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      1 // Copyright 2015 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
      2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 // found in the LICENSE file.
      5 // Flags: --strong-mode --allow-natives-syntax
      6 // Flags: --harmony-destructuring-bind
      8 'use strict';
     10 (function WeakObjectLiterals() {
     11   function assertWeakObject(x) {
     12     assertFalse(%IsStrong(x));
     13     assertSame(Object.prototype, Object.getPrototypeOf(x));
     14   }
     15   assertWeakObject({});
     16   assertWeakObject({a: 0, b: 0});
     17   assertWeakObject({a: [], b: {}});
     18   assertWeakObject({a: [], b: {}}.b);
     19   assertWeakObject({a: {b: {c: {}}}}.a);
     20   assertWeakObject({a: {b: {c: {}}}}.a.b);
     21   assertWeakObject({a: {b: {c: {}}}}.a.b.c);
     22   assertWeakObject([[1], {}, [[3]]][1]);
     23   assertWeakObject({f: function(){}});
     24   assertWeakObject(
     25     Realm.eval(Realm.current(), "({f: function(){}})"));
     26 })();
     28 (function StrongObjectLiterals() {
     29   'use strong';
     30   function assertStrongObject(x) {
     31     assertTrue(%IsStrong(x));
     32     assertSame(Object.prototype, Object.getPrototypeOf(x));
     33   }
     34   assertStrongObject({});
     35   assertStrongObject({a: 0, b: 0});
     36   assertStrongObject({a: [], b: {}});
     37   assertStrongObject({a: [], b: {}}.b);
     38   assertStrongObject({a: {b: {c: {}}}}.a);
     39   assertStrongObject({a: {b: {c: {}}}}.a.b);
     40   assertStrongObject({a: {b: {c: {}}}}.a.b.c);
     41   // Maps for literals with too many properties are not cached.
     42   assertStrongObject({
     43     x001: 0, x002: 0, x003: 0, x004: 0, x005: 0,
     44     x006: 0, x007: 0, x008: 0, x009: 0, x010: 0,
     45     x011: 0, x012: 0, x013: 0, x014: 0, x015: 0,
     46     x016: 0, x017: 0, x018: 0, x019: 0, x020: 0,
     47     x021: 0, x022: 0, x023: 0, x024: 0, x025: 0,
     48     x026: 0, x027: 0, x028: 0, x029: 0, x030: 0,
     49     x031: 0, x032: 0, x033: 0, x034: 0, x035: 0,
     50     x036: 0, x037: 0, x038: 0, x039: 0, x040: 0,
     51     x041: 0, x042: 0, x043: 0, x044: 0, x045: 0,
     52     x046: 0, x047: 0, x048: 0, x049: 0, x050: 0,
     53     x051: 0, x052: 0, x053: 0, x054: 0, x055: 0,
     54     x056: 0, x057: 0, x058: 0, x059: 0, x060: 0,
     55     x061: 0, x062: 0, x063: 0, x064: 0, x065: 0,
     56     x066: 0, x067: 0, x068: 0, x069: 0, x070: 0,
     57     x071: 0, x072: 0, x073: 0, x074: 0, x075: 0,
     58     x076: 0, x077: 0, x078: 0, x079: 0, x080: 0,
     59     x081: 0, x082: 0, x083: 0, x084: 0, x085: 0,
     60     x086: 0, x087: 0, x088: 0, x089: 0, x090: 0,
     61     x091: 0, x092: 0, x093: 0, x094: 0, x095: 0,
     62     x096: 0, x097: 0, x098: 0, x099: 0, x100: 0,
     63     x101: 0, x102: 0, x103: 0, x104: 0, x105: 0,
     64     x106: 0, x107: 0, x108: 0, x109: 0, x110: 0,
     65     x111: 0, x112: 0, x113: 0, x114: 0, x115: 0,
     66     x116: 0, x117: 0, x118: 0, x119: 0, x120: 0,
     67     x121: 0, x122: 0, x123: 0, x124: 0, x125: 0,
     68     x126: 0, x127: 0, x128: 0, x129: 0, x130: 0,
     69     x131: 0, x132: 0, x133: 0, x134: 0, x135: 0,
     70     x136: 0, x137: 0, x138: 0, x139: 0, x140: 0,
     71     x141: 0, x142: 0, x143: 0, x144: 0, x145: 0,
     72     x146: 0, x147: 0, x148: 0, x149: 0, x150: 0,
     73     x151: 0, x152: 0, x153: 0, x154: 0, x155: 0,
     74     x156: 0, x157: 0, x158: 0, x159: 0, x160: 0,
     75     x161: 0, x162: 0, x163: 0, x164: 0, x165: 0,
     76     x166: 0, x167: 0, x168: 0, x169: 0, x170: 0,
     77     x171: 0, x172: 0, x173: 0, x174: 0, x175: 0,
     78     x176: 0, x177: 0, x178: 0, x179: 0, x180: 0,
     79     x181: 0, x182: 0, x183: 0, x184: 0, x185: 0,
     80     x186: 0, x187: 0, x188: 0, x189: 0, x190: 0,
     81     x191: 0, x192: 0, x193: 0, x194: 0, x195: 0,
     82     x196: 0, x197: 0, x198: 0, x199: 0, x200: 0,
     83   });
     84   assertStrongObject([[1], {}, [[3]]][1]);
     85   assertStrongObject({[Date() + ""]: 0, [Symbol()]: 0});
     86   assertStrongObject({m() { super.m() }});
     87   assertTrue(%IsStrong({__proto__: {}, get a() {}, set b(x) {}}));
     88   // Object literals with constant functions are treated specially,
     89   // but currently only on the toplevel (using Realm.eval to emulate that).
     90   assertStrongObject({f: function(){}});
     91   assertStrongObject(
     92     Realm.eval(Realm.current(), "'use strong'; ({f: function(){}})"));
     93 })();
     95 (function WeakArrayLiterals(...args) {
     96   function assertWeakArray(x) {
     97     assertFalse(%IsStrong(x));
     98     assertSame(Array.prototype, Object.getPrototypeOf(x));
     99   }
    100   let [...r] = [];
    101   assertWeakArray(args);
    102   assertWeakArray(r);
    103   assertWeakArray([]);
    104   assertWeakArray([1, 2, 3]);
    105   assertWeakArray([1, 2, ...[3, 4], 5]);
    106   assertWeakArray([[[]]]);
    107   assertWeakArray([[1], {}, [[3]]]);
    108   assertWeakArray([[1], {}, [[3]]][0]);
    109   assertWeakArray([[1], {}, [[3]]][2]);
    110   assertWeakArray([[1], {}, [[3]]][2][0]);
    111   assertWeakArray({a: [], b: {}}.a);
    112 })();
    114 (function StrongArrayLiterals() {
    115   'use strong';
    116   function assertStrongArray(x) {
    117     assertTrue(%IsStrong(x));
    118     assertSame(Array.prototype, Object.getPrototypeOf(x));
    119   }
    120   let [...r] = [];
    121   assertStrongArray((function(...a) { return a; })());
    122   assertStrongArray(r);
    123   assertStrongArray([]);
    124   assertStrongArray([1, 2, 3]);
    125   assertStrongArray([1, 2, ...[3, 4], 5]);
    126   assertStrongArray([[[]]]);
    127   assertStrongArray([[1], {}, [[3]]]);
    128   assertStrongArray([[1], {}, [[3]]][0]);
    129   assertStrongArray([[1], {}, [[3]]][2]);
    130   assertStrongArray([[1], {}, [[3]]][2][0]);
    131   assertStrongArray({a: [], b: {}}.a);
    132 })();
    134 (function WeakFunctionLiterals() {
    135   function assertWeakFunction(x) {
    136     assertFalse(%IsStrong(x));
    137     assertFalse(%IsStrong(x.prototype));
    138     assertSame(Function.prototype, Object.getPrototypeOf(x));
    139   }
    140   function f() {}
    141   assertWeakFunction(f);
    142   assertWeakFunction(function(){});
    143   assertWeakFunction(function f(){});
    144   assertWeakFunction(() => {});
    145   assertWeakFunction(x => x);
    146   assertWeakFunction({m(){}}.m);
    147   assertWeakFunction(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(
    148       {get a(){}}, 'a').get);
    149   assertWeakFunction(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(
    150       {set a(x){}}, 'a').set);
    151   assertWeakFunction((class {static m(){}}).m);
    152   assertWeakFunction(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(
    153       class {static get a(){}}, 'a').get);
    154   assertWeakFunction(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(
    155       class {static set a(x){}}, 'a').set);
    156   assertWeakFunction((new class {m(){}}).m);
    157   assertWeakFunction(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(
    158       (class {get a(){}}).prototype, 'a').get);
    159   assertWeakFunction(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(
    160       (class {set a(x){}}).prototype, 'a').set);
    161 })();
    163 (function StrongFunctionLiterals() {
    164   'use strong';
    165   function assertStrongFunction(x) {
    166     assertTrue(%IsStrong(x));
    167     assertFalse('prototype' in x);
    168     assertSame(Function.prototype, Object.getPrototypeOf(x));
    169   }
    170   function f() {}
    171   assertStrongFunction(f);
    172   assertStrongFunction(function(){});
    173   assertStrongFunction(function f(){});
    174   assertStrongFunction(() => {});
    175   assertStrongFunction(x => x);
    176   assertStrongFunction({m(){}}.m);
    177   assertStrongFunction(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(
    178       {get a(){}}, 'a').get);
    179   assertStrongFunction(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(
    180       {set a(x){}}, 'a').set);
    181   assertStrongFunction((class {static m(){}}).m);
    182   assertStrongFunction(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(
    183       class {static get a(){}}, 'a').get);
    184   assertStrongFunction(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(
    185       class {static set a(x){}}, 'a').set);
    186   assertStrongFunction((new class {m(){}}).m);
    187   assertStrongFunction(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(
    188       (class {get a(){}}).prototype, 'a').get);
    189   assertStrongFunction(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(
    190       (class {set a(x){}}).prototype, 'a').set);
    191 })();
    193 (function SelfStrongFunctionLiterals() {
    194   function assertStrongFunction(x) {
    195     assertTrue(%IsStrong(x));
    196     assertFalse('prototype' in x);
    197     assertSame(Function.prototype, Object.getPrototypeOf(x));
    198   }
    199   function f() {'use strong'}
    200   assertStrongFunction(f);
    201   assertStrongFunction(function(){'use strong'});
    202   assertStrongFunction(function f(){'use strong'});
    203   assertStrongFunction(() => {'use strong'});
    204   assertStrongFunction(x => {'use strong'});
    205   assertStrongFunction({m(){'use strong'}}.m);
    206   assertStrongFunction(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(
    207       {get a(){'use strong'}}, 'a').get);
    208   assertStrongFunction(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(
    209       {set a(x){'use strong'}}, 'a').set);
    210   assertStrongFunction((class {static m(){'use strong'}}).m);
    211   assertStrongFunction(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(
    212       class {static get a(){'use strong'}}, 'a').get);
    213   assertStrongFunction(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(
    214       class {static set a(x){'use strong'}}, 'a').set);
    215   assertStrongFunction((new class {m(){'use strong'}}).m);
    216   assertStrongFunction(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(
    217       (class {get a(){'use strong'}}).prototype, 'a').get);
    218   assertStrongFunction(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(
    219       (class {set a(x){'use strong'}}).prototype, 'a').set);
    220 })();
    222 let GeneratorPrototype = (function*(){}).__proto__;
    224 (function WeakGeneratorLiterals() {
    225   function assertWeakGenerator(x) {
    226     assertFalse(%IsStrong(x));
    227     assertFalse(%IsStrong(x.prototype));
    228     assertSame(GeneratorPrototype, Object.getPrototypeOf(x));
    229     assertFalse(%IsStrong(x()));
    230   }
    231   function* g() {}
    232   assertWeakGenerator(g);
    233   assertWeakGenerator(function*(){});
    234   assertWeakGenerator(function* g(){});
    235   assertWeakGenerator({*m(){}}.m);
    236   assertWeakGenerator((class {static *m(){}}).m);
    237   assertWeakGenerator((new class {*m(){}}).m);
    238 })();
    240 (function StrongGeneratorLiterals() {
    241   'use strong';
    242   function assertStrongGenerator(x) {
    243     assertTrue(%IsStrong(x));
    244     // TODO(rossberg): strongify generator prototypes
    245     // assertTrue(%IsStrong(x.prototype));
    246     assertSame(GeneratorPrototype, Object.getPrototypeOf(x));
    247     // TODO(rossberg): strongify generator instances
    248     // assertTrue(%IsStrong(x()));
    249   }
    250   function* g() {}
    251   assertStrongGenerator(g);
    252   assertStrongGenerator(function*(){});
    253   assertStrongGenerator(function* g(){});
    254   assertStrongGenerator({*m(){}}.m);
    255   assertStrongGenerator((class {static *m(){}}).m);
    256   assertStrongGenerator((new class {*m(){}}).m);
    257 })();
    259 (function SelfStrongGeneratorLiterals() {
    260   function assertStrongGenerator(x) {
    261     assertTrue(%IsStrong(x));
    262     // TODO(rossberg): strongify generator prototypes
    263     // assertTrue(%IsStrong(x.prototype));
    264     assertSame(GeneratorPrototype, Object.getPrototypeOf(x));
    265     // TODO(rossberg): strongify generator instances
    266     // assertTrue(%IsStrong(x()));
    267   }
    268   function* g() {'use strong'}
    269   assertStrongGenerator(g);
    270   assertStrongGenerator(function*(){'use strong'});
    271   assertStrongGenerator(function* g(){'use strong'});
    272   assertStrongGenerator({*m(){'use strong'}}.m);
    273   assertStrongGenerator((class {static *m(){'use strong'}}).m);
    274   assertStrongGenerator((new class {*m(){'use strong'}}).m);
    275 })();
    277 (function WeakRegExpLiterals() {
    278   function assertWeakRegExp(x) {
    279     assertFalse(%IsStrong(x));
    280   }
    281   assertWeakRegExp(/abc/);
    282 })();
    284 (function StrongRegExpLiterals() {
    285   'use strong';
    286   function assertStrongRegExp(x) {
    287     // TODO(rossberg): strongify regexps
    288     // assertTrue(%IsStrong(x));
    289   }
    290   assertStrongRegExp(/abc/);
    291 })();