/frameworks/av/media/libstagefright/codecs/avc/enc/src/ |
residual.cpp | 149 int i, maxNumCoeff, nC; 218 nC = 1; 222 if (nC && (level[i] == 1 || level[i] == -1)) 228 nC = 0; 241 nC = predict_nnz(video, bindx & 3, bindx >> 2); 245 nC = predict_nnz_chroma(video, bindx & 3, bindx >> 2); 248 status = ce_TotalCoeffTrailingOnes(stream, TrailingOnes, TotalCoeff, nC); 252 nC = -1; /* Chroma DC level */ 264 nC = TrailingOnes; 266 while (nC) [all...] |
vlc_encode.cpp | 125 AVCEnc_Status ce_TotalCoeffTrailingOnes(AVCEncBitstream *stream, int TrailingOnes, int TotalCoeff, int nC) 159 if (nC >= 8) 173 if (nC < 2) 177 else if (nC < 4)
avcenc_lib.h | [all...] |
/external/libgdx/extensions/gdx-bullet/jni/src/bullet/BulletDynamics/MLCPSolvers/ |
btDantzigLCP.cpp | 96 the clamped submatrix of A (call it `AC') which is the top left nC*nC 1176 // thus L*D*L'=A[C,C], i.e. a permuted top left nC*nC submatrix of A. [all...] |
/frameworks/av/media/libstagefright/codecs/on2/h264dec/omxdl/arm11/vc/m4p10/src/ |
armVCM4P10_DecodeCoeffsToPair_s.s | 52 nC RN 4 ;// number of coeffs or 17 for chroma 128 M_LDR nC, pNC 131 LDR pVLDTable, [pVLDTable, nC, LSL #2] ;// Find VLD table
/frameworks/av/media/libstagefright/codecs/on2/h264dec/omxdl/arm_neon/vc/m4p10/src/ |
armVCM4P10_DecodeCoeffsToPair_s.s | 52 nC RN 4 ;// number of coeffs or 17 for chroma 128 M_LDR nC, pNC 131 LDR pVLDTable, [pVLDTable, nC, LSL #2] ;// Find VLD table
/prebuilts/go/darwin-x86/src/net/textproto/ |
reader_test.go | 233 "A\nB\nC", 239 "A\nB\nC",
/prebuilts/go/linux-x86/src/net/textproto/ |
reader_test.go | 233 "A\nB\nC", 239 "A\nB\nC",
/development/perftests/panorama/feature_mos/src/mosaic/ |
Blend.cpp | 806 int nC = m_wb.nlevsC; 888 int nC = m_wb.nlevsC; 889 for (int n = m_wb.nlevs; n--; dscale++, dptr++, sptr++, dvptr++, duptr++, svptr++, suptr++, nC--) [all...] |
/packages/apps/LegacyCamera/jni/feature_mos/src/mosaic/ |
Blend.cpp | 804 int nC = m_wb.nlevsC; 886 int nC = m_wb.nlevsC; 887 for (int n = m_wb.nlevs; n--; dscale++, dptr++, sptr++, dvptr++, duptr++, svptr++, suptr++, nC--) [all...] |
/external/opencv3/modules/ts/src/ |
ts.cpp | 616 int nR = std::min(n, (img.rows+1)/2), nC = std::min(n, (img.cols+1)/2); 640 for(c=0; c<nC; c++)
/external/fonttools/Lib/fontTools/ttLib/tables/ |
_g_l_y_f.py | 337 nP, nC = baseGlyph.getMaxpValues() 339 nP, nC, maxComponentDepth = baseGlyph.getCompositeMaxpValues( 342 nContours = nContours + nC
/external/v8/benchmarks/ |
regexp.js | [all...] |
/external/sonivox/jet_tools/JetCreator/ |
img_splash.py | 177 \xd5\xfa\x98\xd4\nC\xe6\xb1^\xd1\x04e\xc0i\xf4\xacU8@F\xaea\xcf\x7f9h\\\x10%\
[all...] |
/external/webrtc/talk/media/testdata/ |
h264-svc-99-640x360.rtpdump | 54 ????cDX}` ??Z????|??????????_o?II/????? t??V??
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