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      1 // Copyright 2014 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 // found in the LICENSE file.
      5 // Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc. http://www.foxitsoftware.com
      7 #ifndef _FX_FONTMGR_IMP
      8 #define _FX_FONTMGR_IMP
     10 int32_t FX_GetSimilarValue(FX_LPCFONTDESCRIPTOR pFont, FX_DWORD dwFontStyles);
     12                                        const CFX_FontDescriptors& fonts,
     13                                        void* pUserData);
     14 class CFX_StdFontMgrImp : public IFX_FontMgr {
     15  public:
     16   CFX_StdFontMgrImp(FX_LPEnumAllFonts pEnumerator,
     17                     FX_LPMatchFont pMatcher,
     18                     void* pUserData);
     19   ~CFX_StdFontMgrImp();
     20   virtual void Release() { delete this; }
     21   virtual IFX_Font* GetDefFontByCodePage(FX_WORD wCodePage,
     22                                          FX_DWORD dwFontStyles,
     23                                          const FX_WCHAR* pszFontFamily = NULL);
     24   virtual IFX_Font* GetDefFontByCharset(uint8_t nCharset,
     25                                         FX_DWORD dwFontStyles,
     26                                         const FX_WCHAR* pszFontFamily = NULL);
     27   virtual IFX_Font* GetDefFontByUnicode(FX_WCHAR wUnicode,
     28                                         FX_DWORD dwFontStyles,
     29                                         const FX_WCHAR* pszFontFamily = NULL);
     30   virtual IFX_Font* GetDefFontByLanguage(FX_WORD wLanguage,
     31                                          FX_DWORD dwFontStyles,
     32                                          const FX_WCHAR* pszFontFamily = NULL);
     33   virtual IFX_Font* LoadFont(const FX_WCHAR* pszFontFamily,
     34                              FX_DWORD dwFontStyles,
     35                              FX_WORD wCodePage = 0xFFFF);
     36   virtual IFX_Font* LoadFont(const uint8_t* pBuffer, int32_t iLength);
     37   virtual IFX_Font* LoadFont(const FX_WCHAR* pszFileName);
     38   virtual IFX_Font* LoadFont(IFX_Stream* pFontStream,
     39                              const FX_WCHAR* pszFontAlias = NULL,
     40                              FX_DWORD dwFontStyles = 0,
     41                              FX_WORD wCodePage = 0,
     42                              FX_BOOL bSaveStream = FALSE);
     43   virtual IFX_Font* LoadFont(IFX_Font* pSrcFont,
     44                              FX_DWORD dwFontStyles,
     45                              FX_WORD wCodePage = 0xFFFF);
     46   virtual void ClearFontCache();
     47   virtual void RemoveFont(IFX_Font* pFont);
     49  protected:
     50   FX_LPMatchFont m_pMatcher;
     51   FX_LPEnumAllFonts m_pEnumerator;
     52   CFX_FontDescriptors m_FontFaces;
     53   CFX_PtrArray m_Fonts;
     54   CFX_MapPtrToPtr m_CPFonts;
     55   CFX_MapPtrToPtr m_FamilyFonts;
     56   CFX_MapPtrToPtr m_UnicodeFonts;
     57   CFX_MapPtrToPtr m_BufferFonts;
     58   CFX_MapPtrToPtr m_FileFonts;
     59   CFX_MapPtrToPtr m_StreamFonts;
     60   CFX_MapPtrToPtr m_DeriveFonts;
     61   void* m_pUserData;
     62   void RemoveFont(CFX_MapPtrToPtr& fontMap, IFX_Font* pFont);
     63   FX_LPCFONTDESCRIPTOR FindFont(const FX_WCHAR* pszFontFamily,
     64                                 FX_DWORD dwFontStyles,
     65                                 FX_DWORD dwMatchFlags,
     66                                 FX_WORD wCodePage,
     67                                 FX_DWORD dwUSB = 999,
     68                                 FX_WCHAR wUnicode = 0);
     69   IFX_Font* GetFont(FX_LPCFONTDESCRIPTOR pFD, FX_DWORD dwFontStyles);
     70 };
     71 FX_DWORD FX_GetGdiFontStyles(const LOGFONTW& lf);
     72 #else
     73 class CFX_FontDescriptor {
     74  public:
     75   CFX_FontDescriptor()
     76       : m_pFileAccess(NULL), m_nFaceIndex(0), m_dwFontStyles(0) {
     77     m_dwUsb[0] = m_dwUsb[1] = m_dwUsb[2] = m_dwUsb[3] = 0;
     78     m_dwCsb[0] = m_dwCsb[1] = 0;
     79   }
     80   ~CFX_FontDescriptor() {
     81     if (NULL != m_pFileAccess) {
     82       m_pFileAccess->Release();
     83     }
     84   }
     85   IFX_FileAccess* m_pFileAccess;
     86   int32_t m_nFaceIndex;
     87   CFX_WideString m_wsFaceName;
     88   CFX_WideStringArray m_wsFamilyNames;
     89   FX_DWORD m_dwFontStyles;
     90   FX_DWORD m_dwUsb[4];
     91   FX_DWORD m_dwCsb[2];
     92 };
     93 typedef CFX_ArrayTemplate<CFX_FontDescriptor*> CFX_FontDescriptors;
     94 struct FX_FontDescriptorInfo {
     95  public:
     96   CFX_FontDescriptor* pFont;
     97   int32_t nPenalty;
     98   FX_BOOL operator>(const FX_FontDescriptorInfo& x) {
     99     return this->nPenalty > x.nPenalty;
    100   };
    101   FX_BOOL operator<(const FX_FontDescriptorInfo& x) {
    102     return this->nPenalty < x.nPenalty;
    103   };
    104   FX_BOOL operator==(const FX_FontDescriptorInfo& x) {
    105     return this->nPenalty == x.nPenalty;
    106   };
    107 };
    108 typedef CFX_ArrayTemplate<FX_FontDescriptorInfo> CFX_FontDescriptorInfos;
    109 struct FX_HandleParentPath {
    110   FX_HandleParentPath() {}
    111   FX_HandleParentPath(const FX_HandleParentPath& x) {
    112     pFileHandle = x.pFileHandle;
    113     bsParentPath = x.bsParentPath;
    114   }
    115   void* pFileHandle;
    116   CFX_ByteString bsParentPath;
    117 };
    118 class CFX_FontSourceEnum_File : public IFX_FontSourceEnum {
    119  public:
    120   CFX_FontSourceEnum_File();
    121   virtual void Release() { delete this; };
    122   virtual FX_POSITION GetStartPosition(void* pUserData = NULL);
    123   virtual IFX_FileAccess* GetNext(FX_POSITION& pos, void* pUserData = NULL);
    125  private:
    126   CFX_ByteString GetNextFile();
    127   CFX_WideString m_wsNext;
    128   CFX_ObjectArray<FX_HandleParentPath> m_FolderQueue;
    129   CFX_ByteStringArray m_FolderPaths;
    130 };
    131 typedef CFX_MapPtrTemplate<FX_DWORD, IFX_FileAccess*> CFX_HashFileMap;
    132 typedef CFX_MapPtrTemplate<FX_DWORD, IFX_Font*> CFX_HashFontMap;
    133 typedef CFX_MapPtrTemplate<FX_DWORD, CFX_FontDescriptorInfos*>
    134     CFX_HashFontDescsMap;
    135 typedef CFX_MapPtrTemplate<FX_DWORD, CFX_ArrayTemplate<IFX_Font*>*>
    136     CFX_HashFontsMap;
    137 typedef CFX_MapPtrTemplate<FX_WCHAR, IFX_Font*> CFX_UnicodeFontMap;
    138 typedef CFX_MapPtrTemplate<IFX_FileAccess*, CFX_ArrayTemplate<IFX_Font*>*>
    139     CFX_FileFontMap;
    140 typedef CFX_MapPtrTemplate<IFX_Font*, IFX_FileRead*> CFX_FonStreamtMap;
    141 class CFX_FontMgrImp : public IFX_FontMgr {
    142  public:
    143   CFX_FontMgrImp(IFX_FontSourceEnum* pFontEnum,
    144                  IFX_FontMgrDelegate* pDelegate = NULL,
    145                  void* pUserData = NULL);
    146   virtual void Release();
    147   virtual IFX_Font* GetDefFontByCodePage(FX_WORD wCodePage,
    148                                          FX_DWORD dwFontStyles,
    149                                          const FX_WCHAR* pszFontFamily = NULL);
    150   virtual IFX_Font* GetDefFontByCharset(uint8_t nCharset,
    151                                         FX_DWORD dwFontStyles,
    152                                         const FX_WCHAR* pszFontFamily = NULL);
    153   virtual IFX_Font* GetDefFontByUnicode(FX_WCHAR wUnicode,
    154                                         FX_DWORD dwFontStyles,
    155                                         const FX_WCHAR* pszFontFamily = NULL);
    156   virtual IFX_Font* GetDefFontByLanguage(FX_WORD wLanguage,
    157                                          FX_DWORD dwFontStyles,
    158                                          const FX_WCHAR* pszFontFamily = NULL);
    159   virtual IFX_Font* GetFontByCodePage(FX_WORD wCodePage,
    160                                       FX_DWORD dwFontStyles,
    161                                       const FX_WCHAR* pszFontFamily = NULL);
    162   virtual IFX_Font* GetFontByCharset(uint8_t nCharset,
    163                                      FX_DWORD dwFontStyles,
    164                                      const FX_WCHAR* pszFontFamily = NULL);
    165   virtual IFX_Font* GetFontByUnicode(FX_WCHAR wUnicode,
    166                                      FX_DWORD dwFontStyles,
    167                                      const FX_WCHAR* pszFontFamily = NULL);
    168   virtual IFX_Font* GetFontByLanguage(FX_WORD wLanguage,
    169                                       FX_DWORD dwFontStyles,
    170                                       const FX_WCHAR* pszFontFamily = NULL);
    171   virtual IFX_Font* LoadFont(const uint8_t* pBuffer,
    172                              int32_t iLength,
    173                              int32_t iFaceIndex,
    174                              int32_t* pFaceCount);
    175   virtual IFX_Font* LoadFont(const FX_WCHAR* pszFileName,
    176                              int32_t iFaceIndex,
    177                              int32_t* pFaceCount);
    178   virtual IFX_Font* LoadFont(IFX_Stream* pFontStream,
    179                              int32_t iFaceIndex,
    180                              int32_t* pFaceCount,
    181                              FX_BOOL bSaveStream = FALSE);
    182   virtual void ClearFontCache();
    183   virtual void RemoveFont(IFX_Font* pFont);
    184   FX_BOOL EnumFonts();
    186  protected:
    187   void ReportFace(FXFT_Face pFace,
    188                   CFX_FontDescriptors& Fonts,
    189                   IFX_FileAccess* pFontAccess);
    190   void GetNames(const uint8_t* name_table, CFX_WideStringArray& Names);
    191   void GetCharsets(FXFT_Face pFace, CFX_WordArray& Charsets);
    192   void GetUSBCSB(FXFT_Face pFace, FX_DWORD* USB, FX_DWORD* CSB);
    193   FX_DWORD GetFlags(FXFT_Face pFace);
    194   CFX_FontDescriptors m_InstalledFonts;
    195   FX_BOOL VerifyUnicode(CFX_FontDescriptor* pDesc, FX_WCHAR wcUnicode);
    196   FX_BOOL VerifyUnicode(IFX_Font* pFont, FX_WCHAR wcUnicode);
    197   void NormalizeFontName(CFX_WideString& FontName);
    198   int32_t IsPartName(const CFX_WideString& Name1, const CFX_WideString& Name2);
    199   int32_t MatchFonts(CFX_FontDescriptorInfos& MatchedFonts,
    200                      FX_WORD wCodePage,
    201                      FX_DWORD dwFontStyles,
    202                      const CFX_WideString& FontName,
    203                      FX_WCHAR wcUnicode = 0xFFFE);
    204   int32_t CalcPenalty(CFX_FontDescriptor* pInstalled,
    205                       FX_WORD wCodePage,
    206                       FX_DWORD dwFontStyles,
    207                       const CFX_WideString& FontName,
    208                       FX_WCHAR wcUnicode = 0xFFFE);
    209   IFX_Font* LoadFont(IFX_FileAccess* pFontAccess,
    210                      int32_t iFaceIndex,
    211                      int32_t* pFaceCount,
    212                      FX_BOOL bWantCache = FALSE);
    213   FXFT_Face LoadFace(IFX_FileRead* pFontStream, int32_t iFaceIndex);
    214   CFX_HashFontDescsMap m_Hash2CandidateList;
    215   CFX_HashFontsMap m_Hash2Fonts;
    216   CFX_HashFileMap m_Hash2FileAccess;
    217   CFX_HashFontMap m_FileAccess2IFXFont;
    218   CFX_FonStreamtMap m_IFXFont2FileRead;
    219   CFX_UnicodeFontMap m_FailedUnicodes2NULL;
    220   IFX_FontSourceEnum* m_pFontSource;
    221   IFX_FontMgrDelegate* m_pDelegate;
    222   void* m_pUserData;
    223 };
    224 #endif
    225 #endif