/frameworks/opt/net/ims/src/java/com/android/ims/ |
ImsCall.java | 50 public class ImsCall implements ICall { 55 private static final String TAG = "ImsCall"; 91 public void onCallProgressing(ImsCall call) { 101 public void onCallStarted(ImsCall call) { 112 public void onCallStartFailed(ImsCall call, ImsReasonInfo reasonInfo) { 123 public void onCallTerminated(ImsCall call, ImsReasonInfo reasonInfo) { 135 public void onCallHeld(ImsCall call) { 146 public void onCallHoldFailed(ImsCall call, ImsReasonInfo reasonInfo) { 156 public void onCallHoldReceived(ImsCall call) { 166 public void onCallResumed(ImsCall call) [all...] |
ImsManager.java | [all...] |
/frameworks/opt/telephony/tests/telephonytests/src/com/android/internal/telephony/imsphone/ |
ImsPhoneCallTrackerTest.java | 26 import com.android.ims.ImsCall; 65 private ImsCall.Listener mImsCallListener; 66 private ImsCall mImsCall; 67 private ImsCall mSecondImsCall; 85 private void imsCallMocking(final ImsCall mImsCall) throws Exception { 142 mImsCall = spy(new ImsCall(mContext, mImsCallProfile)); 143 mSecondImsCall = spy(new ImsCall(mContext, mImsCallProfile)); 161 doAnswer(new Answer<ImsCall>() { 163 public ImsCall answer(InvocationOnMock invocation) throws Throwable { 165 (ImsCall.Listener) invocation.getArguments()[2] [all...] |
/frameworks/opt/telephony/src/java/com/android/internal/telephony/imsphone/ |
ImsPhoneCall.java | 29 import com.android.ims.ImsCall; 105 ImsCall imsCall = getImsCall(); 106 if (imsCall == null) { 110 return imsCall.isMultiparty(); 144 ImsCall call = getImsCall(); 242 ImsCall imsCall = getFirstConnection() == null ? 244 if (imsCall != null) { 246 imsCall.setMute(mute) [all...] |
ImsPhoneCallTracker.java | 60 import com.android.ims.ImsCall; 148 ImsCall imsCall = mImsManager.takeCall(mServiceId, intent, mImsCallListener); 149 ImsPhoneConnection conn = new ImsPhoneConnection(mPhone, imsCall, 155 ImsCall activeCall = mForegroundCall.getFirstConnection().getImsCall(); 157 shouldDisconnectActiveCallOnAnswer(activeCall, imsCall); 163 setVideoCallProvider(conn, imsCall); 165 mEventLog.writeOnImsCallReceive(imsCall.getSession()); 172 conn.update(imsCall, ImsPhoneCall.State.WAITING); 234 // The ImsCall's call id is the key of the map 999 ImsCall imscall = mForegroundCall.getImsCall(); local 1009 ImsCall imscall = mForegroundCall.getImsCall(); local 1021 ImsCall imscall = mForegroundCall.getImsCall(); local [all...] |
ImsPhoneConnection.java | 47 import com.android.ims.ImsCall; 65 private ImsCall mImsCall; 96 * {@link #updateMediaCapabilities(ImsCall)} should be ignored. When a video state change from 155 public ImsPhoneConnection(Phone phone, ImsCall imsCall, ImsPhoneCallTracker ct, 163 mImsCall = imsCall; 165 if ((imsCall != null) && (imsCall.getCallProfile() != null)) { 166 mAddress = imsCall.getCallProfile().getCallExtra(ImsCallProfile.EXTRA_OI); 167 mCnapName = imsCall.getCallProfile().getCallExtra(ImsCallProfile.EXTRA_CNA) [all...] |
/frameworks/opt/telephony/src/java/com/android/internal/telephony/ |
TelephonyTester.java | 30 import com.android.ims.ImsCall; 163 ImsCall imsCall = imsPhoneCall.getImsCall(); 164 if (imsCall == null) { 168 imsCall.getImsCallSessionListenerProxy().callSessionHandoverFailed(imsCall.getCallSession(), 192 ImsCall imsCall = imsPhoneCall.getImsCall(); 193 if (imsCall == null) { 212 imsCall.conferenceStateUpdated(imsConferenceState) [all...] |
/frameworks/opt/telephony/tests/telephonytests/src/com/android/internal/telephony/ |
TelephonyTest.java | 54 import com.android.ims.ImsCall; 123 protected ImsCall mImsCall;
/packages/services/Telephony/src/com/android/services/telephony/ |
TelephonyConnection.java | 40 import com.android.ims.ImsCall; 430 * Tracks the multiparty state of the ImsCall so that changes in the bit state can be detected. [all...] |
/frameworks/base/ |
compiled-classes-phone | [all...] |
/external/robolectric/v3/runtime/ |
android-all-4.4_r1-robolectric-1.jar | |
android-all-5.0.0_r2-robolectric-1.jar | |
android-all-5.1.1_r9-robolectric-1.jar | |