/packages/apps/Dialer/res/values-lv/ |
strings.xml | 103 <string name="callDetailTitle" msgid="5340227785196217938">"Inform?cija par zvanu"</string> 104 <string name="toast_call_detail_error" msgid="6947041258280380832">"Detaliz?ta inform?cija nav pieejama."</string> 121 <string name="description_contact_details" msgid="51229793651342809">"Kontaktpersonas inform?cija: <xliff:g id="NAMEORNUMBER">%1$s</xliff:g>"</string> 195 <string name="call_log_action_details" msgid="701345508704970622">"Inform?cija par zvanu"</string> 221 <string name="description_details_action" msgid="2433827152749491785">"Zvanu inform?cija par ??du numuru: <xliff:g id="NAMEORNUMBER">^1</xliff:g>"</string>
/toolchain/binutils/binutils-2.25/binutils/ |
dllwrap.c | 117 static void inform (const char *, ...) ATTRIBUTE_PRINTF_1; 128 inform () 146 inform (const char *message, ...) function 206 inform (_("Tried file: %s"), cmd); 213 inform (_("Using file: %s"), cmd); [all...] |
/packages/apps/Settings/res/values-sk/ |
strings.xml | 179 <string name="radio_info_signal_location_label" msgid="3242990404410530456">"Informácie o polohe mobilnej siete (podpora bola ukon?ená):"</string> 180 <string name="radio_info_neighboring_location_label" msgid="5766020323342985397">"Informácie o susednej mobilnej sieti (podpora bola ukon?ená):"</string> 181 <string name="radio_info_cell_info_refresh_rate" msgid="7062777594049622128">"Interval obnovenia informácií o mobilnej sieti:"</string> 183 <string name="radio_info_dcrtinfo_label" msgid="4062076024399431876">"Informácie o dátovom pripojení v reálnom ?ase:"</string> 209 <string name="oem_radio_info_label" msgid="6163141792477958941">"Informácie a nastavenia ?pecifické pre výrobcu OEM"</string> 254 <string name="device_info_label" msgid="6551553813651711205">"Informácie o zariadení"</string> 256 <string name="phone_info_label" product="tablet" msgid="7820855350955963628">"Informácie o tablete"</string> 257 <string name="phone_info_label" product="default" msgid="2127552523124277664">"Informácie o telefóne"</string> [all...] |
/build/tools/releasetools/ |
check_target_files_signatures | 90 p = common.Run(["openssl", "x509", "-inform", "DER", "-text"], 147 "-inform", "DER",
check_target_files_signatures.py | 90 p = common.Run(["openssl", "x509", "-inform", "DER", "-text"], 147 "-inform", "DER",
/external/apache-xml/src/main/java/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref/ |
CoroutineManager.java | 290 // And inform this coroutine that its partners are Going Away 302 * order to politely inform at least one of its partners that it is
/external/libxml2/test/valid/dtds/ |
xmlspec.dtd | 335 #1997-09-30: maler: Added inform-div1 to back content. 338 <!ELEMENT back ((div1+, inform-div1*) | inform-div1+)> 345 #1997-09-30: maler: Added inform-div1 declarations. 348 <!-- inform-div1: Non-normative division in back matter --> 349 <!ELEMENT inform-div1 (head, (%div.mix;)*, div2*)> 350 <!ATTLIST inform-div1 %common.att;> 1042 #- Added inform-div (non-normative division) element. [all...] |
/external/wpa_supplicant_8/hs20/server/ca/ |
setup.sh | 192 openssl asn1parse -in server.der -inform DER | grep HEX | tail -1 | sed 's/.*://' | xxd -r -p > logo.der 193 openssl asn1parse -in logo.der -inform DER > logo.asn1
/frameworks/av/include/drm/ |
DrmManagerClient.h | 356 * error occurs that time the application has to inform the Drm agent 358 * the agent will inform that where the header and body signature
/frameworks/base/core/java/android/widget/ |
SearchView.java | 331 // Inform any listener of focus changes 517 * Sets a listener to inform when the user closes the SearchView. 526 * Sets a listener to inform when the focus of the query text field changes. 528 * @param listener the listener to inform of focus changes. 535 * Sets a listener to inform when a suggestion is focused or clicked. 537 * @param listener the listener to inform of suggestion selection events. 544 * Sets a listener to inform when the search button is pressed. This is only 548 * @param listener the listener to inform when the search button is clicked or [all...] |
/frameworks/base/core/java/com/android/internal/widget/ |
PagerAdapter.java | 128 * Called to inform the adapter of which item is currently considered to 196 * Called to inform the adapter of which item is currently considered to
/frameworks/support/core-ui/java/android/support/v4/view/ |
PagerAdapter.java | 129 * Called to inform the adapter of which item is currently considered to 200 * Called to inform the adapter of which item is currently considered to
/frameworks/support/v7/appcompat/src/android/support/v7/widget/ |
SearchView.java | 348 // Inform any listener of focus changes 556 * Sets a listener to inform when the user closes the SearchView. 565 * Sets a listener to inform when the focus of the query text field changes. 567 * @param listener the listener to inform of focus changes. 574 * Sets a listener to inform when a suggestion is focused or clicked. 576 * @param listener the listener to inform of suggestion selection events. 583 * Sets a listener to inform when the search button is pressed. This is only 587 * @param listener the listener to inform when the search button is clicked or [all...] |
/hardware/broadcom/wlan/bcmdhd/dhdutil/include/proto/ |
bcmevent.h | 174 #define WLC_E_EXCESS_PM_WAKE_EVENT 81 /* excess PM Wake Event to inform host */ 208 #define WLC_E_AWDL_AW_START 113 /* AWDL start Event to inform host */
/packages/apps/Gallery/res/values-sk/ |
strings.xml | 110 <string name="no_location_image" msgid="8907867717568887559">"V tomto obrázku nie sú ulo?ené ?iadne informácie o polohe."</string> 151 <string name="file_info_title" msgid="1628963357466012538">"Informácie o súbore:"</string>
/packages/apps/TV/res/values-lv/ |
strings.xml | 62 <string name="no_program_information" msgid="1049844207745145132">"Nav inform?cijas par programmu"</string> 63 <string name="program_title_for_no_information" msgid="384451471906070101">"Nav inform?cijas"</string>
/packages/apps/TV/res/values-sk/ |
strings.xml | 62 <string name="no_program_information" msgid="1049844207745145132">"?iadne informácie o programe"</string> 63 <string name="program_title_for_no_information" msgid="384451471906070101">"?iadne informácie"</string>
/packages/services/Telecomm/src/com/android/server/telecom/ |
VideoProviderProxy.java | 154 // Don't want to inform listeners of the request as we've just rejected it. 158 // Inform other Telecom components of the session modification request.
/system/bt/btif/src/ |
btif_hf_client.c | 285 /* Inform the application that the audio connection has been initiated successfully */ 792 /* Inform the application about in-band ringtone */ [all...] |
/external/apache-commons-math/src/main/java/org/apache/commons/math/ode/events/ |
CombinedEventsManager.java | 192 /** Inform the event handlers that the step has been accepted
/external/autotest/client/virt/ |
virt_scheduler.py | 53 # Inform the scheduler this worker is ready
/external/clang/include/clang/Lex/ |
PreprocessorLexer.h | 141 /// \brief Inform the lexer whether or not we are currently lexing a
/external/curl/docs/libcurl/ |
curl_multi_socket_action.3 | 54 The \fIcurl_multi_socket_action(3)\fP functions inform the application about
/external/dhcpcd-6.8.2/ |
ipv6.h | 65 * BSD kernels don't inform userland of DAD results.
/external/eclipse-basebuilder/basebuilder-3.6.2/org.eclipse.releng.basebuilder/ |
notice.html | 52 inform you where you can locate them. Feature Update Licenses may be found in the "license" property of files named "feature.properties" found within a Feature.