/packages/apps/Gallery2/res/layout/ |
photo_module.xml | 17 <!-- This layout is shared by phone and tablet in both landscape and portrait
/packages/apps/Launcher2/res/values-sw720dp-port/ |
dimens.xml | 25 <!-- We can also afford to have a slightly wider portrait layout in
/frameworks/base/core/java/android/print/ |
PrintAttributes.java | 151 * are <em>not</em> rotated, i.e. they are the same for both portrait and 168 * are <em>not</em> rotated, i.e. they are the same for both portrait and 210 * Gets whether this print attributes are in portrait orientation, 211 * which is the media size is in portrait and all orientation dependent 214 * @return Whether this print attributes are in portrait. 252 * Gets a new print attributes instance which is in portrait orientation, 253 * which is the media size is in portrait and all orientation dependent 256 * @return New instance in portrait orientation if this one is in 295 * portrait, otherwise this instance. 417 ? "portrait" : "landscape") [all...] |
/external/libexif/libexif/pentax/ |
mnote-pentax-entry.c | 166 {5, N_("Portrait")}, 178 {30, N_("Self portrait")}, 291 {5, 0, N_("Portrait")}, 294 {5, 1, N_("Portrait")}, 300 {5, 2, N_("Portrait")},
/sdk/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.adt/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/configuration/ |
ConfigurationMatcher.java | 729 so1 = ScreenOrientation.PORTRAIT; 735 so2 = ScreenOrientation.PORTRAIT; [all...] |
/packages/apps/UnifiedEmail/src/com/android/mail/ui/ |
TwoPaneLayout.java | 62 * are visible. This is the case in both portrait and landscape 65 * conversation view is visible. This is the case in both portrait and landscape. 179 // The conversation list might be visible now, depending on the layout: in portrait we 285 // set the default translation for portrait mode. 359 * move to cover/uncover the drawer. The drawer only moves in portrait from TL -> CV. 719 * This is only called in portrait mode since only view mode changes in portrait mode affect [all...] |
/packages/inputmethods/OpenWnn/src/jp/co/omronsoft/openwnn/ |
DefaultSoftKeyboard.java | 177 * Keyboard[language][portrait/landscape][keyboard type][shift off/on][key-mode] 191 /* portrait/landscape */ 194 /** Display mode (Portrait) */ 195 public static final int PORTRAIT = 0; 369 * Keyboard[# of Languages][portrait/landscape][# of keyboard type] 597 ? LANDSCAPE : PORTRAIT; 601 * To re-display the input view when the display mode is changed portrait <-> landscape, [all...] |
/frameworks/base/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/recents/views/ |
TaskViewThumbnail.java | 143 // Portrait thumbnail on a landscape task view 149 // Landscape thumbnail on a portrait task view 242 // view size to match other portrait screenshots
/frameworks/base/docs/html/guide/topics/manifest/ |
activity-element.jd | 40 "landscape" | "portrait" | 285 configuration, because it also changes when a device switches between portrait and landscape 291 landscape and portrait. However, if your application targets API level 12 or lower, then your [all...] |
/development/ndk/platforms/android-18/samples/gles3jni/jni/ |
gles3jni.h | 52 // portrait: [-1/(2*h/w) .. 1/(2*h/w)] x [-1 .. 1]
/device/moto/shamu/camera/QCamera/HAL/core/src/ |
QCameraParameters.cpp | 199 static const char* portrait = "portrait"; member in namespace:android 214 if (orientation && !strcmp(orientation, portrait)) 221 set("orientation", portrait);
/external/libgdx/backends/gdx-backends-gwt/src/com/badlogic/gdx/backends/gwt/ |
GwtGraphics.java | 40 LANDSCAPE("landscape"), PORTRAIT("portrait"), PORTRAIT_PRIMARY("portrait-primary"), PORTRAIT_SECONDARY( 41 "portrait-secondary"), LANDSCAPE_PRIMARY("landscape-primary"), LANDSCAPE_SECONDARY("landscape-secondary");
/external/libyuv/files/docs/ |
rotation.md | 3 Rotation by multiplies of 90 degrees allows mobile devices to rotate webcams from landscape to portrait. The higher level functions ConvertToI420 and ConvertToARGB allow rotation of any format. Optimized functionality is supported for I420, ARGB, NV12 and NV21.
/external/sl4a/ScriptingLayerForAndroid/res/values/ |
arrays.xml | 51 <item>Force portrait</item>
/external/webrtc/webrtc/modules/video_coding/utility/ |
quality_scaler.cc | 20 // portrait and landscape mode.
/frameworks/base/core/res/res/values-land/ |
dimens.xml | 61 Landscape's layout allows this to be smaller than for portrait. -->
/frameworks/base/docs/html/training/swipe/ |
index.jd | 65 <!-- Preferred video size 216x384 (portrait) -->
/frameworks/native/data/etc/ |
tablet_core_hardware.xml | 36 <feature name="android.hardware.screen.portrait" />
/frameworks/support/core-utils/kitkat/android/support/v4/print/ |
PrintHelperKitkat.java | 74 * select portrait 153 * or portrait {@link #ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT} 186 * Check if the supplied bitmap should best be printed on a portrait orientation paper. 189 * @return true iff the picture should best be printed on a portrait orientation paper.
/packages/apps/Calculator/res/values-port/ |
styles.xml | 18 <!-- Styles for portrait phone (e.g. Nexus 4/5). -->
/packages/apps/Camera2/src/com/android/camera/module/ |
ModuleController.java | 80 * @param isLandscape Whether the new orientation is landscape or portrait.
/packages/apps/DevCamera/src/com/android/devcamera/ |
CameraInterface.java | 38 * portrait-native.
/packages/apps/ExactCalculator/res/values-port/ |
styles.xml | 18 <!-- Styles for portrait phone (e.g. Nexus 4/5). -->
/packages/apps/ExactCalculator/res/values-sw600dp-port/ |
styles.xml | 19 <!-- Styles for portrait 600dip-wide tablet (e.g. Nexus 7). -->
/packages/apps/Settings/res/layout/ |
choose_lock_pattern_common.xml | 18 <!-- Used in phone portrait and tablet, as referenced in alias.xml. -->