Lines Matching full:improved
591 + 373162 add improved implementation for getParameterMap(), needs a test
630 + 368821 improved test harness
643 + 367435 improved D00 test harness
716 + 368821 improved test harness
741 + 367435 improved D00 test harness
798 + 362742 improved UTF8 exception reason
799 + 363124 improved websocket close handling
1255 + 338035 Default acceptors 0.25*CPUs and improved selector/acceptor thread
1283 + 332517 Improved DefaultServlet debug
1298 + 333892 Improved JVM bug detection
1334 + JETTY-1297 Improved matching of vhosts so that a vhost match has priority
1339 + 328205 Improved SelectManager stopping
1344 + 328778 Improved javadoc for secure session cookies
1352 + 329643 Improved deployment of resource collections
1366 + JETTY-547 Improved usage of shutdownOutput before close.
1387 + 324369 Improved handling of multiple versions of
1397 + 328205 Improved SelectManager stopping
1463 + Improved debug dump
1537 + 315715 Improved Cookie version handling. Server.setMaxCookieVersion
1540 + 315925 Improved context xml configuration handling
1612 + 310094 Improved start.jar options handling and configs
1636 + 310094 Improved start.jar usage and config files
1680 + COMETD-28 Improved concurrency usage in Bayeux and channel handling
1806 + 289959 Improved ContextDeployer configuration
1815 + 293222 Improved StatisticsHandler for async
1835 + Improved start.jar usage text for properties
1854 + JETTY-936 Improved servlet matching and optimized
1891 + JETTY-936 274251 Improved servlet matching and optimized'
1999 + JETTY-1049 Improved transparent proxy usability
2021 + Improved deferred authentication handling
2031 + 283375 improved extensibility of SSL connectors
2040 + Improved handling of overlays and resourceCollections
2064 + JETTY-1049 Improved transparent proxy usability
2104 + JETTY-937 Improved work around sun JVM selector bugs
2185 + JETTY-749 Improved ArrayQueue
2187 + JETTY-774 Improved caching of mime types with charsets
2277 + JETTY-924 Improved BayeuxClient disconnect handling
2283 + JETTY-924 Improved BayeuxClient disconnect handling
2290 + JETTY-749 Improved ack extension
2399 + JETTY-762 improved QueuedThreadPool idle death handling
2409 + JETTY-319 improved passing of exception when webapp unavailable
2471 + JETTY-762 improved QueuedThreadPool idle death handling
2476 + JETTY-319 improved passing of exception when webapp unavailable
2553 + JETTY-621 Improved LazyList javadoc
2709 + Improved suspend examples
2739 + JETTY-486 Improved script
2749 + JETTY-530 Improved JMX MBeanContainer lifecycle
2788 + Improved Cometd timeout handling
2791 + Improved Bayeux API
2814 + JETTY-498 Improved cookie parsing
2839 + JETTY-486 Improved script
2855 + Improved JSON parsing from Readers
2926 + JETTY-430 improved cometd logging
2939 + Improved Request log configuration options
2950 + JETTY-253 Improved graceful shutdown
2985 + JETTY-366 JETTY-368 Improved bayeux disconnect
3002 + improved date header handling
3027 + Improved unavailabile handling
3053 + Improved performance and exclusions for TLD scanning
3098 + JETTY-277 Improved ContextHandlerCollection
3107 + Improved handling of early close in AJP
3109 + Improved Context setters for wadi support
3168 + improved writer buffering
3197 + Improved config of java5 threadpool
3253 + JETTY-123 fix improved
3300 + Improved * files and specialized some MBean
3374 + Improved * files and specialized some MBean
3392 + Improved charset handling in URLs
3433 + Improved charset handling in URLs
3581 + Improved HttpException
3586 + improved MBeanContainer object removal
3593 + improved MBean names
3594 + improved support for java5 jconsole
3617 + improved contentType handling and test harness
3643 + Added HttpURI and improved UTF-8 parsing.
3644 + refactored writers and improved UTF-8 generation.
3679 + improved caching of content types
3714 + Improved jetty-web.xml access to org.mortbay classes.
3727 + Improved reuse of HttpField values and cookies.
3728 + Improved buffer return
3762 + Improved "dependancy injection" and "inversion of control" design of
3764 + Improved "interceptor" design of handlers
3788 + improved contentType param handling
3812 + improved server stats
3824 + Improved jetty-web.xml access to org.mortbay classes.
3827 + Improved shutdown hook
3828 + Improved URL Decoding
3829 + Improved mapping of JSP files.
3969 + improved clean targets
4044 + Improved handling of exception from servlet init.
4051 + Improved handling of exception from servlet init.
4058 + Improved RequestLog performance
4088 + Improved low thread handling
4104 + Improved log performance
4115 + Improved low thread handling
4207 + Improved JMX start.
4242 + Improved error messages from ProxyHandler
4288 + ProxyHandler has improved test for request content
4361 + Improved synchronization on AbstractSessionManager.
4368 + Improved SocketChannelListener contributed.
4407 + Improved setBufferSize handling
4411 + Improved ProxyHandler to the point is works well for non SSL.
4472 + Improved handling of 2 byte encoded characters within forms.
4559 + Improved HashUserRealm doco
4565 + Improved look and feel of demo
4573 + Improved errors for misconfigured realms.
4585 + Improved handling of PUT,DELETE & MOVE.
4586 + Improved handling of path encoding in Resources for bad JVMs
4598 + Improved ByteArrayPool to handle multiple sizes.
4608 + Improved the return codes for PUT
4670 + Improved ThreadedServer stopping on bad networks
4676 + Improved ThreadedServer stopping on bad networks
4742 + Improved flushing of chunked responses
4796 + Improved efficiency of quality list handling
4825 + Improved default jetty.xml
4879 + Improved handling of UnavailableException
4884 + Improved HttpResponsse.sendError error page matching.
4975 + Improved FORM auth handling of role failure.
4976 + Improved Jasper debug output.
4977 + Improved ThreadedServer timeout defaults
5014 + Improved some other documentation.
5025 + Improved closing of listeners.
5084 + Improved SSL debugging information.
5090 + Improved debug output for IOExceptions.
5145 + Improved flush ordering for forwarded requests.
5157 + Improved flush ordering for forwarded requests.
5158 + Improved ThreadPool stop handling
5170 + Improved logging of nested exceptions.
5174 + Improved handling of Primitive classes in XmlConfig
5194 + Improved handling of primitives in utilities.
5196 + Improved InetAddrPort and ThreadedServer to reduce DNS lookups.
5214 + Greatly improved buffering in ChunkableOutputStream
5216 + Improved HTML.Block efficiency
5217 + Improved jetty.bat
5218 + Improved
5234 + Improved logging
5235 + Improved dtd resolution in XML parser.
5252 + Improved exit admin handling
5278 + Depreciated RollOverLogSink and moved functionality to an improved
5295 + Improved Log defaults
5392 + Improved win32 make files.
5396 + Improved null returns to get almost clean watchdog test.
5400 + Improved path spec interpretation by looking at 2.3 spec
5404 + improved ant documentation.
5409 + Improved default log format for clarity.
5427 + Improved Context to Handler contract.
5432 + Improved handler toString
5437 + Improved Log rollover.
5451 + Improved win32 build
5461 + Improved ThreadedServer stop and destroy
5496 + Improved synchronization on LogSink
5548 + Improved LogSink configuration
5559 + Improved LogSink mechanism
5604 + Improved portability of Frame and Debug.
5613 + Improved parsing of stack trace in debug mode.
5638 + Improved HtmlFilter.activate header modifications.
5761 + Improved quoting in HTML element values
5798 + Improved error messages from Jetty.Server.
5808 + Improved cfg RCS script.
5813 + Improved performance of com.mortbay.HTML.Heading
5830 + Improved com.mortbay.Base.Log handling of different JVMs
5852 + Improved feature description page.
5856 + Exit servlet improved (a little).
5893 + Improved Block.write.
5915 + Improved ThreadPool synchronization and added minThreads.
5931 + Included and improved version of ThreadPool for significant performance
5953 + Improved PropertyTree implementation
5960 + Improved SessionDump servlet
6051 + Improved handling of File.separator in FileHandler.
6073 + Improved error code returns
6075 + Improved default Makefile behaviour
6116 + Improved performance of Code.debug() calls, significantly in the case of non
6123 + Improved performance with special asciiToLowerCase
6181 + Improved parsing of stack traces
6197 + Improved documentation
6200 + Improved connection caching in java.mortbay.JDBC