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      1 #!/usr/bin/env python
      2 #*-* coding: utf-8
      3 # Copyright 2016 The Closure Linter Authors. All Rights Reserved.
      4 #
      5 # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      6 # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      7 # You may obtain a copy of the License at
      8 #
      9 #      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
     10 #
     11 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     12 # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS-IS" BASIS,
     13 # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     14 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     15 # limitations under the License.
     17 """Closure typeannotation parsing and utilities."""
     21 from closure_linter import errors
     22 from closure_linter import javascripttokens
     23 from closure_linter.common import error
     25 # Shorthand
     26 TYPE = javascripttokens.JavaScriptTokenType
     29 class TypeAnnotation(object):
     30   """Represents a structured view of a closure type annotation.
     32   Attribute:
     33     identifier: The name of the type.
     34     key_type: The name part before a colon.
     35     sub_types: The list of sub_types used e.g. for Array.<>
     36     or_null: The '?' annotation
     37     not_null: The '!' annotation
     38     type_group: If this a a grouping (a|b), but does not include function(a).
     39     return_type: The return type of a function definition.
     40     alias: The actual type set by closurizednamespaceinfo if the identifier uses
     41         an alias to shorten the name.
     42     tokens: An ordered list of tokens used for this type. May contain
     43         TypeAnnotation instances for sub_types, key_type or return_type.
     44   """
     50   FUNCTION_TYPE = 'function'
     51   NULL_TYPE = 'null'
     52   VAR_ARGS_TYPE = '...'
     54   # Frequently used known non-nullable types.
     55   NON_NULLABLE = frozenset([
     56       'boolean', FUNCTION_TYPE, 'number', 'string', 'undefined'])
     57   # Frequently used known nullable types.
     58   NULLABLE_TYPE_WHITELIST = frozenset([
     59       'Array', 'Document', 'Element', 'Function', 'Node', 'NodeList',
     60       'Object'])
     62   def __init__(self):
     63     self.identifier = ''
     64     self.sub_types = []
     65     self.or_null = False
     66     self.not_null = False
     67     self.type_group = False
     68     self.alias = None
     69     self.key_type = None
     70     self.record_type = False
     71     self.opt_arg = False
     72     self.return_type = None
     73     self.tokens = []
     75   def IsFunction(self):
     76     """Determines whether this is a function definition."""
     77     return self.identifier == TypeAnnotation.FUNCTION_TYPE
     79   def IsConstructor(self):
     80     """Determines whether this is a function definition for a constructor."""
     81     key_type = self.sub_types and self.sub_types[0].key_type
     82     return self.IsFunction() and key_type.identifier == 'new'
     84   def IsRecordType(self):
     85     """Returns True if this type is a record type."""
     86     return (self.record_type or
     87             any(t.IsRecordType() for t in self.sub_types))
     89   def IsVarArgsType(self):
     90     """Determines if the type is a var_args type, i.e. starts with '...'."""
     91     return self.identifier.startswith(TypeAnnotation.VAR_ARGS_TYPE) or (
     92         self.type_group == TypeAnnotation.IMPLICIT_TYPE_GROUP and
     93         self.sub_types[0].identifier.startswith(TypeAnnotation.VAR_ARGS_TYPE))
     95   def IsEmpty(self):
     96     """Returns True if the type is empty."""
     97     return not self.tokens
     99   def IsUnknownType(self):
    100     """Returns True if this is the unknown type {?}."""
    101     return (self.or_null
    102             and not self.identifier
    103             and not self.sub_types
    104             and not self.return_type)
    106   def Append(self, item):
    107     """Adds a sub_type to this type and finalizes it.
    109     Args:
    110       item: The TypeAnnotation item to append.
    111     """
    112     # item is a TypeAnnotation instance, so pylint: disable=protected-access
    113     self.sub_types.append(item._Finalize(self))
    115   def __repr__(self):
    116     """Reconstructs the type definition."""
    117     append = ''
    118     if self.sub_types:
    119       separator = (',' if not self.type_group else '|')
    120       if self.IsFunction():
    121         surround = '(%s)'
    122       else:
    123         surround = {False: '{%s}' if self.record_type else '<%s>',
    124                     True: '(%s)',
    125                     TypeAnnotation.IMPLICIT_TYPE_GROUP: '%s'}[self.type_group]
    126       append = surround % separator.join(repr(t) for t in self.sub_types)
    127     if self.return_type:
    128       append += ':%s' % repr(self.return_type)
    129     append += '=' if self.opt_arg else ''
    130     prefix = '' + ('?' if self.or_null else '') + ('!' if self.not_null else '')
    131     keyword = '%s:' % repr(self.key_type) if self.key_type else ''
    132     return keyword + prefix + '%s' % (self.alias or self.identifier) + append
    134   def ToString(self):
    135     """Concats the type's tokens to form a string again."""
    136     ret = []
    137     for token in self.tokens:
    138       if not isinstance(token, TypeAnnotation):
    139         ret.append(token.string)
    140       else:
    141         ret.append(token.ToString())
    142     return ''.join(ret)
    144   def Dump(self, indent=''):
    145     """Dumps this type's structure for debugging purposes."""
    146     result = []
    147     for t in self.tokens:
    148       if isinstance(t, TypeAnnotation):
    149         result.append(indent + str(t) + ' =>\n' + t.Dump(indent + '  '))
    150       else:
    151         result.append(indent + str(t))
    152     return '\n'.join(result)
    154   def IterIdentifiers(self):
    155     """Iterates over all identifiers in this type and its subtypes."""
    156     if self.identifier:
    157       yield self.identifier
    158     for subtype in self.IterTypes():
    159       for identifier in subtype.IterIdentifiers():
    160         yield identifier
    162   def IterTypeGroup(self):
    163     """Iterates over all types in the type group including self.
    165     Yields:
    166       If this is a implicit or manual type-group: all sub_types.
    167       Otherwise: self
    168       E.g. for @type {Foo.<Bar>} this will yield only Foo.<Bar>,
    169       for @type {Foo|(Bar|Sample)} this will yield Foo, Bar and Sample.
    171     """
    172     if self.type_group:
    173       for sub_type in self.sub_types:
    174         for sub_type in sub_type.IterTypeGroup():
    175           yield sub_type
    176     else:
    177       yield self
    179   def IterTypes(self):
    180     """Iterates over each subtype as well as return and key types."""
    181     if self.return_type:
    182       yield self.return_type
    184     if self.key_type:
    185       yield self.key_type
    187     for sub_type in self.sub_types:
    188       yield sub_type
    190   def GetNullability(self, modifiers=True):
    191     """Computes whether the type may be null.
    193     Args:
    194       modifiers: Whether the modifiers ? and ! should be considered in the
    195                  evaluation.
    196     Returns:
    197       True if the type allows null, False if the type is strictly non nullable
    198       and NULLABILITY_UNKNOWN if the nullability cannot be determined.
    199     """
    201     # Explicitly marked nullable types or 'null' are nullable.
    202     if ((modifiers and self.or_null) or
    203         self.identifier == TypeAnnotation.NULL_TYPE):
    204       return True
    206     # Explicitly marked non-nullable types or non-nullable base types:
    207     if ((modifiers and self.not_null) or self.record_type
    208         or self.identifier in TypeAnnotation.NON_NULLABLE):
    209       return False
    211     # A type group is nullable if any of its elements are nullable.
    212     if self.type_group:
    213       maybe_nullable = False
    214       for sub_type in self.sub_types:
    215         nullability = sub_type.GetNullability()
    216         if nullability == self.NULLABILITY_UNKNOWN:
    217           maybe_nullable = nullability
    218         elif nullability:
    219           return True
    220       return maybe_nullable
    222     # Whitelisted types are nullable.
    223     if self.identifier.rstrip('.') in TypeAnnotation.NULLABLE_TYPE_WHITELIST:
    224       return True
    226     # All other types are unknown (most should be nullable, but
    227     # enums are not and typedefs might not be).
    228     return TypeAnnotation.NULLABILITY_UNKNOWN
    230   def WillAlwaysBeNullable(self):
    231     """Computes whether the ! flag is illegal for this type.
    233     This is the case if this type or any of the subtypes is marked as
    234     explicitly nullable.
    236     Returns:
    237       True if the ! flag would be illegal.
    238     """
    239     if self.or_null or self.identifier == TypeAnnotation.NULL_TYPE:
    240       return True
    242     if self.type_group:
    243       return any(t.WillAlwaysBeNullable() for t in self.sub_types)
    245     return False
    247   def _Finalize(self, parent):
    248     """Fixes some parsing issues once the TypeAnnotation is complete."""
    250     # Normalize functions whose definition ended up in the key type because
    251     # they defined a return type after a colon.
    252     if (self.key_type and
    253         self.key_type.identifier == TypeAnnotation.FUNCTION_TYPE):
    254       current = self.key_type
    255       current.return_type = self
    256       self.key_type = None
    257       # opt_arg never refers to the return type but to the function itself.
    258       current.opt_arg = self.opt_arg
    259       self.opt_arg = False
    260       return current
    262     # If a typedef just specified the key, it will not end up in the key type.
    263     if parent.record_type and not self.key_type:
    264       current = TypeAnnotation()
    265       current.key_type = self
    266       current.tokens.append(self)
    267       return current
    268     return self
    270   def FirstToken(self):
    271     """Returns the first token used in this type or any of its subtypes."""
    272     first = self.tokens[0]
    273     return first.FirstToken() if isinstance(first, TypeAnnotation) else first
    276 def Parse(token, token_end, error_handler):
    277   """Parses a type annotation and returns a TypeAnnotation object."""
    278   return TypeAnnotationParser(error_handler).Parse(token.next, token_end)
    281 class TypeAnnotationParser(object):
    282   """A parser for type annotations constructing the TypeAnnotation object."""
    284   def __init__(self, error_handler):
    285     self._stack = []
    286     self._error_handler = error_handler
    287     self._closing_error = False
    289   def Parse(self, token, token_end):
    290     """Parses a type annotation and returns a TypeAnnotation object."""
    291     root = TypeAnnotation()
    292     self._stack.append(root)
    293     current = TypeAnnotation()
    294     root.tokens.append(current)
    296     while token and token != token_end:
    297       if token.type in (TYPE.DOC_TYPE_START_BLOCK, TYPE.DOC_START_BRACE):
    298         if token.string == '(':
    299           if current.identifier and current.identifier not in [
    300               TypeAnnotation.FUNCTION_TYPE, TypeAnnotation.VAR_ARGS_TYPE]:
    301             self.Error(token,
    302                        'Invalid identifier for (): "%s"' % current.identifier)
    303           current.type_group = (
    304               current.identifier != TypeAnnotation.FUNCTION_TYPE)
    305         elif token.string == '{':
    306           current.record_type = True
    307         current.tokens.append(token)
    308         self._stack.append(current)
    309         current = TypeAnnotation()
    310         self._stack[-1].tokens.append(current)
    312       elif token.type in (TYPE.DOC_TYPE_END_BLOCK, TYPE.DOC_END_BRACE):
    313         prev = self._stack.pop()
    314         prev.Append(current)
    315         current = prev
    317         # If an implicit type group was created, close it as well.
    318         if prev.type_group == TypeAnnotation.IMPLICIT_TYPE_GROUP:
    319           prev = self._stack.pop()
    320           prev.Append(current)
    321           current = prev
    322         current.tokens.append(token)
    324       elif token.type == TYPE.DOC_TYPE_MODIFIER:
    325         if token.string == '!':
    326           current.tokens.append(token)
    327           current.not_null = True
    328         elif token.string == '?':
    329           current.tokens.append(token)
    330           current.or_null = True
    331         elif token.string == ':':
    332           current.tokens.append(token)
    333           prev = current
    334           current = TypeAnnotation()
    335           prev.tokens.append(current)
    336           current.key_type = prev
    337         elif token.string == '=':
    338           # For implicit type groups the '=' refers to the parent.
    339           try:
    340             if self._stack[-1].type_group == TypeAnnotation.IMPLICIT_TYPE_GROUP:
    341               self._stack[-1].tokens.append(token)
    342               self._stack[-1].opt_arg = True
    343             else:
    344               current.tokens.append(token)
    345               current.opt_arg = True
    346           except IndexError:
    347             self.ClosingError(token)
    348         elif token.string == '|':
    349           # If a type group has explicitly been opened, do a normal append.
    350           # Otherwise we have to open the type group and move the current
    351           # type into it, before appending
    352           if not self._stack[-1].type_group:
    353             type_group = TypeAnnotation()
    354             if (current.key_type and
    355                 current.key_type.identifier != TypeAnnotation.FUNCTION_TYPE):
    356               type_group.key_type = current.key_type
    357               current.key_type = None
    358             type_group.type_group = TypeAnnotation.IMPLICIT_TYPE_GROUP
    359             # Fix the token order
    360             prev = self._stack[-1].tokens.pop()
    361             self._stack[-1].tokens.append(type_group)
    362             type_group.tokens.append(prev)
    363             self._stack.append(type_group)
    364           self._stack[-1].tokens.append(token)
    365           self.Append(current, error_token=token)
    366           current = TypeAnnotation()
    367           self._stack[-1].tokens.append(current)
    368         elif token.string == ',':
    369           self.Append(current, error_token=token)
    370           current = TypeAnnotation()
    371           self._stack[-1].tokens.append(token)
    372           self._stack[-1].tokens.append(current)
    373         else:
    374           current.tokens.append(token)
    375           self.Error(token, 'Invalid token')
    377       elif token.type == TYPE.COMMENT:
    378         current.tokens.append(token)
    379         current.identifier += token.string.strip()
    381       elif token.type in [TYPE.DOC_PREFIX, TYPE.WHITESPACE]:
    382         current.tokens.append(token)
    384       else:
    385         current.tokens.append(token)
    386         self.Error(token, 'Unexpected token')
    388       token = token.next
    390     self.Append(current, error_token=token)
    391     try:
    392       ret = self._stack.pop()
    393     except IndexError:
    394       self.ClosingError(token)
    395       # The type is screwed up, but let's return something.
    396       return current
    398     if self._stack and (len(self._stack) != 1 or
    399                         ret.type_group != TypeAnnotation.IMPLICIT_TYPE_GROUP):
    400       self.Error(token, 'Too many opening items.')
    402     return ret if len(ret.sub_types) > 1 else ret.sub_types[0]
    404   def Append(self, type_obj, error_token):
    405     """Appends a new TypeAnnotation object to the current parent."""
    406     if self._stack:
    407       self._stack[-1].Append(type_obj)
    408     else:
    409       self.ClosingError(error_token)
    411   def ClosingError(self, token):
    412     """Reports an error about too many closing items, but only once."""
    413     if not self._closing_error:
    414       self._closing_error = True
    415       self.Error(token, 'Too many closing items.')
    417   def Error(self, token, message):
    418     """Calls the error_handler to post an error message."""
    419     if self._error_handler:
    420       self._error_handler.HandleError(error.Error(
    421           errors.JSDOC_DOES_NOT_PARSE,
    422           'Error parsing jsdoc type at token "%s" (column: %d): %s' %
    423           (token.string, token.start_index, message), token))