/packages/apps/Gallery2/src/com/android/gallery3d/gadget/ |
WidgetSource.java | 20 import android.net.Uri; 27 public Uri getContentUri(int index);
/packages/apps/Gallery2/src_pd/com/android/gallery3d/app/ |
StitchingProgressManager.java | 19 import android.net.Uri; 31 public Integer getProgress(Uri uri) {
/packages/apps/QuickSearchBox/src/com/android/quicksearchbox/ |
IconLoader.java | 23 import android.net.Uri; 37 * treated as a Uri and opened with 38 * {@link ContentResolver#openOutputStream(android.net.Uri, String)}. 52 * Converts a drawable ID to a Uri that can be used from other packages. 54 Uri getIconUri(String drawableId);
/packages/apps/QuickSearchBox/tests/src/com/android/quicksearchbox/tests/ |
CrashingIconProvider.java | 21 import android.net.Uri; 42 public ParcelFileDescriptor openFile(Uri uri, String mode) { 43 if (DBG) Log.d(TAG, "openFile(" + uri + ", " + mode + ")"); 48 public int delete(Uri uri, String selection, String[] selectionArgs) { 49 if (DBG) Log.d(TAG, "delete(" + uri + ", " + selection + ", " + selectionArgs + ")"); 54 public String getType(Uri uri) { 55 if (DBG) Log.d(TAG, "getType(" + uri + ")") [all...] |
/packages/apps/Messaging/src/com/android/messaging/util/ |
AvatarUriUtil.java | 19 import android.net.Uri; 20 import android.net.Uri.Builder; 31 * A helper utility for creating {@link android.net.Uri}s to describe what avatar to fetch or 32 * generate and will help verify and extract information from avatar {@link android.net.Uri}s. 34 * There are three types of avatar {@link android.net.Uri}. 37 * avatars uris are basically multiple avatar uri which can be any of the below types but not 38 * another group avatar. The group avatars can hold anywhere from two to four avatars uri and can 84 public static final Uri DEFAULT_BACKGROUND_AVATAR = new Uri.Builder().scheme(SCHEME) 87 private static final Uri BLANK_SIM_INDICATOR_INCOMING_URI = createSimIconUri("" 135 final Uri uri = avatarUris.get(i); local [all...] |
/developers/build/prebuilts/gradle/XYZTouristAttractions/Shared/src/main/java/com/example/android/xyztouristattractions/common/ |
Attraction.java | 20 import android.net.Uri; 32 public Uri imageUrl; 33 public Uri secondaryImageUrl; 43 public Attraction(String name, String description, String longDescription, Uri imageUrl, 44 Uri secondaryImageUrl, LatLng location, String city) {
/developers/samples/android/wearable/wear/XYZTouristAttractions/Shared/src/main/java/com/example/android/xyztouristattractions/common/ |
Attraction.java | 20 import android.net.Uri; 32 public Uri imageUrl; 33 public Uri secondaryImageUrl; 43 public Attraction(String name, String description, String longDescription, Uri imageUrl, 44 Uri secondaryImageUrl, LatLng location, String city) {
/development/samples/browseable/XYZTouristAttractions/Shared/src/com.example.android.xyztouristattractions.common/ |
Attraction.java | 20 import android.net.Uri; 32 public Uri imageUrl; 33 public Uri secondaryImageUrl; 43 public Attraction(String name, String description, String longDescription, Uri imageUrl, 44 Uri secondaryImageUrl, LatLng location, String city) {
/external/glide/library/src/main/java/com/bumptech/glide/load/model/stream/ |
MediaStoreStreamLoader.java | 4 import android.net.Uri; 16 * thumbnail size. If the given uri is not a media store uri or if the desired dimensions are too large, 20 public class MediaStoreStreamLoader implements ModelLoader<Uri, InputStream> { 22 private final ModelLoader<Uri, InputStream> uriLoader; 24 public MediaStoreStreamLoader(Context context, ModelLoader<Uri, InputStream> uriLoader) { 30 public DataFetcher<InputStream> getResourceFetcher(Uri model, int width, int height) {
/frameworks/support/v13/api25/android/support/v13/view/inputmethod/ |
InputContentInfoCompatApi25.java | 20 import android.net.Uri; 26 public static Object create(Uri contentUri, ClipDescription description, Uri linkUri) { 30 public static Uri getContentUri(Object inputContentInfo) { 38 public static Uri getLinkUri(Object inputContentInfo) {
/frameworks/opt/telephony/src/java/com/google/android/mms/util/ |
PduCache.java | 22 import android.net.Uri; 29 public final class PduCache extends AbstractCache<Uri, PduCacheEntry> { 74 private final HashMap<Integer, HashSet<Uri>> mMessageBoxes; 75 private final HashMap<Long, HashSet<Uri>> mThreads; 76 private final HashSet<Uri> mUpdating; 79 mMessageBoxes = new HashMap<Integer, HashSet<Uri>>(); 80 mThreads = new HashMap<Long, HashSet<Uri>>(); 81 mUpdating = new HashSet<Uri>(); 95 synchronized public boolean put(Uri uri, PduCacheEntry entry) [all...] |
/packages/apps/Messaging/src/com/android/messaging/mmslib/util/ |
PduCache.java | 22 import android.net.Uri; 30 public final class PduCache extends AbstractCache<Uri, PduCacheEntry> { 74 private final SparseArray<HashSet<Uri>> mMessageBoxes; 75 private final SimpleArrayMap<Long, HashSet<Uri>> mThreads; 76 private final HashSet<Uri> mUpdating; 79 mMessageBoxes = new SparseArray<HashSet<Uri>>(); 80 mThreads = new SimpleArrayMap<Long, HashSet<Uri>>(); 81 mUpdating = new HashSet<Uri>(); 95 public synchronized boolean put(Uri uri, PduCacheEntry entry) [all...] |
/frameworks/base/core/java/android/service/carrier/ |
ICarrierMessagingService.aidl | 19 import android.net.Uri; 91 * @param pduUri the content provider URI of the PDU to send 93 * @param location the optional URI to send this MMS PDU. If this is {code null}, 97 void sendMms(in Uri pduUri, int subId, in Uri location, 105 * @param pduUri the content provider URI of the PDU to be downloaded. 107 * @param location the URI of the message to be downloaded. 110 void downloadMms(in Uri pduUri, int subId, in Uri location,
/packages/apps/TvSettings/Settings/src/com/android/tv/settings/util/ |
UriUtils.java | 23 import android.net.Uri; 45 * get resource uri representation for a resource of a package 52 * get resource uri representation for a resource 61 * Gets a URI with short cut icon scheme. 63 public static Uri getShortcutIconResourceUri(ShortcutIconResource iconResource) { 64 return Uri.parse(SCHEME_SHORTCUT_ICON_RESOURCE + SCHEME_DELIMITER + iconResource.packageName 70 * Checks if the URI refers to an Android resource. 72 public static boolean isAndroidResourceUri(Uri uri) { 73 return ContentResolver.SCHEME_ANDROID_RESOURCE.equals(uri.getScheme()) [all...] |
/packages/apps/UnifiedEmail/tests/src/com/android/mail/providers/protos/mock/ |
MockUiProviderTests.java | 25 import android.net.Uri; 52 // Get the starting Uri 53 final Uri accountUri = MockUiProvider.getAccountsUri(); 60 final Uri accountsUri = MockUiProvider.getAccountsUri(); 64 ArrayList<Uri> folderUris = new ArrayList<Uri>(); 66 Uri foldersUri; 69 // Verify that we can get the folders URI. 70 foldersUri = Uri.parse(cursor.getString(folderUriIndex)); 76 ArrayList<Uri> childUris = new ArrayList<Uri>() [all...] |
/cts/hostsidetests/appsecurity/test-apps/SplitApp/feature/src/com/android/cts/splitapp/ |
FeatureProvider.java | 22 import android.net.Uri; 61 public Cursor query(Uri uri, String[] projection, String selection, String[] selectionArgs, 67 public String getType(Uri uri) { 72 public Uri insert(Uri uri, ContentValues values) { 77 public int delete(Uri uri, String selection, String[] selectionArgs) [all...] |
/cts/hostsidetests/services/windowmanager/dndsourceapp/src/android/wm/cts/dndsourceapp/ |
DragSourceContentProvider.java | 23 import android.net.Uri; 43 public Cursor query(Uri uri, String[] projection, String selection, String[] selectionArgs, 45 switch (sMatcher.match(uri)) { 47 return new DragSourceCursor(uri.getLastPathSegment()); 53 public String getType(Uri uri) { 58 public Uri insert(Uri uri, ContentValues values) [all...] |
/cts/tests/tests/net/src/android/net/cts/ |
Uri_BuilderTest.java | 20 import android.net.Uri.Builder; 21 import android.net.Uri; 25 Uri uri = Uri.parse("http://google.com/p1?query#fragment"); local 26 Builder builder = uri.buildUpon(); 27 uri = builder.appendPath("p2").build(); 28 assertEquals("http", uri.getScheme()); 29 assertEquals("google.com", uri.getAuthority()); 30 assertEquals("/p1/p2", uri.getPath()) [all...] |
/external/robolectric/v1/src/test/java/com/xtremelabs/robolectric/shadows/ |
ContentProviderTest.java | 14 import android.net.Uri; 24 public int delete(Uri arg0, String arg1, String[] arg2) { 29 public String getType(Uri arg0) { 34 public Uri insert(Uri arg0, ContentValues arg1) { 44 public Cursor query(Uri arg0, String[] arg1, String arg2, 50 public int update(Uri arg0, ContentValues arg1, String arg2,
ContentUrisTest.java | 4 import android.net.Uri; 15 Uri URI; 19 URI = Uri.parse("content://foo.com"); 23 assertThat(ContentUris.withAppendedId(URI, 1), 24 is(Uri.parse("content://foo.com/1"))); 33 assertThat(ContentUris.parseId(Uri.withAppendedPath(URI, "1")), is(1L)); 34 assertThat(ContentUris.parseId(URI), is(-1L)) [all...] |
/external/svox/pico/src/com/svox/pico/providers/ |
SettingsProvider.java | 22 import android.net.Uri;
61 public int delete(Uri uri, String selection, String[] selectionArgs) {
66 public String getType(Uri uri) {
71 public Uri insert(Uri uri, ContentValues values) {
81 public Cursor query(Uri uri, String[] projection, String selection, String[] selectionArgs, [all...] |
/frameworks/base/tests/ActivityTests/src/com/google/android/test/activity/ |
SingleUserProvider.java | 22 import android.net.Uri; 35 public Cursor query(Uri uri, String[] projection, String selection, String[] selectionArgs, 41 public String getType(Uri uri) { 46 public Uri insert(Uri uri, ContentValues values) { 51 public int delete(Uri uri, String selection, String[] selectionArgs) [all...] |
/packages/apps/Launcher2/src/com/android/launcher2/ |
LauncherSettings.java | 19 import android.net.Uri; 100 static final Uri CONTENT_URI = Uri.parse("content://" + 105 * The content:// style URL for this table. When this Uri is used, no notification is 108 static final Uri CONTENT_URI_NO_NOTIFICATION = Uri.parse("content://" + 120 static Uri getContentUri(long id, boolean notify) { 121 return Uri.parse("content://" + LauncherProvider.AUTHORITY + 229 * The URI associated with the favorite. It is used, for instance, by 233 static final String URI = "uri" [all...] |
/packages/apps/QuickSearchBox/tests/slow/src/com/android/quicksearchbox/tests/slow/ |
SlowSuggestionProvider.java | 25 import android.net.Uri; 46 public Cursor query(Uri uri, String[] projectionIn, String selection, 48 Log.d(TAG, "query(" + uri + ")"); 70 public String getType(Uri uri) { 75 public Uri insert(Uri uri, ContentValues values) { 80 public int update(Uri uri, ContentValues values, String selection [all...] |
/packages/apps/QuickSearchBox/tests/spammy/src/com/android/quicksearchbox/tests/spammy/ |
SpammySuggestionProvider.java | 25 import android.net.Uri; 46 public Cursor query(Uri uri, String[] projectionIn, String selection, 48 Log.d(TAG, "query(" + uri + ")"); 64 public String getType(Uri uri) { 69 public Uri insert(Uri uri, ContentValues values) { 74 public int update(Uri uri, ContentValues values, String selection [all...] |