/developers/samples/android/wearable/wear/RecipeAssistant/Application/src/main/assets/ |
northern-irish-vegetable-soup.json | 37 text: "field celery or 1 stalk celery, plus any leaves on the bunch"
/development/sdk/ |
support_README.txt | 25 v13/android-support-v13.jar provides the same features as v4, plus:
/device/google/accessory/demokit/hardware/fab/shield/ |
README.txt | 8 Board is 2 layers, plus unusual silk screen (see notes below)
/external/antlr/antlr-3.4/runtime/JavaScript/tests/functional/ |
t047treeparser.g | 105 PLUS : '+' ;
/external/antlr/antlr-3.4/runtime/Python/tests/ |
t047treeparser.g | 105 PLUS : '+' ;
/external/autotest/client/site_tests/hardware_Memtester/ |
hardware_Memtester.py | 13 to test is all of the free memory plus buffer and cache region with 30 MB
/external/autotest/server/site_tests/platform_ServoPowerStateController/ |
control.usb | 19 plus these additional transitions:
/external/bison/lib/ |
xmemdup0.h | 1 /* xmemdup0.h -- copy a block of arbitrary bytes, plus a trailing NUL
/external/chromium-trace/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/ |
flow_event.html | 19 * A Flow represents an interval of time plus parameters associated
sample.html | 19 * A Sample represents a sample taken at an instant in time, plus its stack
/external/clang/test/Index/ |
cxx-operator-overload.cpp | 22 // Yep, we can show references of '+' plus signs that are overloaded, w00t!
/external/clang/test/SemaObjC/ |
arc-invalid.m | 5 // The plus is invalid and causes the cleanup to go unbound.
/external/curl/packages/AIX/RPM/ |
README | 11 curl spec files, plus additions to make it AIX Toolbox compatible.
/external/elfutils/tests/ |
system-elf-libelf-test.c | 1 /* Explicit test compiling with system elf.h header plus libelf header.
/external/fio/ |
MORAL-LICENSE | 11 to do. Plus it means that you don't have to maintain the feature or change
/external/icu/icu4c/source/i18n/ |
csrecog.h | 42 * with the quality of the match plus other information related to the match.
/external/llvm/test/CodeGen/PowerPC/ |
ppcf128-1-opt.ll | 6 define ppc_fp128 @plus(ppc_fp128 %x, ppc_fp128 %y) {
/external/llvm/test/Transforms/LoopStrengthReduce/ARM/ |
2012-06-15-lsr-noaddrmode.ll | 12 ;The chosen solution requires 4 regs, with addrec cost 1, plus 3 base adds, plus 2 setup cost: 25 ;The chosen solution requires 4 regs, with addrec cost 1, plus 1 base add, plus 2 setup cost:
/external/oauth/core/src/main/java/net/oauth/client/ |
ExcerptInputStream.java | 39 /** The first few bytes of data, plus ELLIPSIS if there are more bytes. */
/external/opencv3/3rdparty/openexr/Imath/ |
ImathFun.cpp | 53 // Plus or minus zero. 88 // Plus or minus zero. 123 // Plus or minus zero. 158 // Plus or minus zero.
/external/opencv3/doc/tutorials/calib3d/ |
table_of_content_calib3d.markdown | 32 approach plus Ransac and Linear Kalman Filter to reject possible bad poses.
/external/opencv3/modules/core/include/opencv2/core/cuda/ |
vec_distance.hpp | 72 reduce<THREAD_DIM>(smem, mySum, tid, plus<int>()); 96 reduce<THREAD_DIM>(smem, mySum, tid, plus<float>()); 122 reduce<THREAD_DIM>(smem, mySum, tid, plus<float>()); 147 reduce<THREAD_DIM>(smem, mySum, tid, plus<int>());
/external/skia/gm/ |
plus.cpp | 38 // Using Plus on the right should merge the AA of seam together completely covering the red.
/external/tagsoup/templates/org/ccil/cowan/tagsoup/ |
HTMLSchema.java | 18 normally provided with HTML 4.01 are given, plus some that are IE-specific
/external/toybox/toys/posix/ |
tee.c | 63 // Write data to each output file, plus stdout.