/external/llvm/test/Object/ |
objdump-relocations.test | 48 // situation where LLVM produces and accepts a broken file.
/external/llvm/test/Transforms/GVN/ |
pre-gep-load.ll | 53 ; actually processed. Make sure we can deal with the situation.
/external/lzma/Java/Tukaani/src/org/tukaani/xz/common/ |
DecoderUtil.java | 57 // It depends on the situation which one is better.
/external/nist-sip/java/gov/nist/javax/sip/address/ |
RFC2396UrlDecoder.java | 79 //the situation that UTF-8 is not supported is quite theoretical, so throw a runtime exception
/external/skia/src/core/ |
SkSmallAllocator.h | 80 // Allocate on the heap. Ideally we want to avoid this situation,
/frameworks/av/media/common_time/ |
cc_helper.cpp | 93 // error propagate up the stack and let the caller deal with the situation as
/frameworks/base/core/java/android/animation/ |
Keyframes.java | 48 * spring interpolation that might send the fraction past 1.0). We handle this situation by
/frameworks/base/core/java/com/android/internal/statusbar/ |
StatusBarIcon.java | 38 // This is an odd situation where someone's managed to hand us an icon without a
/frameworks/base/core/java/com/android/internal/util/ |
WakeupMessage.java | 34 * In this situation, using AlarmManager.onAlarmListener by itself will wake up the system to send
/frameworks/base/core/java/com/android/internal/widget/ |
BackgroundFallback.java | 70 // fallback situation.
/frameworks/base/core/tests/coretests/src/android/widget/listview/arrowscroll/ |
ListWithOffScreenNextSelectableTest.java | 91 // now we have the reverse situation: the next selectable position upward is off screen
/frameworks/base/docs/html/guide/topics/resources/ |
index.jd | 28 situation for the developer community in Ice Cream Sandwich and beyond.</p>
/frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/hdmi/ |
OneTouchPlayAction.java | 37 // State in which the action is waiting for <Report Power Status>. In normal situation
/frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/pm/ |
AbstractStatsBase.java | 121 // (current situation), and we want to postpone I/O at boot.
/libcore/dom/src/test/java/org/w3c/domts/level1/core/ |
characterdatareplacedataexceedslengthofarg.java | 33 * specified string. Test the situation where the length
hc_characterdatareplacedataexceedslengthofarg.java | 33 * specified string. Test the situation where the length
/system/security/keystore/ |
keystore_keymaster_enforcement.h | 51 // 999 ms to now_date to avoid a situation where an activation_date of up to 999ms in the
/toolchain/binutils/binutils-2.25/intl/ |
plural-exp.h | 89 The function names in each situation must be different, to allow for
/external/bison/lib/ |
sigaction.c | 35 the situation by reading static storage in a signal handler, which 92 /* Unexpected situation; be careful to avoid recursive abort. */
/external/icu/icu4c/source/common/ |
ucnv_bld.h | 221 char invalidCharBuffer[UCNV_MAX_CHAR_LEN]; /* bytes from last error/callback situation */ 225 UChar invalidUCharBuffer[U16_MAX_LENGTH]; /* UChars from last error/callback situation */
/external/ipsec-tools/src/racoon/ |
cfparse.h | 124 SITUATION = 340, 289 #define SITUATION 340
ipsec_doi.h | 41 /* 4.2 IPSEC Situation Definition */ 148 u_int32_t sit; /* Situation */
/external/libvorbis/doc/ |
vorbis-clip.txt | 89 really begins after an integral packet boundary, a situation analagous 136 number. A long value under any other situation is not legal, however
/external/mesa3d/docs/ |
viewperf.html | 47 generates GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY errors in this situation, but Viewperf 102 situation, we get a random color.
/external/opencv3/3rdparty/libjpeg/ |
jcmainct.c | 138 * suspend processing and return to the application. In this situation 214 * suspend processing and return to the application. In this situation