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      1 /*
      2  * Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project
      3  *
      4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
      7  *
      8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      9  *
     10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     14  * limitations under the License.
     15  */
     17 #include "load_store_elimination.h"
     18 #include "side_effects_analysis.h"
     20 #include <iostream>
     22 namespace art {
     24 class ReferenceInfo;
     26 // A cap for the number of heap locations to prevent pathological time/space consumption.
     27 // The number of heap locations for most of the methods stays below this threshold.
     28 constexpr size_t kMaxNumberOfHeapLocations = 32;
     30 // A ReferenceInfo contains additional info about a reference such as
     31 // whether it's a singleton, returned, etc.
     32 class ReferenceInfo : public ArenaObject<kArenaAllocMisc> {
     33  public:
     34   ReferenceInfo(HInstruction* reference, size_t pos) : reference_(reference), position_(pos) {
     35     is_singleton_ = true;
     36     is_singleton_and_not_returned_ = true;
     37     if (!reference_->IsNewInstance() && !reference_->IsNewArray()) {
     38       // For references not allocated in the method, don't assume anything.
     39       is_singleton_ = false;
     40       is_singleton_and_not_returned_ = false;
     41       return;
     42     }
     44     // Visit all uses to determine if this reference can spread into the heap,
     45     // a method call, etc.
     46     for (const HUseListNode<HInstruction*>& use : reference_->GetUses()) {
     47       HInstruction* user = use.GetUser();
     48       DCHECK(!user->IsNullCheck()) << "NullCheck should have been eliminated";
     49       if (user->IsBoundType()) {
     50         // BoundType shouldn't normally be necessary for a NewInstance.
     51         // Just be conservative for the uncommon cases.
     52         is_singleton_ = false;
     53         is_singleton_and_not_returned_ = false;
     54         return;
     55       }
     56       if (user->IsPhi() || user->IsSelect() || user->IsInvoke() ||
     57           (user->IsInstanceFieldSet() && (reference_ == user->InputAt(1))) ||
     58           (user->IsUnresolvedInstanceFieldSet() && (reference_ == user->InputAt(1))) ||
     59           (user->IsStaticFieldSet() && (reference_ == user->InputAt(1))) ||
     60           (user->IsUnresolvedStaticFieldSet() && (reference_ == user->InputAt(0))) ||
     61           (user->IsArraySet() && (reference_ == user->InputAt(2)))) {
     62         // reference_ is merged to HPhi/HSelect, passed to a callee, or stored to heap.
     63         // reference_ isn't the only name that can refer to its value anymore.
     64         is_singleton_ = false;
     65         is_singleton_and_not_returned_ = false;
     66         return;
     67       }
     68       if ((user->IsUnresolvedInstanceFieldGet() && (reference_ == user->InputAt(0))) ||
     69           (user->IsUnresolvedInstanceFieldSet() && (reference_ == user->InputAt(0)))) {
     70         // The field is accessed in an unresolved way. We mark the object as a singleton to
     71         // disable load/store optimizations on it.
     72         // Note that we could optimize this case and still perform some optimizations until
     73         // we hit the unresolved access, but disabling is the simplest.
     74         is_singleton_ = false;
     75         is_singleton_and_not_returned_ = false;
     76         return;
     77       }
     78       if (user->IsReturn()) {
     79         is_singleton_and_not_returned_ = false;
     80       }
     81     }
     82   }
     84   HInstruction* GetReference() const {
     85     return reference_;
     86   }
     88   size_t GetPosition() const {
     89     return position_;
     90   }
     92   // Returns true if reference_ is the only name that can refer to its value during
     93   // the lifetime of the method. So it's guaranteed to not have any alias in
     94   // the method (including its callees).
     95   bool IsSingleton() const {
     96     return is_singleton_;
     97   }
     99   // Returns true if reference_ is a singleton and not returned to the caller.
    100   // The allocation and stores into reference_ may be eliminated for such cases.
    101   bool IsSingletonAndNotReturned() const {
    102     return is_singleton_and_not_returned_;
    103   }
    105  private:
    106   HInstruction* const reference_;
    107   const size_t position_;     // position in HeapLocationCollector's ref_info_array_.
    108   bool is_singleton_;         // can only be referred to by a single name in the method.
    109   bool is_singleton_and_not_returned_;  // reference_ is singleton and not returned to caller.
    111   DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(ReferenceInfo);
    112 };
    114 // A heap location is a reference-offset/index pair that a value can be loaded from
    115 // or stored to.
    116 class HeapLocation : public ArenaObject<kArenaAllocMisc> {
    117  public:
    118   static constexpr size_t kInvalidFieldOffset = -1;
    120   // TODO: more fine-grained array types.
    121   static constexpr int16_t kDeclaringClassDefIndexForArrays = -1;
    123   HeapLocation(ReferenceInfo* ref_info,
    124                size_t offset,
    125                HInstruction* index,
    126                int16_t declaring_class_def_index)
    127       : ref_info_(ref_info),
    128         offset_(offset),
    129         index_(index),
    130         declaring_class_def_index_(declaring_class_def_index),
    131         value_killed_by_loop_side_effects_(true) {
    132     DCHECK(ref_info != nullptr);
    133     DCHECK((offset == kInvalidFieldOffset && index != nullptr) ||
    134            (offset != kInvalidFieldOffset && index == nullptr));
    135     if (ref_info->IsSingleton() && !IsArrayElement()) {
    136       // Assume this location's value cannot be killed by loop side effects
    137       // until proven otherwise.
    138       value_killed_by_loop_side_effects_ = false;
    139     }
    140   }
    142   ReferenceInfo* GetReferenceInfo() const { return ref_info_; }
    143   size_t GetOffset() const { return offset_; }
    144   HInstruction* GetIndex() const { return index_; }
    146   // Returns the definition of declaring class' dex index.
    147   // It's kDeclaringClassDefIndexForArrays for an array element.
    148   int16_t GetDeclaringClassDefIndex() const {
    149     return declaring_class_def_index_;
    150   }
    152   bool IsArrayElement() const {
    153     return index_ != nullptr;
    154   }
    156   bool IsValueKilledByLoopSideEffects() const {
    157     return value_killed_by_loop_side_effects_;
    158   }
    160   void SetValueKilledByLoopSideEffects(bool val) {
    161     value_killed_by_loop_side_effects_ = val;
    162   }
    164  private:
    165   ReferenceInfo* const ref_info_;      // reference for instance/static field or array access.
    166   const size_t offset_;                // offset of static/instance field.
    167   HInstruction* const index_;          // index of an array element.
    168   const int16_t declaring_class_def_index_;  // declaring class's def's dex index.
    169   bool value_killed_by_loop_side_effects_;   // value of this location may be killed by loop
    170                                              // side effects because this location is stored
    171                                              // into inside a loop.
    173   DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(HeapLocation);
    174 };
    176 static HInstruction* HuntForOriginalReference(HInstruction* ref) {
    177   DCHECK(ref != nullptr);
    178   while (ref->IsNullCheck() || ref->IsBoundType()) {
    179     ref = ref->InputAt(0);
    180   }
    181   return ref;
    182 }
    184 // A HeapLocationCollector collects all relevant heap locations and keeps
    185 // an aliasing matrix for all locations.
    186 class HeapLocationCollector : public HGraphVisitor {
    187  public:
    188   static constexpr size_t kHeapLocationNotFound = -1;
    189   // Start with a single uint32_t word. That's enough bits for pair-wise
    190   // aliasing matrix of 8 heap locations.
    191   static constexpr uint32_t kInitialAliasingMatrixBitVectorSize = 32;
    193   explicit HeapLocationCollector(HGraph* graph)
    194       : HGraphVisitor(graph),
    195         ref_info_array_(graph->GetArena()->Adapter(kArenaAllocLSE)),
    196         heap_locations_(graph->GetArena()->Adapter(kArenaAllocLSE)),
    197         aliasing_matrix_(graph->GetArena(),
    198                          kInitialAliasingMatrixBitVectorSize,
    199                          true,
    200                          kArenaAllocLSE),
    201         has_heap_stores_(false),
    202         has_volatile_(false),
    203         has_monitor_operations_(false),
    204         may_deoptimize_(false) {}
    206   size_t GetNumberOfHeapLocations() const {
    207     return heap_locations_.size();
    208   }
    210   HeapLocation* GetHeapLocation(size_t index) const {
    211     return heap_locations_[index];
    212   }
    214   ReferenceInfo* FindReferenceInfoOf(HInstruction* ref) const {
    215     for (size_t i = 0; i < ref_info_array_.size(); i++) {
    216       ReferenceInfo* ref_info = ref_info_array_[i];
    217       if (ref_info->GetReference() == ref) {
    218         DCHECK_EQ(i, ref_info->GetPosition());
    219         return ref_info;
    220       }
    221     }
    222     return nullptr;
    223   }
    225   bool HasHeapStores() const {
    226     return has_heap_stores_;
    227   }
    229   bool HasVolatile() const {
    230     return has_volatile_;
    231   }
    233   bool HasMonitorOps() const {
    234     return has_monitor_operations_;
    235   }
    237   // Returns whether this method may be deoptimized.
    238   // Currently we don't have meta data support for deoptimizing
    239   // a method that eliminates allocations/stores.
    240   bool MayDeoptimize() const {
    241     return may_deoptimize_;
    242   }
    244   // Find and return the heap location index in heap_locations_.
    245   size_t FindHeapLocationIndex(ReferenceInfo* ref_info,
    246                                size_t offset,
    247                                HInstruction* index,
    248                                int16_t declaring_class_def_index) const {
    249     for (size_t i = 0; i < heap_locations_.size(); i++) {
    250       HeapLocation* loc = heap_locations_[i];
    251       if (loc->GetReferenceInfo() == ref_info &&
    252           loc->GetOffset() == offset &&
    253           loc->GetIndex() == index &&
    254           loc->GetDeclaringClassDefIndex() == declaring_class_def_index) {
    255         return i;
    256       }
    257     }
    258     return kHeapLocationNotFound;
    259   }
    261   // Returns true if heap_locations_[index1] and heap_locations_[index2] may alias.
    262   bool MayAlias(size_t index1, size_t index2) const {
    263     if (index1 < index2) {
    264       return aliasing_matrix_.IsBitSet(AliasingMatrixPosition(index1, index2));
    265     } else if (index1 > index2) {
    266       return aliasing_matrix_.IsBitSet(AliasingMatrixPosition(index2, index1));
    267     } else {
    268       DCHECK(false) << "index1 and index2 are expected to be different";
    269       return true;
    270     }
    271   }
    273   void BuildAliasingMatrix() {
    274     const size_t number_of_locations = heap_locations_.size();
    275     if (number_of_locations == 0) {
    276       return;
    277     }
    278     size_t pos = 0;
    279     // Compute aliasing info between every pair of different heap locations.
    280     // Save the result in a matrix represented as a BitVector.
    281     for (size_t i = 0; i < number_of_locations - 1; i++) {
    282       for (size_t j = i + 1; j < number_of_locations; j++) {
    283         if (ComputeMayAlias(i, j)) {
    284           aliasing_matrix_.SetBit(CheckedAliasingMatrixPosition(i, j, pos));
    285         }
    286         pos++;
    287       }
    288     }
    289   }
    291  private:
    292   // An allocation cannot alias with a name which already exists at the point
    293   // of the allocation, such as a parameter or a load happening before the allocation.
    294   bool MayAliasWithPreexistenceChecking(ReferenceInfo* ref_info1, ReferenceInfo* ref_info2) const {
    295     if (ref_info1->GetReference()->IsNewInstance() || ref_info1->GetReference()->IsNewArray()) {
    296       // Any reference that can alias with the allocation must appear after it in the block/in
    297       // the block's successors. In reverse post order, those instructions will be visited after
    298       // the allocation.
    299       return ref_info2->GetPosition() >= ref_info1->GetPosition();
    300     }
    301     return true;
    302   }
    304   bool CanReferencesAlias(ReferenceInfo* ref_info1, ReferenceInfo* ref_info2) const {
    305     if (ref_info1 == ref_info2) {
    306       return true;
    307     } else if (ref_info1->IsSingleton()) {
    308       return false;
    309     } else if (ref_info2->IsSingleton()) {
    310       return false;
    311     } else if (!MayAliasWithPreexistenceChecking(ref_info1, ref_info2) ||
    312         !MayAliasWithPreexistenceChecking(ref_info2, ref_info1)) {
    313       return false;
    314     }
    315     return true;
    316   }
    318   // `index1` and `index2` are indices in the array of collected heap locations.
    319   // Returns the position in the bit vector that tracks whether the two heap
    320   // locations may alias.
    321   size_t AliasingMatrixPosition(size_t index1, size_t index2) const {
    322     DCHECK(index2 > index1);
    323     const size_t number_of_locations = heap_locations_.size();
    324     // It's (num_of_locations - 1) + ... + (num_of_locations - index1) + (index2 - index1 - 1).
    325     return (number_of_locations * index1 - (1 + index1) * index1 / 2 + (index2 - index1 - 1));
    326   }
    328   // An additional position is passed in to make sure the calculated position is correct.
    329   size_t CheckedAliasingMatrixPosition(size_t index1, size_t index2, size_t position) {
    330     size_t calculated_position = AliasingMatrixPosition(index1, index2);
    331     DCHECK_EQ(calculated_position, position);
    332     return calculated_position;
    333   }
    335   // Compute if two locations may alias to each other.
    336   bool ComputeMayAlias(size_t index1, size_t index2) const {
    337     HeapLocation* loc1 = heap_locations_[index1];
    338     HeapLocation* loc2 = heap_locations_[index2];
    339     if (loc1->GetOffset() != loc2->GetOffset()) {
    340       // Either two different instance fields, or one is an instance
    341       // field and the other is an array element.
    342       return false;
    343     }
    344     if (loc1->GetDeclaringClassDefIndex() != loc2->GetDeclaringClassDefIndex()) {
    345       // Different types.
    346       return false;
    347     }
    348     if (!CanReferencesAlias(loc1->GetReferenceInfo(), loc2->GetReferenceInfo())) {
    349       return false;
    350     }
    351     if (loc1->IsArrayElement() && loc2->IsArrayElement()) {
    352       HInstruction* array_index1 = loc1->GetIndex();
    353       HInstruction* array_index2 = loc2->GetIndex();
    354       DCHECK(array_index1 != nullptr);
    355       DCHECK(array_index2 != nullptr);
    356       if (array_index1->IsIntConstant() &&
    357           array_index2->IsIntConstant() &&
    358           array_index1->AsIntConstant()->GetValue() != array_index2->AsIntConstant()->GetValue()) {
    359         // Different constant indices do not alias.
    360         return false;
    361       }
    362     }
    363     return true;
    364   }
    366   ReferenceInfo* GetOrCreateReferenceInfo(HInstruction* instruction) {
    367     ReferenceInfo* ref_info = FindReferenceInfoOf(instruction);
    368     if (ref_info == nullptr) {
    369       size_t pos = ref_info_array_.size();
    370       ref_info = new (GetGraph()->GetArena()) ReferenceInfo(instruction, pos);
    371       ref_info_array_.push_back(ref_info);
    372     }
    373     return ref_info;
    374   }
    376   void CreateReferenceInfoForReferenceType(HInstruction* instruction) {
    377     if (instruction->GetType() != Primitive::kPrimNot) {
    378       return;
    379     }
    380     DCHECK(FindReferenceInfoOf(instruction) == nullptr);
    381     GetOrCreateReferenceInfo(instruction);
    382   }
    384   HeapLocation* GetOrCreateHeapLocation(HInstruction* ref,
    385                                         size_t offset,
    386                                         HInstruction* index,
    387                                         int16_t declaring_class_def_index) {
    388     HInstruction* original_ref = HuntForOriginalReference(ref);
    389     ReferenceInfo* ref_info = GetOrCreateReferenceInfo(original_ref);
    390     size_t heap_location_idx = FindHeapLocationIndex(
    391         ref_info, offset, index, declaring_class_def_index);
    392     if (heap_location_idx == kHeapLocationNotFound) {
    393       HeapLocation* heap_loc = new (GetGraph()->GetArena())
    394           HeapLocation(ref_info, offset, index, declaring_class_def_index);
    395       heap_locations_.push_back(heap_loc);
    396       return heap_loc;
    397     }
    398     return heap_locations_[heap_location_idx];
    399   }
    401   HeapLocation* VisitFieldAccess(HInstruction* ref, const FieldInfo& field_info) {
    402     if (field_info.IsVolatile()) {
    403       has_volatile_ = true;
    404     }
    405     const uint16_t declaring_class_def_index = field_info.GetDeclaringClassDefIndex();
    406     const size_t offset = field_info.GetFieldOffset().SizeValue();
    407     return GetOrCreateHeapLocation(ref, offset, nullptr, declaring_class_def_index);
    408   }
    410   void VisitArrayAccess(HInstruction* array, HInstruction* index) {
    411     GetOrCreateHeapLocation(array, HeapLocation::kInvalidFieldOffset,
    412         index, HeapLocation::kDeclaringClassDefIndexForArrays);
    413   }
    415   void VisitInstanceFieldGet(HInstanceFieldGet* instruction) OVERRIDE {
    416     VisitFieldAccess(instruction->InputAt(0), instruction->GetFieldInfo());
    417     CreateReferenceInfoForReferenceType(instruction);
    418   }
    420   void VisitInstanceFieldSet(HInstanceFieldSet* instruction) OVERRIDE {
    421     HeapLocation* location = VisitFieldAccess(instruction->InputAt(0), instruction->GetFieldInfo());
    422     has_heap_stores_ = true;
    423     if (instruction->GetBlock()->GetLoopInformation() != nullptr) {
    424       location->SetValueKilledByLoopSideEffects(true);
    425     }
    426   }
    428   void VisitStaticFieldGet(HStaticFieldGet* instruction) OVERRIDE {
    429     VisitFieldAccess(instruction->InputAt(0), instruction->GetFieldInfo());
    430     CreateReferenceInfoForReferenceType(instruction);
    431   }
    433   void VisitStaticFieldSet(HStaticFieldSet* instruction) OVERRIDE {
    434     VisitFieldAccess(instruction->InputAt(0), instruction->GetFieldInfo());
    435     has_heap_stores_ = true;
    436   }
    438   // We intentionally don't collect HUnresolvedInstanceField/HUnresolvedStaticField accesses
    439   // since we cannot accurately track the fields.
    441   void VisitArrayGet(HArrayGet* instruction) OVERRIDE {
    442     VisitArrayAccess(instruction->InputAt(0), instruction->InputAt(1));
    443     CreateReferenceInfoForReferenceType(instruction);
    444   }
    446   void VisitArraySet(HArraySet* instruction) OVERRIDE {
    447     VisitArrayAccess(instruction->InputAt(0), instruction->InputAt(1));
    448     has_heap_stores_ = true;
    449   }
    451   void VisitNewInstance(HNewInstance* new_instance) OVERRIDE {
    452     // Any references appearing in the ref_info_array_ so far cannot alias with new_instance.
    453     CreateReferenceInfoForReferenceType(new_instance);
    454   }
    456   void VisitInvokeStaticOrDirect(HInvokeStaticOrDirect* instruction) OVERRIDE {
    457     CreateReferenceInfoForReferenceType(instruction);
    458   }
    460   void VisitInvokeVirtual(HInvokeVirtual* instruction) OVERRIDE {
    461     CreateReferenceInfoForReferenceType(instruction);
    462   }
    464   void VisitInvokeInterface(HInvokeInterface* instruction) OVERRIDE {
    465     CreateReferenceInfoForReferenceType(instruction);
    466   }
    468   void VisitParameterValue(HParameterValue* instruction) OVERRIDE {
    469     CreateReferenceInfoForReferenceType(instruction);
    470   }
    472   void VisitSelect(HSelect* instruction) OVERRIDE {
    473     CreateReferenceInfoForReferenceType(instruction);
    474   }
    476   void VisitDeoptimize(HDeoptimize* instruction ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED) OVERRIDE {
    477     may_deoptimize_ = true;
    478   }
    480   void VisitMonitorOperation(HMonitorOperation* monitor ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED) OVERRIDE {
    481     has_monitor_operations_ = true;
    482   }
    484   ArenaVector<ReferenceInfo*> ref_info_array_;   // All references used for heap accesses.
    485   ArenaVector<HeapLocation*> heap_locations_;    // All heap locations.
    486   ArenaBitVector aliasing_matrix_;    // aliasing info between each pair of locations.
    487   bool has_heap_stores_;    // If there is no heap stores, LSE acts as GVN with better
    488                             // alias analysis and won't be as effective.
    489   bool has_volatile_;       // If there are volatile field accesses.
    490   bool has_monitor_operations_;    // If there are monitor operations.
    491   bool may_deoptimize_;
    493   DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(HeapLocationCollector);
    494 };
    496 // An unknown heap value. Loads with such a value in the heap location cannot be eliminated.
    497 // A heap location can be set to kUnknownHeapValue when:
    498 // - initially set a value.
    499 // - killed due to aliasing, merging, invocation, or loop side effects.
    500 static HInstruction* const kUnknownHeapValue =
    501     reinterpret_cast<HInstruction*>(static_cast<uintptr_t>(-1));
    503 // Default heap value after an allocation.
    504 // A heap location can be set to that value right after an allocation.
    505 static HInstruction* const kDefaultHeapValue =
    506     reinterpret_cast<HInstruction*>(static_cast<uintptr_t>(-2));
    508 class LSEVisitor : public HGraphVisitor {
    509  public:
    510   LSEVisitor(HGraph* graph,
    511              const HeapLocationCollector& heap_locations_collector,
    512              const SideEffectsAnalysis& side_effects)
    513       : HGraphVisitor(graph),
    514         heap_location_collector_(heap_locations_collector),
    515         side_effects_(side_effects),
    516         heap_values_for_(graph->GetBlocks().size(),
    517                          ArenaVector<HInstruction*>(heap_locations_collector.
    518                                                         GetNumberOfHeapLocations(),
    519                                                     kUnknownHeapValue,
    520                                                     graph->GetArena()->Adapter(kArenaAllocLSE)),
    521                          graph->GetArena()->Adapter(kArenaAllocLSE)),
    522         removed_loads_(graph->GetArena()->Adapter(kArenaAllocLSE)),
    523         substitute_instructions_for_loads_(graph->GetArena()->Adapter(kArenaAllocLSE)),
    524         possibly_removed_stores_(graph->GetArena()->Adapter(kArenaAllocLSE)),
    525         singleton_new_instances_(graph->GetArena()->Adapter(kArenaAllocLSE)) {
    526   }
    528   void VisitBasicBlock(HBasicBlock* block) OVERRIDE {
    529     // Populate the heap_values array for this block.
    530     // TODO: try to reuse the heap_values array from one predecessor if possible.
    531     if (block->IsLoopHeader()) {
    532       HandleLoopSideEffects(block);
    533     } else {
    534       MergePredecessorValues(block);
    535     }
    536     HGraphVisitor::VisitBasicBlock(block);
    537   }
    539   // Remove recorded instructions that should be eliminated.
    540   void RemoveInstructions() {
    541     size_t size = removed_loads_.size();
    542     DCHECK_EQ(size, substitute_instructions_for_loads_.size());
    543     for (size_t i = 0; i < size; i++) {
    544       HInstruction* load = removed_loads_[i];
    545       DCHECK(load != nullptr);
    546       DCHECK(load->IsInstanceFieldGet() ||
    547              load->IsStaticFieldGet() ||
    548              load->IsArrayGet());
    549       HInstruction* substitute = substitute_instructions_for_loads_[i];
    550       DCHECK(substitute != nullptr);
    551       // Keep tracing substitute till one that's not removed.
    552       HInstruction* sub_sub = FindSubstitute(substitute);
    553       while (sub_sub != substitute) {
    554         substitute = sub_sub;
    555         sub_sub = FindSubstitute(substitute);
    556       }
    557       load->ReplaceWith(substitute);
    558       load->GetBlock()->RemoveInstruction(load);
    559     }
    561     // At this point, stores in possibly_removed_stores_ can be safely removed.
    562     size = possibly_removed_stores_.size();
    563     for (size_t i = 0; i < size; i++) {
    564       HInstruction* store = possibly_removed_stores_[i];
    565       DCHECK(store->IsInstanceFieldSet() || store->IsStaticFieldSet() || store->IsArraySet());
    566       store->GetBlock()->RemoveInstruction(store);
    567     }
    569     // TODO: remove unnecessary allocations.
    570     // Eliminate instructions in singleton_new_instances_ that:
    571     // - don't have uses,
    572     // - don't have finalizers,
    573     // - are instantiable and accessible,
    574     // - have no/separate clinit check.
    575   }
    577  private:
    578   // If heap_values[index] is an instance field store, need to keep the store.
    579   // This is necessary if a heap value is killed due to merging, or loop side
    580   // effects (which is essentially merging also), since a load later from the
    581   // location won't be eliminated.
    582   void KeepIfIsStore(HInstruction* heap_value) {
    583     if (heap_value == kDefaultHeapValue ||
    584         heap_value == kUnknownHeapValue ||
    585         !heap_value->IsInstanceFieldSet()) {
    586       return;
    587     }
    588     auto idx = std::find(possibly_removed_stores_.begin(),
    589         possibly_removed_stores_.end(), heap_value);
    590     if (idx != possibly_removed_stores_.end()) {
    591       // Make sure the store is kept.
    592       possibly_removed_stores_.erase(idx);
    593     }
    594   }
    596   void HandleLoopSideEffects(HBasicBlock* block) {
    597     DCHECK(block->IsLoopHeader());
    598     int block_id = block->GetBlockId();
    599     ArenaVector<HInstruction*>& heap_values = heap_values_for_[block_id];
    601     // Don't eliminate loads in irreducible loops. This is safe for singletons, because
    602     // they are always used by the non-eliminated loop-phi.
    603     if (block->GetLoopInformation()->IsIrreducible()) {
    604       if (kIsDebugBuild) {
    605         for (size_t i = 0; i < heap_values.size(); i++) {
    606           DCHECK_EQ(heap_values[i], kUnknownHeapValue);
    607         }
    608       }
    609       return;
    610     }
    612     HBasicBlock* pre_header = block->GetLoopInformation()->GetPreHeader();
    613     ArenaVector<HInstruction*>& pre_header_heap_values =
    614         heap_values_for_[pre_header->GetBlockId()];
    616     // Inherit the values from pre-header.
    617     for (size_t i = 0; i < heap_values.size(); i++) {
    618       heap_values[i] = pre_header_heap_values[i];
    619     }
    621     // We do a single pass in reverse post order. For loops, use the side effects as a hint
    622     // to see if the heap values should be killed.
    623     if (side_effects_.GetLoopEffects(block).DoesAnyWrite()) {
    624       for (size_t i = 0; i < heap_values.size(); i++) {
    625         HeapLocation* location = heap_location_collector_.GetHeapLocation(i);
    626         ReferenceInfo* ref_info = location->GetReferenceInfo();
    627         if (!ref_info->IsSingleton() || location->IsValueKilledByLoopSideEffects()) {
    628           // heap value is killed by loop side effects (stored into directly, or due to
    629           // aliasing).
    630           KeepIfIsStore(pre_header_heap_values[i]);
    631           heap_values[i] = kUnknownHeapValue;
    632         } else {
    633           // A singleton's field that's not stored into inside a loop is invariant throughout
    634           // the loop.
    635         }
    636       }
    637     }
    638   }
    640   void MergePredecessorValues(HBasicBlock* block) {
    641     const ArenaVector<HBasicBlock*>& predecessors = block->GetPredecessors();
    642     if (predecessors.size() == 0) {
    643       return;
    644     }
    645     ArenaVector<HInstruction*>& heap_values = heap_values_for_[block->GetBlockId()];
    646     for (size_t i = 0; i < heap_values.size(); i++) {
    647       HInstruction* pred0_value = heap_values_for_[predecessors[0]->GetBlockId()][i];
    648       heap_values[i] = pred0_value;
    649       if (pred0_value != kUnknownHeapValue) {
    650         for (size_t j = 1; j < predecessors.size(); j++) {
    651           HInstruction* pred_value = heap_values_for_[predecessors[j]->GetBlockId()][i];
    652           if (pred_value != pred0_value) {
    653             heap_values[i] = kUnknownHeapValue;
    654             break;
    655           }
    656         }
    657       }
    659       if (heap_values[i] == kUnknownHeapValue) {
    660         // Keep the last store in each predecessor since future loads cannot be eliminated.
    661         for (size_t j = 0; j < predecessors.size(); j++) {
    662           ArenaVector<HInstruction*>& pred_values = heap_values_for_[predecessors[j]->GetBlockId()];
    663           KeepIfIsStore(pred_values[i]);
    664         }
    665       }
    666     }
    667   }
    669   // `instruction` is being removed. Try to see if the null check on it
    670   // can be removed. This can happen if the same value is set in two branches
    671   // but not in dominators. Such as:
    672   //   int[] a = foo();
    673   //   if () {
    674   //     a[0] = 2;
    675   //   } else {
    676   //     a[0] = 2;
    677   //   }
    678   //   // a[0] can now be replaced with constant 2, and the null check on it can be removed.
    679   void TryRemovingNullCheck(HInstruction* instruction) {
    680     HInstruction* prev = instruction->GetPrevious();
    681     if ((prev != nullptr) && prev->IsNullCheck() && (prev == instruction->InputAt(0))) {
    682       // Previous instruction is a null check for this instruction. Remove the null check.
    683       prev->ReplaceWith(prev->InputAt(0));
    684       prev->GetBlock()->RemoveInstruction(prev);
    685     }
    686   }
    688   HInstruction* GetDefaultValue(Primitive::Type type) {
    689     switch (type) {
    690       case Primitive::kPrimNot:
    691         return GetGraph()->GetNullConstant();
    692       case Primitive::kPrimBoolean:
    693       case Primitive::kPrimByte:
    694       case Primitive::kPrimChar:
    695       case Primitive::kPrimShort:
    696       case Primitive::kPrimInt:
    697         return GetGraph()->GetIntConstant(0);
    698       case Primitive::kPrimLong:
    699         return GetGraph()->GetLongConstant(0);
    700       case Primitive::kPrimFloat:
    701         return GetGraph()->GetFloatConstant(0);
    702       case Primitive::kPrimDouble:
    703         return GetGraph()->GetDoubleConstant(0);
    704       default:
    705         UNREACHABLE();
    706     }
    707   }
    709   void VisitGetLocation(HInstruction* instruction,
    710                         HInstruction* ref,
    711                         size_t offset,
    712                         HInstruction* index,
    713                         int16_t declaring_class_def_index) {
    714     HInstruction* original_ref = HuntForOriginalReference(ref);
    715     ReferenceInfo* ref_info = heap_location_collector_.FindReferenceInfoOf(original_ref);
    716     size_t idx = heap_location_collector_.FindHeapLocationIndex(
    717         ref_info, offset, index, declaring_class_def_index);
    718     DCHECK_NE(idx, HeapLocationCollector::kHeapLocationNotFound);
    719     ArenaVector<HInstruction*>& heap_values =
    720         heap_values_for_[instruction->GetBlock()->GetBlockId()];
    721     HInstruction* heap_value = heap_values[idx];
    722     if (heap_value == kDefaultHeapValue) {
    723       HInstruction* constant = GetDefaultValue(instruction->GetType());
    724       removed_loads_.push_back(instruction);
    725       substitute_instructions_for_loads_.push_back(constant);
    726       heap_values[idx] = constant;
    727       return;
    728     }
    729     if (heap_value != kUnknownHeapValue && heap_value->IsInstanceFieldSet()) {
    730       HInstruction* store = heap_value;
    731       // This load must be from a singleton since it's from the same field
    732       // that a "removed" store puts the value. That store must be to a singleton's field.
    733       DCHECK(ref_info->IsSingleton());
    734       // Get the real heap value of the store.
    735       heap_value = store->InputAt(1);
    736     }
    737     if (heap_value == kUnknownHeapValue) {
    738       // Load isn't eliminated. Put the load as the value into the HeapLocation.
    739       // This acts like GVN but with better aliasing analysis.
    740       heap_values[idx] = instruction;
    741     } else {
    742       if (Primitive::PrimitiveKind(heap_value->GetType())
    743               != Primitive::PrimitiveKind(instruction->GetType())) {
    744         // The only situation where the same heap location has different type is when
    745         // we do an array get on an instruction that originates from the null constant
    746         // (the null could be behind a field access, an array access, a null check or
    747         // a bound type).
    748         // In order to stay properly typed on primitive types, we do not eliminate
    749         // the array gets.
    750         if (kIsDebugBuild) {
    751           DCHECK(heap_value->IsArrayGet()) << heap_value->DebugName();
    752           DCHECK(instruction->IsArrayGet()) << instruction->DebugName();
    753         }
    754         return;
    755       }
    756       removed_loads_.push_back(instruction);
    757       substitute_instructions_for_loads_.push_back(heap_value);
    758       TryRemovingNullCheck(instruction);
    759     }
    760   }
    762   bool Equal(HInstruction* heap_value, HInstruction* value) {
    763     if (heap_value == value) {
    764       return true;
    765     }
    766     if (heap_value == kDefaultHeapValue && GetDefaultValue(value->GetType()) == value) {
    767       return true;
    768     }
    769     return false;
    770   }
    772   void VisitSetLocation(HInstruction* instruction,
    773                         HInstruction* ref,
    774                         size_t offset,
    775                         HInstruction* index,
    776                         int16_t declaring_class_def_index,
    777                         HInstruction* value) {
    778     HInstruction* original_ref = HuntForOriginalReference(ref);
    779     ReferenceInfo* ref_info = heap_location_collector_.FindReferenceInfoOf(original_ref);
    780     size_t idx = heap_location_collector_.FindHeapLocationIndex(
    781         ref_info, offset, index, declaring_class_def_index);
    782     DCHECK_NE(idx, HeapLocationCollector::kHeapLocationNotFound);
    783     ArenaVector<HInstruction*>& heap_values =
    784         heap_values_for_[instruction->GetBlock()->GetBlockId()];
    785     HInstruction* heap_value = heap_values[idx];
    786     bool same_value = false;
    787     bool possibly_redundant = false;
    788     if (Equal(heap_value, value)) {
    789       // Store into the heap location with the same value.
    790       same_value = true;
    791     } else if (index != nullptr) {
    792       // For array element, don't eliminate stores since it can be easily aliased
    793       // with non-constant index.
    794     } else if (!heap_location_collector_.MayDeoptimize() &&
    795                ref_info->IsSingletonAndNotReturned()) {
    796       // Store into a field of a singleton that's not returned. The value cannot be
    797       // killed due to aliasing/invocation. It can be redundant since future loads can
    798       // directly get the value set by this instruction. The value can still be killed due to
    799       // merging or loop side effects. Stores whose values are killed due to merging/loop side
    800       // effects later will be removed from possibly_removed_stores_ when that is detected.
    801       possibly_redundant = true;
    802       HNewInstance* new_instance = ref_info->GetReference()->AsNewInstance();
    803       DCHECK(new_instance != nullptr);
    804       if (new_instance->IsFinalizable()) {
    805         // Finalizable objects escape globally. Need to keep the store.
    806         possibly_redundant = false;
    807       } else {
    808         HLoopInformation* loop_info = instruction->GetBlock()->GetLoopInformation();
    809         if (loop_info != nullptr) {
    810           // instruction is a store in the loop so the loop must does write.
    811           DCHECK(side_effects_.GetLoopEffects(loop_info->GetHeader()).DoesAnyWrite());
    812           // If it's a singleton, IsValueKilledByLoopSideEffects() must be true.
    813           DCHECK(!ref_info->IsSingleton() ||
    814                  heap_location_collector_.GetHeapLocation(idx)->IsValueKilledByLoopSideEffects());
    816           if (loop_info->IsDefinedOutOfTheLoop(original_ref)) {
    817             DCHECK(original_ref->GetBlock()->Dominates(loop_info->GetPreHeader()));
    818             // Keep the store since its value may be needed at the loop header.
    819             possibly_redundant = false;
    820           } else {
    821             // The singleton is created inside the loop. Value stored to it isn't needed at
    822             // the loop header. This is true for outer loops also.
    823           }
    824         }
    825       }
    826     }
    827     if (same_value || possibly_redundant) {
    828       possibly_removed_stores_.push_back(instruction);
    829     }
    831     if (!same_value) {
    832       if (possibly_redundant) {
    833         DCHECK(instruction->IsInstanceFieldSet());
    834         // Put the store as the heap value. If the value is loaded from heap
    835         // by a load later, this store isn't really redundant.
    836         heap_values[idx] = instruction;
    837       } else {
    838         heap_values[idx] = value;
    839       }
    840     }
    841     // This store may kill values in other heap locations due to aliasing.
    842     for (size_t i = 0; i < heap_values.size(); i++) {
    843       if (i == idx) {
    844         continue;
    845       }
    846       if (heap_values[i] == value) {
    847         // Same value should be kept even if aliasing happens.
    848         continue;
    849       }
    850       if (heap_values[i] == kUnknownHeapValue) {
    851         // Value is already unknown, no need for aliasing check.
    852         continue;
    853       }
    854       if (heap_location_collector_.MayAlias(i, idx)) {
    855         // Kill heap locations that may alias.
    856         heap_values[i] = kUnknownHeapValue;
    857       }
    858     }
    859   }
    861   void VisitInstanceFieldGet(HInstanceFieldGet* instruction) OVERRIDE {
    862     HInstruction* obj = instruction->InputAt(0);
    863     size_t offset = instruction->GetFieldInfo().GetFieldOffset().SizeValue();
    864     int16_t declaring_class_def_index = instruction->GetFieldInfo().GetDeclaringClassDefIndex();
    865     VisitGetLocation(instruction, obj, offset, nullptr, declaring_class_def_index);
    866   }
    868   void VisitInstanceFieldSet(HInstanceFieldSet* instruction) OVERRIDE {
    869     HInstruction* obj = instruction->InputAt(0);
    870     size_t offset = instruction->GetFieldInfo().GetFieldOffset().SizeValue();
    871     int16_t declaring_class_def_index = instruction->GetFieldInfo().GetDeclaringClassDefIndex();
    872     HInstruction* value = instruction->InputAt(1);
    873     VisitSetLocation(instruction, obj, offset, nullptr, declaring_class_def_index, value);
    874   }
    876   void VisitStaticFieldGet(HStaticFieldGet* instruction) OVERRIDE {
    877     HInstruction* cls = instruction->InputAt(0);
    878     size_t offset = instruction->GetFieldInfo().GetFieldOffset().SizeValue();
    879     int16_t declaring_class_def_index = instruction->GetFieldInfo().GetDeclaringClassDefIndex();
    880     VisitGetLocation(instruction, cls, offset, nullptr, declaring_class_def_index);
    881   }
    883   void VisitStaticFieldSet(HStaticFieldSet* instruction) OVERRIDE {
    884     HInstruction* cls = instruction->InputAt(0);
    885     size_t offset = instruction->GetFieldInfo().GetFieldOffset().SizeValue();
    886     int16_t declaring_class_def_index = instruction->GetFieldInfo().GetDeclaringClassDefIndex();
    887     HInstruction* value = instruction->InputAt(1);
    888     VisitSetLocation(instruction, cls, offset, nullptr, declaring_class_def_index, value);
    889   }
    891   void VisitArrayGet(HArrayGet* instruction) OVERRIDE {
    892     HInstruction* array = instruction->InputAt(0);
    893     HInstruction* index = instruction->InputAt(1);
    894     VisitGetLocation(instruction,
    895                      array,
    896                      HeapLocation::kInvalidFieldOffset,
    897                      index,
    898                      HeapLocation::kDeclaringClassDefIndexForArrays);
    899   }
    901   void VisitArraySet(HArraySet* instruction) OVERRIDE {
    902     HInstruction* array = instruction->InputAt(0);
    903     HInstruction* index = instruction->InputAt(1);
    904     HInstruction* value = instruction->InputAt(2);
    905     VisitSetLocation(instruction,
    906                      array,
    907                      HeapLocation::kInvalidFieldOffset,
    908                      index,
    909                      HeapLocation::kDeclaringClassDefIndexForArrays,
    910                      value);
    911   }
    913   void HandleInvoke(HInstruction* invoke) {
    914     ArenaVector<HInstruction*>& heap_values =
    915         heap_values_for_[invoke->GetBlock()->GetBlockId()];
    916     for (size_t i = 0; i < heap_values.size(); i++) {
    917       ReferenceInfo* ref_info = heap_location_collector_.GetHeapLocation(i)->GetReferenceInfo();
    918       if (ref_info->IsSingleton()) {
    919         // Singleton references cannot be seen by the callee.
    920       } else {
    921         heap_values[i] = kUnknownHeapValue;
    922       }
    923     }
    924   }
    926   void VisitInvokeStaticOrDirect(HInvokeStaticOrDirect* invoke) OVERRIDE {
    927     HandleInvoke(invoke);
    928   }
    930   void VisitInvokeVirtual(HInvokeVirtual* invoke) OVERRIDE {
    931     HandleInvoke(invoke);
    932   }
    934   void VisitInvokeInterface(HInvokeInterface* invoke) OVERRIDE {
    935     HandleInvoke(invoke);
    936   }
    938   void VisitInvokeUnresolved(HInvokeUnresolved* invoke) OVERRIDE {
    939     HandleInvoke(invoke);
    940   }
    942   void VisitClinitCheck(HClinitCheck* clinit) OVERRIDE {
    943     HandleInvoke(clinit);
    944   }
    946   void VisitUnresolvedInstanceFieldGet(HUnresolvedInstanceFieldGet* instruction) OVERRIDE {
    947     // Conservatively treat it as an invocation.
    948     HandleInvoke(instruction);
    949   }
    951   void VisitUnresolvedInstanceFieldSet(HUnresolvedInstanceFieldSet* instruction) OVERRIDE {
    952     // Conservatively treat it as an invocation.
    953     HandleInvoke(instruction);
    954   }
    956   void VisitUnresolvedStaticFieldGet(HUnresolvedStaticFieldGet* instruction) OVERRIDE {
    957     // Conservatively treat it as an invocation.
    958     HandleInvoke(instruction);
    959   }
    961   void VisitUnresolvedStaticFieldSet(HUnresolvedStaticFieldSet* instruction) OVERRIDE {
    962     // Conservatively treat it as an invocation.
    963     HandleInvoke(instruction);
    964   }
    966   void VisitNewInstance(HNewInstance* new_instance) OVERRIDE {
    967     ReferenceInfo* ref_info = heap_location_collector_.FindReferenceInfoOf(new_instance);
    968     if (ref_info == nullptr) {
    969       // new_instance isn't used for field accesses. No need to process it.
    970       return;
    971     }
    972     if (!heap_location_collector_.MayDeoptimize() &&
    973         ref_info->IsSingletonAndNotReturned() &&
    974         !new_instance->IsFinalizable() &&
    975         !new_instance->CanThrow()) {
    976       // TODO: add new_instance to singleton_new_instances_ and enable allocation elimination.
    977     }
    978     ArenaVector<HInstruction*>& heap_values =
    979         heap_values_for_[new_instance->GetBlock()->GetBlockId()];
    980     for (size_t i = 0; i < heap_values.size(); i++) {
    981       HInstruction* ref =
    982           heap_location_collector_.GetHeapLocation(i)->GetReferenceInfo()->GetReference();
    983       size_t offset = heap_location_collector_.GetHeapLocation(i)->GetOffset();
    984       if (ref == new_instance && offset >= mirror::kObjectHeaderSize) {
    985         // Instance fields except the header fields are set to default heap values.
    986         heap_values[i] = kDefaultHeapValue;
    987       }
    988     }
    989   }
    991   // Find an instruction's substitute if it should be removed.
    992   // Return the same instruction if it should not be removed.
    993   HInstruction* FindSubstitute(HInstruction* instruction) {
    994     size_t size = removed_loads_.size();
    995     for (size_t i = 0; i < size; i++) {
    996       if (removed_loads_[i] == instruction) {
    997         return substitute_instructions_for_loads_[i];
    998       }
    999     }
   1000     return instruction;
   1001   }
   1003   const HeapLocationCollector& heap_location_collector_;
   1004   const SideEffectsAnalysis& side_effects_;
   1006   // One array of heap values for each block.
   1007   ArenaVector<ArenaVector<HInstruction*>> heap_values_for_;
   1009   // We record the instructions that should be eliminated but may be
   1010   // used by heap locations. They'll be removed in the end.
   1011   ArenaVector<HInstruction*> removed_loads_;
   1012   ArenaVector<HInstruction*> substitute_instructions_for_loads_;
   1014   // Stores in this list may be removed from the list later when it's
   1015   // found that the store cannot be eliminated.
   1016   ArenaVector<HInstruction*> possibly_removed_stores_;
   1018   ArenaVector<HInstruction*> singleton_new_instances_;
   1021 };
   1023 void LoadStoreElimination::Run() {
   1024   if (graph_->IsDebuggable() || graph_->HasTryCatch()) {
   1025     // Debugger may set heap values or trigger deoptimization of callers.
   1026     // Try/catch support not implemented yet.
   1027     // Skip this optimization.
   1028     return;
   1029   }
   1030   HeapLocationCollector heap_location_collector(graph_);
   1031   for (HReversePostOrderIterator it(*graph_); !it.Done(); it.Advance()) {
   1032     heap_location_collector.VisitBasicBlock(it.Current());
   1033   }
   1034   if (heap_location_collector.GetNumberOfHeapLocations() > kMaxNumberOfHeapLocations) {
   1035     // Bail out if there are too many heap locations to deal with.
   1036     return;
   1037   }
   1038   if (!heap_location_collector.HasHeapStores()) {
   1039     // Without heap stores, this pass would act mostly as GVN on heap accesses.
   1040     return;
   1041   }
   1042   if (heap_location_collector.HasVolatile() || heap_location_collector.HasMonitorOps()) {
   1043     // Don't do load/store elimination if the method has volatile field accesses or
   1044     // monitor operations, for now.
   1045     // TODO: do it right.
   1046     return;
   1047   }
   1048   heap_location_collector.BuildAliasingMatrix();
   1049   LSEVisitor lse_visitor(graph_, heap_location_collector, side_effects_);
   1050   for (HReversePostOrderIterator it(*graph_); !it.Done(); it.Advance()) {
   1051     lse_visitor.VisitBasicBlock(it.Current());
   1052   }
   1053   lse_visitor.RemoveInstructions();
   1054 }
   1056 }  // namespace art