/frameworks/native/opengl/libagl/ |
light.cpp | 68 c->lighting.lights[i].ambient.a = 0x10000; 69 c->lighting.lights[i].position.z = 0x10000; 70 c->lighting.lights[i].spotDir.z = -0x10000; 71 c->lighting.lights[i].spotCutoff = gglIntToFixed(180); 72 c->lighting.lights[i].attenuation[0] = 0x10000; 74 init_white(c->lighting.lights[0].diffuse); 75 init_white(c->lighting.lights[0].specular); 77 c->lighting.front.ambient.r = 78 c->lighting.front.ambient.g = 79 c->lighting.front.ambient.b = gglFloatToFixed(0.2f) [all...] |
light.h | 26 // Set to 1 for object-space lighting evaluation. 27 // There are still some bugs with object-space lighting,
/external/libgdx/tests/gdx-tests-android/assets/data/g3d/shaders/ |
mrtscene.frag | 40 vec3 lighting = diffuse.xyz * 0.3; //ambient 68 lighting += (pointdiffuse + pointSpec) * diffuse.xyz; 82 lighting += global + specularglobal; 84 fragColor = vec4(lighting, 1.0);
lights.glsl | 10 // Declare all lighting uniforms 16 // Declare methods for the default lighting algorithm
/cts/tests/openglperf2/assets/fragment/ |
perspective | 21 // Get a lighting direction vector from the light to the vertex. 25 // Add ambient lighting
water | 28 // Get a lighting direction vector from the light to the vertex. 32 // Add ambient lighting
/external/libgdx/tests/gdx-tests/src/com/badlogic/gdx/tests/g3d/ |
ModelCacheTest.java | 32 batch.render(modelCache, lighting ? environment : null); 35 batch.render(instances, lighting ? environment : null);
Benchmark3DTest.java | 67 protected boolean lighting; field in class:Benchmark3DTest 81 lighting = true; 107 lightingCheckBox = new CheckBox("Lighting", skin); 108 lightingCheckBox.setChecked(lighting); 112 lighting = lightingCheckBox.isChecked(); 217 if (lighting) {
/hardware/bsp/intel/peripheral/libupm/examples/javascript/ |
my9221.js | 37 // between each LED lighting. After the LED has reached the last light 61 // Switch LED lighting directions between lighting cycles
/external/autotest/client/site_tests/graphics_SanAngeles/ |
control.hwqual | 22 basic features of OpenGL like vertex arrays, color arrays, and lighting. It
control | 24 basic features of OpenGL like vertex arrays, color arrays, and lighting. It
control.bvt-cq | 25 basic features of OpenGL like vertex arrays, color arrays, and lighting. It
/frameworks/base/core/res/res/values-television/ |
dimens.xml | 18 <!-- Lighting and shadow properties -->
/external/mesa3d/src/mesa/tnl/ |
NOTES | 4 lighting. 24 and lighting entirely: 81 ususally helpful when lighting is performed in software, but
/hardware/bsp/intel/peripheral/libupm/examples/python/ |
my9221.py | 58 # Switch LED lighting directions between lighting cycles
/external/autotest/test_suites/ |
control.camera_perbuild | 7 PURPOSE = "To run webrtc camera tests on devices with sufficient lighting."
/external/mesa3d/src/gallium/docs/source/ |
glossary.rst | 13 Transform, Clipping, & Lighting. The three stages of preparation in a
/frameworks/base/graphics/java/android/graphics/ |
EmbossMaskFilter.java | 26 * @param blurRadius amount to blur before applying lighting (e.g. 3)
/external/mesa3d/docs/ |
perf.html | 49 <li> Lighting is fastest when: 50 Two-sided lighting is disabled
/frameworks/rs/java/tests/VrDemo/ |
_index.html | 51 <dd>how much difuse lighting to apply to this materal 0-100</dd> 53 <dd>how much ambient lighting does this materal reflect 0-100</dd>
/hardware/bsp/intel/peripheral/libupm/src/grovecircularled/ |
grovecircularled.h | 79 * Sets the lighting status 94 * Sets the lighting status
/external/skia/include/effects/ |
SkBlurMaskFilter.h | 44 before applying lighting (e.g. 3)
/frameworks/base/tools/layoutlib/bridge/src/android/graphics/ |
LightingColorFilter_Delegate.java | 47 return "Lighting Color Filters are not supported.";
/external/mesa3d/src/mesa/math/ |
m_xform.h | 51 * backfaces and eliminate vertices from lighting, fogging, etc 65 * is disabled and we not lighting or are only lighting
/external/skia/samplecode/ |
SampleLighting.cpp | 62 SampleCode::TitleR(evt, "Lighting");