/device/google/dragon/sepolicy/ |
dumpstate.te | 1 # dumpstate sets the debug.bq25892 property
/external/autotest/client/cros/chameleon/ |
chameleon_usb_audio.py | 9 """Sets the playback configurations for the USB gadget driver on Chameleon. 11 This method also sets the channel map of the link based on the channel 37 """Sets the capture configurations for the USB gadget driver on Chameleon. 39 This method also sets the channel map of the link based on the channel
/external/autotest/client/site_tests/desktopui_SetFieldsWithChromeDriver/ |
control | 18 This test opens a test page with chromedriver and sets a form field.
/external/autotest/client/site_tests/power_NoConsoleSuspend/ |
control | 15 Sets the no_console_suspend kernel option via sysfs, then suspends the system.
/external/easymock/src/org/easymock/ |
IExpectationSetters.java | 28 * Sets a return value that will be returned for the expected invocation.
37 * Sets a throwable that will be thrown for the expected invocation.
46 * Sets an object that will be used to calculate the answer for the expected
56 * Sets an object implementing the same interface as the mock. The expected
68 * Sets a stub return value that will be returned for the expected
77 * Sets a stub throwable that will be thrown for the expected invocation.
85 * Sets a stub object that will be used to calculate the answer for the
94 * Sets a stub object implementing the same interface as the mock. The
105 * Sets stub behavior for the expected invocation (this is needed for void
/external/eclipse-basebuilder/basebuilder-3.6.2/org.eclipse.releng.basebuilder/plugins/org.eclipse.build.tools/scripts/ |
customTest.xml.template | 5 <!--copy the script which sets up environment and invokes the tests on test machine-->
/external/glide/library/src/main/java/com/bumptech/glide/request/target/ |
ImageViewTarget.java | 30 * Sets the given {@link android.graphics.drawable.Drawable} on the view using 41 * Sets the given {@link android.graphics.drawable.Drawable} on the view using 52 * Sets the given {@link android.graphics.drawable.Drawable} on the view using 63 * Sets the given {@link android.graphics.drawable.Drawable} on the view using
/external/jacoco/org.jacoco.ant/src/org/jacoco/ant/ |
AbstractCoverageTask.java | 52 * Sets whether or not the current task is enabled 62 * Sets the location to write coverage execution data to. Default is 118 * Sets whether classes from the bootstrap classloader should be 129 * Sets the session identifier. Default is a auto-generated id 149 * Sets the output method. Default is <code>file</code> 159 * Sets the IP address or hostname to bind to when output method is tcp 171 * Sets the Port to bind to when the output method is tcp server or connect 182 * Sets the directory where all class files seen by the agent should be 193 * Sets whether the agent should expose functionality via JMX.
/external/libcap-ng/libcap-ng-0.7/docs/ |
capng_have_capability.3 | 11 capng_have_capability will check the specified internal capabilities set to see if the specified capability is set. The capabilities sets must be previously setup with calls to capng_get_caps_process, capng_get_caps_fd, or in some other way setup. The values for which should be one of: CAPNG_EFFECTIVE, CAPNG_PERMITTED, CAPNG_INHERITABLE, or CAPNG_BOUNDING_SET.
/external/libchrome/base/test/ |
scoped_locale.h | 14 // Sets the given |locale| on construction, and restores the previous locale
/external/libgdx/extensions/gdx-bullet/jni/swig/linearmath/ |
btTransform.i | 18 * Sets the values in this transform from the other.
/external/libgdx/extensions/gdx-tools/src/com/badlogic/gdx/tools/flame/ |
ColorInfluencerPanel.java | 13 super(particleEditor3D, influencer, "Color Influencer", "Sets the particle color.");
/external/libgdx/gdx/src/com/badlogic/gdx/scenes/scene2d/ui/ |
Container.java | 72 /** Sets the background drawable and adjusts the container's padding to match the background. 78 /** Sets the background drawable and, if adjustPadding is true, sets the container's padding to 197 /** Sets the minWidth, prefWidth, maxWidth, minHeight, prefHeight, and maxHeight to the specified value. */ 209 /** Sets the minWidth, prefWidth, maxWidth, minHeight, prefHeight, and maxHeight to the specified values. */ 222 /** Sets the minWidth, prefWidth, maxWidth, minHeight, prefHeight, and maxHeight to the specified value. */ 228 /** Sets the minWidth, prefWidth, maxWidth, minHeight, prefHeight, and maxHeight to the specified values. */ 234 /** Sets the minWidth, prefWidth, and maxWidth to the specified value. */ 243 /** Sets the minWidth, prefWidth, and maxWidth to the specified value. */ 249 /** Sets the minHeight, prefHeight, and maxHeight to the specified value. * [all...] |
/external/nanopb-c/tools/ |
set_version.sh | 5 # It sets the version number in pb.h and generator/nanopb_generator.py.
/external/robolectric/v1/src/main/java/com/xtremelabs/robolectric/shadows/ |
ShadowActivityGroup.java | 18 * Non-Android accessor Sets the current {@code Activity} for this {@code ActivityGroup}
/external/selinux/libselinux/man/man3/ |
getexeccon.3 | 29 sets 35 sets the context used for the next 68 sets the context used for the next 87 the helper based on policy, sets the exec context accordingly, and
matchmediacon.3 | 13 sets the security context
/external/selinux/libsemanage/man/man3/ |
semanage_set_root.3 | 17 The function semanage_set_root() sets an alternate root directory for SELinux configuration paths to be used by the semanage library.
/frameworks/base/core/java/android/text/style/ |
TtsSpan.java | 548 * Sets an argument to a string value. 560 * Sets an argument to an int value. 571 * Sets an argument to a long value. 596 * Sets the gender information for this instance. 606 * Sets the animacy information for this instance. 616 * Sets the multiplicity information for this instance. 627 * Sets the grammatical case information for this instance. 653 * Creates a TtsSpan of type {@link #TYPE_TEXT} and sets the 664 * Sets the {@link #ARG_TEXT} argument, the text to be synthesized. 687 * Creates a TtsSpan of type {@link #TYPE_CARDINAL} and sets th [all...] |
/frameworks/base/telephony/java/com/android/ims/internal/uce/options/ |
OptionsCmdStatus.java | 41 * Sets the command ID. 57 Sets the user data. 72 * Sets the status code. 96 * Sets the CapInfo
/frameworks/base/telephony/java/com/android/ims/internal/uce/presence/ |
PresCmdStatus.java | 42 * Sets the command ID. 58 * Sets the user data. 73 * Sets the status code. 89 * Sets the request ID.
PresServiceInfo.java | 53 * Sets the media type. 69 * Sets the service ID. 84 * Sets the service description. 100 * Sets the service version.
/ndk/tests/build/test-stlport_static-exception-force-rebuild/jni/ |
alias1.cpp | 3 /* PR c++/28139: disjoint alias sets for the store from
/ndk/tests/device/test-stlport_shared-exception/jni/ |
alias1.cpp | 3 /* PR c++/28139: disjoint alias sets for the store from
/ndk/tests/device/test-stlport_static-exception/jni/ |
alias1.cpp | 3 /* PR c++/28139: disjoint alias sets for the store from