRecord); 264 265 private native void nativeGetPlayoutData(int bytes, long nativeAudioRecord); 266 } 267