/device/linaro/hikey/overlay/frameworks/base/packages/SettingsProvider/res/values/ |
defaults.xml | 3 <integer name="def_screen_off_timeout">-1</integer>
/packages/apps/UnifiedEmail/res/values/ |
progress_dialog_values.xml | 19 <integer name="html_conv_progress_display_time">600</integer> 20 <integer name="html_conv_progress_wait_time">600</integer> 21 <integer name="batch_progress_display_time">500</integer> 22 <integer name="batch_progress_wait_time">750</integer>
/packages/apps/Calendar/res/values/ |
integers.xml | 16 <integer name="text_size_event_title">14</integer> 18 <integer name="text_size_month_number">14</integer> 20 <integer name="event_info_desc_line_num">8</integer> 22 <integer name="noresponse_attendee_photo_alpha_level">64</integer> 24 <integer name="default_attendee_photo_alpha_level">255</integer> [all...] |
/external/autotest/tko/migrations/ |
009_add_test_labels.py | 3 `id` integer AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, 9 `id` integer AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, 10 `testlabel_id` integer NOT NULL REFERENCES `test_labels` (`id`), 11 `test_id` integer NOT NULL REFERENCES `tests` (`test_idx`),
/external/jsoncpp/test/data/ |
test_real_02.expected | 1 // -2^32 => out of signed integer range, switch to double
test_real_03.expected | 1 // -2^32 => out of signed integer range, switch to double
/external/testng/src/test/java/test/dataprovider/ |
FailedDataProviderSample.java | 9 return new Integer[][] { 10 new Integer[] { 1 }, 11 new Integer[] { 2 }, 12 new Integer[] { 3 },
/frameworks/base/tools/layoutlib/bridge/tests/res/testApp/MyApplication/src/main/res/values/ |
attrs.xml | 3 <attr name="myattr" format="integer" />
/prebuilts/go/darwin-x86/test/fixedbugs/ |
bug205.go | 14 println(t["hi"]); // ERROR "non-integer slice index|must be integer" 15 println(s["hi"]); // ERROR "non-integer string index|must be integer"
/prebuilts/go/linux-x86/test/fixedbugs/ |
bug205.go | 14 println(t["hi"]); // ERROR "non-integer slice index|must be integer" 15 println(s["hi"]); // ERROR "non-integer string index|must be integer"
/external/clang/test/Analysis/ |
bug_hash_test.cpp | 74 // CHECK-NEXT: <key>line</key><integer>5</integer> 75 // CHECK-NEXT: <key>col</key><integer>3</integer> 76 // CHECK-NEXT: <key>file</key><integer>0</integer> 79 // CHECK-NEXT: <key>line</key><integer>5</integer> 80 // CHECK-NEXT: <key>col</key><integer>8</integer> [all...] |
/cts/tests/tests/appwidget/res/values/ |
constants.xml | 27 <integer name="first_update_period_millis">86400000</integer> 29 <integer name="first_resize_mode">3</integer> 31 <integer name="first_widget_category">3</integer> 41 <integer name="second_update_period_millis">86500000</integer> 43 <integer name="second_resize_mode">1</integer> [all...] |
/external/chromium-trace/catapult/third_party/gsutil/third_party/pyasn1-modules/pyasn1_modules/ |
rfc3447.py | 13 namedtype.NamedType('prime', univ.Integer()), 14 namedtype.NamedType('exponent', univ.Integer()), 15 namedtype.NamedType('coefficient', univ.Integer()) 25 namedtype.NamedType('version', univ.Integer(namedValues=namedval.NamedValues(('two-prime', 0), ('multi', 1)))), 26 namedtype.NamedType('modulus', univ.Integer()), 27 namedtype.NamedType('publicExponent', univ.Integer()), 28 namedtype.NamedType('privateExponent', univ.Integer()), 29 namedtype.NamedType('prime1', univ.Integer()), 30 namedtype.NamedType('prime2', univ.Integer()), 31 namedtype.NamedType('exponent1', univ.Integer()), [all...] |
/external/clang/test/Modules/Inputs/ |
macros.h | 2 #define INTEGER(X) int 6 #__public_macro INTEGER 10 int (INTEGER);
/frameworks/base/packages/PrintSpooler/res/values/ |
constants.xml | 19 <integer name="page_option_value_all">0</integer> 20 <integer name="page_option_value_page_range">1</integer> 22 <integer name="preview_page_per_row_count">1</integer> 24 <integer-array name="page_options_values"> 25 <item>@integer/page_option_value_all</item> 26 <item>@integer/page_option_value_page_range</item> 27 </integer-array [all...] |
/libcore/luni/src/test/java/libcore/java/util/function/ |
BiFunctionTest.java | 27 BiFunction<Integer, Integer, Integer> add = (x, y) -> x + y; 28 Function<Integer, String> toString = i -> Integer.toString(i); 33 BiFunction<Integer, Integer, Integer> add = (x, y) -> x + y; 41 BiFunction<Integer, Integer, Integer> toNull = (x, y) -> null [all...] |
/external/guava/guava-tests/test/com/google/common/collect/ |
FilteredCollectionsTest.java | 42 private static final Predicate<Integer> EVEN = new Predicate<Integer>() { 44 public boolean apply(Integer input) { 49 private static final Predicate<Integer> PRIME_DIGIT = 52 private static final ImmutableList<? extends List<Integer>> SAMPLE_INPUTS = 53 ImmutableList.of(ImmutableList.<Integer>of(), 68 public static abstract class AbstractFilteredIterableTest<C extends Iterable<Integer>> 70 abstract C createUnfiltered(Iterable<Integer> contents); 72 abstract C filter(C elements, Predicate<? super Integer> predicate); 75 for (List<Integer> contents : SAMPLE_INPUTS) [all...] |
TreeRangeMapTest.java | 47 suite.addTest(MapTestSuiteBuilder.using(new TestMapGenerator<Range<Integer>, String>() { 49 public SampleElements<Entry<Range<Integer>, String>> samples() { 50 return new SampleElements<Entry<Range<Integer>, String>>( 59 public Map<Range<Integer>, String> create(Object... elements) { 60 RangeMap<Integer, String> rangeMap = TreeRangeMap.create(); 63 Entry<Range<Integer>, String> entry = (Entry<Range<Integer>, String>) o; 71 public Entry<Range<Integer>, String>[] createArray(int length) { 76 public Iterable<Entry<Range<Integer>, String>> order( 77 List<Entry<Range<Integer>, String>> insertionOrder) [all...] |
/external/autotest/frontend/migrations/ |
032_add_recurring_run.py | 9 `id` integer AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, 10 `job_id` integer NOT NULL REFERENCES `jobs` (`id`), 11 `owner_id` integer NOT NULL REFERENCES `users` (`id`), 13 `loop_period` integer NOT NULL, 14 `loop_count` integer NOT NULL
/external/snakeyaml/src/test/java/org/yaml/snakeyaml/types/ |
IntTagTest.java | 28 assertEquals(new Integer(685230), getMapValue("canonical: 685230", "canonical")); 29 assertEquals(new Integer(685230), getMapValue("number: 685_230", "number")); 30 assertEquals(new Integer(685230), getMapValue("decimal: +685230", "decimal")); 31 assertEquals(new Integer(-685230), getMapValue("number: -685230", "number")); 32 assertEquals(new Integer(685230), getMapValue("octal: 02472256", "octal")); 33 assertEquals(new Integer(685230), getMapValue("hexadecimal: 0x_0A_74_AE", "hexadecimal")); 34 assertEquals(new Integer(685230), 36 assertEquals(new Integer(685230), getMapValue("sexagesimal: 190:20:30", "sexagesimal")); 37 assertEquals(new Integer(0), load("0")); 38 assertEquals(new Integer(0), load("-0")) [all...] |
/external/testng/src/test/java/test/factory/ |
FactoryTest2.java | 14 private static Map<Integer, Integer> m_numbers = new HashMap<>(); 21 public static Map<Integer, Integer> getNumbers() { 31 Integer n = m_number;
FactoryWithInstanceInfoTest2.java | 14 private static Map<Integer, Integer> m_numbers = new HashMap<>(); 21 public static Map<Integer, Integer> getNumbers() { 31 Integer n = m_number;
/external/v8/src/snapshot/ |
snapshot-source-sink.cc | 22 void SnapshotByteSink::PutInt(uintptr_t integer, const char* description) { 23 DCHECK(integer < 1 << 30); 24 integer <<= 2; 26 if (integer > 0xff) bytes = 2; 27 if (integer > 0xffff) bytes = 3; 28 if (integer > 0xffffff) bytes = 4; 29 integer |= (bytes - 1); 30 Put(static_cast<int>(integer & 0xff), "IntPart1"); 31 if (bytes > 1) Put(static_cast<int>((integer >> 8) & 0xff), "IntPart2"); 32 if (bytes > 2) Put(static_cast<int>((integer >> 16) & 0xff), "IntPart3") [all...] |
/frameworks/base/media/tests/MediaFrameworkTest/src/com/android/mediaframeworktest/unit/ |
CameraUtilsTypeReferenceTest.java | 39 private class SpecificClass extends GenericClass<Integer> {} 48 implements GenericInterface<Integer>, GenericInterface2<T> {} 106 TypeReference<Integer> typeRefInt = new TypeReference<Integer>() {{ }}; 107 TypeReference<Integer> typeRefInt2 = new TypeReference<Integer>() {{ }}; 110 assertEquals("The type ref's captured type should be the Integer class", 111 Integer.class, typeRefInt.getType()); 114 assertFalse("Integer/Float type references must not be equal", 120 TypeReference<Integer> typeRefTypeVar = createTypeRefWithTypeVar() [all...] |
/external/guava/guava-tests/test/com/google/common/cache/ |
CacheBuilderGwtTest.java | 57 final Cache<Integer, Integer> cache = CacheBuilder.newBuilder() 60 Callable<Integer> loader = new Callable<Integer>() { 64 public Integer call() throws Exception { 71 assertEquals(Integer.valueOf(10), cache.get(0, loader)); 72 assertEquals(Integer.valueOf(1), cache.get(20, loader)); 73 assertEquals(Integer.valueOf(2), cache.get(34, loader)); 76 assertEquals(Integer.valueOf(3), cache.get(0, loader)); 80 assertEquals(Integer.valueOf(4), cache.get(0, loader)) [all...] |