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      1 /********************************************************************
      2  * COPYRIGHT:
      3  * Copyright (c) 1997-2015, International Business Machines Corporation and
      4  * others. All Rights Reserved.
      5  ********************************************************************/
      6 /********************************************************************************
      7 *
      8 * File CINTLTST.C
      9 *
     10 * Modification History:
     11 *        Name                     Description
     12 *     Madhu Katragadda               Creation
     13 *********************************************************************************
     14 */
     16 /*The main root for C API tests*/
     18 #include <stdlib.h>
     19 #include <stdio.h>
     20 #include <string.h>
     21 #include "unicode/utypes.h"
     22 #include "unicode/putil.h"
     23 #include "cstring.h"
     24 #include "cintltst.h"
     25 #include "uassert.h"
     26 #include "cmemory.h"
     27 #include "unicode/uchar.h"
     28 #include "unicode/ustring.h"
     29 #include "unicode/ucnv.h"
     30 #include "unicode/ures.h"
     31 #include "unicode/uclean.h"
     32 #include "unicode/ucal.h"
     33 #include "uoptions.h"
     34 #include "putilimp.h" /* for uprv_getRawUTCtime() */
     35 #ifdef URES_DEBUG
     36 #include "uresimp.h" /* for ures_dumpCacheContents() */
     37 #endif
     39 #ifdef XP_MAC_CONSOLE
     40 #   include <console.h>
     41 #endif
     43 #define CTST_MAX_ALLOC 8192
     44 /* Array used as a queue */
     45 static void * ctst_allocated_stuff[CTST_MAX_ALLOC] = {0};
     46 static int ctst_allocated = 0;
     47 static UBool ctst_free = FALSE;
     48 static int ctst_allocated_total = 0;
     50 #define CTST_LEAK_CHECK 1
     52 #ifdef CTST_LEAK_CHECK
     53 static void ctst_freeAll(void);
     54 #endif
     56 static char* _testDataPath=NULL;
     58 /*
     59  *  Forward Declarations
     60  */
     61 void ctest_setICU_DATA(void);
     66 #   define TRY_CNV_1 "iso-8859-1"
     67 #   define TRY_CNV_2 "ibm-1208"
     68 #else
     69 #   define TRY_CNV_1 "iso-8859-7"
     70 #   define TRY_CNV_2 "sjis"
     71 #endif
     73 static int gOrigArgc;
     74 static const char* const * gOrigArgv;
     77 U_CAPI void unistr_printLengths();
     78 #endif
     80 int main(int argc, const char* const argv[])
     81 {
     82     int nerrors = 0;
     83     UBool   defaultDataFound;
     84     TestNode *root;
     85     const char *warnOrErr = "Failure";
     86     UDate startTime, endTime;
     87     int32_t diffTime;
     89     /* initial check for the default converter */
     90     UErrorCode errorCode = U_ZERO_ERROR;
     91     UResourceBundle *rb;
     92     UConverter *cnv;
     94     U_MAIN_INIT_ARGS(argc, argv);
     96     startTime = uprv_getRawUTCtime();
     98     gOrigArgc = argc;
     99     gOrigArgv = argv;
    100     if (!initArgs(argc, argv, NULL, NULL)) {
    101         /* Error already displayed. */
    102         return -1;
    103     }
    105     /* Check whether ICU will initialize without forcing the build data directory into
    106      *  the ICU_DATA path.  Success here means either the data dll contains data, or that
    107      *  this test program was run with ICU_DATA set externally.  Failure of this check
    108      *  is normal when ICU data is not packaged into a shared library.
    109      *
    110      *  Whether or not this test succeeds, we want to cleanup and reinitialize
    111      *  with a data path so that data loading from individual files can be tested.
    112      */
    113     defaultDataFound = TRUE;
    114     u_init(&errorCode);
    115     if (U_FAILURE(errorCode)) {
    116         fprintf(stderr,
    117             "#### Note:  ICU Init without build-specific setDataDirectory() failed. %s\n", u_errorName(errorCode));
    118         defaultDataFound = FALSE;
    119     }
    120     u_cleanup();
    121 #ifdef URES_DEBUG
    122     fprintf(stderr, "After initial u_cleanup: RB cache %s empty.\n", ures_dumpCacheContents()?"WAS NOT":"was");
    123 #endif
    125     while (getTestOption(REPEAT_TESTS_OPTION) > 0) {   /* Loop runs once per complete execution of the tests
    126                                   *   used for -r  (repeat) test option.                */
    127         if (!initArgs(argc, argv, NULL, NULL)) {
    128             /* Error already displayed. */
    129             return -1;
    130         }
    131         errorCode = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    133         /* Initialize ICU */
    134         if (!defaultDataFound) {
    135             ctest_setICU_DATA();    /* u_setDataDirectory() must happen Before u_init() */
    136         }
    137         u_init(&errorCode);
    138         if (U_FAILURE(errorCode)) {
    139             fprintf(stderr,
    140                 "#### ERROR! %s: u_init() failed with status = \"%s\".\n"
    141                 "*** Check the ICU_DATA environment variable and \n"
    142                 "*** check that the data files are present.\n", argv[0], u_errorName(errorCode));
    143                 if(!getTestOption(WARN_ON_MISSING_DATA_OPTION)) {
    144                     fprintf(stderr, "*** Exiting.  Use the '-w' option if data files were\n*** purposely removed, to continue test anyway.\n");
    145                     u_cleanup();
    146                     return 1;
    147                 }
    148         }
    152         /* try more data */
    153         cnv = ucnv_open(TRY_CNV_2, &errorCode);
    154         if(cnv != 0) {
    155             /* ok */
    156             ucnv_close(cnv);
    157         } else {
    158             fprintf(stderr,
    159                     "*** %s! The converter for " TRY_CNV_2 " cannot be opened.\n"
    160                     "*** Check the ICU_DATA environment variable and \n"
    161                     "*** check that the data files are present.\n", warnOrErr);
    162             if(!getTestOption(WARN_ON_MISSING_DATA_OPTION)) {
    163                 fprintf(stderr, "*** Exitting.  Use the '-w' option if data files were\n*** purposely removed, to continue test anyway.\n");
    164                 u_cleanup();
    165                 return 1;
    166             }
    167         }
    169         rb = ures_open(NULL, "en", &errorCode);
    170         if(U_SUCCESS(errorCode)) {
    171             /* ok */
    172             ures_close(rb);
    173         } else {
    174             fprintf(stderr,
    175                     "*** %s! The \"en\" locale resource bundle cannot be opened.\n"
    176                     "*** Check the ICU_DATA environment variable and \n"
    177                     "*** check that the data files are present.\n", warnOrErr);
    178             if(!getTestOption(WARN_ON_MISSING_DATA_OPTION)) {
    179                 fprintf(stderr, "*** Exitting.  Use the '-w' option if data files were\n*** purposely removed, to continue test anyway.\n");
    180                 u_cleanup();
    181                 return 1;
    182             }
    183         }
    185         errorCode = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    186         rb = ures_open(NULL, NULL, &errorCode);
    187         if(U_SUCCESS(errorCode)) {
    188             /* ok */
    189             if (errorCode == U_USING_DEFAULT_WARNING || errorCode == U_USING_FALLBACK_WARNING) {
    190                 fprintf(stderr,
    191                         "#### Note: The default locale %s is not available\n", uloc_getDefault());
    192             }
    193             ures_close(rb);
    194         } else {
    195             fprintf(stderr,
    196                     "*** %s! Can not open a resource bundle for the default locale %s\n", warnOrErr, uloc_getDefault());
    197             if(!getTestOption(WARN_ON_MISSING_DATA_OPTION)) {
    198                 fprintf(stderr, "*** Exitting.  Use the '-w' option if data files were\n"
    199                     "*** purposely removed, to continue test anyway.\n");
    200                 u_cleanup();
    201                 return 1;
    202             }
    203         }
    204         fprintf(stdout, "Default locale for this run is %s\n", uloc_getDefault());
    206         /* Build a tree of all tests.
    207          *   Subsequently will be used to find / iterate the tests to run */
    208         root = NULL;
    209         addAllTests(&root);
    211         /*  Tests acutally run HERE.   TODO:  separate command line option parsing & setting from test execution!! */
    212         nerrors = runTestRequest(root, argc, argv);
    215         if (getTestOption(REPEAT_TESTS_OPTION) > 0) {
    216             printf("Repeating tests %d more time(s)\n", getTestOption(REPEAT_TESTS_OPTION));
    217         }
    218         cleanUpTestTree(root);
    220 #ifdef CTST_LEAK_CHECK
    221         ctst_freeAll();
    222         /* To check for leaks */
    223         u_cleanup(); /* nuke the hashtable.. so that any still-open cnvs are leaked */
    225         if(getTestOption(VERBOSITY_OPTION) && ctst_allocated_total>0) {
    226           fprintf(stderr,"ctst_freeAll():  cleaned up after %d allocations (queue of %d)\n", ctst_allocated_total, CTST_MAX_ALLOC);
    227         }
    228 #ifdef URES_DEBUG
    229         if(ures_dumpCacheContents()) {
    230           fprintf(stderr, "Error: After final u_cleanup, RB cache was not empty.\n");
    231           nerrors++;
    232         } else {
    233           fprintf(stderr,"OK: After final u_cleanup, RB cache was empty.\n");
    234         }
    235 #endif
    236 #endif
    238     }  /* End of loop that repeats the entire test, if requested.  (Normally doesn't loop)  */
    241     unistr_printLengths();
    242 #endif
    244     endTime = uprv_getRawUTCtime();
    245     diffTime = (int32_t)(endTime - startTime);
    246     printf("Elapsed Time: %02d:%02d:%02d.%03d\n",
    247         (int)((diffTime%U_MILLIS_PER_DAY)/U_MILLIS_PER_HOUR),
    248         (int)((diffTime%U_MILLIS_PER_HOUR)/U_MILLIS_PER_MINUTE),
    249         (int)((diffTime%U_MILLIS_PER_MINUTE)/U_MILLIS_PER_SECOND),
    250         (int)(diffTime%U_MILLIS_PER_SECOND));
    252     return nerrors ? 1 : 0;
    253 }
    255 /*
    256 static void ctest_appendToDataDirectory(const char *toAppend)
    257 {
    258     const char *oldPath ="";
    259     char newBuf [1024];
    260     char *newPath = newBuf;
    261     int32_t oldLen;
    262     int32_t newLen;
    264     if((toAppend == NULL) || (*toAppend == 0)) {
    265         return;
    266     }
    268     oldPath = u_getDataDirectory();
    269     if( (oldPath==NULL) || (*oldPath == 0)) {
    270         u_setDataDirectory(toAppend);
    271     } else {
    272         oldLen = strlen(oldPath);
    273         newLen = strlen(toAppend)+1+oldLen;
    275         if(newLen > 1022)
    276         {
    277             newPath = (char *)ctst_malloc(newLen);
    278         }
    280         strcpy(newPath, oldPath);
    281         strcpy(newPath+oldLen, U_PATH_SEP_STRING);
    282         strcpy(newPath+oldLen+1, toAppend);
    284         u_setDataDirectory(newPath);
    286         if(newPath != newBuf)
    287         {
    288             free(newPath);
    289         }
    290     }
    291 }
    292 */
    294 /* returns the path to icu/source/data */
    295 const char *  ctest_dataSrcDir()
    296 {
    297     static const char *dataSrcDir = NULL;
    299     if(dataSrcDir) {
    300         return dataSrcDir;
    301     }
    303     /* U_TOPSRCDIR is set by the makefiles on UNIXes when building cintltst and intltst
    304     //              to point to the top of the build hierarchy, which may or
    305     //              may not be the same as the source directory, depending on
    306     //              the configure options used.  At any rate,
    307     //              set the data path to the built data from this directory.
    308     //              The value is complete with quotes, so it can be used
    309     //              as-is as a string constant.
    310     */
    311 #if defined (U_TOPSRCDIR)
    312     {
    313         dataSrcDir = U_TOPSRCDIR  U_FILE_SEP_STRING "data" U_FILE_SEP_STRING;
    314     }
    315 #else
    317     /* On Windows, the file name obtained from __FILE__ includes a full path.
    318      *             This file is "wherever\icu\source\test\cintltst\cintltst.c"
    319      *             Change to    "wherever\icu\source\data"
    320      */
    321     {
    322         static char p[sizeof(__FILE__) + 20];
    323         char *pBackSlash;
    324         int i;
    326         strcpy(p, __FILE__);
    327         /* We want to back over three '\' chars.                            */
    328         /*   Only Windows should end up here, so looking for '\' is safe.   */
    329         for (i=1; i<=3; i++) {
    330             pBackSlash = strrchr(p, U_FILE_SEP_CHAR);
    331             if (pBackSlash != NULL) {
    332                 *pBackSlash = 0;        /* Truncate the string at the '\'   */
    333             }
    334         }
    336         if (pBackSlash != NULL) {
    337             /* We found and truncated three names from the path.
    338              *  Now append "source\data" and set the environment
    339              */
    340             strcpy(pBackSlash, U_FILE_SEP_STRING "data" U_FILE_SEP_STRING );
    341             dataSrcDir = p;
    342         }
    343         else {
    344             /* __FILE__ on MSVC7 does not contain the directory */
    345             FILE *file = fopen(".."U_FILE_SEP_STRING".."U_FILE_SEP_STRING "data" U_FILE_SEP_STRING "Makefile.in", "r");
    346             if (file) {
    347                 fclose(file);
    348                 dataSrcDir = ".."U_FILE_SEP_STRING".."U_FILE_SEP_STRING "data" U_FILE_SEP_STRING;
    349             }
    350             else {
    351                 dataSrcDir = ".."U_FILE_SEP_STRING".."U_FILE_SEP_STRING".."U_FILE_SEP_STRING".."U_FILE_SEP_STRING "data" U_FILE_SEP_STRING;
    352             }
    353         }
    354     }
    355 #endif
    357     return dataSrcDir;
    359 }
    361 /* returns the path to icu/source/data/out */
    362 const char *ctest_dataOutDir()
    363 {
    364     static const char *dataOutDir = NULL;
    366     if(dataOutDir) {
    367         return dataOutDir;
    368     }
    370     /* U_TOPBUILDDIR is set by the makefiles on UNIXes when building cintltst and intltst
    371     //              to point to the top of the build hierarchy, which may or
    372     //              may not be the same as the source directory, depending on
    373     //              the configure options used.  At any rate,
    374     //              set the data path to the built data from this directory.
    375     //              The value is complete with quotes, so it can be used
    376     //              as-is as a string constant.
    377     */
    378 #if defined (U_TOPBUILDDIR)
    379     {
    380         dataOutDir = U_TOPBUILDDIR "data"U_FILE_SEP_STRING"out"U_FILE_SEP_STRING;
    381     }
    382 #else
    384     /* On Windows, the file name obtained from __FILE__ includes a full path.
    385      *             This file is "wherever\icu\source\test\cintltst\cintltst.c"
    386      *             Change to    "wherever\icu\source\data"
    387      */
    388     {
    389         static char p[sizeof(__FILE__) + 20];
    390         char *pBackSlash;
    391         int i;
    393         strcpy(p, __FILE__);
    394         /* We want to back over three '\' chars.                            */
    395         /*   Only Windows should end up here, so looking for '\' is safe.   */
    396         for (i=1; i<=3; i++) {
    397             pBackSlash = strrchr(p, U_FILE_SEP_CHAR);
    398             if (pBackSlash != NULL) {
    399                 *pBackSlash = 0;        /* Truncate the string at the '\'   */
    400             }
    401         }
    403         if (pBackSlash != NULL) {
    404             /* We found and truncated three names from the path.
    405              *  Now append "source\data" and set the environment
    406              */
    407             strcpy(pBackSlash, U_FILE_SEP_STRING "data" U_FILE_SEP_STRING "out" U_FILE_SEP_STRING);
    408             dataOutDir = p;
    409         }
    410         else {
    411             /* __FILE__ on MSVC7 does not contain the directory */
    412             FILE *file = fopen(".."U_FILE_SEP_STRING".."U_FILE_SEP_STRING "data" U_FILE_SEP_STRING "Makefile.in", "r");
    413             if (file) {
    414                 fclose(file);
    415                 dataOutDir = ".."U_FILE_SEP_STRING".."U_FILE_SEP_STRING "data" U_FILE_SEP_STRING "out" U_FILE_SEP_STRING;
    416             }
    417             else {
    419             }
    420         }
    421     }
    422 #endif
    424     return dataOutDir;
    425 }
    427 /*  ctest_setICU_DATA  - if the ICU_DATA environment variable is not already
    428  *                       set, try to deduce the directory in which ICU was built,
    429  *                       and set ICU_DATA to "icu/source/data" in that location.
    430  *                       The intent is to allow the tests to have a good chance
    431  *                       of running without requiring that the user manually set
    432  *                       ICU_DATA.  Common data isn't a problem, since it is
    433  *                       picked up via a static (build time) reference, but the
    434  *                       tests dynamically load some data.
    435  */
    436 void ctest_setICU_DATA() {
    438     /* No location for the data dir was identifiable.
    439      *   Add other fallbacks for the test data location here if the need arises
    440      */
    441     if (getenv("ICU_DATA") == NULL) {
    442         /* If ICU_DATA isn't set, set it to the usual location */
    443         u_setDataDirectory(ctest_dataOutDir());
    444     }
    445 }
    447 /*  These tests do cleanup and reinitialize ICU in the course of their operation.
    448  *    The ICU data directory must be preserved across these operations.
    449  *    Here is a helper function to assist with that.
    450  */
    451 static char *safeGetICUDataDirectory() {
    452     const char *dataDir = u_getDataDirectory();  /* Returned string vanashes with u_cleanup */
    453     char *retStr = NULL;
    454     if (dataDir != NULL) {
    455         retStr = (char *)malloc(strlen(dataDir)+1);
    456         strcpy(retStr, dataDir);
    457     }
    458     return retStr;
    459 }
    461 UBool ctest_resetICU() {
    462     UErrorCode   status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    463     char         *dataDir = safeGetICUDataDirectory();
    465     u_cleanup();
    466     if (!initArgs(gOrigArgc, gOrigArgv, NULL, NULL)) {
    467         /* Error already displayed. */
    468         return FALSE;
    469     }
    470     u_setDataDirectory(dataDir);
    471     free(dataDir);
    472     u_init(&status);
    473     if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
    474         log_err_status(status, "u_init failed with %s\n", u_errorName(status));
    475         return FALSE;
    476     }
    477     return TRUE;
    478 }
    480 UChar* CharsToUChars(const char* str) {
    481     /* Might be faster to just use uprv_strlen() as the preflight len - liu */
    482     int32_t len = u_unescape(str, 0, 0); /* preflight */
    483     /* Do NOT use malloc() - we are supposed to be acting like user code! */
    484     UChar *buf = (UChar*) malloc(sizeof(UChar) * (len + 1));
    485     u_unescape(str, buf, len + 1);
    486     return buf;
    487 }
    489 char *austrdup(const UChar* unichars)
    490 {
    491     int   length;
    492     char *newString;
    494     length    = u_strlen ( unichars );
    495     /*newString = (char*)malloc  ( sizeof( char ) * 4 * ( length + 1 ) );*/ /* this leaks for now */
    496     newString = (char*)ctst_malloc  ( sizeof( char ) * 4 * ( length + 1 ) ); /* this shouldn't */
    498     if ( newString == NULL )
    499         return NULL;
    501     u_austrcpy ( newString, unichars );
    503     return newString;
    504 }
    506 char *aescstrdup(const UChar* unichars,int32_t length){
    507     char *newString,*targetLimit,*target;
    508     UConverterFromUCallback cb;
    509     const void *p;
    510     UErrorCode errorCode = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    512 #   if U_PLATFORM == U_PF_OS390
    513         static const char convName[] = "ibm-1047";
    514 #   else
    515         static const char convName[] = "ibm-37";
    516 #   endif
    517 #else
    518     static const char convName[] = "US-ASCII";
    519 #endif
    520     UConverter* conv = ucnv_open(convName, &errorCode);
    521     if(length==-1){
    522         length = u_strlen( unichars);
    523     }
    524     newString = (char*)ctst_malloc ( sizeof(char) * 8 * (length +1));
    525     target = newString;
    526     targetLimit = newString+sizeof(char) * 8 * (length +1);
    527     ucnv_setFromUCallBack(conv, UCNV_FROM_U_CALLBACK_ESCAPE, UCNV_ESCAPE_C, &cb, &p, &errorCode);
    528     ucnv_fromUnicode(conv,&target,targetLimit, &unichars, (UChar*)(unichars+length),NULL,TRUE,&errorCode);
    529     ucnv_close(conv);
    530     *target = '\0';
    531     return newString;
    532 }
    534 const char* loadTestData(UErrorCode* err){
    535     if( _testDataPath == NULL){
    536         const char*      directory=NULL;
    537         UResourceBundle* test =NULL;
    538         char* tdpath=NULL;
    539         const char* tdrelativepath;
    540 #if defined (U_TOPBUILDDIR)
    541         tdrelativepath = "test"U_FILE_SEP_STRING"testdata"U_FILE_SEP_STRING"out"U_FILE_SEP_STRING;
    542         directory = U_TOPBUILDDIR;
    543 #else
    544         tdrelativepath = ".."U_FILE_SEP_STRING".."U_FILE_SEP_STRING"test"U_FILE_SEP_STRING"testdata"U_FILE_SEP_STRING"out"U_FILE_SEP_STRING;
    545         directory= ctest_dataOutDir();
    546 #endif
    548         tdpath = (char*) ctst_malloc(sizeof(char) *(( strlen(directory) * strlen(tdrelativepath)) + 10));
    551         /* u_getDataDirectory shoul return \source\data ... set the
    552          * directory to ..\source\data\..\test\testdata\out\testdata
    553          *
    554          * Fallback: When Memory mapped file is built
    555          * ..\source\data\out\..\..\test\testdata\out\testdata
    556          */
    557         strcpy(tdpath, directory);
    558         strcat(tdpath, tdrelativepath);
    559         strcat(tdpath,"testdata");
    562         test=ures_open(tdpath, "testtypes", err);
    564         /* Fall back did not succeed either so return */
    565         if(U_FAILURE(*err)){
    566             *err = U_FILE_ACCESS_ERROR;
    567             log_data_err("Could not load testtypes.res in testdata bundle with path %s - %s\n", tdpath, u_errorName(*err));
    568             return "";
    569         }
    570         ures_close(test);
    571         _testDataPath = tdpath;
    572         return _testDataPath;
    573     }
    574     return _testDataPath;
    575 }
    577 #define CTEST_MAX_TIMEZONE_SIZE 256
    578 static UChar gOriginalTimeZone[CTEST_MAX_TIMEZONE_SIZE] = {0};
    580 /**
    581  * Call this once to get a consistent timezone. Use ctest_resetTimeZone to set it back to the original value.
    582  * @param optionalTimeZone Set this to a requested timezone.
    583  *      Set to NULL to use the standard test timezone (Pacific Time)
    584  */
    585 U_CFUNC void ctest_setTimeZone(const char *optionalTimeZone, UErrorCode *status) {
    587     UChar zoneID[CTEST_MAX_TIMEZONE_SIZE];
    589     if (optionalTimeZone == NULL) {
    590         optionalTimeZone = "America/Los_Angeles";
    591     }
    592     if (gOriginalTimeZone[0]) {
    593         log_data_err("*** Error: time zone saved twice. New value will be %s (Are you missing data?)\n",
    594                optionalTimeZone);
    595     }
    596     ucal_getDefaultTimeZone(gOriginalTimeZone, CTEST_MAX_TIMEZONE_SIZE, status);
    597     if (U_FAILURE(*status)) {
    598         log_err("*** Error: Failed to save default time zone: %s\n",
    599                u_errorName(*status));
    600         *status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    601     }
    603     u_uastrncpy(zoneID, optionalTimeZone, CTEST_MAX_TIMEZONE_SIZE-1);
    604     zoneID[CTEST_MAX_TIMEZONE_SIZE-1] = 0;
    605     ucal_setDefaultTimeZone(zoneID, status);
    606     if (U_FAILURE(*status)) {
    607         log_err("*** Error: Failed to set default time zone to \"%s\": %s\n",
    608                optionalTimeZone, u_errorName(*status));
    609     }
    610 #endif
    611 }
    613 /**
    614  * Call this once get back the original timezone
    615  */
    616 U_CFUNC void ctest_resetTimeZone(void) {
    618     UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    620     ucal_setDefaultTimeZone(gOriginalTimeZone, &status);
    621     if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
    622         log_err("*** Error: Failed to reset default time zone: %s\n",
    623                u_errorName(status));
    624     }
    625     /* Set to an empty state */
    626     gOriginalTimeZone[0] = 0;
    627 #endif
    628 }
    631 void *ctst_malloc(size_t size) {
    632   ctst_allocated_total++;
    633     if(ctst_allocated >= CTST_MAX_ALLOC - 1) {
    634         ctst_allocated = 0;
    635         ctst_free = TRUE;
    636     }
    637     if(ctst_allocated_stuff[ctst_allocated]) {
    638         free(ctst_allocated_stuff[ctst_allocated]);
    639     }
    640     return ctst_allocated_stuff[ctst_allocated++] = malloc(size);
    641 }
    643 #ifdef CTST_LEAK_CHECK
    644 static void ctst_freeAll() {
    645     int i;
    646     if(ctst_free == FALSE) { /* only free up to the allocated mark */
    647         for(i=0; i<ctst_allocated; i++) {
    648             free(ctst_allocated_stuff[i]);
    649             ctst_allocated_stuff[i] = NULL;
    650         }
    651     } else { /* free all */
    652         for(i=0; i<CTST_MAX_ALLOC; i++) {
    653             free(ctst_allocated_stuff[i]);
    654             ctst_allocated_stuff[i] = NULL;
    655         }
    656     }
    657     ctst_allocated = 0;
    658     _testDataPath=NULL;
    659 }
    661 #define VERBOSE_ASSERTIONS
    663 U_CFUNC UBool assertSuccessCheck(const char* msg, UErrorCode* ec, UBool possibleDataError) {
    664     U_ASSERT(ec!=NULL);
    665     if (U_FAILURE(*ec)) {
    666         if (possibleDataError) {
    667             log_data_err("FAIL: %s (%s)\n", msg, u_errorName(*ec));
    668         } else {
    669             log_err_status(*ec, "FAIL: %s (%s)\n", msg, u_errorName(*ec));
    670         }
    671         return FALSE;
    672     }
    673     return TRUE;
    674 }
    676 U_CFUNC UBool assertSuccess(const char* msg, UErrorCode* ec) {
    677     U_ASSERT(ec!=NULL);
    678     return assertSuccessCheck(msg, ec, FALSE);
    679 }
    681 /* if 'condition' is a UBool, the compiler complains bitterly about
    682    expressions like 'a > 0' which it evaluates as int */
    683 U_CFUNC UBool assertTrue(const char* msg, int /*not UBool*/ condition) {
    684     if (!condition) {
    685         log_err("FAIL: assertTrue() failed: %s\n", msg);
    686     }
    688     else {
    689         log_verbose("Ok: %s\n", msg);
    690     }
    691 #endif
    692     return (UBool)condition;
    693 }
    695 U_CFUNC UBool assertEquals(const char* message, const char* expected,
    696                            const char* actual) {
    697     if (uprv_strcmp(expected, actual) != 0) {
    698         log_err("FAIL: %s; got \"%s\"; expected \"%s\"\n",
    699                 message, actual, expected);
    700         return FALSE;
    701     }
    703     else {
    704         log_verbose("Ok: %s; got \"%s\"\n", message, actual);
    705     }
    706 #endif
    707     return TRUE;
    708 }
    710 #endif