/external/google-breakpad/src/testing/gtest/test/ |
gtest-linked_ptr_test.cc | 80 // Use explicit function call notation here to suppress self-assign warning.
/external/google-tv-pairing-protocol/java/src/com/google/polo/wire/json/ |
JsonWireAdapter.java | 35 * A {@link PoloWireInterface} which uses JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) for
/external/gtest/test/ |
gtest-linked_ptr_test.cc | 80 // Use explicit function call notation here to suppress self-assign warning.
/external/harfbuzz_ng/test/shaping/ |
record-test.sh | 29 echo "Too many arguments found... Use '=' notation for options: '$arg'" >&2
/external/jacoco/org.jacoco.agent.rt/src/org/jacoco/agent/rt/internal/ |
CoverageTransformer.java | 64 // Class names will be reported in VM notation:
/external/jacoco/org.jacoco.report/src/org/jacoco/report/xml/ |
report.dtd | 42 <!-- package name in VM notation -->
/external/llvm/docs/HistoricalNotes/ |
2001-02-06-TypeNotationDebateResp1.txt | 4 Subject: RE: Type notation debate...
/external/llvm/tools/llvm-c-test/ |
calc.c | 12 |* notation and prints a module with a function with the expression. *|
/external/ppp/pppd/ |
srp-entry.8 | 36 password salt. These latter two values are encoded in base64 notation.
/external/selinux/libsepol/include/sepol/policydb/ |
conditional.h | 44 * in reverse polish notation.
/external/selinux/policycoreutils/mcstrans/man/man8/ |
setrans.conf.8 | 9 readable form by the mcstransd daemon. The default policies support 16 sensitivity levels (s0 through s15) and 1024 categories (c0 through c1023). Multiple categories can be separated with commas (c0,c1,c3,c5) and a range of categories can be shortened using dot notation (c0.c3,c5).
/external/v8/src/compiler/arm64/ |
instruction-codes-arm64.h | 152 // We use the following local notation for addressing modes:
/external/v8/src/compiler/ia32/ |
instruction-codes-ia32.h | 110 // We use the following local notation for addressing modes:
/external/v8/src/compiler/x64/ |
instruction-codes-x64.h | 144 // We use the following local notation for addressing modes:
/external/vulkan-validation-layers/tests/gtest-1.7.0/test/ |
gtest-linked_ptr_test.cc | 80 // Use explicit function call notation here to suppress self-assign warning.
/external/webrtc/webrtc/common_audio/resampler/ |
resampler_unittest.cc | 39 // Not the most compact notation, for clarity.
/external/webrtc/webrtc/modules/audio_processing/transient/ |
wpd_tree.h | 58 // Notation: (Level, Index of node in that level).
/libcore/dom/src/test/java/org/w3c/domts/level1/core/ |
hc_nodevalue08.java | 31 * An notation is accessed, setNodeValue is called with a non-null argument, but getNodeValue
hc_notationsremovenameditem1.java | 31 * An attempt to add remove an notation should result in a NO_MODIFICATION_ERR.
nodevalue08.java | 31 * An notation is accessed, setNodeValue is called with a non-null argument, but getNodeValue
/libcore/dom/src/test/java/org/w3c/domts/level2/core/ |
hc_notationsremovenameditemns1.java | 31 * An attempt to add remove an notation using removeNamedItemNS should result in
/libcore/luni/src/main/java/org/w3c/dom/ |
DocumentType.java | 53 * the <code>Notation</code> interface.
/libcore/luni/src/main/java/org/w3c/dom/ls/ |
LSSerializerFilter.java | 24 * <code>DocumentFragment</code>, <code>Notation</code>, <code>Entity</code>
/libcore/luni/src/test/java/tests/org/w3c/dom/ |
DocumentImportNode.java | 570 // Notation notation1; 571 // Notation notation2; 590 // notation1 = (Notation) nodeMap.getNamedItem("notation1"); 591 // notation2 = (Notation) nodeMap.getNamedItem("notation2");
/ndk/sources/host-tools/make-3.81/po/ |
Makevars | 46 # - Strings which make invalid assumptions about notation of date, time or