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      1 /*
      2  *  Copyright (c) 2012 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
      3  *
      4  *  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
      5  *  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
      6  *  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
      7  *  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
      8  *  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
      9  */
     11 #include "webrtc/modules/video_coding/session_info.h"
     13 #include "webrtc/base/logging.h"
     14 #include "webrtc/modules/video_coding/packet.h"
     16 namespace webrtc {
     18 namespace {
     20 uint16_t BufferToUWord16(const uint8_t* dataBuffer) {
     21   return (dataBuffer[0] << 8) | dataBuffer[1];
     22 }
     24 }  // namespace
     26 VCMSessionInfo::VCMSessionInfo()
     27     : session_nack_(false),
     28       complete_(false),
     29       decodable_(false),
     30       frame_type_(kVideoFrameDelta),
     31       packets_(),
     32       empty_seq_num_low_(-1),
     33       empty_seq_num_high_(-1),
     34       first_packet_seq_num_(-1),
     35       last_packet_seq_num_(-1) {}
     37 void VCMSessionInfo::UpdateDataPointers(const uint8_t* old_base_ptr,
     38                                         const uint8_t* new_base_ptr) {
     39   for (PacketIterator it = packets_.begin(); it != packets_.end(); ++it)
     40     if ((*it).dataPtr != NULL) {
     41       assert(old_base_ptr != NULL && new_base_ptr != NULL);
     42       (*it).dataPtr = new_base_ptr + ((*it).dataPtr - old_base_ptr);
     43     }
     44 }
     46 int VCMSessionInfo::LowSequenceNumber() const {
     47   if (packets_.empty())
     48     return empty_seq_num_low_;
     49   return packets_.front().seqNum;
     50 }
     52 int VCMSessionInfo::HighSequenceNumber() const {
     53   if (packets_.empty())
     54     return empty_seq_num_high_;
     55   if (empty_seq_num_high_ == -1)
     56     return packets_.back().seqNum;
     57   return LatestSequenceNumber(packets_.back().seqNum, empty_seq_num_high_);
     58 }
     60 int VCMSessionInfo::PictureId() const {
     61   if (packets_.empty())
     62     return kNoPictureId;
     63   if (packets_.front().codecSpecificHeader.codec == kRtpVideoVp8) {
     64     return packets_.front().codecSpecificHeader.codecHeader.VP8.pictureId;
     65   } else if (packets_.front().codecSpecificHeader.codec == kRtpVideoVp9) {
     66     return packets_.front().codecSpecificHeader.codecHeader.VP9.picture_id;
     67   } else {
     68     return kNoPictureId;
     69   }
     70 }
     72 int VCMSessionInfo::TemporalId() const {
     73   if (packets_.empty())
     74     return kNoTemporalIdx;
     75   if (packets_.front().codecSpecificHeader.codec == kRtpVideoVp8) {
     76     return packets_.front().codecSpecificHeader.codecHeader.VP8.temporalIdx;
     77   } else if (packets_.front().codecSpecificHeader.codec == kRtpVideoVp9) {
     78     return packets_.front().codecSpecificHeader.codecHeader.VP9.temporal_idx;
     79   } else {
     80     return kNoTemporalIdx;
     81   }
     82 }
     84 bool VCMSessionInfo::LayerSync() const {
     85   if (packets_.empty())
     86     return false;
     87   if (packets_.front().codecSpecificHeader.codec == kRtpVideoVp8) {
     88     return packets_.front().codecSpecificHeader.codecHeader.VP8.layerSync;
     89   } else if (packets_.front().codecSpecificHeader.codec == kRtpVideoVp9) {
     90     return packets_.front()
     91         .codecSpecificHeader.codecHeader.VP9.temporal_up_switch;
     92   } else {
     93     return false;
     94   }
     95 }
     97 int VCMSessionInfo::Tl0PicId() const {
     98   if (packets_.empty())
     99     return kNoTl0PicIdx;
    100   if (packets_.front().codecSpecificHeader.codec == kRtpVideoVp8) {
    101     return packets_.front().codecSpecificHeader.codecHeader.VP8.tl0PicIdx;
    102   } else if (packets_.front().codecSpecificHeader.codec == kRtpVideoVp9) {
    103     return packets_.front().codecSpecificHeader.codecHeader.VP9.tl0_pic_idx;
    104   } else {
    105     return kNoTl0PicIdx;
    106   }
    107 }
    109 bool VCMSessionInfo::NonReference() const {
    110   if (packets_.empty() ||
    111       packets_.front().codecSpecificHeader.codec != kRtpVideoVp8)
    112     return false;
    113   return packets_.front().codecSpecificHeader.codecHeader.VP8.nonReference;
    114 }
    116 void VCMSessionInfo::SetGofInfo(const GofInfoVP9& gof_info, size_t idx) {
    117   if (packets_.empty() ||
    118       packets_.front().codecSpecificHeader.codec != kRtpVideoVp9 ||
    119       packets_.front().codecSpecificHeader.codecHeader.VP9.flexible_mode) {
    120     return;
    121   }
    122   packets_.front().codecSpecificHeader.codecHeader.VP9.temporal_idx =
    123       gof_info.temporal_idx[idx];
    124   packets_.front().codecSpecificHeader.codecHeader.VP9.temporal_up_switch =
    125       gof_info.temporal_up_switch[idx];
    126   packets_.front().codecSpecificHeader.codecHeader.VP9.num_ref_pics =
    127       gof_info.num_ref_pics[idx];
    128   for (uint8_t i = 0; i < gof_info.num_ref_pics[idx]; ++i) {
    129     packets_.front().codecSpecificHeader.codecHeader.VP9.pid_diff[i] =
    130         gof_info.pid_diff[idx][i];
    131   }
    132 }
    134 void VCMSessionInfo::Reset() {
    135   session_nack_ = false;
    136   complete_ = false;
    137   decodable_ = false;
    138   frame_type_ = kVideoFrameDelta;
    139   packets_.clear();
    140   empty_seq_num_low_ = -1;
    141   empty_seq_num_high_ = -1;
    142   first_packet_seq_num_ = -1;
    143   last_packet_seq_num_ = -1;
    144 }
    146 size_t VCMSessionInfo::SessionLength() const {
    147   size_t length = 0;
    148   for (PacketIteratorConst it = packets_.begin(); it != packets_.end(); ++it)
    149     length += (*it).sizeBytes;
    150   return length;
    151 }
    153 int VCMSessionInfo::NumPackets() const {
    154   return packets_.size();
    155 }
    157 size_t VCMSessionInfo::InsertBuffer(uint8_t* frame_buffer,
    158                                     PacketIterator packet_it) {
    159   VCMPacket& packet = *packet_it;
    160   PacketIterator it;
    162   // Calculate the offset into the frame buffer for this packet.
    163   size_t offset = 0;
    164   for (it = packets_.begin(); it != packet_it; ++it)
    165     offset += (*it).sizeBytes;
    167   // Set the data pointer to pointing to the start of this packet in the
    168   // frame buffer.
    169   const uint8_t* packet_buffer = packet.dataPtr;
    170   packet.dataPtr = frame_buffer + offset;
    172   // We handle H.264 STAP-A packets in a special way as we need to remove the
    173   // two length bytes between each NAL unit, and potentially add start codes.
    174   // TODO(pbos): Remove H264 parsing from this step and use a fragmentation
    175   // header supplied by the H264 depacketizer.
    176   const size_t kH264NALHeaderLengthInBytes = 1;
    177   const size_t kLengthFieldLength = 2;
    178   if (packet.codecSpecificHeader.codec == kRtpVideoH264 &&
    179       packet.codecSpecificHeader.codecHeader.H264.packetization_type ==
    180           kH264StapA) {
    181     size_t required_length = 0;
    182     const uint8_t* nalu_ptr = packet_buffer + kH264NALHeaderLengthInBytes;
    183     while (nalu_ptr < packet_buffer + packet.sizeBytes) {
    184       size_t length = BufferToUWord16(nalu_ptr);
    185       required_length +=
    186           length + (packet.insertStartCode ? kH264StartCodeLengthBytes : 0);
    187       nalu_ptr += kLengthFieldLength + length;
    188     }
    189     ShiftSubsequentPackets(packet_it, required_length);
    190     nalu_ptr = packet_buffer + kH264NALHeaderLengthInBytes;
    191     uint8_t* frame_buffer_ptr = frame_buffer + offset;
    192     while (nalu_ptr < packet_buffer + packet.sizeBytes) {
    193       size_t length = BufferToUWord16(nalu_ptr);
    194       nalu_ptr += kLengthFieldLength;
    195       frame_buffer_ptr += Insert(nalu_ptr, length, packet.insertStartCode,
    196                                  const_cast<uint8_t*>(frame_buffer_ptr));
    197       nalu_ptr += length;
    198     }
    199     packet.sizeBytes = required_length;
    200     return packet.sizeBytes;
    201   }
    202   ShiftSubsequentPackets(
    203       packet_it, packet.sizeBytes +
    204                      (packet.insertStartCode ? kH264StartCodeLengthBytes : 0));
    206   packet.sizeBytes =
    207       Insert(packet_buffer, packet.sizeBytes, packet.insertStartCode,
    208              const_cast<uint8_t*>(packet.dataPtr));
    209   return packet.sizeBytes;
    210 }
    212 size_t VCMSessionInfo::Insert(const uint8_t* buffer,
    213                               size_t length,
    214                               bool insert_start_code,
    215                               uint8_t* frame_buffer) {
    216   if (insert_start_code) {
    217     const unsigned char startCode[] = {0, 0, 0, 1};
    218     memcpy(frame_buffer, startCode, kH264StartCodeLengthBytes);
    219   }
    220   memcpy(frame_buffer + (insert_start_code ? kH264StartCodeLengthBytes : 0),
    221          buffer, length);
    222   length += (insert_start_code ? kH264StartCodeLengthBytes : 0);
    224   return length;
    225 }
    227 void VCMSessionInfo::ShiftSubsequentPackets(PacketIterator it,
    228                                             int steps_to_shift) {
    229   ++it;
    230   if (it == packets_.end())
    231     return;
    232   uint8_t* first_packet_ptr = const_cast<uint8_t*>((*it).dataPtr);
    233   int shift_length = 0;
    234   // Calculate the total move length and move the data pointers in advance.
    235   for (; it != packets_.end(); ++it) {
    236     shift_length += (*it).sizeBytes;
    237     if ((*it).dataPtr != NULL)
    238       (*it).dataPtr += steps_to_shift;
    239   }
    240   memmove(first_packet_ptr + steps_to_shift, first_packet_ptr, shift_length);
    241 }
    243 void VCMSessionInfo::UpdateCompleteSession() {
    244   if (HaveFirstPacket() && HaveLastPacket()) {
    245     // Do we have all the packets in this session?
    246     bool complete_session = true;
    247     PacketIterator it = packets_.begin();
    248     PacketIterator prev_it = it;
    249     ++it;
    250     for (; it != packets_.end(); ++it) {
    251       if (!InSequence(it, prev_it)) {
    252         complete_session = false;
    253         break;
    254       }
    255       prev_it = it;
    256     }
    257     complete_ = complete_session;
    258   }
    259 }
    261 void VCMSessionInfo::UpdateDecodableSession(const FrameData& frame_data) {
    262   // Irrelevant if session is already complete or decodable
    263   if (complete_ || decodable_)
    264     return;
    265   // TODO(agalusza): Account for bursty loss.
    266   // TODO(agalusza): Refine these values to better approximate optimal ones.
    267   // Do not decode frames if the RTT is lower than this.
    268   const int64_t kRttThreshold = 100;
    269   // Do not decode frames if the number of packets is between these two
    270   // thresholds.
    271   const float kLowPacketPercentageThreshold = 0.2f;
    272   const float kHighPacketPercentageThreshold = 0.8f;
    273   if (frame_data.rtt_ms < kRttThreshold || frame_type_ == kVideoFrameKey ||
    274       !HaveFirstPacket() ||
    275       (NumPackets() <= kHighPacketPercentageThreshold *
    276                            frame_data.rolling_average_packets_per_frame &&
    277        NumPackets() > kLowPacketPercentageThreshold *
    278                           frame_data.rolling_average_packets_per_frame))
    279     return;
    281   decodable_ = true;
    282 }
    284 bool VCMSessionInfo::complete() const {
    285   return complete_;
    286 }
    288 bool VCMSessionInfo::decodable() const {
    289   return decodable_;
    290 }
    292 // Find the end of the NAL unit which the packet pointed to by |packet_it|
    293 // belongs to. Returns an iterator to the last packet of the frame if the end
    294 // of the NAL unit wasn't found.
    295 VCMSessionInfo::PacketIterator VCMSessionInfo::FindNaluEnd(
    296     PacketIterator packet_it) const {
    297   if ((*packet_it).completeNALU == kNaluEnd ||
    298       (*packet_it).completeNALU == kNaluComplete) {
    299     return packet_it;
    300   }
    301   // Find the end of the NAL unit.
    302   for (; packet_it != packets_.end(); ++packet_it) {
    303     if (((*packet_it).completeNALU == kNaluComplete &&
    304          (*packet_it).sizeBytes > 0) ||
    305         // Found next NALU.
    306         (*packet_it).completeNALU == kNaluStart)
    307       return --packet_it;
    308     if ((*packet_it).completeNALU == kNaluEnd)
    309       return packet_it;
    310   }
    311   // The end wasn't found.
    312   return --packet_it;
    313 }
    315 size_t VCMSessionInfo::DeletePacketData(PacketIterator start,
    316                                         PacketIterator end) {
    317   size_t bytes_to_delete = 0;  // The number of bytes to delete.
    318   PacketIterator packet_after_end = end;
    319   ++packet_after_end;
    321   // Get the number of bytes to delete.
    322   // Clear the size of these packets.
    323   for (PacketIterator it = start; it != packet_after_end; ++it) {
    324     bytes_to_delete += (*it).sizeBytes;
    325     (*it).sizeBytes = 0;
    326     (*it).dataPtr = NULL;
    327   }
    328   if (bytes_to_delete > 0)
    329     ShiftSubsequentPackets(end, -static_cast<int>(bytes_to_delete));
    330   return bytes_to_delete;
    331 }
    333 size_t VCMSessionInfo::BuildVP8FragmentationHeader(
    334     uint8_t* frame_buffer,
    335     size_t frame_buffer_length,
    336     RTPFragmentationHeader* fragmentation) {
    337   size_t new_length = 0;
    338   // Allocate space for max number of partitions
    339   fragmentation->VerifyAndAllocateFragmentationHeader(kMaxVP8Partitions);
    340   fragmentation->fragmentationVectorSize = 0;
    341   memset(fragmentation->fragmentationLength, 0,
    342          kMaxVP8Partitions * sizeof(size_t));
    343   if (packets_.empty())
    344     return new_length;
    345   PacketIterator it = FindNextPartitionBeginning(packets_.begin());
    346   while (it != packets_.end()) {
    347     const int partition_id =
    348         (*it).codecSpecificHeader.codecHeader.VP8.partitionId;
    349     PacketIterator partition_end = FindPartitionEnd(it);
    350     fragmentation->fragmentationOffset[partition_id] =
    351         (*it).dataPtr - frame_buffer;
    352     assert(fragmentation->fragmentationOffset[partition_id] <
    353            frame_buffer_length);
    354     fragmentation->fragmentationLength[partition_id] =
    355         (*partition_end).dataPtr + (*partition_end).sizeBytes - (*it).dataPtr;
    356     assert(fragmentation->fragmentationLength[partition_id] <=
    357            frame_buffer_length);
    358     new_length += fragmentation->fragmentationLength[partition_id];
    359     ++partition_end;
    360     it = FindNextPartitionBeginning(partition_end);
    361     if (partition_id + 1 > fragmentation->fragmentationVectorSize)
    362       fragmentation->fragmentationVectorSize = partition_id + 1;
    363   }
    364   // Set all empty fragments to start where the previous fragment ends,
    365   // and have zero length.
    366   if (fragmentation->fragmentationLength[0] == 0)
    367     fragmentation->fragmentationOffset[0] = 0;
    368   for (int i = 1; i < fragmentation->fragmentationVectorSize; ++i) {
    369     if (fragmentation->fragmentationLength[i] == 0)
    370       fragmentation->fragmentationOffset[i] =
    371           fragmentation->fragmentationOffset[i - 1] +
    372           fragmentation->fragmentationLength[i - 1];
    373     assert(i == 0 ||
    374            fragmentation->fragmentationOffset[i] >=
    375                fragmentation->fragmentationOffset[i - 1]);
    376   }
    377   assert(new_length <= frame_buffer_length);
    378   return new_length;
    379 }
    381 VCMSessionInfo::PacketIterator VCMSessionInfo::FindNextPartitionBeginning(
    382     PacketIterator it) const {
    383   while (it != packets_.end()) {
    384     if ((*it).codecSpecificHeader.codecHeader.VP8.beginningOfPartition) {
    385       return it;
    386     }
    387     ++it;
    388   }
    389   return it;
    390 }
    392 VCMSessionInfo::PacketIterator VCMSessionInfo::FindPartitionEnd(
    393     PacketIterator it) const {
    394   assert((*it).codec == kVideoCodecVP8);
    395   PacketIterator prev_it = it;
    396   const int partition_id =
    397       (*it).codecSpecificHeader.codecHeader.VP8.partitionId;
    398   while (it != packets_.end()) {
    399     bool beginning =
    400         (*it).codecSpecificHeader.codecHeader.VP8.beginningOfPartition;
    401     int current_partition_id =
    402         (*it).codecSpecificHeader.codecHeader.VP8.partitionId;
    403     bool packet_loss_found = (!beginning && !InSequence(it, prev_it));
    404     if (packet_loss_found ||
    405         (beginning && current_partition_id != partition_id)) {
    406       // Missing packet, the previous packet was the last in sequence.
    407       return prev_it;
    408     }
    409     prev_it = it;
    410     ++it;
    411   }
    412   return prev_it;
    413 }
    415 bool VCMSessionInfo::InSequence(const PacketIterator& packet_it,
    416                                 const PacketIterator& prev_packet_it) {
    417   // If the two iterators are pointing to the same packet they are considered
    418   // to be in sequence.
    419   return (packet_it == prev_packet_it ||
    420           (static_cast<uint16_t>((*prev_packet_it).seqNum + 1) ==
    421            (*packet_it).seqNum));
    422 }
    424 size_t VCMSessionInfo::MakeDecodable() {
    425   size_t return_length = 0;
    426   if (packets_.empty()) {
    427     return 0;
    428   }
    429   PacketIterator it = packets_.begin();
    430   // Make sure we remove the first NAL unit if it's not decodable.
    431   if ((*it).completeNALU == kNaluIncomplete || (*it).completeNALU == kNaluEnd) {
    432     PacketIterator nalu_end = FindNaluEnd(it);
    433     return_length += DeletePacketData(it, nalu_end);
    434     it = nalu_end;
    435   }
    436   PacketIterator prev_it = it;
    437   // Take care of the rest of the NAL units.
    438   for (; it != packets_.end(); ++it) {
    439     bool start_of_nalu = ((*it).completeNALU == kNaluStart ||
    440                           (*it).completeNALU == kNaluComplete);
    441     if (!start_of_nalu && !InSequence(it, prev_it)) {
    442       // Found a sequence number gap due to packet loss.
    443       PacketIterator nalu_end = FindNaluEnd(it);
    444       return_length += DeletePacketData(it, nalu_end);
    445       it = nalu_end;
    446     }
    447     prev_it = it;
    448   }
    449   return return_length;
    450 }
    452 void VCMSessionInfo::SetNotDecodableIfIncomplete() {
    453   // We don't need to check for completeness first because the two are
    454   // orthogonal. If complete_ is true, decodable_ is irrelevant.
    455   decodable_ = false;
    456 }
    458 bool VCMSessionInfo::HaveFirstPacket() const {
    459   return !packets_.empty() && (first_packet_seq_num_ != -1);
    460 }
    462 bool VCMSessionInfo::HaveLastPacket() const {
    463   return !packets_.empty() && (last_packet_seq_num_ != -1);
    464 }
    466 bool VCMSessionInfo::session_nack() const {
    467   return session_nack_;
    468 }
    470 int VCMSessionInfo::InsertPacket(const VCMPacket& packet,
    471                                  uint8_t* frame_buffer,
    472                                  VCMDecodeErrorMode decode_error_mode,
    473                                  const FrameData& frame_data) {
    474   if (packet.frameType == kEmptyFrame) {
    475     // Update sequence number of an empty packet.
    476     // Only media packets are inserted into the packet list.
    477     InformOfEmptyPacket(packet.seqNum);
    478     return 0;
    479   }
    481   if (packets_.size() == kMaxPacketsInSession) {
    482     LOG(LS_ERROR) << "Max number of packets per frame has been reached.";
    483     return -1;
    484   }
    486   // Find the position of this packet in the packet list in sequence number
    487   // order and insert it. Loop over the list in reverse order.
    488   ReversePacketIterator rit = packets_.rbegin();
    489   for (; rit != packets_.rend(); ++rit)
    490     if (LatestSequenceNumber(packet.seqNum, (*rit).seqNum) == packet.seqNum)
    491       break;
    493   // Check for duplicate packets.
    494   if (rit != packets_.rend() && (*rit).seqNum == packet.seqNum &&
    495       (*rit).sizeBytes > 0)
    496     return -2;
    498   if (packet.codec == kVideoCodecH264) {
    499     frame_type_ = packet.frameType;
    500     if (packet.isFirstPacket &&
    501         (first_packet_seq_num_ == -1 ||
    502          IsNewerSequenceNumber(first_packet_seq_num_, packet.seqNum))) {
    503       first_packet_seq_num_ = packet.seqNum;
    504     }
    505     if (packet.markerBit &&
    506         (last_packet_seq_num_ == -1 ||
    507          IsNewerSequenceNumber(packet.seqNum, last_packet_seq_num_))) {
    508       last_packet_seq_num_ = packet.seqNum;
    509     }
    510   } else {
    511     // Only insert media packets between first and last packets (when
    512     // available).
    513     // Placing check here, as to properly account for duplicate packets.
    514     // Check if this is first packet (only valid for some codecs)
    515     // Should only be set for one packet per session.
    516     if (packet.isFirstPacket && first_packet_seq_num_ == -1) {
    517       // The first packet in a frame signals the frame type.
    518       frame_type_ = packet.frameType;
    519       // Store the sequence number for the first packet.
    520       first_packet_seq_num_ = static_cast<int>(packet.seqNum);
    521     } else if (first_packet_seq_num_ != -1 &&
    522                IsNewerSequenceNumber(first_packet_seq_num_, packet.seqNum)) {
    523       LOG(LS_WARNING) << "Received packet with a sequence number which is out "
    524                          "of frame boundaries";
    525       return -3;
    526     } else if (frame_type_ == kEmptyFrame && packet.frameType != kEmptyFrame) {
    527       // Update the frame type with the type of the first media packet.
    528       // TODO(mikhal): Can this trigger?
    529       frame_type_ = packet.frameType;
    530     }
    532     // Track the marker bit, should only be set for one packet per session.
    533     if (packet.markerBit && last_packet_seq_num_ == -1) {
    534       last_packet_seq_num_ = static_cast<int>(packet.seqNum);
    535     } else if (last_packet_seq_num_ != -1 &&
    536                IsNewerSequenceNumber(packet.seqNum, last_packet_seq_num_)) {
    537       LOG(LS_WARNING) << "Received packet with a sequence number which is out "
    538                          "of frame boundaries";
    539       return -3;
    540     }
    541   }
    543   // The insert operation invalidates the iterator |rit|.
    544   PacketIterator packet_list_it = packets_.insert(rit.base(), packet);
    546   size_t returnLength = InsertBuffer(frame_buffer, packet_list_it);
    547   UpdateCompleteSession();
    548   if (decode_error_mode == kWithErrors)
    549     decodable_ = true;
    550   else if (decode_error_mode == kSelectiveErrors)
    551     UpdateDecodableSession(frame_data);
    552   return static_cast<int>(returnLength);
    553 }
    555 void VCMSessionInfo::InformOfEmptyPacket(uint16_t seq_num) {
    556   // Empty packets may be FEC or filler packets. They are sequential and
    557   // follow the data packets, therefore, we should only keep track of the high
    558   // and low sequence numbers and may assume that the packets in between are
    559   // empty packets belonging to the same frame (timestamp).
    560   if (empty_seq_num_high_ == -1)
    561     empty_seq_num_high_ = seq_num;
    562   else
    563     empty_seq_num_high_ = LatestSequenceNumber(seq_num, empty_seq_num_high_);
    564   if (empty_seq_num_low_ == -1 ||
    565       IsNewerSequenceNumber(empty_seq_num_low_, seq_num))
    566     empty_seq_num_low_ = seq_num;
    567 }
    569 }  // namespace webrtc