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      1 /*
      2  * Copyright (C) 2012 The Android Open Source Project
      3  *
      4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
      7  *
      8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      9  *
     10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     14  * limitations under the License.
     15  */
     17 #include "suggest/core/suggest.h"
     19 #include "dictionary/interface/dictionary_structure_with_buffer_policy.h"
     20 #include "dictionary/property/word_attributes.h"
     21 #include "suggest/core/dicnode/dic_node.h"
     22 #include "suggest/core/dicnode/dic_node_priority_queue.h"
     23 #include "suggest/core/dicnode/dic_node_vector.h"
     24 #include "suggest/core/dictionary/dictionary.h"
     25 #include "suggest/core/dictionary/digraph_utils.h"
     26 #include "suggest/core/layout/proximity_info.h"
     27 #include "suggest/core/policy/traversal.h"
     28 #include "suggest/core/policy/weighting.h"
     29 #include "suggest/core/result/suggestions_output_utils.h"
     30 #include "suggest/core/session/dic_traverse_session.h"
     31 #include "suggest/core/suggest_options.h"
     32 #include "utils/profiler.h"
     34 namespace latinime {
     36 // Initialization of class constants.
     37 const int Suggest::MIN_CONTINUOUS_SUGGESTION_INPUT_SIZE = 2;
     39 /**
     40  * Returns a set of suggestions for the given input touch points. The commitPoint argument indicates
     41  * whether to prematurely commit the suggested words up to the given point for sentence-level
     42  * suggestion.
     43  *
     44  * Note: Currently does not support concurrent calls across threads. Continuous suggestion is
     45  * automatically activated for sequential calls that share the same starting input.
     46  * TODO: Stop detecting continuous suggestion. Start using traverseSession instead.
     47  */
     48 void Suggest::getSuggestions(ProximityInfo *pInfo, void *traverseSession,
     49         int *inputXs, int *inputYs, int *times, int *pointerIds, int *inputCodePoints,
     50         int inputSize, const float weightOfLangModelVsSpatialModel,
     51         SuggestionResults *const outSuggestionResults) const {
     52     PROF_INIT;
     53     PROF_TIMER_START(0);
     54     const float maxSpatialDistance = TRAVERSAL->getMaxSpatialDistance();
     55     DicTraverseSession *tSession = static_cast<DicTraverseSession *>(traverseSession);
     56     tSession->setupForGetSuggestions(pInfo, inputCodePoints, inputSize, inputXs, inputYs, times,
     57             pointerIds, maxSpatialDistance, TRAVERSAL->getMaxPointerCount());
     58     // TODO: Add the way to evaluate cache
     60     initializeSearch(tSession);
     61     PROF_TIMER_END(0);
     62     PROF_TIMER_START(1);
     64     // keep expanding search dicNodes until all have terminated.
     65     while (tSession->getDicTraverseCache()->activeSize() > 0) {
     66         expandCurrentDicNodes(tSession);
     67         tSession->getDicTraverseCache()->advanceActiveDicNodes();
     68         tSession->getDicTraverseCache()->advanceInputIndex(inputSize);
     69     }
     70     PROF_TIMER_END(1);
     71     PROF_TIMER_START(2);
     72     SuggestionsOutputUtils::outputSuggestions(
     73             SCORING, tSession, weightOfLangModelVsSpatialModel, outSuggestionResults);
     74     PROF_TIMER_END(2);
     75 }
     77 /**
     78  * Initializes the search at the root of the lexicon trie. Note that when possible the search will
     79  * continue suggestion from where it left off during the last call.
     80  */
     81 void Suggest::initializeSearch(DicTraverseSession *traverseSession) const {
     82     if (!traverseSession->getProximityInfoState(0)->isUsed()) {
     83         return;
     84     }
     86     if (traverseSession->getInputSize() > MIN_CONTINUOUS_SUGGESTION_INPUT_SIZE
     87             && traverseSession->isContinuousSuggestionPossible()) {
     88         // Continue suggestion
     89         traverseSession->getDicTraverseCache()->continueSearch();
     90     } else {
     91         // Restart recognition at the root.
     92         traverseSession->resetCache(TRAVERSAL->getMaxCacheSize(traverseSession->getInputSize(),
     93                 traverseSession->getSuggestOptions()->weightForLocale()),
     94                 TRAVERSAL->getTerminalCacheSize());
     95         // Create a new dic node here
     96         DicNode rootNode;
     97         DicNodeUtils::initAsRoot(traverseSession->getDictionaryStructurePolicy(),
     98                 traverseSession->getPrevWordIds(), &rootNode);
     99         traverseSession->getDicTraverseCache()->copyPushActive(&rootNode);
    100     }
    101 }
    103 /**
    104  * Expands the dicNodes in the current search priority queue by advancing to the possible child
    105  * nodes based on the next touch point(s) (or no touch points for lookahead)
    106  */
    107 void Suggest::expandCurrentDicNodes(DicTraverseSession *traverseSession) const {
    108     const int inputSize = traverseSession->getInputSize();
    109     DicNodeVector childDicNodes(TRAVERSAL->getDefaultExpandDicNodeSize());
    110     DicNode correctionDicNode;
    112     // TODO: Find more efficient caching
    113     const bool shouldDepthLevelCache = TRAVERSAL->shouldDepthLevelCache(traverseSession);
    114     if (shouldDepthLevelCache) {
    115         traverseSession->getDicTraverseCache()->updateLastCachedInputIndex();
    116     }
    117     if (DEBUG_CACHE) {
    118         AKLOGI("expandCurrentDicNodes depth level cache = %d, inputSize = %d",
    119                 shouldDepthLevelCache, inputSize);
    120     }
    121     while (traverseSession->getDicTraverseCache()->activeSize() > 0) {
    122         DicNode dicNode;
    123         traverseSession->getDicTraverseCache()->popActive(&dicNode);
    124         if (dicNode.isTotalInputSizeExceedingLimit()) {
    125             return;
    126         }
    127         childDicNodes.clear();
    128         const int point0Index = dicNode.getInputIndex(0);
    129         const bool canDoLookAheadCorrection =
    130                 TRAVERSAL->canDoLookAheadCorrection(traverseSession, &dicNode);
    131         const bool isLookAheadCorrection = canDoLookAheadCorrection
    132                 && traverseSession->getDicTraverseCache()->
    133                         isLookAheadCorrectionInputIndex(static_cast<int>(point0Index));
    134         const bool isCompletion = dicNode.isCompletion(inputSize);
    136         const bool shouldNodeLevelCache =
    137                 TRAVERSAL->shouldNodeLevelCache(traverseSession, &dicNode);
    138         if (shouldDepthLevelCache || shouldNodeLevelCache) {
    139             if (DEBUG_CACHE) {
    140                 dicNode.dump("PUSH_CACHE");
    141             }
    142             traverseSession->getDicTraverseCache()->copyPushContinue(&dicNode);
    143             dicNode.setCached();
    144         }
    146         if (dicNode.isInDigraph()) {
    147             // Finish digraph handling if the node is in the middle of a digraph expansion.
    148             processDicNodeAsDigraph(traverseSession, &dicNode);
    149         } else if (isLookAheadCorrection) {
    150             // The algorithm maintains a small set of "deferred" nodes that have not consumed the
    151             // latest touch point yet. These are needed to apply look-ahead correction operations
    152             // that require special handling of the latest touch point. For example, with insertions
    153             // (e.g., "thiis" -> "this") the latest touch point should not be consumed at all.
    154             processDicNodeAsTransposition(traverseSession, &dicNode);
    155             processDicNodeAsInsertion(traverseSession, &dicNode);
    156         } else { // !isLookAheadCorrection
    157             // Only consider typing error corrections if the normalized compound distance is
    158             // below a spatial distance threshold.
    159             // NOTE: the threshold may need to be updated if scoring model changes.
    160             // TODO: Remove. Do not prune node here.
    161             const bool allowsErrorCorrections = TRAVERSAL->allowsErrorCorrections(&dicNode);
    162             // Process for handling space substitution (e.g., hevis => he is)
    163             if (TRAVERSAL->isSpaceSubstitutionTerminal(traverseSession, &dicNode)) {
    164                 createNextWordDicNode(traverseSession, &dicNode, true /* spaceSubstitution */);
    165             }
    167             DicNodeUtils::getAllChildDicNodes(
    168                     &dicNode, traverseSession->getDictionaryStructurePolicy(), &childDicNodes);
    170             const int childDicNodesSize = childDicNodes.getSizeAndLock();
    171             for (int i = 0; i < childDicNodesSize; ++i) {
    172                 DicNode *const childDicNode = childDicNodes[i];
    173                 if (isCompletion) {
    174                     // Handle forward lookahead when the lexicon letter exceeds the input size.
    175                     processDicNodeAsMatch(traverseSession, childDicNode);
    176                     continue;
    177                 }
    178                 if (DigraphUtils::hasDigraphForCodePoint(
    179                         traverseSession->getDictionaryStructurePolicy()
    180                                 ->getHeaderStructurePolicy(),
    181                         childDicNode->getNodeCodePoint())) {
    182                     correctionDicNode.initByCopy(childDicNode);
    183                     correctionDicNode.advanceDigraphIndex();
    184                     processDicNodeAsDigraph(traverseSession, &correctionDicNode);
    185                 }
    186                 if (TRAVERSAL->isOmission(traverseSession, &dicNode, childDicNode,
    187                         allowsErrorCorrections)) {
    188                     // TODO: (Gesture) Change weight between omission and substitution errors
    189                     // TODO: (Gesture) Terminal node should not be handled as omission
    190                     correctionDicNode.initByCopy(childDicNode);
    191                     processDicNodeAsOmission(traverseSession, &correctionDicNode);
    192                 }
    193                 const ProximityType proximityType = TRAVERSAL->getProximityType(
    194                         traverseSession, &dicNode, childDicNode);
    195                 switch (proximityType) {
    196                     // TODO: Consider the difference of proximityType here
    197                     case MATCH_CHAR:
    198                     case PROXIMITY_CHAR:
    199                         processDicNodeAsMatch(traverseSession, childDicNode);
    200                         break;
    201                     case ADDITIONAL_PROXIMITY_CHAR:
    202                         if (allowsErrorCorrections) {
    203                             processDicNodeAsAdditionalProximityChar(traverseSession, &dicNode,
    204                                     childDicNode);
    205                         }
    206                         break;
    207                     case SUBSTITUTION_CHAR:
    208                         if (allowsErrorCorrections) {
    209                             processDicNodeAsSubstitution(traverseSession, &dicNode, childDicNode);
    210                         }
    211                         break;
    212                     case UNRELATED_CHAR:
    213                         // Just drop this dicNode and do nothing.
    214                         break;
    215                     default:
    216                         // Just drop this dicNode and do nothing.
    217                         break;
    218                 }
    219             }
    221             // Push the dicNode for look-ahead correction
    222             if (allowsErrorCorrections && canDoLookAheadCorrection) {
    223                 traverseSession->getDicTraverseCache()->copyPushNextActive(&dicNode);
    224             }
    225         }
    226     }
    227 }
    229 void Suggest::processTerminalDicNode(
    230         DicTraverseSession *traverseSession, DicNode *dicNode) const {
    231     if (dicNode->getCompoundDistance() >= static_cast<float>(MAX_VALUE_FOR_WEIGHTING)) {
    232         return;
    233     }
    234     if (!dicNode->isTerminalDicNode()) {
    235         return;
    236     }
    237     if (dicNode->shouldBeFilteredBySafetyNetForBigram()) {
    238         return;
    239     }
    240     if (!dicNode->hasMatchedOrProximityCodePoints()) {
    241         return;
    242     }
    243     // Create a non-cached node here.
    244     DicNode terminalDicNode(*dicNode);
    245     if (TRAVERSAL->needsToTraverseAllUserInput()
    246             && dicNode->getInputIndex(0) < traverseSession->getInputSize()) {
    247         Weighting::addCostAndForwardInputIndex(WEIGHTING, CT_TERMINAL_INSERTION, traverseSession, 0,
    248                 &terminalDicNode, traverseSession->getMultiBigramMap());
    249     }
    250     Weighting::addCostAndForwardInputIndex(WEIGHTING, CT_TERMINAL, traverseSession, 0,
    251             &terminalDicNode, traverseSession->getMultiBigramMap());
    252     traverseSession->getDicTraverseCache()->copyPushTerminal(&terminalDicNode);
    253 }
    255 /**
    256  * Adds the expanded dicNode to the next search priority queue. Also creates an additional next word
    257  * (by the space omission error correction) search path if input dicNode is on a terminal.
    258  */
    259 void Suggest::processExpandedDicNode(
    260         DicTraverseSession *traverseSession, DicNode *dicNode) const {
    261     processTerminalDicNode(traverseSession, dicNode);
    262     if (dicNode->getCompoundDistance() < static_cast<float>(MAX_VALUE_FOR_WEIGHTING)) {
    263         if (TRAVERSAL->isSpaceOmissionTerminal(traverseSession, dicNode)) {
    264             createNextWordDicNode(traverseSession, dicNode, false /* spaceSubstitution */);
    265         }
    266         const int allowsLookAhead = !(dicNode->hasMultipleWords()
    267                 && dicNode->isCompletion(traverseSession->getInputSize()));
    268         if (dicNode->hasChildren() && allowsLookAhead) {
    269             traverseSession->getDicTraverseCache()->copyPushNextActive(dicNode);
    270         }
    271     }
    272 }
    274 void Suggest::processDicNodeAsMatch(DicTraverseSession *traverseSession,
    275         DicNode *childDicNode) const {
    276     weightChildNode(traverseSession, childDicNode);
    277     processExpandedDicNode(traverseSession, childDicNode);
    278 }
    280 void Suggest::processDicNodeAsAdditionalProximityChar(DicTraverseSession *traverseSession,
    281         DicNode *dicNode, DicNode *childDicNode) const {
    282     // Note: Most types of corrections don't need to look up the bigram information since they do
    283     // not treat the node as a terminal. There is no need to pass the bigram map in these cases.
    284     Weighting::addCostAndForwardInputIndex(WEIGHTING, CT_ADDITIONAL_PROXIMITY,
    285             traverseSession, dicNode, childDicNode, 0 /* multiBigramMap */);
    286     processExpandedDicNode(traverseSession, childDicNode);
    287 }
    289 void Suggest::processDicNodeAsSubstitution(DicTraverseSession *traverseSession,
    290         DicNode *dicNode, DicNode *childDicNode) const {
    291     Weighting::addCostAndForwardInputIndex(WEIGHTING, CT_SUBSTITUTION, traverseSession,
    292             dicNode, childDicNode, 0 /* multiBigramMap */);
    293     processExpandedDicNode(traverseSession, childDicNode);
    294 }
    296 // Process the DicNode codepoint as a digraph. This means that composite glyphs like the German
    297 // u-umlaut is expanded to the transliteration "ue". Note that this happens in parallel with
    298 // the normal non-digraph traversal, so both "uber" and "ueber" can be corrected to "[u-umlaut]ber".
    299 void Suggest::processDicNodeAsDigraph(DicTraverseSession *traverseSession,
    300         DicNode *childDicNode) const {
    301     weightChildNode(traverseSession, childDicNode);
    302     childDicNode->advanceDigraphIndex();
    303     processExpandedDicNode(traverseSession, childDicNode);
    304 }
    306 /**
    307  * Handle the dicNode as an omission error (e.g., ths => this). Skip the current letter and consider
    308  * matches for all possible next letters. Note that just skipping the current letter without any
    309  * other conditions tends to flood the search DicNodes cache with omission DicNodes. Instead, check
    310  * the possible *next* letters after the omission to better limit search to plausible omissions.
    311  * Note that apostrophes are handled as omissions.
    312  */
    313 void Suggest::processDicNodeAsOmission(
    314         DicTraverseSession *traverseSession, DicNode *dicNode) const {
    315     DicNodeVector childDicNodes;
    316     DicNodeUtils::getAllChildDicNodes(
    317             dicNode, traverseSession->getDictionaryStructurePolicy(), &childDicNodes);
    319     const int size = childDicNodes.getSizeAndLock();
    320     for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
    321         DicNode *const childDicNode = childDicNodes[i];
    322         // Treat this word as omission
    323         Weighting::addCostAndForwardInputIndex(WEIGHTING, CT_OMISSION, traverseSession,
    324                 dicNode, childDicNode, 0 /* multiBigramMap */);
    325         weightChildNode(traverseSession, childDicNode);
    326         if (!TRAVERSAL->isPossibleOmissionChildNode(traverseSession, dicNode, childDicNode)) {
    327             continue;
    328         }
    329         processExpandedDicNode(traverseSession, childDicNode);
    330     }
    331 }
    333 /**
    334  * Handle the dicNode as an insertion error (e.g., thiis => this). Skip the current touch point and
    335  * consider matches for the next touch point.
    336  */
    337 void Suggest::processDicNodeAsInsertion(DicTraverseSession *traverseSession,
    338         DicNode *dicNode) const {
    339     const int16_t pointIndex = dicNode->getInputIndex(0);
    340     DicNodeVector childDicNodes;
    341     DicNodeUtils::getAllChildDicNodes(dicNode, traverseSession->getDictionaryStructurePolicy(),
    342             &childDicNodes);
    343     const int size = childDicNodes.getSizeAndLock();
    344     for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
    345         if (traverseSession->getProximityInfoState(0)->getPrimaryCodePointAt(pointIndex + 1)
    346                 != childDicNodes[i]->getNodeCodePoint()) {
    347             continue;
    348         }
    349         DicNode *const childDicNode = childDicNodes[i];
    350         Weighting::addCostAndForwardInputIndex(WEIGHTING, CT_INSERTION, traverseSession,
    351                 dicNode, childDicNode, 0 /* multiBigramMap */);
    352         processExpandedDicNode(traverseSession, childDicNode);
    353     }
    354 }
    356 /**
    357  * Handle the dicNode as a transposition error (e.g., thsi => this). Swap the next two touch points.
    358  */
    359 void Suggest::processDicNodeAsTransposition(DicTraverseSession *traverseSession,
    360         DicNode *dicNode) const {
    361     const int16_t pointIndex = dicNode->getInputIndex(0);
    362     DicNodeVector childDicNodes1;
    363     DicNodeVector childDicNodes2;
    364     DicNodeUtils::getAllChildDicNodes(dicNode, traverseSession->getDictionaryStructurePolicy(),
    365             &childDicNodes1);
    366     const int childSize1 = childDicNodes1.getSizeAndLock();
    367     for (int i = 0; i < childSize1; i++) {
    368         const ProximityType matchedId1 = traverseSession->getProximityInfoState(0)
    369                 ->getProximityType(pointIndex + 1, childDicNodes1[i]->getNodeCodePoint(),
    370                         true /* checkProximityChars */);
    371         if (!ProximityInfoUtils::isMatchOrProximityChar(matchedId1)) {
    372             continue;
    373         }
    374         if (childDicNodes1[i]->hasChildren()) {
    375             childDicNodes2.clear();
    376             DicNodeUtils::getAllChildDicNodes(childDicNodes1[i],
    377                     traverseSession->getDictionaryStructurePolicy(), &childDicNodes2);
    378             const int childSize2 = childDicNodes2.getSizeAndLock();
    379             for (int j = 0; j < childSize2; j++) {
    380                 DicNode *const childDicNode2 = childDicNodes2[j];
    381                 const ProximityType matchedId2 = traverseSession->getProximityInfoState(0)
    382                         ->getProximityType(pointIndex, childDicNode2->getNodeCodePoint(),
    383                                 true /* checkProximityChars */);
    384                 if (!ProximityInfoUtils::isMatchOrProximityChar(matchedId2)) {
    385                     continue;
    386                 }
    387                 Weighting::addCostAndForwardInputIndex(WEIGHTING, CT_TRANSPOSITION,
    388                         traverseSession, childDicNodes1[i], childDicNode2, 0 /* multiBigramMap */);
    389                 processExpandedDicNode(traverseSession, childDicNode2);
    390             }
    391         }
    392     }
    393 }
    395 /**
    396  * Weight child dicNode by aligning it to the key
    397  */
    398 void Suggest::weightChildNode(DicTraverseSession *traverseSession, DicNode *dicNode) const {
    399     const int inputSize = traverseSession->getInputSize();
    400     if (dicNode->isCompletion(inputSize)) {
    401         Weighting::addCostAndForwardInputIndex(WEIGHTING, CT_COMPLETION, traverseSession,
    402                 0 /* parentDicNode */, dicNode, 0 /* multiBigramMap */);
    403     } else {
    404         Weighting::addCostAndForwardInputIndex(WEIGHTING, CT_MATCH, traverseSession,
    405                 0 /* parentDicNode */, dicNode, 0 /* multiBigramMap */);
    406     }
    407 }
    409 /**
    410  * Creates a new dicNode that represents a space insertion at the end of the input dicNode. Also
    411  * incorporates the unigram / bigram score for the ending word into the new dicNode.
    412  */
    413 void Suggest::createNextWordDicNode(DicTraverseSession *traverseSession, DicNode *dicNode,
    414         const bool spaceSubstitution) const {
    415     const WordAttributes wordAttributes =
    416             traverseSession->getDictionaryStructurePolicy()->getWordAttributesInContext(
    417                     dicNode->getPrevWordIds(), dicNode->getWordId(),
    418                     traverseSession->getMultiBigramMap());
    419     if (SuggestionsOutputUtils::shouldBlockWord(traverseSession->getSuggestOptions(),
    420             dicNode, wordAttributes, false /* isLastWord */)) {
    421         return;
    422     }
    424     if (!TRAVERSAL->isGoodToTraverseNextWord(dicNode, wordAttributes.getProbability())) {
    425         return;
    426     }
    428     // Create a non-cached node here.
    429     DicNode newDicNode;
    430     DicNodeUtils::initAsRootWithPreviousWord(
    431             traverseSession->getDictionaryStructurePolicy(), dicNode, &newDicNode);
    432     const CorrectionType correctionType = spaceSubstitution ?
    434     Weighting::addCostAndForwardInputIndex(WEIGHTING, correctionType, traverseSession, dicNode,
    435             &newDicNode, traverseSession->getMultiBigramMap());
    436     if (newDicNode.getCompoundDistance() < static_cast<float>(MAX_VALUE_FOR_WEIGHTING)) {
    437         // newDicNode is worth continuing to traverse.
    438         // CAVEAT: This pruning is important for speed. Remove this when we can afford not to prune
    439         // here because here is not the right place to do pruning. Pruning should take place only
    440         // in DicNodePriorityQueue.
    441         traverseSession->getDicTraverseCache()->copyPushNextActive(&newDicNode);
    442     }
    443 }
    444 } // namespace latinime