/device/asus/fugu/libaudio/ |
AudioStreamOut.cpp | 424 ALOGW("getPresentationPosition: RETROGRADE timestamp, diff = %" PRId64,
/device/generic/goldfish/camera/ |
EmulatedFakeCamera2.cpp | [all...] |
EmulatedFakeCamera3.cpp | [all...] |
/external/vixl/src/vixl/a64/ |
instrument-a64.cc | 217 fprintf(output_stream_, "# %c%c @ %" PRId64 "\n", marker & 0xff,
/frameworks/av/cmds/stagefright/ |
mediafilter.cpp | 651 printf("track %zu: %" PRId64 " frames decoded and filtered, "
/frameworks/av/media/libmediaplayerservice/nuplayer/ |
NuPlayerCCDecoder.cpp | 505 ALOGV("cc for timestamp %" PRId64 " not found", timeUs);
/frameworks/av/media/mtp/ |
MtpProperty.cpp | 407 buffer.appendFormat("%" PRId64, value.u.i64);
/frameworks/av/media/ndk/ |
NdkMediaCodec.cpp | 363 ALOGV("render @ %" PRId64, timestampNs);
/frameworks/base/media/jni/ |
android_media_MediaRecorder.cpp | 323 sprintf(params, "max-filesize=%" PRId64, max_filesize_bytes);
/frameworks/wilhelm/src/android/ |
android_GenericPlayer.cpp | 171 SL_LOGE("GenericPlayer::seek error, can't seek to negative time %" PRId64 "ms", timeMsec);
/hardware/libhardware/modules/vehicle/ |
vehicle.c | 243 ALOGI("vdev_get, type 0x%x, time %" PRId64 ", value_type %d", data->prop, data->timestamp,
/art/dexdump/ |
dexdump.cc | 713 fprintf(gOutFile, " v%d, #long %" PRId64 " // #%x", [all...] |
/external/ltrace/ |
ltrace-elf.c | 274 debug(1, "Not enough data to read %"PRId64"-byte value" 275 " at offset %"PRId64".", size, offset); [all...] |
/external/tcpdump/ |
print-nfs.c | 728 ND_PRINT((ndo, " %u bytes @ %" PRId64, 755 ND_PRINT((ndo, " %u bytes @ %" PRId64, [all...] |
/frameworks/native/services/sensorservice/ |
SensorService.cpp | [all...] |
/frameworks/native/services/surfaceflinger/DisplayHardware/ |
HWC2.cpp | 154 ALOGE("~Device: Found a display (%" PRId64 " that has already been" 302 ALOGE_IF(!strongDisplay, "Display %" PRId64 " is in mDisplays but is no" [all...] |
HWComposer_hwc1.cpp | 293 ALOGW("Ignoring duplicate VSYNC event from HWC (t=%" PRId64 ")", [all...] |
/external/libvpx/libvpx/vp9/encoder/ |
vp9_encoder.c | [all...] |
/frameworks/base/rs/jni/ |
android_renderscript_RenderScript.cpp | [all...] |
/hardware/qcom/wlan/qcwcn/wifi_hal/ |
gscan.cpp | [all...] |
/external/selinux/libsepol/cil/src/ |
cil_policy.c | 240 fprintf(file_arr[NETIFCONS], "iomemcon %"PRId64"-%"PRId64" ", iomemcon->iomem_low, iomemcon->iomem_high); [all...] |
cil_tree.c | [all...] |
/frameworks/av/services/camera/libcameraservice/api1/ |
Camera2Client.cpp | 184 result.appendFormat(" GPS timestamp: %" PRId64 "\n", [all...] |
/frameworks/native/cmds/installd/ |
commands.cpp | 533 ALOGI("free_cache(%" PRId64 ") avail %" PRId64 "\n", free_size, avail); [all...] |
/system/netd/server/ |
CommandListener.cpp | 930 asprintf(&msg, "%" PRId64, bytes) [all...] |