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      1 /*
      2  *  Copyright (c) 2012 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
      3  *
      4  *  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
      5  *  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
      6  *  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
      7  *  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
      8  *  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
      9  */
     11 #include <assert.h>
     12 #include <stdio.h>
     13 #include <time.h>
     15 #include <stdarg.h>
     16 #include <sys/stat.h>  // To check for directory existence.
     18 #ifndef S_ISDIR  // Not defined in stat.h on Windows.
     19 #define S_ISDIR(mode) (((mode)&S_IFMT) == S_IFDIR)
     20 #endif
     22 #include "gflags/gflags.h"
     23 #include "webrtc/base/format_macros.h"
     24 #include "webrtc/common_types.h"
     25 #include "webrtc/modules/video_coding/codecs/test/packet_manipulator.h"
     26 #include "webrtc/modules/video_coding/codecs/test/stats.h"
     27 #include "webrtc/modules/video_coding/codecs/test/videoprocessor.h"
     28 #include "webrtc/modules/video_coding/codecs/vp8/include/vp8.h"
     29 #include "webrtc/modules/video_coding/include/video_coding.h"
     30 #include "webrtc/system_wrappers/include/trace.h"
     31 #include "webrtc/test/testsupport/frame_reader.h"
     32 #include "webrtc/test/testsupport/frame_writer.h"
     33 #include "webrtc/test/testsupport/metrics/video_metrics.h"
     34 #include "webrtc/test/testsupport/packet_reader.h"
     36 DEFINE_string(test_name, "Quality test", "The name of the test to run. ");
     37 DEFINE_string(test_description,
     38               "",
     39               "A more detailed description about what "
     40               "the current test is about.");
     41 DEFINE_string(input_filename,
     42               "",
     43               "Input file. "
     44               "The source video file to be encoded and decoded. Must be in "
     45               ".yuv format");
     46 DEFINE_int32(width, -1, "Width in pixels of the frames in the input file.");
     47 DEFINE_int32(height, -1, "Height in pixels of the frames in the input file.");
     48 DEFINE_int32(framerate,
     49              30,
     50              "Frame rate of the input file, in FPS "
     51              "(frames-per-second). ");
     52 DEFINE_string(output_dir,
     53               ".",
     54               "Output directory. "
     55               "The directory where the output file will be put. Must already "
     56               "exist.");
     57 DEFINE_bool(use_single_core,
     58             false,
     59             "Force using a single core. If set to "
     60             "true, only one core will be used for processing. Using a single "
     61             "core is necessary to get a deterministic behavior for the"
     62             "encoded frames - using multiple cores will produce different "
     63             "encoded frames since multiple cores are competing to consume the "
     64             "byte budget for each frame in parallel. If set to false, "
     65             "the maximum detected number of cores will be used. ");
     66 DEFINE_bool(disable_fixed_random_seed,
     67             false,
     68             "Set this flag to disable the"
     69             "usage of a fixed random seed for the random generator used "
     70             "for packet loss. Disabling this will cause consecutive runs "
     71             "loose packets at different locations, which is bad for "
     72             "reproducibility.");
     73 DEFINE_string(output_filename,
     74               "",
     75               "Output file. "
     76               "The name of the output video file resulting of the processing "
     77               "of the source file. By default this is the same name as the "
     78               "input file with '_out' appended before the extension.");
     79 DEFINE_int32(bitrate, 500, "Bit rate in kilobits/second.");
     80 DEFINE_int32(keyframe_interval,
     81              0,
     82              "Forces a keyframe every Nth frame. "
     83              "0 means the encoder decides when to insert keyframes.  Note that "
     84              "the encoder may create a keyframe in other locations in addition "
     85              "to the interval that is set using this parameter.");
     86 DEFINE_int32(temporal_layers,
     87              0,
     88              "The number of temporal layers to use "
     89              "(VP8 specific codec setting). Must be 0-4.");
     90 DEFINE_int32(packet_size,
     91              1500,
     92              "Simulated network packet size in bytes (MTU). "
     93              "Used for packet loss simulation.");
     94 DEFINE_int32(max_payload_size,
     95              1440,
     96              "Max payload size in bytes for the "
     97              "encoder.");
     98 DEFINE_string(packet_loss_mode,
     99               "uniform",
    100               "Packet loss mode. Two different "
    101               "packet loss models are supported: uniform or burst. This "
    102               "setting has no effect unless packet_loss_rate is >0. ");
    103 DEFINE_double(packet_loss_probability,
    104               0.0,
    105               "Packet loss probability. A value "
    106               "between 0.0 and 1.0 that defines the probability of a packet "
    107               "being lost. 0.1 means 10% and so on.");
    108 DEFINE_int32(packet_loss_burst_length,
    109              1,
    110              "Packet loss burst length. Defines "
    111              "how many packets will be lost in a burst when a packet has been "
    112              "decided to be lost. Must be >=1.");
    113 DEFINE_bool(csv,
    114             false,
    115             "CSV output. Enabling this will output all frame "
    116             "statistics at the end of execution. Recommended to run combined "
    117             "with --noverbose to avoid mixing output.");
    118 DEFINE_bool(python,
    119             false,
    120             "Python output. Enabling this will output all frame "
    121             "statistics as a Python script at the end of execution. "
    122             "Recommended to run combine with --noverbose to avoid mixing "
    123             "output.");
    124 DEFINE_bool(verbose,
    125             true,
    126             "Verbose mode. Prints a lot of debugging info. "
    127             "Suitable for tracking progress but not for capturing output. "
    128             "Disable with --noverbose flag.");
    130 // Custom log method that only prints if the verbose flag is given.
    131 // Supports all the standard printf parameters and formatting (just forwarded).
    132 int Log(const char* format, ...) {
    133   int result = 0;
    134   if (FLAGS_verbose) {
    135     va_list args;
    136     va_start(args, format);
    137     result = vprintf(format, args);
    138     va_end(args);
    139   }
    140   return result;
    141 }
    143 // Validates the arguments given as command line flags and fills in the
    144 // TestConfig struct with all configurations needed for video processing.
    145 // Returns 0 if everything is OK, otherwise an exit code.
    146 int HandleCommandLineFlags(webrtc::test::TestConfig* config) {
    147   // Validate the mandatory flags:
    148   if (FLAGS_input_filename.empty() || FLAGS_width == -1 || FLAGS_height == -1) {
    149     printf("%s\n", google::ProgramUsage());
    150     return 1;
    151   }
    152   config->name = FLAGS_test_name;
    153   config->description = FLAGS_test_description;
    155   // Verify the input file exists and is readable.
    156   FILE* test_file;
    157   test_file = fopen(FLAGS_input_filename.c_str(), "rb");
    158   if (test_file == NULL) {
    159     fprintf(stderr, "Cannot read the specified input file: %s\n",
    160             FLAGS_input_filename.c_str());
    161     return 2;
    162   }
    163   fclose(test_file);
    164   config->input_filename = FLAGS_input_filename;
    166   // Verify the output dir exists.
    167   struct stat dir_info;
    168   if (!(stat(FLAGS_output_dir.c_str(), &dir_info) == 0 &&
    169         S_ISDIR(dir_info.st_mode))) {
    170     fprintf(stderr, "Cannot find output directory: %s\n",
    171             FLAGS_output_dir.c_str());
    172     return 3;
    173   }
    174   config->output_dir = FLAGS_output_dir;
    176   // Manufacture an output filename if none was given.
    177   if (FLAGS_output_filename.empty()) {
    178     // Cut out the filename without extension from the given input file
    179     // (which may include a path)
    180     int startIndex = FLAGS_input_filename.find_last_of("/") + 1;
    181     if (startIndex == 0) {
    182       startIndex = 0;
    183     }
    184     FLAGS_output_filename =
    185         FLAGS_input_filename.substr(
    186             startIndex, FLAGS_input_filename.find_last_of(".") - startIndex) +
    187         "_out.yuv";
    188   }
    190   // Verify output file can be written.
    191   if (FLAGS_output_dir == ".") {
    192     config->output_filename = FLAGS_output_filename;
    193   } else {
    194     config->output_filename = FLAGS_output_dir + "/" + FLAGS_output_filename;
    195   }
    196   test_file = fopen(config->output_filename.c_str(), "wb");
    197   if (test_file == NULL) {
    198     fprintf(stderr, "Cannot write output file: %s\n",
    199             config->output_filename.c_str());
    200     return 4;
    201   }
    202   fclose(test_file);
    204   // Check single core flag.
    205   config->use_single_core = FLAGS_use_single_core;
    207   // Get codec specific configuration.
    208   webrtc::VideoCodingModule::Codec(webrtc::kVideoCodecVP8,
    209                                    config->codec_settings);
    211   // Check the temporal layers.
    212   if (FLAGS_temporal_layers < 0 ||
    213       FLAGS_temporal_layers > webrtc::kMaxTemporalStreams) {
    214     fprintf(stderr, "Temporal layers number must be 0-4, was: %d\n",
    215             FLAGS_temporal_layers);
    216     return 13;
    217   }
    218   config->codec_settings->codecSpecific.VP8.numberOfTemporalLayers =
    219       FLAGS_temporal_layers;
    221   // Check the bit rate.
    222   if (FLAGS_bitrate <= 0) {
    223     fprintf(stderr, "Bit rate must be >0 kbps, was: %d\n", FLAGS_bitrate);
    224     return 5;
    225   }
    226   config->codec_settings->startBitrate = FLAGS_bitrate;
    228   // Check the keyframe interval.
    229   if (FLAGS_keyframe_interval < 0) {
    230     fprintf(stderr, "Keyframe interval must be >=0, was: %d\n",
    231             FLAGS_keyframe_interval);
    232     return 6;
    233   }
    234   config->keyframe_interval = FLAGS_keyframe_interval;
    236   // Check packet size and max payload size.
    237   if (FLAGS_packet_size <= 0) {
    238     fprintf(stderr, "Packet size must be >0 bytes, was: %d\n",
    239             FLAGS_packet_size);
    240     return 7;
    241   }
    242   config->networking_config.packet_size_in_bytes =
    243       static_cast<size_t>(FLAGS_packet_size);
    245   if (FLAGS_max_payload_size <= 0) {
    246     fprintf(stderr, "Max payload size must be >0 bytes, was: %d\n",
    247             FLAGS_max_payload_size);
    248     return 8;
    249   }
    250   config->networking_config.max_payload_size_in_bytes =
    251       static_cast<size_t>(FLAGS_max_payload_size);
    253   // Check the width and height
    254   if (FLAGS_width <= 0 || FLAGS_height <= 0) {
    255     fprintf(stderr, "Width and height must be >0.");
    256     return 9;
    257   }
    258   config->codec_settings->width = FLAGS_width;
    259   config->codec_settings->height = FLAGS_height;
    260   config->codec_settings->maxFramerate = FLAGS_framerate;
    262   // Calculate the size of each frame to read (according to YUV spec).
    263   config->frame_length_in_bytes =
    264       3 * config->codec_settings->width * config->codec_settings->height / 2;
    266   // Check packet loss settings
    267   if (FLAGS_packet_loss_mode != "uniform" &&
    268       FLAGS_packet_loss_mode != "burst") {
    269     fprintf(stderr,
    270             "Unsupported packet loss mode, must be 'uniform' or "
    271             "'burst'\n.");
    272     return 10;
    273   }
    274   config->networking_config.packet_loss_mode = webrtc::test::kUniform;
    275   if (FLAGS_packet_loss_mode == "burst") {
    276     config->networking_config.packet_loss_mode = webrtc::test::kBurst;
    277   }
    279   if (FLAGS_packet_loss_probability < 0.0 ||
    280       FLAGS_packet_loss_probability > 1.0) {
    281     fprintf(stderr,
    282             "Invalid packet loss probability. Must be 0.0 - 1.0, "
    283             "was: %f\n",
    284             FLAGS_packet_loss_probability);
    285     return 11;
    286   }
    287   config->networking_config.packet_loss_probability =
    288       FLAGS_packet_loss_probability;
    290   if (FLAGS_packet_loss_burst_length < 1) {
    291     fprintf(stderr,
    292             "Invalid packet loss burst length, must be >=1, "
    293             "was: %d\n",
    294             FLAGS_packet_loss_burst_length);
    295     return 12;
    296   }
    297   config->networking_config.packet_loss_burst_length =
    298       FLAGS_packet_loss_burst_length;
    299   config->verbose = FLAGS_verbose;
    300   return 0;
    301 }
    303 void CalculateSsimVideoMetrics(webrtc::test::TestConfig* config,
    304                                webrtc::test::QualityMetricsResult* result) {
    305   Log("Calculating SSIM...\n");
    306   I420SSIMFromFiles(
    307       config->input_filename.c_str(), config->output_filename.c_str(),
    308       config->codec_settings->width, config->codec_settings->height, result);
    309   Log("  Average: %3.2f\n", result->average);
    310   Log("  Min    : %3.2f (frame %d)\n", result->min, result->min_frame_number);
    311   Log("  Max    : %3.2f (frame %d)\n", result->max, result->max_frame_number);
    312 }
    314 void CalculatePsnrVideoMetrics(webrtc::test::TestConfig* config,
    315                                webrtc::test::QualityMetricsResult* result) {
    316   Log("Calculating PSNR...\n");
    317   I420PSNRFromFiles(
    318       config->input_filename.c_str(), config->output_filename.c_str(),
    319       config->codec_settings->width, config->codec_settings->height, result);
    320   Log("  Average: %3.2f\n", result->average);
    321   Log("  Min    : %3.2f (frame %d)\n", result->min, result->min_frame_number);
    322   Log("  Max    : %3.2f (frame %d)\n", result->max, result->max_frame_number);
    323 }
    325 void PrintConfigurationSummary(const webrtc::test::TestConfig& config) {
    326   Log("Quality test with parameters:\n");
    327   Log("  Test name        : %s\n", config.name.c_str());
    328   Log("  Description      : %s\n", config.description.c_str());
    329   Log("  Input filename   : %s\n", config.input_filename.c_str());
    330   Log("  Output directory : %s\n", config.output_dir.c_str());
    331   Log("  Output filename  : %s\n", config.output_filename.c_str());
    332   Log("  Frame length     : %" PRIuS " bytes\n", config.frame_length_in_bytes);
    333   Log("  Packet size      : %" PRIuS " bytes\n",
    334       config.networking_config.packet_size_in_bytes);
    335   Log("  Max payload size : %" PRIuS " bytes\n",
    336       config.networking_config.max_payload_size_in_bytes);
    337   Log("  Packet loss:\n");
    338   Log("    Mode           : %s\n",
    339       PacketLossModeToStr(config.networking_config.packet_loss_mode));
    340   Log("    Probability    : %2.1f\n",
    341       config.networking_config.packet_loss_probability);
    342   Log("    Burst length   : %d packets\n",
    343       config.networking_config.packet_loss_burst_length);
    344 }
    346 void PrintCsvOutput(const webrtc::test::Stats& stats,
    347                     const webrtc::test::QualityMetricsResult& ssim_result,
    348                     const webrtc::test::QualityMetricsResult& psnr_result) {
    349   Log(
    350       "\nCSV output (recommended to run with --noverbose to skip the "
    351       "above output)\n");
    352   printf(
    353       "frame_number encoding_successful decoding_successful "
    354       "encode_return_code decode_return_code "
    355       "encode_time_in_us decode_time_in_us "
    356       "bit_rate_in_kbps encoded_frame_length_in_bytes frame_type "
    357       "packets_dropped total_packets "
    358       "ssim psnr\n");
    360   for (unsigned int i = 0; i < stats.stats_.size(); ++i) {
    361     const webrtc::test::FrameStatistic& f = stats.stats_[i];
    362     const webrtc::test::FrameResult& ssim = ssim_result.frames[i];
    363     const webrtc::test::FrameResult& psnr = psnr_result.frames[i];
    364     printf("%4d, %d, %d, %2d, %2d, %6d, %6d, %5d, %7" PRIuS
    365            ", %d, %2d, %2" PRIuS ", %5.3f, %5.2f\n",
    366            f.frame_number, f.encoding_successful, f.decoding_successful,
    367            f.encode_return_code, f.decode_return_code, f.encode_time_in_us,
    368            f.decode_time_in_us, f.bit_rate_in_kbps,
    369            f.encoded_frame_length_in_bytes, f.frame_type, f.packets_dropped,
    370            f.total_packets, ssim.value, psnr.value);
    371   }
    372 }
    374 void PrintPythonOutput(const webrtc::test::TestConfig& config,
    375                        const webrtc::test::Stats& stats,
    376                        const webrtc::test::QualityMetricsResult& ssim_result,
    377                        const webrtc::test::QualityMetricsResult& psnr_result) {
    378   Log(
    379       "\nPython output (recommended to run with --noverbose to skip the "
    380       "above output)\n");
    381   printf(
    382       "test_configuration = ["
    383       "{'name': 'name',                      'value': '%s'},\n"
    384       "{'name': 'description',               'value': '%s'},\n"
    385       "{'name': 'test_number',               'value': '%d'},\n"
    386       "{'name': 'input_filename',            'value': '%s'},\n"
    387       "{'name': 'output_filename',           'value': '%s'},\n"
    388       "{'name': 'output_dir',                'value': '%s'},\n"
    389       "{'name': 'packet_size_in_bytes',      'value': '%" PRIuS
    390       "'},\n"
    391       "{'name': 'max_payload_size_in_bytes', 'value': '%" PRIuS
    392       "'},\n"
    393       "{'name': 'packet_loss_mode',          'value': '%s'},\n"
    394       "{'name': 'packet_loss_probability',   'value': '%f'},\n"
    395       "{'name': 'packet_loss_burst_length',  'value': '%d'},\n"
    396       "{'name': 'exclude_frame_types',       'value': '%s'},\n"
    397       "{'name': 'frame_length_in_bytes',     'value': '%" PRIuS
    398       "'},\n"
    399       "{'name': 'use_single_core',           'value': '%s'},\n"
    400       "{'name': 'keyframe_interval;',        'value': '%d'},\n"
    401       "{'name': 'video_codec_type',          'value': '%s'},\n"
    402       "{'name': 'width',                     'value': '%d'},\n"
    403       "{'name': 'height',                    'value': '%d'},\n"
    404       "{'name': 'bit_rate_in_kbps',          'value': '%d'},\n"
    405       "]\n",
    406       config.name.c_str(), config.description.c_str(), config.test_number,
    407       config.input_filename.c_str(), config.output_filename.c_str(),
    408       config.output_dir.c_str(), config.networking_config.packet_size_in_bytes,
    409       config.networking_config.max_payload_size_in_bytes,
    410       PacketLossModeToStr(config.networking_config.packet_loss_mode),
    411       config.networking_config.packet_loss_probability,
    412       config.networking_config.packet_loss_burst_length,
    413       ExcludeFrameTypesToStr(config.exclude_frame_types),
    414       config.frame_length_in_bytes, config.use_single_core ? "True " : "False",
    415       config.keyframe_interval,
    416       webrtc::test::VideoCodecTypeToStr(config.codec_settings->codecType),
    417       config.codec_settings->width, config.codec_settings->height,
    418       config.codec_settings->startBitrate);
    419   printf(
    420       "frame_data_types = {"
    421       "'frame_number': ('number', 'Frame number'),\n"
    422       "'encoding_successful': ('boolean', 'Encoding successful?'),\n"
    423       "'decoding_successful': ('boolean', 'Decoding successful?'),\n"
    424       "'encode_time': ('number', 'Encode time (us)'),\n"
    425       "'decode_time': ('number', 'Decode time (us)'),\n"
    426       "'encode_return_code': ('number', 'Encode return code'),\n"
    427       "'decode_return_code': ('number', 'Decode return code'),\n"
    428       "'bit_rate': ('number', 'Bit rate (kbps)'),\n"
    429       "'encoded_frame_length': "
    430       "('number', 'Encoded frame length (bytes)'),\n"
    431       "'frame_type': ('string', 'Frame type'),\n"
    432       "'packets_dropped': ('number', 'Packets dropped'),\n"
    433       "'total_packets': ('number', 'Total packets'),\n"
    434       "'ssim': ('number', 'SSIM'),\n"
    435       "'psnr': ('number', 'PSNR (dB)'),\n"
    436       "}\n");
    437   printf("frame_data = [");
    438   for (unsigned int i = 0; i < stats.stats_.size(); ++i) {
    439     const webrtc::test::FrameStatistic& f = stats.stats_[i];
    440     const webrtc::test::FrameResult& ssim = ssim_result.frames[i];
    441     const webrtc::test::FrameResult& psnr = psnr_result.frames[i];
    442     printf(
    443         "{'frame_number': %d, "
    444         "'encoding_successful': %s, 'decoding_successful': %s, "
    445         "'encode_time': %d, 'decode_time': %d, "
    446         "'encode_return_code': %d, 'decode_return_code': %d, "
    447         "'bit_rate': %d, 'encoded_frame_length': %" PRIuS
    448         ", "
    449         "'frame_type': %s, 'packets_dropped': %d, "
    450         "'total_packets': %" PRIuS ", 'ssim': %f, 'psnr': %f},\n",
    451         f.frame_number, f.encoding_successful ? "True " : "False",
    452         f.decoding_successful ? "True " : "False", f.encode_time_in_us,
    453         f.decode_time_in_us, f.encode_return_code, f.decode_return_code,
    454         f.bit_rate_in_kbps, f.encoded_frame_length_in_bytes,
    455         f.frame_type == webrtc::kVideoFrameDelta ? "'Delta'" : "'Other'",
    456         f.packets_dropped, f.total_packets, ssim.value, psnr.value);
    457   }
    458   printf("]\n");
    459 }
    461 // Runs a quality measurement on the input file supplied to the program.
    462 // The input file must be in YUV format.
    463 int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
    464   std::string program_name = argv[0];
    465   std::string usage =
    466       "Quality test application for video comparisons.\n"
    467       "Run " +
    468       program_name +
    469       " --helpshort for usage.\n"
    470       "Example usage:\n" +
    471       program_name +
    472       " --input_filename=filename.yuv --width=352 --height=288\n";
    473   google::SetUsageMessage(usage);
    475   google::ParseCommandLineFlags(&argc, &argv, true);
    477   // Create TestConfig and codec settings struct.
    478   webrtc::test::TestConfig config;
    479   webrtc::VideoCodec codec_settings;
    480   config.codec_settings = &codec_settings;
    482   int return_code = HandleCommandLineFlags(&config);
    483   // Exit if an invalid argument is supplied.
    484   if (return_code != 0) {
    485     return return_code;
    486   }
    488   PrintConfigurationSummary(config);
    490   webrtc::VP8Encoder* encoder = webrtc::VP8Encoder::Create();
    491   webrtc::VP8Decoder* decoder = webrtc::VP8Decoder::Create();
    492   webrtc::test::Stats stats;
    493   webrtc::test::FrameReaderImpl frame_reader(config.input_filename,
    494                                              config.frame_length_in_bytes);
    495   webrtc::test::FrameWriterImpl frame_writer(config.output_filename,
    496                                              config.frame_length_in_bytes);
    497   frame_reader.Init();
    498   frame_writer.Init();
    499   webrtc::test::PacketReader packet_reader;
    501   webrtc::test::PacketManipulatorImpl packet_manipulator(
    502       &packet_reader, config.networking_config, config.verbose);
    503   // By default the packet manipulator is seeded with a fixed random.
    504   // If disabled we must generate a new seed.
    505   if (FLAGS_disable_fixed_random_seed) {
    506     packet_manipulator.InitializeRandomSeed(time(NULL));
    507   }
    508   webrtc::test::VideoProcessor* processor =
    509       new webrtc::test::VideoProcessorImpl(encoder, decoder, &frame_reader,
    510                                            &frame_writer, &packet_manipulator,
    511                                            config, &stats);
    512   processor->Init();
    514   int frame_number = 0;
    515   while (processor->ProcessFrame(frame_number)) {
    516     if (frame_number % 80 == 0) {
    517       Log("\n");  // make the output a bit nicer.
    518     }
    519     Log(".");
    520     frame_number++;
    521   }
    522   Log("\n");
    523   Log("Processed %d frames\n", frame_number);
    525   // Release encoder and decoder to make sure they have finished processing.
    526   encoder->Release();
    527   decoder->Release();
    529   // Verify statistics are correct:
    530   assert(frame_number == static_cast<int>(stats.stats_.size()));
    532   // Close the files before we start using them for SSIM/PSNR calculations.
    533   frame_reader.Close();
    534   frame_writer.Close();
    536   stats.PrintSummary();
    538   webrtc::test::QualityMetricsResult ssim_result;
    539   CalculateSsimVideoMetrics(&config, &ssim_result);
    540   webrtc::test::QualityMetricsResult psnr_result;
    541   CalculatePsnrVideoMetrics(&config, &psnr_result);
    543   if (FLAGS_csv) {
    544     PrintCsvOutput(stats, ssim_result, psnr_result);
    545   }
    546   if (FLAGS_python) {
    547     PrintPythonOutput(config, stats, ssim_result, psnr_result);
    548   }
    549   delete processor;
    550   delete encoder;
    551   delete decoder;
    552   Log("Quality test finished!");
    553   return 0;
    554 }