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25 implements a ``__cmp__()`` or\n   ``__eq__()`` method, it should not implement ``__hash__()``, since\n   hashable collection implementations require that a object\'s hash\n   value is immutable (if the object\'s hash value changes, it will be\n   in the wrong hash bucket).\n\n   User-defined classes have ``__cmp__()`` and ``__hash__()`` methods\n   by default; with them, all objects compare unequal (except with\n   themselves) and ``x.__hash__()`` returns ``id(x)``.\n\n   Classes which inherit a ``__hash__()`` method from a parent class\n   but change the meaning of ``__cmp__()`` or ``__eq__()`` such that\n   the hash value returned is no longer appropriate (e.g. by switching\n   to a value-based concept of equality instead of the default\n   identity based equality) can explicitly flag themselves as being\n   unhashable by setting ``__hash__ = None`` in the class definition.\n   Doing so means that not only will instances of the class raise an\n   appropriate ``TypeError`` when a program attempts to retrieve their\n   hash value, but they will also be correctly identified as\n   unhashable when checking ``isinstance(obj, collections.Hashable)``\n   (unlike classes which define their own ``__hash__()`` to explicitly\n   raise ``TypeError``).\n\n   Changed in version 2.5: ``__hash__()`` may now also return a long\n   integer object; the 32-bit integer is then derived from the hash of\n   that object.\n\n   Changed in version 2.6: ``__hash__`` may now be set to ``None`` to\n   explicitly flag instances of a class as unhashable.\n\nobject.__nonzero__(self)\n\n   Called to implement truth value testing and the built-in operation\n   ``bool()``; should return ``False`` or ``True``, or their integer\n   equivalents ``0`` or ``1``.  When this method is not defined,\n   ``__len__()`` is called, if it is defined, and the object is\n   considered true if its result is nonzero. If a class defines\n   neither ``__len__()`` nor ``__nonzero__()``, all its instances are\n   considered true.\n\nobject.__unicode__(self)\n\n   Called to implement ``unicode()`` built-in; should return a Unicode\n   object. When this method is not defined, string conversion is\n   attempted, and the result of string conversion is converted to\n   Unicode using the system default encoding.\n',
61 implementsimplementsethod, ``x.__add__(y)`` and ``y.__radd__(x)`` are\n considered, as with the evaluation of ``x + y``.\n\nobject.__neg__(self)\nobject.__pos__(self)\nobject.__abs__(self)\nobject.__invert__(self)\n\n Called to implement the unary arithmetic operations (``-``, ``+``,\n ``abs()`` and ``~``).\n\nobject.__complex__(self)\nobject.__int__(self)\nobject.__long__(self)\nobject.__float__(self)\n\n Called to implement the built-in functions ``complex()``,\n ``int()``, ``long()``, and ``float()``. Should return a value of\n the appropriate type.\n\nobject.__oct__(self)\nobject.__hex__(self)\n\n Called to implement the built-in functions ``oct()`` and ``hex()``.\n Should return a string value.\n\nobject.__index__(self)\n\n Called to implement ``operator.index()``. Also called whenever\n Python needs an integer object (such as in slicing). Must return\n an integer (int or long).\n\n New in version 2.5.\n\nobject.__coerce__(self, other)\n\n Called to implement "mixed-mode" numeric arithmetic. Should either\n return a 2-tuple containing *self* and *other* converted to a\n common numeric type, or ``None`` if conversion is impossible. When\n the common type would be the type of ``other``, it is sufficient to\n return ``None``, since the interpreter will also ask the other\n object to attempt a coercion (but sometimes, if the implementation\n of the other type cannot be changed, it is useful to do the\n conversion to the other type here). A return value of\n ``NotImplemented`` is equivalent to returning ``None``.\n\n\nCoercion rules\n==============\n\nThis section used to document the rules for coercion. As the language\nhas evolved, the coercion rules have become hard to document\nprecisely; documenting what one version of one particular\nimplementation does is undesirable. Instead, here are some informal\nguidelines regarding coercion. In Python 3, coercion will not be\nsupported.\n\n* If the left operand of a % operator is a string or Unicode object,\n no coercion takes place and the string formatting operation is\n invoked instead.\n\n* It is no longer recommended to define a coercion operation. Mixed-\n mode operations on types that don\'t define coercion pass the\n original arguments to the operation.\n\n* New-style classes (those derived from ``object``) never invoke the\n ``__coerce__()`` method in response to a binary operator; the only\n time ``__coerce__()`` is invoked is when the built-in function\n ``coerce()`` is called.\n\n* For most intents and purposes, an operator that returns\n ``NotImplemented`` is treated the same as one that is not\n implemented at all.\n\n* Below, ``__op__()`` and ``__rop__()`` are used to signify the\n generic method names corresponding to an operator; ``__iop__()`` is\n used for the corresponding in-place operator. For example, for the\n operator \'``+``\', ``__add__()`` and ``__radd__()`` are used for the\n left and right variant of the binary operator, and ``__iadd__()``\n for the in-place variant.\n\n* For objects *x* and *y*, first ``x.__op__(y)`` is tried. If this is\n not implemented or returns ``NotImplemented``, ``y.__rop__(x)`` is\n tried. If this is also not implemented or returns\n ``NotImplemented``, a ``TypeError`` exception is raised. But see\n the following exception:\n\n* Exception to the previous item: if the left operand is an instance\n of a built-in type or a new-style class, and the right operand is an\n instance of a proper subclass of that type or class and overrides\n the base\'s ``__rop__()`` method, the right operand\'s ``__rop__()``\n method is tried *before* the left operand\'s ``__op__()`` method.\n\n This is done so that a subclass can completely override binary\n operators. Otherwise, the left operand\'s ``__op__()`` method would\n always accept the right operand: when an instance of a given class\n is expected, an instance of a subclass of that class is always\n acceptable.\n\n* When either operand type defines a coercion, this coercion is called\n before that type\'s ``__op__()`` or ``__rop__()`` method is called,\n but no sooner. If the coercion returns an object of a different\n type for the operand whose coercion is invoked, part of the process\n is redone using the new object.\n\n* When an in-place operator (like \'``+=``\') is used, if the left\n operand implements ``__iop__()``, it is invoked without any\n coercion. When the operation falls back to ``__op__()`` and/or\n ``__rop__()``, the normal coercion rules apply.\n\n* In ``x + y``, if *x* is a sequence that implements sequence\n concatenation, sequence concatenation is invoked.\n\n* In ``x * y``, if one operand is a sequence that implements