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21 inspects
66 'try': '\nThe ``try`` statement\n*********************\n\nThe ``try`` statement specifies exception handlers and/or cleanup code\nfor a group of statements:\n\n try_stmt ::= try1_stmt | try2_stmt\n try1_stmt ::= "try" ":" suite\n ("except" [expression [("as" | ",") target]] ":" suite)+\n ["else" ":" suite]\n ["finally" ":" suite]\n try2_stmt ::= "try" ":" suite\n "finally" ":" suite\n\nChanged in version 2.5: In previous versions of Python,\n``try``...``except``...``finally`` did not work. ``try``...``except``\nhad to be nested in ``try``...``finally``.\n\nThe ``except`` clause(s) specify one or more exception handlers. When\nno exception occurs in the ``try`` clause, no exception handler is\nexecuted. When an exception occurs in the ``try`` suite, a search for\nan exception handler is started. This search inspects