/external/bouncycastle/bcprov/src/main/java/org/bouncycastle/crypto/params/ |
AEADParameters.java | 9 private byte[] nonce; field in class:AEADParameters 18 * @param nonce nonce to be used 20 public AEADParameters(KeyParameter key, int macSize, byte[] nonce) 22 this(key, macSize, nonce, null); 30 * @param nonce nonce to be used 33 public AEADParameters(KeyParameter key, int macSize, byte[] nonce, byte[] associatedText) 36 this.nonce = nonce; [all...] |
/external/boringssl/src/crypto/cipher/test/ |
aes_128_ctr_hmac_sha256.txt | 2 NONCE: 10e0ecb00da5345127407150 9 NONCE: 58bddf96158a3a588bf3ec05 16 NONCE: bd6c80797f1f4c563b06fd3b 23 NONCE: 0f6472f1e589c16ca5ad45b2 30 NONCE: 1aecfc90d28bcdcc5a8e3578 37 NONCE: 6d04ed129299651aec0465f8 44 NONCE: 30681944cd5d78f46d36ed8a 51 NONCE: cc9d015a4b5a888b36b14d05 58 NONCE: 2b160d24df579836e1572ea2 65 NONCE: b94346c033ac1a3d709c4f0 [all...] |
aes_256_ctr_hmac_sha256.txt | 2 NONCE: b52227e92203630a79ec7f5c 9 NONCE: eabef87a00fd99ebb6ed6d25 16 NONCE: 34d049342b9db5ffa039eac0 23 NONCE: 3bee5ebcdfc72f4ab0023211 30 NONCE: 4fdce4e59bfdf5d9b57c78e9 37 NONCE: 9ff54bd7b10f4fdfd8db76c7 44 NONCE: 85b81732d2863b41d2551763 51 NONCE: 8da14a98ee741a5fce0de732 58 NONCE: a96bfb49f3a136840a0e32ff 65 NONCE: af0f57b55f1a73794b3ce5c [all...] |
chacha20_poly1305_old_tests.txt | 2 NONCE: 3de9c0da2bd7f91e 9 NONCE: 1e8b4c510f5ca083 16 NONCE: cd7cf67be39c794a 23 NONCE: 1d12d6d91848f2ea 30 NONCE: 2bca0e59e39508d3 37 NONCE: 13ce7382734c4a71 44 NONCE: 5d9856060c54ab06 51 NONCE: c7f2f7a233104a2d 58 NONCE: 88049f44ba61b88f 65 NONCE: 066215be6567377 [all...] |
aes_128_gcm_tests.txt | 5 NONCE: 3388c676dc754acfa66e172a 12 NONCE: dcf5b7ae2d7552e2297fcfa9 19 NONCE: f975809ddb5172382745634f 26 NONCE: 9d987184c4b4e873d4774931 33 NONCE: 08b7a15f388fafb16711ce19 40 NONCE: 6af0738b249d09547837883c 47 NONCE: 28ccf218e8de56ea91422a25 54 NONCE: 1ded022dbc56e9ad733e880f 61 NONCE: bbe8c571342cac7fcc5d66cd 68 NONCE: 319a210b33c523d8bc39fbe [all...] |
aes_128_cbc_sha1_ssl3_tests.txt | 12 NONCE: 23 NONCE: 33 NONCE: 43 NONCE: 51 NONCE: 59 NONCE: 67 NONCE: 75 NONCE: 83 NONCE: 91 NONCE: [all...] |
aes_128_cbc_sha1_tls_implicit_iv_tests.txt | 12 NONCE: 22 NONCE: 33 NONCE: 43 NONCE: 51 NONCE: 59 NONCE: 67 NONCE: 75 NONCE: 83 NONCE: 91 NONCE: [all...] |
aes_256_cbc_sha1_ssl3_tests.txt | 12 NONCE: 23 NONCE: 33 NONCE: 43 NONCE: 51 NONCE: 59 NONCE: 67 NONCE: 75 NONCE: 83 NONCE: 91 NONCE: [all...] |
aes_256_cbc_sha1_tls_implicit_iv_tests.txt | 12 NONCE: 22 NONCE: 33 NONCE: 43 NONCE: 51 NONCE: 59 NONCE: 67 NONCE: 75 NONCE: 83 NONCE: 91 NONCE: [all...] |
des_ede3_cbc_sha1_ssl3_tests.txt | 12 NONCE: 23 NONCE: 33 NONCE: 43 NONCE: 51 NONCE: 59 NONCE: 67 NONCE: 75 NONCE: 83 NONCE: 91 NONCE: [all...] |
des_ede3_cbc_sha1_tls_implicit_iv_tests.txt | 12 NONCE: 22 NONCE: 33 NONCE: 43 NONCE: 51 NONCE: 59 NONCE: 67 NONCE: 75 NONCE: 83 NONCE: 91 NONCE: [all...] |
rc4_md5_ssl3_tests.txt | 11 NONCE: 19 NONCE: 27 NONCE: 35 NONCE: 43 NONCE: 51 NONCE: 59 NONCE: 67 NONCE: 75 NONCE: 83 NONCE: [all...] |
rc4_md5_tls_tests.txt | 11 NONCE: 19 NONCE: 27 NONCE: 35 NONCE: 43 NONCE: 51 NONCE: 59 NONCE: 67 NONCE: 75 NONCE: 83 NONCE: [all...] |
rc4_sha1_ssl3_tests.txt | 11 NONCE: 19 NONCE: 27 NONCE: 35 NONCE: 43 NONCE: 51 NONCE: 59 NONCE: 67 NONCE: 75 NONCE: 83 NONCE: [all...] |
rc4_sha1_tls_tests.txt | 11 NONCE: 19 NONCE: 27 NONCE: 35 NONCE: 43 NONCE: 51 NONCE: 59 NONCE: 67 NONCE: 75 NONCE: 83 NONCE: [all...] |
aes_256_gcm_tests.txt | 5 NONCE: 5bf11a0951f0bfc7ea5c9e58 12 NONCE: a330a184fc245812f4820caa 19 NONCE: 5daf201589654da8884c3c68 26 NONCE: 172ec639be736062bba5c32f 33 NONCE: f6775dca7cd8674c16fdb4ee 40 NONCE: 55debbb289b9439eb47834ab 47 NONCE: 31535d82b9b46f5ad75a1629 54 NONCE: 79eca200a5cdf92b28be5a7a 61 NONCE: 99c922d37c95ebeda8e81ae8 68 NONCE: 8e2df19123ce0ad41df416d [all...] |
aes_256_key_wrap_tests.txt | 5 NONCE: 12 NONCE: 19 NONCE:
chacha20_poly1305_tests.txt | 4 NONCE: 070000004041424344454647 12 NONCE: 070000004041424344454647 20 NONCE: 070000004041424344454647 28 NONCE: 070000004041424344454647 36 NONCE: 070000004041424344454647 42 # Test maximal nonce value. 44 NONCE: ffffffffffffffffffffffff 54 NONCE: 000000003de9c0da2bd7f91e 61 NONCE: 000000001e8b4c510f5ca083 68 NONCE: 00000000cd7cf67be39c794 [all...] |
aes_128_cbc_sha1_tls_tests.txt | 12 NONCE: d7efd88503f78b8ed1c8e9ba2fd6773e 22 NONCE: d7efd88503f78b8ed1c8e9ba2fd6773e 33 NONCE: c55b436965aabe477e0cdd46be99371e 43 NONCE: 183aa23fd8d7efd88503f78b8ed1c8e9 51 NONCE: d7efd88503f78b8ed1c8e9ba2fd6773e 59 NONCE: f78b8ed1c8e9ba2fd6773e0d0c302a5f 67 NONCE: e9ba2fd6773e0d0c302a5f47e037446f 75 NONCE: 3e0d0c302a5f47e037446f5891d77df6 83 NONCE: 5f47e037446f5891d77df660ed82933f 91 NONCE: 6f5891d77df660ed82933f62be8dc55 [all...] |
aes_128_cbc_sha256_tls_tests.txt | 12 NONCE: 2fd6773e0d0c302a5f47e037446f5891 22 NONCE: 2fd6773e0d0c302a5f47e037446f5891 33 NONCE: c55b436965aabe477e0cdd46be99371e 43 NONCE: 8ed1c8e9ba2fd6773e0d0c302a5f47e0 51 NONCE: 2fd6773e0d0c302a5f47e037446f5891 59 NONCE: 0c302a5f47e037446f5891d77df660ed 67 NONCE: e037446f5891d77df660ed82933f62be 75 NONCE: 91d77df660ed82933f62be8dc55b4369 83 NONCE: ed82933f62be8dc55b436965aabe477e 91 NONCE: be8dc55b436965aabe477e0cdd46be9 [all...] |
aes_256_cbc_sha1_tls_tests.txt | 12 NONCE: 0d0c302a5f47e037446f5891d77df660 22 NONCE: 0d0c302a5f47e037446f5891d77df660 33 NONCE: b8da7dac997deafd64b1fc65de39f4f0 43 NONCE: ba2fd6773e0d0c302a5f47e037446f58 51 NONCE: 0d0c302a5f47e037446f5891d77df660 59 NONCE: 47e037446f5891d77df660ed82933f62 67 NONCE: 5891d77df660ed82933f62be8dc55b43 75 NONCE: 60ed82933f62be8dc55b436965aabe47 83 NONCE: 62be8dc55b436965aabe477e0cdd46be 91 NONCE: 436965aabe477e0cdd46be99371eb8d [all...] |
aes_256_cbc_sha256_tls_tests.txt | 12 NONCE: d77df660ed82933f62be8dc55b436965 22 NONCE: d77df660ed82933f62be8dc55b436965 33 NONCE: b8da7dac997deafd64b1fc65de39f4f0 43 NONCE: 37446f5891d77df660ed82933f62be8d 51 NONCE: d77df660ed82933f62be8dc55b436965 59 NONCE: 82933f62be8dc55b436965aabe477e0c 67 NONCE: 8dc55b436965aabe477e0cdd46be9937 75 NONCE: 65aabe477e0cdd46be99371eb8da7dac 83 NONCE: 0cdd46be99371eb8da7dac997deafd64 91 NONCE: 371eb8da7dac997deafd64b1fc65de3 [all...] |
/external/google-tv-pairing-protocol/cpp/src/polo/pairing/ |
polochallengeresponse.cc | 32 Alpha* PoloChallengeResponse::GetAlpha(const Nonce& nonce) const { 54 // modulus and exponent are concatenated along with the random nonce then a 64 + nonce.size(); 81 memcpy(pos, &nonce[0], nonce.size()); 96 Gamma* PoloChallengeResponse::GetGamma(const Nonce& nonce) const { 97 const Alpha* alpha = GetAlpha(nonce); 102 Gamma* gamma = new Gamma(nonce.size() * 2) 118 Nonce* nonce = new Nonce(gamma.size() \/ 2); local 125 const Nonce* nonce = ExtractNonce(gamma); local [all...] |
polochallengeresponse.h | 27 typedef std::vector<uint8_t> Alpha, Gamma, Nonce; 40 // Computes the alpha value based on the given nonce. 41 virtual Alpha* GetAlpha(const Nonce& nonce) const; 43 // Computes the gamma value based on the given nonce. 44 virtual Gamma* GetGamma(const Nonce& nonce) const; 46 // Extracts the nonce from the given gamma value. 47 virtual Nonce* ExtractNonce(const Gamma& gamma) const;
/external/dbus/dbus/ |
dbus-nonce.c | 2 /* dbus-nonce.c Nonce handling functions used by nonce-tcp (internal to D-Bus implementation) 26 #include "dbus-nonce.h" 34 do_check_nonce (int fd, const DBusString *nonce, DBusError *error) 63 dbus_set_error (error, DBUS_ERROR_IO_ERROR, "Could not read nonce from socket (fd=%d)", fd ); 72 dbus_set_error (error, DBUS_ERROR_IO_ERROR, "Could not read nonce from socket (fd=%d)", fd ); 82 result = _dbus_string_equal_len (&buffer, nonce, 16); 93 * reads the nonce from the nonce file and stores it in a strin 137 DBusString nonce; local 160 DBusString nonce; local 199 DBusString nonce; local [all...] |