/frameworks/av/media/mtp/ |
MtpProperty.cpp | 127 uint8_t temp8; local 132 if (!packet.getUInt8(temp8)) return false; 133 mWriteable = (temp8 == 1);
/external/libavc/common/x86/ |
ih264_iquant_itrans_recon_dc_ssse3.c | 245 __m128i temp1,temp2,temp3,temp4, temp5, temp6, temp7,temp8; local 302 temp8 = _mm_add_epi16(value_add, pred_r7); 319 sign_reg = _mm_cmpgt_epi16(temp8, zero_8x16b); // sign check 320 temp8 = _mm_and_si128(temp8, sign_reg); 329 temp8 = _mm_packus_epi16(temp8, zero_8x16b); 338 _mm_storel_epi64((__m128i *)(&pu1_out[7 * out_strd]), temp8);
ih264_iquant_itrans_recon_ssse3.c | 395 __m128i temp1, temp2, temp3, temp4, temp5, temp6, temp7, temp8; local [all...] |
/external/webp/src/dsp/ |
rescaler_mips_dsp_r2.c | 43 int temp8, temp9, temp10, temp11; local 66 "lw %[temp8], 0(%[irow]) \n\t" 72 "subu %[temp8], %[temp8], %[temp0] \n\t" 77 "maddu $ac0, %[temp8], %[temp7] \n\t" 84 "mfhi %[temp8], $ac0 \n\t" 92 "sb %[temp8], -4(%[dst]) \n\t" 100 [temp8]"=&r"(temp8), [temp9]"=&r"(temp9), [temp10]"=&r"(temp10), 226 int temp8, temp9, temp10, temp11 local [all...] |
dec_mips32.c | 220 int temp5, temp6, temp7, temp8, temp9; local 230 "lh %[temp8], 16(%[in]) \n\t" 233 "addu %[temp16], %[temp0], %[temp8] \n\t" 234 "subu %[temp0], %[temp0], %[temp8] \n\t" 235 "mul %[temp8], %[temp4], %[kC2] \n\t" 243 "sra %[temp8], %[temp8], 16 \n\t" 251 "subu %[temp17], %[temp8], %[temp17] \n\t" 253 "addu %[temp8], %[temp16], %[temp4] \n\t" 299 "addiu %[temp8], %[temp8], 4 \n\t [all...] |
enc_mips32.c | 60 // TEMP0, TEMP4, TEMP8 and TEMP12 - registers for corresponding tmp elements 61 #define HORIZONTAL_PASS(A, TEMP0, TEMP4, TEMP8, TEMP12) \ 63 "addu %[temp16], %[" #TEMP0 "], %[" #TEMP8 "] \n\t" \ 64 "subu %[temp17], %[" #TEMP0 "], %[" #TEMP8 "] \n\t" \ 66 "mul %[" #TEMP8 "], %[" #TEMP12 "], %[kC1] \n\t" \ 70 "sra %[" #TEMP8 "], %[" #TEMP8 "], 16 \n\t" \ 73 "subu %[temp18], %[" #TEMP0 "], %[" #TEMP8 "] \n\t" \ 77 "subu %[" #TEMP8 "], %[temp17], %[temp18] \n\t" \ 82 "sra %[" #TEMP8 "], %[" #TEMP8 "], 3 \n\t" 119 int temp7, temp8, temp9, temp10, temp11, temp12, temp13; local 367 int temp0, temp1, temp2, temp3, temp4, temp5, temp6, temp7, temp8; local 482 int temp0, temp1, temp2, temp3, temp4, temp5, temp6, temp7, temp8; local [all...] |
dec_mips_dsp_r2.c | 27 int temp1, temp2, temp3, temp4, temp5, temp6, temp7, temp8, temp9, temp10; local 38 CONVERT_2_BYTES_TO_HALF(temp6, temp7, temp8, temp9, temp10, temp1, temp2, 40 STORE_SAT_SUM_X2(temp6, temp7, temp8, temp9, temp10, temp1, temp2, temp3, 56 int temp1, temp2, temp3, temp4, temp5, temp6, temp7, temp8, temp9; local 65 SHIFT_R_SUM_X2(temp1, temp6, temp7, temp8, temp2, temp9, temp10, temp4, 73 PACK_2_HALVES_TO_WORD(temp12, temp18, temp7, temp6, temp1, temp8, temp2, 76 temp17, temp12, temp18, temp1, temp8, temp2, temp4, 87 int temp1, temp2, temp3, temp4, temp5, temp6, temp7, temp8, temp9; local 96 MUL_SHIFT_SUM(temp7, temp8, temp9, temp10, temp11, temp12, temp13, temp14, 97 temp10, temp8, temp9, temp7, temp1, temp2, temp5, temp6 164 int temp1, temp2, temp3, temp4, temp5, temp6, temp7, temp8, temp9; local 490 int temp0, temp1, temp2, temp3, temp4, temp5, temp6, temp7, temp8; local 559 int temp0, temp1, temp2, temp3, temp4, temp5, temp6, temp7, temp8; local 683 int temp5, temp6, temp7, temp8; local 733 int temp5, temp6, temp7, temp8, temp9; local 780 int temp5, temp6, temp7, temp8, temp9; local 840 int temp5, temp6, temp7, temp8; local [all...] |
enc_mips_dsp_r2.c | 115 // TEMP0, TEMP4, TEMP8 and TEMP12 - registers for corresponding tmp elements 116 #define VERTICAL_PASS(A, B, C, D, TEMP0, TEMP4, TEMP8, TEMP12) \ 119 "addu %[temp17], %[" #TEMP4 "], %[" #TEMP8 "] \n\t" \ 120 "subu %[temp18], %[" #TEMP4 "], %[" #TEMP8 "] \n\t" \ 121 "mul %[" #TEMP8 "], %[temp19], %[c2217] \n\t" \ 131 "addiu %[" #TEMP8 "], %[" #TEMP8 "], 30000 \n\t" \ 133 "addiu %[" #TEMP8 "], %[" #TEMP8 "], 21000 \n\t" \ 134 "subu %[" #TEMP8 "], %[" #TEMP8 "], %[temp18] \n\t" 147 int temp0, temp1, temp2, temp3, temp4, temp5, temp6, temp7, temp8; local 175 int temp1, temp2, temp3, temp4, temp5, temp6, temp7, temp8, temp9; local 251 int temp1, temp2, temp3, temp4, temp5, temp6, temp7, temp8, temp9; local 734 int temp6, temp7, temp8, temp9, temp10, temp11; local 783 int temp5, temp6, temp7, temp8, temp9; local 833 int temp6, temp7, temp8, temp9, temp10, temp11; local 880 int temp5, temp6, temp7, temp8, temp9; local 929 int temp5, temp6, temp7, temp8, temp9; local 1363 int temp5, temp6, temp7, temp8, temp9; local 1463 int temp0, temp1, temp2, temp3, temp4, temp5, temp6, temp7, temp8; local [all...] |
/external/libhevc/common/x86/ |
ihevc_32x32_itrans_recon_sse42_intr.c | 200 __m128i temp5, temp6, temp7, temp8; local 773 temp8 = m_temp_reg_35; [all...] |
ihevc_itrans_recon_32x32_ssse3_intr.c | 208 __m128i temp5, temp6, temp7, temp8; local 784 temp8 = m_temp_reg_35; [all...] |
ihevc_chroma_intra_pred_filters_ssse3_intr.c | 560 __m128i temp1, temp2, temp3, temp4, temp5, temp6, temp7, temp8; local 577 temp8 = _mm_set1_epi8(pu1_ref[(4 * nt) - 1 - 2 * (row + 3)]); 582 temp8 = _mm_unpacklo_epi8(temp7, temp8); 587 _mm_storeu_si128((__m128i *)(pu1_dst + ((row + 3) * dst_strd)), temp8); 605 temp8 = _mm_set1_epi8(pu1_ref[(4 * nt) - 1 - 2 * (row + 3)]); 610 temp8 = _mm_unpacklo_epi8(temp7, temp8); 621 _mm_storeu_si128((__m128i *)(pu1_dst + ((row + 3) * dst_strd) + 0), temp8); 622 _mm_storeu_si128((__m128i *)(pu1_dst + ((row + 3) * dst_strd) + 16), temp8); [all...] |
/external/webrtc/webrtc/modules/audio_processing/aecm/ |
aecm_core_mips.c | 529 uint16_t* temp8; local 533 temp8 = (uint16_t*)(&far_spectrum[0]); 541 "ulw %[temp0], 0(%[temp8]) \n\t" 543 "ulw %[temp4], 4(%[temp8]) \n\t" 842 int32_t temp1, temp2, temp3, temp4, temp5, temp6, temp7, temp8; local [all...] |