/external/compiler-rt/lib/sanitizer_common/tests/ |
sanitizer_symbolizer_test.cc | 22 const char *rest; local 24 rest = ExtractToken("a;b;c", ";", &token); 26 EXPECT_STREQ("b;c", rest); 29 rest = ExtractToken("aaa-bbb.ccc", ";.-*", &token); 31 EXPECT_STREQ("bbb.ccc", rest); 37 const char *rest = ExtractInt("123,456;789", ";,", &token); local 39 EXPECT_STREQ("456;789", rest); 44 const char *rest = ExtractUptr("123,456;789", ";,", &token); local 46 EXPECT_STREQ("456;789", rest); 51 const char *rest local [all...] |
/toolchain/binutils/binutils-2.25/gas/testsuite/gas/arm/ |
macro-pld.s | 1 .macro foo arg, rest:vararg 2 \rest
/external/libchrome/base/third_party/nspr/ |
prtime.cc | 544 const char *rest = string; local 551 while (*rest) 559 switch (*rest) 563 (rest[1] == 'p' || rest[1] == 'P') && 564 (rest[2] == 'r' || rest[2] == 'R')) 567 (rest[1] == 's' || rest[1] == 'S') && 568 (rest[2] == 't' || rest[2] == 'T') [all...] |
/external/libgdx/extensions/gdx-bullet/jni/src/bullet/BulletCollision/CollisionShapes/ |
btMaterial.h | 31 btMaterial(btScalar fric, btScalar rest) { m_friction = fric; m_restitution = rest; }
/external/icu/icu4c/as_is/os400/ |
cxxfilt.cpp | 7 char *rest; local 8 struct Name *name = Demangle(str, rest); // "f__1XFi" 11 if(*rest) printf("\trest: '%s'\n", rest);
/external/libbrillo/brillo/dbus/ |
dbus_param_writer.h | 30 const RestOfParams&... rest) { 35 Append(writer, rest...); 49 const RestOfParams&... rest) { 53 AppendDBusOutParams(writer, rest...); 63 const RestOfParams&... rest) { 68 AppendDBusOutParams(writer, rest...);
/external/autotest/client/site_tests/platform_OpenSSLActual/ |
platform_OpenSSLActual.py | 13 def curl(self, rest): 15 out = utils.system_output('%s %s' % (base, rest))
/external/chromium-trace/catapult/third_party/Paste/tests/urlparser_data/hook/ |
__init__.py | 4 first, rest = request.path_info_split(environ.get('PATH_INFO', '')) 10 environ['PATH_INFO'] = rest
/external/chromium-trace/catapult/third_party/Paste/tests/urlparser_data/not_found/user/ |
__init__.py | 5 first, rest = request.path_info_split(environ.get('PATH_INFO', '')) 11 environ['PATH_INFO'] = rest
/external/chromium-trace/catapult/third_party/py_vulcanize/py_vulcanize/ |
strip_js_comments.py | 22 rest = text 25 while len(rest): 26 m = next_tok.search(rest) 29 yield rest 35 yield rest[:min_index] 37 yield rest[min_index:end_index] 38 rest = rest[end_index:]
/external/webp/src/dsp/ |
argb_mips_dsp_r2.c | 21 const int rest = len & 1; local 22 const uint32_t* const loop_end = out + len - rest; 40 "beq %[rest], $zero, 1f \n\t" 53 [loop_end]"r"(loop_end), [rest]"r"(rest) 61 const int rest = len & 1; local 63 const uint32_t* const loop_end = out + len - rest; 79 "beq %[rest], $zero, 1f \n\t" 91 [loop_end]"r"(loop_end), [rest]"r"(rest) [all...] |
/external/chromium-trace/catapult/telemetry/third_party/modulegraph/modulegraph/ |
zipio.py | 66 rest = [] 70 rest.append(bn) 84 rest.reverse() 85 return path, '/'.join(rest).strip('/') 97 path, rest = _locate(path) 98 if not rest: 111 data = zf.read(rest) 130 path, rest = _locate(path) 131 if not rest and not _os.path.isfile(path): 147 if rest is None [all...] |
/packages/apps/TV/common/src/com/android/tv/common/ |
CollectionUtils.java | 32 public static <T> T[] concatAll(T[] first, T[]... rest) { 34 for (T[] array : rest) { 39 for (T[] array : rest) {
/external/iproute2/ip/ |
routel | 18 while read network rest 19 do set xx $rest
/external/compiler-rt/lib/sanitizer_common/ |
sanitizer_symbolizer_mac.cc | 121 const char *rest = trim; local 123 rest = ExtractTokenUpToDelimiter(rest, " (in ", &symbol_name); 124 if (rest[0] == '\0') { 134 rest = ExtractTokenUpToDelimiter(rest, ") ", out_module); 136 if (rest[0] == '(') { 138 rest++; 139 rest = ExtractTokenUpToDelimiter(rest, ":", out_file) [all...] |
/prebuilts/go/darwin-x86/misc/cgo/test/ |
issue8428.go | 16 char rest[]; 22 char rest[0]; 39 // The trailing rest field is not available in cgo. 41 // rest: [0]C.char{}, 47 rest: [0]C.char{},
/prebuilts/go/linux-x86/misc/cgo/test/ |
issue8428.go | 16 char rest[]; 22 char rest[0]; 39 // The trailing rest field is not available in cgo. 41 // rest: [0]C.char{}, 47 rest: [0]C.char{},
/build/kati/ |
rule.cc | 85 StringPiece rest = line.substr(index); local 86 size_t term_index = rest.find_first_of("=;"); 87 if ((term_index != string::npos && rest[term_index] == '=') || 90 term_index = rest.size(); 92 ParseAssignStatement(rest, term_index, 108 CHECK(rest[term_index] == ';'); 111 NewLiteral(Intern(TrimLeftSpace(rest.substr(term_index + 1))).str())); 112 rest = rest.substr(0, term_index); 115 index = rest.find(':') [all...] |
/frameworks/base/core/java/com/android/internal/util/ |
LineBreakBufferedWriter.java | 149 int rest = bufferSize - bufferIndex; local 150 appendToBuffer(buf, off, rest); 153 off += rest; 154 len -= rest; 203 int rest = bufferSize - bufferIndex; local 204 appendToBuffer(s, off, rest); 207 off += rest; 208 len -= rest; 275 int rest = bufferIndex - i; local 276 if (rest > 0) [all...] |
/art/tools/ |
generate-operator-out.py | 139 rest = m.group(2).strip() 140 m_literal = re.compile(r'= (0x[0-9a-f]+|-?[0-9]+|\'.\')').search(rest) 142 rest = rest[(len(m_literal.group(0))):] 146 if rest.startswith('= k'): 150 if rest.startswith(','): 151 rest = rest[1:] 152 rest = rest.strip( [all...] |
/external/chromium-trace/catapult/third_party/gsutil/third_party/pyasn1-modules/tools/ |
crldump.py | 26 key, rest = decoder.decode(substrate, asn1Spec=asn1Spec) 28 if rest: substrate = substrate[:-len(rest)]
pkcs10dump.py | 27 cert, rest = decoder.decode(substrate, asn1Spec=certType) 29 if rest: substrate = substrate[:-len(rest)]
pkcs1dump.py | 30 key, rest = decoder.decode(substrate, asn1Spec=asn1Spec) 32 if rest: substrate = substrate[:-len(rest)]
pkcs8dump.py | 29 key, rest = decoder.decode(substrate, asn1Spec=asn1Spec) 31 if rest: substrate = substrate[:-len(rest)]
x509dump.py | 28 cert, rest = decoder.decode(substrate, asn1Spec=certType) 30 if rest: substrate = substrate[:-len(rest)]